¥ » : v The Daily British Wh KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SKPTEMBER 14, 1912, PITH OF NEWS GOVERNMENT ON RUN | IS THE BELFAST VIEW Conceming the Home. Rul Question. rrnberamen Sy oy THERE 1S EXCITEMENT THE SUGGESTION WINSTON CHURCHILL: -- LAST EDITION, : dl x CURFEW IN NEW YORK. HAMILTON GIRL KIDNAPPED, Disappeared Mysteridusly Last 7 Tuesday Evening. Hamilton, Sept. 14.--Afier finishing wer work last Tuesday evening Miss fireone disappeared. Yesterday morn: ing a lettet purporting to have come from ber was received by the family, but her pareats are doubthil as to whether she sent it and have asked police aid, They fear that she has hedn kidnapped or has fallen into un- crupulous hduda Broadway Must be Cleared by Mid. night. New York, Sept. 14.-Curfew willl ring hetealter at midnight for loiter YEAR 79-No, 215 ers on the "Great White, Wav," accord AS TRIBUTE 10 EMPEROR ing * to a ruling by Magistrate Cor * Inell, whose court has Jurisdiction over ithe district. The court announced that it bereafler »ould fine anyone arrested | Distant Pla S. after twelve \4'clock on Broadway, whe ! ' - - could pot show that he had business HE TEST TD there. There were. filtoen arrests "last hight in a round-up of loiterers mn | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. ge . Killed at a Threshing, Picton, Sept. 14.--Archie Ferffuson, Gull Pond, township of Athd, was killed at the farm of George Yerex, Yerexville, Wednesday afternoon. The unfortunate yopng man was threshing with Wellington Campney and was in the act of puttihg on the belt which runs the feeder when he was caught and drawn to his, death almost in- stantly. The deceased was unmarried and resided with his parents, Mr. and Mes. George Ferguson. CROSS GREENLAND FIRST TIME IN HISTORY FEAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, icomplaints that out-of-town guests: of hotels were being annoved by well dressed young men who were making {a business of standing about the hotel entrances. Habitues of the district | who hewrd the magistrate's ruling de | 'glared that jt meant an epochs re |. a r . lin the night ---- het xhnngs The Whig's Daily Condensation of {triet if he held to his sunounced pur the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ks. | pose. | Wika: | KAISER DOESN'T CARE | VERY MUCH FOR PREACHERS || $0 HE INTIMATES, je TOOK THER OWN LIVES RoCORMING TO THE, ANCIENT] JAPANESE CUsfoM. OVER OF | | i To Establish Local Parliaments in Great Centres of Hrigish Populas tion--What the Churchill Sugges- tion Foreshadows, : Belfast, Sept. 14. --Totense interest hag been excited in Belfast by Win ston Spencer Churchill's speach at Dundee, advocating the eatatdishment of local parliaments not only in Ire land, Seotland and Wales, but in four or more of the great centrom of population in England. Leagers of the anti-bome rule" wea sade believe that this federal schema foreshadows a move on the part' of the government to grant local par. lament to Ulster as a way out, of the dangerous impasse in lrelpfd. Ulster men are delighted because the Ulster movement now seems to be re garded gofiously by the strongest men n the government, whereas formerly the cabinet ministers bolittled the an- ti-home rule ery in Northern Irpland it is now believed that the léaders realize thal the outcry represents a | feeling of determination that bodes ill | to the peace of the country. changes. Helewnde Wi | ight, foution, Yue, was a farmer of Glen kilbdl by a train eatpenter, Attended Emperor Mutsuhito's Funeral and Then Went and Died--General Nogi Japan's Supreme Military cillor, ! Tokio, - Sept. I4.-General Count Maresuke Nogi, supreme military coun cillor of the empire, and his Rife, Countess Nogi, committed suicide, last night, in acvordance with the ancient Japanese custom, as their final tribute to their departed emperor and friend, Mutsuhito. Taking their lives by their own hands of the famous general amd hi Wile was as dramatic ax it was sad The general eut his throat with shori sword, and the countess commit ted hari-kari, The couple had carefully prepared their. plans for killing themselves, ani timed them so that they would coincident with the departure forever from Tokio of the dead emperor. General Nogi and the countess had attended the funeral service of Mutsu hito_at the palace, and it was expget od that they would proceed to Aoy ama with the cortege. Instead, ut the conclusion of the ceremony, they with drew to their modest kome in Akasa ka, a suburh of Tokio, and there he gon their final preparations for death Home Was Coun. wav in stork yards, i at the Union Ju hb. J of Reni Sanitariu Th nm, Danaku cnior judge snty, died xtCHémewood , Guelph : n of Joseph Chamber is still ! . - | To the Swiss' President--Ha Says | He Acquires Much of Mis Inspira- |, tion From the Bible. cont segretlary, re ical Ross, Port Hobin ex-col X {ported to be Capt. William 1. Ninety Days on Tee Wastes--Valu. able Scientific Results Achieved by Swiss Expedition. Copenhagen, Sept. 14. -- Green- land has been crossed for the first time from west to east over the bar- ren ice by the Swiss expedition un- der Dr. DeQuervain, joint director of 'the Swiss Central Meteorological Institute, who is now at Reyigjavik, the capital of Iceland. A the members of the party are well, Mémbers of the expedition start- 'ed from Jakobahawn, In Danish North-west Greenland, and marched for three months over the jee wastes. They made the east coast on August 2, ten miles from Angin- agsalik, which was their goal. Many valuable scientific résults were achieved. The greatest height of the jnland ice measured 2,500 metres, but they saw higher peaks and discovered mountains on Christian Ninth Land, near the east coast. ™ Dr. DeQuervain will hold fhe ma- terial he has collécted until he is able to make comparisons with the results of the Danish expedition un- der Captain J. P. Koch, which will cross from west to east in 1913, but by a more northern route. Paria, Sept. 13.-Rene Puaux, the | military expert of the Temps; who | was in close contact with the Kaiser during the recht manoeuvres HM the Swiss amy, - quotes the kaiser as | Summing up his satisfaction with the work of the troops in a conversa with President Forrer in the a 'Nour army saves me six COUNT BULLET WAS IMBEDDED | WITHIN INCH OF HEART A British Soldier Operated on in Montreal---Wounded at Siege of Ladysmith 14.--} diccharged after carry inch dozen British scfdier the siege of a bullet which is. honrt™and one of hi He recoverad the war A month ago the wound begin to trotible him and an operation fol lowed NOG } ry .oorps." It is known that the kaiser's main object 'in attending the manoeuvres | was to convince himself of the ability ol the Swiss army to make the nen trality of the country respected in case of war, and his remark in terproted to mean that by the Swiss army forming a screen toys prevent the French from invadipf Germany through Switzerland the Germans could release six army corp in South Germany - for servim in Alsace-Lor- raine or along the Relgian frontier. The kaiser fi conversation eons stantly insisted upon the necessity of understanding as the best means oi dissipating suspicion '&hdl declared his personal desire to manta pence On ! one asion he Jnemated to Prosi | dent Forrer that he acquired much j of his Enepiration from the Bible. "1 don't care much for priests and clergymen,' sald the kaiser. "They |~ dilute the gospel with too much of son, a veteran pilot and their own dogma. [| hold to the the e¢ of ninety-one years, Bible. whith | constaniv read and Samuel Po Savddersy West Indian re-read. In il one finds the solution [Agent for the North Ames wan Life In of 'every difficulty, of every problem, | Stance compang, died lin © nati ro oven of a political description." pital, Topouto. tai a -- Thomas Fitzpatrick was Killed when REPEAL FAVOR THE a water turbine at the Shawingan companys plant' at Montreal burst and a the building. The Cabadian eight which rowwd so pluckily against the Leander Club dur mg the Olympié games, has been awarded a special diploma of merit by the Swedish rowin WATERTOWN WOMAN BRINGS ACTION AGAINST HUSBAND, NO DIRECT EVIDENCE OF ANY INACCURACIES In- Cheese Weighing at Montreal-- Dates For Commission Meet. ings Are Fixed. i14-"Up to the no direct evidence CORIMmIssion We present be 18 Montreal, Mai-soneuve, hospital cured, » bullet for was Sent Tevine, from the r around hedirt wa Many scarcastic comments appear on the Churchill plan to scatter par- | lament all over the place, } Go hé government is om the run," | says one bewspaper., "It seems unshle to stand against anybody but the and | women. Verhave even the women, in| now that Christabel Pankhurst is Moatreal," was the - statement last | again, pritting on the panolpy of war, night, R. A. Pringle, K.C,, chair: } will" frighten the governnient into eof royal. commission recently tering them a parliament. the minister of "It may be remarked, incidentally, wjuire nto the methods that an interesting situation mav de velop between England and France, if England seeks to extradite Ohristabel on the theory that she 1s pot a poli tical refugee. The government in Lon don forcibly feels the women sn ordes to resist their claim to the rights of politieal prisoners. Will Mr. Asquith risk anki frend tant Ya within f his past an of the years, Irvine in the Boer war Ladysmith between Oitava, ent {ime given curacies in Lhe butter by the Sept. Pres \ has been and at erived Lore Lhe olf any ina lodged lungs through ighing of cheese "GRIM FIGHT FOR LIFE, and fought weighors Aerenaut Carpicd Into Air in a Blaz. . ing Balloon. Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 14.--Hondreds of terrorized spectators on the county fair grounds breathlessly watched the desperate fight against death made by Frank Armstrong, an aeronaut, when he wan carried 2,000 foot into the air by a blazing balloon. Armstrong, whose home is in Colina, Ohio, was preparing to make an as. Stale and was straightening out his Parachute rigging w the balloon caught fit Gh is "SERCO hola let go. Fighting like mad fo release his parachute, the aeronaut was ear- ried up in a tangle of ropes. ' He su in evlting lgose a mo- ment beford the flames reached the parachute, and the blazing balloon collapsed., Amstrong made a success fal drop, "landing inside the race track, 3 ol man of ihe appointed oly ture it agricnl ol oer a to SIR THOMAS SHAT GHN At Calgary a citisend® banquet to hin Team, mm pe Palma Trophy Ottawa! Sept. 14 The following team was selected torshoot inthe Palma trophy competition: Sergt. Russell, G.G. FG." Ottawa: Sergt. Meinnes, 19th Mounted Rifles; Capt. Neil Smith, 21st. Regiment: Liout F. Morris, 46th Regiment; Sergt. J. reeborne, 13th Regiment; Capt, Hay, Sth Royal Rifles: Lieut. Steck, 7th Regiment: Sergt, Martin, 103rd Regiment; Sergt. W. Smith, G.G.F. G.; ,Sergt Kelly, '10th R.B.: Cant Crowe, 30th Regiment; QMS Northover, 9th Regiment 4 rine) out the suggestion inl refered being appoint Hl in any dia tugman, deed ent of weighing be called upon 0 meet the approval of at the te This seemol all present. z The nest mesting of the commission will; be helil at Brockville, when Dr Edwards, M.P., Eronienac, will at tend. Meetings in Onfario will be held at Vankleek Hill, Kemptville, Alexan dria and Iroquois, and in Quebe at Hyacinthe, and probably Cowan ville. A vows Clipped From Our Many ¥» chunges, a A The next anni! mosting of the Los tf True Blues will be held in Piston luring the first week in August Frederick Ellis' barn at Hallowell fills, a small building, was destroyed | y lightning, on Tucsday. There was y, small insurance. > bh Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Campihbll: have I "aken up residence with Mrg Ward leseronto. The doctor has taken ov™ r the practice of the late Dr. Ward. Stanley Way's barn on the R, Villiamson farm in Greénbush was truck and on Tuesday, ng the E subscribe to his view of the: Hitast acts of the Foglish woman sefiea- gets, ELECTRICITY TO RUN 'HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY It Will Eventually Take the Place of Steam---Lots of Water Rower, Sept I4.It probable in future vears, after the Hud Bay railway is well in opers mative power will be changed to in place of steam This feasibility was greatly im. pr upon Frank Cochrane during his recent trip over the line. A pow las ler plant would possibly be located at White Mud Falls, which is about half way between Lake Winnipeg and Hud tay: In addition to this, the river abounds in water falls, the conservation commission estimat ing it at six million horsepower, or _ about double that of Niagara . Bie Of the Lemieux Act Regarding Labor Arbitration. Guelph, Sept. 14. Discussion of the Lemiens act was .the order of yes \ esterday altetnoon's session of the trades and labor council, Nir George Askwith being an interested specta- tor. The opimion is strongly against the measure and the delegates voted in committee stage in favor of endor- sing the resolution of last vear, ask: ing the repeal of the act. Magnus Sinclair, of Toronto, painted out de fects in the act, though he said the «ireet railway men had gained in soma wavs from its operation. He -con tended that il the men wees properly wganized they would be able to sot. tha thair dilliculties without concilia tion laws Looks Prosperous, New - York, Sept. HH =Presidint Bush, of the Missouri Pacific -railw ay navy: 'Never "helore in 'a presiden tial year have business conditions a long tho road looked so prosperous ihe great crops wil bring business in plenty, for at least a vear As fn pefitics, people out our way are not worrying at all. They look at it as aM over. They're sure it's walk aver for Roosevelt. and thei one clea dan be clocked," ha added, with pn smile. STARVES HERSELF TO DEATH THROUGH GRIEF Pailadeiphia Woman Refuses Food for 115 Days After Favorite » 3 TIDINGS FROM NAPANEE. Church to Methodist Called "Grace. r. | Western CHILD KILLED IN ELEVATOR, Attendant in Halifax Building ¥ail. ed to Close Door. Halilax, Sept. 14.-- Enid Griflith, a three-year-old girl, was killed in thy elevator shaft in the Metropole build. ing in this ety. The child was in the elevator with her aunt. The elevator boy omitted to close the door ns the wlovator went up from the third stor ey. The child Rad hold of the grill work on the edge of the shaft, The vlevator going up, left the girl hang ing hy her hands. a moment "she dropped to the bottom and was Killed CAUGHT IN BALLOON ROPE, Ottawa Constable Had Narrow Es 'cape From Death burned, to ether with most of this vear's erop, || ns horse and six pigs. A quiet wedding took place at the wme of Mrs. F. W, Creighton, New wargh, when her youngest daughter, diss Cora Mae. was united to mven, on Sept. 4th. Jacob J. Carson, aged eighty years, vas crushed to death at Chiengo, on \ugust. 2rd. He was a som of the Lite William Carson, of North Marys urg, Prince Edward eouniy The marriage of Miss Cora Whit nd Robert J. Magee took place he: home of the bride's mother, wrn, Sent. 11th. The happy ft on their honeymoon trip The residence of Mr. and Mrs liam McCormack, Flizahothtown, hrown into sorrow, Wednesday, when Ottawa, ie hat Pefeirdant Said to be in Syracuse-- Formerly Clerk in Brokerage House--Wife' Again Takes Posi tion in Store, Watertown, N.Y., Sept. 14.-- Mrs Virgil Wood of this city has instit. uted' proceedings for an absolute divorcee from her husbgnd, now sald to be residing in Syracuse They have been married less than two years. > Last election day is given in the papers as one date on which the lleged misconduct on the part of ons on, "lect even a John Ber I no TURMOIL IN DULUTH son's Over Street Car Difficulty--Troops Nelson Are Asked For, Daluth, Minn., Sept. 14. -- Business trgamentions last night appestod to Governor Eherhart for troops to help to amet riotous: outhreaks that com- couple Wil was Fear Hari-Kari Epidemic, Odtawa, Sept. 14.4 Police Constable A. McKechnio had a marrow encp with his y+ when a rope trailing from a balloon which was making nn ascension st the: exhibition grounds caught round hie neck une pulled him from his feet. Fortunately people in the crowd were able to disagtangle him before he was carried very high in the air. MeKechnie was engaged 1m keeping the trowds away from the bat loon, and did: not notice the trailing rope. The skin on his. neck was badly torn. «New York, 'Sept. 14.--Supreme Coup wstice Bisshot granted a motion fn afjument in the matter of ap ting a commission to go 15 dere hats who. talk] with Som persons tal with Sam witness in the Rosenthal i | rpothing until the day of her death. "The condition of the starving wom s J oSister's Loss, Philadelphia 14 Webb, fifty-seven years old, after having refused to partake of food Since May 18th, died yesterday. The Woman began siarving herself fol fowing the death of her sistor, Char lote. Even during her lagt moments she fought a physiciaf Who tried to give her stimulants by hypoderm- ie injection Cordelia and Charlotte Webb were inseparable. For years after the death of her younger sister Cor. 'elia. wandered around the hous: moaning to herself. For weeks the 'oman steallfastly refused to par take of food. From a healthy, ro- bust woman she gradually became a skeleton, thetskin stretched like varchment over her bones. Only once so far as is known sinee the death of Charlotte did Cordelia listen to pleadings of her younger sister, Jean, to eat some- thing. About two weeks ago she consentad to eat a spoohful of Jally. Cordelia forbade Jean ie fail a doe tor, and the habit of ying her sister was so strong that Jean did + Bopt Cordelia an was so serious that Jean saw the end was near. 'Then she called Dr. Webber, but it was too late. Hy yn "fate Espoused Canse. Washington, Sept. 11. William 1. Lewis. the nejro assidtant-gnersl oi the United States, whose recint ad mission te the American Bar ciation provoked a row, 3 Negro Republican Clubs, that Attorney-General Wickersham's aie 1 t his expulsion from ig uu, had been conductod with the advice and consent of Pre stdent Tale . El dogma ani Buckley Guaranteed Hats At Campbell Bros., Princess street. veiled the street. car company to sus: | pend ite service alter fix armen bad been injured by strikévs and' theie frientis. . Five arrests were made but the po- lice vould do little with the crowd that surged round each-car sent nto down town streets. Stone throwers wore lost in the niass and there was not enough condtables te drive back the attackers: ? Will Tour States, Dublin, Sept. 11. William -H. K edmond, M.VP., and brother of John EF. Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, will leave for America on the steamer Baltic. Mr. Redmond will be accompanied by his wilh. He will ate tend the' United Irish League conven: tion at Philadelphia on September hd, and will deliver speeches at New York, Boston, Atlantic City, Portland, Chicago. ' 5 Must Improve Systems. Toronto, Sept. 1H. ---Hem. W. J Hanna «tates that municipalities i tuated =~ alobg Border streamy must prepare to improve heir sewage sys: tems a 'ommamint Tablets." Gibson's. ~~ A quist wedding took place at the home of Dr. Beéman, Newburgh, on Wednesday, when Miss Anna Haiganult Beeman was united in marriage to J. K. Fraser, of Cobourg. The bride, given away by hers father, Yoaked ex. tremely pretty in a gown of white satin bargain ever offered: Ladies' black cloth skirts $1.39. Dutton"s. On Ang. 3st, at Toronto, the mar viage of Gladys Deane Jackson, dan ghter of Me. and Mra JA. Jack san, ta Dr. Calvin Arthur Detlor, - A. formerty of Napanee. - BAe meoulder's gaiters, $2.00. -- Lucas. England, said he returning to To iy the husband was said to have taken place at™® Carthage hotel. There, it is said, Mr. Wood regis tered with a woman from Utica un- der the name of "Mr, and Mrs. Ban- nister." : Mrs. Wood was formerly Miss irace Savell of this city She was employed for a4 number of years at Bushnell & Co.'s store, to which she has lately returned. The wadding too place on November 29th, 1910 At the time of the wedding: the young couple surprised their friends, being married a day = be fore the date snnounced in the in- yitations. Until a few months age Mr. Wond was employed as a clerk in_a local brokerage house. GIRL'S GIGGLE ROUTS BOLD HIGHWAYME! Attemp! to Get Purse Hidden Under Arm Tickles Frightened Kansas City, Mo. Set. 14-- When Mra. Frances - Justite was held up by two armed men she wa® too frightened to scream. Her alaru was given in a More effective way, however, for the- robbers laughingly left her with her money intact. She told them her money was hidden 'under her left arm. One of the rob. bers thrust his band under her arm for it. Immediatély came a nervous iggle. "Here, shut up. Stick ur hand." she was ordered. *"You-- you tickled we" Mrs. Justite an swered. "I can't stand ir" "Then get it yourself,' the robber id : "I will pot," was the indignant (did wot ton in the teloph one 'were 8 ach, vord was received that their younge con. Harry, had passed away the lav in Calgary... : A wedding - took place at the how i the bride's mother, Strthosna thursday, when Miss Fdna Mart necame the bride of George Fenwie ihe happy couple deft for a trip Chicago > James A wash, North n Tocsday, ntained abeut forty + large portion of the here was Fv meurance Sanford { : issirable building lot from Stenhe Amey, and will erect a eommedion wd palatial home near the line the Grand iown station, making it more fenient to the station and post offic A TORONTO SENSATION. Mitehel Marysburgh, and harned. Fhe "sharp, in Gre stra i SORNGN § CTO "on 'aretaker of idethodist Church : most Murdered, Tordnio, Sept. 11. Further revel ions in the ease #f in front of Elm street Method: hurch last night, were made normng when Mrs ais assistant, admitted to the poli that she had been living with his the church for a fortaight. They we to get married in a week and Seed a revolver before ecollapding "s HAMILTON GIBL'S DEATH Was Due. to Strychuine Poisoaing Jury Found Hamilton, Sept. 11.--That Rose Zi: poisoning, was admin- oa 'tad from strychdine hut br whom the poison istered tould dot be detecmined, w fhe verdid returned last night Sept pT The evi , assistant Lo t provinasial analyst, was fo. the and a tenth grains of ste found in the dead girl's tons of hay and ard, has purchased a vor, of Trunk Yailway at Ernest Al} Sti in which: Walter seat), caretaker, was almost murder: this Henrietta Sindlair, | the police believe there waz Palousy. Foo by | heer yehnine #iom- home had to be Worked with for Tokio, Japan, Sepl (MH. --As a ready of the suicide of General Nogi and his wife oflicials have are in deadly | fear that an epidemis of harikari will break out The new mtkado person aly is making a ples against it, and the police have been warned "4 at ww in h -- - Sacrifice sale of boots for all, Call* and ask prices, Dutton"s 209 Priness street, Girls laugh so much of the time so as" 10 have much better time whet they cry Men's all wool shirts or 76e.~--Dutton's. ¢ "Kodak films." Gibson's a pauls mn i BORN. Brooke, on Aug. 1ith Mr and Mrs. W. T Whyte Swerbrick}), a son At to joe ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. © #30 Princess Street. Redes . Man. ar AL Miller, Mor Stirk visiting i Mr} F leit far . Mrs Var their R The Od Firm of Usderiakers, 254 and I56 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 147 for Ambulance, home We LD FELL da m LOCKED CHILD IN Cuious Experience of Youngster Edward County Belleville, Sept. 14.--A child be {longing to David Morden. of Hillier, imear Allisonville, "met with a trying The a it STOVES AND RANGES. The best lot we have ever bad, slso Dressers. Stands and Beds. A ful) line Ressonabie prices. At Turk's Phone 795 5 = A i-------------------- IN THE COMB. mn fe . ehperience the other day. youngster climbed up on a Seed drill, the box of which was open and crawled ih, the cover falling dowh and holding the child. fast with no room to turn. Its cries for some time were not heard. At last a woman passing heard the * | noise and after an Investigation be [found it. The child, when taken. from the box was wel with perspir- ation and after heing taken to fis EXTRACTED IN GLASS. EXTRACTED IN 10 LB, TINS. EX. "ACTED IN 25 LE. TING EXTRAOTED IN 50 LB. TINS: JAS. REDDEN &C0. v as * » 'some time before It was revived,