Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1912, p. 1

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79-NO. 204 ROAD PAVING TENDER ACCEPTED ON CONDITIO Sie That the Company Gran TT THE CORPREY tee Construction THE BOARD 0 D OF WORKS WiLL ACORIT" 3 SiN Fon BLOUK PAVEMENT, And Hopes to Have the Work, Done This Fall--it Will' Open Negotla- tions With Street Rallway pany Regarding Princess Street, "Fhat we accept the tender of Ontario Asphalt Block Paving pany, through J. there ina guarantee, suitable to enginger; the paving ig pe done year.' The above veiolution was passed by Com the Paving of the com- the this "the board of works at a meeting, orl Friday afternoon, which shows that although it is getting quite late in , the season, paving may be done this , Year, : fa wall or This means the paving of five blocks decided. upon, «utreet, from King Bagot strest; = Bagot © street, Clarence to Princess sirest; Brock street, Bagot to . Wellington sticet; Wellizgton street, Clarence to Brock street. The tender of the company is to lay "a two.and a half inch asphal® block pavement, on a four-inch base, for $2.95 a square yard; straight curb and gutter, 47¢,; cirenlar curb and gutter, 550. a. lineal foat; Standard catch NY basin y Wale That if The wor ~ was to be undertaken this fall, no guarantee could be given, but if start- a in tho spring, a guarantee would be given, and bonds to cover the iy might be stated that the price] lor { vement ig twenty-one omits a yard higher-than the amount paid the city for the® pavement . put down lgst summer, the figures last © year $2.74 a square yard. Ald. iott, the chairman, presidedd as formerly Clarence to "eat the meeting and the other membiors were Alds, Harty, Peters nnd all were in faver of al- the contract to be awarded to L providing the Eouer, 'wad lowing 4 it wri The a of paving Princess stroet was also taken te considera. tion, Asd it was decided to open ne gotintions with - the street railway company, to See what arrangements could be made regarding the com. pany's portion of the work. The chair man and the engineer were appointed a committee to wait on. the railway Company' in regard to the matter, . Wood Block Sap tlabioni. A communication was read from E 8. Clements, agent ' for the United States Wood Preserving Co New York, in which it was stated that the company regretied that the eity vould not guaranties to take 60,000 square | , 'yards of the company's two-inch creo wsoted wood Blocks. . inside of twe years, at $1.87 a square yard, be sides offering the company property on the water front, at the same price given the North American, Smelting company, also to guarantee free taxes and railway privileges' "We cannot enter into a contract with you at present," the letter read, "as the Canadian sompany is not vet incorporated, so it will be-usiless ion an oltcer of our somptny to coms to Kingston at peesen Later, if the eit: desires us to 0 our plamt, and if then, we are incorporated there, wo . Would entér into 'a contract, on - basis mentjoned is equal to the {Ode Pre offers. We will have to let the matter stand as it is Canadian eom- , and them tak: In the meantime, it to your advantage'to giv. us an order. for 7.200 yards of pay- which is a small order." 'ng with thes communication, the oun, on motion of Ald. Peters, passed résolution : "We regret, as. a vommitiee, that v ¥ t have been car issue at the pre- sent tise; but matt tos will bw F. Reid, provided | ill cos Al cost He the, oviding everything HON. Li P, Canada's nounees rates. PELLETIER Postmaster-General, who ans» coming redfictions in cab of the Board ta look alcer these cross. ings as seon as possitte, The Canadian Locomotive company wrote, asking for permission lo erect fence at the foot of Wilham Laiten | BI LINGUAL SC flOOLS. Ontario Department of Education to Help Out Teachers. Toronto, Aug. 3l.-In ite efforts fecare compeient teachers for the bag | lish French "echools of the the department of education nduncel that if wili pal the railway fares apd B31 per week towards the hoard of teachers in. training who will tae English Freneh model schoo's at Oitawa, Vankleek Hid, and Sturgeon Falls. At Ottawa the Eng lish oman 'Catholic separate schobils will be used by the department for the pur; ose of ohs rvation by th teachers in training and the bi-lin gusl Roman Fathoiic separate schools provinee figs an ijboth for the pirposes of obs rvation and for practice teaching in traning and for the { model lissans by the mod. | school. At Sandwich, Vankleek Hil, Cathol'e eeoarate both ir teaching. Candidate for model schoo' s by teachers mching ol stafi of - the Sturgeon (Falls and the Englisl' Rovian schools: will be used | obsarvation and practic adwiesion to these must have cefiilicates of having pissed a madi] sehbel - tex am nations or the Breoet dd' Feole mod. le or the Vrevet do Heole Acad migte examinations of Guebee, DEALERS ON Purveyors Object New By-law. Hope, Aug.31. dealers went on st Port Hope, as aredglt, 18 mpik dry,' The dealers, in a published state- MILK ort STRIKE. lope to a ort I'he locul milk ke, yesterday, and street, necessitated by the re-arrange- ment of the tracks. The request will | be granted, provided the work meets | with the 'approval of the engineer. | Thé chairman, who recently made al tfip to purchase the new steam roller | for the city, reported in detail, the] result of his trip which was most satisfactory. The chairman was ac | companied by an expert, and they! sucoveded in vecuring the best possible | roller for the money. 'The roller was purchased fram a Buffalo firm, and reach ere Tuesday on next COMMISSIONER w ALI DO ROBBED Thief Took Wallet From Focket New York Officer, New York, Aug. 31.-- Police Commis | sioner Rhinelander Waldo was robbed | ofl a wallet containing important ol | papers and 'a gonsiderable sam of monty on the subway train between Ninoty-sixth street and Forty secon | street last Tuesday night. In spite of the commissioner's eflorts to keep the | matter scovel, the fact became known | last night. The thief slashed Waldo's browsers | to side be. hie, FE ith a sha removed the wallet ie Suite Li de | tected. Whido was furious when he" discovered his loss. He knew there had "been bold, bad men in the city | years ago, but he did pot suppose there was~one bold enough now to rob the best police commissioner New | York has had this year, . ne Ais pr DIED UNDER CHINESE DOCTOR American Sculptor Was Being Treat | ed for Skin Disease. Seattle, Washington, Aug. 31.--Louis | Potter, thirty-nine years of age, of, Few York, a noted seulptor, died in great agony in an obscure hotel on | ifth avemie, here, after undergomg. en days treatment af the hands ol | a Chinese physician for a skin dis ease which he had been afflicted with | almost since birth. . The exact eatise of Potter's death has not heen determined, although the coroner is convinced that-it was not blood -poisoning™as at. first believed. An autopsy was held, but nothing de finite disgoverel. A chemical analysis of the stomach will be made and the Chinese doctor will be examined to } learn the exact nature of. the treat- ment. - YOUNG MAN MURDERED BY COBDEN FARMER in Front of His Father's Farmhouse. Cobden, Aug. 3l.--Grant Appleby, aged twenty-seven, a student mn at tendance at the Ontario Vetorinary | College, Toronto, who was « ding an vacation with his parents, Mr ok . Appieby, Ross township, county iy two miles from here, wi nm last might in front of his my hotise, being stabbed twice in the heart by 'Wild Pete" Uollins, a farmer of: the district. Collins made his escape and, although posses have been out for hours, no trace of him has yit been found. From what van be learned, dt appears that the nour der was the direct result which occurred last nigh > the village post office. Senator Steiekon Bd Woods, I a quarrel fromt of Milwaukee, Wis, , SLA dis Frisk from aba Mich., says 'ited Seates Senator lsapc Stephen- son. of Wisconsin, was stricken with heart ditease- in the northern woods. 1 train with doctors was int Senator St v a habing § 1p fitty ¥ camp is miles from a telegraph station. Kaiser and Kaiserine at Berlin, ~ , Germany, Aug. 31.-The Ger. and Empress Jatt © Wik | nish milk under the meigibe) Ly rib d RADE... aebdhe > SEVER ed a solution of the ment, announce that they camnot fur- firesent standard as set by the recently passed milk by. law, namely 12.5 per cent. solids, 'o which 4.5 pér cent. shail be Saka fat. They mtimhate that service will {be resumed as woon as the town coun- oil repeals the by-law and:lowers: the standard to twelve per cent. solids, of which three per cent. ser fat. The milk by-law was passed last meeting despite the milkmen's protest: price of milk has been ih Hulk And eight cents in at sthe bottles. THE ROMAN CHURCH T0 FIGHT SOCIALISM New York: Labor Des Demonstration on Sunday Preliminary to Organiz- * ing Workingmen. New. York, Aug. 31. Lung tration 1 to be held in St. 'atriokis cathedr al, to-morrow even- ing to -inaury te he ------t the Ro- eo od rh as "it i the workingm if Cardinal Farloy's health permits he will attend the meeting and - ad- dress it. The Right lev. Mgr. Lavelle will speak on the rights and duties of workingmen and launch what = pur. ports to he an ecclesiastical school {for their education in questions re- lating to capital and labor. It appears "from the - statements made by the promoters that the car |dinal has in mihd: a-éollegk of labor, {and that he has concluded that -the | workingmian should be educated and his miind trained to handle the labor cause intelligently. The cardinal has let it he undérstood that Fé has reach labor problem in A labor dé. this country. About a year ago "a-school of so cint studics' was. opened in this city to train Roman Catholic men to lec ture on socialism. THREE WERE KILLED By a Collision of Two North Bay. North Bay, Aug. 31.--Thomas can, conductor and P. Wallace, man, both of north Bay, and Ellerton inal, of wa, were all killed and several others hurt seriously when a fast freight plunged into a work train, through a misplaced switch, Engineer James asey and ' his fire man jumped, and were Trains a Dun brake saved. Grant Appleby St bi do Peath--Fe-ca A CONF ERENCE In Hope of Ending Tripoli, Berlin, Aug. - 31. Diplomats of al the big European nations, here, to day, are caliing a conferen + of the powers which signed the tn vy of Pertin to see if something cannot he idone-wnder that treaty tq bring Tur key and Italy to an agreement and the War in ioease the disastrous war in Tripoli. - at Becker's Wife Shadowed. Now York, Aug. 31. Becker's wile is Ining constantly shadowed bv de testives;, Mrs, Becker's visite to banke wherein her husband kept much of his money have been recorded, and a er's "hank t. Mrs. Becker win not. be her hu rv the murder trial, but she Gin be cal' tefoes the John ity to tll what she OWS of police Frat conditions. a mes are watching in various foreign poris for the possible arrivale of Rletty Louie," ig, and War rv Horowitz, otherwise kno "Gyp the Blood." ; PE Fog Signal Device. London, Aug. 31.--A sucer ul de- mons'ration has been made tn Liver pool of an investion for the use of ships, particularly in time of fog, to show the direction of 8, such (as those of swens of other ships. The apparatus, which is the invention of , named Hodkinson, con- wares and an indicator. if romi es shall be but-- sharp watch is being kept on Beck. to testify. agawnst | Ubi- ms ued Hodb ian, con. | PITH OF NEWS tol Despatches om Near And Distant Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS lors * FED INTHE POSSIBLE FORM. : ~ i. : The the Whig's Uaily Condensation of i News of the World From Tele- | graph Service and Newspaper Ex Lo hangers. | help uy by 'unusual 'epginecring ems. : - Th: Canadian pe stmaster-genotal early riduction in. cable Welland canal improvements may jw pro irate', The U.I".R. telephones for 1,00 miles of track from ocean {og ocean this will use td soa thing over 18 sing od i i | Bi ih ip Charles C Fond du Wisconsin, years Grafton, of the Fpiscophl diocese, of Friday, aged eighty The dispute between the CPR. and its. stationmasters and telegraphers has been setiled by compromise 'on a ten per cenl. increase in wages, Mrs. Catherine Mussell, formerly of | Niagara Falls, Ont., has started suit in Buffalo for a divorce from her hus- band, Froaderick J. Mussell, of Hamil ton, Ont. : ° : The White Star. liner Olympic has sailed from, Southampton, Eng., with |one of the largest lists of cabin pass- engers ever carried by a trans-Atlan- tie liner. _ Miss Sybil Magkay, a resident of Kincardine, lost her life, Friday, ina Boating accident at Bruce Beach, a summer resort four miles from Kin- cardine, 3 ~ London newspapers insinuate that the dispatch of United States troops to Nicaragua is preliminary: to the annexation of Central® America repub- c. : A wirtual deadlock has been reached in the unofficial peace "conversations" between Italian and Turkish delegates in Switzerland, according to a special despatch to the Paris Matin. An appropriation of 23000000 has ibeenm' made available by the United States government for the preliminary work on the construction eof the fourth lock at the Sault. Rev. Dr. McCrae, of Westminster, - a Presbyterian aa to whom the nominati in East dllifex offered, has declined. to Oy Me honor. Judge Monet, Montreal, anngunoces his intention to-hold public meeting in St. John's, Que., Saturday, in re- gard to Ste. Marie Monnoir difficulty, which he says is not settled yet. Afflicted hy "a mysferious malady which has baffled more than fifty St. Louis physicians who have heen called in consultation, 8S. A. Hendricks, sine ty-five years old; "a farmer, of Van Buren, Mo., is turning black. A resolution asking the governments of Canada and the United States to pass stringent measures regarding the recording of certificates that thorough- bred cattle are fred from tuberculosis, was ar «1 'by the American Veter- inary Medical Association in conven tion at Judianapalis, Ind. Capt. Theodore Carl Lorenz Moller of Toronto, faces an action for $20, 000, ae a result of his alleged failure ! to keep. promises made to Mrs. Vie toria Mulford, a young widow from Buffalo, N.Y.," whom he met while ad- justing compasses on steamers at Port Colborne. fae died, A CHORUS GIRL SHOT 'BY ANGRY HUSBAND She Was in Company With Chicago Broker, in Automobile Near "Toronto. : Hamilton, Aug. 31. who recently finished as' chorus girl with Moulin Rouge company, was Brought te Dr. Hopking' surgery yesterday by 8 man in an automobile, who told tha doctor that the woman had nen shot while riding to Ramilion from Toronto with him. "The man said be was David Gillespie, a steok broker. The woman was wernnded in the left breast. An ex anpvnauon showed that a bullet had strosk her corset steel and heen . de flected upwards. The crrset steel probably saved her life. Miss Cartello said the shooting was aon by her husband, Clarence Aber win, ao ian, who followed. hes Toronto. They were married in ago, but Agnes Cartello an engagement the Ziegfield tA visit the Toronto exhibition with siltexpje she said she received a wire at Terre Haute, Ind, irom her hus band, who said he would kill her. § 1 Gillaypie told her not to worry, and scerompany him. 'Tt wppears that it was in a dark Pine CAT WAS Mach had automobile, wi its hood up. - rapidly and te i 3 detective Lhroughout HRHCFEST { | "whole: neighborhood y trict in the ' Chicago |, KIN GSTON, ONTARIO, SATU RDAY, AUGUST 31, 1912. 'NO WHITE WOMEN FOUND In the Chinese Résorts of the City of Montreal. : Montreal, Aag. 31.--<Upon receipt oi a communication from Rev. De. T. Albert Moore, general secretary of the Socist and Moral Reform depart- ment throughout ~ Canada, through Rev. T. E. Bourke, secretary of the United Methodist Social and Moral Re- form committee of Montreal, to the effect that the employment of white women by Chinese constitutes a grave social and moral menace To the fy try, Chief Detective Uarpenter sent. the of Mentreal, on a quiet investigation of the matier. Detective Gorman vis- ited about a dozen Chinese restaurants and a number of Chinese laundries, but m-none of the places were women employed, and for the most part the only, women found" patronizing the places were escorted. i COBPEN MURDERER ARRESTED. Vound in His Home Praying for Foie glveness. Cobden, Aug. 31 Peter Collins, who stabbed to death his neighbor, Grant Appleby, last night, mto%an uproar, was arrested early this momning = by county constables, without resistance, When the officers approached his home they heard him praymg to God for forgiveness. His statement said he was on his way along the road when the Appleby boys attacked him. He had a knife in his hind, cutting tobacco at the time, and said he had ta use for self-protection. leyben Appleby, the surviving brother, depies this, He says Collius, without provocation, struck his brother in the face. As hoth families 'are well-known, the afiair has caustd tremendous excitement, ERC ERS ~ Warmer in the West. Winnipeg, Aug. <i1.--Rain fell many parts of Manitoba and Saskat chewan night. In Winnipeg dis- a heavy rain fell all might. .. 1 is generally bright and warm, to-day west. In Alberta, there is no frost and things are drying up well. PREMIER BORDEN WINS ENGLAND'S GOODWILL Has Won a Place Among Foremost Empire Builders of our Generation Aug. 31. says : amid good will. last Toronto, te the Star left England gions of ~A special cable Premier Borden has universal expres. He has won a place among the small group of over-| Villa Layrier, | Sir Alfred Deakin and Sir Louis Bo- tha, whaésge visits have "definitely pressed the mother comtry. The Fal Mall Gazette says : im+ "He de- parts for home with*a place amid the ost empire builders of our gen: EThe Westminster | Gazeite declares: "His wisit, we have no sort of doubt, will Prove to have been signal import. to the organization of the em: pire." ef ------ SOLDIER WENT CRAZY, Killed Six and Escaped to the Moun. ! tains. Romanshorn, Frenzie, a Swiss soldier, went sud- denly insane here last evening, seized his rifle and before he retreated to his own house and barricaded himsell in, the killed six persons and eight. Finally he escaped town and is now in the still armed and crazy. Switzerland, Aug. 31 from the mountaips, *( 'ouncil "of War™ H "Londen, Amy. 31.-A war' of the Salvation Army at which seven hundred of the leading foreign and provincial officers met under the presidency of General and Mrs. wel: Booth, was held Congress hall, Clapton The * chief 'purpose of the meeting was to give the new general an oppor tunity of meeting his principal col feagues- in the organization Mise Eva Booth, commander-in-chiel inn America, sent a message savihg that the American ' Saivation Army felt it had in the new general the mah it wanted . On Sunday every Salvation corps in the world is to hold morial service at which the March" will be played. Held. "council of y estorday at Army # me "Dead Shooting at Ottawa. Ottawg, Aug. 31.-The Kingston competitors at the D.R.A. saw an in. teresting 'shoot off, . Saturday morn- ing. The winners of "the governor-gene- ral's match are: Gold medal and $200, Sergt. Guthius, Ottawa, 2nd, silver medal and $150, Lieut. Ander son, Sth 1. K., Quebec; Sell, $100, Lieut- Gibson, 13th Regiment, Hamil: ton, The three were tied at 19% points at the thomsand yards of the match. . For Sale. 4 Spaniski River. Pulp. & Paper Mills first morigage six per cent. sinking Jund bonds. Price at market yielding over six cent. A punservaliva and high-dass investment. For fall parbiculars consult Howard S. Folger, imvestment broker, 44 Clarvnte stiest. Killed in Chicago. * Pelleville, Aug. 31. --Matthew Cook, of Chicago, amd a former, merchant of this city, was killed, yesterday, in Chicago ing to a telegram r- vod here, He was a -commercinl traveller. Thoinas Cook, Kingston, is a brother, Campbell Bros. For the largest stok- of up-to-dete hats in hingston. Shi Several fromtier skirmishes took place between Turks and Greeks. depute sre to Sound 4 tiassiey]. co): ton. Chie and plunged the |. it ¢ a: for Rev. day . | celebrate in : | was inducted wounded | Bram- | Good geiag Sgturday or Sunday, returning up lo Mondey aight : LAST EDITION. WARNING mao 10 MOVE WITHOUT DELAY «of Volcan, -, IT 'WILL BE DESTROYED WITHIN A YEAR IS THE PREDIC. : TION, Evidence of Volcanic Activity is Shown--High Temperature, Sul. phurous Fumes and Hot Springs Believed to 'Spell Disaster. Guadalajara, Mex., Aug. 31.-Warn- ing has been issued to thi, the see. ond city in' tle republic with a- popu- lation of 150,000, that it is to be de- stroyed by a voleano. The warning is given in all serious- ness by the Mexican government thrbugh the seismographic brzach of the national observatory at Mexico Lay Seven scientists who spent the lats ter part of July and the first week of August here, have issued a report fol- lowing the 340 earthquakes which have shaken Guadalajara in the past three months that the town is built on the crater of a slumbering voleano. Increasing temperature, sulphurous fumes escaping from fissures torn in city streets by fhe quakes and the bursting out of several hot spring ri lod to the investigation which showed that 300 feet beneath the surface of the earth there is a secthing crater, whose last eruption was about 1,8000 Years ago he men from the observatory can- not st when the eruption will take place, but. ti believe it will be with in a year. Their report urges that the city ba vacated and they suggest A movemont to Juanacatlan, a town about. forty miles from here on the banks of the Santiago river. X ridge of hills inter- venes and it is stated that the effects of the voleanic upheaval, if it is of the magnitude they expect, will not reach to Juanacatlan. The centre of the crater beneath this city is located ap- proximately under the state' palace, which is in the heart of Guadalajara. Government papers have been remov ed from the palace to Mexico City for safety and a mass hating will be hed here ihe first 8 Fdactde whether the hy Sat the warning and move or wait and ad what hap Pens. 3 Government tificials are a unit In supporting the report. of the men from the" national observatory and the warning for a removal -- contained' therein. This is the first time in history when a city has been warnid of danger from a voleano. ( 'andidaty | Statés { FWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY | - ---- Dr. Ma vray's Induction Into Chalmers, A joint Mosting of the session and ithe board of managers of Chalmerd tn churgh was.held on Fri evening, when it was decided to the twenty-fiith anniversary of the induction into the pastorate of | Chalmers church Dr Macgilliveay on September 13th, 1587, in the old church edifice on Earl street, coming here from Perth, A commitiee was appointed to' make ar rangements for a congregational gath ering on the evening of September 13th, when Dr. Macgillivray will be the guest of his people. He will 4 re turn frém his trip to' England and Scotland' on Monday. Successes at the D.R.A, The two most successful Kingston- tans at the DL. R.A. Ottawa Jast week were "T. M. Agselstine, secretary of the Kingston R. A., and Sergt. W. 1 take, R.C.E. The férmer shot very throughout the meet, but, unfortuna- tely, did not. enter f6r the governor- general's match, which undoubtedly robbed him of his Bisley chances. The +intter haw the honor of being the only Kingstonian in the grand aggregate, and with good luck on Saturday he ought to make the Bisley for 1913. consistently team 70 Loc omotives for 4 C.N.R. Two los No. 2,138 and 2, 139, for the Canadian Northern rail way loft the works on Friday afternoon. The locomotives are of a very heavy type, weighing about 110 tons, without the tank being full ot water, The water tank will hold 6,000 gallons. The locomotives will { be taken up to Winnipeg 3 omotives, local -- ------------. ! For Rochester. : steamers North King or Cas- 30th, 31st, or Sept. lst, for Rochester. Tickets good for re- ' turn until Sept, 3rd, only $2.50. Time oy Their Way | Home. to visit Buflalo and Niagara Falls. Sergt. Robert Neshitt, who has been | Jy P. Hanley, agent. spending the pas t Awo months abroad visiting England, Ireland land, is expected to Kingston early next {ied "by bis two d ' Anderson, who i him. Ho! Take pian, on Aug. Fell From Balloon; n: Killed. Flint Mich., Aug. 31.--A fourteens vear-old boy became entangled in an ascending balloon, then dropped Hn feet, and was killed. and Seot arrive back in week, lers made the accompan and Edward trip with -- ------ Don't Miss This. . black cloth skirts, $1.39, 299 Princess street All the New Styles In fall hats at Campbell Bros'. The: barbers have decidéd to close up their shops and play, the baseball {serving up this week. | | game on Monday morning Men's $34.00 waterproof boots, INOMAN MAKES APPEAL |) 3c TO HAVE LIFE ENDED, 5" Sm on Monday. She Asks New York Legislature to Have Her Temible Sufferings Ended. ; New York, Aug. 31.--Mrs. Sarak £ nn. san Gf Mr Harris, aged vhirty; who bas been a patient for years in the Audubon Sanitarium, completdly paralyzed ex- Savary, in the cept in ber faculties of speech. and} =v of her age . Nbrain, has appealed. to New i : Munday state legislature for a law which will | Ran permit her "hymecians to end her ter of the rible sufferings be death Thus is a moral and legal issue of euthanasia likely to be revived. : ------------ Campers Returnbig Home, The cad weather of the days has been the means of dri many of the campers down home. It is far better for pers $0 be at home during uch. as' the weather Ladies' few | Dutton 's, ving past Lhe river 1 the weather man has been cam $2.75. Lake Ontaria BORN. Saturday and Mra, wk. on ise to Mr g daughter.' DIED. August 30th 1912, Geo and Mr& months Augunt 31 4t, be od wife of hath name and the Lord Blessed be ithe gave AWAY, Lord The Leading Undertaker. Tue 577. 280 Princess Stree OM Firm of Undertakers, 254 und 354 PRINCESS STREET, Phone 147 for Ambulances. American Couple Wedded, A quiet wedding took place at the J parsonage of Sydenham. Street Meth- odist church, on Saturday worning, when Miss Catherine Crary, of Ant- werp, N.Y. fwas 'united in marrige to Haugh S. Bates, of Watertown, N.Y. The cersmony . was performed by Rev, iT. W. Neal.' STOVES AND RANGES, The hest dot we have ever nad: Dressers Brands ne. Reasanahje Phone 7% sled and Beds A ful prices. At Turks. Principal Gordon Returns: Rev. Principal Gordon. of Queen's University, left Kingston three months ago Jior Australia, returned thome on Saplirday afternoon. Wedded on Friday. IN THE COMB. i On Friday afternoon, the marriage ¥ took place of Miss Lena Turner and : a a 3 F Brice, both of thik ety. EXTRACTED IN GLASS, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald officiated. : EXTRACTED IN 10 LB, TINS, EXTRACTED IN 256 LB. TINS, EXTRACTED IN 50 LB. TINS. JAS. REDDEN &(0. tL Buckley Guaranteed Hats, ili the other Isading makes are to " bad in Kingston only at Cam bell Bros; the leaders in men's hats. $1.65, Watertown and Retpra, $1.65 I iia Guadalajar Located on Crater & he ae a ime NEW HONEY kis

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