THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1912. a Pir URCOLore: at 30c per the da fe 3 Greeti and Flack ANDREW Mm 3 Fg KingWon Business College s1dmited) Education at Lowest Cost - Twenty-sixth year, Fall term besine August 20th, Courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tale. raphy, Civil Bervice and Eng- nates get the best poo" Within a short time Sver sikty secured positions with one of the largest rallway core porations in Canada, Kuler 489 time. $4 or write for informas tion. H. ¥. Metcalfe, Principal jngaton. Canada SYMINGTON S PACKET SOUPS &GRAVIES ~Get Them-at D. COUPER'S 'Phone 76. B11-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery, MOTOR CARS Ai For Weddings 2 New Cars in Use This Week Bibby's Garage RR Sr RA From Yard to Cellar We deliver at latest prices the very best grades of coal, "This is a good time to put in your supply for next winter. P. WALSH)| | | TR THE. ©. I< KNOW HOW GOOD PLUMBING that we pride ourselves upon and keep on talking about. No matter blem arises, If it's In the Plumbing - line--we "know how" to solve it. We kfiow how to charge and we do. David Hall 66 Brock St. Phane 935 | what pro- week | called in Adather the IFLA ML YOUR Thats what he Boor told in or it-a-fives Cured Him CHESTERVITLE, ONT., Jan. 25th 1911 'For over twenty years, 1 have Been . doctors told me th good, and that I would be a sufferer for the rest of my life. I doctored with different medical men and tried many advertised remedies, but pone of them suited my case. Nearly a year ago, 1 1 tried "Fruit-a- tives", 1 have beew using this fruit medicine nearly all the time since, and asl glad to say that I am cured. give " Fruit adives® the credit oF daring. what was impossible. : 3 I am now Seve = years old, and i frst lads Ts GEO. W. BARKLEY. alt the world; there other. a that has eased so many cases of so-called ' "incurable" kidney disease, as "Pruit-a-tives", Thisfamousfruit medicine actsdirectly on the kidneys--healing and strength- "ening thém--and ridding the system of the waste matter that poisons the blood soc. & box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers of sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Ottawa. Olieefes: Fxtra mild, mind you. Brewed for those who find that. ordinary Stout is too heavy. . Order §'Keele's, Spiel Mild remember, B4A E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. =e plone 918. © ©. 'Baby's Rash Became a Mass of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not Be Cured. ""Cuticura" Soon Made His Skin n Perfectly Clear a Toronta man. Mr. n. Mr. Robert Mann, of 7585 Quean Bt. Bost, says: "Our boy was born in | Toroute on Oct. 13, 1008, and when three mobiths old a alight rash sppedred on his cheek. What appeared to * be a water blister would , form. When it broke, matter would run out, starting new blisters until his entire face, head and shoulders. were a mass of seabs and you could not we a dase of clear skin. . d not know Rag do for him and every advert iY vishont avail, d to EY suffering aad in pasticulat, the ---- Remedy, almost put the sanvulgons, - pre. Fle was treated as an out-patient tw and he got wi th Wet inside of a w arances. cured and ae. But the ee un the dostor a his vary next day it broke out a as * We Seglded that it Os aad. fay, 1009, jus Sonn Sho curd was MW mots bendy ee bert Mao from Soles kl n dicase. adds: "My bay trouble since wing 8 Cubicn 10% ow thin a ry Cutleurs Soap the mest suc. a dren Fag hi tan fuficion 3 be gent rn SE 8. A ug fon + Bostun, troubled with Kidney Disease, and the | i { i could do me no |} Arg Tospie, { "Tay wa x ® £3 WAY in - South ENTERPRISES dpi up in the United "States. thin the 1888 two vears it is evident th x the Tacreasiny' prosperity, both of \rgenina and Braz], has captivated the agnation of Imanciers.; and it would | new Napoleon of railfoad' n the. person of Percival ar, has sprung into being. , His s not unfamiliar to Wall Street; indeed, rightly or wrongly, it 'hast er hitherto associated in the minds of per ple there with the by no means suc. machinations mn Rock Island me years ago, However that may be, as chairmar 3 the Arazifjan railway, Farquhar ems now 10 be commanding from such as: Kunn, - Loeb & Co, Spever kL Hency Schroder & Co, and a considerable amount of capital, ady, he is earnmig for himself the nanie the "Harriman of South America." "Nat. content with the vast ramification of the system of the Bra- zil ran! agfl with secaring control of the Aniolagasta railway, in Chilt, M Farquhar has lately 'been giving spec v the formation of a great any to control certain [ines "Money Rates "High in West. The Wingdipeg "manager of the Wes- orn Camada Investment --eumpany, an nglish corporation, reports: "The de- nd for money keeps up and 8 per ry can he obtained op smaller city {oaus and western farm business, Rates for discounts on agreements for, sale ire stiffening somewhat, 'and thére is no "edson, so far as we can see, to expect wy drop in the mortgage rate in the ear future." : t i Record U.S. Corn Crop. "Indications .are that the corn crop of the United States, which has been more n doubt than any. other, will be a good deal closer to 3,000,000000 hishels han the trade expected early in the eason, A yield of 28 bushels ner acre vould give 2924000000 bushels, and it s not ont of lime with present exnecta- ions that the yield will equal that figure, International Nickel. The new stock of the' International Nickel Co, inNwhich Canadians .are fy 'interested, is quoted around 137, which makes the market value of the old stack about 330 per share. Within the 'ast, year International Nickel comnion was scored an adyance of very close to 10 points, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of. the People--What They are Doing and Saying. R. 4. Reid went to Toronto night, ' H. W. Newman is in Toronte tonding the exhibition. Jobn A. MeFarlane, Brodk sirect, is attending the Toronto fair. D. A. Shaw, Barve street, Sunday evening for Montreal. Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Powell, were in the city on Monday. B. J. Millan, Earl street, was a vis- wor at the Toronto fair on Monday. Peter Donoghue, of Winnipeg, a for ve Kingstonign, is holidayiog in the city. NJ, last left on Boston, R. Soott, of the Standasd 'n Napanee, Mrs. {Rov} Betiry Grundy, of Chi: cngo, is visiting Misa Grundy, £5 Union street. ' Mikes Bessie Gleason tof Ottawa, vis- ited at ler home on King street west over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Caines son, Osborne, Albion Hotel, . | day, for Towonto. orman , Colli wood street left for Pellev fe yim to spend a few days with Iriends. Mrs. G. Geary, Froutenac street, returned home from Watertown, N.Y., after spending the past month. Miss - Jessica Derry, = Collingwood stueet, left Saturday, for Belleville, to spend a few days with friends. ak" Cordukes, who has been his holidavs- in a city. returned No Ottawa on Sunda, Misses M. and B: McKenna nd Miss Angela and Alive O'Gorman were the guests ob Mrs, Leo Bedore, Napanee. - Miss Dorothy Jenkins, University avenue, is home from. a six weeks' visit at Sunbury dnd Brewer's Mills. * Stanley Payne, of Montreal, who has been spending his holidays with and left, Sun- Saturday. Mr, ai Mra. D. W. Richmond, ot Ottawa, are visiting the latter's pa- routs, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaw, Univer sity Avenus, John Kennedy and "Tod" Rogers} employegs of the street railway com- pany, leave, to-night, for Toronto to 1 attend the exhibition. William © Deane' and Miss with He. vg Nes. J. F. Doyle, 102 Clergy iy E. ter, Doris, of Boise Island, ve been visiting her mother, he A. Gil Reurasd street; returned home Mone Claw, Hattowsmith; elt on ne, New Omtario. go to South Porcupine g after his if for over half-a-céntuty | VABQUHAR N NAPOLBON oF An. America--Money Rates . High in Weste--A Record Corn > John D. at, Bank, spent the week-end with friends} STANT RELIEF AND THE SREIAEF LASTS, Every year regularly : re than 'a mitlion siomach sulferers mn the United States, Eagland and Canads take Pape"s Diapepsin, and realize not only wnmediate, but lasting relief. This harmiess preparation will, di- gest any thing you 928i and overcome a sour, glassy or out-of-order stomach five munutes afterwards. 1i your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies hke a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges- tion. Get {wom your pharamacist a Ole. case of Pape's Diapepson and taki a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, mo belching of undigested food mived with acd, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness of heavy feding in the stomach, nau- sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will afl go, and, besides, there will be po sour food left over in the stomach to pois son your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dispupin is a certain cure for out-ofrorder stomachs, beuause it takes hold of your food and digesty it just {hé same as if your stomach wasn't there. > Relief in five minutes from' 'all sto- mach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. large lifty-cemt cases contain hb more than sufficient to. thoroujkly cupe almost any cage of dyspepsia, indigestion or any other stomach disorder. ASKED TO TESTIFY. Archbold Will be Recalled as Witness. Washington, Sept. 3~William Loeb, Jr, and George © B. Cortelyou, both former private secretaries to Colonel Rooseyel wher he was president, Wil lam Randolph Hearst and. John - D Archbold have formally been asked to appear before the senate committee in vestigating campaign cont-:butions when it resumes hearings late this month. Mi. Cortelyon has onee testified that when he conducted Colonel Roosevelt's campaign in 1904 po contributions were received from the Standard Oil comw- pany, John D. Archbold or anyone else acting for that corporation. The committee wishes to re-examine him in the light of Mr. "Archbold's recent testimony that the Standard gave $100, 000 with the knowledge and consent af CUalonel Roosevelt. BIG "BLIN b PIG RAID Vook Place in Copalt on Monday. Cobalt, Sept. 3.--The biggest blind pig raid in the history of this pro- vince took place vesterday when the rovincial police gathered in' fourteen defendanis on charges of welling wn this no-licenss district. © Manwvini them are second offenders. District tome up this afternoon. In ¥Fik Lake, Friday nights sone man paid $500 fine, the largest ever' collected in' this dis trict. Canal Office Report, The report of let passes, issued at the St. Lawrence Canal office, Kingston, for grain, efe., en route to Montreal, records 1,404,992 bushels of grain; 856 tons of flour: 150 tons of merchandise and 8,174 tons of coal. i ---------------- And the Lord also helps those whe help others. You'll Mrs. A. O'Gorman, mturned home on | Nollie | | Deane returned to Buffalo, N.} x po | Monday, gl two weeks' visit D. Baker and little tle dough ; if you want the best Doesn't matter what you take "if you can't tell the "difference CORBY 'S | Corbyville B0--under "PAPE'S iAP avis IN. he which will mean | certain imprisonment when the casos | BISHOP WAS MOBBED When He Tried to Eject Woman From Cathedral, "Rome, Sept.- §--Monsignor Bishop of Citta -di' Castel the Tiber, was administering confirmation vesterday in the cathedral there when sticed a girl wearing a shirtwaist eeves «which he considered far He interrupted the cefemony and called on her to withdraw. As his advice was not followed, and as the girl remained in the cathedral after service, the Bishop walked up to. her and attempted to eject her. Several young men, including the son of an Italian deputy, at once took the girl's part, and the Bishop. retired to the $ACristy In the évening a demonstratio n took place before the episcopal palace, and when Mgr. Liviero appeared at a win: dow, intending to address the papulace, he was pelted with tomatoes and other vegetables. _ Hon. Wm, Harty Tender. Hearted. Tarenta Star Weekly. v Hon. 'William Harty, of Kingston, who has 'hved through a stormy po- litical carser and amassed a fortuse in business, has a side fo his na- | ture which his closer = fries may | guess at but can poven entirely fath- om. This is manifested chiefly in g | hatred of physical eaudlity. He 15 a hard fighter in a political campaign, but the infliction of suffering in any ' form, whether it affects man or ani: man, a8 his most bitter abhorience, nod he wiil go far to prevent it. [lus humane tendency is carried wen to the extent of refusing to go fishing, L entailing as it would the sacrifice of living creaturgs for the sake of sport, Such a strange charactgristic is not "the wwait of any iad or some per sopl code, but is a natural outcome of a high sensitiveness to pain. Liviery, un 3 iS ! ERAS: S "Correct Styles for Men" known and worn every- i. where by men who set . the fashions in men's cor- ' rect attire These hats are now on sale throughout the Dominion and represent The Smartest Styles for Fall = "Back of these fine styles is the best quality that can be put into a hat, We gunrantee this quality ~s0 will your dealer. Ask him to show you the style that is suited to you. He has it--both in soft or stiff von Gal - Made Hats. re -------- -- Interprovincial Raghby. Ate a meeting of the Interprovincial Rughy Football Union on Saturday night, at Montreal, the schedule for the season, which commences oh Se turday, et. Sth, was drawn up. Oct. p---Argoiauts at Mootreal, Oct. 5-Ottawa at Hamilton. Oct, 12 HfHamiiton at Asgos. Ges 19--Montreal at Argos. Oct. .19---Hamilton at Ottawa. Oct, 26. Ottawa at Montreal Oct. 26-Argod at Hamilton. Oct. 2% Montreal at "Ottawa Nov. 2--Hawmilton at 'Montreal. Nov - Argos. at Ultawa, Nov. Montreal at Hamilton, Nov. 9---Otlawa at Argos. ---------------- Rhapsody Abroad, New York Herald. Noted Copenbagén linguists declar- es American slang is far more poetic { than the English of Shakespeare. Quy ragtime speech is music to kim, il would seem. 2 2 9 33, $4 and $5 at leading dealers' 4 ru flav Living mat and seven boys The wife of Jackson Thomas, pear Harrowswith, gave birth, Thursday to triplets, one girl two boys. The girl weighed pounds three ounces and the each wi pounds two ounces. If it were not for the trusis whom would a man who fails in business blame for it ? INCORPORATED Canadian Factory, Nisgara Falls, Ontario A actory. Danbury, Connecticut Straw Ei acon: Baltimore, Maryland "132and 134 Princess St. ; The Store. That's Different NEW ARRIVAL S DAILY Phe season's latest jinporfations 3 in Ladies' Stylish Mantles'and Suits are | | Get our prices before deciding on your pew It means money saving for you. ready for your inspection. Coat or Sait. A pleasure to show you' Exclusive Ready-to-Wear for Men, Women and Children. T. J. O'CONNOR SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE To Toronto During Canadian National Exhibition over Canadian Northern Ontario Railway CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO Train No. 12 will leave TWEED at 640 am. and No. from SYDENHAM at 8.00 am, and YARKERat 8.55 gm. arriving NAPANEE at 9.40 aan. to connect with special CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO train from NAPANEE at 9.50 am, arriving TORONTO st 2.24 pm. o» August 27,28, 0, 80, and and A September 3, 4, 5 6 and 7. RETURNING, a Special Train will Youve TORONTO UNION STATION, at 11.00 pa. on August 7, 28, 29, and Sspmber 2,34 5, € and 7 Fusing through to NAPANER, and ealling zi all intermediate stations. FIRST CLASS COACHES EXCLUSIVELY Splendiaty aquipped with Naxiieious high-backe 'seats. EXCURSION TICKETS GOOD ON ALL TRAINS. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES from YARKER; $3.35; TWEED, 33.35; SYDENHAM, $2)67 ob 1I'%n BA NNOLK- Large Bottle Government Hotels. aod alsa hess BURN, $3.60; HARROWSMITH, $3.56, on Aus. 26 and Sept. 4 ) Tickets for Rod Tuts wil bo sod Ane 2 to nt To good (0 sete w to Ses.