TRAVELLING. LUST WINTER ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS, Sept. 12th, 18th and 1th, Detroit, $12; Port Huron, $10.50; Chicago, $17.80; Saginaw, Bay City, $12.90; Grand $14.75; Cleveland, $10.45; . or Minnea lis, $33.80. Tickets returning until Sept. S0th. DOMINION - EXHIBITION, Ottawa, Ont, Sept. Sth to 16th, Sept. 4th to 16th, inclusive. Fare $3.70, except Sept. 19th, 13th and 13th, fare is $2.75. All' tickets good to return until Sept. 17th. WESTERN FAIR, London, Ont., Sept, 6th fo 14th, Sept. 6th to 14th, inclusive, fare fs $8.20, except Sept. 10th, 12th sad 23th, the fare is $5.80. Rapids, St. Paul All tickets good to rotany) anti!' Sept. 16th, For full particulars apuily to J. P, HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., Corner Johnson and Ontarfo Sts. 1X NEE ¢ alll EIEN IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, Ont Sept. 10th, 12th. 18th o, ... $2.75 Sept. 4th to 16th-thelusive .. $3.70 Return limit .. .. .. .... Sept"? Renfrew Fair, Sept. 18¢th, 19th and goth. SINCE FARE. Good going Sept. 18th and and 20th. Return limit Sept, a Ba Tt ',. SINGLE FARE ROUND TRIP. Good golng 19th and 20th, good to return 21st September. , Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. PF. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. 18th, 21st. " Leave Kingston daily except Monday Eastbound, 5.30 a.m. Westbound, 5.00 p.m, EXPOSITION SEPT. 14th-28th. Round Trip Tickets will be igsued at Going Sept, ath, 17th, 20th and { 4 th, Good to réturn until Sept. 28th, . HANLEY, Agent, Corie Sop and Ontario Sts H. FOSTER CHAFFER AGPA. Toronto. OR ORTH & 8 F dane Sc BOAT €0. LIMITED BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. , Leaves ir. 3 daily. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Suite bares, call ing at Deseronto, #t and Belleville on Tucsdagns 3 grsdays. and Saturdays. Freight handled © with despatch and care at reasonable rates, ~~ JAS. SWIFT & CO., HANLEY, Sg Ticket Agent. eC 2OYAL LINE ORTHERN STEAM. LIMITED. Freight Agents. a F he | hb | 9 [H CANADIAN Stenmships The Finest nest nud Fastest 3 HOLDING ALL RECORDS. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. BRISTOL. Bristol. Wednesday, Steamer. Wetsiaalpy ese 'a8 ov, 13 Nay. n $12.50; 1% v QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches servéd om shortest notice . REGULAR DINNER, 28ec. 15 Phases 'Seed Or. de Van's Female Pills A sslia French iy overt. never {alle, These ul jn reguiating he Reiu rode Yan's are sor 3 Adiled to any addres. Catharines, On! For sale ab a drug stove. the 7 Training Horses It you have a ng not acting niep- ly, send him to Kingston Repository and put him in charge of 'R. WV. Smith. who will give him personal attention, = +R. W, SMITH, Mgr. DAILY ARRIVALS Best Crawford Peaches at A. J. REES 166 Princess a. Phone 58 Eo No "The Light Beer in the Light Bottle" clear as crystal ~--sparkles like diamonds ~--mild, yet full flavored --costsabout halfasmuch iy ood on beers nos ener' Lager E. BEAUPRE, Local sage "Phone 313. SIRT) (GEN \ | A - Watertown 15. Return limit, Monday following date of 'sale. Far boat and train service see Robert Crawford, Ticket Agent, Kingston, Ont. Consult local ticket agents for time of trains and other information. HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 10 LAY CORNER STONE] J OF GANANOQUE'S NEW POST veers OX HE UST, "Hon. W. T. White, Minister of Fia- ance, Will Lay the Stone-- Citizens' Band Entertained by the Leeds Member in Ottawa. : Gananoque, Sept. 13.--1It is un- derstod that the laying of the cor ner slone of the new post office building will take place on Saturday Sent. 21st. tha anniversary of the lease of power tendered bv the people of Canada to R. I. Borden and his administration. Hon." W. T. White, finance minister, ber for this consfituency, will offie- fate with the trowel on that occas. fon.' Mr. and' Mie. David Briges nounce the engagement of their dauehter. Migs Carrie May Priges, tn Harold Howe of Wolfe Monday next. i Mr. and Mrs. William Bulloeh en- | tortained a number 'of friends on! Wednesday. evening at their sum. mer residenca, Tremont Park . in| honor, of their daughter, Miss Dera | Bulloch followed by a very nleas- | ant dance 'at the Gandnooue Canoe! and Motor Boat Association club! houvss, Lee's orchestra furnished musie. } Word received here from Ottawa! announces that the citizens band fill. ing a three days" engagement at ths exhibition thera, is giving excellent satisfaction and reflecting credit on the home town. Yesterday morn ing they visited Hon. W. T. White, in' the parliament buildings and] were entertained royally by him. |! It is reported that the water will | he shut off. this afternoon to allow | | the Byers & Anglin gang of men to: | complete a part ot the work on the, i evtengion to the D, F. Jones' shovef | | plant, Mr. Harle has closed his summer | home near Red Horse for the seas- on, and left for his home in New York City yesterday. Mrs. ®John Morgison, Montreal, summering in town. entertained a Jarge number of friends at after noon tea at Gananoque Inn on Tuesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Tra A. Kip. ir., have closed up their summer home on Leek Igland, and returned to their home in South Orange, N.J. James Maybea, of Brockville. a former res- ident of the town, renewed acquain. tances here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kendall spending the vast few weeks hers with relatives, have returned to their home In Guelph, Dr. James T. Rogers, spending the past few .days here with Mrs. Rogers at White Calf Island, has returned to Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaceg are spending the week in Ottawa with friends. William Edwards, jr., was elected to the office of second vice presi- dent of the Canadian Embalmers Association at their session in Tor- onto last week, =» . $1.65 | Boncity to September | tary regarding jeretary said that the permission (Continued from Page 1,) Children t to Assist, Trustee Elliott referred to the mat- ter, after a communication had been 'read from the secretary of the Festi val of the Empire, asking the board to kindly consent te collegiate and public school pupils assisting in the Festival programme from four till five o'clock] during the second week in October, beginning the Tth, the chil dren to be dismissed at 3.45 p.m. The school children will be allowed {the privilege asked for. Speaking about the petition, Trus: tee Elliott said that the petition which had been signed by a mumber of frustees had not been acted upon, 1and _he regarded it as a djpcourtesy 'to the members who signed it, as well as to the gentleman who was taking jit around. i Trustee Renton signed the petition jand he, too, was very anxious to iknow just what happened to it. Four- teen had signed the "round-robin." He wanted to know Wha had dumped the petition into the bagket. I'rustee Elliott questighed the secre: the petition. The se. had not been granted. He could not say whet had happened the potition. he chairman said that he had stat- * that he would be in Tavor of de: claring a half holiday if she tiustees were in favor of it. He had been told that several had refused to sign it. He had been given to understand that the teachers hs 'the inspector object- ed to the holida Trustee Biliott "stated hat if the majority of the board requested' the holiday, the board should be govern- ed by the majority. In view of the fact that there was mow a movement on foot (0 revive interest in position to have a big fair in ton, he had signed the petition, and apart irom that he considered hat fair would serve a good pw for the clidren from an ehutinsl t. Trustee Elliott pushed the matter as far as possible, but could get no in- formation ahatover, 4 as to jusg what hd append a , hc 4 drop, at least for-the time mem- | comes laghe war. FRIDAY, = sp am -------- Island. | The marriage will be solemnized on i SEPTEMBER 13. 1942. i Ottawa Valley and 1 pper. Si. Fair Toronto, Out, Sept. 13th, 10 Smo Lawrence today. ic bbe in Breede to moderate sovtherly, ing to Westerly and ie hetirs ah shown. ers and thunder stormy, = Bik [SPECIAL NOTICE We have just to hand MODES FOR THE FALL MONTHS. » A smart morning 'dress in blue cheviot The skirt is heavily pleated, and yellow lines in it. short to the walst in front, is finished buckle, and trimmed with 'braid. tweed with green and the little jacket, velvet belt and v with black White serge coat and skirt--The skirt, fastened down the side with barrel-shaped buttons in braid, is slit up almost to the kunee; the coat is held in at the back with a belt, and has small muslin collar ac the model school $260 for the term. That Jessie Stuart and Sprague, of Belleville, and Amanda Gordon, 'of Lindsay, be appointed to the .Ahree vacancies on the public school staff caused by the refusal of the three teachérs appointed at the last meeting of the hoard to secept the positions. Duties. to, begin Sep tember 3rd, Jhat the request of Miss Greene, do- mestie science teacher, for an increase of salary, be granted, and that she re an aunual increase of $50 until grade maximum of $700 is reach She mow gets S600, That R. 8. senking, M.A. be appointed. history ninster Collegiate Institute, at a $1,100, Pp "Uthat another Jusior Past I be opened after the. Christinas holidays fn ponnection with the public schools. This will relieve the overcrowding in the grade which now. exists north ol Princess strech. "That G. W. Hollard. M.A, be ap poimted principal of Victoria school at a salary of $1,000, to be paid by the bond, To this will be added £150 by the faculty of education and £100 by the department of education making S1550 in all, duties to com mence Sept. Jed." I'he following report of the property committee was adopted : That Charles Phillips be appointed caretaker of Frontenac school at a salary of $500 per year. That the -- of T. W. Milo for painting the .irom roofs of Victoria and Fromtenac schools, viz., $150, Ix accepted. That a set of new single desks bx purchased for the second class roop in Catatagui school to replace a «of of Junior II disks temoved to Mac donald sehool. _ Committee recommends the purchas of seventy adjustable and nine rears and fifty non-adjustable and sever macs, the former from: E. N. Moye: & Co. of - Toronto, and the latter from the Smart Manufartoring Co. of Brockville. W,. J. Savage appiared before the board and protested about the man ner in which tenders for repairs to the schools had been dealt with. He said 'he had submitted a tender ageordmy to the Specifications, while a contract had been awarded for & portion of the work: -- The matt was left wilh as a salary Muriel term, eoive the ed, Napanee, of the salary of tion of Nin Tawra Wil: The resigna de from the teaching stall was: re a DOUBLES THE BEAUTY OF YOUR HARI AVL YOU NEED IS A 25 CENT BOTTLE or SDANPERINE HAIR L | GETS wrote, FLUFFY AND AT ONCE . = {Or ig seraggy. faded, dry. brittle or i "eo iamediatet-- Yes! - {Falls sinee a young man. esived and accepted. She is now fudian Head, Sask. at : Inspector's Report. Inspector J. as follows : « The public schools reopened oi Sept. Jrd, with a largely mcvensed at: toudance, the enrollment in the grade classes being 128 Jurger than ut the end of September last year. A stath. ment of the organi-ation and class envollment is submitted herewith ; It is generally conceded that no more than forty pupils should be as Luned to each teacher und the prac tive in graded schools, throughout On taro closely approximates to this, it will be noticed that we have 22 classes with over 40 pupils each, and nme with 080 or more. The. grow: ing pressuye upon school acconumoda- tion makes it.incroasingly difficulty to wishes of many parents in any way consistent with efficient or garkzation. Without allowing for anticipated increase in population the junior first grade classes porth of Princess strect, which now average' fifty pupils each, will, by Jan. Ist, probably increase to 'over sixty each The necessity of one or more addi tional primary classes is pherviore im: perative. All the members of the public school stafl were on daty on the opening day exaopt Miss Crawford and Miss Dar- rie, who are ill, and Miss Nesbitt, wha arrived two days late because of ths tussell "Stewart report: moet the season. ings, Edgings, very attr: active pr ices. For a smart, Tweeds, Whipcords, are modish Suit, all of worth and are to be had from 50c the Yard Up. Shop at the Reputable "Store of 'Satisfaction' » o : PEER CEI FETE SEE New Fall Novelties Are to be found in bewildering assortment at "Kingston's Shopping Centre," Trimmings a large consignment of all that is novel in Trimmings for the Autumn, See our display of Fringes, Band* Fine Laces and Gar nitures, Ornaments, ete,, all' to be had at nsertions, W Suitings. see our novelty | Diagonals,, Boucles, Serge, Homespun and many other effects that are absolutely new. These materials ", J LY! MT on accident to the steamer, Corsican, in. which she was to have sailed® from { England. the new manual training. room Macdonald school was opened lor bovs of the fourth book dasses Sept. loth. Some delay was oces- sioned by * the preparation of the equipment, The report of P'rincipal Shier, ol the (oliegiate Institate. showed au | attendance of 55 more than fhe aver | age atlendance last year. There were enrolled 354. There was no over- erowding, with 46 non-residents. They wers only taken in when there was na crowding. The report of the school nures showed pupils inspected 511; instrue: tions given, 57; consultations given to parents, 29; home visits, 31. Walter Halliday died, Sanday morn: ing, at Smith's Falls, after Being | con fined to bis bed for three wesks from a. general break up in his health. Mr. Halliday had been inable to work since 8 stroke some four years ago. in Jasper township, fifty-uine Years ago, be had lived in Bmith's | he | - ABUNDANT A Certain? that's the joy of it. Your huir hf. thin. Besides beautifying the hair, appears as as a young woh, Matton nd | or CE Danderine dissolves every particle | of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and | the scalp, forever and falling heir, bus You most will be Sex roth vee of 4 seks, bat could sot siecoed, S¥iligcoaches. braiies STEACY'S This First Lesson in Economy is not alone for children. Older heads take it to heart, and Thousands of Proved the econom profit by it. ousewives have y of using "Beaver" our for all baking. DE L ERS--Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. je. T. H TAYLOR 0. LIMITED, 118 CHATHAM, Ont. MAN KILLED BY CORSETS. Englishman 'Wore Them in Private Theatricals. London, Sept. 13. ---Audtin Clover, » shipbuitdsr, thirty: four vears of age, residing at Birkenhead, was killed by corsets which he wore during some pri- vate theatricals. A physician testified at the inquest that the cordets were very tight and apparently forced the blood te Clo ver's head, causing convulsions. Clo ver evidently tried to loosen the cor and was asphyxiated. JOKERS PART PART RT NEWLYWEDS, Groom Tied to Tree 2 All Night While Bride Weeps Corry, Pa. Sept. 12 Muri at Union City, Dr. Evan C, Burgess was tor immediately from bis bride, form- erly Olive Geist, while on their honey- mopn at Mill Village by members of the Cakley Camping Club of Pitts burgh, and | tied to a tree in the woods all night ts of dancing and fantastic -- afled 10 satisfy the privoner, Blirgess was released at daylight and re turned to his, tearful br. ide, Asleep, Walks pre Train, Tifton, Ga. Sept. 12--Fast - asleep, Paul Inman, tweive years old, of Tytr. Ga, walked from a swiftly moviag At antic Coast fine train, of the" fall failed to {Awaken the fad, and be did dot know | seription of the pers he had sovived until he 'wad rowsed by a purty of searchers near Young natin Eire ng ™ HOW THIN PEOPLE MAY PUT ON FLESH Great Discovery by Eminent Judging from the Sountiehs Propara~ tions ns treatme pS, aa Hots, the col tinually being adw the pur pose, of making Hl a OE aany de. veloping the arms. seck and bust replacing ugly to awe and angles the soft curved h beauty, thelr exces ve hinness. a fore gives u he i pl Ts herewith a by Correcting stimulating 1 Ne sluggish vital duces a marvelous tran in the appearance; the Sucrense in walgnt frequently uveraging from 4 pounds the Het ex and yory Farsi eas than 2 his tucrense inn eAtries with It a Eonsral pes ment in the hesith. Catarrh, days Fepeia and nervousness, which neatly #lways accompanies stcessive thine ness, ail © gradosily Ainuppenr dull eyes become bright and od glow with a bleom of A riect ha La Teh, The prescription, which contains yo dangercus drugs and is absolutely we, aanotite ar 7 Fiuld harmless, calle or damoms Compound, 2 Saltogye. 2 ox Elixir ot Catiseya {enough water to fill an oe. bate and can readily be a by a druggist. Ove of two Labiespoon fate jhould Re duke haut 10 winttes ba. ore euch mea at ali you wast but thew jour (ood thoroughly. . (CAETION: A he pre. "= -- troubles, owing Be wah my sop 5 . wire fo pot on » ag