If you drink Dewar's Special Liqueur you are drinking sold on the Can Finest Whisk ARES Nile adian market. believe it has a larger sale than any other i. | H igh class grade. 1 dealer from one end of Canada to here isn't a reputable the other who does not handle it. . DOUGLAS & CO. Canadian Agents, =z The Proprietary or ies! Medicine Ad AVesetalsie Preparation firs. Similatmg fhe Food and R. 4 Ving he Stomachs 1nd Sowelont REIN CR TTT Promotes Digestion Cheerfi ness and RestContaing neitheg Opivm Morphine nor Miser Apo pint - Larivoel SATs Heres Sor - et on Apertect Remedy for Conshoa Worms Convulsions. bevenish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simde Siapasure of iit Slits THE CenTAUR COMPANY. MONTREALLNEW YORK ST] PERE o bg LUI RL A82 a Exact Copy of Wrapper. ion. Sour Slomach,Diorrhess, | MONTREAL GASTORIA Yor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use | «0f iron in the United States during J For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA YHA GENTAUR COMPANY, NEw YORK SITY, fof wheat it was in July, but slighg- THE DAILS BRITISH WHIG, TEESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1912. SHORT 500,000 CARS' i - AYS THE NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, eved That at Least 425,000 More | 4 Cars Will be Needed for Fruit and} Yegetablés, Not to Speak of West, New York, Sept. 16---The Jour | wm! of Commerce says mvestigation »f the probfible extent of the car shortage among local reveals the facet that the rieght car capacity will be at leant | 500,000 cars short of the trade vol- | ime within the pext two moatng): It is believed that at least 435-1! 190 more cars willbe needed fo; | frait and vegetables shan werd needed Jast fall and winter. Add- | sd to these conditions is the evers | {nereasing movement of wheat from the northwest. { Receipts at three principal points! Duluth, Minneapolis and Chicago} yesterday roached the high record of 1,333 cars as compared with pre+ vious high mark of 648 cars in 1911. Likely Raise Dividend. | Boston, Sept. 16 Directors of} the United States Smelting, Refin- | ing & Mining Co. are scheduled tg meet the latter part of this month to act on the October dividend, | which is likely to be increased. For the first six months of 1912} profits were bétter than $2,700,000, | as against $1,950,000 for the cor- responding period a year ago, an in- crease of 40 per cent. After char) ing off $500,000 for depreciationd and improvements there was left $2,200,000 available for dividends. 8ix. months' dividends on the pre- ferred require §851,000,, which leaves $1,249,000 for the common, br nearly $4 per share. Pool Formed. New York, Sept. 16.---A pool ar- rangement in Brazilian Traction is already under way, and before the 1,045,000 shares, representing the $104,500,000 quistanding capital zation of the company, have been issued on October 1st, the members of the pool will have tied 'up their stock for a definite length of time in the idea of obviating any poss sible swamping of the market by parties bent on profit-taking Iron Outppt. in August, New York, Sept. 16.--Production August was considerably in excess ly below the output in May. cording to The Iron Age, there was produced in August 2,512,431 tons, or $81,046 tahs a day, against 2,- 410,889 tons, or 77,738 tons a day in July. In May the output aggre- gated 2,512,582 tons, or approxim- ately 150 tens in excess of what it was last month. Increase in Petroleum Production, New York, Sept. 16.-- Petroleum production: in the United States in 1911 surpassed its own record made in 1910 by an increase of nearly EE -- rh 11,000,000 barrels. In 1910 the | [Boys' and Girls' School Boots. EEE ee A splendid line of Girl's good wearing shoes, Tron. gola and Box Calf, good soles, all solid, at $1.50 Another line in Boys' good. wearing boots = in Box Kip and good strong | soles : at $1.50 .,- King St H. Jenning ELLIOT Se POR Gis Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oi] Stoves and "Ovens, Refrigerators, © Sereen Doors, + Hose and Sprinklers, Window Screens, on ] ---- A -- T BROS. Se a . Ice Cream Freezers, Garden Lawn Mowers, Ete, Acexts Tor : The Calobrated "Brownlow" Filter and " Water Cooer. : | out | sini, E. BLAKE THOMPSON, _ Estate, Lows nd Fire lsurance| wr NOT SALTS AND PILLS. "CASEARETS" if Constipated, Biliows, Headahy Stomach Sour, Geta H0-Cent- Hox of Cascarets--Takes One Io Night! You men and women who can't gel feeling right-who have 'headache, conted tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil 10us, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom ach. or have backache and feel worn Are you keeping youg bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway 'every few days with salts, vathartio pills or castor oil ? This is important. Cnstarote work, while you sleep; cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and for menting food and foul gases; take Lhe exons bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the in testines and bowels, % A Cagcaret to-night will straighten vou oul by moming--a lc. box from any drug store will keep your stom ach sweet; liver and bowels regula: and head clear for months. Don't forget the children, They love Cas éareia because. they taste i good--never gripe or gicken. good--dd and hunt up that plumber whe did this poor job and charged $0 outrageousiy! Johnny will not hunt for or shoot at us, because he knows that what we do--we do well. &5.409 inhabitants. In al for Nov, Sth. VGhe session ve The r maid will stay La longer --if you install BY McCLARY'S PANDORA trade circles if output was 209.557,248 barrels. The total production of the world also surpassed all previous records, amounting to over 245,000,000 bar- rels, and of this the United States produced more than sixty-thre® per cent, Locomotive Bonds Listed. ! have Toronto, Sept. 17.--The whole is- spe of $1,600,000 6 per cent. bonds of the Canadian Locomotive Com- yany, was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange yesterday While there were no transactions. in the newly-listed securities, they | were quoted at 100 bid. m------ rl , Confidence In Canadas. Montreal, Sept. 16 --Henry E. Fletcher, vice-president of the Brit. ish Chamber of Commerce, in Paris states that there is still unbounded confidence in Canada existing in Franee. Plenty of woney available for sbupd Canadian securities, comes 'as welcome re-assurance at this particular juncture. Conimercial Tips. The C.N.R. Express Co, made net increasa in 1912<0f $43,291. A new $5,000,000 steel plant for the manufacture of steol barrels and commercial packages has just been organized at Montreal. During 1911 there was one ness failure in Canada - for every the United States. in the same period, the pro- portion was one failure to every 6,878 inhabitants, It is estimated by a prominent stock exchange member in New York that during this year Europe will have to buy on the United States $500.000,000 worth of crops, This should prevent money gtrin- ganey. busi- A despatch to the Financial News | { Bureau from Ottawa says that the Capital Trust Corporation. Limited, with a capitalization of $2,000,000, has been incorporated, with head- quarters here, and: the stock is about to be offered, Richelieu stock is up to 121. It is said the directors are working on a plan, which, if sucessfully put through, would be of material benefit to the shareholders. Cheese sales ©: Naparee, 13 11 16¢.: Vankleek . Hill, "18 3-16c.; Brockville, 13¢.: Cornwall. 12%. to 130: Iroquois, A Listowel," 138¢.; Pieton, 13¢. to ++ London, 13}c.; Belleville, 13ic; 0. Cowansville, Que., 127¢. St . Watertown, N.Y. Wholesale Prices Drop. (Rgawa, T3+=The = decline af two points in the department of la Lor's index number of wholesale prices for July, after a continuous rise for twelve months, was followed in Aug he index num compared Rept ust by another drop per standing at 1S as wi'h 134.5 the previous month. Last vear, however, at this date it stood at only The da during August 'was due chiefly to decreases in prices of grains and fodders, fruits and vegetables, with slight increases in daity preduets, fish, metals and coal These index numbers are percentages of the average prices of some 250 arti cles during the decade, 159071599 From Chaps to Erysipelas. The best remedy for all injuries or diseases of the skin ks Wade's Oint ment. It not only cures wounds and skin diseases, bul prevents many skin troubles by its antiseptio, germ des troving properties, Cures Eczema (Salt Rheum), Sealy or Itching Eruptions of the skin, Pim ples, Blotches, Dandruff, etc. In_ big hoxes 25a, at Meleod's Drug Store, 53°Brock street, one door above Ring fie street. Made an Arrest. Boston, Sept. 16.--William Dy Haywood of Denver, general organ- izer of ths Industrial Workers of the World; was - arrested on a capias warrant issued as the result of an indictment charging him with conspiracy in connection with the great strike of textile workers in Lawrence last winter. 3 Centenarian Woman Works, St. Catharined, Sept. 13.--To be able to work in the vineyard at the age ol ope hundied years is the ruputation mjoyed by Mrs Deaver, who is em loyed by W. B. Bunting, of Catlton ritit farm, near this aty. The indy has lived ig the district for the past thirty years, coming over from Toronto each gammer Lo pick Fruit, She was sn interested visitor at the hortienlteral exhibition last week. Sho is a faithfal member of the Salvation, Army. 3 Fall and Winter Importations, Prevost, B street, has received all bis fall fmportations for his Horing department, consisiing in nS hia: chaos feo. Blas inrge of ready-made clothing and gents) furnish) Abner Perrin had his right arm tof off at the elbow when his coat . on low shafting in' a New 0 sawmill ; g "Buy Belladoine plasters," at Gib- ons. : The date of the opening of the Que he Jegislature ins been definitely = wy be fined by Christmas. y Neal's family remedies," Gib | "ars ; won's. . 3 v v > | Kitchener's e XEW ZEALAND DEFENCE. | Estimates of $2.280000 for the Initial Outlay. London, Sept. 17.--The Wellington | correspondent of the Times the deli nee estimates amounting to £406, ji. have been passed. In reply te jcomplainis of extravagance, Mr. Allen, tminister of defence, said thay Lord imate was exceeded ow- ng to isitial non-recurrent expenses for equipment. le was satisfied that fwhen fully working the £400,000 limit wemld be observed. Nr. Myers, minis of finance, in thé previous eabin et, eoncurred and declared that com pulsory (raining had passed the ex- periméntal stage and this was largely due 10 the experiegce, tact, and whole hoartedness of (neral Godley An amendment extending the privileges of eairscientious objectors was rejected by sixty votes to five. The maiity in- cluded three members of the labor party. The fourth declared that the allegation that labor organizations 'were ginerally opposed to compulsion was utter ponsense and denied that the workers were so disloyal as to re {fuse to Tare in the defence of thei country. 2 savs ter The governments of the Unitod States and the dominion of = Canada refered to the international | joint commission 'by identical letters of Instruction. for investigation, tha The Hard DAY Wash-- with Com- fort Soap. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANAD. Easy Way of Doing a question of pollution of boundary wa- ore. The White Pass & Yukon railway. which operates between Skagway. Al- aska, and White Horse, fourteen miles, has been sold to the Grand Trunk thilway system. There is more Catarrh in this seé- tion of the country than all othar dis. eases put together, and until «he last {ew years Was supposed to be incur: ible. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed Jooal remedies, and by. con- stantly falling t® cure with weal treatment proncuaced et incurable Science has proven caftavrh to be 2 sonstitutional disease and therefore quires constitutional treatment. Hall's atarrh Cure, - manufactured by 1} J Cheney & Co. Toleder Ohlo, is tas only onstitutional eure on the marke. : & taken internally in doses frdia 1 iraps to a teaspoonful. It acts dire % on the blood and mucous su the system They offer o ired dollars for any care it wire. Send for circulars and monials Address > ¥. J. CHENEY & CO, Toled)y Ohio Sold by Druggists, 76e Take ilall's Family Pills for consti pation, SERVICE us in a you in larly 2G KING STEAST TORONTO. satisfactory buying, vestigating Canadian bonds and debentures. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Dommiion SecurrTIES GRPORATION Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match Tis m ade of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. * A LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Eddy"s : matches because "If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." ' DDY'S matches are always full M.M. count--good dealers everywhere keep them The E. B. EDDY A COMPANY, Limited Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Toilet Paper. Tissue Towels, etc. Hull, Canada. - Bon INVESTORS. Years of service to Bond investors places position to offer all facilities to' aid selling or in- We publish regularly fully descriptive Lists of the securities in which we are particu- interestod. oe: SRY LIMITED. CANADA LiFe BLDG . LONDON -ENG® MONTREAL. - IE Onan large hole in the profits. Stop this endless drain. The easiest, safest, quickest and most economical way to move pianos and heavy furniture is with a freight elevator. Convenience in the Showroom De- mands an Elevator in the Wareroom INELY finished pianos or furniture | building to another is done most cheaply 'wich réquire extremely careful handling When they don't gét it, there is a con- stant expense for repairs and refinishing. i ~ Besides -- heavy goods entail an endless labor expense, "if they have to be handled up | and down stairways. The cost of the labor | required to shift them a few times makes a The handling of goods from one part of a | Ask for one. Use this coupon OTIS FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY, LIMITED I TRADERS BANK BUILDING "She liked it except for the scratch it got coming down the stairs." | an Otis-Fensom Freight Elevator. The same work can be done with fewer men, in less time, and without even the risk of damage to the goods. It also enables you to carry any kind of stock on any floor and to get it just as easily as if it were all on the same i floor. Our book, 'Freight Elevators { and Their Uses," gives an interesting | outline of the many uses and advant. i ages of a freight elevator. It is free / Beng Book. Name TORONTO Address ce eS te a A ae a a a a le TIT TTT 'nw TTI IIIS en SE I oman wcities,