' PAGE TWO. HAVE YOUR FURS REMADE AND! REPAIRED DURING SUMMER - Estimates and advice cheerful given. ~ Our summer prices are attractive. Styles and New Rlates free, 1912- 13. now ready. JOHN Mc KAY) THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 BROCK STREET August Sale' A genuine clearing out ~ at less thas cost of 30 -separate Plain and Fancy Parlor Chairs. These are all iu first-class condition. 1 Austrian Large Rocker, Pe .$10.00, 'for $5.50. 1 Silk Parlor Chair, $20 for $10.00. 2 large Missign $11 00. Above were 'slightly used. large, Chairs, $15, for $16 $123 1 Corner Mahogany Chalr, for $10. 8 Parlor Mahogany. Chairs, for $9. 1 Parlor Mahogany 'Chair, $15 for $12. 1 Parlor $9, for 34. 3 Parlor Mahogany Chalrs, $12 for $8.50. 1 Parlor Mahogany Rocker, $8.59,| 'for $6.50. 1 Parlor Mahogany Rocker, $6, for $4. 1 Parlor Mahogany Rocker, $10, for $6.56 1 Sofa. Mahogany, $25, for $15. 1 Sofa. Mahogany, $24, for $15. 1 Sofa, Mahogany, $45, for $20. Veranda Swing Setee, $15, for $10.50, Veranda Chairs, $3.50, for $3. Veranda Settee, $6.50, for $4.75. Rocker Jumbo, $13, for Mahogany Chalr, Veranda © $9.50 Last week special reductions cn all lanes. Catpets, Curtains, Rugs. Draperies Linoleums. Yours, I. F. HARRISON COMPANY "Phone 90. The best shade - manufactured is the VUDOR ° SHADE; made of Linden Wood, simple to op- efate, can be put up in five minntes, Made widths . in all ------------ R MeFAUL'S Secure a Home of Your Own. 'While prices are reasonable. Here is a chance: -- $4,000 wlll buy a detached solid brick dwelling. built two & rooms, attic finished, hot water heating, gas for cook- ing and light, hardw floors. all sanitary improvements, lot §9 x 1686. $700 for a Frame Outage 4 rooms, lot 50 x 100, 28 Pine Street; easy payments. $1200 -- Frame 7-room 49 Charles St. barn, » McCAN N : 82 BROCK ST. om 26th to 3lst INVITATION ACCEPTED PRE Migr 'oF ONTAR 10 WiLt TTEOME-TOMMINGSTON ; With Hon, W. J. Hanna ail Hon Alam Beck to Open Tuberculosis Hospital=-Water "to be Secured From R ockwood, Ur. J . Connell, chairman of 'ilu Kieron tuberculosis hospital board, aud Dr. A. KE, Ross, M.I'.P., returned {hur might, from Toronto, where they were in the i The Kingston doctors had in torviews " with sir James Whit Hon. W. J. Hanna, proviocisi tary; Inspectors Dr. Bmuce - Smith sud - Rogers, and Dn. J. WW. McCul lgugh, chief health officer of Ontario They were cordially received in cave and the intersst of these gentle men in the new hospital in King 'for the care of those afflicted this disease, was obvious It will do =» great" deal for "Essterp Untanko. The request of the' board that pipe constructed from the Rockwood hospital, and water pumped the from for the use of the new hospital was granted. © The bare cost of th pipes and their laying will be born by the board. The problem of the water supply is, therefore, most _sa tislaclorily dleared up and the pipe will be laid by the end of Septemix The invitation extended by the do tors to Sir James Whitney, Hon. W J. Hanna and Hou. Adam Beck, the chairman of the Hydro Electric aom mission; to come to Kingston for the forinal opening of the hospital, about the third week in October, was a coped ' Ia pile ney, every ton, with wo IN MARINE CIRCLES. - Movements of Vessely in and Out of Port," The steamer heyport passed Thurdaday night. The sloop Shibley arrived light, from Emerald, and 1s loading coal at Crawford's wharl, for Amherst Island I'he barge Sherman was towed over to Charlotte by the steamer Rugee, thé steamer Buena Vista cleared for Rideau points, The government hoat Simeoe at the government dryddock, to-day. M.T. vator The tug Hall cleared for Montreal, with three grain laden barges; the steamer Acadian is on the way from kort William, with grain, to discharge. here, and is © dus to arrive on Monday; the tug Bronsor arrived -from Montreal swith two light barges. The government steamer cleared west from Boe whart "ol Kingston Shipbuilding company Friday, The N. T. company barge pluskoka has been Hoated at the dock of the shipbuilding company. Swift's wharf © Steamer Kihgston down and up; taspian, down and up, Rideau Queen down from Ottawa; Bri tanniv, up and down. The M. T. Co's barge went into dry-dock at day morning. The Davis company, is negotiating for the building of two boats, one .a sixtydoot steam tug and the other a 120-foot passenger boat. Neither con tract is closed yet, but the firm ic looking forward to 'an order in the near future, up, on called Co's elev Sime » Lhe on John Gaskin Davis' on Fri ------ SHE WAS PUZZLED. A Lady Who. Visited the Fire Station This Week. A very pompous lady, who was be ing shown the "points of interest' at the fire statron this week, - became (quite puzzled when she noticed a reel ol small hose on one -of the wagons. She askgd the young fireman, who was conducting her through the sta tion, what that was. : "Why, fireman's hose," he réplied Ye could not' restrain his amaze ment when ~ He heard her next re' mark' "Young man, are there any men here whose legs would fit that ¥' ; General William Booth, Great general, alas, his march is done, But all the victories which he has' 'won Wege not on earth, his soldiers have gone down Into the depths of hell and found Poor conquered souls who never heard before, The voice of mercy pleading at door. Frue' benefactor, thus he lives for men And honor crowns him with a dindem That shall endure when kings have paged awdy Ii countless hearts obey iis epitaph' is writ and shall inspire Posterity with the celestial fire, Affliction the great soldier ne'er mayed; And when love's light and friends be gan to fade, The Bight eternal still his soul illumed Till even in the shadow of the tomb, He cheered his vomradis" on whe mourn in truth, > Humanity's first immorial oth. the that gloried to dis friend, vo. 5 Injuréd a Hand. D. A. Townley, Victoria street, of Townley & Home's box inciory, mot with a painful accident on Thursday, when his hand was cut in the ma. chine. He was giving the new ma- chinery a trial run. He will be dev 1 prived of the use of the hand for a whi, but will not be prevented from Bicycle Broken Taken in "in Collision. A messenger from the Royal Mili. tary College and a young boy wolhid- ed on their wheels on King street, ovar the. Whig office, Friday morn The "compact" was only he but the forks--of the pwesenger's whee! were broken off. 7 _ Next Fruit Sale.' Saturday night. plenty peaches, plume, pears, blusherriss, tomatoes, molons, #to., at Carnovsky's. - ------------ ep Trunks and suit cases, cheap, Dat ton's, re > ' interests of the hos-. | Whae Happen TRE PAILY _BRITISH win, PUT UP WHEN PERSONAL MENTION. Movéments of the People--What They are doing and Saying. Mrs. Jheeph Perpeil, left, 'Thursday, for Quel Dr, R. }. Gamtiser, bag Torotieg attending the o Mr. and" Mrs. Francis i. Boston, were in the ait ian John U"Nail ind Howard Rian have l atardqui, | m denham. J. A. Barrett i family, and B. A. Dore, of Of the city on Friday. J.C, My il went tv Toronto day to visit his son, Arsoid, view the exhibition Miss Sadie Hooke, of Whitehall, and Miss dorriss, Mont are visiting Bryant," 63 street - Leg Millan, Earl street, spending a few days in my in tair. He to-morrow, : F Gagnon awa, were san | a tor and X.Y. fesse of al, Mrs. has been | toronto, tak the return. home wiil ivan left for his home nite spending the last with his brothers, William, - of this city. Miss Cassie fox, B.A, Picton, leit wm Thursday for Dauphin, Man., where | she has a 'position as eommercia eacher in the Collegiate Institute at $1,200 a year. Mrs, Edward «treet, and little gre and-daughter, ory, have Jet for two Weeks to her daughter, Mrs. sufialo, N.Y. Mr. and Mis. Edward St. Louis, left for home day alter spending two the former's brother, ouper, Princess Mrs. PD: A, Cunty, ranted by her brotaer, Waferiown, N.Y., tay? after visiting Jdueen street, W. lH. Stewart ta are visiting his parents, Post- naster and Mrs. James, Stewart, Mr. stewart is assistant superintendent of | the Canadian Pacitic ratlway the | apital. ini Matthew and' { shartt, 95 Quednf M visit = Gowan, am Couper, oi! on Wednes weeks with ex-Mayor Daniel streel « i 'tfawa, a torn: § K. Whalcndt, returned home, to- Mrs, G. A. O'Neil, | Fife and Ot- son, i ai TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO," . in - Kingston and Elsewhere in 1587. Judge Price disposed of a locker at division court to-day | Two boilers, 6 x 16, have been built | im by masons fn the employ of Ald Snowden, at. the Wilbur and ron mines, lengthy i made P RItentinry belong - | at the made for | Convicts Schoenes and Kelly sensational escapes from gtaaitug teamyacht .J to the ntentiary, ant of on knots an hour Guards gave chase but the | was nol overtaken. At Oswego convicts dis carded the yacht and off, : | rate Uswigo. tuna the made PREMIER AND MINISTERS Canadian Octobe, to the city Hon. W. J. Hanna, provincial seerciary, and Hon. Adam Beck, chairman of the Hydro-Electric ommissien! about. the third week in Jetober; at the formal openiiig of the tuberculosis hospital, these gentlemen will 'Be invited to address a gathering of the Canadian Club. At a meeting of the exdeutive of the club, this was - decided. Addresses from these ministers should surely constitute a notable programme, @ "red letter" gathering of the organiz ition. : fo Address Cluh Upon the visit Whitney, of Sir James MUST BOIL THE WATER. Brockville Will Act on the Report of Dr. W. T. Connell Recently, Brockville submitted to Dr. W. T. Conuell, of this city, four samples of river water afd one-from a well for amalyeis, and Mis report states that all "were contaminated | with bacteria of intestinal origin. Ae- i ting on this report Dr. J, W. S. ye. | Callough, chief medical health officer of Ontario, has written to Dr. Mae wilay, medical health offices at Brodk- ville, urging the consumers to boil the water for drinking and -domestic parposcs. Troubles of the Barbers. There has been a hitch in the ar- cangements for the: Labor day cele- bration which will probably result in the posiponemend of the barbers' hase ball 'game. They 'were asked to play for a box of cigars, which. they did not feel was a big enough prize for their trouble. Then the harbers had agreed to elose their shops all day and ane of their number refused to stay by the agreement, so the rest of! the barbers decided thag they would stay open in the morning, too, Boy Scouts Tramp Home. The ""bear' Boy Seouts, Thursda, ' patrol of the Gananoque which was in the city on after a tramp Tram 'that | town, left for home om Friday morn- | ing, after an enjoyable Though! on Wednesday might bivouacked "by the wayside,' wore given shelter indoors over Thurs day night. The cold would have been | very trying out in the open, with but a blanket. Two of the scouts return. ed by train. Labor Day Excursions.' To Rochester by steamers North King and Caspian, going Aug. uth, dist, and Sept. lst, and returning till | Sept. 3rd. Round trip only $2.50. J. P. Hanley, agent. Kingston Hares Won: Of 'the Kingston horses which were ! at Cape Vimeent on Thursday prizes | were won by. W. M. Baillie's hore. ! Causette; which took first in the 299; class, and Syka Direct, wl tok serond in the 2.15 class. Fall Term. Kingston Basiness College, head of Queen street, Fommences its fall term on Tuesday, Sepi. fd. Rates madet- ate. Phone Ho. H. F. Metealle, ing) of New Fall Hats. Every good-style at Damphelt ¥ Bros", Kingston's, hat store. At Picton, Augnist § A Ernest Root was fined $100 or theos months in jail for soliifg liquor withou! a lieeuse. "Fresh Hayher's Sweets," Lithuon's, i - 14 ' Herbert J! returned alter a week's fishing at Sy-1 i i a ] fle, apie a . " George | FRIDAY, ACCUSED OF NE SS J POLICE COURT. Said His by Smoking and Roberts Mead) Atfeited in Foils. adie xv Vo mornmy Sas wy fx told. a {eel {NM Ee two i; h frre when he tok ted hi pl 1 anstable the influrnce pt Pe soda," act ot he th ing, re story VY lebrated ~ . acing Wu nald, ivens hi ¢ : 5 leave kivow the ! the co <d he Iw rt y1¢ g | Police particular { unloading belt novel ny dr Ae ent dry 1ther id of be all is included Roberts put to r i he i a great deal, s head. "Smoking ained, cour smok fc that and that .at head," ibt, "the Lw went, of hs labelled allt "and, thought of liquor." up his arg small bottle which and, holding ng magistrate that the Aad to drink he had cis my no dot that he police ws under Following itled a cket, is "cream ip €O i 1 ream soda is iol o clock. ah Bediord {was {const ple by impos onstable Arniel finding Rober under the influence able also had the of citizens thie accused for money. In view of this evi fine ( dt} and of liq nn wha had been Out 108. nee, ib {wenty days. a ma of mn i | I been in! chance ne foe day, Thursday and Wediiebday, Friday and Satarday 6 I'he most docket wo, when with I Aecuse second case on the uniurtunate a fan i well up in, years wig i childyen, the. influence he first time trouble, fhe She declarad touch liquor Sto g unde rr of liquor was sh was that ALL i in rivet hh Yer ag Clayton, Kingston and Ottawa. Steamers Ottawa, every .m. For Clayton, every Tuesday p.m. Jones' Falls 'and return, S0e., every Wednesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. { Button 8, 209 Princess returning James Swilt- & Uo., Agents bon'g Miss This, Ladies' black dloth strect | a1. 635, Watertown and Return, $1. 65 Good going Saturday or Sanday, up to Monday aight. serdinz powders, AUGUST 30, NOVEL PLEA, DRUNKEN- Drink- ing Cream Sodi--Waoman Tipple: mk, ex. | Roberts hip | twang As | had sve wi] Rideau' King and Queen, Noliny, Wn sone ah | 1912. * - Framed Pictures en ee a a Nt att E- ANNOUNCE To the People of Kingston 'Den Pictures .Brass Goods ° Pennants Stationery The formal opening of our new store on Saturday, | August 31st. We have 2 gomplete new stock of Late reprints and other stock pertaining to an up-to-date store. School Goods PHONE 919. AA THE C , COLLEGE BOOK STORE! 160 _& 162 PRINCESS ST. LITTLE DOG A PRISONER! Would Like to Find For Stray-a-way. Owner A little {terrier w a Ihe arsday night. nm the street abd was the tray-away dog, a fine fox t po It was pick a5 & vagrant oCoup i prisoner in the lice { up canine, only {the cells during the pich have the magistrate. | lice anxious httle omebody's pe mind his con at all, and made Constables i are t who d fhe secure to face are Swney in, it The little dog did not [ fimement - in the cells { great friends with and Arm po the very of to the fe as, lout 8 t trong, who great H AY RACK. RUN OVER RY 1{ Young Son of Henry Webber, Prin- cess Street, on Friday. rack, driven « street, being haut dawn the of Henry he ! has had one : Mo Irison sas was taken to the his injuries were It appears that run noon, voung Weber, file fellow, fear of his legs broken. Br d, and young Weber Hotel Deu, wher dressed. the hittle boy home, tor th knocked down and tii of-without Sto} four SiS it wa vile oul ot hs Of street, was on was driven { ping. iE FRIGHTENED NURSES wii av Their Bedroom Windows. {By Some Men | | Friday Som the of the geneval hospital nurs residence received a som op some men mndp their Mo 0s morning when at window about jack 1n | the mowing and the nurses were go | alarmed that the house surgeons wer {called 'and general excitement reigned {for a while. This is not the first that this sort of thing has hap pened anil the threaten wd with gr ity COAL W AGGONS oN JOR, | The scare i Came time offenders i « Wight. ar | Many Citize ns Have _ Oemmenced tu Get In Suply. cool we uh ad representa ther has brought § rush orders for coal," remark to a Whig morning. citizens many cu | . | "The | | ' ja ad dealer on Friday \ large number of have had Live, | { i { | | "Tis very important "The Hat Store." For all men to know, The best Hats are sold By George Mills Co. New Fall Hats It's time for a new Fall Hat and if you want to make sire of getting a Hat that really sails, come to the * Hat Store" » | ) ) ) » 3 ! 1B reward that the {their winter's supply of coal delivered, a great are ne making preparations ther supply pu Coal earis have commenced t showing a sure sign of th ! proaching winter, 7 and number Ww to have AWAY. | move, ap ATHANASIAN CREED. Revision THE | Prayer Book Commiise i Discussed it on Friday., | Nearly mitiee men all the ti the ¢ ne of the ati ommon Prayer, rod hail, th creed SUD-COIn on ana enrich of the sitting up, oh Frida pthe "Xihanatian will be m session until . ing next. ) now mn Was taken a discussion 1 he Tuesday even commen "The Bache for's Baby." i Ome of last year's pronoun ced succefses from the Criterion thea i tre, New York, "The Bachelor's Baby," is to be the attraction at the {Grand on Sept. Ind) when Etienne Cirardot, assisted by seventeen as | socinses, will tender this delightiul offering of Fraffcis © Wilson's. | pies is a wholesome comedy, | sound sentiment, and tells the of a little child, who is thrust into | the bouschold of a bachelor, who | abbors children, The little gu is not sensitive to snubs, so after three facts of complication she finds her | pertinacity in friendliness rewarded by {8 full requital- of her sfiections and a | gracious emthronement | bachelor's home, with the additional child-bating bgabe most The full * of story with the big variety of styles and prices. The leading makes are Tiere HAWES $3.00 Hats, | PICCADILLY 2.50 Hats WAVERLY 2.00 Hats WALDORF" 150 Hats OTHER KINDS 50¢ to an Rak . WATCH OUR WINDOWS! { lar becomes a bepedict and that love has found the way. At the Grand on Lebor Dav, matinee and night. « Tristy's Scott's and Buckley's' Famous hats at Campbell Bros' Miss Mycile 'Barker Foster, Trenton, tand Roy FEdward Davis, Saskatoon, | Sask., wire quietly martied on Wed nesday, August 3th, ig Trenton, by the Rev: W. P. Rogerg.s. : Children's strong school cheap. Dutton 's. Walter Leonard, the eight. year-old (son of Thomas Leonard, West Nussours {was instantly kitled by being kicked fon the henil by a horse he was clas jing through the pasture. | snodak films developed." Gibson' i Nelson Keller; died, Thursday, at jis thome in Stoney Lo MESOME, hear Pelle ville, aged seventy dior veges. He {leaves an aged widow, four daugher Ts (rnd three sons. "Mrs. t'eorge A. Robertson, of Las. Lark, died, Thursday, aged thirty.=ix yéars. A. husband and tive 'small chil. dren survive. weet castor ail," We. Gilson' s Boo ts, 1 Iwill Soon as head of the | | School Bells Be Heard. How about Hosiery for the Children ¢ We pride ourselves on the big range for : Girls and Boys Buster Brown and Hercules Ribbed Hosiery for . Boys, fast black; strong and durable, ail sizes. 26c a pair. Heavy Rom mere Hose for Boys, ex tea value. 30¢ and up. Princess Ribbed Tose for Girls, all sizes, in blak or tan. 25c¢ a pair. Cashmefe Hose . for Girls, Special 25¢ and np C hil lren's Socks, ii all sizes ; also odd sizes, in Plain Black Cotton Wool. Clearing ut 10¢ a pair. Little" Darling = Hose, so warm and nice for the } "little ones, all colors. 2b¢ and 30c. Extra values in Rib bons, Handkerchiefs, ete. Cash har ie etl i NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. I tin NY iin LAVALIERES In Platinum and Gold, set with Diamonds, Amythists and Pearls. Necklets in 14K Gold, with Sprays of Pearls, from $14.00 up, Addl mew, Drops, with Chains, quolse. Peridot) Amythist, To- paz and Pedrls, in 14K Gold, from $10.00 up, LSD, Semple. SMI TH | BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET. in Tur- Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up-to-date. "os " GOURDIER'S EXCLYSIVE FURRIERS Phone 700 REAL ESTATE SPECIALS | 3 Fresh Sweet Peas Asters Gladioli From our own garden | gach da¥ at PURDY'S { {109 BROCK STREET | at A Durham street, barn on together with ) nine building | 16ts can be pur chased for $1,200. dwelling and The dwelling is rented for 1 $96 per year. : ® MULLIN Cor. Johnson all Division Streets. 'Phone 539. "The Busy Real Estate Corner." Fire Insurance. lowers in all arrange- ment for all occasions promptly. . vevwe { ve yyw "A Bkillful Examination OF YOUR EYES At this establishment cannot fail to reveal the real cause of your not seeing well. - And hot to see properly Means yaur eyes need atten tion, As specialists In edrrecting ERRORS of REFRACTION of She" eyes Glasses' proseribed and made by ns will give you ! perfect vigion. 1. S. Rsselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King St. Phone 4019. | | | | | js of collars sawing your nec Cuffed raspltig your wrists? Bhirt bindings pricking like chestnut burrs? . "Tattered Warps and Woofs." Perhaps yout have a scraping acqualntaiice with them? Yes? Then we are not dolsg YOUR LAUNDRY WORK. Let us introduce you 16 dur smooth ways and your ' ae qualntance won't be & scraping one, 'but a welcome, perman- ent, pleasing relation, KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. - Phone 22. La