_ TEAR 79-NO, 211 KINGSTON SHOULD HAVE. INDUSTRY i ry cl to Appin ne. + COMMITTEE | USELESS HAS JUST BEEN A FARCE, J 4 MAYOR SAID, A Paid Official is Needed to Devote All His Time to Yrying to Secure Industries to Locate in the Lime , stone City, Claiming that -the appointment of An ¥nchustries committees is but a "farce," and that if the city is to go ahead, in the way ol securidg new industries, an. industrial niission ~~ should be appointed, Mayor Hoag, at the Jirst meoting of the city councillor the fall tm. rather stirred up mmtters, and his "starting the ball rolling" will, no doubt, bear good fruit. At the start off it might be wiated that "Mayor Hoag has no complaint to make whatever, regarding the work of the chairman of the mdusiries ~tommitioe, Ald. Shaw, apd his col leagues. He is of the opinion that they have been daing all in their power to land industriés for the ely but what he believes 18 that the system is wrong---that there should be a paid commissioner, and one who has the authority to act in such matigrs, Further, it is the opinion of his worship, that the city will not be able to secure new indwatriesg unless action along this dine is taken. ~ There was some discussion, afte the remarks of the mayor, but no action was taken, although council may deal with it later. Mayor H brought the bufore council, after the chief ness of the council had been od of. He wanted to know what the industries committee had Leen able to do for the uty, and stidved 3 vommitiee as n I it could be shown to him what the committed had been "able do accomplish he would be quit willing to retract hig statement, 11 bad. bimedtl, reccivvd many communi cations from fiems desinng location. i Ae ol the Wndustries fd ols: asked as to just what es had in dealing a the matter, He beffeved th the city whould have an, iwdu:ir commissioner, who would have the time, eto, to follow up these mnt mat toy busi dispos "So long a= we play with industries as wo have ih the past," added the mayor, 'just so long will we be with: out industries," "Let us appoint Ald. Shaw for the position," remarked one of the al dermen. "That would be all vight," «nid ie mayo, "but give him some pow Remember, I am not finding fault with Ald. Shaw and the mem bers; of his committee. They are do ing all they can, but remember they are handica 2 . Ald. Shaw stated. that his com mittee could give a report at every menting of the council during the vear The committee, he pointed out, had received communications from all over the county, ~ regarding firms looking for a loeation, and he and the mem bers of his committen had been doing their utmost to. try ang gob the firme to loeate in Kingston. The ' commit tee had pointed -out the advantages "of Kingston and had shown men over desitalde pri ty. The work of the committee ht apbear ag being a "farce'" but the committee had cor tainly been doing _all in its power The chairman sta that he ~ had made a to Torontn himself in au offort to get a concern to locate bore Ald. Ross stated that © in ex-Ald Craig's lime Whe latter had a great deal of dotrespondence with fiems do dring to Yotate some 'place. andithnt he had endesvored to helo Kingston There was evidently something wrong He to the case of the Nation al Mas ng Co.. which was now Jornted 3 Brookville. Ho ventured none of the members of known that this firm had for a lowtion. The si rather a gloomy one. said yh was op ® he mation ly ¢ industrial Lcom- every other com, ial permit {raids the ordinary household" Jorce has besa substantially inereaved. COMMISSIONER : If : i ft je e J ! ia i MAYIICE FRANCIS (United Brateéss miniater EGAN Denma e to a TEE BORDEN CABINET An Early Session of the House of Commons is Absolutely Improbable. Ottawa, Sept, 10. After the tumult and demonstration incidental to the return of tHe premior terminates, the cabindt council without delay, will get down to the accumulhtion of 'work which awaits its attention One of the first duties will be a sur vey of the situation to determine what date is preierable for the assembly of parliament, Then a great budget of legislation for presentation to it must be prepared, Opinion seems somewhat divided as to whether the house will meet in November, or®only in Janu ary. The gyuestion hag not yet been considered. Of outstanding importance the naval question, and the policy to he determined in counection with it, The prime minister bas made it clear that uo decision has yet been arrived at, and that none will be until additional information from the British admiral ty is Josthooming. 1 here need be ¥ 9 e g 8 Ww is 'Hot made tilt Ty assembles. | ------ THE OUTLOOK ATTACKS » r------ The United States Over the Panama . Canal BiH. London, Sept. 10.--The Outlook this weak, attacks the United States vo the Panama affair. Among the arti cles is one headed, "The Apostle ai Arbitration." which is an attack on President Taft. This article ends : "President. Talt will have fo climb down from the extremely elevated po sition he his assumed. Happily, the American people, to. their great eredit, have refused to support their president | in his recent doings." In another artic le, the Outlook says "By the convention of Constantino ple, included fn the Hay-Pauncelote treaty, the United States must make equal and just charges on all users of the éanal. The Suez Cabal company, | having done may divide its pro ! fits, but the United Stgles is not, should not be, a commercial concern. "Tha states, however, are claiming the right to levy tolls; to meet all charges construction, maintenance, working, aml interest on capital, on all ships but American. They make profit out of the canal as well as un iairly burden their competitors. GUARDING THE KING FROM THE MILITANTS The Suilrrgett Out Outrage at Balmor:| Castie Fas Aroused Much : Feeling. Londan, Sept. intense fooling exists loeally | against the saliragettes wher raided. Inst-week the grounds of Balmoral castle; whore the king and queen are in vesidence, and should they be Joand in the district they are likely to suler rough handling No arrests had heen made wp to last night, ani At is believed those re sponsible for the affair are now back in Aberdeen, where the plot is said to have been hatched, . 'tha snuppositicn is that the attack Vos aimed more particularly at Pre. per: Asquith and Winston Churchill, orl of whom, it was believed, were at _ castle. As a matter of act, - pei thir werp A Jarge number of iives are on duty at Ie £0, or f of r 0, 1 ice und detec: fraget tos. Strangers ade prohibited from enter ing the ecastig grounds without a spe d dn view of possiole ancl i gents male b by high precincis are ively patrol day and aight. No doubt is felt that these precats tions will be i king irom further aapovance. Cal. Whitehead, # a. veteran saifitaly an, vi Montreal, died on Saturday Enemy Would Ody | Have to Cut ofl made tiania, lumbina irgarding in Ear was now Dr. had. #0. ply Ly cutting off 'her nitrates, the. |e hil irom pure, f the bearing guns, bg the AUSTRALIA'S To be Near ArT naval college not far south of PROBLEMS AWAITING AWAITING Crs ant nocesul iam oom ating plant. cover will sec 150 of Midshipmen-cailgls, at will he paid hy the will even provide will follow tional cruiser, training at that college some Worked 122 kiz advancing years, Thomas A. son found time for hours' devaisl 5] work, of Eis c.apurt of energy was. inspived By the Hokd "of fini hie disk phonograph. ready to say about perfected, and he hopes and he lieves that he will be able on the market thereabouts. "Driving is Strong, But Occasionally emulation-of her recently heen playing daily there. majesty, the game of ardent (first legpon sion xz expressed the opinion the game was ing. is quoted but from his home, Mountain St. tired. his house of wearing apparel. while silting af 4 meal in his home. baorsl, but nal Aarthor trouble has been caused by sul | to protect the dom that said triplets tw till-ihe age ol [Jott ily , BISGSTON, ONTA RIO, TU ESBA Y, SEPTEM TO DEFEAT BRITAIN, Supplies of Nitrates. York, Sept Ie e po ammunition for of v should = Great nemy cut her - supply nitrats rom "Chile, according to a declaration by br. Samuel Esde, of Chri Noranay, pefore the eighth in ernntioual chemical cong atl Ceo University. Ur. Eyde, who ' Re a8 an eminen as LODItY on atmosy pPhierie nitrogen, lured that in Nr as nitrogen wo: ALSO. REDUCE TERM pow being taken from the air. | FROM THREE-YEAR PERIOD TO "It has heen takin fpr granted 4 > : ' Eyde said, "that on unlimited sup TWO-YEAR ONE. Iv of ammunition was always to be ------ As u St tox of fact, that Notice of Motion Presented to thie With aif: her strenyth, |n City Council by AKL Harison-- could ne put out of commission , y . The Question Will Likely be Sub. mitted to the Yote of the Rate payers Next Javuary. there wouid Aritish Ne Ww guns ar Britain's The: Aldermen n From Twenty. One to Fourteen. oll ot subi ou land ghee ential ingredynt of explosives, fron Nitrate ammonia produecd "atmospheric. nitrgge n . andy according to the experiend Fhat the Britich navy it has a gress [00 apunci upen thy life pf the avy lone to lout teen, the purity of the product ¢ «x {office ald I at dischar : thres A ihe above of molicn { Monday ni Mt of is +N number of aldermen in the reduced from twenty and that the term of reduced from, b rmon ty two summ t the Ad brmg ol Years to Vvears $A 3 vol city council on Harrison, - and about a lively up in dis on a notiey NAVAL COLLEGE fre, ! promiscs Ac. io ml when Jit comes on, Sydney, and Will commodate 150 Cadets. NSW. 10.7 he wd be greet convenient inlet Besides the ete., there dat ate in « {ths form NEW | gs sod th tion, | been wad can he at it was left as & notice of mo would likely have interesting discus i a mot Ths faey » dey saved a lived Iney, Sept. per; what and Bay, a Sydney. I at dirvis 1 lassrooms, laborator sion. [ares Ald. cuttmg-~dowy } {eos also the number of pid an extensive power he) refrig. x th The building acres of ground. It in fall working Australin's buddy va at: the rr paksing the entered commit groups wi i! four The scheme L Will ne Mayar seconded by wiih ries Zam ) remembered that last year urtier Hag gas alde rman bros | i 1 ef an "Harrison, ne ehi~ * Inge in y ayo a¥ 'officers studying >! fasth avgural Hoag and, on aired pxamination, are to be the age thirteen; all gévernment, pocket mon referred early + matt of hi mation linanes aration, but the the committee decided to | matier to remain over un of til roar the end of the vear, after passing the ROcOSSAT v Fhe question which will have the young oflicer will be to be submit people the as a sublicutenant. lie i : . . rend]: afterwards . At gitation on to cut down council, and of CX h whiel : yoar, his wo! fo th com mem allow ship bro attention of it for civie years, Tha matri The college term is four six months on ar then two vears' service sen, and at the «nd tee consid 8 Ob the tung, xaminglion, in his career should in oné { to at elections, th nuary d by thére has | Ae iho a finished and catilti i" time oy varigus a O14 {ime 914. mn i en an a citizens, the term of office. the part of the memb also ¥ - many EDISON FORGOT TO SLEEI. only he Hours Out of 141 to : Perfect Disk Phonograph. N.J., 10. Despite di last week that he | less than twentystwo sleep in the course of the six By his own accounting he hours of the 141 to hard fo Have More Track Events. The labor day celebration com- mittee has decided that rext year, it will have a Jonger track pro- Sram The track events-at the picnic is year only occupied one 'houanll twenty minutes. - Prizes were obtainable for a much. larger Juniber rend events and it is proposed ke Teatnre of the celvbra- tion eccupy four hours and give ry one a chance to enter some competition and try for one of the prizes. THE POPE ENJOINS RELIGIOUS UNITY His Holiness Councils Roman Cathe- fics in France to Avoid Dynastic . Opposition. Paria, 10, Gloom has been cast over Frenvh royalist circles by the npequivodal instrudtions given to Ror an Catholics, through the medin of Mgr, Campistron, bishop @f Annecy, not to ally themselves with the * par ties of dynastic opposition in France Ou receiving Mgr. | Campistron in audieis recently ~ the enjoined kim ta "unite all Catholics on the grounds of liberly only under the ban- ner of the mss" More 'precise instructions were is- sued to the bishop by Caglinal Mer- ry. del Val, the papal secretary of state, who wounselled French atho lics to keep clear of the royalist cavee. His -opinion of the hopeless ness of attempting to ovesthrow the republic is made clear. West Orange, Sept. was 80. busy ork days. ing touches om Today he was that the invention was it or to put by October lst QUEEN LEARNING GOLF. Wide," Says Princess Mary. Aberdeen, Sept. 10.-Queen Mary aming to play goll a¥ Balmoral in daughter, who has Her expressed infatuation for took her its conclu that but tir Mary, (queen's is has often the who over maemo nt i goliers, yesterday. At "very bracing, Her "daughter, Princess as saying of the lays : "Mother's driving is occasionally wide." strong Robbed Pastor's House. While Rev. 1. E. Bourke was alisent conducting services in Methodist church, Mont- morning, thieves en- and stole $190 worth al, on Sunday Beintnell, of Belleville, died John (. TRIPLETS § START SCHOOL 'TOGETHER The birth of triplets is nol 46 uncom Pind So =n very Si LOVER yUars TT start school nhove were on the bench at h Toran Scheer they they sated ta learn their WOULD REDUCE - +2 : Je ea of Jie ta British 0 BER 19, 1932, MODERN BLUEBEARD KILLS Seven Wives and Suicideés--FEighih Wife Escapes. London, Sept. 10.--A score of Scot land Yard detectives are piecing to: gether pew facts coming ro light re vealing the life of a+ modern Blue beard. whose last act was "Wa blow out his brains, &fer saturating with petroleum apd setting on fire the "blue room' in which fay bodies of oué of his wives and three of his childpen, all murdered by him. Sordsy wounded--now dying in hos pital--his last surviving wife stagger- ed, bleeding from many cuts, clad only in her night attire. into the street. She escaped through a window, imbing down % drain pipe into an allev. Jt was the escape of his vie tim whidgh caused "Bluebeard" to commit suicide. The real name of hie perpetrator of thie chitin of crimes not yet as- certained. He posed at times as "Capt, Stirling" and called bimsell an American. In Eastbourne, where the murders were committed, he was known as Robert Charles MacKie. In Clapham he was Capt. Robert Hicks Murray. Detictives have secured proof that at lesst seveh from the hand of this man. and their theee children in the final tragedy. conclusive wives died Two sis ters were in. volved TRADES CONG S- EXECU TIVE Arthur Hawkes Borden's Born" Leader, 10.--The executive of the Trades and Labor Congress sub mitted its report this morning. It urged the appointment of a royal com mission to report on mine conditions in Canada; that a commission be ap pointed to prepare the basis of legis lation for old akq. pensions; censured Arthir Hawkes, 'immigration ofl the Borden government, because he studied industrial conditions from the car 'window of a train on a flight from coast to coast. The idea was put for ward that as capitalists of the world cause alt wars; they should be allow ed to the fighting. Mrs, He son, Montreal juvenile co made a women's pension act. ensured "British Guelph, Sept. official do the plea for of a GAS BOMB INVENTED em For the Police to Overpower trenched Bandits. Sept. 10--The French police can fight: desperate bandits the usual rigk attending their captive. 'Bonnot Garnier, at that time assistant to M. Lapine, asked the municipal chemists to devise means by a powerful gas for rendering entrench ed criminals unable to maintain them- selved fog long against the police. For this purpose experin have submitted to the police department a bomb which is said to be highly satisiae tory. The bomb, when exploded, gives off gas temporarily overpowering -all those inhaling it. The idea is for the police, when the bandits are cornered, to explode the bomb and then rush in and effect t _eapture, POSSIBIL ITY OF A STRIKE En- Paris hereafter without That Would Paralyze Shipbuilding in Britain. 5 | London, Eng., Sept. 10.--With the possibility of a strike which would paralyze ship-building, the boiler makers society and ship- builders went into conferences to- day. The national agreement -ex- pired yesterday, and the boiler makers want to do away with com- pulsory arbitration. TWO MORE OFFICERS KILLED By the Falling of an in England, Oxford. Eng., Sept. C. A. Bettington and Lieut. E. Hotchkiss. British army aviators were killed this morning while fly. ing past Wolvercote. The engine stopped and the machine dropped five hundred 4 feet like a stone. Fire Protection Force Slated. Victoria, Sept. 10.-A feature of the final session of the Canadian Forestry Association. on Saturday, was the slashing attack by Forestry Inspector Miller, of Calgary, on the federal fire protection forve. He declared that the force was crippled in section by the inclusion music teacher barber and a man old. Aeroplane 10.---Lient. the mountain an epilep 8 bar tender, a giXiy seven years of Kelvin. Lhe members of Memorial Window Boston, Sept. 10 engineering societies in this country are to erect a memorial window in Westminster Abbey to the memory of the late Lord Kelvin, who as Sir Wil Ham Thomson, designed the first suc Foessful receiving apparatus for oeran cables. Representatives of five Ameri can engigeering societies are om a committee to carry out the details of the plan. to Lord Harricine at Labrie. St. John, Nfid., Sept. 10. --Hurrk canes have been sweeping the La- brador coast for & week doing im- menses damage according to a meagre wireless « message to-day. One sshooner was orien, on' the rocks and four le wero drowned. Hons James Dufi, Hon. W. H. Bearer and Hon. Dr. Pyne have leit for a wur of the north, taking in Kenorn, Reowntin, the Rainy River Valley, Twin Cities and other points Mrs, Thomas J. Morris, of Ottana, was kitlediby falling from 'the wnrail- al roof of a fourstorey apartment oust, when: she was cleaning a var. Pe oie Woodrow Wilson ninde two tariff Speeches. in which he declared that is the mmain protected industries Bai de lesa wages thas unprotected ip. 1 xa family semllien" Gibsod's. THE - TOWNSHIP J. BRUCE esign as ISMAY 18 TO RESIGN As President of the White Star and Allied Lines, New York, Sept. 10.--Bruce Is- may," who became famous through the Titanic disaster, will resifethe presidency of the White Sta nd allied limes at the end of the year, according to report here. AN ENGINEER SLEPT WITH HAND ON THROTTLE Train Tore Away at Fifty Miles an Hour--Death in Col- lision. the sleep at Sept. 10. ~Wilbert trustworthy Pesnsylvamia rail the throttle lies dead other Harrisburg, Stone, enginemen road, went early yesterdsy and now at Harrisburg hospital. men were injured. The train made up of express cars. Leaving Philadelphia at 10.05 on Satarday night, it due here shortly after 1.30 in the mora ng. itotors. thuough the Haveishurg yards nme minutes ahead of time wat the rate of fifty miles an hour, ignor ed signals. and at the eastern end of the tmion Station the engine jumped thé track This derailed several and these crashed inte wooden p@ssenger coaches on the ioining tpnck and made kindling of them defo died dw "tor a he hat one of most of to Two seven wns express three tars empéy ad wood we Stone said gone to sleep ond." SIR WILFRID'S PLANS, in Northern Ontario This Moath. alt 10, Laurier's visit to North Ontar fixed. On Wedpesday 1 he speaks in Cobalt following altethoon he wil meeting Ville Marie the lake from Hailévhury hi he speak Coch P. Graham Hon will come with He Will be Col wroNir Wil ig have a Sept I'he dates f frid been tember sth, while the address a Que mn Or OKs Ou Friday rane. Hon Charles Murphy the nig i in and north eX-premies Two Were Killed, Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 10 neer Searside, and Flagman Quick were killed, and six injured when a switching engine collided with a passenger train, MINISTER'S WIFE DIES OF SEVERE BURNS Mrs. Rev. F. A. Read, of Amprior, Suffers Unfortunate Ac- Ouse, Sept. being badly on Saturda, leatrice Read, A. Read, pastwr of the Grace. dist church, died Saturday About eight och ing Mra. fiend was puiting some pers in the cook tove, whe wlothing took fire... M- was. not the five had taken 8 good starf that it was noticed by the maid, who fm mediately shouted to Mr. Read. They both ran to her aid, apd after con siderable difficulty extinguished - ihe fire. It was pot thought' that the unfortunate. woman was badly buen. af until three hourd afterwards, when she fell into a deep. sleep, from which she never awakened. The 'dhock pro vad too much for her and she passed awzy af ten o'clock. The late Mrs. Read wai one of tie most prominent women in Arnprior, and was an active Christian worker, She bad been secretary, corresponding secretary and viee-predidest of the FMontrenl branch of the Women's Me stonary. Association of the Montreal conbirence, On acectint of failing healih she was forded to give up so tive churoh work. Sine coming Arnpron from Montreal she had great. iv gained in health. Besides | 3 husband, ope daughter, ome sof, them brothers and theres siaters survive, Mr. and Mrs. Lohan, of Winnipen, wore visiting Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Read at (8 ume of the a cident. The decensed was Hifiyv-on years of age ] Engi- 10.--A burned morning wile of Arnprior, of the hey Me Rev; } Matho evemng morn pa het until result home, Azgye nt Saturday | Collins' 19 LAST EDITION, FAR _ OPENED ON TUESDAY With the Sun Shining on Wet Grounds. A SPLENDID DISPLAY » FARM PRODUCTS BY TOWN. SHIP PEOPL KE. OF The Affernoon Events Consisted of Horse Races and. a Baseball + Match--The Odessa Band Fur. nished Musie--Large Crowd in Attendance. of the rain Tuesday morning, the Kihgston township fair, opened at the city exhibition _Eroundy with exery In- Adication of a thorough success. The entries were much more generally taken advantage of, and exceeded those of last year by a goodly num- ber There were last year fifty-six entries, while those of this fair amounted to seventy-two, Tha morning was largely preparatory and was spent in arranging the dis- plays of produce of Kingston town. ship The platforms of the crystal pal: fice Rave a splendid display. As one entered he was greeted with the, vocal welcome of a splendid row of poultry which occupies a long spacé on the platform. Then follow the exhibits of produce, grain in the sheaf apd threshed, gardep stuffs galore, potatoes that would bring tears.to the eyes of the "Exile from Frin," and make his mouth wat great delicioys ears of sweet corn, snormous heads of cabbage and cauliflower and all the healthy array of garden habitants. Then there was 'the row of ore chard yieldings, arranged by the owners with the express purpose of reaching the hearts of the judges (through their stomachs) and look. In spite early on dng as appetizing as possible. Honey, syrup, and canned fruit in abun. dance vied for the head place in the housewife's skill. The cheeses 'and homemade stuffs made a most agreeable combination at one table and art needle work of all kindge was shown opposite' in a profusion that was utter bewilderment to the mere ' man. Some very attractive samples of rug weaving were dis. played, showing ne wm of ingenuity in thelr manufactn The stork exhibits, although booked, will not be at Their: best until Wednesday which will be the big day for the fair. The races for Tuesday cousisted in the named race, mile heats for a purse of $75, and township green race, half mile heats for & $75 purse Among the other attractions was the Faseball match in the afternoon between Ponies of Kingston, and Wolfe Island The directors President. J. L. F. Sproule, Wast. brooke; 1st vice-president, A. Day, Bay: 2nd vice-presidnet; - W. E. Topliffe, Glenvale; directors, F. Trudell, Colling' Bay: W. Shan. non, Glenburnie; A. E. Weller, King- ston Station: H. J. Simpson. Catar- aqui; R. J. Bushell, Kingston;' M., Fowler, Glenburnie; E. K. Purdy, Cataraqui; F. Gates, Westbrooke; Jbhn Baker, Cataragqui;, secretarye treasurer, J. W. Edwards, M.P., Cataraqul. of the fair are: If you have a nice plant, flower, some choice fruit or vegetables, them. In this way you will benefit yourself, but will help to make the exhibition a shes cess, We offer first, second and third prizes in every class "It pays'. to buy drug wants Gibson' or exhihit not only at DIED, gHto resid VON le XK nine at fr : Lt Packenhgrs, Or ROBERT J. REID, Undertak Tne B77. The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 nad 256 PRINCESS STREPT. Thene 147 for Ambulances, AATOVES AND RANGES, The best we have ever had; Drasser Stands and Bedx A Hine asstnable prices. At Phene NEW HONEY JIN THE 0OMB, full Furs. a EXTRACTED IN GLASS. EXTRACTED IN 10 LB. TINS. EXTRACTED Ix 2 LB. TINS. EXTRACTED IN 50 LE. TINS JAS REDDEN &(0.