PAGE SIX. Thomas Copley, Telephone 987 Drop a card io 19 Pine Street when Nauiiog ghything done in the Carpen- ns. atimaies given on all kinds of Fep and ne work: &iso Hardwo Floors of kinds AH orders will receive prompt sttention Bhop, 40 Queen Street. . w il line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. D. COGPER'S | "*Phose 78. 341-8 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. NEW SHOE STORE OPENED SATURDAY A. Darragh announces his' removal from" 294 Princess St, to 260 Princess St., for- merly the College Book Store He will carry a full stock of Boots and Shoes. . :-: : od COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee pt delivery. ooth & Co. * _ ®oor WEST STREET, BE FAIR WITH YOUR WIFE When you see a good tool "or instrument that will help you do your work---one that will save you time and money, you buy it y Now give your wife the same opportunities for doing her work. v It is only fair that you shonld. and she will appreciate it : pe We. dan safely nothing more helpful housekeeper than Range." tas for Cooking furnishes the "CHEAPEST, CLEANEST and - most CONVENIENT of fuels. Call in at the Office of the Works, Queen Street, or 'phone 197, and we will be pleased to give you all the necessary information, Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts. C. C. FOLGER, _ GENERAL MANAGER. RR The Finest and Best, by the pint, quart, or in bricks. A. J. REES 166 Princess St. Phone 58 4 say. there is to any a "Gas 'BEDROOM FURNITURE Some special ones at $5.76 and 36.50. : : . > NY 4 Ti he Ry 1) om LLL Tae PARALYSIS COM- PLETELY CURED "Fruit-atives" Performs Another Miracle a BRisTOL, N. B., Jury 25th. 191: ey Hdd a stroke of Bd ysis ne 1910, and this left me unable to walk o help myself, and the Constipation of th Bowels was terrible. . Nothing did me any good snd I wa: wretch: every way. : I. then took "Fruit-a-tives' for the Constipation and it not ouly cured m of this terrible tronble, but gradually this fruit medicine toned up the nerve and actually cured the Paralysis, By the use of "Fruit-a-tives"', I grew stronger and stronger until all the Paralyfis and weakness left me, Iam now well aguin and attend my store every day. I say "Thank God for Pruit-a-tives" ALVA PHILLIPS. "Priit-a-tives" not only cured the terrible Constipation, but so toned up the nervous system and the general health as to completely overcome the palsy. » Truly "Fruita-tives" is a wonderful medicine. soc a box, 6 for $2.50 trial size, 25¢. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. THAT TOBACCO, With the "Nester" op It '» crowing louder as he goes along Only 4k: per pound. For chewing an smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Dutarie Breet. Kingston Business College tidmited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty sixth year, Fall term begins August 30th. Courser In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele. fiaphys Civil Service and Eng- sh. Our graduates get ihe best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor- porations in Canada, Kotér any time. Call or write for informa- tion. _H. P. Metcalfe, Principal «< Kingston, Canada ; Why Should I Use Cuticura Soap? "There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for skin troubles." True, it #s for skin troubles, but its great mission is to prevent, skin troubles. . For more than a generation its deli- cate 'emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while ! its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to it all the advan- tages of the best of .toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in keeping the hands soft.and white, the hair live and glossy, and the gcalp {rée from dandruff and isritation. While its first cost is {sw cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such care and of such materials, that it wears toa wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making its use, in practice, most econom- ical. Cuticura Soap. is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may | be demonstrated without cost by sending to "Cuticura," Dept. 7M, ~ Boston, U.S. A, for aliberal sam- ple cake, together with a thirty-two page book on the skin and hair. ~ School Shoes, 1 Boy's Blacher Lace Boots i 3 Sizce 1 to §. $1.25, 1,50, 175 and | $2.00 » You's Bcer Lc Books | Sizes 11 to 13. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and $1.75. : ] THE SPORT REVIEW AGAIY ENGAGES PRO-| lL feGILL 3 RUGBY COACH, FESSIONAL { i ather Stanton's Rugby Scoring Idea is Unworkable--The National] Hockey Union to Add Four North- | eérn*Clubs. 4 The Toronto Argos hope to have MacMurray, Arnoid, Blinkley and Lawson out again with them. : Secretary Livipgstone of the O.R. 2 U.. has written the Ottawa Rough liders stating that if they wiah to slay in the, O.R.F.U. this year they ¥ill have to post the $500 bord hy Thursday, or else be left out of the schedule. Varsity will hold their uractice of the season next Monday. it is expected that all of last year's players will be back, with the ex- 2eption of Green, Ramsey and Has sard. Charley Gage, after an ab- sence. of a year, will also be back: The Quebec Rugby league has de- cided to admit Brockville, making it a four-club organization. | Toronto Star:--Father Stanton's rugby scoring idea is all right-- as an ldea--but .it is unweéFkable, for the reason that rugby is not! as mechanical as baseball, and the players who handle the ball in close vork cannot be always identified, | On a ball field every man has his place and the credit can be given | accurately. The swiftly-changing scene ona rughy field would tangle | a Gordian knot in the first quarter. | McGill has once more secured the | services of a professional rugby | 'oach. It has engaged Frank Shaughnessy, baseball and rugby | nlayer, from Virginia. This is not' the first time. McGill has used a wofessional coach. For two years it had "Billy Hamilton, the for- mer Kingston Granite rugby star. -- 3 *Generil Sport. The N.H.A., despite threatened opposition © frgm a new hockey lgague, are preparing to branch out and swell their ranks by the inclus- 'on of four other clubs, thease clubs to form another section of the big pro. hockey body in the west. The new . western sectioh, composed of - North Bay, the Soo, Port Arthur and possibly Halleybury, will play off 'with the eastern the end of the season. : | At Manchester, Eng.. Jack Don-! aldson of South Africa, world's champion professional sprinter, de- féated A. B. Postle of New Zealand, ! ind R. E. Walker of South Africa, | in a hundred yards dash for $2,500. | Donaldson won by 1 1-2 yards, with | Postle second. The official time as recorded was 2 1.2 yards inside of 10 seconds. Hans Holmer, the Canadian long distance runner, to-day won the Paris marathon, in Paris, over a distance of 42 kilometres, 194 metres (about 26 1-4 miles). His tims wag 2 hours and 43 minutes. Bruce Ridpath, the well kaown hockey player, is in Ottawa, having just returned from a trip to the const. He appears to have fully recovered from his bad accident of a year ago and declares he will har- ness up in hockey rags this winter. Ottawa will be represented in the Canadian baseball leagne next sea- son, regardless of any changes that may be made in the circuit. Though the club was under a'big expense this season. théir railroad fares alone making an item of $8,200, Business Manager Gaisford savy that the management will break ahead financially, and that there is no danger of the franchise not be- ing exercised in 1913. | Dissatisfaction has been express- f United States having been allowed to compete In the novice, junior and hreeders' classes, especially as Canadian dogs are debarred from competing In these classes 'in the [United Statés. This is not encour- aging or fair to the Canadidn ex- hibitors. ~ Baseball Record. National League--New' York, 4: St. Louis, 3. Chicago, 6; Boston, 4. Pitts. burgh, 11; Philadelphia, 4. Cincia- nati, 10; Broeklyn, 4. American League--New York, 8; St. Louis, 3. Detroit, 8; Philadelphia, 6. Boston, 5; Chicago, 4. Washington, 11; Cleveland, 3. > International Roague-- Newark, 10; Rothester, J; ~Bufla- Providence, 8. amma i---- Outlook for Tomatoes. Farmers are complaining about there being too mach rain. If the rain keeps up, as. it has for the past few days, some of the crops will be ruined, The tomato erop is repor to be very good, and if the weather would only s ' on the market on Thurs Sat r. A local marked Whig that if the sun only come out gud ripen the , they would be very cheap this rouably fifty cents a " Ao i 3 the most severe wif up wo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W initial | (circulated within the last woek or two {freight earnings for < of the séason with thé movement double what 3 General knowledge of the freight situ- |. ation of to tha larger earnings entirely reason. anle. hou on most completely liquidated. An ironic therefore avpear to, be that the sharp briak in what seemed to be the chief obstacle ed by many of the Canadian exhib- matelv eleven itors at Toronto at dogs from the Cipital of $10,000,000. Although a keep drier, there should be an abun-{ pr . . s EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. adil I * pg of "'pinectar' is 190,000 palions. Owing to the pressure of personal business obligations. Sir Rodolphe Forget, M.P.," will retire as a director of the Wayagamack Pulp and Paper company, which action it is said will: be followed shortly by Sir Rodolphe's withdrawal from several other import- ant directorates. + This year's honey erop will be less than half that of A year, according 'to _ reliable - advices from country places. There is practically mo white 'clover honey on the t. as clover fared badly this spring, but light yel- low hofiey is on sale to grocers at from eleven to twelve cents a pound. At Chicago, transportation is the all-important problem in" grain four. Ocean freight rates advance al- "most daily and room is scarce for nearby forwarding points and growing more 50 daily for 'deferred shipments. Lake freight rates are nearly up to the all-rail basis. Heavy demand for are carriers is taking a great many "hoats out of grain carrying. { a ------------ a i | PARTY OF SCOTTISH TEACHERS Barroughs Adding Machise Co. - : D. W. SAKE, Sikes Numer. {Tender Thanks for Their Warm Welcome at Kingston. ; 146 Bay Street | A. M. Chisholm is in recéipt of a TORONTO -, letter written by D. M. Cowan, one of the members of the party of Scot: -- -- rr | tish teachers who were in Kingston ro e recently, and which js signed by the AGAIN IN LIME various members of the party. In the letter they express their sincere thanks : oad . {tp Mr. Chisholm and all the Kingston people who made their stay in the city so enjoyable. Among othe | things. the letter says : : _}. "The day spent at Kingston must Gross Earnings so Far are in Excess [#0000 fragrant mematy, long os of Those for the Same Period Last (.. in reality, as it must ever be im Year--large Freight Earnings, recollection--a dream of beauty. The : > 3 WE i by the civic and Toronto, Sept. 10.--Richelien con- reception accorded as 0) 3 tinues to attract the largest share of University authoritits aps a faut a the Montreal and Toronto market at- pr e} Whig 18 ODRAESUA tention and in the present uititude of ag So may FypRuney nly 8 at vil ° suspicion created by the-many rumors | & ee vatalolly oe * mem a » . Mallorytewn Matters. Mallorytows, Sept. 9. -- Mrs. Munn ang daughter of Michigan are visiting Rer sister, Mrs. L. #. Blan- chard. The Methodist minister of Escott and Mallorytown exchanged | pulpits on Sunday. Mrs. John Ray- {mond of Meaford is visiting in this Section. The funeral of Mrs. Harry | Strets, Brockville, on Thursday was attended hy many relatives from this vicinity. A door has been placed in the rear of the Methodist church. Many attended the Brockville fair list week. The public school opened last Tuesday with the same teachers. i We guarantee that Bur- roughs Adding and- List- ipg Machines will do more and better work. and last longer, than any other adding machine. "Drability" Is a little folder worth reading hy anyone considering the purchase of an adding machine. If you awe thinking of adding machines you need a copy---Tfree, of course. 9 ONT. MANY RUMORS CIRCULATED "ABQUT THE R. & 0. STOCK." doubt has been thrown on the com pany's dividend, its ability to main tain Hs dividend, ete. So far as Richelici's earnings go it is stated, othcially, that the combined | companies to date show gross earn- ings in excess of those for the corre sponding period last year. This re sult has been obtained notwithstand- ing the extraordinary bad weber for the summer which has seriously affect- ed tourist travel and passenger earn- ings generally. Freight earnings, how- ever, have heen exceptionally large, mote than making up for the decrease in the othér direction. Two factors have combined to larger Richelieu. One is the notable shortage of tonnage, which has kept all boats in the lake service workipg to capaeity. A second is the higher rates: at the pres- nt time are almost double what they were a vear ago and before the close of the western crop to the seaboard, it is expected thot they will actually bel hy were a year ago. Edwin Wigle, propietor Intérna- tianal hotel, Windsor, fined 8100 for allowing crowd to escape from his bur_after hours when inspector de- manded admission. $ Cragmour won Champagne stakes al London, Eng., Tuesday" «5 DESTROYS DANDRUFF-----STOPS FALLING HAIR--CLEANS AND IN. VIGORATES YOUR SCALP--DELIGHTFUL DRESSING, To be possessed of a. head "of i weeks' use, when you, will see new heavy, beautiful bhalr; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. * 1t is easy and inexpensive to have and | nice. soft hair and 'lots of it. Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine new---all drug stores re- commend it--apply a little asdirect- ed and within ten minutés there will be an appearance of abundance; freshness. fluffiness and an incom- parable gloss and lustre and try as von will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be aftér gbout two Mis. J. N. Taylor, Chicago, was killed and her husband was seriously hurt in an automobile smash at Windsor, ; Eucherigtic congress opened at Vien- na on Tud a . bair--fine apd downy at first-- but really new hair--gprouting out all over your scalp--Danderine is, we. belleve, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dandruff 'and cure of itchy scalp and it gever falls to stop falling hair at once. = If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really 'ls, moisten a cloth with a lMttle Danderige and carefully draw it through your hair --taking one small stran¥ at a time. Your bhair will he soft. glossy and beautiful in just a few moments--a 7 delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries, this. Liberal petition against the return of Hop. Dr. Reaume, North Essex, is withdrawn. . a Dr. Beatie Nesbitt's tris! is pot likely to take place this Isl, owing to doctor's illness. PHOENIX PARK PRICES WILL ADVANCE IN A FEW DAYS. THEY ARE NOW THE LOWEST IN THE NORTH END OF Montreal--Canada's Metropolis Write at once for present price list. "THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, ' MONTREAL, QUE, "4:9, INVESTMENT Interest payable half-yearly to suit Investors. Place your money with ts and receive a GUARANTEE INVESTMENT RECEIPT under which, In addition to the Guarantee of the Corporagion, you are secured by the Mortgage in which your money is invested being eartharked as your property. \ THK TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS QORPORATION, : Corner Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto. the great lakes throughout the summer mal the statement as In the spring when Richelieu around 123 was regarded hy most brokerage 5 a«' one of the cheapest stocks he list, it was generally under- stood that the position of the stock was adversely affected by a large block of stock overhanging the mar- ket. This block is now said to be al We own and offer the unsold balance of $1,200,000 One-Year Notes" OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF fanture of the present situation would the stock has come when has heen removed. The combined Richelieu companies' net earnings last year were approxi per cent. on the present all the econsmies which will eventually he affected by the consolidation have not vet been camried out, enough has heen d me in this direction to warrant, with the increase in gross earnings this year, a better showing in respect to net. to the stock's rise A a Interest coupons - Montreal, La Rose Sold at 279. Toronto, Sept. 10.--~A recovery of four points ju the price of la Rose which sold steadily at 279. And the continuation of the sellmg in Crown Chartered and Dome Extension con- sata features in the mining mar- 1 La Rose dropped to 275, the low- est price in its history, vesterday, un- der selling which emanated 'in ~Mon- treal. abd which was believgl to forsshadow the disposition of a por- tion at lemst of the big cash surplus {If of the. company, which stands at the'il present time aot something like §1,- 700.000 Waterworks Net debt... Included in the general long term Bonds, which the municipality , n t issue of short Jurned something of which brokers were ignorant or not remains [li 14 be seen; soffice'to sav that the {f liquidation came from the eastern [li or of Semen Apion BM not | w #2 £28 Vancouver is raj iation is hei . Point Grey is Vancouver, "and incl : Point. University POINT GREY, B.C. SUBURB OF yable 1st March and 1st September at the Bank of Montreal, in oronto, Vancouver, New York City and London, Eng. Denominations $100 to $5,000 Price to yield 5 1-2 p. c. POINT GREY FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed- value for taxation (Exemptions not includéd above General debenture debt. ......... $3,399,000 (Including treasury bunds) cree "nw FEATURES OF THE ISSUE : debenture debt of $3,399,000 are $1,350,000 in its treasury. The disposing of these Bonds in the present unfavorable market for long-term securities. Point Grey immediately adjoins the present city limits of the City of - Vancouver on the south and west, and hasa of 12,000 acres--twice the area of the city of Vancouver proper. is holding term notes is made to avoid VAN COUVER 35,575,000 "n. 1,076,000 $2,323,000 ' lation of 8,000 and an ares ly outgrowing its present limits and the question of 1se ly. as the choicest residential section in "Greater ndes "Shaughnessy Heights," an exceptionally desirable residential section, ae ne Pacific Railway. Grey hits heen decided upon as the logation for thenew Provincial of umbia. 5 5 - We recon these Notes as a high-yield security and out | secured by the $1,380,000 Ty D ; . .. n . Further Details on Request. Bond Conipany, Li " ited Toronto Montreal ~ Vancouver = London, Eng.