x 200 YEAR 70-NO. \. SSURANCE 1S GIVEN 1 Bp That Thirty Houses Wil Be Built This Fall. CONTRACT VOR OVER 100 Locomorives. One Citizen Has Guaranteed to Fie 3 Ten Workingmen's Houses H sell. This Year--Money Other Twenty Is in Sight. The Whig learns from a member of the fommittee appointed on Monday evening al the board of trade mogting to canvass the citizens for the ne velsary capital tor erent workingmen houses, that the work of those gen von Tuesday had been quite suc. ousslul,- Although a definite an Rounwmert vould not bo made, the erection 'of the thirty houses this faf} is practically assured, The bhoatd of trade is, therefor, in a position to give the locomotive company a favorable answer to J request for ) for its men, ARd that com pany will close its contracts, which it was previously unable to do. The mechanics necessary to increase the working force 'at the works will he properly housed in the city,' - committee was assured by one citizen, with his guarantee, that he would be responsible for the erection of ten of these houses on « site in the uppef end of the city. With the 510,000 stock subscrit by the incor putatots of the Kingston WRoalties Amited, and the 'amount subscribed by citigms at the meeting on Mon day gas committee commen ood its "routs" with nearly $20,000 whack Sltandy subveribed, - Plans have been prepared for. th, houses to be Bash 1 although the siti has not been quite settled. They an not to be cottages, but double hous os of convenient size, for ths ac vommodation of mechanics earning from $3 to $4 a day, and will pro- duce n rental bf from between $12 1. $14 a month. The laboring men' an not in a pomtion to pay thi mat, will be accommodated in cof tages and rows of Houses, sufficient! ' meet their needs and thos he ob the present tims Gon fronts a most problem i this matter, he a te has hee wll lnunched. With' the ercction o these homes this fall the loeomotiv: company accepts contracts providing work and wages of an amount a waver before in' the history of (h works. 'The contracts on hand ef for double She number of locomotive: tr be turned out in the neXt eleven months, as never ore in a year bly over a hundred, wards of 100 smaller houses must Built 'to moot the need of nccommods- tion of men in the locomotive. and gthet- growing. manulactucing play in the sity. 2% fhe subscription lst is open. 1 subsoribing the citizens am helpiae to provide a erying need at We {ime Wn the city, as well "ax investing in = project with assured comforiahile dividends, It was learned later in the that although the total amount of capital for the houses had not bean subscribed, different citheens had guar. anteed to comply with the request of the committes of the board of teade and brect: houses along similar plans as the locomotive company aka for. The svadicate hold another meeting this afternoon a day ~~ NON-GOVERNMENTAL Cardinal Principe in the New Bank Act--Hon. Mr. White's Intention, Ottawa, Sept. 4. The cardinal featur: of the new bank act to be introduced at the coming session of parliament bs Hon, W. % White, minister of finance, will; according to the minister's present _ intention, be a provision for outside but noti-governmental hapk inspection, in Ie 20 the present regular fuspection by the hanks' own inspectors, The i510 compel each I bank in Capada to have an indepentdest inspection. of its bratches and head ¢ by : ¢ ab régelar i d authorized dt ah for tiny i oe | Morman daughters : tod rat f = 4 OCOMOTIVE COMPANY WAS ALMOST DROWNED. A Toronto Mau Taken in Charge the Police, . Fridberick Herkimer, a 1 ogonto young man, had a very narrow es cape, rom being drowned, at Swift's wharf, on Tuesday, and wad gathered gn by the police, on a charge of drankenness. However, he was saved tba troulde of appearing in pofice court on Wednesday morning. Iie had about enough. trouble and eXeitement fur one day and was allowed "Ao take iS "Weparture Before the curtain wini up in police court, flerkimer, while in "his ups, wan. dered to the wharf and bocoming © a little top heavy leaned sgajrst a yacht for support. The yacht was all right, but the man lost his bal. anco with the result that there was n spiash and Herkimer went into the "drink," ' ak' the small bovs Bu. But he was soon palled out and his life savedi Tha. police were on the Scenes shortly afterwards, and Herka or was removed to the police sta ton in a.cab. He had a clge shave all right. 2 : Acting Magistrate Ald. D. A. Givens was on the "bunch again Wednosday, and he had threg cases to deal with, two drunks and an adicurned CASe, in which a citizen was charred with al lowing his hens to run at Iavge, much to the annoyance of a neigh bor, Eoter drunk No followed the followin~ dialogue twoas the tippler and the bench : "You're charged with being drunk; guilty or not guilty 7?" "Guilty, T guess, vour 'worship,' , "Were you gver belore the .couft he fore 7" "Not on this kind of « case, sir." The acting magistrate was® lenient, howeves, and did not rake up' any ancient history, amd allowed the of fender to go. 5 Then came drunk No. 2. He had bei before the court ance belore and gave the name of an old police con stable who did the trick. Howaven." he had on this occasion béen taken to the colli for "protec tion." as he tgmed it. He had a long story to tell, and after relating it, was given a pass. Because John Reynolds allowed iu hens to run at large," thereby causing much trouble to ome of his neighbors, Ant Pitt, he was taxed 81 and costs. The case has-been. on the. u couple of weeks, and has kept the acting magistrate busy taking down notes, - After hearing the last in stallment of the evidence to-day, giv m by a daughter of the complainant, the court decided that Revnolds was ruilty, and imposed the fine mention ad. In future Reynolds will have to keep his herfs in isolation. by ¢ 1 and thereupon be ' * WEALTHY MORMON KILLED [While Defending the Honor of Hi: Daughters, El Paso, Tex, Sept while defending the honor was 4. Murdered his two fate of Joshua William - Stevens, wealthy landowner in the Mormon colony of Bacheco Chi. President Junius Rowiney of 'the Mormon Colonization Company has made a report to Bishop O. P Brown here, giving the details of the murder of Stevens at his ranch home Just. outside of Pacheco, in the mount tains of Western Chihuahua, * After the departure of the rebel commands for Sohoro @ number 'of the rebel deserters remained in the Mormon couptry, Twe of them came to the house of Stevens at dusk and demanded see Yhe twa young women, little mare Is. pectin". the motives of evens went to the door \ swith im his shotgun When the rebels insisted on seeing' his dqughters, Stevens, hy ® Tose; drew them mito the orchard with the intention] "of giving the girls a chance td escapy 'Suspecting this, one. of the Mexicans Statibed Wim in the back with a sword bayonet and stapted to run toward the house. : w While lying. on the grovnd iia dying condition Stevens fired at the despoiter of - his home and killed him instantly The other one fled. Mrs. Stevens, who of the a himself, ta ¥ the deuhle killing fromrher window, and rode 6 the nearest neighbors to give the alarm : CANADA - -------- Will he Required in Hritatn and Europe. Toronto, Sept. 4. Informmtion ga thered through Canadian fovornment channels indicates that the apple org in the La . and. on the "hp PPLES « was in the house at the time, witnessed |. KINGSTON, © GANANOQUE TIDINGS. _ A New Industry May Locate in ln Town. i nept J took Fhe out ad a Gananoque, LES t Thousand Islander | excursion party from hero last evening. i - The 'conl 'schooner Briton { Monday with a cargo for Tavier Green. x The large 40 Ulsyton arrived town council met Tast enibhy and considered exempting from taxa don for ten vears a new pur posing locating in W. J. Libson's + hap on Tauber strest. Action wax taken on the acceptance bv tender for 31,000 square fot of new grano Jithic pavement. | The Citizens' hand | concert at the public pak img, Mrs, Alived Rogers; King ceived tM fend inte Higenve of the »deatk | of her sistir at firm nother hold a Inst i Daily Briti NTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, PITH OF NEWS| Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE" LATEST ~ TIDINGS PRESENTED IN TRE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. 5 {a ---- The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Teles graph Service apd Néwspaper Ex. changes. home in Ugftanshurg, XY - The local high. a hool, which "made | an excellant' showing for. it Inst year's worl, opened for the fall yesterday morning with an attend apes. well. up to' the "average Tha | tinching stall will gov the same as last | year. «The public schools alo ofwa | wel, 3 $3 - Messrs. G. 8. "Adums, 1 A.C, Bowles! R. 4) A. Mar [ray and AS. Jones)s members of the | { Junior Nipe "Boating ~ ( Tul of Chat eaguny Basin, Quepir, spent te past; two days as guests of Archibald Mae Kellar at his camp among the islands a few milosS west of Gananoque Rev, F. J. McClem: nt, spending fow weeks' vacation with friends in town, has returned to his pastoral duties at St. Anne de Bellevieu. Que | and will also attend the Mantresl | Theological College | Dr. and Mrs. I, E. Snider and lit i tle daughter, Dorothy, the! past few weeks in camp at Delta Lake, | arrived in town vesterday for a shoot | visit with Mrs. Snider's' mother, Mys, | Thomas Montague. Mrs. olurt | Orser, spending the past few davs| with local friends. has gone {1 Brock ville for a few days' visit prior to leaving for ber home mn Montreal, G Gilbert left yesterday for a (Mp west as far as Saskatoon, Sask , where h may possibly locate. Town Councilloriand Mrs. Preancie Keyes and son, Gerald, loft yesterday | for a short visit with Mre. Keyes sister, Mrs: Mullin, Rome. N.Y Mrs. C. E. Beerman left to-day for a visit with her davghter. Mes. Shecil N. Palmer, Brockville. Messrs. Henry and. James LaRose are spending th 'week in Toronto, the guests of their Rister, Mrs. H. Bond, and brother, J. LaRose, ~ Charles LaRose, Smifhls Falls, spent the past few dave in town with his Ppevents; Mr. und Mav John 1aftose N term i M. Clark, Carrie, a spending FINANCES OF QUEBEC, The Province Has a S683, 428 08, Quebec, Sept. 1.~The official stat ment of the province of Ouehie fon the fiscal year ending the Mth of June last is made public. Thewtotal ordinary re cipls - amount ed to the 'sum of $8.070,109.19, and the total expenses, ordinary and ox traordinary, reached the sum 386,680.21, which leaves the province with a surplus of 8653,428 98 Surnlns of i Out | paid to redeem the debl of 1882 A wonderful tonic," Woof, iron au | wine, 30c., not The; at Gibson's. Sir George Reid, Australin's high | commissioner, said, at Toronto, that the call for the imperial navy is acute and imperative. "Fresh seidlitz powders." Gibson's {ashore of 87, | fot of the surplus the. som of 239 000 w asf 01 al voiss:for-wo- hon measure, } the ip = TmARY, 7 res gut Zurich, Champlain is ee river; badly in- ay 4 he wants Enspero view od Fhe C400 Good Low 4 Nat ror, ured near and hail did much dansage to wheat 1 in Saskatchewan, on I"#he custom house: at bis ac 3 missing, and t R30 G0 stale republicans scor wy losses on Tuesday, th firstat me nt ton years, Alvin | Johnzon, lawyer, 'of Winnipeg, was Long Lake, while shooting Rev. James Mullen, fo nected with St. Patrick's church, Montreal, died Atlantic City, N..J The eme adeapiages of mixed farming § alone on the prair the {Canad Berlin rainpaves 1 of par at tari N pedicure V for well-known drowned at ducks. nefly con a in sug Beat growing ie are 16 be slemonsteated by wr aceite fanilwa votcd down 'ha pravaie dor an athletic inctioned 315000 for a an 069 for stroet railway four by | 0 I ¥l Eng., regard- Phey cam {es in London, ri £ mlormatidn ing their movements in Canad ay that when' they open their paign in Canada the press. will he duly ie advised, . there 32 a ramor that Hf Hon, C."R Dovlin retires from the Quebec govern ment he. will contest 'Soulanges in the livers] int il the protest now pending sgainel the veflirn of Sir' Wil irid Laurier in that eonstituency is up- held. oat me nan NEW YORK UNRERWC GROWING DESPERATE Plots to Hamper. the Investigation into the "Vice Trust" nfity.. New Yark, on 4 wis eh s sufficient evi nents growing ¢ heads of the trust" discredit by several of the. Prosec have bet in tn > affiday Ss a stigating the gr en n » Mr that v have Whit several of fed the is : Ww f 3 or t 1 §, it ihe | Cooke's. Presbyterian church, ion | lated, and only a few friends and 1012, WEDDED AT PORTSMOUTH. Diss Mary E. KE. Culchetly Bride "of © A, L. Buffington. The . marriage of Mary Elliabeth Edith, daugliter of Mr. and Mis RB A. Culcheth. to Alvin L. Buffington of. Minneapolis, Minn., was quietly solemnized Tuesday evening at the home Of her parents, Portsmouth. Rev. Dr. E. B. Ryckman, of Kings. ton. an old friend of the family, per formed the ceremony in the ple sence of only immediate relatives Little Miss Helen Culcheth, niece of ihe bride, was her only attendant' carrying a basket. of flowers. Durs ing the evening a telegram of con gratulation was received "from friends in Minneapolis. * After ihe wedding supper, Mr. and Mrs. Buff- ington left on the midnight train for their future home in the west. Another pleasing ceremony took place after the wedding when Edity Lorfaine, the infant daughter of Mn and Mrs. Bruce Culcheth. the former the brother of the bride/ was chris tened. : M. THO ALFRED SAW: MANY ICEBERGS, ---- Police Sergeant Nesbitt Had a Fine Trip Abroad. - Police Sergoant Robert Nesbitt, who returned on Tuesday, from a two months': trip. abrodd, will re- sume his duties to-night. Sergeant ~Nesbitt hadi'a most enjoyable trip, result of his travels in England, Ireland and Scotland. On the trip over, the sergeant and the members of his party, seen many big icebergs. in fact at one stage the vessel had to go about one hundred and ninety of its course, In order to the way of the bergs. Speaking about the condition of the crops, in the old country, Sexrgt. Nesbitt said he feared that they would suffel-a great deal on ac- count of the heavy rains. He says that some parts of the country 'were badly flooded and that bad news can be look®M for in the crop re- ports fech will be sent out frum the old land.' This would go - to show that Ontario has not been the only place receiving" 'so much rain the past cor ple of months, and at the same time vepifying the re- port that there has been very hea rains In ve:ious parts df the cra try. ia IEN BROKE LIGHTS get.out of ---------- rt EXPLOSION WRECKS BOAT apd Tye - And Injures Two Gils i Men at Toronto, Toronte, Sept. 4.---Blown into bay by u gasoline explosion wrocked 1. Y, Eaton's fast boat, Shamrock, a party of four people had an almost miraculous es eape from death just inside the west ern gap last night. Miss Margaret Daly, 187 Sumach street, who, with the other members of the party was in the nick of time hy the lifesaving "wow, is at St. Michael's hospital sufferifg from severe burny about the legs and arms. Another girl and two men 'escaped with a few light tmrns, the whit motor rescued RIFLE i | Along Ridéau, Between Kingstor and Brewer's Mills. the and on of rifle i "ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS. The keeper of the lights along | Rideau canal, between Kingston Exceedingly Large: Number in Senior | Brewer's Mills, came to. the city Fourth Class. Luesday, and. reported that (hree | smashed by the lamps had been shots, le has forty lamps: to atten betwen the two mentioned places, On of 'the broken lamps will be sent to thi ibigun 'department at Ottawa, which will be asked to look into the I matter The breaking of these aids [to navigation at night is a serious thing, as when the lamps are out, ves sels: plying the dangereus Rideau channels will bo liable to go aground Whither the lamps were deliberately shot. at, 'as has been the case recent ly in the Lower St. Lawrence, the keoprr is unable to say. A 'much larger attendance is report. at the public this term than last It is stated that the num- ber attending the senior fourth' classed 18 unusuatly--imrge. As a general rule this clgss is very hard to figrure on, as a great many drop out, bat this year all the classed are reported to be well filled. : Reporting for the county Dr. Spankie reports a good. attend: ance, with everything in good shape for thé work Of the season. od schools schools ALPS BALLOON. London Photographer Went . Miles in Fourteen Hours, London, Sept... 4.~ Armand Consols, photographer for the London Daky Mirror, accomplished the difficult as signment of flying over the Alps in a balloon with Captain Spelterint, the Swiss seronaut, taking photo- graphs en route. The flight was from Interinken Unterammergau, a distance of hundred and fifty miles, and made in fourteen hours. OVER REPORT ON THE CROPS. 250 About Ome-hclf Gat ed. Asecording: to reports, om: Wednesda ¢) only 'about onehall the oat erop in this district has. been harvested, and the erop is only fair. Wet weather {given as the cause.. Last week a large tnumbeér of farmers gathered in oats, {a8 with eo much rain, it wad thought {better not to leave it out any longer. wo | The corn crop is reported to be doing was very well, in spite of the report a few weeks ago, (0 'the effect that it would -- ,B LIE. ve rained. On the whole; the crops are Jones-Robinson Wedding, rather "disappointing, and not nearly A quiet wedding was solemnized [up to the mark, at' the home of the bride's mother, B OF A MAD Mrs, G. W. Robinson, Queen street, A MAD DOG on Tuesday evening, when her only Princess| daughter, Miss Florence, was unit- ed to Norman Jones, of this city, son of Mrs. E. Saunders, | = 2 Dies Terrible Death After Con- fessing Double Life to: His Iwo Wives. street, } Rev. J. W. McIntosh, minister of] offic Detroit, Mich., Sept. 4.~Alternateld frothing at the mouth, screaming in agony, wad lighting like a tiger with five strong men who held him, Chris topher Eastin, thirty-four died at his home here vesterda hydrophobia, the bite Two women, Crop Harvest. to 3 relatives were present. . The bride! was attended by Miss C. Ohkle, of! this city, and Dr,~€. Robinson, brother of the bride, was. grooms-| man. \ . Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the midnight train. for western ° points, and after a honeymoon they will {return and reside in the city, years, old from result of a dog's Found Dead in Barn. Orangeville, Sept. 4---Jamed Dale a wellknown Caledon farmer, was foiitid" dead in a pool of blood in thy barn of the Alexandra hotel here when it was opened by James Robin- son, the hostler, at six o'clock' this morning He was lag! -- seen last night. when he came In with a weigh bor from threshing An inquest iy being held. Deceased was aged sixty. each of whom believed herself to wife, his bedside. To each the dyitg - man confessed that he had for several yORTS led a double life, and begged forgive ness, be Fastin's stood "by PAVING OF THE STREFTS. Company Has Not Yet Written ox Question of Guarantee. The board of works Have recsivisd ne communication, is yet, from the On tario Asphalt Block Pacing somipany, as regards the quedtion of a guarantee for the pavement, so matters are still at a standstill, as. 4 were, the matter, As alresdy. stated, . the board of works has recommenda] 10 novept the tender of this company, gr five blocks of the pavement, providing the com pany will give a guarantee, and the same time commence work fail. Toni what the answer of company will be is not. ksown. intB cs Three Fatalities From Toadstools. Niagara Falls, Sept. 4.---Mrs. Nord Phelps and. Mrs. Joseph Sabo, both of 'Montrose, Ont., are dead, and Joseph Sabo is dying, as the result of 'eating toadstooils, bellev- ing them to be mushrooms, last Friday afternoon. Sabo's two children are also ill, but it is bellev- ed that they will recover, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR ~~ CAUSED A SENSATION Criticizing Spirit of Militarism gies son Shields ig | Charlottetown, Sept. 4 -- Hon. Benjamin Rogers, Lieutenant Gov. ~ernor, caused quite 3 sensation last night in a crowded opera When N in Caught in the Fog. The steamer Wolie Islander was caught in the heavy fog on Tuesda: night. . The steamer made a special trip from Kingston to Howe Mand, for a garden party at the home of j Connty Councillor Fole- and was foreed to tie up 'as a Tesult of the fog. The steamer jeft Kingston at 8 pam. and arrived badk in the morn- ing at seven o'dock. . At Last the Sun! Oh jof! After nearly a week pof "very Trequent" gsbowers and "very frequent" rain : ms, the sun came t for an "encouraging" Jength of on Wednesday after Citigéns. could Bardly +be- breath when a cloud frowned on 4 the Borizon. _ Toronto city eouncil asks governor- general s-couneil for ointment of 3, commission 10 mveitigate alleged ment = Grave, California. yuinei by a fre even and is much better in health as a miles out}. v 8 Operating the same 'thé old Green Meehan. -» LAST EDITION. NSEN On Charge of Theft and Mis ppr lation : AGAINST BUFFALO AND ON. TARL) COMPANY'S MANAGER, Who Resides in Kingston--He is to be Tried on Thursday-----HBall Not .. Yet Fixed = Nature of Charges. Alfred M., Thomsen of the Buff« alo-Ontario Smelting Company, Tos cated at Kingston, will stand trial at Halleybury on Thursday for theft and misaprépriating funds of the Santa Marin Mining Company to the extent of between $14,000 and $15,000. . The charge was laid against him a week ago in the form of an infor« mation by George A. Stricker, forms erly 'one of the Santa Maria direc tors, and now one the owners of he' W. 8M, K, ning Co., which property The Santa Miria Company tok up the Green Meehan on a lease, following the suspension of operations by the fore mer company, and Thomsen was the engineer ino.charge of the work. The leasing company be- came involved and lawsuits ensued and it is alleged by. those laying the information fm the case that Thom. sen, as manager of the company, did not direct the money he had the handling of,»-into... the... right' chant Later the Santa Maria Co, gave up its lease, and since then the Green Meehan has been purchased by the WSMK., of which several members were inter ested in the Santa Maria. Mr. Thomsen's case came up be- fore Magistrate 8. Atkinson on Menday, Aug. 26th and through counsel a continuance was are ranged. The Crown Attorney from North Bay will attend to the pro secution, Bail has not been fixed, but Mr. Thomsen is saved the odium of being locked In a cell, and is under the charge of a special constable at the town hall, George C. Wagner, President of the Smelting Company, is pow In Halleybury and will be present at the trial. Y : His friends In Kingston regret the unfortunate affair and the gen< eral impression séems. fo. be herd that-the affair is a frame-up arising out of a rivalry between My. Thom-« sen and the other partion of, 'the difficulty. The ' matter will thoroughly looked - into and the truth brought out at the hearing. Burial of a Ohild, Reference was made in the Whig fo the death of the infant son of Henry Hogan, when it should have Been Wil- liam Hogan. The funeral of the child took place on Monday. Many besa tiful floral tributes were placed on the Tasket, including the followipg : Mrs. Watt, sheaf; Mrs. - Anderson, sheaf; Mrs. Andre, shoal; pillow, mo 'ther and father: cross, Me. and Mrs. Marshall; spray, Mrs. H. Jackson; spray, Mrs. W. Marshall; spray, Mes, Wolley; flowers, Mrs. Downey; "wheal, Mrs. Whitiord. . Frank Smith; living nb Ottawa, has been sentenced (0 twh years in penitentiary, after pleading guilty te theft of a horse. BORN. 8 Hotel Prien 1812, tu My and haston, @rdnance daughters MARRIED i CULCHTETY and Mrs Bitrgst JOH ETON avid twin BUFFINGTI rorismo 1812 Ma dar f son of Mr, and Mrs ton, of Minneapolis ROBINSON t t Ird by th Florence Tobin Jones, both o DIED. Tuesday late residence Kingston is + man E DIPLACK i Seq 1912 her RBtreet, 4 at Chatham Diptork, in her SRK year Funeral took place at 3.36 this afters noun to Calarasqul Cemetery ] 147 for Ambulance. STOVES AND RANGES. The bext lot wa have ever had; also Drosgers. Ntands and I». A tell Une. * Heasonsble prices. At Turk's. Phones 706. " IN THE COMB. z oo: EXTRACTED IN GLASS. : EXTRACTED IN 10 LB. TINS, the ~ 'HELD AT HAILEYBURY -- XTRACTEP PT 50 Li TINS a JAS. REDDEN 4C1. LUD BY A DIRECTOR 4