. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER J 1912. THE: PATLY SRITISN WHIG, EO I Love You BOAPyL == | | Lk out a hand which shook in spite of her efforts for self control Elierton Fuller took her hand in both of his and fooked hor oter | eagerly, studying éach feature again f and 'aRain. "1 have been rcounting the very] 1 inutes xauy this hour for the Jest] ERT PER CE my struggle to make yo4 love me? | My love tor you has grown from day siX months. Have I won or lost in to day, until it did not seom as if [* aia Tarapts, Out, September 3rd, wiitigwn Valley and | pper Nt. fenver--tlearing: mach (he same paral lre 10 wm fave teow. foot A Dette he Sa Ellerton Fullér lay stretched oui More Soap for Less -M oney--Less Money for More Soap. E---- | LAKE ONTARIO 84 OF. BOAT 0. TE i. CE YEN LAN SARE d ESTERS' EXCURSION, SEPT. 475 AND OTH. ; WINNIFKG, $10.00. One half cent por mile beyond tn Calgary and Edmonton CANADIAN NATIONAL EHIBITION Toronto, : Sept. 4th; Fare, $3.55. Other days until Sept, 7th, Inclusive Fare, $4.90. All tickets good to return "until 'Sept. 10th. . DOMINION EXHIBITION, Ont, Sept. 5th to 16th. so to 16th,' inclusive. Fare $4 t te 10th, 12th aac 13th. 'Tare i in $2. All tickets AAA to return until Sept. 17th. WESTERN FAIR, London, Ont, Sept, 6th to 14th, Sept. 6th to 14th, inclusive, fare 1338.36, except Sept. 10th, 12th snd "13th, the fare is $5.80. All tickets good to return noti Sept. 16th. Vor full particulars. apply to J.P HANLEY, CP' and TA, Corner Johnson and Duiarie Sta WIN¢ ny NT 2 IR. 2 IN CONNECTION WITIT CANADIAN. racic RAILWAY. ON, ° TORONTO Fares from nay follows: August 26th September 4th, 55. " August 28th to September Oth, in. elusive, except August 28th and 4th, $4.90 Retin it ARE 10th, ¥ SINGLE F R DAY | = Soul E FARE AVE. "g , 31 and Sept. | Return limit. Wed;, Sept. 4th. FARM LABORERS EXCURSION Sept. 4th and 6th, at 11.30 a.m, $10.00 to Winnipeg. a 3 ta Unlgary, E inte Points. © Full particulars at K. & P, and C.P.R. ket Office, Outario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Poss. Agent, a 1,000 ISLAN Commencing Tay Buy, 1,000 Islands and Sgnsiugun; Retureing, le leave at hester, N via Bay of uinte, all, Ax. at Picton, Deseronto and Bel) Freight handl reasonable. rane, J. P. HANLEY, Tickat agent. JAY. SWIFT & Co. Freight Ageiits E. E. HORSEY, General Manager, IT Ze 3 I / \ DOMINION WTA ATTY 27AS CANADA + MONTREAL--QUEBEC LIVERPOOL "SAILINGeverySATURDAYVS by the "LAURENTIC AND "MEGANTIC™ Fitnd with § ith every Go-tondatg devies for ar cumfon od "TEUTONIC" & "CANADA" One Class Cabin (AD) $50 and $8) Third class Teh leg "With despatch af Ts, 8. Kirkpatrick, Company' s Office 3, Kip You wili get comfort with your glasses If you consult ' KEELEY, Jr. The Optometrid. Satisfaction guar auteed or money refunded. 24. Princess Street, hone 927 " Leave Ki - "" and "Toronto aif Fo dally at & pm, for] Hharlotts a Tarn, arciving in fotie 10.1 in Toronto -7 telock foilawing "Mornin Of mers lau ve Kin n or Thausan stands, Montreal, Que- e and the Saguenay, 5.30 am. daily. TORONT( EXHIBITION ROUND TRIP FARE, Guing Aug Hh Re tri Tit, For full rp an, J. Po HANLEY, Agent, Z Corner Johuson and hracio Sts H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, GP.A "Toronto. hy Jeol don luctastve Arrow Brand Our New Hat will win its way. 'We have been a ppolit-- ed the agents for this cele- brated Hat. New York's latest model, The quality will merit your Ac and nearly all the features of a Five Dollar Hat are merged into this hat for MOLDING ALL WRCORDS. | MONTREAL. QUEBEC, BRISTOL. 5s. North King 8.55. Caspian 20a steamers eave at 10.15 am. dally for Alexandria m. for Bo in Wis easy chair. The cig be tween his lips had gone out. Acros: his knees the evening paper lay un read, the fire. That morning he' had received notice from the firm that he was to fake charge of the branch house iv San Frapeiseo for a year, and tha: he would have to start west the next j vesk: - bad been dismayed, tor it mesht separation from the girl « whom he bad been devoted for a fong time. In the evening, as soon as poss blé after a hurried dinner, he had eatled upon her, and, finding he: alone, had told her of is love, and had asked her to marry him. She had refused him. When pressedl for her reason she had saic that although she* liked Rim, she did not care for him enough to marry him. "But you must like me an little, or you would never have let me see so much of you in the past year." The anxious question in his voice hurt her. "It is just because I like you so much, and respect you so highly, that I don't want to do you the in- justice of nfarrying you without loving you. Every man has the right to be loved with the mind, body and spirit .of the woman who marries him. You would be de- frauded of that right." "1 am willing t¢ run the risk." "You may be now, bit later on we would both feel the lack of the 1 complete love, and you would be | restless and unhappy." i" "If I were here and could have {this time with you I might make you love me.' | "That 'ia something beyond our | knowledge." | "Will you Tet me write to you | white I am away? That will hel you to remeriber me. All of yom: other friends will be here with you and one of them might win you." She hesitated, then said; "No, 1 don't care to correspond with any man.' on I am to go away and leave you for a whole year without hear- ing from you?" "It would be far better to do that than to raise false hopes." "Make me just one promise be- fore I go. If yon are frec when 1 get back, may 'I have another chance to try sfid win you?" "Why---yes, you nay if you still feel the same then." All the way home he ed by the question, "How can 1 teach her to love me when there are to be so many thousand mile: between us? A year is an eternity and gome other fellow will win her,' "There is nothing to do," he thought saly. "A man can- was haunt- while he stared gloomlily into was across the coutinent, and yet twice eacn aay Cagie a message of ais dove dnd loyalty to her. A wan who eould be so faithful ~legerved to be loved, and she bsgan 0 Worry becauss she could nat love him. This led to her thinking of dim more and more, At last not an hour of the day -passed without something suggesting him . to her thoughts, and he. life seemed full] of him, of his letters, dowers. ; One morning there was no letter. She looked again and again through her mail with tha same result. Thinking that perhaps the maid had been mistaken, she searched through | all the other letters on the table. Nothing! Perhaps it had been delayed and would come by the next post; but | sie was restless and broke an en- sdgement to stay at home all "the morning and listen for the man's whistle,» : "When the afternoon neither letter ner violets, she was iiHed with anxiety, She forced her- | ,3elf to go' through dinner, but told 'he r mother that she would not go to aclie, "Your thee ks dre unusually red, my dear," raid her mother. "You must have taken cold, feverish. You had better take a hot lemonade and go to sleep early." "1 could not. sleep. I will down and read in the library." About half past nine the bell 'amg, and the maid brought up a ard. "I told him you were ill, and might not be able to see him," ite . she said. Dorothy glanced at the card. It ~as familiar enough, "Mr. Fuller." The blood rushed oveg her (age. 'Say that 1 will be down at once. She held on to -the banister for support, and slowly stepped down 'rom stair to stair, for she trembled so that she feared she "would fall. "Good evening," she said, putting and 'of his |; post- |. brought ! the operg.as she had a severe head- | 4 for you art | maTam, { Ellerton | ent' Dorothy, tell me, do you, can | you love me as I do youd?" The girl did not answer nor 100k dp, but sewething in her downward face and embling figure told him the truth,' and "as with reverent hands he lifted her face kiss, ho said, "Thauk God many ways of saying 'I love. you,'" o Susibury Notes, - Sunbury, Aug, i The Ladies' Society of the oo sbyterinn mel on Thutsday lust, at the of the vice -president, Mrs, Webb, where ghey 2k right entertained. Rev. W. Reade, St. John's Fen i ou oot pied the "pulpit | of the Preshyterian church," Sunday, Aug, 25th, of the augmentation fund. sheridan « and bride have fdrom their wedding tour, | taken ap residence in the parsonage at Battersen. The lawn social. held in UC, W. Langwith's grove, Thursday ening, was well attended. Visitors : | Miss Bissett, of Mary field, Sask: at F'Mise E. Cochrane's ~ Robinsa n, To t ronto, at B, Kell's; Miss Lillie Sharpe, } hingaton, at her brother's, J. A. {$b arpe's; Miss' Me all, Kingston, at LC W. Langwith's; George Scott and {wife Gananoque, at Henry Lynn's; Kingston, is the guest Aud church hom royall Rev. returned and, havo | Miss Ashley, fot Miss Rosa Webh. | tn i Junetown Jovings, Junetown, Aug. 30.--B. T. Athens, is glest of W. i Threshing bas beguu, A. niers dnd Charles Andress w | xcursion fo the west, Mrs i Taylor is spending a few weeks her "niece, Mrs. -F. Mchague, | bush. Mry. Lane has retorned from | & vigit tg , Yo brother near Napano Me. and M¥s. W. H. Franklin attended { the harvest dinner at Rockport on Fuosday last." Miss S. Williams and | Miss Arvilla Avery are guests at J } Wiliams' Ballycanoe. " Alvia Avery's w housa is nearing completion Le flan Warten has returned from Bre lle hospital quite recovered. Mrs M Summers, Lansdowne, is visiting at . KE. Summers'. Miss May Hollister, rockville, the guest of Miss "ula Tenmant, Mrs. Ferguson, Crys- tal City Man, visited at Morns ke guson's last weck. Mol ihie, Franklin. Sum. ent on thy MH. J with Cire is | } a former traveller for Pelleville, shirt been arrested in The al spring Horton, Thompson, manufacturer, has Foronto charged swith fraud oceurred in the Thompson. Perey Nilas | 1 Vleged offence {he complainant is Me. fmself on a woman whe ant him, and even letters . to me." I The whole world was wrong; the' waman he loved refused "him: he muet leave his friends and go among strangers for a year. Even his cigar failed to bring comfort to him. With a sigh he picked up the vhaper. "Weil, I will Keep busy; that + will help a little," he thought. He glanced listlessly over the pages. A-short paragraph at the end of a column caught his eyes. The words "I Lov Yqu" were the title, The article said that a writer had compiled a book telling how to say "I love you," in évery language known to men. He read it a second time. An inspiration came to him, and 'he cried, "the very thing." The next morning when Dorothy Robarts cass down to breakfast she « found a letter beside her plate. § There was just .one sheet of paper, 'and in the middle was written, U1 love you" y "Faithfully yours, "ELLERTON FULLER." She studied it -with a puzzled frown.* "What an odd "thing for him to do," she thought. She put the letter fate her. desk, and in the Burry of the day forgot it. A box of violets cams late tha afternoon. The card on the top read; "Mr. Ellerton Fuller." "Faithfulness." Being a true woman, she was pleased with the gift, and the plea- sure did not fade until the ' next morning; when she found beside her plate a letter in the same fine hand- writing. All it contained was: : "Je t'stuie. J "Faithfully yours, . "BLLERTON FULLER." "Well of all the silly croatures,", he do next?" g in the afternoon the vidiets came with the one word, "faithfulness" onl his card. Day after day it was the same. Each mofning the letter was at her , but she words 1 love you" 'in "a different languiige Each the flowers came. wi Ph at first ey. thin then really angry. nally a rial ite ote Maki she thought, "what absurd thing will tute people, c breakfast favo 3) sensible people. that ITHSTANDING THE ABUSE of coffee by the cereal saibsti- procured. PACKED IN ONE' AND TWO . POUND CANS . ONLY offee is still" the rite of millions of Seal Brand is the finest coffes can be a SANBORN MONTREAL could wait to get across the coftin- J) EB for his for the in behalk Mr Hone NEW ARRIVALS #4 "STEACY" STORE Everyday brings to this | | 1 1 | | store now goods from | B ! all parts of the 'world. To- day v we have placed in stock a large con. signment of all that is ° new and stylish in New Suitings . ; New Dress Gdods New Velvets New Trimmings New Corsets and Gloves New Tailored ' Suits New Long Coats New Knitted Goods, Etc. ci] Yq AA AN nt E verything tt. is reli: a lo you can got at the Store of Satisfaction, Prices Always Right. AA tA AO 0 AANA, MN PN Ai | me The Store of Satisfaction We have large guautities of PIG LEAD - and - SHEET LEAD cots METAL Gnu in stock. TORONTO Eee DAVIS" trouble on T iH E you will not t satisfaction hefore leaving our shops We have geveral ond-hand Engines Aeliy ery, Leave your order now CAL INon Us When yon require Hatterles, gnetos, And all Motor Uoat Accessories, Repairs receive our pram attention, DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. Phone 420. T Engine and you perfe "GE Gasolene gure toxive tested ge i The tao : have any Ever giné is ¥ are roughly a Ket on stock for mms. diate Collis, Carburators fa F YOU want your new gown to fit "and look well, first get one of the new Cc ala Grace Corsets. There are so many models to choose from --each designed for a particular type of figure --that no woman need sacrifice comfort for fashion, if she is particular to get the model intended for her. CORSETS are thor: popula thi ever this yess: boat bosothit Gonet 50 8 eealy 1 preserves ot youthful lines now so