This Camera the "ENSIGNETTE" is different from any other With an ENSBIGNETTE you make clear pictures, postcard size 'and yet the camera Is 30 compiét that it<slips into a vest pocket The process is just the same ag with an ordinary camera, but ENSIGNETTE is a marvel of eongiruction. All built of metal very compact and complete In every detall. : Ask to see some of the work made with an ENSIGNETTE cameras sell al $7.00 andl upwards, ENSIGNETTE. EXPERT DEVELOPING AND PRINTING OF FILMS, tsb cil per ' - House of Hobberlin Limited + Where Real Tailors Tailor Your Clothes. A Vest-Pocket Camera Which Makes Postcard Size Pictures | the | "The i Make a point of seeing the | R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 Princess Street Agents for Kingston | yar pArLY BRITISH WRIG. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1912. JOR. AND MRS. GARRETT | i i | WERE GIVEN A ! SU RPRISE BY THEIR FRIENDS On the Occasion of ahoir Cotitver Wedding Anniversary, Saturday JEvening--FPresented With: Silver Tea Tray. £8 oi the friends and relatives of Mrs, R. 8. Garrett took ad of the oveasion of their silver anuiversary, on Saturday, them a truly and mn Person © | Many Lr. and » | vaniuge jweddiag ith inst |genuins surprise pa {to give the genial dottor and his wil jt heir beartiest congratulations and iwish then many happy returns of th day. i the Hive, FAlevander | past eight o'clock, the residence' of Dr. tdoors were opened {host mnd hostess ness, welcomed the ithe to gue iv, whout thirty Mouse of aon party, mimbering gathered at the Kirkpatrick; end proceeded Garrett, When the the involuntary with great hearty "angels unawares." After the. general ex sent apd laughter had a little subsided, Col. | R. Smith stepped to the front bot in fis well-Rnown suave manner made a speech referring to Dr. Garrett's vears Voi faithful, cheerful service in his pro fession given in such unstinted mea sure and afso to his service in the tith Regiment, and then read a short taddress. Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Years of experience and unremitting effort has developed the great Custom Tailoring Business of the ed by brains, capital and skill. The evolution of garment: of and the best of linings and trimmings, perfect fit. honestly with indiviiuality of House of Hobberlin, back- tailored, style w=Tallored to, your own measire in real tailor shop--not a cloth- do not any more. Suit or Overcoat. . Ing factory---and they Prices are from 315.00 cout way THOS. LAMBERT, i TAILOR 151 Princess St. ABSOLUTELY AND EMPHATICALLY To be had in the City. For Women Queen Quality Boston Favorite, E. P. Reed's (Rochester) Miss Canada, Rigi, Playmate, (For Growing Girls) SEE THESE SHOES. For Men Astoria's, Monarchs Packard's Slater Strides, Beresford, nid Toa re DR. BSW GARR ETT As surgeon- Hajor of "he 14th Ite ment 8. and Hrs. Garrett's presented a magnificent as a mark of their re behalf of Dr. frienids, then Feitver tea tray gnrd. : Dr. Garrett, in his usual happy man !ner, thanked those assembled, and |spuke of the many close friends that the and Mrs, Garrett had made both Juefore and during their married life After a delicious supper which had ! myster iously made its appearance, | Miss Garrett and Miss Carrie Waldron isang very charmingly. The guests then took their leave, alter re-iterat- ing thetr good wishes for many more years of married life, and hopes that [re doctor would long continue in the { active pursuit of the noble profession he had so well adorned. Not all or even a small fraction ol Dr. and Mrs. Garrett's friends were abie to be present, but of those who fuined in showing their friendship were Col. and Mrs. ¢. H. Ugilvie, Mr, and hrs J.B. Carruthers, Lieut. -Col. ar Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mr, and Mas. Ww. il Maen: we, She Mishop of Ontario-nmnd | Mes. Lennox Mill , Col. H. R. Sith, Major and Mes. J. N.S. Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, Mr. and Mis. W. BB. Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. E. iSteacy, J. oSteacy, Sanford Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hooper Birkett, Mr. and Mrs, D. Stewart Robertson, Mh end Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Dr. and Mes. J. C. Connell, Mrs. Voight, Mr ig versity n and Mra. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mr and Mee. Jevemy- Taylor, Dr. and Mrs Anglin, Mis s Saunders, Mrs. James Mionues, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Min nee, Miss Betts, Messrs. J. A, and W. B. 'Dulin, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wal drom, the Misses Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mra. W. WW. Kirk- patrick, Miss 1. Kirkpatrick, Rev, J. 0 Jad Mrs. Crisp, the Misses Etta fen Rai liach Kivkpatrick, Mr. and "4d I. Minnes. Miss Muepherson | Mis a iH Macpherson, Mrs. R. ¥ ' Rogers, Miss Rogers, Mrs, Allaire Sbortt, Miss Muckleston, Mrs. Straubenzie, Col. and Mrs. H, A. Panet, Miss Minnie Moore, Hon. Wil- [liam Harty, Miss Macaulay, Mrs. Nor 'ton: Taylor, the Misses Norton-Tavlor, Rev. Dr. and Mrs, Torrance, the Misses Callaghan, Mrs. Brownfield, Mr. and Mrs, 8S. P Kirkpatrick : p------ ew -- - BICYCLES WITH AR TH, LERY. New Feature of tho Equipment for Militia. Picyoles. are herediter to be ipeluded in the war establishment of each hat jen of mriitlery in Canada, { One bicycle is to be atiached to each artillery brigade headyuartees, with each battery and one with ammunition column. ona th Fi Fight Nisease: Don't catch fe ald, eur any disse. You ean't your Mood iu right, Life and the vital elements that feht disease and weak: ness are in the blood. ) Strength and olfective resisting power canbe had by useof: Wadeis Iron Tonic 'Pills (axa- five. wy 'are a great nperve strgngthenr and Blood maker. In boxes, 250, at Mc! '« Drag Store, 33 Brock street, door above King street. Money back if not sahisiactory. To Hold Examinations. On November 12th, at Queens Uni preliminary and qualifying ex- civil service will be he'd: ax the safe Lime and = : 1 competitive examination for naval eadets ip the aval service of 1 Cangidu. don't tatch ov in SamiBations for t Sow Kindergarten 1 Teacher. , is the new riqn. ia taking charg FEA and winter. ml Sept. 18th, dopa. ei Van the on js HOS OE OLIVER MOWAT AGROUND NEAR NYORKSHIRE ISLAND. wt Went on Monday Morning Dur Fog--Steamer Donnelly Scene--The Steamer Caspian Been Released---Notes of Mari The schooner Oliver Mowat, of] Bowmanville, went ashore, at York- shire island, the * Ducks, during! Monday night. The Mowat cleared! from Swift's on Sunday afternoon, after unloading coal," and was ligt, | on her way to Oswego, when she ran aground. It is understood that! there was a heavy fog at this end] of the lake, at the time. Water | was let in, to steady the schooner, and the steamer Donnelly of the | Donnelly Wrecking company, went | to her assistance, Tuesday morning. | Capt. Peacock, of Port Hope, who is part vessel, in charge. owner of the was | PO ami bi SPECIAL SALE of of WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES We have abot 90 prs of Sample Boots made by Utz and 'Dunn's, Rochester; N.Y. The sizes are. 3 "31-2and 4. No other sizes. In the regular way they are "worth 50, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50. 'We are offering these this week 'at $1.00 The steamer Caspian, which went¥ aground at Presque Isle, Brighton, ! Sunday night, was released by the! Calvin company's steamer, Core- | wall, about eight o'clock, Monday evening. The damage was very| slight to the excursion steamer, and | she proceded on her trip to Star { lotte, N.Y. schooners, J hic nl ~ -- WARDROBES For Usefulness Some of the AHARA, Trish play, "The Rose { the Grand on Saturday matinee and night happened to be ¢ out on the lake, oft Oswego, Sunday, had a lively time in a storm, which was practically the tail-end 8f the tornado which, struck that district, late in the afternoon. . The schooner Katie Eccles, of this city, was knocked about in the storm, and lost some of her sails, in addition to suffer- ing other damage. The steamer Sowards cleared, to-day, for Os- wego, and will go on to Sodus, and tow the Katie Eccles to Kingston. The steamer Alexandria was in port, Monday night, on the way to Montreal. The steamer Dundee, on Tuesday morning. M. T. Co.'s elevator:--The steam- er Kinmount, from Foft William, discharged 71,000 bushels of wheat, and cleared light, for Fort William; the steamer Beaverton, from Fort William, is discharging 22,000 bus. of wheat and 81,000 bushels ot oats; the steamer Canadian, from Fort William, grain-laden, is _ dus. to arrive to-night. to discharge. Swift's wharf--8teamer Kingston down and up; Aletha down and up. The government tug Lorefta, ar- rived at Swift's Monday night from the river, and cleared up the RI- deay for Ottawa on Tuesday morn- ing. = The steamer India was 'due 'up to-day, light. from Quebec, for! Georgian Bay, for a cargo of rock. | Held The barge Hilda, is at Richard-| son's elevator, leading grain, for Montreal, » : The new yacht, built at Kingston, by the Davis company, sailed om Saturday, under the charge of the club's representatives for Dorved | whore the Royal St. Lawrenci! Yacht Club of Montreal, has it{/ headquarters. The gentlpmen iy charge were Messrs. Seaton, Lyman, | evening and speakers 'will be arranged and Walkem. of tor, hut the election of officers ane The new sand scow built a#| organization will be left over untill Davis dry dock is now being paints | later date . ed and will be launched on Satur- Rev. OG, I. Campbell. delivered day. The scow is ninety feet long | most 'pspivhg address on the anh has a twenty-two foot heam and is| ject of " Leadership" Miss Allen wil six and one half feet deep. nt is | giv a the address next Monday . ever mg. CAR PET QU ARES AND MATTS JAMES REID'S The Leafing Undertaker. Phone 147 mr = built, throughout of Georgia pine The scow was built for a firm on Wolfe Island, who inténd to use her for carrying 'sand Jumber, The draughts for the "Soo" canal have been tard by two inches making the draught for the Poe lock nineteen feet, the upbound draught for the Canadian lock the same, and the down bound draught nineteen - feet, five inches. This means that owners will be able to increase fall earnings considerably. Thivw wes SL Watdoh's Point, Helou Gananoyue, a ton of dynamite will be exploded. Many holes have been drill ed into the bed rock of the river a that point. The work is being done it the Canadian channel for the purpos. of admitting larger boats than at present. pasged up, SFUEEN STREET YOUNG PEOPLL aA Fine Meeting on Evening--Pasfor Gave an Address. Monda Fan foung people of Queen street Methodist church held a menting © Monday, night, which was well nt tended, The mesting was called the purpose of getting the young peopla together in preparation for the toramtion of an Fpwarth League Mentings will bo held every Monda fou Ride.' all rai zht Stealing a a often the ens ving man vas di on Hie i FWipIing ride' on the, T.R. tray | i RTS jeoming cast at two o'clock on Mor i A Taste of Health day mornmg vnmen discover! fed him bh taen on nd Island Jug: - is Sweet | liien and Konzsten Junction: He wi [given Grape-Nuts | sympathy of those around was # | temded to him; as he foreignes { unable to speak a Foglish his a partially pre-digested food will make a change in oue's feelings when it is used With a bit of cream." ihe was a word of hot» col'etion to defray {pemmes iv nod reported ox How She Obtained Good Bread, "1 nave been haking now for twels venrs," writes one housekeeper, "and ove mover Bad good bread antil i weed White Swan Yeasl Cakes ™ Soli x ac grovers in packages of 6 cakes for For breakfast add one soft- Se Write White Swan Spices & boiled egg. a little froit dnd a 'srvals, Limited, Toronto, for sample. cup 'of Postum--then quit } i . The death occurred, m the Hotel Cut oiit the meat, bread, oa oh Tuesday morning. of Chi kt a ford Adams, the eight-month old son butter and potatoes. cNiSiorgcant amd Maw. Adame. of the | Re. HA. after a brief illness. The | funeral took place on Tuesday siter- | nso, 40 Catamagqui cemetery i See Misses Hannay "nd Ramsay" Have a try. Pia and inet illioe Sinplay, Wed . a H The intermediate league - of Syden: ay the eau Shing {ham street Methodist church is pub ' re hod e | lishing a paper and the fist edition Road to Wellville?" Miniature J} wae given before the semior league of copy fouad In packages. of J the church ou Monday evening. The Grape-Nuts. in a few days Dame Nature will sing her song of joy to you. Doubt it? paper was very inlevesting and enjoy: 1 by alls i prosent. | fast weak five contagious disease cases were -reported 15" the = medical | health officer. Of these twa were from omteide placed. Two cases of diph- theria and ome case of typhoid fever Ca adian Dostum Cereal Co, L.&8. Windsor, Qutarie, Cansda | | wre from the wite, renly DELICIOUS PURE ICE CREAM J By the Pint or Quart SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 rnin ren. in, Sais Semin. sees in THE QUEEN MILLINERY tems of Immediate Interest in Our Millinery Parlors I. The MISSES" - DEPARTMENT, will be filled with the ne heart of every voung lady from fourteen to eighteen years of age Ii. The with novelty IL. The Navy, Brey, IV. extensive. Paradise Mounts, Opening ouf OUR Plushes and Frepch Felts s 85, 5 88, 87. new shipment of New' York Hats in White, Black, Cardinal and two-toued ceffcts at $2, $3, $3.50 The Section devoted 10 Mounts and Trimmings Is rich We have all the ne west effects in Ospreys. Birds Numidy Kffects and Flowers stylish Trimmed Velours, Paris Mounts and ornaments at Tan, } whith vest and choicest styles that delight the i 1 ¥ and of Our assortment will vou and. our prices appeal to all thrifty buyers please vo 174 WELL'NGTON STREET w wew bhi dhe dition dod PUTTING OFF THE USE OF HERPICIDE IS SIMPLY ANOTHER WAY OF PUTTING OFF THE "HAIR hair remedy and i conden! applied by all the beat baie and Land dreceery Tha tendency off what wilt to to-day | heads | te put we should do acronnte for most of the bald we sec an the front rov Nowtno's Herpitide stops falling hai and prevents baldness The dandenit morro barbers, - 5 Nowbro's Herpicide in Bbc. and $i sizen is sold by all dealerd who guns antes §t to do all that is elnimed erm is destraved by its ase and a it vou are not satisfied vour money tition of health maintained in the han | will ba refunded. ard ssxdp. . | Send 10 in postage Tor sample and Nearly everyone haw hair troy ol | book about the hair to The Herpicuds some descripijon which. Herpickde will | oops "hank, R., Detroit, Mich always corfect, Don't whit until t wnpany, Ph, ' ' Ww too late. Fan, B. Meleod and LT. Bast It in conceded to cial agents con pe standard be Mhe i | | sSSassassssstssstsstsassanne pe Uh I. DISCRIMINATING cas] SELECT OYSTERS always want an eticore of 1S TEA : DOMINION FSH 00. | Goes farthest for the money 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 502 PUB BBVBBB TWEED RES. TVVVVLVLHL BVT VB BON 5 pra lemarials Dedicated, ihe memorials dedicated i choreh, oa Sunday evening, ' Bishop of Ontario, wers | Book , on Monday af} oi Common Praves for prayer donk , in and spread yor | Mrs. George W. B Earl street I of sommunion serviees Experiment apn Earl Street, {= of Bermudez board of barecls Hi, to the York om POSES, Wey Four iven Ire adphalit } : works by | Jame bye New 1 fer sper iby the nental o "Hon bh: macad un 1 adway on etweert Clergy and Barrie ver nw," Ply soreenings were 0 2 i, and WH in efpeciod that s 3 1 ughly dey and" hard surigee will be poured on memory of Com hook wm ol Robert Esged; brass commpnion table, desk for nd of sommunibn table, a commun. in eail- anel electric lighting, system, in hs result after rollig. More of the | mory of DER, V. Rogers, KA; nibructed macadam road. | 4 hruse aha Basin in memory of Bev, Be similarly trested, RH. V. Rogers ind M. I Rogers streels PEANOrY Vise 1] Vays may the Usited States ot j ; Eur is safe, economical OF CANADA Ch ey Sema 4 HEAD OFFice end money orders are wed. : KINGSTON BRANCH. . H. E. Rickard son, 2B a