+ Ad € f -- | ~scHOOL OPENING COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE TEXT BOOKS The Scholars of the Collegiate Institute, Public and Separate Schoo s will find our Stock of School Books and Supplies very complete and containing all the new and authorized books, includ- LITERATURE, MATHEMATICS, FRENCH, ISTRY, COMPOSITION, BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, AND PI Toy READING, * "e Serious Business. syoniling morey 1s a serious business--Just as important as. earning it. A ; . The ciréus clown gives his funny fun, We give you our sober at ay. We have just placed in stock a shipment of Scotch . and Blue Worsteds which are splendid values. and not at gor d A on. Come and sce them.. Our store and our services are at your disposal, MERCHANT "THOS. LAMBERT, TAILOR WANTED { want the most competent Real Estate and Farm Land Man. or Company. as my Represertative for a Western, Townsile and | Farm Land proposition -thdt iv. absolutely Claes "A. Big development in railroad and manufacturing to be 'carried 9:10, fhe sorigl WRITE VOR OETAILS. C..A MORRIS "210 PORTAGE AVE, WINNIPEG, MAN, t We are practfesl tsilors, and know how to buy and.) 191 Princess St. Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. ' 44x LWAYS adakesure vou are well supplied with Eddy's . matches because " If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." DDY'S 'matches are always full M.M. count--good + dealers everywhere kuep them : { The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited | una 2 gr oe - Athe country will be flooded with labor "THAT GLITTERS That Is what some peofile think ho For sale af Mahood's drug store, restores every nerve in the body tension ; rei ed Pr apt a u ROW MAR "Price . or Bed Sa ag Se about our arguments on the gan ost PBctatse looks #o bright. at in favor. of . The main - Cooking On ia that there '4s ne waste whatever. . ° You st what you use. Pe rors te oiprE Tost start- ing the fire. and your cost ceases the moment the work ig done. ' At "furnished hot water at a fomant's notice, and the cost is trifling. nl . 'Why not give it a trial, or ~'phone 197. and give us a cl to talk it over. Light, Heat, over, Water, Dep. . " " Hood Ta 2 ay - rr " [cable from Vaocouver to Australia is THE : m-- PRINCIPAL GORDON GIVES THF WHIG HIS IMPRESSIONS Of That Far Away British Country-- There Should be a Freer Ex and Australis. Rev. Principal Gordon, after a delight- ful trip, has returned from--Australia and is already plunged into his papers and busy with the problems which ge band in hand with the opening of the university session. The trip has giver him just what he sought--a- complet¢ rest. The isolation of the three weeks' trip from Vancouver to Australia was a splendid chance to get away from busi: ness and correspondence. Principal Gordon visited mainly New Zealand, New South Wales and Dueens- land. In conversation with the Whig be gave some interesting observations of his trip. "In referring to the educational [sonditions, Principal Gordon said they were much the same as ours, although he thought not superior. Sydney is the largest city -in 'Australia and they have a splendid university there. They deal with nnuch the same lines. of educatior ------------------------------ * - » . - REV. PRINCIPAL GORDON. as we and in much the same way. One feature, he said, struck him quite forci bly in their systenh, of public school work: It is very much like oursin every way but one. They devote a large space on their programme' to the study of scriptures, Australia' was noted for a long time for its lack of biblical instruc. tion and public "opinion was against it. It-experimentcd quite freely in this line, ind it is interesting to note that as a result of these experiments the Aus- tralians have come to recognize the need of more attention to, the moral .and spiritual welfare of the community, The country, as regards politics, is very much ufider the influence of labor, the government of the commonwealth id of several provinces being inthe hands of the labor party. Government ownership of public utilities is quite the order of the country and as this seems to indicate many members of the labot party lean towards socialism. , The gen- etal tendency of the labor government has been to increase the comfort of the working man and prevent control of monopolies. An evil effect of this, how: ever, has been the discouragement of immigration 'which comes of a fear that to the detriment of the labor, unions. In aking of the naval policy of Australia, Principal Gordon said that they gave assistance to the motherland in the form of ships. They' make no pretence at a navy of their own, but the ships they contribute are usually left to guard their own shores. They' are strongly imperialistic and recognize the necessity of assisting the British fleet. The great fact with regard to them is that they are ready at anyjtime to do their utmost in imperial defence. Public sentiment there is mote mited: ly English than with us, This is no doubt. due to our vigorous immigration policy, -The people of 'all countries flooding Canada give us a very cosmo- politan population and the strangers need to be nationalized, The remedy for this . condition, Principal Gordon be- lieves, is the public school wherg the children are taught one language and imbued with one sentiment and it is all Canadian While in Avstralia Principal Gordon met quite a number "of Queen's men who showed him no little kindness. Among these he mentioged Dr. Norman Grant, of Auckland, New Zealand: Dr. Matheson, of Sydney, New. South Wales; Hom. 'Dr. Taylor, of Brishane, P. Thompson, of Brisbane, honorary secretary of the Royal Ledgraphical So: ciety of Australia. With the doctor, uboard the ship going out was also a Queen's' man, Dr. Cohen. Y In speaking of the Australian press, Principal Gordon said that it, as in Can- ada, is careful to publish news from the mother country, but they get little news from Canada. It is extremely desirable that we should become better acquainted with vgr Australian cousins, and a news exchange would arehtly "asot to this etid. It seems quite reasonable, as the Subsidized hy both governmemts. This cable is idle Tor a geod portion of every twenty-four hdars nd it ought to be possible at small ¢ se to have a daily ic service for the general nse is one of the first essenti , change of News Between Camads | 'tension of His kingdom. Draw and the famous geographer, Dr. James' of the press of both countries. Mutual' {from the intestines and DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3 1912. ada in machivery and implements. Principal Gordon spoke very favorably sf a reciprocity agreement betwéen the two countries, which is now under con- sideration. : Stree mee THE LATE MRS. SAVARY. Bishop of Fredékicton Made Feeling Reference to Her Death. At St. James' chuech, on Sunday morning, Right Rev. the Bishop of Fredericton, N.B., made a feeling re ferency to the death of Mrs. Savary, 'wile of the vicar of the church, whose death-'oceurred very suddenly om Sa: turday momning, and brought sadness to members of the congregation, by whom she was loved. "I have been speaking to you this morning under a shadow of sadness," said the bishop. "The life of 2a: who was ever dear to you has passed awzy, and some of you are asking the question, Why? You are won dering why it should be 0, but thers mw 8 reason. God doés not do 'any thing without a meason and his rea 'son is always love. You must nct judge God's character by His con- duet, but Judge His conduct by His © "God has opened a mimsiry for you; Cod wants you to work with Him for the one great aim--the = close - See our Tickle EW _ASCOTS Mo : "FOR MEN New Buttons and. Blucherss in Tans » ? Patents, Gun Metals e Newest. to ydur pastor and work with him, give him your sympathy and help." Funerai on Monday. [ The funeral service for the late Mrs. T. W- Savary was said in Si1¥ S F IR James' church, on Monday after- non, the building being filled with citizens and friends of ths deceased wife of the vicar of the parish. The mr Lord Bishops of Montreal and Fredericton, Farthing "and Rich- ardson respectively, with Dean Bid- well, conducted the service and th: choir was in attendance. "Nearer, My God to Thee," was oee of tho hymns sung. The mourners were the deceased husband, Rev. T. W, Bavary, E. Neve, of «+ Westmdunt, Montreal, uncle of Mrs. Savary, and - Arch- Simple Remedy Strength and Beauty to the | Hair. { You don't have.to have gray hair or faded hair if you don't want to. Why lopk old 'or usattractive? If your hair is gray or faded, you can change it ceasily, quickly and effectively by using" Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur deacon Macmorine, rector of the Hair Remedy. Apply a little fo. parish. The members of the advis- hifght, and in ihe morning you wi ory board of the church were the be agreeably surprised at the results "pall bearers, mamely: Francis King, fronf a single application. The 8ray J. R. Forrister, W. H. Dalby, J. K. hairs will be less conspicuous, and Carrol, W. J. C. Allen,<J. °C. Smith. after a few more' applications will Fhe honorary bearers were Freder- pe restored to natural color. ick Welch H. H. Taylor, W. Dean, Wyeth"s Sage 'and Sulphur also D. A. Ray, J. W. Murray, H. Sharpe quickly removes dandruff. leaves G.- E. Hague, and W. Hamilton. The the scalp clean and healt amd remains * were laid in the vault at promotes the growth of the. haif_ It * Cataraqui cemétery. is a clean, wholesomel dressing ------ which may be used at any \time with perfect safety. ] Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist to-day, ard see how quick ly it will restore the youthful color and beauty of your hair and forever end the nasty dandruff, hot, itchy scalp and falling hair, All druggist sell it under: guarantee that the money will be refunded if you ate not satisfied after fair trial. Agen: G. W. Mahood. THO BISHOPS PREACHED IN A Gives . Color, Insure Your Rentals, | Are your rentals- insured? .It fs surprising how many property .own- ers lose thelr<nefit fmeome through fires and- have no protection. Ask an agent of the Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe about insuring your rental That company makes specialty of this class of insurance and it is a first class company to ve insured in any way. Get a policy from this company covering yow rentals as well as your building and sleep" cotbfortably. " Agents, Strange & Strange. . AT SUNDAY SERVICES ANGLICAN CHURCHES. Bishop of Fredericton Spoke on Spiritual Despondency----Bishop of Montreal's Theme Was "Putting on Christ." The 'Right Reverend Dr. Richardson, dishop of Fredericton, N.B., preached itt St. James' church, on Sunday morn ing, and delivered a most impressive ser mon. He Jwelt on the . question of 'spiritual despondency and of the * {times of depression which came to people--when their hearts were filled with despair, and they would ask the Randolph Hotel Changes. ™ J. 8. Randolph, owner of the Kan i dolph Hotel, has decided to make ex- tepsive improvemends to his hostelry, now conducted by James Spence. File flooring will 'be laid in the rotunda, the wine-room will be enlarged, ad-| ditional baths will be added, and a! number of small structural changes: wil be made, so that the hotel will be a credit to the owner and to the propifetor. Ten thousand dollary will White. Swan Yeast Cakes' Record. Thousands of White Swan Yeast Cakes have . been sold in Cassda without a single complaint. Can the same be sald about other brands?! Sold in packages of § cakes for Hc. Send for free sample. White Swan Spices & Cereals. Limited, Forouta, Ofit. i Stoner Np 1 Lake Ontario Park. i Lake Ontario Park closed Monday | wight. High-class vaudeville and singing was presented nightly during | the season, which was greatly appre | ciated by the public. The manage | ment had to contend with a great deal of bad weather during August yet the results have exceeded thei | LS i ONLY "CASCARETS" IF CONSTIPATED Salts, Calomel and Cathartic Pills are Vivlent--They Act on Bowels as Pepper Acts in Nostrils. BISHOP RICHARDSON, Take a Cascaret to-pight and tho-| : roughly cleanse your liver, stomach! gnestion as to whethen the religions life and. bowels, and you will surely. fee! was worth while, and whether it reall: great by morning. You men amd did 'mean anything. In spite of the women who have headache, comted faith some had they would see shadows tongue, can't sleep. are bilious, ner |instead of the sunshine ? vous and upset, bothered with a sick The hishoff pointed ont in an interest: y, disordered stomach, or Rave ing manner, how temperament wis born k¥che and feel all worn out. in a person, bat it was not so with - Are you keeping your - bowels charicter. "A person made his own clean with Cascarets--or - merc!s|character: it was the product of person forcing a why © every few !ality. When one would see these sha wo J iects ERN $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 r, Lucky Dog, Village Sandal Lasts S ETHY'S By the Pint or Quart SAKELL'S Neat to Opera House :<Phone 540° Our Big" Midsummer Sale Now On The latest An Gum Wood and Solid Mahogany PINING-ROOM FURNITURE; Also Kyonyr Gum Wood BEDROOM SETTS On exhibition on our floors. SPECIALS: Three-piece. Raw Silk = Sold Ma. hogany Parlor Setts only $45 JAMESREID'S The Leading Undertaker. Wearing artificial hair is a.harm- less deceit bf whieh many indies are guilty. These 'women are all ob- for sympathy rather thas eriticlant. Early neglect in the care of the scalp has caused the loss of so much hair that their personal appearance is sadly marred. To correct this de fect they resort to artificial hair " Most ladies would resent any im putation of personal care essnesy and neglect. And yet very many women permit their nat al halr te become so dull. briftle and luiteriess that it looks no better than - the artificial. 8 All this is as unl. rtunate .as it fs unnecessary. Hair that is unsigdi- ly or thin may usually be attributed to the malevolent activity: of the dandruff germ. This vicious germ burrows down into the hair follicle, shorfly destroying its iife. The haly which Christ came to earth and took but iso the divine fife. By the unit of life, the preacher said, "You and [ in Christ are united with God, ond you and [in Christ are united with each other? Fhe Church {3 the badly of Christ, and we are passagewd: days with salts, ca Pills. or dows when they should sée sanshine, it castor oil? This is Important. was due to their temperament, and they | Cascarets immediately cleanse aLdiwere not responsible for it, Rein regulate the stomach, remove the| The text chosen for the sefmon was Psalms L&W LIE 11: "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disqmieted within me; Bope thou in God: for T shall vet praise him who is the matter and polsor bowels. health Of my countenance, in and "my Sy- will strali » & Cascaret to-night - tem you out by morning box from your druggiss eins hesothy bowel action; a clear J and cheerfulness . for months God." Bishop Farthing in. 8t. George's, The Right Rév. De. Farthing. Lord Bishop of Montreal, in St Hoeorge's cathedral, on Sunday morning in the pulpit from which « many of his forceful sermons were delivered when earnestly impressed spon his rers puting. Christ," "sharmg his fife. clear conception of what ans. The text was from : "For as many of you nto Christ have haptized and share his life, which is the essence of our churchmansihip. In) sharing that life, we. must realize that Jere is the power within that can break ull sins, If you have a colt not acting nies ly, send him to Kingston Repository and put him in charge of R. W. Smith. who will give him personal attention. R, W. SMITH, Mgr. Kingsipn tlimited) College Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty sixth year, Fall ¢ begins August 50th. ourses in Bookkesping, Shorthand, Tele. fraphy;<Civil Service and Eage sh. Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway cer. Jorations in Canada, Enter an "Hime, Call or write Jot informa. et & tion. H. » calle, Principal. ingston, Canada. ee F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Roses. Carnations, Sweet Peas, and all other seasonable Flowers. A sholce variety of Ferns. Palms, ete. Wedding Bouquets, Floral Sprays and: Funeral Designs a Speciality. "Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories 38% ee, 1313. Fhone 17° 25 USE NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE IN TIME AND YOU WON'T NEED ANY FALSE HAR becomes dead, loose and fivally drops out. . There is a remedy sold by all druggists, the Intelligent use: of which will kill the dandruff germ It 'also cleanses the scalp of sil wee cumiulations - afd. makes the har shine. with the Juste of "HY sud beauty: That remedy Is-Newhro's Herpl- cide, the Original Dandruff Germ Destroyer. Jas. B. T. 'Best. special agents Applications may be obiatued at the best barber shops and = hair dressing parlors The Herpicide Co., Dept. R., Da- troit, Mieh., will send a nice sample and booklet 10 any auaress upon re- ceipt of 10c tn postage or silver Newbro's Herpjeide in 50¢ and 81 00 sizes Ia aj by all dealers ho guarantee it {o do all that Is (claimed. I you are not satisfied {your money will be refunded. ---- Same Here. Biratford Beacon professes Xo have discovered that cost of living is a livtle lower (han was a year ago. This may be so, ge nernily speaking, but the inguwiry ex tended to the housewives of Strats ford it is not at all likely that would confirms the statement. SANK KINGSTO 4 Mcleod and Eo The "dominion department of labo i