Ny > wr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. Cut down The ~ Cost of Living Buy your clothes where you can get just as good ones as yowrhave always had but for con- siderably ; Less Money Invest $15.00. That's. all in" one of our Suits or Overcoats and you'll get a real $18.00 or $20.00 value. 'Come and see them Do It Now LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET New Fall Suits i A Mt PNG, ANA. NAN We cordially invite you to inspect our range of New Fall Suits. There are over 250 distinct garmentg, all this season, embodying the very latest ideas from London and New York. : Prices $17.50 to $35 Each. Any particular design can be made to your special measurements in any desired cloth. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1A $1 00 Yard We. offer a splendid range of All . Wool Scotch Tweeds, suita- ~ ble for Suits and Skirts, in the new Tan, Brown and . Grey Mixtures. : ls {by two bridesmaids, Mies | _jchic hat of blue felt was Jing and repairs. A WEDNESDAY WEDDING ~ FLORENCE CHRISTINA WILLIAMSON THE BRIDE , Of Dr. Ernest i. Young---The Cert. money Was Solemnized at the Re- sidence of the Bride's Brother on King Street, A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized this morning at eleven o'clock 'at the residence of 3 and Mrs. A. R. B., Williamson, King street, when their sister, Miss Flor- ence Christina Willlagson, was maf. ried to Dr. Ernest rbert Young. The ceremony was rformed by Rev, Dr. Malcolm MacGillivray, The house was profusely decorated with quantities of pink and white asters. At the further end of the'drawing jroom a graceful arch of these same : flowers was erected, for the cebe- mony. .. The bride was given - away by her brother, and was attended Edith Fraser, and Miss Bessie Robertson, and a little flower girl, Miss Nora Williamson. The bride of this merning, daint- ily fair, petits and charming, caused more than one contrast to be voiced whep the beautiful brunette of two weeks ago was refiembered with all "her graceful charm. Her beautiful wedding gown was of ivory satin, charmeuse with court train, fasten- #d at the shoulders with a true lover's knot of satin. The skirt was made in panier style and a pretty coat effect was carried out with handsome spangled pointe de venice lace, The yoke was of this same lace, and the low® slesves were shirred chiffon. The tulle and was fastened by sprays of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white bride's roses and lilies of the valley, and wore the groom's gift, a lovely pearl | pendant. pale rose cascade silk, with coat of pointe de venicé llace, and trimmed with touches of velvet. A black pleture. hat, faced with rose panne velvet, and trimmed with landeau of black feathers, completed a very charming picture. Miss Bessie Robertson was gown- ed in pale bluse, made on the same lines, and wore a black velvet hat with ostrich landeau, and osprey. They carried shower bouquets of pink roses. The dainty little flower girl look- ed very sweét in her white mulls frock and pink ribbons. A wreath of tiny rose buds was fastened on her bair, and she carried a basket of pink roses. Dr. Edward Wil- llamson of Geneva, N.Y., was. best man. g The groom's gifts to the brides- maids were pins of gold filigree set with pearls, to the flower girl a pear clover leaf pin, and to the best man, a watch fob. The wedding march was played by Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, who was handsomely gowned in white satin, vetled in pale blue silk, bor- dered marguisette. The waist was made jn surplice effect, and trim- med with handsome lace whi: formed a panel down the back. The yoke of shadow lace, was over pink ehiffon and tiny pink roses finished the sleeves and walst- lina, Her gift fom the groom was a dainty pearl pin. Mrs. §. McCallum, of Niagara Falls, wore a pink crepe de chine over pink satin trimmed with pink ponna valvet, and heavy cream lace. After the ceramony the wedding hreakfast was served in the dining room whers the table was centred by the wedding cake, surrounded by white tulle, and small vases of pale roses and liles of the valley, and lighted by pink unshadowed candles. Dr. and Mrs. Young left for the east, the bride wearing a smart tallored suit of Alice blue trimmed with black buttons and braid. Her trimmed with an Oriental ornament and blue mount. Heartiest wishes from a host of friends follow this popylar bride and groom, who upon their return will reside in Portsmouth, NEW ROLLER ON THE JOB. ity Now in a Position to do Their Own Asphaltic Paving. The new steam roller was on Bag rie strest on Wednesday morning. Ten Eyek, th travelling mechanic of the Buffalo Steam Roller comnany, is on hadd as a demonsteator. Everything is ready to begin the work 'of pav ing -exchpt- sv weather: The rain on Wednesday night held ap the work, as it must he laid on a perfectly dry road, A. T. Goodnow, the paving i oy is also on the job. voller is entirely different than any of the old type. Ii haz two Targe Hat-rolling cylinders and * the boiler and engines are set low he tween them so that everything i quite handy to be got at for dean The roller is equip | 'wad with a power steering device and' weighs eight tons over all. The city is now in a position to proceed with dhe asphalt pavements on the less travelled streets and lay them on their own methods as they have done, C the sidownlks. How to Stop Cold Sores. Wh n yod first notice the swelling | { and uncomfortable feeling of the wkin' that marks the comihg cold sore ap ply Wade's Ointment. It will I quickly ren" e it. Tt heals reves, applied al v8 eczema (Sa pi sore leet. dandruff i and So oka Soon of in. Xes, w B e+ ] In ig 5 Brock Leod's. Drag. Stor: street, wedding veil was gracefully draped ! Miss Edith Hp wore a gownlo¥ TOLD IN TWILIGHT, (Continued from Page 2.). Miss Maizie Dwyer. Barrie street, wae hostess at a delightful little tea on Tuesday afternoon.' The guests included Mise Florence Elliott, Missy Dorothy Chowas, Miss. Dorothy Mmn- ay, Motftrpal, Misses Eleanor - and ota Minnes, Miss Isabel Waldron, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Claiv: Cico- lari, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Adg Pe trie, Miss Froda Buros ad Miss Ka- thicen ' Ryan. ek Mr. Gummer, Williani siréet, return ed, on Saturday, from Chicago. Mi. R. J. Carson, Romilly House," returned, A day, from Port Hope. =~ Mrs. Sam Birch, Bagot street, who has been spending the summer at Thousand Island Park, returned home on Tuesday. Misses Ada'and Beatrice Birch are expected home the end of the week. Miss Edna Rea, Alfred street, returfed home, after: spending past three months in Toronto Hamilton, Rev. LeRoy Rice was the officiating clergyman: at the marriage of his sis- ter in Toronto, last week. « Miss. Alice Nobes returned to her home in Montreal, after visiting Miss Alberta Elmer, Brock street. Mr. Thomas Ronan and Miss Ronsn have refurned home, spending 'a couple of weeks in ronto and Buffalo. . has the and Ida after Tor The Bishop of Ontario returned, on Tuesday, from a holiday at Brant's Neck, Maine. ° 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grahen, who have spent the summer in the west, returned to the city on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs: J. 8. Powell, of Span- ish Town, Jamaica, W.l., with their daughter, Joycie, have arrived in the city," on a visit to Mr. Mrs, and the Misses Smeeton, at 184 Barrie street Mis. Powell is a daughter of Mr. Smeeton, 1.5.0, late registrar-general and deputy Keeper of records for Ja- maica. Miss Helen Clifford is- expected in town, 'from Lancaster, to-day, and will be the guest of Miss Mildred Mac- nocin:, Clergy street. - - - . Mr. and Mrs. Hilyard Stewart, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J, Stewart, Stuart street, returned to Ottawy on Tuesday. Mrs. Mingay and Miss Dorothy Mingey. who have heen en peggion at Mrs. Brooks, Earl street, leit to-day for Montreal. Mrs. John Mudie, vigiting Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock «treet. is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, Clergy street, Mr and Mrs, W. Gunn expect to leave on Monday to "visit in Bath. Tae Te who has bean _ fir. James Reid, who has been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowie, Earl strect, has returned to Fogle nart. Miss Susan Anglia," spent the week-end in Napanee, guest of Mrs. F. F. Miller. Mise Vera Carson. "Romilly House," expects to leave on Saturday for Ot tawa to vasit Miss Blossom Valleau. Mrs. Norman Smith and daughter, Marian. Allred street. leave to-morfow for a visit in Sveaene, N.Y. Earl street, the Mrs. George Nieol, Gataraqel, and daughters, Jessie and Dorothy, after a very emjoyable visit in Toronto, hate returncd home. Mr. John Jenkin and daughter, Miss Ada Jenkin, have rgturned from To ronlo. 4: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. L. Day, Mor croft, have returned from visiting friends in Rochester, Buffalo and To ronto. \ Miss K. Doyle, Princess street, has returncd from a visit to Chatham and Detroit. one Miss Lillian Roadhouse, who recent ly graduated with distinetion from Kenora hospital, as a trained nurse, is visiting her parents, Rev. J. and Mrs. Roadhouse, Nelson street Mes. T. H. Earl street, ing Mrs. BG. Sask. Richards and Miss Pearl, have returned from visit Bradley, «a = = = The ¢ngagement has been annoumeed of Miss Loretta Cecelia Geraldine Kingsl- y, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mre. William Kingsley, Wolfe Is land, to the Hon. Louis Henrich Jans sens, Germany, STOCK MARKKTS, ¥. BR; McCurdy Co., Clarence Cham ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, Sept. llth. Montreal. : Ottawa Power Leen p pid. =. *Mantreal Tomy vs F Richelicn ..... RAW ies Ralls .... i Tuekets areneing : Tram® Deoentures . Luoion Steel REI { Hamiltcn, and Libr.) J. a Med » Milestone, son of Gras (Count) von Aicola, . For the Woman Who Is "Looking About" * Our Suit Department offers many attractions. THE WOMAN who goes out now not neces- sarily to buy at once but to find out what she wants to buy will do well to visit this store. Coad MORE New Styles ready here now than can be seen in any one other place in the city, so we are told by those who have investigated. q Stylish Fall and and Winter Suits $15.00 to $30.00 These Suits have the made to order look that is always desired. An Invitation - Come in and try on some of these new things. Even if you don't want to buy you will enjoy seeing them. | Sires Methodist, church FOR YOUNG GIRLS, sortments in proper sizes that have een So ithicult to secure' in the past. : TO-MORROW we will have ready our complete stock of FALL UNDERWEAR Many new and serviceable things Children's Fine Underwear [In Natural Wool, in White" Un- shrinkable, in Separate Garments and Combinations. Women's Seasonable Underwear, Vests in Fine White Cotton, Vests in Unshrinka ble Merino, Vests in Unshrinkable Wool. to match each make ; also ( 'obi nations. Drawers to 4 have complete as- a Ya) ------ oo JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. DEATH IN OREGON. - Tr Isabella Hilton Eternal Rest. Abiabam Shaw, inspector of ous toms, received a telegram, on W day, telling of the th of his sis ter, Mrs. Isabella Hilton, on Mondays at Portland, Ure. Deceased was wife of the late Thomas Hilton, of his city. After. his death, Look place a number of yea went to live with her ; (Dg) J. H. McArtiiirg, Portland, Ore: Shy was the ©nly saving Sr of the hate -- this city. Fhe lew Mrs. | Passed to in, one son, Samuel Hilton, |. one daughter, Mrs. 1 H. McArthur, Decossed was hodist 'and while in the city was a regular attendant of Sydesham . The romain will be buried in Portland, Ore. city, It's Hard to Get Goad Shoes for $1.50) e Have Them. But rast Ladies' Fine Kid Blucher Boots, nice stock | Girls Fine Kid or Box Calf Boots, 11°19 3 © Boys' Box Kip or Heivy Gale Touts 1 90 3 Men's Strong, Well-made Working Bote 010 | 1 . > These are Splendid Value. WE ALSO HAVE HIGHER PRICED BOOTS IF YOU WANT THEM The Lockett Shoe