BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM MADE IN CANADA | SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THE ONE POUND SIZE NET FULL WEIGHT SIXTEEN OUNCES FOR 25 CENTS ---- Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match ---- T is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Eddy's matches because "If you're sure they're Eddy's, s, yow're sure they're right." DPDY'S matches are always full MM, count--goos dealers everywhere . keep them The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Hull, Canada. | pie: Paper. Tissue Towels, etc. SELL LELARLLLLALELELELLEEE0004, ELLIOTT BROS. - =----FOR---~ Gas Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens, Refrigerators, Ice Cream [Freezers, Screen... Doors, Window--Seveens;---Garden----- Hose and Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers. Etc, Acents Tor The Celebrated "Brownlow " Water Coo er. Phone 35. Filter and 77 Princess St. ¥ WERE E RRR ERE ER RRR EERe) D7 J.Collis Browne's 75 [nrod // fdad/ ; THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, 'The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effegtuslly cuts short all attacks of STASMS. Checks and arrests those tos ; often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only palliative ix NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. n fihlorody releves fo in 0, whatever kindy. creates a aim vefveshing sleep allay irritation o rervous systems when @li other remedies fail: braves ne bad effects © @ -- be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Yiquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. CONVINCING this Remedy hae given rise' by all Chemise. to many imitations. Prices in Resiand i». or sil vik. 19, 4/8 et aires EEE sete Manstaeturers: Sears oa the stamp NEROR i I DAVENPORT J the same " " x _iaveator, De. J. LONDON, Collis Browne. ---- DON'T MISS His CHANCE STRAP SHOES AND SANDALS Half to one-third off i fod pie White Show, To Ee oe Chel 1. git Buk. Hh Fes 1 76¢ Strap Chocolate and Pat ts, 8 02, | i Sp lc - "Out Price pom name ARTIS wae, THURSDAY, MONEY MARKET TIGHT HARD FOR BROKERS | TO ' "LARGE CALL LOANS, ronto Stock Market -- Factors Which Imparted Strength to, New | York Stock Market. Tovouto, Aug. 20.~Ome reason that | is 'advanced 'in explanation oi the | Jaseitude in the local stoek market in addition to the lack of speculative in- terest is the growing tightness in the monex_nmske While there is no advance ftom 5} per éent. in the rate for bocal éall money, brokers are find- mg it more and more difficult to Se | cure mew money in losns of any size. In fact ib is understood thet one or two banks have issued calls for small amounts, which@while insignificant as regards the amount called, ndicate a condition-of "tight money." Some crokery on the other band, whose, meeds are moderate, state that they' have experiened no difficlity in se suring sufficient money for their re | quirements Strength of Stock Market. New York, Aug. 29.--The congress ional recess further confirmation from high official - sad unofficial quart rs, of the brilliant crop outlook, and un- abated demand for steel, iron and copper were the chiel factéfs which imparted gencral strength to vester Fins' 8 stock manket. London's high- er range for our securities was also a favorable influence, aibeit the matter inquiry for Americans at that cen I - probably had its origin at this "nd Opening prices showed gains in all the standard issues, with one and two point advances, respectively, im St. Paul and Canadian Patific, the on. buying attributed to Berlin. ilar riman and Hill stocks, as well as the entire ranger group, manifested an upward tendency, ET) Explagation of the Lassitade in Tol latter being especially strong abroad | AUIGUS m------ "LAT NCHISG AT GL ASGOW | the CHR. Russia, & Heo. Aug: 29. There { huge crowd of Spectators to the launching of the steamer Empress of Russia at Glasgow, yesterday, _ of { the two pew Empress steapers oter sed by the Uanadian { company. The lnunching of the vessel was performed "by Mrs. H Windham HPeauclerk, the eldest dangh-, ter of Sie Thomas Shaughnessy, pre sident of the U.P.K. Amongst those presetit. and in the anavoidable - ab { setick of A. Piers, the buropean steam ship manager. of the C.FN, was George Mer. Brown; the buropean manager of the UVR, who sented. the company : Her sister ship, the~ Empress Asia, will be launched in the of the mext two moths. Jolh vessels are being builp for the CPR. by the Fairtield Shipbuilding al Engineering company, of Glasgow, fer their trans Pacific service, and will be ready ' to o Pactlic Railway wl course Crop Moving Period, New York, Aug. 29.- Row entering upon the Crop-moving period, and the demands of interior bankers upon this céntre i heavier, Wall street are becoming | During the past week alone | loeal banks sent $10,000,000, ! in re und | numbers, to the agrie ultural sections, | most of it through the sub-treasury. Canada is withdrawing funds from New York. Germany is again bidding for funds here. And néxt week our banks will be called upon to meet Nap- | | tember interest and dividend payr 1ents | of approximately 8110,000,000, { Germany & been taking gold from | England, a as the latic: country has heavy payments to make in India and Lgypt, it is not unlikely that she will be compelled to transfer to New | York the weight of-her bold ol liga- Wey "to South America. AinRivican foreign credits have. been exhausted, nd new credits can not be built up until the new crop of cotton begias to move toward Europe. Actual monetary stringency threat- (ng on both sides of the Atlantic, and heeause of this fact new ®apital issnes have been held up, although some of our railroads are so sorely pressed for funds that they have been how wing notes ta _fingnee current needs It may be possible for the banks to avoid g general calling of loans Iv the rrocess of shifting them, so oifin re sorted to in the past. But in this connections it is to be remen bered that Beptember 10th is the date ret hy the comptroller of the eyrrercy as the time limit within which all na- tional banks must bring their, loan ne counts within the legal limit: Financial® Tidings. Cheese shipments from Moatroal rom May lst to date have been 966, 956 boxes; same date, 1911, 1.02025 boxes: 1910, 1,019,386. A dividend will shortly be declared on the capital stock of tha Muskoka Lakes Navigation and Hotel company. The Hare Machinery company, Galt, Ont., capitalized at $400.000° jt was announced, will huild a piant at =a vost of £150,000. The site has already been secured. GOLD WIRE IN ARTERY. New York Man, After Unusual Operations, Dies of Tobergflosis, New York, Aug! 29. --Thitth-six feet | of gold wire put in a spiral inside the walls of the aorta of Osear Neilson, | in ome of the most, if not the most, remarkable operations for ever performed in this city, prevented | the great artery from bursting and! thus causing death, dead in Bellevue hospital, viohary tuberculosis. He was suffering | from the discase at the time of the unusual operation, William €, Lusk performed the opera- tioni and the stafi-at Bellevue declar- el it has been singularly successful, and that flicted: with tuberbulasie he might have | lft the hospital in a short time. from pul- ane urism i but Nielson isi July lst last. Dr. if Nielson had not been af-| EEA Britain go into service early next they are very much larger of the present. fleet, length, 6% feet beam, depth, and gros RN; than any and: 46 feet in tonnage about [5, The turbine system of propulsion has been adapted by the C 1.R. In the first time in these two vessils, which are to be propelled four screws, driven by four sets of Parson's tur bines and will-hgve an average speed at sea of eighteen kndis per hour They embody all the latest improve menis both' for the salety and fort of passengers. com In the construction of these vessels | a rachepl departure from practice has been made ing them witn cruiser rudders entirely form of stern, the current in construct™ sterns and the underhung. This besides giving the ves sols a very distinotive appearance in Creass the afiective jength of water line, wherehy assisting propulsion, 'and also adds considerably to the avail able deck space hit- the &iter end. Ihe vess ks will have five decks and in al dition a long combined forecastle and bridge deck, Above the bridge deck will be located the principal first-class publie rooms with the ollicers quar ters and navigating bridge overhead 'in the dining saloon tables have been | arranged to suit the demands of van 'ous passengers. Small tables will be provided te two and four persons and larger ones for {ties of six will be arranged in ~goves; whilst there will be still larger 'tables for other parties. - Accommodation is provided for first-class, 100 second-class and | third-class passengers, the two latter | classes being for Asiatics. A number iof single berth rooms as "well as double berth rooms Wave been provid led, so that® the growing class of pas sengers who desire privacy can be taken cave of. There are also a num | ber" of suites, consisting of bed-toom, {sitting tooncyand bath room. Besides | the usual "spacious dining ealoon, lounge, eale, library and writing room, a large gymnasium has' hben { provided on the upper deck. it ® to be fitted up with a large variety of exercising achines. Another feature adopted for the first time is the Inn {dry which hie sl be found of great con venience especially in the hot weather on the China coast. accommodate 200 sin tion LYNOHED A PRI RIKST. fofuriated Mob in a Portuguese Town Sought Revenge. Lisbon, Aug. 29. Despatches reckiv- of hora from the Portuguese town of Aldein Obispo tell of the putting to death of a peest ly an infuriated Without the traditional burial rites The. parish priest, it Is nileg uth "attempted to conduch a . funeral and the authorities and the . people and thm town objected. . in the scuffle which aosucd the priest, whose sur plice. was torn, beat an glderdly man, abil was. under arkest. On the 3 changing his \surgfice be | singed Hn me an officer the went to the prestwiery and se {oured a Mtoiver, wi with which he shot the policeman dead. The h iahalitanie, infuriated by tis the parsonage and afi nched him. Burial which was horvibly le dt in the local cemetery was opposed iy "the e angry cro crowd, WAS bo dewth while flying in his ne pu repre | steamer: Empress ° ory Bummer; being OW fest mn |. At ai, Prasion; | Tit. Touis Felix} N. Chuandigier, of hs Aviiition (otpa,) | | . ; - = Listen 7 77 to Wisdom - oMOo is better than anything else in the world for cleansing, purifying and bleaching white things, including linens, shiit- waists, 'white dresses and under linens; etc. (not woollens). OMO for white clothes & 50 Itnotc nly cleanses better, Lint cleanses more easily. Simply add a tablespoen« fulof OMO to each gallon, of walgr. Boil the clothes, soak {3 jawhile, rinse andhgng oul to dry. No rubbisig--no hard work. Has all the bleaching and cleansin qualities and pure. - country Removes coflee, tea fruit stains like magic, of sun ang, cocoa, | Ly Just try OMO for yourself. 10c. Pugsley, Dingman & Co. Limited, Toronto 08 must not be used Tor colored articles, woollens or flannels, . ---- TEA | TEA! TEA! the Finest Tea Gardens of uncolored} and of the Tinest Green and Black st 30¢ per pound, at MACLEA nd E. BLAKE THOMPSON, | Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance | -- Agent for -- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance (o'y. OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARR," 'Phone 286. . i ke KINGSTON, from Ceylon, finvor ANDREW Ontario Street. ee rd assedesiet THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Roses Carnations, Sweet Peas, and all other secasonahle Mowers. A choice variety of Perns Paluia, ete. Wedding: Bouquets, Floral Sprays and Funeral Designs a Specialty. 'Phones: * Btore, 238. Conservatories 233% Residence, 12]2. ICE CREAM The Finest and Best, by the pint, quart, or in bricks. A. J. REES 166 Priacess 8t. Phone 58 ONT. GEORGES REAYY PLUG for Sale EverywHere Tne Rock City Tosacco Co.Lm. QUEBEC ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS That is what some people think about arguments on the gas proposition Because it looks so bright . The main point in our favor of Cooking with Gas. is that there whatever You pay for just what you use - There Is no time lost start ing" the fire: and your cost ceases the moment the work is done If furnishes moment's notice is trifling g 'Why not give it a trial, or phone 187. and give us a talk it over ( HEAPEST, CLEANEST AND MOST CONVENIENT OF FUELS, Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts. C. C. FOLGER. GENERAL MANAGER. -------- nf tamed REAL ESTATE. Sus 8 no - waste hot water at a and the cos: chance to Tho Iiod You Have Always Boaght, and whick has been n use for over U0 yeais, has borne the signature of rm and has been made under Lis pere Lr Fp J sosal supervision since its (aflaney, i AEC 2% Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counfericits, Imitntions and ** Jostas-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lonfants and Children--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is & harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props aud Soothing Syrape. It is pleasant. "It contains neither Opium, Merplhine nor other Nareotie substance. Its ago is its gnarantee, "it destroys Worms f 31 050 will buy a Roof.aized frame and allays Foverlshmess. For more than Ahirty years it house vicinity of Pine Strest, his been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, may closet in the hole. Fiatulency, Wind Celie, a1 Teething Troubles and ay the same houke with a Didrrbea. it regulates the Stomach and Bowels, 3! x ihe baving 8 darn sissimilates the Food, giving hedithy and natural sleep, , Tho Cuildren® s Panacea--The liother's Friend. frames dwellings In of Hair grounds, payiog 12 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS [+2 onion rag and i lia in each house Bears the Signature of - BoA ~Thres of ST polld brick of . farnace, bh. & c¢ double pat- dinin g-ravn und Khe 3 tans wd cellar; § badroome, a snap at $2.000--8olld brick, a near business ow Hagbhting, furnace, otc; 4 bedrooms; in Dest repair The Kind You Have Always Bought | t= 5 ln Use For Over 30 on R. Chas: Bell 299 NAGOT STRERT. Reyl Bastate snd insnfaece Agent, ost new houss, re; ax electric nesr entre water Queen's lighting: heating. romans oappey