Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1912, p. 3

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™e PATLY mirnien WHIG. ¢ SATE BDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 7. 192. AGE THREE ing in Halifax, returned to town on HB VISIT OF THE ANGEL. - " Thursday snd is the guest {of her WHITE SLAY TRAY C ried { i ¢ "Toronte, Oui, Sept. Tih, 10 nw. 8 daughter, Mrs. = William L. Grant, Who Records What Kingston Has) Ww Prob - Detmwa Yalies und Luger Ne, | mute Wellington street. - Need te Da » feather abilities . stormy, hut gemerstly fair apd warm Mr. Angus Macdonell, 'Mr Fat HOW IT 18 CARRIED OX Ni Ww. M 5 ' Sunday, foe aud warm, - Redden and Mr. J. L. Whiting, after EUROPE. {An angel few over the limestone tow o spending a few days in Toronto, re us wn long, y -- wurned bome on Wednesday : iter ; angel of death ow pt Bow a ------.--a ted her people so Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldwyre TLewis |SWiss Girls Tovited to Go to Spai anil tat , who have spent the summer in. King- as Waltresses--F ines Are the | And h way sere e gran g © Pr OMe -~ r Pu 1 ald Burg nd it tat He avor's (Contint ied from DABS 8, ton, r turned home Jlo-day = Only Penn vex 2 Ga "The usual fortnightly dance took Mr. Paul Whitney, who has heen in eneva, Sept. 6.-In the summer LAnd it said, "Goo ir. Ahi oii . Jiince at the Yatht Club oa Wedpes [iown for o day or two, Yeturned tof MOM he the Swiks papers contin a} heing, (ge, 1 ~ evening . and was. a -grest suc | firockvilie to-day large number of allurifiy - adeettise | r The guests ifluded Mrs. W. R Zev. H. Dyckman, who bas heen vis ntts ht Joung rls who ute off he - Miss Kathlee irkpatri ing J. F. Lesslie, Will ¢ | Splanchid places. aR + ung iQuoth the mavor, "And oh RU : . o 5 = . { Misses Ailcen, May and ow patrick, jung Me. Sa dios or lima strity Argentina, South Africy. ete. SMe by | name, good | sir' Tor a featles We are offe ping a number of special values Miss Gladys Burton, Miss: Ada Pe day. side of these advertise RAY De | man wag he, ) that sheuld prove attrac tive. | wie, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Florrie Mr. and Mrs. McRae, who have spent red the warning of the federal fe- | and the angel replied ax he - : { Stewart, Miss Lillian Munéell, Miss | (he summer camping on Cedar Island, partment of justice and polices to the | od, "a the Twentieth "Ammann | Gweneth Mérrick, Miss Doris "Rent, [retufned, to-day, to their home *n New indy girls not 14 accept a place w ith 1 ¢ mayor weni to the neil hall . Miss Helen Uglow, Mise Nora Mae |York. {out full ing uiTies. Not only thy po 1 WILE, Wise # shed, \ . ice, hut 'the Swiss homes in the chief | wore ranged ull in that ancient ha : nee, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Mise Doro Rev. Mr. Fraser, who was "visiting { thy Chown, Miss Flggenie Eliott. his mother, Mrs. John Praser, King | towns of Europe and ----.. rouition where ¢ven the stove Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss . Helen | street, returned to Belleville on Tuer | vers! womei"s. ; soci oh oh RETR he i * a - > 8 ae no, Gordon, Miss Ruth Martin Misses [day. ag Bovi whialf of the i Tha ub spake' the fin n The halanc ¢ of our Si 00 SAVINGS banks with Helen anc jori : , s Miss Lauder Neshiit, after spendin 5B a prisk as a man might . AP ol x \ tind Thomas Copley Hoppin, d Darjocle Camphill, Mine Labor day with Mrs. Colin Bast Vig In spite of thede inslitutiotis and no- | Who was bucking the wavs of ancient every $2.00 pure thas there are only a Whi Ritoa ' Miss Eleanor Phelan, 'Miss Murray, | Wolle Island, feturncd to Ottawa on Hioes many Swiss girls are G fured & AWAY | Rome in the twentic nlury, . + numbgr--so be early. Telephone 987 Miss Mingay., Montreal Miss "Bylvi luesday {by the international white slave traf | ophig paper," said he, "was given to ; ary . A 1} Pine Bireat when Cochrane, Miss Tsabel Waldron, Nien Miss Susan Anglif, Earl street, left, jhe gang, which, likp an octopus, has} me, and he who runs may read or A A & anything done in the Cirpen- y 3 {AY ; : F. Miller Lo fs in every large Swiss town. j Ye all have run and ve all have won | er Hine few Y, Ww lon Friday, to. visit Mrs, F. F. : : «er Hoe, Estimates given on atl kinds | Worth, New York, Messrs. A. W a a. v1 here are at preset many advertise ~a plagite on your cursed speed H Si p ry repairs and ne : alsolp a BOCK . : {in Napance. . Hardwo od Floors of ai Kinds All es ¢ yu Siidarsieva; y > : pan » . . . [nents in Hine | Pape rs or altro «| rely s prompt attention. . al b Steacy, mn » Cum in Spain at salaries. but the; «jt was riven .me as " shall , Bhop, 40 Queen Street. Daly, Douglas Anglin, Lyman Skinner D. P. J. Kennedy, Brooklyn, N.Y. J x conguls report that only men | Lyn ee oat i Aan 9 see, bh) the. apgel cs i Amott Minnes, Leonard Mirkett, Neil wi witive i boul nxt week, Lo at fare employed in Spanish cafes. Anoth-1 = gyi ? Special quality of Fine Cashmere 2 and 1 Polson, Neil Black, Richard Elmer Mrs. Claxton, Miss Winifred Clix jer vecent example is that of a welll Lid vou read and take blamed good 2ibbed H 512 4 10 4 I Herbert = Steacy, Ted Rogers, Harold ton and Mr. and Mrs. William Clax- educated Swiss governess being trap i he ed. God grant it comes not too ® Ri acy O80 --S1268 to Jace qua ity Brownfield, Allare Shortt Roger a wd in Egypt, where her "employers" | . ; : 5 & : . * api jon, who have been spending a io wal 2M { late ar . . 2 YWE 4 Stewart,' Hugh Ryan, A. Mingay, ||). in Torontos returned home to. E8ve her jewellery and dresses amd rhe soroll was opened and read hy all C a pair i Frank Sroy the, Lesalie Smith. 3 : | then presinted a large bill with an | od it out to the very hone. day. . : oul HIGH SPEE Mrs. R. CC. Carter, Mrs. Hansord 'ultiiatum: The girl's relations and p,; } plainly Powed that an antique TEHAMPIG cman dftomt notion at the * Yacht Hora and Master Hansord Hora, West frie nds suber fed hs sum and saved | crowd was "reigning in old 'Lime x ka Yoh noon Fiona ne. stone.' 7 Heavy Wool Knitted Hose--very elastic . be street, returned to-day, from Toronto, 3 i . Win a class by itaeif-the' sasfest were Mid OW, R. Givens, Mrs. Mur where they have spent the past week, Unfortunately, the penaltics in Eur sizes 6 to 10, very spec 1al at S1Z , Ve § i running, the most subsfantially butlt phy, Montreal, Mrs. James Higgins NM ; ope in conheetion with the white slave] 4, : ng i . . s , oy $ Mrs. Charles Low d two child P Apropos (he missive made bold to the 'most tinstactd wer, NE : *rederi ibd 5 rs iL AL an iiiciren, . 4 < Ahad SRL ulm, ov ] Mrs. Fre ok Brownf , Mra. ial Hélen and Charlie, returned home on i traflic copuist of fines only, which ate state that the bulging hosdy ol 2 25¢ H 3 Inway Waddell, Migs Martha Swish. |g dav ft : ine Only washer worked with idl © HEY a oN " ednesday, after spending the ig handia af side as well as top fever dd i 8 » - range; apanée, Mrs. 1 bili» three weeks in Aly mer West, with . the only one where the whois top [88 ' ridenusx, Urs. Hugh Macoherson. | Lowe's mother, Mrs. Price, | bunch, should be lessened to hall opens up. EY | Mis. Tamsay bof, Mrs, E. 1 Daw Mrs. Mingay and Miss Mingay ar of fen | | i Mian i [ : Ask your desler to show gov the BS Msn idwards, Mrs. Wiliam rived in town from Montreal, on Wed- " clin CAREC RNR + I'That five od men could get through Champion" Washer. p wsslie, Mrs. Brigstock, Cobalt? Mrs. | posdays-ahd are en 'pension at Mrs A, SREAY CONCERT, more 'bi with brains and a Lt' eC wear floor." -~ 4 A A Ae A St gg Pr promptly peid, and the persons im men, plicated disappear to be replaced "by The fathers, the council, that poble [other agents of the gang. rs. "Fuvoriy' Churn 14 the word's" ff | W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mry Jeremy | Brooks', Earl street mire : tle yo. 6 hi write BH | Taylor, Miss Gilmore, Miss S. Willis Mrs. Buxton Smitk, who has been A 'Halifax Papers Tribute to} In minutes ten than the hunch of them | FMvk.- Russuil Sunes, Miew Bese spending the summer in town, will Bispham. could dream in-a day or so We have just to hand a' large consignment Smythe, Mixs Amy Mell, Mjss Jenn |leave, on Tuesday, for Ottawa Halifax musie Jovers, on Aug. 3s, ! of Nove Ity Neckwear for fall. See our display Fuss Miss Aileen Folger and Mix Mra. Hlerperv: Robertson, Wellington | révelled in the delights of a magi {And further "this. pertinent paper sa » , : ' Hilds Repu. otfect, returned home on Monday. ficsnt concert at the Academy of| 10 the men who were rang - 'it is ve ry novel and attractive and- the prices - a st - i. Je» Music. It was given by David | _ around, Are roc k bottom. ; Mrs, J. 66. EHiott, Darrie street Dr. and Mrs, E. Ryan, "Rockwood | Bispham, whose name is a household { That nowhere else in the wide pal | was hostess at an informal little ten | louse," have feturned from an ex. | word among those who follow i the | worlc vould ROrse mam atre {on Friday afternoon, when Miss Doro | ended trip to Vancouver and the! best in. music or who know anything | | | ! found ; a vA A " ~ rE thy Mingay, of Montreal, was the | actorn cities | of it. . { Fhough of .tatel nme and ancient »i / Sia ol) ol oor . The guests in Miss Kathleen Moore, of Stirling, | {t was a great congert. made so by | 5 fame, it pi I as a thoroughinre ' Sh t Nn ht at Er i" Rut) ha? Fle anor Minnes, gassed through town on_ Friday, on | the magnificent voice of Mr. #is spham, | ee way 1 M ns the hum an ire op O iss Ruth artin, Miss Maisie [her way to Gananoque, to visit Miss shis dramatic, sympathetic and' artis | is more than the heart can 'bear {Dwder, Mise Helen Uglow, Miss Myra | Sige, tic interprefation of the music and 1a . - »<tie int msic . Moll il | Dye, Mise Buns iwsion, Miss L Alfa Dr. .. J. Harty returned, on Friday, words he used; by the fact that il | Bimps 'and Snipe nad holii Py ¥ ' Dorothy ( on Miss I: bel W, Idk fim Toronto: was an all-Fnglish programme andy| But ie ie b ol on 1 ve ' ; Mi s wen oth 'M Liss KM . M \ Son Miss Dowsley, who has been visiting | lastly bythe fine accompaniments and | us thi kD a t of pia tw E : I he 1 ' i i's Mudrec Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie for some time, re- | metrumental solos, played by Harry \ v4 ) A A 1 all . B0 ot 2 | ormwith, und Miss Ac a Petrie turned, > Thursday, to Toronto. M. Gilbert, wha. presided at! the er dd ; EE ph adsl aps * « _e x ; . Rev. J. F. Beekstedt, of Lansdowne, | alaso fil i i hi Hr Th St f S t1 f tio Mr. Patrick Kennedy, Portsmouth, | wij he a guest in town over the week Nason and i eh, Bano h song was al where the #treot ments the e - ore oO a $ ac n strenuous atid brought responses to. K. and P. there has little blood: AS ie a CA A announces. the engagement of hix eld- | 4 M. Hurley, Trenton. The marriage [ = ho's ' EY | stro Fe returne J J 'Ww x "XN strodt, have returned from St obn 8, {owing "When Two Are Parted, ir. T-- will take place on September 1 17th, ' . py ve is' : Nuwituhellund, rhe Te they have been Bispham sang = Stephen Storris' | Your supply of water, "Upto i Mr, Cornelius Berminghame. - Barrie Pelsipg ie on ft, "Preity, Pretty Creatuie' (and of Date," is not the } for me, 'ri To course he was careful to give Storris' [The typhoid bug, the aquatic thug; | street, returned on Friday from SU MMER COMPLAINTS i i English and not his italian name). should be snared ih a filter. See | ronto, where he s J | » he spemt a few days. . : LL : ? re wR 3 | Miss Roxina Hinckley, Watertown RILITPLE OF After) Tennyson's "Ring Out, Wid | The sewage vou dump in front of the : ' i, At first signs of illness during the . She T Gres a ucks wal rot i N.Y. is visiting Capt. "and Mra. ( hot sathe i he, Sang Lhe Ta a pum, that sucks water Jo h ot weather give the littie ones and following a sple ndid, ren town, J. Hinckley, Universit venue, , ; . ' pW : i Miss Ponner, who hy ge spend i Hi Find de wring of "Danny Deever," with Wdl- | You dose it with dope, kill part of ; : fanditul ing the yummer in Kingston, will Tablets will prevent summer com-| ter Damrosch's saasic he sang one of He peril, and the drinks are hand While shopping the most annoying i keeps the head free from dandru : return to Toronto on Tuesday. plaints if given occasionally to the} the "Roendana Ballads. ! ed down. thing for me is to have someone try vents She huis from coming out ane * Miss Verna Hinckley, after 'spend well child and 'will promptfy cure] The programme concluded with a . 5 ak i to oil ne something "ju \ (HO sto it hin of te scalp dul a ing the past month with Miss May | these troubles if they come on sud- recitation set to music -Long fellow's | Your yards are blessed with that cool whe n 1 ask for Newhro's He '0 | Herpieide 1s roally i Din ovfu Ft Hinckley, University avenus, left to |denly, Baby's Own Tablets should] 'Bing Robert, of Sieily ; eats th that comes from the aur thier are not many fists eds v hich does just what you wan ts sia g. ro v lo thy bul. wh ew her re Land exe {day for her home in San Diago, Cal [alway be kept in every home where ---- i ; ? it to do. 3 Competent Optometrist | » : there are young children. There | Death of Wilton Resident. y She faba , wy ha iki) loch : ane : wit eh ip ni hy Applications at: good 'harher shops y Miss Saswdl, of Chicago,' who is [no other medicine go-good and Abe + : \ m A Dari a roti 1 Wi hee trv It on aT Duver + Send 10c, in postage for apampla to ou will get cqmfort with your: the guest of Caplain and Mrs. Philip mother has the guarantee of a gov-| Wilton, Sept. 4.-0n Sunday mori ne he in their ul) hen they tr i I the Horpicide Co... Depts RY Detroit, lasses If you "copsult Prideaux, William street. will return | 6¥nment analyst that they are ab-| ing Lemuel Storms passed away at F way, Go ss the innocent folk, Lor th ita : to her home next Thursday, accom N yp Shey'te uot to Plame and wege Inhas they will " : ewbro's Herpicide in. B0c, and $1 I daughter, Jennie Elizabeth, to Mi Mr. and Mrs. James McCulla, Bay eniores to three numbers. Fol- been spilt i | { solutely safe. Mrs. Chas, Lapierre | the home of his son-in-law, R iH th "rf vat : i KEELEY, Jr panied by her host and hostoss. les 'Boules, Que., says:--'"Baby gl Lapum Although decensd had al the ; Sa ie system's a h is hs urd fon ne h ro TR ER he an ' Mis. Reynolds and Miss Nan Rey- |Qwn Tablets are the best medicine] reached the advanced age of minety | BRastL Jo ' a te thov holiave it them. anive it to do off that is elimed. H - The Optometrist, Sa ction Kuar- | nolds, of Brockville, and Mrs. B. W. |& mother can give her little ones and | two he had been very active until I could . i . 1 : 1k ui ; wisfied voar mon "\anteed or money refunded. Parker, of Lachine, came up from 1 always keep them in the house." a few weeks ago. Besides a widow, colic mentioh more, sax th srives ver druggi © 20 Princess. Street. . 'Phone 927. Rrockwille on Friday and returned to The Tablets are Sold by medicine] there remains a daughte Mrs R len. score, hut Lue res Will Te: [there am Dut ope-genune Brockville to-day. While they wen dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box| N.-Lapum, and two sons, John original dan} 4 ol & } serve lend germ destroyer and shat i% Meleod and I... T. Fes tan "Till my words soak in aml you work bro's Herpicide You've the situation Cape Vincent Sunday Connections LOmerica 730 a.m. and 2 pm, re ! tor visiting son street. Ww Re t from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine} and Omnge (. Storms, all residing in in joys they were the guests of Mrs. | | ville. {an ange : ei eft His fo dm tame ee Sree am a me 5 mer -- 4 : = 2 , o revidence a tia . ; I oe on eliog YE ne RESCUED PROM DEN-O OF SNAKES. | of R. N. Lapum, by Rev. D. Wilhams, Van've advatine out of mri ----- " | {of Morven, a former pastor ol the | LF U0 that arrange ho tosis E. BLAKE THOMPSON, I: es w to. Girl Without Nerves. : . "You're dead ye Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kavanagh re | Mills is confined to the house with haturSelind | < iy - a | turned (0 Montreal on Tuesday, of | Some young woman who has nolan attack of pleurisv. but is much Ag ha Ls Real F state loans and Fire Insurance i Raitod Coats | Mrs. Dr Pholan, John. | Prejudice against aoditing with | improved. + Rev. W. D. P. Wilson and -- ' | . | poisonous snakes and lizards can ob. | Robert Miller have returned from their | EE | Mr. FP. Wallace, after spending a tain a comfortable secretaryship by | western trip Miss I. Thompsen, ofl ! . -- Apent for ---- J i { f ook th Mr. Cornelius Ber: | applying to Ravmond L. Ditmars, | Chicago, ix visiting friends hers, Mr | turning leaves Caps incent 11 a.m " : y - ' Ww i is there that adds | hon SE ctte Aree leit an gain o ig hfe office is in i and Mrs Rex re Kunguion, were jand 6.45 p.m. Ble return, Union Assurance SOC y& Manitoba Assurance (oY. 850 much to one's pers. [| . ¢ Mttsburgh, Pa. t rept ouse at the Bronx Zoo | visiting at i ast wee . Ee A and i ex al Mr a pi ied from | logical Park. I Ham's hous j& undergoing Tepmiry. A fate mipresston reper el OVER NORTHURN-CHROWN BANK, MARKET SQUARK, ppearance Montreal to-day to visit his uncle, Until a weak ago Mr. Ditmars had | - a under cover, { "Phone 186. RINGETON, ONT. ) Miss Lassie Kigkpatwck and Miss] od 'her work and was not 'afraid, but | Seot: «, Buckley's, Christy's, Heath's ¥ = $ : failed to find in the large Dorothy tl the guests a ofak ! one day she received a vibit fn _. hate ul \ 'mmphell Ji Pos the | . Years of Suffering wt " ------ | store in Toronto this week HI 0, won_at_St. Agathe. from Hor fiancee, who is "yelling to | largest importers of men's hais in thix| sn Desperate Case of Catarrh inthe - . . anything approaching our {= her. * He brought wu h Pw see I part of Ontacio of : Col. apd Nos. . Birchall Wood, of [6 bear that ho rene, ad Sr | gpa oy "| NEW FALL BOOTS FOR MEN AND BOYS hg io Coasg uid From Haceichiold, Have feturme] trom Yuh Than %o far been unable to | "Fresh Met onkey's sweets, ib} for a Lam , Je Dat 8 our-own modeds, tha ©" camp up the Rideau. __ {replace her _}son's, | ate case that he didnt know what={o . . : have been selling for the Mr. William Jones, of Toronto, is Tha office of Curator Ditmars is| 1 you keep patiiny off getting that | do, hut gme of his friends rocamvmended High Grade Goodyear Welts . from $435 to $5.50 : & spending a few days in (own. uniawe. To enter it one must fest) fire insurance policy until the "'eley- | Hosa's Saesaparilia. He got a boltie past 650 days. They are Capt. and Mm. Maurice Plummér, Burs 8 nek pamage on aihar | sath hs 2 you iny past ie of too | immedintely. and as soon as Be com The Dr. Worth Cushion Sole for Men, solid i n € se long. Attend to 1 DOW 'ann, | men n it } felt relict i gems. Johnson street, have returned from o which are hundreds of choice | ong Lien: « ood taking Je felt relict apd comfort, ond price Miss, 'Besale. Clarke, after visiting and other deadly as well as harm. ! The genuineness + of remorse may be ! well pleased he has ever sifice recor : i ? i 70 " : . Ming Mary-Hors, King street, for seve lots sakes. In the office proper one questioned: when it is not display: | Sl SSE re Sars parbian Deiie HNST N S SHOE STORE : ; Bo ? J be Avi returned to her home in }m wajcomesl by a gfianing woolly] od unt doserved jidgment is al Alina Regis, Levi » } BROCK ST. ) ud monkey, whose particular jov is to | hand Gat Meod's Sars A today. Sole A ys €rseys 4, Cathars Tm wk sik hix Shgers. in the ink well and) "McCookey's aml Hayler's" high | Sy all @rugeie's sveryw here J £0 . : » Mrs. © GG. .M. Parkin, Goring-on- | leave his marks around the place. Af elas rg sold in Jhingston only at -- . --AND. Armes, i, who has heen visil- {pot Mmur is very apt te jump con Gibson's Red Cross Prag Sore. i / : » Jia - Bo back unless vou have first made] Sometimes the "w orkman is worthy | jenele with Bim. Then there is a | of his hire' principle, when ned Her ter troop ol trained mice to add to the | to The minister, does not find a se "Rivals al br nena ocoupation of "any woman spopfive chord we the hearts of the , when dictation ie dull A dud egatign, i A the djoinine room will tise i tech Men onkey's sweets." Gib} From. Sorial RE . whose | unnas, bathing in the bot wd | tt po Tht obtoents yk an ud well Mi Flovencs Graham, hba wal silence 4 io or rt! she al ost soit a a her dmughter'y 4 i. js the ° young of valor for the third party wand lis mere, in_alm an, EF thin® oho oe reli rosigried- Wer position at tener. bination of color ony | {Hival, in this his fogpiet h girl. | the ouest of the man io hem poe) men's waterproof boots, $2.75. | Bmplosi i ings. [she is to be married in the fx tton's, 1 idole the Beart of | i Says : tion chiefly "to Io was not at afl unensy about her| People with an Sorifinate units & By boy and Pp him #5 Siced that crea rroundings, for she quickly hoof thimssives talk may say htt i Bey 1 a i and me, by Fay i ky or HE sthint worth Listening for the Fall : ; complesion. ized 'of the nel ¢ "Fr sh sweits," Mectonkey's, at Gib- : of _ Helper introductions 1 SON'S. & id the ow . But now (ore "oa J A woman may have to spade © the pwd yr Mr. Ditmars insists it he gu while her sporty "Wakband Toronto, J A Secretaryship at Bronk Zoo Open Myophodist church here Mrs. Bernard he ng, as a Knitted ( ont, W ¢ Major Henri (Pavet, Earl street. . Jo very competent secretary, who lik | The Gennine -- their summer damp. rattissnakes, pythons, king. --cobros, [agent was completely cured. Me was = closg #4" seams of more. of eisnt ig FOE. ied by J n- yung woman - otherwise | oun : is syd in the game. sf i LEADER 8 OF THE BRIS EMVIRE CABETS. Oi every parsde of the caldeds of the. in Toronto Me monet of fads of Saskatchewan were in the made" a great Fgtstesion, This is said to be the first and only corps of mounted cadets in he Pte pdf te hd

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