mm ia il TNO AL ALUM Hi dey CIN TRC TE + MARYRSTEIS JC RSION. NINN $10.00. One halt cent per mile beyord to Macleod, Calgary and Edmonton. CANADIAN NATIONAL EHIBITION Toronto, Unt, Aug. 24 to Sept. 0, 'Sept. 4th; Fare, $3.55, 'Other days unl Sept. 7th, laclugive Fare, $4.90, 'All 'tickets good to return until Sept. 10th. DOMINION EXHIBITION, Ottawa, Ont, Sept. 5th to 16th, Sept. 4th to 16th, Inclusive. Fare. $8.70, except Sept. 10th, 12th and 13th. fare is $2.75. - All Sachets good ito return until Sept. 1 TES TERN ¥ ATR, London, Ont., Sept, 6th to 14th, Sept. 6th to -14th, inclusive, .lare is $8.30, except Sept. 10th, 12th snd 18th, the fare is $5.80. All tickets good to return unti! Sept. 16th For full particulars. apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., Cornér Johnson and Ontario Sis. YOUR DELICATE WRAP. The comp'etest satisfaction comes from cleaning delicate 'dostumes aud wraps by our French "Cleaning Process R. PARKER & CO... ~ Dyers and Cleaners, 69 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, J = nds Englis Semedy Tou Aud invigorates too wh Yous ystels, makes new Tiood in oi ios, Lures Neve Sint or? Mental vin Worry, Des Ferug? IY Sind Fmisiions, Bd and A ely of A bage or fi CY, CRN RAILWAY IN CONNECT] CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. EXHIBITION, TORONTO Fares from Kingston as follows: August 28th and September 4th, . 53. $3.55. A 24th to September Oth, in- © except August 28th and Sept. 4th, $4.90, Return limit, Sept. 10th, SINGLE FARE -- LABOR DAY Good going Aug. 30, 31 and Sept) €y Ja sor & Orie will ply FLegiste r= Wal cel of pit No New sermphle | orn: OFA | NEN SHOES STORE OPENED SATURDAY A.D removal BB limit. Wed., Sépt. 4th. PARM LABORERS EXCURSION . 4th and 6th, at-11.30 am. oP $10.00 to Winnipeg. 14@¢c per mile to Calgary, Edmonton or Intermediate Points. | Full artieuiare at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office. Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. h announces his om 204 - Princess St, to £20 rip Pripcess\8t., for- merly College Book Store He villjes a full stock of Boots and Shoes. STEAMERS and ante Tn ston dally at § pam, ror and Foranto,, Phat 1 hE. REneits Sods Tor o'el fall, § p.m. ng he EO a Stes mr ae Kingston for Thousand ahd, Moosteal, ul se and the A 1oands, 30 a.m. dally. TORONTO EXHIBITION ROUND TRIP FARE, Going An 1th to Se 2 Return Rimit, Sept. For fall information, apply J. P. HANLEY, Agent, ig Johnson and Ontario Btw FOSTER CHAFFEE, GPA. woronto, ARE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAN- Le Ie. $8. North King & SS. Caspian £1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHES TER, & Camm noing July 3nd, st Bi 10.35 a.m. daily for A 1,000 Islands and Gananoque. A to? 1 B 7th, Inclusive Oth. : ALIN 'the palatia] S. S. CINCINNATI hr 1000 TONS) Equipped with ery Tatury of the Ti a 28, 1913 isiting FUNCHAL, SAN zy Su TR El: i FAR ALGIE] RS FRANCHE, SYR RT ve vias. wp HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE 41.45 Bway, N. ¥i, ordocal agent. NEW FALL HATS Arrow Brand i os Jew Hat wil win We have been appoint- ed the agents for this cele- brated Hat, New York's latest model, The quality will merit your approval and nearly all the features of a Five Dollar Hat aré-merged into this hat for ery dris ae at .§ pm. for Ro. y of Quinte, enll- in Detots sad Belle rai: handled with despate) t ble Yates, - ha J. P. HANLEY, Ticket agent. ~ FAM. IFT & Co, Freight Agents IT EO HOLDING ALL RECORDS, MONTREAL. KAUEnRe, BRISTOL. Montreal. Bristol. Wadnamgay. Steamer. Welnusta | 7 1 Oet. Royal George ¥ et, sa' .. Royal Edward .. Nov. 13 .. Royal George . And Fortnightly Thereafter, Write or call v Cy 4g KirRpaTRICK, Clarence St. Grand T Trunk Ry. Coes, K. &P. Ry. or . intrinsic its oo Dollar Hat. Tt is now. in, in Cans foahia EE LN THE Told In Twilight | A (Continued from page 2.) - »- - - Miss Millie Ferris, "Willow Cot- tage" was hostess at a delightful tea Tuesday aftespooii. The guest of honor was Mrs. Joseph Fisher of Bound Brook, N.J., whose many friends were so glad to 'welcome hef back. ones more. The tea table was very pretty with guan- tities of pink and white asters, and was presided over by Miss Mildred MacMorine and Miss Amy McGill 'The ices were served by Miss Mabel Dalton, and the girls assisting were: Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Edith Hogs Miss Hilda Hague, Miss Ethel Pen- le. The guests included Mrs. J. O. Crisp, Mrs. Webster, of Hamilton; Mrs. G. Gainsby, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Bleaton Smith, Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mrs. Bernard MDrowne, Mrs. Hebert Robinson, Mrs. Rayson; Mrs. H. Dykeman, Westfield, Mass., Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. W. Gunn, Mrs. Vere Hooper, J 'Mrs. W. B, Carey, Miss Beard, Misses Cordelia and Edith Bhan benzie, Miss Mildred Jones, Misses Hague, Miss Julia Lyman, Miss Betts, Misses Crisp, Miss, Constance Cooke, Miss Mildred Pringle, Miss Ada Bates, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Ethel Waldron, Mrs. E. H. Pense, Ottawa; Miss Ethel Pen- nock, Ottawa; Misses Alice and Muriel' King and Miss Marion Less- lie, Mra. John Figher, Brock street,' is entertaining at tea this aftarnoon in honor of Miss Phyliss Welsh, Hartford, Conn. Miss Lilian Kent, was hostess at an informal Barrie street, litle of "Miss Emily Smythe of Clinton, | N.Y. The usual weekly tea was hold at the yacht efub this afternoon and a dance will be given there this evening. Dr. and Mrs, Cam, bell Laidlaw and baby returned on Tuesday to Ottawa after viisting Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdonnéll, University Ave. Mr. -E. L. Fortt, William street, has returned from Lindsay .where he spent Labor Day. Miss Afleen Rogers returned to town on Tuesday from Collins Bay where she was the guest of Mrs. | Arthur Craig for the week end. Mra. Claxton, Earl street ant} Dr, and Mrs. W. A. Claxton, Fort Smith, Ont., have returned to town alter spending a few days in town. Mrs. L. B. Spencer and Mrs. L. L. Henderson and family have réturn- ed-to Montreal from their summer home at Thousand Island Park. Mr. Harry Uglow has returned to Windsor after spending his holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street. Miss Jessie Dickson, Earl, street, is spending a few days this week In Toronto at the Queens. Master Hugh Duff, Princess street, has returned from Toronto Exhibition. Mr: John Gaskin who has been gpending a féw days with his par- ents, Albert street, left this morn- ing for New York. | % - - -. - | Mrs. H. Dykeman of Westfield, Mags.,, who has just returned from a trip abroad, arrived in town on Tuesday and js visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Lesslie, William street. ; Mr. Chas. Livingston has return- ed to Toronto after spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Livingston, Barrie street. Masters Hugh and Donald Nickle returned from Toronto en Sunday after spending a few days at the ; Exhibition. Mr. Frank Purdy, Bank of Tor-' onto, has returned to Montreal af- and Mrs. D. Purdy, Clergy street west. Mrs. J. C. Paterson and Miss Nan Paterson, who have been spending the summer in Western Ontario expect to arrive in town this week and have taken rooms at the "Avon- ore for the winter. Migs Lilian Taylor has returned to Ottawa after spending the week- end with- her mother, Mrs. Chas. Taylor, King street. Ne » FF Dr. and Mrs. A. Ww. Wingett and Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner have returned from a few days motor trip to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. a nock, of Ottawa, Miss Marion Less- DAILY BRITISH w HIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. efi ' Val bl Discovery in pl Beangifier : (From the Home Maker.) Because of its peculiar power of ab w | Yorption, also because it serves ever e emoilient purpose, ordinary mercolized {var is perhaps the moat valuable], complexion beautifier discoversd with- in recent: vears. If gne uses this she needs no tofet cream Some use powder afterwards but this is not necessary and is inadvisable particu- larly when one persp. os freely. This rule for applying mercolized wax has been found very satisfactory': Wash the face with wana water, drying lightly. Before thoroughly dry, an- oint fage aad neck. with the wax, but don't rab it in. The favorite way 1% use before retiring, allowing it to remain on all night and washing it off in the morning with warm water. All druggists have this wax in origi- nal one-ounce packages. For the remotal of a wrinkled or ' fabby condition thére's nothing bet- ter than to bathe the face in a sale- tion made by dissolving 1 ounce pow- dered saxolite, in 4 pint witchhazel. Beneficial results are quickly notice | abe. ¢ i | 1912, MUCH INRERI T SHOR X for Ju the All-Star Artists' Series Kingston. Great interest is being displaved mw the Artists' Series; arranged for this city © and inaugurated by Dgvid Bisp- bam, on Sept. 11th. At the present tite, judging by the sale of tickets, the entire) house will 1s ald most completely sold out for each ----e--r------ cas at the sea, returned home on Mon- 1 or. and Mys. Donald Ross, Alfred returned home on Saturday; street, where they from Cushing Island have been spending the summer, } Mrs. Richard Cartwright who has been spending some time with her sister, Miss Mary Hora, King street,' returned to Napanee to-day. | Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Mitchell and little daughter, Caroline, spent the _ week-end on Howe Island with Dr.| and Mrs. Hanna of New York. i family, | Mrs. Samuel Birch and Bagot street, who have spent the past. month at their summer home| at Thousand Island Park are expect-| ed home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Otis Put-| tea on Monday afternoon in honor nam returned to Utica on | after spending some time with Mrs. | Putnam's . mother, Mrs. Sam Birch at the Thousand Island Park. | t Hon. William Harty, Bagot strea and Mr. James Radden, William | atreet, Toronto. Mr. James Richardson .of Toron-| ; to spent the week-end in town with! his brother, Mr, George Richard | son, University Avenue. . 2 Briefs From Stella. Stella, Sept. 2---Harvesting is very backward on account of so much rain. The threshing machines have com- menced operations, Glen & Pringle have purchased a new traction outfit, | Grain is twai out very well. The apple evop tr to be fair. Pota- toes are lookirg fine and will be' g good erdp, if they do nol vot, An ice croam social was held in the town hall, on Saturdiy evening, under the auspices of St! Paul's church. It was ey attended, W. Patterson, butcher, Pittsburgh, was on the island lately, and purchased quite a bunch of eat- tle. Quite a number of young men have gone to the west for the harvest. Rev. J. E. Lindeay preached in St. Alban's church on Sunday evening, August 25th, A number from the is- land are attending the Toronto fair Mrs. A. E. lloward and son havé re turned home, after visiting friends wt Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs, €. Gib- son, Smith's Falls, and Nis. E. Gib son, Calgary, have' been recent visi tors here. 'The public. schools will open on Tuesday. Miss Fleda, Filson, has returned hume from Mooke Jaw to take charge of No. 4. J. 8. Nelson is expected home ina few days from the west. Mr. and Mrs. R. 4. Caughey and family, Portsmouth; Harry Gir vin, Hamilton; Miss G. D'reston, ton Bprings N.Y.: Robert Glen, Dr, and Mrs. E. Findlay, from the west: Mrs. James Scott, Chicago; Mrs. HAs Mel 'augherty, Bath; Rev. and Mrs. E. Lindsay' and daughter, Port | Barwell: Mrs. Robert Hendgrson, Syra- | jou, are visiting friends here. | Miss A Prussian Noblewoman, Baroness! Von Eckhardstein, was shot and kinsman, She | when she was accidentally {mortally wounded by her Count Finck Von Finckenstein, died mm the evening : i Burglars secured bool, amounting to | $5.000 when they; broke into the Lon . don, Eng, Hippodrome music hall and} burst a safe. They had revioualsis chloroformed the watchman on duty. who remained unvonscious for' four hour Reynold Froshrey we of the desperate men mm the COMBLEY. 8 in the New York Tombs charges of murder, csca by breaking sut of 1 the outer wall most nd held d ble on J. Crothers,' -- Barrie street, left for Toronto to-day, to spend several days. Mrs. George Young, Avenue, went te Toronto to-day to spendy several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kenny. Mr. E. R. C. Dobbs, Bank of Mon! treal, who was spending the week-' end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobbs Barrie street, left for Ottawa on Monday. hai Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Minnes and family have returned to Hillcroft from their summer cottage at the Point. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dawson! and little Miss Gwendoline Dawson are expected home from Ottawa tor pu ny where they were the guests of Mrs. Fred Birkett. 3 in town re- } University Jo Nore Dandruff or Falling Hair 'Parisian Sage bs Your Friend. * Baty Frou and All' Hair and! Troubles Quickly poisonous sugar of les bur--no dye = RISIAN Suge. |, he leanest, niiest ro-! ji. an delightful hair tonic i Ny the world is PARISIAN Sage. If youl da not use it You are daily missing o a 4reat. imply s hatin women and children. It isi], drag and toilet goods gonnt se ors for only 50 cents a large bottle. | ARIS in honor of of Petrolia. his 3 from ey AN. Sage don yom 3h _ . s Ask for PF. sawn protection. The girl Aatiatn Bale ds an yer PAS "drives ont alll Bf and stops hair from wi in shee mteha, It stops itching #°8l iy, the four ina ih n ont nansiihar and no life, luster and beauty into] hare ae PARIS 1 lisve ever tome] are spending a few days in| | dramatic Clif 34 celery, the victim of all ter spending the holiday with Mr. wild boar hunt near Berli lin on Mondav, thes grades i $1 1 PEEPS by aps of their bonse is Strauss street * --dittawa Valley and Upper St, remee--Fuir and moderately warm. SAGER THREW Tereonte, Gut, September th, 10 am Law. course | New Suitings New Velvets New Corsets and New Long Coats iain, a p< a song which d-famous BISPHAM, a wo DAVID Singing "Danny Des he has made concerts of the before.' the sin- gle seats are placed on sale. David Bispham, the first star to ap- pear, is recognized as one of the | 'greatest artists of this Beharntion. | His voice, a rich baritone, is of Inautiful quality, and his wonderhi | and interpretive powers | make his singing a rare treat, For the second concert a star of no less | magnitude than Nordica has been | soured. The greatest dramatic wo- prano in the world, her name is | known and loved wherever music is} known. The. third attraction will he Mme. Hallock, one of the great pidn- Mary ists of the younger generation. course, AND. PRICES. Torontp Street Market. hel, 95¢, to $1 heat" 0c. rye; 85c xv, timothy, hay, $14 to "$16: to $1a; clover and ; ; rye straw, $18 to laid), dozen, 30c. to 1 Re. to c.;} i ; chickens, | 5c.; geese, hens, 3 cab- X potatoes, - 1 apples, basket, Ae. i hogs, $11.75 to $12.25; head; rhubarb, bunch, I } tomatoes PRODUC x. wheat, to 48. ; | barley, 75 peas, $1 t Ww y Ww for, choice spring chicke toc. to Be.f 6c. to 8c n,-& 210. ; 0c Liverpool, ot John Rr gers & a. Livery le that } the Birkeo ces last United v 13i4c condi- < Si to Canadian per pound unchanged ates 13% 5 General nouns are Fast Buffalo Cattle, Buffalo, Sept 250; market fairly steers, $4 to §R.30 Receipt Fast reps, pritite Caly '| summer resort, { constructica, will be greatly "red in Chicago Live cago, Sem Market sow dnd 5 to 3105; Tes $i); western steers, Stac kegs COWS and heifer to $11 He Re eipts,! Beeves,! 15 we $420 ta HD 1 $257 amd feeders, $4.23 10 $7.2: i 5 to 35; calves, $8.50) g i 7000. Market best; shade higher: others weak to 0c) dower Light, $K25 4 $9. mixed: $7.95 » heavy, $7.75 tn $875: rough, lg # S to 87.95; sims. $5 fo SRS: bulk oft sales, SROS (0 SRAS e. Sheed - Receipts, 2000 Native, $340 to $460 western, $3.50 tir Law 68: gratings: At to $560 Lambs. 73 to 2 25 7 western, M75 to weak TS Market dull} ow While Joliné Weishauf, oi rv. four years old, and his bre sther, Jose riy-six years old, were Bightine in the Buffale, NY. their suther, Meg Grace! Weishanfl, Hits nine Jes old, du trying toy separate them and died before a phy sician coald Ye summonad 'Greek amy officers residing in Egent e been ordered to return ar once to Athens. in couseguence grave conflicts between 3 Greek tronpsien The HOR. accordin to a news agency ch irom Alexan- dria. 3 that the Vaith de istand of Elba % 3% reported Martive, am the Store of Satisfaction,. ~signment of all that is "new and stylish in New Tailored Suits New Knitted Goals Etc. tn Everything that is reliable Jou can get at the MORE NEW ARRIVALS fe "STEACY" STORE 3 Everyday brings to this store new goods from all parts of the world. To-day we have placed in stock a large con- "New Dress Goods New Trimmings Gloves nA SA. Prices Always Right. -- STEACY'S The Store of Satisfaction "GET THE Gasdlene Engine and you for not 'have any trouble. are sure to give you perfect satisfaction. leaving our shops. roughly tested before DAVIS" They Every engine is tho- We have several Second-hand Engines on stock for imme- dinte delivery, Leave your order now. CALL on Us when you reguire Batteries, Coils, Carburators, Magnetos, and ali Motor Boat Accessories. Repairs rec elve our prompt attention, DAVIS S DRY DOCK CO. Heiney lle Tidings. "Erinaville, Sept. 2.--The ETH Ave basy harvesting and report that the Crops.are mom abundant than was a ted. ~ iss Evelyn Gleason, Napanee, in the guest of her aunt, Neville The annual picnic on Wednesday was largely attended and was a great success. Miss Marguerite! Evans ar rived home from Chicago, where she has been sficodiug her vacation with her aunt; Mrs. Crilly. The Misses Margaret guerite Fitagerald, Belleville, are vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Several |men are at work erecting a new bridge at the station. Miss' Jewel {O'Brien is spending a few weeks -in Kingston. Among those who are attending the Toronto exhibition are Misa Mary Garrett, Arthur Mathews, and Vincent Warrison. Thomas Ciafl ney has gone to sek his foriune in Western Capada. Misa Gertmade Kil- loran left for Massey on Saturday, where she is engaged as teacher for the Jming year. Sevefal = American plaasure-seckers visited our lake this summer and were very much impressed with its beauty. We expect that the 'new which is now rs, Milos and. Mar- under patron: the futude. Miss Mary E Quinn has returned to Napanee, where | she, wil resume her duties vih the | Robinson +Co. School . reopens on Tuesday, with Miss RB. M. Quin , of Ferguson Falls. as teacher. Bert, Ne ville, Watertown, N.¥., is holidaying hare. Archibald Stewart has dis posed of his farm to Mr. Hunt, of Cloyne. The spread of sedition in Eevp brought about the suppression on Mon day of the Nationalist journal El Lema Faur. natives were arrested on a charge it of issuing seditious literature. Thomas Copely, Tel e 987 Drop & card to 19 Ploe Btrest when vanting shything done in the Carpen~ f Hine Fatimates given on afl Kinds and - mew work: a Flooss of all kin i rders will receive prompt tention. $ . #0 Queen Hirest ge HE ng take Riis i Soca. This gan be 2 ted, beyond ail rr yanture, nisteri nent dosesof t Teaddy Retle? tn ond A and a, ing ivextar- aly, with Ay ETA . Lie patient abdomen and to the & horizontal isto RLS, bens, 10 the whole surface of the The patient must be kept n de The 'minister of education officiated at the opening of the new Victoria public school at St, Catharinus, and the new gymnasium and assembly hall of the collegiate institute, The great "Stampede" at Calgary. re- producing the life of Alberta's "range. land days, began its six days' program- me. His royal highness and party are to attend it on Thursday. ' The Canadian Soo cana! went out of commission Monday midnight for twen- ty-four hours to permit of some urgent repairs to one of the gates The engagement of marriage of George Creel, Denver police commis sioner and jonrnalist, and Blanche Bates, the actress, i$ announced, "hinese are incensed 'against British demands in Tibet and threaten 10 boycott' British goods. YO 4A ECES FLAP BEAUTIFUL ts GET A 25 BOTTLE oF JUST A "DANDERINE FEW MOMENTS AND TRY THIS. ALSO STOPS FALLING HAIR; DESTROYS DANDRUFF. -- Your 'balr becomes Hght 'wavy, fluffy, abundant and Appears cleanse. er try this--moisten cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw IF through your hair jaking one small strand at a BY This will: cleanse the it Tat gins? fuvigorates the Rai stopping f dandruff; cleansed puri. sonlp, fog itching and falliag pre what will please you wong will be after 8 fow weeks' nes when