I + dig-of Mutt So it was v ts tp a ii vr only cospicugns through pl contrast. "Certainly ohitoy Blak slone would been noteworthy on P oe avenue this autumn alter- oon with his Tong stride hp from tramps over Alaskan snow- drifts, tis Sesh tints boldiy pafnted by the alternation of extreme cold 'with the Heat of midnight suns, bis sleekly museled as + form, wud the independence, almost ¥m- vudlnds,' 'of his atdire. With Mutt the Malamoot along Johnny attracted idere refibx glances. Not that Mutt played for "notice 1% fhe fashionable throng. As a math fact, He cared not 'otfe Whit for "the div Eee exclamation of fright, admiration curiosify that Tollo'wed in nil wake. ' He walked beside his companion with aiiuity, "fis varphle "fode tai aiing the apices of "tan, bil pointed edrs wiert, bis tail rounded up Yike a huge brown doygh- nut over his back. Perhaps Mutts 'mood Was unusuklly wtdd this afterhioon becapse he' kiew tet Jonny Blair wan troubled. Johnny's tronbles were, of cours$, his own. The whole of the two 'days 'since their arrival fn the metropolis had been spent fn & search, for just what or whom Mutt #id not anderstand, although he felt tone the less poignantly on that secount thes styglaw gloom of their fuilure, Enormous distances the two Bad walked, from the East River to the Hudson, inte) unsavory districts, dp geimy Back stairs, through teeming department stores. Hun dreds of blocks they had ridden tn texidabs locating addresses And asking futile ques tion®, for lack of funds was the one hindrance absent from their guest, Now, Mute the Malamoot, rotting sud- deoly forward from Jobung Blair's side, began tq aiff at a brown paper parcel ginsped by an elbow to the side of a per 0 some few yards abead, " Mutt Steals phe Safidwich. Watchlog in an impersonal way, Jobpoy Blair noted that the person of the parcel was a Woman, one who wis plainly clad and, to deduct from the Tne of cheek oe caslonally revealed and the juenrviug. of her waist where the parcel pressed it, young. All the world famed priv i the sifftent | Amgrican'_thoroughfa se seemed to coftain no m for the " Matimoot except that ose small object #head, clutched by & poorly ehd elbow, As though it were } magnet toon to Evkimo heroes, it drew i wi kept him' trotting noiscleskly pd jus bearer and Sup! his tail t * him 0 iy ot It temp) re b his votpha & ih Joke up : ¢ hi to prick W eating " Blair continged his gle of * talbr, bis curiosity wagisg with the ayid- ith something of a theill that he aw the na at a oR sthvet erossing h ¥ifeh A for that the paper of the parcel relaxed » = complyt a , wliowinga witty ob ect to slide at onto the parayyt yi totward fo "en silent wich ok ha: "Ax hi twp ha ven ong and ha | Alr keen, be underswod iaechutly the dn: ticgment © Mutt, of the object, & ere ten cent ganiiwich, fo be sure, bat a Jaley roast beel sandwich at' hs soputipity desirable as 'the only one in wight. seetied lke manna straight trom the ge As though missing her fr pareel. the young person about uttered a ery of dismay. sol "Drop it! You site. But_even En r- seal Feat eon 2 harry 2 its quonidam owner with that! "Up in the Yukon country?' quoted the wir of Wbeoltte separateness from Mutt girl, turning eyes of startled interest tof! 'with whicK he way wont to discountengoce bis. the Eskimo's depredations. But "ome | "Yes, away wv in K¥skoquim. thing about the look of the young pefson young lady?-- caused ad to midenty change his mind. | "Up in' Kuskoguim?' She food in the centre of the cros8 with a catch in her voice. street, oblivious that she was blocking When Johnny was permitted fo agai in the trafic, "gazing at the spot Where Let peer into her face he saw nothing there jou bad laln, with an expression fof her. recent haliteur or the anxiety of a never forgot. She waarcer(ainly her explanations. Even the hungry look thin and young, appealingly young. She had vanished. Nothing was there but was, besides this, very beautifol, with a pallor and grief. Slowly her eyes filled white faced, Big eyed soft of beauty. But up with tears. > these facts were mere details to what! «yy i, Kuskoquim?® she. repeated as really stopped him, The girl looked hun-'thoueh the phrase were the title of al gry. That wag what got Johnny Blair. gp, She looked grewpomely, rebellionsly bun-| Then suddenly her whole appearance' ery. : { brightened. She turned and studied John- He knew the look! Hadn't he faced ny as though be had become to her a it daily on dear old Tom Hampton's face farbol of hope. that last terrible winter on their femote, "All right, sir. I'd be pleased to accept) placer claim, when their partnership cop-'a sandwich," she said decisively. board grew bare, as their individual gold-| When Johnny Blair glanced around bags fattened? for Mutt he saw that the sharp, cold|« When a policeman elbowed the young hose of the Husky was nestling in the lady across the thoroughfare and planted palm of the young person he had deprived. | | her in a sheiterpd doorway, Jobnny delib- 11 *lemtely followed ber, doffed bis wide felt/- It was with no further show of caution hat and addressed her. " "Yoh must let me buy you another one,' he stated. With the intuitive start of hunted crea- tures, 'the girl 'glanced st him. Then, straightening stifly, all expression save that 'of hauteur was banished from ber fake. "1 beg your pardon, bir?' Down nfo the arrogance of her look and words Johnoy beamed bravely. He knew 'What he knew. "Of cogrse, it's not fustomary, Miss, bot you really miust alidw me fo present ndlyou with a sabdwich" "Most? The monosyliably in a vi- brant contraltd key flonted back to bim, for the young person had started ip a tre- mendous hurry up 'the street. For a mofgent Ye and Mutt gtood gas ing after her with hurt expressions. Then, applying a half: dozen of their best soowdrift strides, they tell In 'bealde per. "It is only right. You owe It to both of us," con ued Johnny. Hér profite was set straight ahead. with thie delicate Xin up and the lips taut. Only a sudden 'fuih' over ber dead white cheek answered hia persiutence. "J Don't Care for Butter." Throwing away his cigarette, Johbuy stiled dowa her gujlefully. "Oh: we k it idnis the sandwich! Of course you don card auy thing about that. But we swiped it and put it where we can't get at it." At this she glanced trom the Malampot, walking stanchly on ove side of ber to him on the Gther. . "Ayer ohie queried #* A voice some wiht fess sulthd 10 an 'heiresd on the wthge. © "You see, Mutt and 1 ure pals, so we always Stabd by each other's "mistakes Certainly, Md &5 Mutt has doe for me, it wy a small mated? for thé to replace a Sue sandwich that be fancidd, doesn't it murmured she,' 4 NE a NE og RET oe 5 3 that the girl now walked briskly along} with them ip search of her sandwicl. | The street was a wide, old fashigned| one, lined on either with color-| splot¢hed trees and brick with white trimmings, some with prim little pines in tubs standing on the door- steps, , others distinguished by the im- wense, dirty window -space of studios. Before one of the more sedate of these | houses Johnny Big interespédly halted. "Bg Jinks," be exclaimed, "if it isn't the old place. Johnny Blair gave the bell handle a tug. side red houses | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, Now, | | presenc e of Mount oF 1912. 4 The Italian woman hurried them to 8, a far corner of the balcony frowned at them hanghtily, then whiffed; But sud- ie beneath rather rudely awakened from his the soup in a disdainful way. a large Mairese cat on a stool. hissing from tat and clive "For Mutt's sake," she murmured. the Malamoot. Vigor At which, with her previous decision of ously Madame threatened her pet to a safer distance. 2 manner, she seized her smallest fork and "John-nee, he Is insnl tod? * she ex- despatched the mollusks one after another! plained. = "He knows that our rules per into her mouth, withdut sparing éven so mit net of the dog." "But Matt fsn't exactly a dog. madame. the watchigg Eskimo, although twice he} He is promised the Governorship of tapped her suggestively on the arm with jot her clean white waist and the irom Alaska for his next) incarnation," said his paw. Johnay. 4 | "Although I didn't realize it, T believe "Aha, Mutt of Alaska! I see!" I actually have an appetite to-night! "He has saved lives, Madame. So noth-| Perhaps it's heeause 1 bave walked an (ing is too goed for Mutt." extra lot to-day. You see, 1 am Jlook- "Ah, that gives me the respect for ing up a pew position."> him! Maybe Signor Mutt likes to sit on] "Indeed? What sort of a position?' in. this sfool? We shall shiew John-nee.| quired the host politely. He has néver save one life!" Abstracting his attention from the cat, Sparkling, she pushed the cushioned whose yelloW e¢yes were gleaming at him stool toward the table and utterad many balefully: from behind a painted' palm [soft throated * exclamations of delight tub nearby; Mutt straightened the points | when the Husky mounted it with gravity of his ears and pulled the corners of his and politely, put expectantly, sniffed at wouth back toward the ruff about his {the dishes before him. neck in his most sociable Méalmoot smile. "Now, Madame," began Johnny Blair, His whole manner plainly echoed Johm- "we want you to make us one roast beef ny's amenities. sandwich, "with thick white bread and "I haven't decided yet," replied she rate meat. And you are tb sepve it tied somewhat hurriedly. "I am considering lie Brown" wrapping paper with a pink several things. How long? Why, I've string. And, Madame, kindly have it/been looking around a eouple of months] made without any butter." 1 aL. 'DOW. Of course there's no hurry," Although she spoke jauutily, the smile | she served to Johnny over the met of | bread-sticks in the centre of the cloth | was decidedly a fault. He returned her a {better one. "And what went wrong with the old | position 2 Mutt glanced {and fluffed his tail wrong with it? But the query seemed to annoy the girl "Oh, nothing," "Nothing? "Well, there Bet-naturally {about floorwalkers | "Hound!" mattered Johnny, grasping [the table edge so ronghly that the bread- sticks chattered as though in fright. from pne to the other said she shortly. a floorwalker-- don't understand was you "One sandwich?' murmured the ma At the appearance of the oysters she!glazed over. Bhe swallowed bard, as derly, just as Johnny was about to open her, she seeniied 80 miserable. Then Mutt the fel'me re- the argument, a pucker of onmistakablé acock Nis woe into her hand beside the fact that he Had discovered the humor wrinkled up one side of Her wouth: | fork hahd. much as the roffle oh the edie of one tol ing" ediges 6 the supposedly black leather | clothes, Yes, what had goné| | protracted snarl of rage. hough ber throat were sore. Jolinny 3lair and Mutt both stared at "Poor kid! Pour little kia! I" murmured Johnny Blair, Embarrassed, he transferred his' stare to the nearsatio lining of her coat hung over the Batk of her chair, to the brows ibag beside it, thence to the mended spots creases of the silk tie that cascaded so artistically from her low cut collar, She was beautifel fd a way that warmed Johnny's 'Beart as it Had 'mever been | Wwartned 'before, but even he began to] perceive that she was so in spite of her "Suppose we talk about something more cheerful, yourself and your life in Alaska, for instance," proposed she more briskly. "But T'm not such a cheerful proposi- tion," deprecated Johnuy, "You see, Mutt and I have just done the arriving act from five years of gold hunting up In Kvskoquim. We've cleaned dp enough of the 'yellow to last us the rest of our natural lives but" ---- Lh eertainly starts "fine," encouraged she "But T was just about to add that Muit and I are sorvivors--and it ain't oi - pr -- - moot, farce of muscle from pursuit. Then she drew his bead into her lap, sponged cut his dripping 'eves and vars with her naps kin and, entirely undonsciotis of the ex. cited crowd eciosing in sround Der, lavghed and wept bver him hysterically. She looked more fragile and white than | before, 'when, Breathing 'hard, she at last sit up in her chair, Johnny Blair said only one thing t6 the girl who had saved Nis dog: But he sald it with a thrill at his heart thal made his voice shake. 4 '"Yon must have a brave man for a father," were the words, volesd In & way that gave her élearly to understand just what be thought of her father's daugh- ter, "He was--he was!" she agreed pas slongtely. And as dhe Ufted' her eyes ta hiritk- him for the glass of cognac he had brought her she allowed him for the see ond time that day to see tears brimming her eyes. With their heads close together, "the girl and Johnny soon satisfied themselves that enly a few blood spots marred Mutt's neck, so well had his beautiful raft pro- tected him. These they sponged away, cheering and patting him, then besieged him. with "the disputed chicken livers down to the very last. morsel. Chastened and comforted, the Mala moot's sense of injury began to wear unalloyed bliss to be survivors, when the chap yolt love most of anybody om earth goes under." "No," agreed the gitl, and gulped hard again. "No, I know that." "My pardner died ont there six months ago, Miss, and be was the greatest white man that ever got the worst of it." "He--he died?" she murmured. |§! nw The Fight. "Yes. Mutt hauled me and then our packs out of that blizzard, but by the time we located my pard and dug bim| ont he was too frozen to ever come to He and I gave each other 'commissions once, sort of will-and-testaments, you know, which either one was to put through in case the other went under That's what Mutt and I are discouraged about to-day. We've been working three | days now on this here in New York, but we can't seem to make any headway." The gloom 80 - noticeable in Johnny Blair earlier in the day began to settle; again wpon him. His brawny shoulders drooped and his long lashed gray eyes brooded over at her. "Suppose you tell me all about it and maybe began the girl kindly. away, and he licked the plate just to please them: then ticked their Tour hands indiscriminately Just to please Nimself, Looking as though «till on 'the volcano edge of 'sobs, his defender ehsped her arms around his neck. "Dear, dear old Mutt" she whispered, "Seems to me Mutt's trondle has made you dammed fond of Matt," inserted Johnny rather wistfully. "Oh, 'it's not entirely his trouble," protested, drawin with dark, sombre eyes. like a dog of my fdther's, she up to regard Johnny "He looks just Let me show you his picture y Fa the black bag with the browning # she produced a kodak group of men with a dog between them posed before a log cabin, But Johnny Blair was scarcely lutens ing. He sat staring at the picturé with An amazement fast.being conquered by delight, "So this Is your father? he cried. "uy it possible that you don't know the name of his dog?™ Never Mentioned His Name. "Dad never mentioned his name," she sald, "but.Me does look alot like Mutt, But a gay voice intérrupted them. It proceeded from the Italian woman, who | had approached their table bearing in her own hand 4 small dish heaped high with some dainty. "This I bring for Signor Mut}," she] aiitibunced." "Tt Is thé ehicken livers of | that lasy John-nee. Has he ever save' s life? No, no; no! He will not even kill the mouse. He likes better fhese chicken livers after we have killed them. He is! jealous of Signor Mutt, but he must be educate'!" Seeing hie mistress approach, the Mal tese had slalked from behind his palm | tub, swishing his all in anticipation of | his favorite supper, But when she placed) his dish before the Malamoot he pulled | back 1h amasement, straightened the hair] in a ridge down his back an tered of "Behave, you lagy John nee!" cried Madame, threatening him with her foot. ""Fhis Mutt is your guest and he has saved lives, To him is the livers to-night." Daintily, with his best table manners, the Huskey shot forth his long scarlet; tongue and bore to his palate a tidbit of | the gift. But this act was to the accompaniment | of a yowl of feline defiance. At once {fledged young lady. doesn't hed "Look?" insisted Jolinny Blair. "Look? Why, he is Mutt! : And you are goad old {Tom Hampton's little girl that's te get his pile? Lord bless you, child, been hunting for youn every where, were hunting of w little girl, not a full Say, you've certainly moved a lot in the last few months!" "I--I had to!" ghe gasped. "But I don't think I uiiderstand you. Who-who ate you?" "He held the picture toward her. "Look hard at the other man. look at me," he comiranded, , In a sort of daze the girl did both. "Now imagine me with a two months' beard on my face, a mackinaw suit and a slouch hat!" A first glimpse of the {began to illumine her face we've but we Then dazzling truth be" She seized the picture, thei stared hard at him again, "Why, you 'are-yoii are Johnny Blair! You are Dad's partner!" she ex« claimed in the voice with which ons mentions his God, "And I've got to deliver to you some thing more valuable than the gold he cleaned up, Tom's little girl, You, see, "Then you must {wich didn't cost a dime. It was oaly » Pl pleasur: 'made om" "Oh, ft's for Mutts sake, is it? The Question Was curved from under the black hat brim I company with an afbiguons spills. "Well, you, and Matt can divide your anxiety just ong-half, for that sand. five center." Se Bless me beated Jobany, 'you must have fob a barghin! 1 faa' kilow they "They dp, without butter," said she soc A eifictly. "Bi, i thougin biter dante inf' -- po he, thén At' once regretted the LN i "Then Jou'd better think 'sala? she oath gon 31 secasiog vss 2) ost immediately Siseduntel, however, bY 'the auxk foud' ekprebuion wie valved tf [oy his eyes. wf 1 don't" cate. for butter; you ste, 5 and § hate 20 sit In. restaurant drowdé!™ fray "Tal fs Why | was carey. Sha i't supposed It was as bad salishisument be uttered Wy * : "i fuiut a, ou Flot worn grandly. i i a 3 bi an bumistdkadle ges hou) obvious disapproval "And When an Italian woman had opened the fron, in dodr ta (hein, had greeted Johnny Blair Mithout the Lutfer? Not with?" | Johnny glanced across the table just ned s started ahead | } like a prodigal retur | and . AS {in time to catch the look of acrid dis to usher them through the dusky interior'; appointment that rushed over the face of of the house, be was interested to notice hig vis-a-vis "Quite without," stated he thet added in a rapid aside, quickly as possible, Madame, serve us Kill time, falso with the restr for two. Surely yon cuse, Mutt growled rumblingly. The guest looked surprised, inexorably, I resigned. that the young person's hand was rigidly "but just as then. clasped abot the collar of Mott the Mal-| You see, ' 1 smoot, tite" With a glance toward his enemy be- kind the green tub, just by way of ex- but decid- edly gratified at this concerted vehemence. "It was on account of him that I--- I didn't really mind much I was only working to I was expecting a message from A distance that was to change my whole there was a flash of gray fur through the|be was always plansing for you and It air, mllowed by the clatter of an over | was his last bequest that you should hisve turned stool. Simultaneously the screams | Mutt, his Malmoot, for your official guar« of women arose, then the warning shouts | diang of men and the back scraping of chairs | "Oh, on the tiled floor. High above it all there happy," sounded a gurgling cry of agony from| Huskie's neck, Mutt, 'the Mulamoot. at first sight." Those calm enough to see realized that! "With Mutt? , , , I see," sald the jealousy maddened cat had sprung {Johnny humbly. "And ia spite of the {straight for the dog's shaggy chest and | sandwich, too 7' you make me so happy---se she sobbed, her arms around the "1 fell in love with Mutt ; When, however, they had traversed the remember my Sid order, from the pimento allway aud kitehen and stepped out inte coc ktails straight throug gh to z&baione and 1 roofed over, galleried garden at the rear, caffe? where were disposed many white tables! The Italian woman brightened. observed Johnny, "To change your whole life? I see,"| wan clinging there like a pumm, hissing | and clawing upward at his eye, Unable to seize the fury beneath his Mutt realized from his pal's voice that chin with his one weapon, his death grip An atmos "Oh, the sandwich?' she sniffed, ¢rusn. ing a spoonful of golden Zabidue between {her tremulous "That! sandwich | doesn? ook as Important as' it did" ---- Tips who vag which had begun wie: fons "models. The United, States go! anime. © {and the federal Gepaftiients Which sé havtmiess atd vot a menue to healthy, it something had gone wrong. phere of disappointmen wave, had snddenly reached the.. "As though five years ago were. but and chatting couples, this clateh re taxed irda, Signor Johnuee ™ p and she glanced about "With pleased curi-| Without delay two cunningly carved osity. As she inhaled the atmospherie!pintentoés Tull "of iced oysters were | promises that Boated from the Kitchen al} plated 'beneath the reéspective noses of going to come, so I must bet I mean, other ekppssionis. gave way to that lobe Johny Blair and bis stranger guest. he pad not expected such a speedy falfil- [esecial look which had precipitated the | mest of his order he studied her with entié situation. -- ef | apprehension. IF a avi ible ¥ you don't swallow a utoglena when ies fake' a deivk of water today it is phssible "thkt w= swephapediseus, an' Sdvillyei or @ scenedesious will fad its way down your thrbat.' Models of the dill tie plams theye panies stand will te sliowngnt the fifteenth an- 1 faverbadional congress on bY gene sud @emography to be held in Washiagion, cule employment. No, thanks, I don't take butter!" W A : A " Animals Oue of the interesting models be direction of the Museum of Natural His sént tor Washington by the Museum of tory is constructed of glass and Is fifteen Naiural History is that of the arugiens. hundred times the sctual size of one of The droghox is au animal that can by the masses. found in the Water supply of New York! Specimens of the stephapodiscus, a eity. Tt is useless to attempt to search plam, have been found in the drinking for the creatures except with a micro-| water provided for New York folk, It sgope, Bowever. The entire lengli of resembles a pill box: aid does not wpread the quim® is only two-fhousatdihs of wu disease. The oscillaria and the scene B.C, begianing September 1U aud st juch, The crentures are discoverel in desmus are water plants, The osefl- Tog till Obtober 4. | colonies, the muirix of which is a trans [lavia has the name of producing an dn She department of public beaith of parent shell Med with a watery sub | pleisaut taste in water. the American Moseam of Natura! His@ory cance. The colony itwelf 8 au gz! Hom the bacilli and the blood cor Will be represented at the vs ¥bin uit. by shaped mass led with hundreds of the puscles war with one another in cases of The vibra: "oh of thelg bairs septic poisoning is vividly told by menns Lo under whose" auspicts the sundae the Colonies to "revolve od move of a skilfully constructed model Typhoid will be held, hax eailed attention ghout through the water. fever and diphtheria bacilli also are dis 10 the necessity tor a standardization of "The nrogiehay bave | hygienic metheds nud arranged tw fis TC green poment bands, They have one' will be in eharge of Joba H. O'Xelll, as trade the progress of the health m@ve Fy¢ spot and [We or mlore chvition Tn 1 ir sistant to Professor Charles Edward for! gent in America. Governors of several bodies. The presence of the Sreatires' Amory Winslow, head of the department | States have been invited to appoint com: 'ia drinking water van be detected by the of Dealth of the museum, at the Washing- ttees to aid ia preparing the exhibition,' fehy taste which they convey. Théy pte ton chigréss. At 'the conclusion of the 'exhibition the models will be returned ly 'elated to the public Beal'h will'ls Jedisred. The middel Bf the cplony to 'tie Museum, where they will be, dis | part fo the Sug teny ¥| made fof the Washington exhibit by [ares for the education of the publie. to u sort of chill "But now I know that message is never As I think probably I'd better look up sotne You know The reproach in her eyes looked all in| Drinking Water two Hight yellow. played by means of models. The exhibits "An hour ago," inserted Johnny. "Bug you will not se pirate we rota Mutt ak will you? we wins. ide i ping white fangs, Mutt shook and stran- gled in his futile strength. At "the first cry Johnny Blair bad ruthed into the attack, and was now beating the cat with the corner of his chair, hoping to break its grip without tearing open the throat of his dog. The diners, realizing that the disturb ance did not immediately threaten them, chowded an pear as was safe, chattering in a babel of tongues, English, Italian and French, each trying to direct the fight. But it soon transpired that only one person there present knew the lafiguage of what to do. ; Seizing a wine boeket of melted ice in one hand and outstretching the other, Johuny Blair's young woman guest fol Jowed the tumbling, howling animsls [about the room. Khe Novered low over them and %épt repeating in a stacealo vole: | i Mutt! coding, Mutt!" Buddesly, as though she saw the chance for which she had waiisd, ber om strefched left band dived straight Tate the melfe and like an Trop instrement, clutehed the nape of the cat's neck Bidwly she pafied the head of the Mal tems backwird, slthough it still gripped Mutts throat. ¢ Then, with 8 strong sweep of her right arm, she swung the lee bucket over their bodies afd dashed its contents swiftly into the face of the est. Ita {Jaw relaxed wt once Spiattering, 'it {rushed in a panic from the rooth. (% Graspitig the oxiverisg, bristling Mele together, "Not--aitogether," Be quiet, Mutt! I'm T,: THE MALAMOOT---5 Ethel Smith Dorrance the girl held him back by sheer /