FIRE! Jf you want a hot 'lasting fire get some of. our. good dry maple || HARDWOOD A A, pA Nf NNN S. Anglin & Co. COR. WELLINGTON and BAY STRILIS gre Cramining down fll-chosen food, and rushing back to work, leads straight to dys- pepsia, with all it means in Misery. Proper habits of eating, pepsia Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- "on, health and happiness. A vox of Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsin Tablets costs but 50c. at your. Druggist's. National Drug and Chem- foal Co. of Canada, Limited. RAL SUITS JUST i Obir New Fall Steck of Sul for Mey and Boys In Seotch Tweeds, Wore and Sergesvix areiving daily, Boe our Live 'of 'Man's Suits at $7.50 and $10. 'We are bt Rain good Une of pA os Suns, slzer a cy 33 wi Mo wo 'Bult; sizos 30 to 8, ah, ISAAC ZACKS, : wi PRINCESS STREET. ~ FRIDAY, THE 13th ~ This Tea never varies; © every day of the year. .LIPTON'S i: Qoes farthest for the money ns exile tionally or Man at same GRIMASON HOTEL aa 0 anged hands. and has been horsiienty renovated and 'refurnished. 1 i Meats Spectali 58. sto ih "elo oot iquety: and oles 3 Yard ot ables in pity. JOHN COUSINEAY, Proprietor. --- ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SEVENTY. NINTT YEAR ALLY BRITISH WHIG, published ar 306 r310 King BStrest, Kingston, Ott at $6 per vear. Editions at 2.30 and 4 : WEEKLY BRITIBH WHIG, 18 pies, if rad in parts on Monday nd I Thursday it- $1 a year. } { bo added morning and chy THE B ! inh, To United States charge . making price of Daily $2 and Weekly $1.08 per year Attached 1s one of the best Jub Printing Offices ia Canada; pg work; nine Lmproved prefsen H WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED fur postage ha rapid, siyi J. 6. Leman A. Elllett, President, Guild, See~Treas. "nAh--- i TORONTO OFFICE ~Suite 18 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church {8treet, Toronto, H. E. SBmaliplece, ps - Edward W, hiraself tataggerimg task, Dok has set He {he fashions in dress of American wo- in n made in America, apd he proposes further that a fashion established shall last from four to {is no denying this statement of the! Mr. Rok upon the effect seven years. . Thore (sophisticated lof the French tion of Europe. and America, with the lanoual changes designed vheewdly ia J interest of the French pocketbook : "A constant change mm makes a womun place (he question , clothes in a fidee position in her fife) It dominates her thoughts Ko the éx- of elements. purposes to have, a | must {only domination of the dah | phish it he fushions {of that whic Mr. derinken. representative. MR. BOK AS HERCULES. ------ -------- clusion. of other and more importaht It compels her to discard fier dresses and hats before they are worn out or anything like it. It makes her extravagant, hecause she feels she keep up to the styles" Bok will hate the prayers not of husbands. dnd fathers, but of Mr. mothers and daughters in his great work. H he Sould do mare {1M cost of living than Roosevelt his most audacious tnoments promises, most of the should aceon to reduce in | But there was sever set for Hercules of a fraction of the difliculty Bok hing bravely un- a labor > During the past year a body of Chicago have of "badness" ieiologieal © experts Tin been raking a careful study SOIL {14,000 childron {sulted in thle i the whose being brought iwdoge wade make und they juvenile court, | wards, The report { their investigation ix that the iin {are practically all the unfavorable environment. lu oaly few cases is heredity a noticeable fae influence. ig the result of 'the good of the child tor of creative pot being given ample opportunity for development. ~~" This with most social findings of few years. The chameleonie of the child to fit into its environ- ment is more and more recognized, and the whole organism of society is the huge factory in which either good bad children are turned out. report is in full the last or FACTORY FOR BAD CHILDREN. its i victims 'of an | a teognizing the "upon child The badness | tgrawth continges, accordance tendency The i % raw material. 8 good, Lut provduct depend The upon iE © working. transition from babyhaod inne is the long with the human + to manhood infamy soduct of defects in dealing nature and the needs of the i life. In Canada no less older need of re than in countries there is absolute mBuence of envirohment life. Thus far the dian child has had normal hfe excellent opportunity and stimulus to the best things.. Bul and Canadian cities field and altain to as bulk more large, and the wide and playground become a far away memory of the child, it must be sce (0 De of first importance that every ehild given the fullest possible chance to develop the good. The bad will cease to be own ecard. open city is of its What is girl? at twenty-five and automatically ter the class designated by the ton "woman,'" dr does she cling to he youth =t#l at thirty, or even forty Test this question he answered to hastily one should pause and consile the data now available on this high ly interesting wubject. Here is thi situation; says the Washington Post and if it does not stary a deal o talking in feminine circles we shall b mistaken : In August, 1911, the Young - Wo men's Christian Associntion made ruling, that a woman at thirty was no longer young, "aid that «those © 'this age or over should ~~ surrende their rooms to girls, mere chits twenty-seven or twenty-eight or twen ty-nine. The ruling provoked consid erable criticisma. Now, only one yea later, the association has issued new onder, fixing at twenty-five th limit of githood, declaring that afte a woman has reached this age she no longer young, lmunding as 'old' iwenty-one "ladies" who haye passe : 2% = - Fi tr EC a girl ¥ How old a Does a girl cease being a gir un is o TPREARRVING NEAL ARETE lors adn sel . ua | Dar kuin. "have a big Stock of Firat: Class Heaters 4nd 8 Stoves which hE oE ready for cold weather. Also a fine line of Furni- i Household Goods, ete. Furolture a specialty. | tions, upon completing | yoars _ of service as minister of Chal Today Rev. teervipg the congratulations of flock. aed friends of other denomina- twenty-five has pura Uresbyterian church, aud the Wiig joins in teudering the doctor ats appreciation and goed-wishes. A survey of those twenty live years in Kingston must bring to the Chal mers minister cause for rejoicing. At Dr. Macghiveay io "WHEN 8 A GIRL? his fateful milestone along the road ff hfe and compelling them to eve | he Y.W.C.A. home. Leading society and club members of hicago have tuken indignant excep fou to the fiat, Mrs: KE. 6G. Logng teclares that a girl is a gil anti! -he becomes a matron, evem if she is ot & mation until forty. Mrs, Ua herine Waugh McCulloch, Evanston': smous justéce of the peace, says thai \ woman is just as young at y-five as at nineteen. vhat the authorities oint. In 1906 the Philadelphia Y W.C.A. ixed the age limit at thirty-five, o. which age gifs weré giils, Stor which they were "old." In Bos ou and other New England cities he thirty-five year old limit has been stablished. Now, hustling, bustling, rogressive Chicago, where life is wift and breeay, reduces 'this to wenty-five. Can it be possible that twen- Let us' sec BAY on up and mstéma women enjoy tem years more of girlhood than do their 'western sis- ers ! Or do western girls age nore apidly ? Let us have the facts. QUARTER OF A CENTURY 1 ONE CHARGE. © -- a a---- some edifice was reared and the old hurch of pleasant memories disap wared from view. Under his orale Chalmers cofigrogation. has nervasgd and flourished, for it had is its lender u man of high ideals, A eulture and of pulpit fore Dr. Maegilliveay has been a pastor 1s well as a preacher, and the clergy nan who is generally the most sue essfal is the one who knows their children by name. the Chalmers * minister was symps- shetic and full of encouragement. He Mamined the sick room and the aouse of bereaviment. Bo it is no wonder that hus people love him and hat he drew about him an pas the final, Cana- | this, his |. Wytheville, 1 Allen and his _FRIDAY, finve to milk the vows by hand. Hon Adan Beck forgot tp mention this. | Perhaps he let the hired nan do the! cleaning. i 1 = very much interested in i leading illustrate dt the renow ned | Germany Unnada | and Whe weekly of that country, *Ilustrirte Zeitung," a special number on Canada. ! Laipsic, has pub. | tighed Both complimentary and decorative it treats the regioh admimiiyv and the | desire seems to be~to help' Canadian developments. ~The Publisher of the ~Zpitung," Court Councillor Horst | Weber, - will 'Ta study tions for the purpose of keeping Germans thoroughly posted as to our | country and our needs. The speual | number, just issued, will serve to de | velop the economic and intellectual re- | lations between the two countries. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS come to Canada himaeli | whe country and its condi the | i A Haven of Hest. Chicagd News : Europe seems to have ly constructed as a place for Standard | il magnates to rétire into after they | have allowed congress to ask them a] few questions. . been especial | + He Usually Gets It Ottawa Journ 5 Theodore Roosevelt says asked Perkins for money. a waiter ask for a tip. ly gets it. he never | Neither does} But he usual} Woman's Privilege. Toledo Blade Woman can fix plumes and feathers and colors of the rainbow, but, man warts to do anything of kiod he must join a iodge up with all the if civilized | that went A | | | ower; } 1 i One €heloh Mercury Lightning struck girls were Alviaston. Theory. the bed in which sleeping in a house | The bed clothing was et on fire, but extinguished. The | springs in the bed, no doubt, assisted | in quenching the Hames. Making Better Christian Guardian We should always remember that it is quite possible ta improve the eon ditions and outwards ndings at Hie without in any marked way im | proving life itself. The man who has | come up irom a three-roomed cottage to live in a hyndred thousand dolla: | | mansion may be a better man or a {worse man than he was; the house hu lives in will never help us decide the question of his morality or of his real | worih. Clean streeis are good, and wy must strive for orf with persistent determination, but if in getting then we do not at the same time improve the quality ef life that is lived in the midst of them we will not he making any progress worth while. two near Men. THREE MEN KILLED. Derrick. Arm Snapped and Victims Fell 60 Feet. Halifax, N.S., Sept. 12.-- Three men are dead and five injured as a resull of an accident at the Woodside sugar | refinery. A derrick arm snapped in | two, previpitating a number of men sixty feet to the ground amid flying steel and wood. The dead: Jame. Hitchcock, Daniel . Young and Jame Dougan, Fall and 'Winter Importations. | Prevost, Brock street, has rebeived all his fall importations for « his tailoring department, consisting in suiting and overcoating in great va riety' of patterns to choose from. Also ietge stock of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings Windsor Will Seek. Relief. Windsor, Sept. 13.-To comply with the provincial regulations - forbidding emptying of sewage into the rivers and {lakes would cost Windsor 1, O00 000. Exemption will be asked onthe ground, that the regulations cannot apply to mternational waters, Larties® -- Lamb Coats; Made in our own lactory and made to nt, made to wear, made lo please, at Campbell Bros.. fashion's acknowl edged headquarters for fine furs. Imports 7,000 Stockers. Lethbridge, Alta., Sept. 43. Knight, of the Knight Sugar com pany, bought 'from Jobn Mulhall, ol Mulhall, Olda., seven thousand stoeck- ers, which will 'be shipped to Alberta j this fall and placed on Knight rabch om the Milk River ridge. Ray Woodcutters For Cochrane, London, Sept. 13.- A party oi some sixty woodcutlers sail on the Virgin en for Cochrant, Opt. The men are described as sn ideal set of men, ex perienced cutters, who should prove a real acquisition te the dominion. COhiisty" = Famons Hats Ta be had in Kingston only at Campbell Dros., the leaders in men's hats. a Two Allens to Die. A. Floyd Va., Sept. nephew, Claude, two gang that shot up the Hillisville court, ints five deaths, were sentenced to De deciro cuted on Nov. 2nd. Cure for Horse Disease. Neb Sept. ae oe. oointy health offic be. sngcess: ngs serum in the rest. SEPTEMBER niles 13, 1912 BIBBYS, Limited It will pay you to read our: Advertisernents. We make it worth your while by offering Goods at very special prices i Raincoats English Paramatta Cloth, finish. Colors are Fawn aud Rich Grays. / Military style collars. Sizes 86 to 46, Bibbys Special $6.50 single texture, fine silk Hats We King Hats, we olléringe anotlier 20 dozen of the celebrated 191 Derby styles, all Sold everywhere in ( 50). new shapes. Bibbys Special Price $1.50 en's Suits We are offtring a mange of Handsome Epglish and Scotch Tweed Soits, Hand Tailored --new and classy models. = Siges S4-ta Bibbys Special Price $15.00 . dr rma BBY Ss Limited and Boys' Departmental Store 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. FiRST RAL ---- ATION With North Country, Which is Ee pire in ltself, Edmonton, Alia, Sept. 12 the Canadian Northern railpay pany opened its porthern hianeh Yin betwen Edmonton and Arthabasca ninety-six 'miles, a few days ago there was established the first rail communication with ~ the -nortlreomm- try, Which is an empire in ftsell, also vognecting with a system of commer cal waterways, serving a terespor of 2 000 miles in length and non in width, The amival of the first locomotive with a tramp<of cade, at what was former kooyn Atha basca Landing, on Sepk 3rd, make the dose of an era, which began with the trappers nod traders ith Intier part of tim eighteenth century god in this the old trail, an exon son of First avenwe, which biseis the business district of !dmonton, plavest an important part. Ti is an event of prime importince in time development: of the mireral nd gw enltural resourers eof a pr vie win district. an? 11 @ belwved Yor buriness fen that rapid wtidemont will follow, i Wha com che uly Canada Life Assurance Company BEDROOM - . FURNITURE Irom Bedalipecisl this week. $2.40 FL.00, 24.59. and up The only Canadian Company whuse Policies have doubded through profits Figures bow & policy wil shape to you vheeriuily given by J. 0. Hutton, THAT TOBACCO Ah the "Roaster" ay Is 18 crewing louder AF oe goes winug Only 46c per pound. Fer thewing sna smoking : Agen, IN Market Street, onen &t $5.95 and AT A. MACLEANS, Dptario Buren, Etood in old Veo Caren rs Debidity, Meniol and Friis Woarry, Dei hy , dweiasl Writnness, Ensissions, pers wmaborrhese, and Ff v4 of Aw vr Biv ons, aw 84 Ore wi. pions ais £3 druggists o~ mailed in i of pores New pan Wood Mugicine © 4 Toronto, Ont Prion $1 pee eo, six will eure, oid by , lain go Pee iy ma The Wee 5 Tse, $2.50, $6.50, 50 to $30.00. Springs, COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and 'we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STHEET. Mattronees, 32 Dressers, Chiffoniers, - Dressing | Tables, all fies and finishes. R. J. REID . Phone 877."