THE SATURDAY, DAILY ' BRITISH WHIG, "AGE THRE® ? ' MADAM NORMICA And Other Fanious Artists 10 Visi | Fingston. easily {hie Toronto, Ont, Awgvel Sled, Grianwe Valley and 1 pper St, aol, with showers, Rm Lawrence i Told In w he i fair, is most If you have a colt nat acting nien- ly, send him to Kingston Repository "and put him In charge of R. W Smith. who will give him personal attention. R, W. de SYMINGTONS PACKET SOUPS &GRAVIES Get Them. at D. COUPER § ae 76, 341-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery, SMITH, Mgr. ~ Give it Fair Play decide NOW 2UTOS Tomek, decide N the remedy so Ixia for headache, a faira square- Tf there Is any doubt in your mind aso the worth of these tablets or ag their te the wort try them and KNOW the truth. Don't sacrifice your comfort on ace count of prejutlice or skepticism. Try the tablets and know. 2 at dealers > by Robiason & Co. a Cowes Quebec, You will get comfort with your - glasses if you consult KEELEY, Jr. The Optometrist. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. M06 Princess Street. 'Phone 827. T a ------------------ L| | Arrow Brand Our New Hat will win its way. ' We have been appoint- ed the agents for this cele: brated Hat. New York's latest model, # The qualit ty wil merit | ar approval and near ail the features of a Five Dollar Hat are merged | inte this hat for |i: i i AM | sdb. is" NOW Jim, in < Twilight | = RAR - (Continued flom page 2.) Among those noticed st the Yacht Club tea on Weglnerday afternoon were Mra, BR. E. Kent, Mrs. Frank Strang Nes. KE. ¥. Dawson, Mes. ML Ar by, Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. Richard Hobe, Mrs. Murphy (Montreal), Mis." DD. S Hobertson, Mrs. Frederic Browniisld, Misw Martha Smith, Mrs, © Phadip Pridenux, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs Russell Stoart, Mrs. Hansord Hera; Mise Aileen Kogurs and Miss Susie Anglin, There will be a dance at the Yacht Club con Wednesday evening next. . a a Lm ¥. H. Pense anfved from Ot tiwa on Thursday and will epend few days in town. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and family returned home on Friday, from t summer home ut the pont, Me, H. J: Beogarde, of the Stand ard Bank of Canada, Mt, to-day, to spend his holidays wm Picton. Miss Elsie Saunders, who has spending a few weeks with her mo ther," Nira. Herbert Saunders, Alice street, will return to Ottawa on Tees day. heen Mra. Herbert Dawson and little daughter, Gwendolyn, King street, oly on Wednesday for Ottawa to visit Mes. Frederick Birkett. Mra. Montagee Strange, Earl street, is in Toronto, the guest 'SI Kor sis ter, Mry. George Yarker : a8 Dessic Clarke, who is ihe guest of Miss Mary Hora, King street, will return to her homie m St. (a therines on Thursday, 3. Colin Carragher, "Annandale," retmoed, on Friday, from Si. John, I NB, where he has been visiting bis ! geandnwsther, Mrs. Burpee, : ize 'oe Agladios tennis tournatent was rplayed at. the Bouisy Club, on Wed nesday and = Thursday afternoons Those who took part in it 'were : Mrs, AP. Shite, Mrs, AE. Snell, Misse Mabel and Dorothy Frownfield, Miss. es Marie, Dorothy and Kathleen (ar ruthers, Missen Aileen and Rose Nog- ars, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Hilda hent, Miss Heleri Gordon, Miss Mildrell Jones, Miss, Madge Dawson, The Winiate of the tournament weve: Mrs. J. PP. Shine and Miss Mabel Brow y ield. Jobson Tadoussac to- > Miss Lassie Kirkpatriek, street, returned from day. Paul Healy, who ws visiting Misa J. Dwyer, Barrie street, will turn to New York on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Wiliam street, after spending the summer ot Collings Bay, returned home to-dnv. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Nelles have rentid the house on William street, geeupied by Mr. and Mes, Kennath Leland, and they will move into it shout the middle of this month. - » Miss Mollie Teott, of Newhoro, and Miss Rose Itopking, of Watertown, are visiting Mrs, RB. J. Gardner, Bagot , street. Dr. F. Carr-Harris, of Mexico, visiting Mrs. Ueorge Richardson, Uni- versity avenue. Mr, Arthur Bosak, of Vancouver, ar- rived in town on Iriday, and 'will spend 'a few days here. Later on, Mr. Boak will leave for Oxford, Haugland, to attend. college. Mrs. R. +f. MoKelvey and family, Bagot stread, who have been spending the sumtner yoooths at Val Morin, re- turned home on Wednesday. Mrs. T. Benson, King street, return- od home on Monday from Little Metis. i Miss Madge Dawson, William street, 'left on Thursday to spend a fom. days in Toronto. . " Major and Mrs. J. PP. Shihe, Miss Edwards, and Misses Peggy and Molly Shine, who have been spending the sunmmer at Loughbore Lake, re turned home on Monday. : Mrs' Francis Macnee, and [little daughter, Cecil, Ling street, returned hone last week from a visit to Moan- troal and Berthier, Mrs. R. C. Carter, Mrs. Handord Hora and Master Hansord i.e, West street, will leave on Monday to spend a week in Toronto, o . Miss Goldie Clarke, of New York, motored to town on Friday and leit, torday far 'Porouto. While ia town she was the guest of Mrs. William Verk: man, Alfred street. . Miss Kthel Kent, King street, who ie spending a few days in Rochester, will return home on Monday. Miss Harriet Gavdiver, alter spend: ing her summer holidays at Newhoro, returned home on Wednesday. Mr. Willinra Button, Stuart sireet, is Spending a few dmyw at: Redmont, Nn. «enw Mrs. H. Dick left on Thursday for oT amal to spend asmeé time with, a. 'Nota and Waster Fisher, Brock street, are in Toronto alent ing the exhibition. « ~ ¥ Jn" "A. F. McVety and Mrs. Carrie and Mise. Nina Beatty, , Dito, are te of Mrs Si Rime gh By is} imusical move ever made in {is the arrangement to bri ing {rand Upera-House the above fame: a | OPEraLic and comeert stars. Heretofor great artists have © visited Montreal and Ottawa, but through lack" of knowledg: musical importance or for some « reason bave overlooked us years ago Frederic Shipman Melba and it is this (same INpresari who now offers us the above artists bud the same series thai he has placid in New Yoek, Chicago, and 'the larger American and Canadian cities. David Bispham is the Wirst to come to is September 11th id the Right chosen for the greatest American tone, who will be assisted by M. Gilbert, pianist. Madame Lillian Nordica, greatest singer, and the famous dramatic soprano, booked as Lhe second, attraction, on October 25th. The Diva will be assisted bs Rummell, the eminent violinist. and Romayne Zimmons, pianist. And lust. though not least, comes the femal Puderewski, Mary Hallock, who has been aptly styled the Rembrant "A the piano. This last and fine] co noert of the series is billed for Ndvember 25th An important feature of this musi al move is thei special gr nix wade fo subscribers. While the seat" for. énch attraction "if rest separately would 'total 3350, a com: bination series ticket canbe had for %, good for the best seat for all three attractions. All mail orders addressed te Mrs. M. Thompson, 179 Wellington stréet, will receive immediate atten tion. Subscription list is open at 17! Wellington stroet "Phone, 1r24. Torenio ther inti te gave us Harry America's world's most is ost 'Has Nursed f for 45 Years, in connection with the death Lord Lister it is interesting to know that the nurse who assisted The fem ous surgeon with his Jarst antiseptic pron. vs J is will in the Glasgow Royal infirmary. Nurse Bell has meny interesting Nlorvies of the old days when. Prof. Lister was in the mfierm ary, amd the cvowd of students sand dressers, many of them now chiefs who attended tne elses feom 156) to ins, : Nutse Bell has been in the firmary for foriy-five years. She i now. sixty-nine years of age and sh enjoys-good health, though not able to do much. When Lord Lister VRE presented with the freedom of the eity Lof Glasgow four years ago it desire that Nurse Bell should be pres ent at the function ih St. Andress hall. When the memorial service was held in the Whiversity chapel she had a. special invitation to he present Nurging N of Royal in was his Sew a. MRE, ELMER E. BLACK, | The Tirst American woman to be vited to the interoational peace gress, The honor is: due to the ula rkithle work she has done In be the pesce movement. his gresk meets in Geneva in Septembe#® A Vacalion Warning. Bishop Berry, of Buffalo, at a lanch eon at Ocean Grove, condemned th young man who takes a vacation that ix beyond his means. "There is more pain than pleasure asuyway," he said, "in living beyom cne's means. r "A young RBufislo bookkeeper, on a recent visit to New York, thought te impress his New York fricuds by put ting, up- at the Ritz-Cprlton. O courses, he couldnt afford so fashion able an hotel, and he had to econo mize in various ways to make end moet. "Hie happened on one occasion to br taking his evening meal on a bench i the park when a young man and his sister, friends of "hiv, passed in an au tomobile "The Bufialo youth bemt his hea over his sandwich, but the New York er saw him and shonted : ¢ 'Hello, George | Dining out again you gay dog, eh ¥ Power of Insects. If asked to name the. strongest ani mals, most persons begin with th largest, the volephant, and coutinue with oxen, horses, and so forth. This is, of tourse, correct in so far as the total horsepowet is concerned; but for rexl strength, proportioned to the size and" eight of the animal, one musi go to the insect world. Compared parid with the strength of insects, the {sirenzth of almost any large amimal, and man, is tion 10 sive. A man is eoosidered strong can drag a man weighi Jour times as much as hi , hut the beethd will walk with 'five hundred times his own weight. under a woollen yh with five absurdly out of propor: i he times style caps. at Campbelt Wros', the lcentre for men's hats. to -- burr, 1 der the heading of * A er te of the world's volcano either § of our! There neckwear volar, are many variations of craze now. deep on the shoulders, tucker or "modestie' shaped opening in fromt. TOWN CLOCK AS TARGET. Indulge in a Novel W ay of Pas: sing Tie. Strabane (Coe. Tyrome) . Urban Rouncil are offering a reward to 8¢- Who will give gnech infornin-- tion as will lead to the conviction of people who use the dial of the town clock as a target. ' The contractor for repairing the clock states that there are sev. ral bullet holes in the dial looking on the main streét, one bullet having passed clean through the clock. The chairman of thé couneil states that when the tower Was re. moved in which the old elock was fixed it was found that the 'weat her vane was almost eaten away with shot holes. People used to fire at IL to see it turn round, The amise- ment died out, but apparently it had been revived in regard to the . dial of the town clock, "Poultry Rules A great sourey of contagion is the drinking troughs, Remember, if doup shorid make Sffearante in vour poultry house. a place of "tonic" drop a nail nto the drinking trough and allow is 0 romain there. It will supply "he "tincture of irom" required. If you feed whole corn plage it in the uven and parch it occasions and feed smoking hot. The fowls ap precigte it in frosty weather, A hittle linssed or oil mes! given ance a woek in the soft feed wil pro mote laying. This will not eome 'dosing the > 1" itu al un fowls' vith medicind * Do not tarow vour table €craps in a the swill barrel but give them t he 'thickens One of the MA the wan. mao keoving of dry very st ampaortant pont dueks 18 to give ther quarters at night, The Ate Jrone to leg weakness ir oid, damp quarters, Feed vour Re just what they ~Af up ciesn. Fat hens and pullets are not good tavers. The latter is just what want when She oggs are 28. per aozen. Fovla over three years old are nx 8 rule good breeders. "The we unable wo properly fertilize suatly wenk Fone vows sos {or hatching while the 'a oid ame for n fou wil yor or mor a not male th enor ripe are lav: supply CAn._e it yuri fesice vour hens to lav welt Always clean the peer well and pat nn tresh before the hens to sit. silky wirnw METH JK. Look at Your F Why do you wear a harragsed, bled look 7 Are yeu resbly in ble, or are you allowing the worries of hie 1b grind fires in your fack? Take a look at vouwrsd mn the muror and relosm- thal shape your tace imfo the lines of fom- fori and good cheer which it ought to wpar. . Take an honest inventory of your tronbles, and decide whether or. not 1 they 'are really worth advertising in {your countenance. = It may feem a Ditke thing to you whether or mot you wear a smiiing face, but it i# not a litte thing. A serene dook advises the tired god trdve H tron troy little 18, re three oribled men and women whom you meet ale be. it upside down everX other' that there is peace and joy * least one heart. And there ny among them someons who has begun to doubt whether peace or joy exigts at all. 'A merry heart doeth good like a 'medicine. ut % ob to medi esi Erdption of Vesuvius." Tha eruption of Mount Vesuvius is to be 'the jeature nubthber of the fire works me at the CanadBn National exhibition. Bt will bo an ex- ioh of ove of the peric- mast famous 5 Spend Sunday in Watertown. 'Good going Saturday §. a a3 pu Sunday 7.30 a. sand 3 x raring wp to wr: a, EE THE MODISH COLLAR I» AN IMPRESSIVE AEFAIR, This particular style shows a broad, turned-ove: but Shallow collar is attached to a pair-of revers backed by pleated lace 1811s. a collar will be the making of & simple blouse or of shirred lawn or net may be 'the Rosbespierre collar which is (he at back and Tromt, the Such frock and if desired a worn in the deep V and IS NEVER / THE STREAM THAT CROSSED, There's many -a sorrow and pain anow, As we tram? th There" many woe. And the wav But the hardest Is the labor lost In building the 1 ' path of fife - grief and a lasting is toil and strife lond we have © boar and strength Afat is bridge with itoilsome care Der the stream that is never Cross. We Wve 'fretting and morn Lill nicht And the anguish Domre Tha thosny way seems hard to ri dt. And life id" a bitter part. But thar is a buen greater yet, Buen peacéd of soul it bas cost, worry fitom | weighs on the 4 | te re with higher temperature. FR | ESET VEGETA a TEC ERG) GE Tama | E TUESDAY MORNING FROM 9 TO 12 O'CLOCK. 200 Savings Banks every We will give away atthe aforesaid fine (quality nickel banks worth $1.00 with $2.00 purchase. ~~ time, 200 trade store without missing --~-- ------ We unlock this bank and « money, without question if you do Trot wish to but remember "heerf ly refund mama You can saye thf pric ¢ of any article in our it. Shop early---Tuesday AT TEACY'S The Store of Satisfaction PASINESSESTR [TSN CES (TNE) TT READ THIS BOOKLET, "THE HAIR AND TTS CARE." It 1s building a bridge with toil and sweat O'er the stream that is never cross | There's locking for crossings all day, Ana searching along the shore or a bridge or ford along the We shall never travel o'er There's Sghing ior useless vain Aud dreaming of chances l§st- Hut "tie hardedt to bridge with" might and me The stream that is never cro the ¥ way 1 toys In essed. gathew the ro way And tressurn the fragrance rave: Rejoice in the bright and day, a > Refusing to Lorrow enre For sorrow and pain F 'hen som along the Joyous will surely come. And yoyg soul be tired and But don't be bwidging Lo reach Home : the stream ed. gsnd- your that is Yr George 1V, on one occasion casu- ally éntered a private apartment at Windsor Castle, and encountered, somewhat ta his surprise, his valet, who was seated at 'a table loaded with Yiands and eating with great 0'er never cross Lovely * exclaimed the King, "1 was rs fond of scenery. and here i a lovely piece of landscape out before me." The valet tad feebly, but poli ly intimated that he did not under stand the King's allusion to land- cape ahd scenery. "Why," replied the first man in Europe, "do 1 not see beford me a smiling valet with a magnifi- cent gorge?" The valet thereypon rose and re tired, excusing hitfiealf to the King on the ground that. he had turned suddenly "hill' To Preserve Vggs. Eggs packed and treated as lows ¢an be kept three fmonths, and seem and look like fresh eggs. Take & common box, such as is used for packing tinfiag toumiatdes; upon a two-inch layer of fresh, clea oats piace the eggs, large end down, and leave space of at least an inch be: twe.n the eggs, cover with a layer of. oats, and then place another layer of eggs until the box is nearly full; fit with oats, packing the grain in neatly, and' screw on the top; place your box in & pool cellar, and turn JH strictly fresh eggs are usad- ap the turning is attended to as directad few persofis will know them frem fresh 'eggs, and they will certainly be much. superior to lined or pickled eggs. Man W orshipa Something, Man always worships something. Always he sees the infinite shadow- uf fol- indeed, can and must so see it in any finite thing, once tempt him well to fix his eyes thereon. Carlyle. . Special corsets for stobt Spurs Dutton s. "Fresh Huyler's swenls. Gibson's, tone t i valuable aving { Wo rin i At { Canada's gentle phoiogr aphs, of painter, who has ed forth in semething finite, and, dd with concise statements with The Herpicide company have oi how to take care of aml the | tt cont information on the and cultivating want every o a copy their booklet telling nice haar, pins mach he hair r if the present-day suen d women Lo ngs of this littl ful if sad hve Live up te teach bookkt it generation is doubt the next would find a adcd man or lady weaving false "hair 1 80 a8 eas ititul hair 18 ¥ hair or i 18 kept clean and the hair grow } 1 laxurianily. Ti most no ha free from drufi ve natural oklet effectively Newiro's destroys the use of geen -which causes dan GRAND TRUNK'S FINE Toronto Fair it is lewing, standard {pature of Y National Exhibition in routs is the Grand Trunk system hint, located in the Canadian ways building. This exhibit in an ottagonal that lofty through which hight throws out the various features im clear relied against the soft red! and cool green of the prevailing col scheme, The main entry is through of plain white prilars across whick draped Umion Jacks and overhead ngend exhnbii of the Grand Trunk aml Gravd Trunk laciic radways. Direct ly in front is a moded of the Gr Irunk Pacific coast steamships, Prince Rupert. und Prince Lieorge. the centre is a. tasicfal exhibit § ans and grasees from Central wits, varied with seven illustrating phony western hfe Probably the first thing, to catch the | Visitors eye 15 a series of seven oil | paintings from the brush of GG. Horne Russell, the wellknown landetape chosen for is thane the matchless scenic beauties of the Yellowhead Vass route through the Rocky Mountsins, alse conspicuous is an enormous map of the dommmion and the G10. system, twenty iowr fost across by ten feet high, that nearly covers the whole of one wall. Grains and grasses form a. frieze around the walls, while from every. angle the heads of deer and rabbit look from altoves of grain. Desde these . two Imposing royal erowns worked | in grain guard either side of the main ehitrance. Pendant from the eon Lgl dome wre powerfal electric lights Whole exhibit covers 2,400 square feet and i» the largest of its King vet shown in Canadas. Apart irom he gram it is composed of 106 bromide enlargements of photographs scenery throughout the entire system in Beat brown stained frames. The remaining avaiable wall space is Hill re gard to > saben: features of the Lrand Trunk sistem, carried out in silver and gold nttering. Hepresonin- tives of t company are slways on hand to a any questions' that the visitor may. with fo put and a varied supply of Hteratite is plaosd at She public disposal. the A attraction - at lo ex + rail 18 housed | TINGS room to'n dome, a souple we Che the in of Al unmounted different subioet of EXIT | ' Worth | i rv suffused | and | The | showing . Sent Free Upon Request. frees. , druff, the he Ihe beaut Herpicide is the kills the dandruff are many to be viet ad from hai and Hyght, dirt flake Beco hully and Newbro's remedy that for which dnd ! good Yiginal germ, imitations just as origiasat, #1 uy Hy bro's Herpicide and sold by Sil dealers who ail that is el not, satishe in Hie antes Ji VOU Are {be ref Send {eide (5. is gun If wit to do wisi i your money nicted 10¢. in pos Pept. R 1 sample will The Herpi Mich, and sent with the tage to Detroit a nice be hooklet Applications barber lors James B obtained at the and hair dross shops { special agents DATES OF _EALL FAIRS | To be Held at Variots Points Here. abouts, {Alexagdria Arnprior jancrolt Bellevaile | Brockville Centr iH oho . Cobourg Sept | Cornwall . Sept, 5, Delta . tn nt. 2, 28, + Demaore stville Get { Frankford 19, Frankville 206, 27 Harrowsmlith i Kempiville i Kingston Te Lanark Lombardy, ' London (Western Lygdhurst | Maberly .... | Madoe . I Marmora Merriekville | Napanee | Odessa | Ogdendbury | Oshawa ottawa ontral tp arham | Perth . Picton Renfrew Shannonville Stirling Storringion i Toronto ' (Canadian Sept (Addington Co.) Sept. Sept Sept, Sept. LZ, i13 . Sept. 19, in, 11 2, 18 ept. 14 Sept. 6 14 « Sept, Sept. . Sept, © . Nept. Sept, . Sept woship Fair) Oet Sept. 16 to 20 Sept, 8, 10, 11 Lanada) Rept. 5.16 Sept. 19, 20 wi, mept yd Bept. ID, 6 Sept. 18-20 Sept. i4 Sept. 26, 7 sept. 4 National) 2t-Bept,. 9 et. 2. 3 « Sept. 12 Aug. 30, . "od Aug Tweed > Tamworth forethough the alter offer 5 hy A Physical Wreck Suttered Tortures fro from Nervousness. Miss Marguerite Lees, 31 Robert St, Hamilton, Ont, writes: "T° was a wreck, reduced in body, and despond- ent I suffered tortures from Dervous : mess, afid was totally unfitied for work. A friend recommended Hood Sarsa- 1 : 'the time the second bottle was con sumed | knew {that 1 was mending. \ Gradually I grew a. 1 have used Hoots since. | would not be without it on any account, and do most enthy~ siasiically endorse every word in its i cots Sariapartla today, Bia I by od wu Taraawiats everywhere. The value demonstrated offen ta.