Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1912, p. 4

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Buying Bookkeeping The other day a man said he had no use for an machine because bookkeeper 'w 't have enough work to do." | Just think what that . man said. Heist to do his work in the slowest way he fa just to keep a ciskecper busy. e thing for him to My is to cut down: the amount of work that the bookkeeper is doing, and then give the bookkeep- er some other work that - would be sales-producing If he hasn't that kind of a bookkeeper he ought to get a new one; don't you think so 2 " What are you doing Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager. 146 Bay Street TORONTO - ONT. We Are Manufac- turers of Fine Interior Finish In clear Cypress, Yellow Pine, Red Cedar, plain Oak, quartered Oak, Birch and other woods. Factory and Office, cor. Wellington & Bay Sts. S. Anglin & Co. Ontario, at $6 per year. 1 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, | Thursday morning at §1 8 year. { be added, making price of Dally 93 an Attached is one of the best Job P { ish, and cheap work; nine Improved p -Bdizions at 2 THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHI"C TORONTO OFFICE~Sulfe 19 and | Btreet, Toronto. H. E. Bmalipiece, J. . THE DAILY BRITISH Win THURSDAY, THE WHIG, SEVENTY. NINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH, WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kingston, 30 and 4 pm. 16 pages, publish ed in parts on Monday-and To United States charge for postage bad to od Weekly $1.50 per year. ¢inting Offices In Canada; rapid, ty): Tesse 8 pommm----p GIIITLZNY LIMITED Fltlott, residens, Guild, Sec.-Treas. 4. 6G, Leman A. 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church P., representative. CLEARING u P A SCANDAL. Ar---- -- William Loeb, | secretary to the president, Mr. Roose 1 v . { {vekt, is out with a "tatement, in sup of Js to the It subscription & 4 | port ex-president. that of the effect .that the i of the Standard 0il Trust to election | expensbs m 1904 tand that contribution from the {trust be declined. was. not solicited, any i : 1 he point which. Mr. Penrose made in the { which , Mr. this, United States senate, and Archbold has supported, is that! by the Standard 0il {derstanding that Mr. { be appraised of it and show his 'ap | preciation. Mr. { Mr. Roosevelt hes ard about | action, Mr! Rooseyelt that when the election, he eral Loe! bh says trans during the wrote Courtelyou sev times, that has | Trust | } | $100,000 was subscribed with the un-'¢ should { i 4 Jr., formerly private failing to get an answer to the letters Mr. Courlelyon had been called up' by Jphone and said that Mr. Dless, the campaign treasurer, had assured him "no Standard Oil money had been contributed and that none would asked for." Mr. Roosevelt ; dence the the subject, Loch. What {He waa Mr. jhis evidence be wants evi United to give to States senate gnd so does Mr. Mr. Courtelyou ? Roosevelt's managér, and should taken. Mr, Roossvelt's testimony is important on nly one point--that. he did not Jearn of any ! upon about be payment being made and er could not tion_of it. up yet, 2 ! thinly show any apprecia- The Scandal is not cleared be until Mr. Courtelyou and the Standard Oil in have told "all they and will not know. .B At and the the last session of parliament, first under the new Borden | government, legislation was in the senate which provided for a tarffi commission. Originally it was to be the creation anf creature of the government and 'Was not to report to the to be an inde parliament only .as permitted. government It was not pendent body, as at first constituted. The und the erificism to which but it failed when refused to withdraw amendments, and the stood upon its dignity, During "the reciprocity discussions re: : made to' the Ame rican which, under * Mr. was supposed Yo have done ver measure was. somewhat modified, it was exposed, the. sen ate some of its government ference was tarifi commission, Taft, wonderful service. An election is' nos the facts are coming .out with re -----t ---- Clearing Sale of Summer Goods To make room for Fall Stock all Summer Goods * must 80 regard- less of price. - SUITS, SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, FANCY SOX, Ete, Will be sacrificed. Come now aud get the bargains. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee : prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. VING SEALERS, A of Preserving Sealers for Bale; alsp New and Second-hand Beds and Furgiture. Call and see we f you want a bargain. HM. SLGANRMAN, 242 voutarie Street, Opposite © rales Wholesale, Lot REDUCED PRICES | Balance of Season My big line of Antique Furniture will be sold al re duced prices during the bot weather season. Come In and see the bar- gains. HOUSEHOLD GOODS bought and sold -on best terms. Consult me. L: LESS Cor Princess 4a and INES Stn. dis 1043, gard to that commission. = The reve lations are damaging. They pont. to pie JOHN BULLE A party of Britishers--earls, knights business forty « memirmrs of parliament, professional men--about them. are now touring theGbgh Car ada. uy dustries. first hand tutions in 'which British capital Their idea is to see the coun for themselves, \to inspect its iv to acquire information with regard to the ingt ha a been freely invested "The vear 1912 marks a vew stag in Dritish financial interests in th from th the Théy are learning to con to Canada and see themselve This nicans a great fo solid business and a safeguarding c Canada's indusirial and financial putation, which may have suffered : little recently through wild catting,' dominion. The capitalists other side are beginning to use OWR eyes: for advance 3) . declared George Drummond, aprop of the Visit of the .emineat Rritis) . ELECTRICITY The Electrical News hails with plea sure the news that electricity is being used upon the farm and for the man services to which a motor may I applied. In one instance a fifteen h.p. motor, with 1t8 starter, on a portable truck, was moved about the tarm and drove a husker, shred der, wood-saw and thresher. A three h.p. motor drove a deep pump deliv ering a water supply to the reservou upon the hilltop. A onc-half h.p. mo tor pumped cistern water, while an other small one operated the machin ery in the laundry. of electrical power for all these ser vices was very light. ; The Electrical News sees in all thi an immense benefit to the farmer, ang there is no one, in any calling, who needs the help and can appreciate it warranted, misled by some of the reports which wre current; and as to what, for jin facts show that he most ordinary operations of pumping, sawing wood, chopping grain, ete., requires up eight or ten hip. [Threshing not les: . defeats Fn on in the United States, however, and | an. | The. consuniption the more. But the farmer must not be stance, a two hp: motor can do. The to than 20-25; ploughing, "much more. TARIFF COMMISSION FAILS. the sion, Anelhigiency of the Falt commis Respecting the cotton and wool- by to 'have schedules tne data tabulated the commission was alleged been obtained from the mills of lng land and Germany. The evidence is ac the quotations were not obtained from the foreign mills, and they cumulaung and to the elfect that aré not re- liable. A weak point--in.admission of sone importance--is that s Rey - nolds, who was a tdrifi commissioner, of the «election man James B. (formerly assistant secretary treasury), is now. an ager, and it is said that he suppressed some of the information which to his tart commission. It was {favourable beneficiaries. came not Here which must oper to the lin is a declaration (owe against the Canadian commission, [it must be either inde- pendent of the government, or i will | be subject to that government, | | like the purpose, absolutely , and fail of its and fail completely. Taft commission MONEY BAGS. ers to Montreal; They go west, via the So, whose great iron plants they want and will visit all the layger the irrigation to see), cities, and the terri tory in which some of them are deep- ly interested. «They will not talk un- til they have completed their tour of sbservation. Then hey will be heard rom, and perhaps the money market vill not be quite so tight--so far as the Canadian ed. The experience areas, securities are concern- be millions borrowed is. one that will wipful to Canada: f dollars England roving al, and the wd. An ind riches must lead toa renewal of Many lave been in account of and on municipal, private eriterpris s, limit had been about réach inspection of owr resources that confidence that precedes the of John Bull's money hag re perhing ON THE FARM. {Then there is the cost of all the equip ment of be transformers and of which must mounted on trucks to be of most gen a varnety motors, most ral use, the equmpment must also be good, means that it tun to buy the most which adds considerably to original cost. To be etheient will pay in the long xpensive appura- tus. Have the farmers been told in any specific instance what it will eost purchase, maintain and operate ; such equipment. I's would seem to be the proper basis to start figuring from if the advantage of the farmer' is really the ultimate aim. says the News, * tion does not thasiasm."' While gibour on the farm is scarce and so expensive, power is a great attraction, but'it is costly, and the farmer will = realize this as he undertakes the installation of a plant. The Electrical News ad- to 9 "this side of the ques- so readily arouse en- so cautiously, to introduce the motors as he can expeditiously and profitably, and' to avoid the partnerships which, in' power plants, are not found to be satisfactory. What has come over Teddy Roose liars ¥ Presumably he bas been con sorting unduly with some bad man. Germany bax. one mew othirs--namely, "Bay no foreign mad goods." That ought to affect the im command ment----and it takes precedence of all EDITORIAL NOTES. -- res The governor of New York state velt that be is so ready to call others | has appointed three doctors who are authorized ro "go to surgical ex tremes in reducing the number cf de fective." They will deal only with criminals. Even s0, is mot their commission a high-handed one? The Nickle law is beng olated is St. Thomas and the bakers are musk. ers of New York be tried by a td this | } which 1 "Unfortunately," |. * electrical, vises the filler of . the soil to proceed i AUGUST ------ loaf of ing aod selling a Jc. twenty i ounces. be at Can & provintisl law in this way? If Thomas why not in Kingston ? ignored in Mt. that it is° not popular to pre discontent. He is annt finding arh the an exceedingly 1 be kine of Bourssin. is of | ably | and haw Het has been simply opposed to everyihing Ismaelite gospel a leader he no definite man, but action. He is a genuine ------ of late. The Toronto Telegram is still after leaders jn The dis of the Orangemen who @re- municipal and provincials politics. wants . the party to ibdge them. What fence 7 Wheat bave of? The enough. felegram has been their they been guilty Telegram is mot explicit The demand is made that the grail- jury pure. would satisfaction 'in trying the ervoks by men whose does nd that they are qualified to give verdict in rodordance with the nat is Sure. Therd not be any record show a facts not fifty in at present, and there is us- | ually 250,000 téns at this date, there are tons of coal Montreal Stave coal in the Canadian metropolis will probably reach #8.25 next. winter at = all. The dearly for the enn be got paying strike. people are miners" A bank wrecker, Joseph tobins bv natne, has heen conducting the has made the and it may Ooue a broker's business while in New York, and He a clearance, The good, in any Tombs, F250,000, for may ofler money be ace cepted. man who can make way, is the hero in the United State. One ci the meetings, in Detroit , foi a discussion of aldermanic bribers, took place in a pre house el- not acher's Here a confes sion was made that dermien had been paid, that, conscience-stricken, they returned the money and repent wl,' but it is on record | The influence of this particulm preacher is in doubt. I a xX Thirty-tive thousand wpeople attend- ed Gene oy Avg i A funeral services, Wedne sday "Hight in Eng 29, 1912, % SCHOOL IE WITH A GOQD RECORD CLOTHES 'We want to call attention toa - few of our Special offerings in Boys' School Suits, values that you'll not find everywhere. Our $4.00 Boys' Suits Joys, N years to,15 Dark Gre y Tweeds, For ay res, Reefer style with Bloomer Pants. Our Boys' $5.00 Suit. Gin, Det, Pepper-and Salt pattern Pweeds in new, Reefer style, straight or Bloomer Pants, sizes 26 to 34, Our $8.50 years of in' new --- The Allan Style. Grey, Bronze and nohby, sizes 25 to 34. Our $7.00 Suits English Tweeds in rich shades of Brown. Carlton Suits For Nifty Lads, new Stotch Tweeds in very néwest patterns and colorings, expert tailoring, extra value, sizes 28 to 34. " Very $1.50 lish Blue, Cheviot Cloth, White Braid trimming. "PRSOPER | DR. WHITE DJspepsia | Rheumatiem { Lost Vitality | 8kin Diseases Plabetes Emissions Kidoey Affecticas And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases, Call or send histery for free advice, Free Book on Diseases and Question Blank. Medivine furnished in tablet form. Hours--10am. tol p.m. and 2 to p.m. Sumdays~10-a.m. to 1 pan. Consultation free. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, *.~ Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. NEW SHOE ntPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYN™ BR has takes ovur the business of fhe ate Davis at the old stand, 269 NCESS STREET. All kinds » Repairing prompiy dove rk Kvaranteed | aaa Life Assurarc? Company The only Canadian Company whose 2 yi ies have doubled through profits Figures how a policy wiil shape for you .cheerfully ven by J. 0. Hutton, Agent, IN Market Street. FOR SHABE) \ 1 4 SUITS ft. you are a customer of thes works. We clean and dye and press men's clothes to maka them carry all the marks of a new suit, R. PARKER & O00, NO NEED Hardwo special. BOYS' Boys' Shirts. Regular 50e¢ & 7c qualities for 39¢c Boys' Blouse Suits For Boys, 3 years to 8 years, Eng: Something Boys Odd "Suits $1.73 Regular $4.00, 4.50, 5.00 qualities for $1.75, Straight Knigkers, light and dark colors, singlt and Double-Breasted styles; Norfolk, ete. Sizes 26 to 3: plain or de ri Rb -- ssi --_-- TOGGERY Boys Stockings.' "See our 25¢ : School Special. B IBBYS Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET, retary e Thomas Copely, Telephone 987 Drup & card wo 18 Pine Bireet when vant & anything done in the Carpen- r Hr ¥ «ies given on all Kinds | re Pp irs also Kinds All attention ' Ww all prompl Bireet SYMINGTON'S PACKET SOUPS &GRAVIES } Get Them at } D. COUPER S | 'Phone 76. 311-3 Princess St. | Prompt Delivery. Dyers nod Cleaners, 88 Princess St. Kingston, Ont. We Are Experts in Wir- ing Kingston Homes Electric Light is the only practical light for home. Estimates cheerfully given. Come and see our beautiful fixtures. MOTOR CARS For Weddings 2 New Cars in Use This Week ® crowing Only #46c smoking. Flash Lights aliday Electric Go. | § With the "Mouster" op It THAT TOBACCO | i londer pound as be goes along per For chewing ant AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, Motor Boat Supplies I's KNOW ov GOOD PLUMBING we pride ourselves and keep on talking mgtier hiem ses, its in the Plumbing ha wo "know how' to solve it We know how to charge moderately and we do. THE HOW ¥ and Batteries. that upon about a # No - hat pro- Spark Coils Repaired. Sm: David Hall | 68 Brock Bt. Phone 335. ee ak Bibby's Garage SELECT OYSTERS SMOKED FILLETS ip, - --eassinen 4 i | | | H.W. NEWNAN ELECTRIC 0. 79 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 441. Our $4.75 Electric Iron Is a daisy » y DOMINION FISH co. SIBROCKST. PHONE 502 id an - ane RAWFORDS Coanr. ISALL GOOD | C000 LAV A

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