¢ Daily B A KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. PITH- OF NEWS! Er ---- YEAR 303 big - LAST EDITION, 19-No. 2 Saat THAT HAVE LATELY BEEN IN CIRCULATION. > Sir Wilfrid Laurier Has Not Deelii- ed to Meet Him in Conference With British' Ministers, Because . He Has Not Been Asked. London, Eng., Aug.' 30.--Premie dorden has haoded the Canadian As- sociated Press the following ' official stalement © During our present visit, which is now drawing to a conclusion, matters of considerable moment have under consideration and oppor- tunities afforded the Canadian minis ters of being present at meetings of the imperial defer committee have been fruitful of inyaluable- information upon matters comsidered and deter- 'mined by that colomittes, "His majesty's ministers have re- ceived us most cordially and we have had the pdvantage of discussing with maotual frankness questions of great importance not only to Canada, but the whole empire. > "Among the most important objects of our visit was a desire to obtain information respectmg the conditions of naval defence affecting the empire, In the stress of the present session of parliament sow adjourned, other unavoidable causes prevented us from receiving full information, in its final form, but we expect it will reach us- very shortly after our return to Can- ade with no umeeessary delay, and will then be considered by the Cana dian cabinet. "Several unfounded and inaccurate rumors with regard Lo. the outeome of our present visit have gained cur- retcy in the British and Canadian It would be impossible to enu- metate all of them, allusion ma, how- ever, be made to one. gi - "Sir Wilfrid Lau has not declined to meet me in fence with certain Hritish winisters, for the very: good reason that he has pot heen asked to do #0, and for the further reason that no ; ministers to Cay: Q | { } DID THEY KILL ROSENTHAL EXPERT SWIMMER. - i ~ vt 4 gi 2 ---------- & - > i ¥ A * - pg x On Their Own Account Without Fourteen-year-old Cripple = A { i D 0 : X Becker's" Knowledge? Wrestles Well. % 3 \ : maa A Rive tH - w pie epday, when ii that part of hig 4 willbe tt & fend of $15.60 raised by th: high class gamblers to Bouse. ; \ gt Roscnthal leave New York . : Fhis sum, it vill be claimed, was paid { to "Jak Rose and "Pridgic"' Web . Yer: These two men will accused THE LATE oi wppropriating the $5,000 aad then | killing Rosenthat on their n | any i =] cant, without Decker knowing { PRESENTED IN THY BRIEFEST thing about it : The psychological part when 3 é NT os aid a POSSIBLE FORM, New York, cholozieal fence of Becker, came public Aug, 0 uliar 8 30 'Despatches From Near And | Distant Places. ST TIDINGS ples Pry Charles twist to fhe be lefense nwa ployed by the board of education, bas Just accomplished the feat of tea: a legless boy to swim at the public cath The boy is Tyson Detwiler, fourteen years old. When six. yours of age the little fellow was mangled by a freighs train. . i Déspite his afiliction he is pow the seventh grade in | the school, i popular with all his classmates. He is so remarkably well developed that he has learned t3\wres tle; and is able ta givg many of the older boys all'they cando to put him on his vack. : At the bathhouse. Parvis 'soon had him doing stunts on-a.beach.~ After his first lessons as to the proper' use of his: arms he was able to learn to dive. Parvis gave him four lessons a week, and he has mastered several dif- ficult strokes. He can swim wt least hall a mile without changing his arm movement. Parvis had 'a special plat | hing Philadelphia, Aug )y IN PRISON SYST Parvis, ustructos of swimming, em- | ; 10 To Be Made, Says the: Min- ister of Justice. WHO COULD NOT SEE : ' be and enters it will be claimed that Rosenthal was | sa poised morally that -he wax utSerly ! : Fenable to see conducting a gam- i The W hig's 'Daily Condensation o tlinz house wus not a legitimate bus | ness amd thereupen began his ni aga nst the gamblers who vere w to pay tHe. price. why f the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex- i hangs s. Aborta's harvest is seriously layed by trost, hittin I nenty-hive thousand harvesters are OF New Zealand in Mands of Come! i, i moved ant -harve ters are missioner, s | kains have ceased in 'England and London, "Ang. 30.- The Wellington 'prospecis aie much brighzer. form constructed for the hoy and he dimes correspondent says the public] Lilawa conservatives will put.up the | can dive from this at a. height "of six service bill aiming at the destruction { larg SU banquet vel for the returning feet, of political patronage, has bees intro- | premio : d | dueod." It provides for the appointment | It 1x stated that the ( nited States ! of a commussione® who shail {Wil ruse to arpiirate regarding the 81 the chiot departments except that | vanauma canal batt, of thé ranwavs. This ofindial may be | Hon. Alonzo White, for many suspended on grounds of incompetence | registrar of deeds for or misbehaviour, by the governor, but {died on Thursday. | can be dismissed only by the house.| Détective Chief ( arpenter, of Mon- His decision will be subject to reviéw |treal, has been appointed chief by appeal to a board of applicants, | police of Edmonton at $4,000 i year, i Soliciting the support of meinbers of | Champ Clark, speaker of the LU. parliament for an appointment or (congress, has leit for promotion in the public service will be | Maine, where he wail open a disqualification.® ing campaign. John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, merchant and former: United bei postmaster-genérdl, is report Armour's Reply to Charge sof Ace| ously ill in Atlantic ( yf - cepting Lower Prices There. Peter Peerson. of Thorsld, wis wis A . . | taken to Welland jail, to serve sixty Chicago, Aug. 30.--Arthur Meeker, days, for theft, made } R 3 : y ye, » Ms escape while general manager of Armour & to. oné of the yuards had his bark ; said in relation to the statement that od $ had his back turn packers are selling ith Luift Loudon Dr. Adams, bacteriologist, Toronto ne has in Chicago 'ame "*% | has sent word to Medical Health Offi: ) : AER Team "i've interesting fedture of all this ser Shirt, ewiinitely accepting Ot- 3 : : awa's offer ¥2,400 to be bacterio is that no American beef is being togivt there . ( shipped to London. It is all used at re pr ening home. Therd has been little American Toorein rol a sday, . beef sent to London for four years, Workman Street. Montreal, wis Rak hl and during the last two years the ex fied: when 4 1 Ny. : , fhe A Sima snake sprang to ports have heen constantly dwindling the ground I \ til now they amount to nothing. b. ground. and. lay there hissing. The Chinese government is endeavor- a EE ing to hush up the mutiny of X.000 \ WHERE CANADA HAS MUCH TO LEARN, VERY Hom, Mr. Doherty Says That the. Marriage Question Will Have to be Fought Out by Quebec Within Itsely. TO INVEST PATRONAGE | de- | S-With the cable Forden and Postmas- ter-ieneral Pelletier, embarking on the Allan liner V iwrginian, for Montreal this morning, comes the rencwal of gossip regarding Canada's future na val, policy, Hou. ( Uttawa, Aug. news of Premier IN STATE OF WAR, control -- So. + A. M, Aiens, K.C., of Winni- peg, BeNeves, London; Eng., Aug. 30.--J, A. M. Aikens;« K.C., prominent conservative | M.P.s from Winnipeg, is said to have stated here that from his observation during. his continental trip he was convinced that Germany and England Bramwell Booth, were now virtually in a state, of | | ndgon Aug A war. 'When Canada really understood | the will left Pa., | whe situation, said he, he believed States ( real help 'would be forthcoming. i | J Doherty, 'minister of jus wai tie, who reached' here from England, "| yesterday, was interviewed here, to ddy. He 'Ine thihg is certain and that is that Premier Bordep will not. reach here with' & naval policy in his vest pocket. we did not go to England to torm a policy. We went to ascertain the of the situa Ve have information concerning the for arma ACTOSS Atlantic, That's sid. "' Regarding the mixed INArriage ques. tion, Mr. Doherty said that Canada's has been tied by the privy coun cl regwwding he umitorm. martiage hill, in opuon the Judgment meaht the question had to be tuehee within itself y ex a not will Canadian system stands, "It 80, Years PROF Halitax county, Formerly of Cornel . has accepted the post viser the €hin JEREMIAH JENKS, University, » whe of financial al. government G.I.F. TRAINS. sand to of 'GENERAL BOOTH'S WILL. - THROUGH Line Between Edmonton and Fitzhugh, Montreal, Aug. 29. So popular has the Grand Trunk Pacific service west ol kdmonton proved to be and 80 heavy the passeng raffic .that, com- mencing September 1st, daily through trains will operate between that city city and Fitzhugh on the main hue, ih place of the tri-weekly, service, which, although only recently institu ted, has already proved .to be inade- quate. These rains will make .close connections with the express trains to and from Winnipeg and will olier even greater facilities for reaching the great Rocky Mountain play ground of the dominion, Jasper Park. Apart from the de sire of the tourist. public to #ée the new mountain beaoties that the {1.T.}. is opening up, jhe excel- lence. of its service aud equipment largely 'explains the popularity. of the road, As a sample of what is being done to keep abreast of the times, jt might be pointed out that the light- ing 'of trains between Winnipeg snd Edmonton is entirely operated by elec- tricity, the first to be so equipped in estern Canada. The lighting svete is any juven BY ' Gar haw its own generator; the frie. tion being produced by an nttachment to the axle of the wheels, and the electricity maintained in storage bat- teries, ? Q All Properties Vested in Rockland his speak His Son On Main > » : Ga necessities lot of mad. race the can be sununary of Geperal terdayv. All general by the tien Booth, was made public, ve | the properties held hy hin -- {ol the Salttion Army, and all like POLICE CAPTAIN CHARGED [public trusts, both real and personal, [including copyrights, are Statement} | his successor as general, for of the Arn by him trusts a ments SEND NO BEEF TO LONDON. ents 4 abo as seri -- ni all 'that ested the in Making False hands About Superior Officer. With time to In in being, { held Salvation his that opight out While 1 |} amined the dd France "upon ete New Yorkys Aug. 30.--Interest, Yor | in . p ' = ne, day, was sidetiacked somewhat from { 5 » mith urder case he trial ; the Po onenthal mutter tus Ho _ | perty, having a net value of £487 19s re p us aves, > : of q oe or f a bh hy ok of ins a {approximately 32 440), hip gives to the s degrade 2 Tal inspec- | was degraded rom the 0 o 18% ! Salvation Army, ¢ With. the exception sor; because he had publicly asserted | : I Pol « %5 r Wald h 419! Certain private papers and 2 ve a nh 1 a that Police ommissioner Wa od {| moranda, which are given to his eld interfered in cleaning "up his district, & L iH & ¥ t th makin Talse | Bramwell, and i Tew arlicies Wis Po i r Talse ayes is charged with making Foor | ChOSen. by Kimselt, which are given statements aboul His superior officers. | > memento ties have taken military precautions OF COLONEL ROOSEVELT to protect all the roads leading ' to ---- the ital. . . "Nim Jackeon, who reproate {HS NeithOF Confidence jn, Nor Ad- est in in the House wf Commons, for of Bull -..firation- , Leader b i on. T. Wy Grethers, was elee- ed, has been, appointed sub-collector of customs at Port Stanley, This is a new ottice, 3 New Yorl® Aug. 30.-In 'a state The London newspapers are unani- {ment to the New. York American, cab mous in their 'congratulations to the led from London, Viilliam R. Hearst, Right Hon. R. L. Borden on the firma | denies that he is a partizfin of My and tactful manner in which he hand- | Roosevelt's. 'As a matter of fact," led the suliragette deputation 'at the | he says, "l have neither- cenlidence 1n : {nor admiration for Mr. Roosevelt.' Mr. Hearst recalls that when 'he "was battling in 1906 for™exactly the Savoy hotel, London, king. same principles whith Mr. Roosevelt The death has occurred of Sir Jos- eph Dimsdale, Bart., who was lord has at last appropriated' as his party programme, Mr. Roosewvelt sent My, mayor of London, in the year of Ning Root into New York' state to attack a codieli, his small private pro ! : wind, Judge Dohler son systems as he AS a result it is likely that any radical changes introduced nto the as TU RL Present p t in is me a bottle of "milk, on Rosario Lamothe, est sou; may th to say Sac the minister, "but really 1 tould not see had very mich to learn from continental ag | Presumptugus | Jo each of his 'children and f hos children in-law. | Another codicil deals w {estimated to £5 | representing {many years { Reed for privy vision which enabled no stipend or © remuneration of kind trom the funds of Property de divided mmong his chil: dreb, * Bramwell, Catherine, Marian, Herbert, Eva and Lucy. His stccessor, Bramwell Booth, i tof of the will where & ith pr the sy stein, , value (826, 475) troops at Tung-Chgu, but the authori mone PERTH ROAD POINTERS. ve ' the late It was wo by rm Busy Laying Steel Village. Perth Road, Aug, 29.--The carpen- ter work on the fad. R. station and seelon house is nearing completion. The gang 'laying sted ave within half t mile of the eillage. Fhe late heavy rains have delayed fart with ' their grain, ' but proved the pastures, and in- of milk -colning : L C.N use, Near the draw > any the army. This him to L appointed exven 10 us since our arrival i our - receplion in' France ly copdial. The limitations Have prevented me from my visit to other portions of the British islands and the conti nent of Rurope, but I hope to supply that omission on a future, and 1 hope, varly otcasion, - "We shall take back with us to Canada the piest memories of the visit, Especially have we been by the keen intercst of the the Progress, "de influence of the over: send dominions. Beyond doubt there is in these islands the earnest, con fident spirit of hope and anticipstion that in the momentous years which are already upon us, the complex and dithioult problems that confront this vast i rill be solved wisely and New York, Aug. 30.- from Paris says: Religious papers have not told all the truth, according to the Paris Matin, concerning the pope's condi tion. The facts, says this paper, "are that he is growing weaker*daily. No siranger to the vatican is admptted to the pope's mass, for the reason that the pope often must celebrate = the holy sacrifice in a sitting posture. His limbs do not hold him despite . hi energetic eiiort to save appearances, His immediate éntourage say the condition of "his sister is causing grave apprehension to the pope, whos mental suffering reacts much on his physical condition. A special cable - : THE LAWS OF ONTARIO flow to SEPARATED FROM GIRL. Are Inadequate to Meet of. Industries, Chief Ju Ralph Meredith has report on the pensation, saying vet a poston he Condition. Mrs. Harry wedding of the William Shales, ', at Svdenham, last Mrs. J. Roberts contin poorly. Rev. C., Coddling 1s pending his holidays at Toronto and thet School re-epens Helen teacher, Shales attend: former's bro to Miss Spray on Wednesday yYoung Man Murders and Robs His Sweetheart's Mother. Hagerstown, Md., Aug. U0. ated from the girl to whom he had been Paying attentions and her ad dress refused him, Norma B. Me Cleary strangled her mother to death He stole 340 from his victim with which he went to Washington to sed the daughter. Arrested there on sus picion, McCleary was brought back here and confessed te State's Attorney Wolfinger the details of his crime. The murderer is twenty-three years old. He has begn paying attention to Mics Liupah Henry, a young Foronto, A ug Willian nierim " 30 Lice Si 1sguied an Sepat workman' that while he is not | we to make has him Ontario ening very com mn definit sufli that the entire! anditions of wm tod re ommendations taken ent pre points ith Miss hon, Pues Sigsworth, of Several from ittending the Toronto fair, Ma Mrs. KE. Baboock, ToWR™ITRITTE and Parl Shales Miss A Hadley, spending the holidays parents here, evidence to a lay w Harti hore sent laws of re in as SavVS to weet carried Lo note ti are wa y « cluding and who Edward's coronation. Sir Joseph was one of the conservative members for the ity of Lontea from 1900 to 1906, That Henrss Millions, the obalg ime and to encompass the defeat of the | prospector whose body. was found 2 principles. for which | stood." Bass Lake, came to his death by %\ "Mr. Roosevert, Mr. Hearst, 1 drowning, was the #ading of three Ndid not realize that the progressive | 20¢quale doctos pertormed the post-mor programe was right until-he saw dustries tem examination. There were ahsoluee 'where he could benbfit by the popular jaa staciory ly 'no signs of foul play. sentiment which had been aroused tg | those Former neighbors of . Michael Kiley, fits support { Concede the j an aged recluse, who occupied a ram } "But mow that the principles * wi employees shackle house, on Bright street, in advocated and the reforms that we aris he has returned to SHOE TRUST CASE PRIVATE, their on b ¢ say « Mrs. Dobby, of Three Mile NJ worthify and in accordance with the loftiest traditions of our history. TO MEET IN CANADA British lastitute of Journalists "0 Selects Montreal. London, Aug. 30.--The proposal to bold the next annual conierence of the Institute of Journalists in Montreal was discussel at yesterday's meeting and a resolution to that effect was ultimately carried by a. substantial majority. Robert. Donald, the presi 4 dent-elect and edi f the Chronicle, considered the I neither prac- tical por expedient on the grounds of expenditure of time and wn.ovev. The members of the institute were not mis- sionaries ol empire or commercial tra- wi t Eh jownalists. 1 the dignity accept the hospi tality of the great Caandisn railroad ons agaibst whom Canadian 'themselves were generally supported the resolu- fr he saw no reason why should object to. booming Can Eins. sa - {come fully developed; and in. certain girl liv ing in this town. The girl's Kotha. Mis. Nannie Henry, objected to Me Cleary and warned him to keep away from her daughter, Instead they con tinted their meetings in secret. The mother discovered this, sent the-gi away, told McCleary he would never sce her again and tig siragedy fol lowed. : OKA MONKS GUARDING -------- Yt Against Robbers Who This Very Valuable Chinese Medi- Oka, 'Que., Aug. 30.--Following the theft of four hundred dollars 'worth of the Chinese ginseng plant, 'which the Trappist monks. have culti- vating for ~ medicinal plirposes, 'a watchman has been [laced vover = the valuable tract. His ardianship is assisted by a huge Ball dog over whose Kennel runs the legend, "Please don't tease this dog, for hes a vi- cious brute." gE he gd did much damage in robhing the ginse pateh, freaking fences and TE many of the 'heghs 'under foot. Outside, the monks here, only three other establishments in asian cultivate this plant. Nearly two acres are devoted to it "here, the value. of the patch being estimated at thirty thousand . doliars. The plant takes seven years before its roots be rt8 of China it reaches $16, $25 and £0 a pound, while finer species reach $M to $600 a pound. 3 -------------------- © Robbed by Woman Footpad. Paisaic, N.J., Ang. 3.--Oscar Van Alstyne § Petired policeman, was held up and robhed of his gold watch hy a woman while on his way so his. n Rutherfold. Chief of Police Melelland later arrested the woman, She was hold under $500 bail for the nfl jury, She. gave her name iss Annie William3, of Brooklyn. suit charging eleven cups of coffee and ate nineteen Jeontest at the annual ow j Federal Club, held at Witwel s Grave, prices a quabity of milk found record af 4A, 8 L191 shipihent District Court, Refuses Government Application for Public Hearing. Boston, Aug. 30.--The hearing 'beiore a special examiner in the government's the United Shoe Ma- | chinery company with being an unlaw- ful combination in restraint of trade will be private. Judges Colt, Putiam nd Brown, of the United States dis iNet. court, in a decision handed down yepterday, denied a public hearing as TH uested by government. The date of the hearing has not been set. ----------s § Won Steak Eating Contest, Now York, Aug. 30.-With sixteen hundred cheering followers looking on and encouraging hig to furthér ef forts, Ald: Frank J. DoWler, of the sixth assembly distriet, who weighs El pounds, devoured gine and one quarter pounds of heefsteak, drank rolls and two plates of potatoes, VeSterday afternoon, in k eating of the College Point. The alderman was de: elared champion :renchman over four: ieen contestants. - ' - Bad Milk Sold in New York. New York, Aug. 30.--Some of Xe York's largest hotels mind expensid restaurants have been sélling at fancy only in cheap grocery storés on the east side. | The: New York milk commission gives the intofmation in a report, to-day, to the health department and says that an - analysis of milk sold : for drinking. purposes at 230 hotels': and restaurants shows that most Hf it was lil only for eooking and manufac turing and some.of 'it. was very bad. * 0 ------ - 'Iron Ove Shipments. Cleveland, Ang, 30, Shipments of iron ore in the current month are ex- pectetl to establish a new high record. A record tonngge of ore will he brought down irom the Lake Superio: disiriet this year, and the total may be in the neighborhood of 30,000,000 tons comparing with the previous high 000 Lone in 1910, 8 amounted fo 32,793,000 tons, and in 1908, a depressed ye 26,014,000 tons. Jersey Ulity pletion as 3 Ottawa, A derst, increa 6 much pr for the sayction dertaké the ing the i were surprised man had died possessed of a fortune which is estimated at $200,000, Mrs. Charles B. Spicer, whose hus architect, has been Flushing, lL. since August 22nd, believes he is in hiding in Brooklyn. Mr, brother, Alfred, who lyn, also disappeared.on August 22nd and has not been heard from since. Fifty of the leading astronomers of the United States are attending annual meeting of and Astrophysical rica in Vitisburgh, Pa. The princi event was the dedication of the A ghany Observatory telescope which is in process of -com: to William Thaw and his son, Wilham Thaw, Jr: WOULD NOT PERMIT C.P.R. TO CUT MEI i ' band, a wealthy missing from his a memonal to learn that for home in Society of and the -- The Government Any Such Proposal fo. Parliament. ug. 30.--Though it is un- oposal of the Ca- la that the padilh Pacific' Rai its capital stock by $60.000, the subject of informnl ¢ the treasury board, no definite decision -has beet arrived at. The general sentient prevails here that the question at issue will not be the increase in tion, as the terms and conditions. The nei of imerease in capitalization pose of meeting the m extensions, ete., is admitted to be Shjotutely Jruitimats: and the [goYvinment has perfect © authority to But if anything in the lon-cutting is proposed a if tipect will be placed upon matter. And here is just where abicctions have come in. Should the company undertake to in: clude in its increase, privileges to its stockholders, there is every that the government will way company many years, ihe Spicer's lives in Brook- the the Astronomical A'me fal le- great capitaliza- de- possibility twill refuse to un- responsibility of sanction- " and in wach a case the application will go to parliament. old urged have become generally approved and aceepted, Mr. Roosdvelt, who was their main opponent, posed Phgrisai cally as their chiefest champion." Regarding the* Standard Ohl contro versy, Mr. Hearst says she will print letters which will not 'particularly please Mr. Roosevelt. -------------- TURKISH-ITALIAN PEACE. f <a Turks. Are to Get Indemnity for Oc. cupation of the Islands. Paris, Aug, 30. --The semi-official Turco-Italian pease negotiations, the Echo de Parig says it learns, are mak ing good progress. It already has berm agreed that the treaty shall not contain either reference to the Italian annexation dectee or to an acknow ledgement of Turkish syzerainty in Tripolitania. Italy further consents, the newspa- per says, Lo concentrate her troops in a 'part of Cyrenaica when the armis- tice has been proelaimed and Italy is to pay a heavy indemnity and evacuate. the islands of the Archipel- ago which she now occupies. CANADIAN 'WON ALL PRIZES to For the British War Office Aero: 2 plane Tests. London, Eng., Aug. 30,--It was an- nounced, to-day, that Capt. Cody, a former Canadian, had won al! the British war office prizes, amounting to eight thousand dollars; for the recent tests of aeroplanes for army parpodes, ; et ee . Resolution of gi ctice. Mallorytown, Aug. 30.--At a meet- ing of the quarterly board of the Es cott circuit of the Methodist church, a resolution of regret at his passing, and "that we place on record our ap- previation of the years of painstaking and successful work of our now de- ceased co-laborer, Edward J. Hollings worth, - as steward,, Sunday -school wotker, and temperance seérefary: and the keen sense of loss with which we face' the future without his counsel and assistance." ; Hats for the Holiday. All the new styles at Campbell Bros.', the style centre for men's hats. + @ ---------- Music 1 Classical, operatic, ila¥, teachers' supplies. Du tons, 30" brn. cen street. : - "Fresh Hayler's sweets." Gibson's, {and then carried off a stack of rifles 1. P. Hanley, agent. tion which should be born to' whether hould -e dangerou ployers, also her the * liability xtend than upations to agricultural employees DETROIT GRAFT CASES HAVE BEEN HALTED Owing to Lack of Funds to Con tinue the Prosecution of > { 1S lover Of 33 Detroit. Mich. * Aug. Prosecu tion Attorney Hugh Sheppard declar ed last might that the investigation of the alleged aldermanic graft and enrollment frauds in Detroit, and also the prosecution of the cases already started. have been halted, temporar ily, at least, because of lack of funds The principal reasdn, he said, is iw cause a member of the board of audi tors has applied for an injutetion to restrain him trom using ¥L5,0900 re cently appropriated. bitrates Gaby Deslys Shocks London. London, Aug. 30-Gaby Deslys took the breath of the audiéhse at the Pal ace Theatre, last night, by a daring performance. After gu wild danee with her athletic American partuer, Harry Pileer, in which she' whirded in almost inconoeivable attitudes, she... disrobed more amasngly. near the limit than was ever before seen in a8 London the atre. It is predicted that the Englisl Anthony Constacks will. interfere with the periormanc Bandits Invade British 'olony. Hong Kong, Aug. 30, British terri lory was invaded by a party of heav ily arnmed Chinese bandits and tarsg ders. Sixty of these desperadoes at. tacked und seized the Wstoms station at Lofun across what is called the New Territory belonging to the Hritish oo lony. They captured, bound and Eng ged two Europeans and some € linese and "5 small sum of ] the collector's off mone from -- lisa: Ho! For Rochester. Take 'steamers North Kitig or Cad- Plan, on Aug. 0th, 3s, op Sept. fat, for Rochester. Tickets good for re. barn gtd] Sept. Ied, only $2.50. Time to visit Bullslo and Niagara Falls are speading some with tha latter's father, J. iss U. Hughes, of Ottawa, Bishop lime Nonvss 1% visiting LANCASTER BILL DEAD. It Win Not be Heard Again Next Session, = Ottawa lieved here caster Aug. 30.~It is firmly be that the ghost of the Lan- hill, will not walk the in the green chamber. [he general feeling is that it has "been laid by the decision of tha council. It ™ stated on good A ri that Mr Lancaster has abandoncd any idea he may bave en- tertained as to the amending of the copstitution ArTIAgs coming gion effectively eto Men's 34.50 waterproof boots, $2.75. Dutton's. ? An unknown mas, thought to be Seotsman, was killed by a train the Lake St. John railway. a on BORN, Ingerside . KENNEDY 354 and 256 PRINCENS STRERY, "Phone 147 tor Ambolanes. = TAKE NOTICE. # A 122 Open Buffet, in oak, practicsls iy mew, for $12; also a $30 rane Bed fof 320, at Turk's. "Phone 7085. NEW HONEY IN THE COMB, +4 EXTRACTED IN GLASS, EXTRACTED IN 10 LB, TINS. EXTRACTED IN 25 LB. TING. EXTRACTED IN 350 LB. TINS. JAS.REDDEN &C0.