2 BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1012. stemmed rate pte emi *4GR THRRR = ] Torounfe, Ont, Sept. 11th, 10 ame Ottawa Valley and { pper Si. Lawrence LATEREY. J. B. SERSON ==". ,...|CANADA'S FELDSPAR EIT - Feature, . 'a Tie and coater Thursday, five and FUNERAL FROM CHRIST! The ever popular Ernie Marks stock | IS FOUND WITHIN 100 MILES OF | comparatively cool, * CHURCH, GANANOQUE, - | company will open a three days'> en- KINGSTON, lgagement at the Grand Opeérn House, ------ Vihursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep Report of the" American Consul PERE) PERE ERIE To Pakenham" on Tuesday--Two . ' . : tember 12th, 13th and Tah, with spe Uses of the. Rock--Only Three - a 1 : special noice] [Novelties riage When Horse Ran Away. lan entire new acting compady as well Firms are Exporting It. ax several high class vaudeville art-| According to a statement made Are to be found in bewildering assortment af "Kingston's Shopping Centre." ists. Mr. Marks is well known to the {py F. 8. 8. Johnson, American con- theaireyoing public of Kingston, and gy) at Kingston, all the feldspar will, no. doubt, be greeted by full mined in Canada is found within a| houses euch evenihg. The play for the | radius of one hundred miles of | opening is the celebrated four-act com Kingston, from which point it is edy drama, "For Love and: Houor." exported to foreign countries. The ja.m., was i charge of the dean of " her Re : w ~ {Canada Year Book shows that in the [Ontario and A ton Carey, off _ The Girl of My Bream, year, 1911, the largest production | I Kingston, assisted by some sixteen] The delightful musical play in which | ever recurded in the feldspar indus- clergymen of this diocese, and was a|Jobn Hyams and Leila Melntyre will| try, the output being greater by most impressive one. From the chureh [be sven at the Grand on Monday, Sep- | 1809 tons in quantity and $4,257 a large crowd followed the casket to |tember 16ih, bears the pleasing title | in value than that of 1910. The Gananoque, Sept. 11.--The funeral of the late Rev, The Reaby Serson took place, yesterday, and was very large ly attended. On Monday evening, while the casket lay in stale in Christ church, large numbers were there to view the remains. The service, at 11; It's as Pleasing as its Name Comfort Soap. IN CANA Tired out men and run- the T.LR. station, where it was placed of "The Girl of My Dreams." The | production in 1911 wag 17,718 tons x H K RAILWAY in a'special car, and left at 12.45 for book is by Wibur bD. Nesbit and Otto | valued at $51,924 against 15,809 bi os tot i fon logs aA rc Me gf ee ere we its 1) HEL \ SYSTEM T.1.R. Junetion, to which point it Haterbach. The former is a well- {tons valued at $47,667 in 1910. : Ti z z Ont : + . i " Pr 2 - » UAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS, his congregation, slectod : by himselpfpresent connected with the Evening |i the manufacture of pottery, en- - ANN 12th. 13th and 14th | For sale ab Mahood's drug store. |... months ago, Messrs. W, J. Gib Post, of that eity. The lute Karl|amel ware, enamel brick, and elec-' rimmin S Dota, 15 Nort Hard $10 50: ton, Russell --- H. Britton, George 1. | Hosebna is the composer of the music. [trical ware, Of these the most im-{ ; 4 Chi 0 $17 80; Saginaw. = $12.80; == {Johaston, A. D. Howe, John Mc- | The new piece is described as an at- | portant is its use in thé body and Bay hy $12.90; Grand Rapids, > Gloghlon and William A. Barnes. Mrs. mospheric musical. play: in two acts. | glaze of pottery &nd vitrified sani- 3 © $14.96; Cleveland, $10.40; St. Paul Serson and family accompanied. the re- {The dialogue is said to be bright and | tary ware, in which it constitutes "all that is novel in Trimmings for the Autumn Min: iis, $33.80 mains lo Pakenham. the comedy situations unusually fun [from tem to thirty-five per cent. Its Ria + AE a Lal" ere seg retharning until Sept, The Winona Mission Circle was re- ny and of a decided fareial chiracter. [value in pottery lies in the fact, season. See our display of Fringes, Band- 3000 Z organized yesterday. Tea was served RN that it melts at a lower point than ings, Edgings, Fine Laces and Insertions, nt 3 ; * 'We deliver at latest prices || {rom six to' seven, followed by a busi- Last Trip Str. Caspian. [tha other ingredients and serves as Garnitures ;, Or nts, ete,, all to be had at * DOMINION EXHIBITION, the very best grades of coal. |||" necting. ° To Thousand Irland points on Sun. (8 flux, binding the clay-and quarts i 3 Ee fnaments, etc, alae he had al - " 16th. Bd ! Rh uite a serious runaway accident! day, Mth mst, at 10.15 a.m Fare | togéther. n glazes the percentage very attractive prices. - a Ont Sept. Sth {o Fare This is a good time to put in happened about five o'clock yesterday Sore . of feldspar used is higher than in ys I , y 12th and : ufternoon, while Miss Kate Webster,| + Charlotte, N.Y., 't of Roch.|the body and runs from thirty to gate, Sxcent Sept. 10, ¢1{| your supply for next winter. daughter of Nathaniel Webster, livery: | peter), on Sunday, By "at'5 pm. | fifty per cent. Other uses of a return untii}{! . - man, with her friend, Miss Gertrude Familie ming. Fare for | feldspar which do not require the All tickets good to re | P. WALSH ||| "vere "wioying a drive. The | Hom Tuesdey, morning. Fars for fn erade demanded by the pot. uitings, WESTERN FAIR, BB-57 cast of the town and turned short, | *F" of emery and corundum wheels i : oo London, Ont., Sept, 6th to 14th. {|| BARNACK STREET. |] [throwing both young ladies out. Tho! y.. S.re Wicket, who died in the | Where it serves as a flux; in the For a smart, modish Suit, see our novelty Sept. 6th to 14th, Inclusive, fare hotse, continuing ite flight through the, .,; 'way buried at Foxboro, She) Manufacture of opalescent glass; » Tweeds, Whipcords, Diagonals, Boucles fs $8.30, except Sept. 10th, 12th end town, was captured near the western|y,, fifiy years of age. a pottery grit: us a constituent, of |, X 3 I ot Agona's, ios, 13th, the fare lg $5.80. outskirts of the town, bugyy and har- | "wij mm Hewitt, Brockville, died, on |T00fing material; and as ballast. Serge, Homespun and many other effects g 3 a: ed 1 Sept. 16th. juries to the horse were not of a ser- ness. He was fifty-six years of age grades.of potash, feldspar are used that are abso ately new. These materials full particulars: apply to [ious nature. Assistauce was promptly : in the manufacture of artificial foe fu oe RT Ta : {at hand for the Joung ladies, and Dr. ¥ teeth. For this purpose it brings » ¥. alo Wado «Ay down women cer- { Sinclair was called" and made the run ake the highest prices, from $6 to $8 a Corner- Johnson and Ontario Sts in his auto, bringing the th Ia barrel of 350 pounds. It is also winly do "pick 50c the Yard U TT Ch ihoth had received severe, but not dan- ing soaps and window wash. The . ° RIS OL Ie} | [REC y a(t] up" on gerous, injuries. use of feldspar of the lower grades p A » ALL W iN P J | The Citizens' hand, to the pumber §f for poultry it, roofing, ote., seems ' » f twenty, in charge of 0. A. Meredith, $0 be gn $ @ increase and in 1911 a ; 11 q t small quantity was used as railroad Shop at the Reputable HE . «99 Sept. 10th, 12th, 13th .. . Their engagement came through the are in Kingston district. The sum- t t f t Sept. 4th to 16th inclusive ,. 70 Special courtesy of Hon. W. T. White, mem- mer shipmént is made by water, ore 0 a : $ ac on Return HI IE PAT . Eira ber for Squth leeds. . and in winter, by rail. 4 ! i In accordance with arrangements ee Hn nn Sept. 12th and 18th, th made recently with the town coun EE EEYRY . 3 i SINGLE FARE ROUND TRIP. Never makes you bilious, | |eil, the Gananoque = Electric Light CONSIGNIX GG GOODS. / : ' Good to return Sept. 14th. 4 *™ Inew incandescent lights throughout Special train will leave Harrow-| E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. ne town to do away to some ex 5 ling Express. i smith for Kingston at 6 p.m, Sept.| o "Phone 313. tent with thé large arc lights here-| country with you--to the | 71h. Gunadian Express company has 18th, 1912, . : toforé used, and so far the change recently adopted throughout its en- ; . RENFREW FAIR, i to be one for the better. lakes or the woods. tire system of seven thousand miles of ess, | was accompanied by six members of known Chicago newspaper, writer, at The principal use of feldspar is We have just to hand a large consignment of Sept. 17th. horse took fright at some cattle just tery trade, are in the manufacture All tickets gobd to return unti! ness being badly damaged, but the in- Monday morning, after a year's ill- Small quantities of the purest 1 o~ are all of worth and are to be had from | dies home, where it was foun that a bottle of the used in" the manufacture of scour- 9 . 9 their present leader, "left, at 12.45 y IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACKIC RAILWAY o'clock to-day, for Ottawa, to fill a : ballast. Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, Ont. fre dns ngogement" edhe. | PRCT] D@IRCIRA | There see or ares arms i ' : + Thursday and Friday, at Ottawa fair. 4 Canada exporting feldspar and they ood going 12th and 13th Sept. 3A w ompan ave laced G 5 and Power Company have place of the Corby Distillery to the Has an Improved Method of Hand. Sept, 18th, 10th and 20th. Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Charles street, railway hind steamship lines; a "care PASINESE GISNEESELT (FINEST) /~ _j€leared Nght for Oswego yesterday shipments have already been prepaid; Se, 19th and 20th, | for another cargo. Mrs. C. E, : the prevention of "overcharges and un- : SINGLE WARE ROUND TRIP. DOMINION Beerman, spending the 'past week whisky, free EOI ren oy a oar oo he i going 19th and 20th, good J HN] XS | A in Brockville with her ° @aughter, he. cecurrence of packages going astray or to return 21st Septeinbier. P ic . | Mrs. Cecil N. Palmer, has returned . . being found over without mark, ra ? Full hartieuiats i fo ah t home. G. E. Hurd, spending the artificial color OR suiting in delay in delivery and incon- P.R. Ticket of oa MAF o A oat. past few days with friends in @ Tom venicnceagnd loss to the public. F. CONWAY, en. Pass. Agent. Carthage, N.Y., has returned home. The foundifion of this new plan for > Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant and flavour, sold mn the correct receiving, billing and daughter,' Miss Olive, have returned handling of shipments is the fact that from a few weeks' visit with rela- wiybills and packages labels of dis Hives oi Halloway, a Ei ward bottles under unetive colurs are used. For eaam- " Flunder, rs. i. . 80 an FUSES ety upeteedaty divice fon od bay. i H k i I " " ple, a packages, the charges on "TEUTONIC" & CANADA" ' family and Mrs. George H, Doherty which are to be prepaid, will bear a One Clase Cabin (I) $50 and $8) rand family, s the: -past Government Seal. abel printed' on' golden red Paper. u Cr i! = 4 month in this section, with relatives x 9 | This serves as a warning to all : STRAMERS ™ . LAWRENCE have returned, the former two to oyees that chdrges are t "Kingston" and "Toronto" | ||nis sonrast Roum Tosumors || | Kimicops, 5.0. the Inter to Rich: ta able for | sin colle." Where changes are to Leave Kingston daily except Monday || 4 lands, B.C. 'Mr. and- Mrs. W,. J. 18 INV e 1or [te collected at destination a white pa- Eastbound, 5.30 a.m. 8 | Wilson have returned- from spend- [per label is used; for C.0.D. ship Westbound, 5.00 p.m. jl} | ing a few days in Toromto. Mr. edicinal ments, green paper, and for shipments and Mrs. Joseph Meggs, spending | JXN pur- In bond piak Tamer labels. Wartille): the past week with Toronto friends, printed on paper of corresponding eol- ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ors will also similarly distinguish: the SEPT. 14th-28th. ~ | returned home last - evening. ed at Round Trip Tickets will be issu Thomas Field left yesterday to en- poses--unequalled one class of business from the other. joy a short holiday season with re- A wavhill ix made in triplicate for ey- asa beverage. PARHAM FAIR, o Sood ao. FARE. hd 19th WHITE is sunfited to her home quite seri- . -. fully worked out plan, having for its | mesmm--m se-- 4 3 . 1 * J ously 11. This object the prevention of double collse- » \ : "and 20th, Return Hmit Sept. 21st. | BEA) 3 a7; 5 / The coal schooner, Horace Taber, pure straight in of al dutisanon. whe AAA) 27 prominin *ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER® ® Pure --PavratasLe -- Nutritious -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE anp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE J) > LOCAL AGENTS: J. P. Hanley and C. S._ Kirkpatrick, Company's Office Toronto, LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they latives in Ottawa. ery consignment, one copy which cons taing full particulars of consignee, ad- dress, weight and charges being past- 7 # Going Sept. 13th, 17th, 20th and Good to return until Sept. 28th. . P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Sitarte Sts H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, AGFA, Toronto. LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: "BOAT C0. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. leaves Kingston daily. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports, call- ing at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays. turdiys. nn elEht handled with despatch and care at reasonable rates. J.P. HAMLEY, . : Ticket Agent. solemnly by all classes of Jews. The THE JEWISH NEW YEAR Megine Wednesday Evening---Will be Solemnly Observed. Wednesday evening marks the official beginning of the Hebrew new year. The holiday is otherwise known a¥ "Rosh Hashanah" and is observed very closely by Jews of all classes. The day is observed seriously aud blowing of the trumpet, the "shofar'! ar ram's horn, is the peculiar service of the day. Tt is the bugle call of the Spirit, and is sdpposed to arouse the Large bottle $1. at liquor stores. * Corby's of Corbyville for Over Half a Century. consciousness in contemplation of mis. spent Hours, and awake the impulse to make the coming year more fruitful of noble and unselfish action. The ten days following the new year aré passed in solemn meditation and reflection and culminate with the Day | of Atonement, or "Yom Kippur, } which falls on September 21st, or, to be more exact, at sunset on September | 0th. It is the most sacred and the most religiously kept day in the year and the observant Jew abstains com- pletely from all food and drink during ils continuance. The day is devoted to prayer and penitence and the thogox Jew resiging within the = gogue from early morning until sun- {| ed on the package; one copy. being handed to the train messenger, in whose custody the package is forward. {are apart of a consignment from go- "obportunities in their own country is ed, and one copy retained for office use. For mutual convenience special arrangements are made with large or regular shippers to supply them with labels to be attached to shipments in advance of the call of the driver. Where a consignment consists of a number of packages a special "lot shipment" label is placed upon each package which gives reference to the entire consignment. This, i is ex- pected, will prevent packages which ing astray, and will go a long way towards removing the difieulty which the public have herstolore experienced. | The Canadian Express compaby re lies upon the co-operation of its pa. {rove in making this systom 'effectual for their own benefit, ------------ September Canada Monthly. Why Canadians are neglecting the the theme on which Joho H. Parry, the 'economics writer, preaches & sei- mon in September Canadian Monthly. When the American west was settled, the same thing was true, he says. Men went to Oho, Illinois Indians, require for personal or family use. Write to > JOHN LABATT, Lnareo, Layoon, CANADA A NY NY YY YA YN NA A NYY AYA Xn XX James McParland Agent, 339-341 King 8%, East ~ The unnatural suffering of so many women at times No Suffering Yets! \ can be relieved by a little care and proper help. Beecham's Pills give just the assistance needed. They act gently but surely ; they correct faults of the system so certainly that you will find better conditions prevail Amongst Women Who Take this renowned and effective remedy. Beecham's Pills will help your digestion, regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver. Headaches, backaches, lassi- tude, and nervous depressiorr will trouble you less and * less after you take at timies--whenever there is need-- | broke the sod and sowed their crop and sold at tewentvefive dollars an acre, thanking their stars for the deal they had made--only to see it double and treble and quadraple in value in do the course of a lew years. The same wit thankful to say that 'thing is going on in Western Canada, meat all thes i Rw he says, and procéeds to explain how many Canadians who think they are doing well are really losing money. 349 Wis 2157 St. Now Yoax Crrv--+1 am e) n On Mondgy morning, Miss Mary Georgina Bolger, Hrockville, and Fd. ward J. Cleary, Cornwall, were mar- ried. The bride was a separate school teacher and the groom s customs offi oer. Y 'John Ssunders, a well known Mon- farmer, charged with not pay. fee at Smith's Falls, eek, fined 83 and $4.95 James Clarke, a pramined sod ues ful citiren of Renfrew for mearly forty years, died, last Thursday. Hiv heath. er, William Clarke, resides ot Harrow.