15 Ep= Eid IF TH Esk hh i i 1 i | } i that Grew" London Lager LABATTS INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way JAMES McPARLAND, Agent, 830.341 King Street East. RESPONSIBLE FOR MANY TROUBLES. ------ Do you suffer from. palpitation of the heart, headache, ¢pld hands or feet, creepy | sensations, indigestion, sleepless- ness, nervousness,> hysteria? These symptoms show a condition of | EXMUSTED 08 BEMLTATED NERVE FORCE. The natural' function of every organ is absolutely under control.of the nerve "centres, and thug nervousness may bring on Diaserss, Kiowey Disease, INwarp Diseases, and other troubles so often seen in run-down, nervous girls and \ women, 'simply because the organs have not a healthy nervous system to come trol them. : Every girl and woman should keep her Nervous Svsrem SyeoNc ano Way Baraxcen. Resromarons Tamers will do this. They purify the blood and re- store the nervous. system to its normal -- healthy standard and put the power of resistance in the tissues. They are a cdmposition of great value as a food for the nerves, a tonic to all organs and a regulator of diseased conditions pe- culiar to girls and women. The profit- able experience of others should be "sufficient - reason why you should give them a trial. One box will convince of their merits, Read the rules for "health on circular accompanying each box. Price £, cts. a box, or 6 boxes for $os0. If you cannot procure REsToRa- % Tanrers at your druggist's, they will be cheerfully sent you postpaid on Si of fice, br yriting THR Ras Not a headache in a barrelful -- and never makes you bilious, It's extra mild and absolutely pure. he NEWS OF NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG . CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People re Doing and What They Are Saying. A Notes- From Marlbank. 'Marlbank, Bept. 13.-A number from here aitended the fall fair at Tam worth, on Thursday last. Mim Cassie Foley, of Rochester, N.Y., is spending a few weeks under the parental rool Leo Mclaughlin, of Forest Mills, pass od through here om Monday last. Wal ter Anderson, of Watertown, N.Y, ar rived home on. Wednesday. We are glad to ses Miss Edna Burleigh able to be ous again after her long illness Bellrock Budget. © ' Belirock, Sept. 16.--Mrs. Hiram Van- est has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Harold Grant, of Kingston. Clar- ence Revell left, on September lst, to attend high school at Sydenham. John Phillips and family, of Montreal, are expected here soon, to visit his sister, Mrs. Wellington Vanest. B. F. Revell and son will leave next week for Mountain (irove to plaster the beauti- ful new residence of George Thompson. Charles Ruttan is threshing for the farmers in this locality. Wilbur Wafts, Wilbur, Sept. 17M. Simpson, Fol. gor, conducted service at Wilbur and Lavant on Sunday, in Mr. Banner man's absence. T. Richardson lost a valuable call last week, Mrs. 8. Jack- son, who spent a few days at Ulyde { Mills, has returned home. Migs Cassie Rollon, visiting [riends here, has re turned to her home in Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs, R. Watt and family, North Bay, are visiting the latter's father, W. J. Donaldson. Mrs. J. Mclatyre, Clyde Mills, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 8. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. "J. Boyd, Lavant, at W. C. Bovd's. A. Richardson. rolger, at his mother's John Roache, Havelock, visiting his parents, here, Items From Florida. Florida, Sept. 14,~8School re-openwd on Sept. drd with Miss Mildred Orser, of Glenvale, ng teacher. Martyn, is building an addition to his barn. Miss Luella Kellar, of Picton, is vis- iting his sistet, Mrs. T. Gorden. Mrs. Webb, of Mount Chesney, after spend ing 8 few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Babcock, has returned home. A few of our young men at- tended the Toronto exhibition. J Davey, after spending a few days al Winnipeg, has returned home. Visi tors : W. Gordon, Picton; J. Gordon Mrs. J. Perry, of Latimer, av T. Gorlon's: T. Fhompson and wife, In- werary. at W. L. Storms'; George Lu eas; Maple avenue, at R. Peters'; Fall River Jottings. JFall River, Sept. 14.--The weather has been favorable for the farmers this last week, and they have nearly completed their harvesting. Some of the people from 'here took in the sale at George Duffy's, Maberly. Rev. Mr. Burna, the English pastor, called om recently. School has re-opened dfter summer vacation, under the able man- agement of Miss C. Nicholson. M. R. Reid, P.8.1., visited the school recent. ty 'and found vthing progressing Miss Florence" (stay, who has been spending a few days at Silver Lake, visiting friends, has..voturned ~ home. Mrs. UC. Whittaeker, irs, and family, of Maberly, spent Sunday at her home Herbert Duffy spent Sunday at Shar- bot Lake. T. Baker and T. Palmer, at William Palmer's. No News From Yavker. Yarker, Sept. 17~The pastures throughout this section were never in a better condition. Corn and buck- wheat look promis;ng. William Dunn is having his residence painted. The fesidence bought by Dr. Galbraith from Mrs. Cambridge is being fitted up for the dostor, who will soon occupy it Mrs. J. Ewart and daughter, Frances, have returned from the west. George Dear is home from Syracuse, where Er had been attending the state" fair. H. Shioners and wile, visiting W. Winter, returned to Watertown, N.Y. Charles Woodhouse and Marshall Babcock have taken up farming again. Mr. Sander son lost a fine horse recently. Mrs. A. Hill, Carihage, N.Y., is visiting her son here. Miss R. McAuley is in Na panece, visiting her wnele, M. Cam- bridge. Mrs. A. H. Montgomery has returned from Watertown, N.Y. Items From Morven. Morven, Sept. 16.---The basement under the White church is going on to completion. The Women's Mis sionany meeting Wd last Wednesday, in the brick church, was well attend. od. Mrs. John Fralick has retornei home from Toronto. A number from here attended the fair at Centreville on Saturday. Mrs. W. W, vis, of Oswego, N.Y., accomipanil by her daughtér, of Napanee, visited her niece," Mrs. D. R. Hicks," last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sniith and daugh- ter spent Sunday with Mr. and F. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Uncle Sam's there several weeks. united in matrimony a tow of the people in this Jocality: {him save himself. Brown's; Mie. W. -Lake of Napanee, at E. Miller's, ---- Westbrook News: ston, at D Westbrook, Sept 17.~The rainy | weather still continues to prevent fac | mers [som threshing. Mize Ina All} port and H. Stoness were married on | Aug. 25th and have taken up resi | dence. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith leit on Friday to visit in Michigan | Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Burt are rejoic | ing over the arrival of a daughter. | G. Gates and daughter, Mrs. Rawson, of Saskatoon, are visiting friends at Mountain Grove. Mr. and Mrs, J: 1 Morley spent part of last week with | friends in Toromto. Mrs. J. B. Scanlon. after spending | part of the week with friends here, | returned to Marysville om 'Thursday, | accompanied by Mise £.. Sheehan and her little son sgn "Jaek." W. C. Snider and wife. Mrs. lavina Solider, | and Miss Bella lucas, were recent vis- | tors at Mr. and Mrs. B. Rose's, "Cluster Collage." Wedding at Ardoch. Ardoch, Sept. 17.--A pretty event | tok place in St. John's church, Ar-| doch, on Sept. 4th at three o'clock, when Miss Beatrice, youngest daughter of R. G. Watkins was to Wesley, youngest son of Thomas Tapping Rev. Mr, Irvine of Flinton officiat- ed. The bride was beautifully at- tired in white' met over silk' with hat to match, trimmed with willow plumes. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Luella Gilmour, who was becomingly attired in white mull. Stanley Watkins assisted the groom. The groom's present to the bride was a handsome goid watch and chain; to the bridesmaid, a gold bracelet, and to the grooms- man a pair of gold cuff links. Af- ter the ceremony, the happy couple, with a large number of invited guests, drove>to' the home of the bride, where a sumptuous supper awaited them. The evening was spent in dancing and other amuse- ments.. Numerous and costly wera the presents received by the bride which went to show the high es- teem in which she is held. Mr. and Mrs. Tapping left on Thursday to visit relatives in Mallorytown and Kingston. On their return they will reside in Ardoch. Toronto Street Markl Toronto, Sept. 16 Wheat, bush., 98¢ to $1.00; wheat, new, 90¢ to 93c: oats, new, 43¢c to 46c; barley, bush., Hbe 65¢; rye, bush., 65¢c to T0c; ton. $15.00 to $18.00; straw, ton, $16 to $17: dressed hogs, $12 to $12.50; butter, dairy, 27¢ to 32¢: eggs. dozen, 30¢ to 33c: chick- ens, 1b., 17¢ to 18c, chickens, spring, 20¢ to 22¢; ducklings, 17¢ to 20¢; potatoes, bag, $1.00 to -$1.10; apples, bbl, $1.50 to $2.50; celery, doz. 50c: cabbage, dozen. 35c to 46c: beef, forequarters, $8.00 to $9.00: beef, hindquarters. cwt., $13 to $14; beef, choice sides. ewla. $11 to $11.50; beef, medium, cwt., $8.50 to $9.50; beef, common, cwt., $7 to $8; mutton, light, ewt., $7.50 to $9.50! veals, common, cwt, $7.50 to $0.00; veals, prime, cwt, $11 to $13; spring lambs, $11.50 to $12.50. +. Anxious to Assist, The following letter has been Te ceived by the general passenger agent of the Grand Prunk railway from A. Polson, in charge of the party of Scot tish teachers which made a tour of Eastern Canada over the tines of the +. T.R. last month: "Now that own tote in Canada has -béen completed, it gives us much pleasure, to put on re cord our sense of indebtedness to the Grand Trunk railway for fauch of the success which has attended it. While we were muking the preliminary ar rangements your representatives In Glasgow rendered us valuable aid and made helpiul suggestions. At Mont real vou skilfully re-adjusted our ar rangements to existing circumstances and placed a special car at our dis. posal for the entire totr. We found every official all along the ling anxious to assist us." new, goose, buah.. to hay, per also A man isn't far from right E he's willing to admit that he is the wrong. whtn in HEAVY DRINKER CURED. Samaria Cured Himi and He Helps Others. A man who-has been released from first thought isto help others shows the spirit of true brotherhood and philanthropy. Read his letter : "The Samaria Remedy Co., Toronto, * Ont. : Will you please send me book on drink, also circulars relating to yout valued remedy for the dribhk habit I wish to hand these to a friend who is going to ruin through drink. You will remember that I have taken youl remedy, and I find it all you claim i to be | never shinies taking or us. ing strong drin in any way, as all desire for it has left me. 1 cannot speak too highly of your wonderful remedy. You may use my name in any way you wish in publie - HH. Lillywhite, Brigden, Ontarie Samaria Prescription i% tasteless and odorless, and dissolves instantly in tea or coffes, or can be mixed with food. It can be given with or with: out the patient's knowledge. It ro moves the craving for drink, builds up the system and restores the nerves, Drink becomes distasteful and even nauseous. ~ : Drink is a disease, not a crime. One drink of whiskey always invites another. The inflamed nerves nd stomach create a craving that must either be satisfied by more whiskey or removed by scientific treatment like Samaria Prescription. Samaria Pre iption has been sin regular and suc- I use by physicians ict and hospi tals for over ten years. if you know of any family meeding Samaria Prescription, tell them about it. 1i you have a husband, father or friend that is duifting into drink, help |B rite to-day. A FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Sa * fu Ep iin maria Prescription beak ah he ete., will be sent free postpaid in age A Ee a mtescr ei ly confidential. Write to-day. the awful cravings of drink. and whose |. THE LATE ROBERT GATES, Who Lost His Life by an Accidest at Iroquois. Times A young deckhand naméd Robert Gates, employed on the steamer Alexandria, received fatal injuries at the Iroquois dock, while the boat was making her regafar westward passage Friday. In the perform- ance of his duties he was handling a hawsor, as the eraft was making a landing, and in some manner his left leg was caught between the rope and the snubbing post Un Perth heavy pressure the leg was torn almost completely off close to the body before the unfort.inate man could be released. Dr. Johnston, of Iroquois, tem- porarily dressed the injury, then hurried the patient to the _Brock- ville Cenerkl 'hospital in his auto- mobile, a distance of twenty-seven mites. Gates stood the journey with remarkable pluck. On King street east the motor car halted about 5.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the residence of A. J. Triill, to inquire as to the location of the hospital, - Mrs. Traill who respond- ed to the.call, was terribly shocked in-resognizing Gates as her nephew Tha young man had no ldea of where Mrs. Traill resided = further than knowing her home was in Brockville. It was certainly peculiar that they. should meet under such lamentable circumstances. After being removed to the hos- pital the injured limb was ampu- tated and the patient made as com- fortable as possible. The shock, however, proved too great, for at three o'clock Saturday morning Gates passed away. Deceased was a son of the William Gates of the Township Pittsburg, where his mother and surviving sister reside He was 18 years of age and unmarried. The funeral service was condycted: al the home of the deceased s uncle; | A. J. Traill, at Broekville On Monday the re were conveyed Brockville late mains of | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 48, 1912. TACK JONNSIN, THE PUGLIST, AND HS WNTE WIFE ra ¥ ( to Rideau whence ti to Milton cemetery in the family plot. is extended to the in their sad afflietic for Deep gym and sister A sell-made pickpocke an idea tha wiih Ytion he oy ¥ lois of women } mons hat tof tt for wu have become a Ar yf they actually ful thing interment pathy bereaved mother wm probably ha 2 college wh I ! | benefit. CURED OF THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE Edmonton Girl saved By "Fruit-a-tives" . EpsmoNTON, ALTA. Nov. 20th rort, "1 had been a sufférer from habvh with that terrible complaint, Consti tion. 1 have been treated by physicians and have taken «every medic: that 1 heard of,. but without the slightest I concluded that there was no cure for this horrible disease. Finally, I read of "Fruit-a-tives' and decided t y them, and the effect wes marvel The first box gave me great relief, ood | and after I used a few boxes, I found that I was entirely well, * Rruit-a-tives™ is the only medicine that ever did me any good for Chronic Constipation and I want to say to all who suffer as J] did--Try *"Fruit-a-tive why suffer any longer when there is a perfect cure in this great fruit medicine (Miss) BE. A. GOODALL. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only remedy in the world made of fruit and the only one that will completely and absolutely cure Constipslion. sor a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, NEW- SHOE REPAIRING BUS! N ES° ROBERT PAYNTER has takea the business of 'the late . Davis at the old stand, 268 INCESS STREET All kinds of Bhoe Repairing promptly done All work guaranteed eA -------------------------------- Woei's Phosphodine, Th: Great English flemedy. +f oi.08 Ari invigorates the whole } new Ww. (ures Nero pe. vous system, Nukes . food in old V 'wns Debility, Meatal and ¥ ney, Sexval Weains matorrhoa, and Ff cls of Price $1 ner bo, six for willoure. Sold by ¢ A fn riints © Jain pkg. 0p reocint of prise. aailed free, The Wood Former'ny Windsor ry TEA! the Finest Gardens TEA! ' TEA! uncolored, of Tea and Green and Black at at ANDREW MACLEAN'S, & Ontario Street. i n Worry, Des Fmiseions, Sper ese Or 1 oapes Une wil, ploase, sD mailed I ine Ca Toronto, Hut ern From Ceylon, flavor, pound, QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served - on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, Se. », PAFPAS & © 184 Priseess A 2ADWAY'S READY RELIEF CATAR RH Pain over the eyes, Oba the postrils, running of tin watering ol tho eye are 1 this ar ng the toms of Mingle a "Radway's ¥ Mok for RADWAY'S and Take no Sabstitutes New pamphle of the finest 0c per Camda ie Asarane Company The only Capadian Company whose Policies have doubled through profits. Figures how a jolicy whl sha Tr | vou cheerfully givea by J. O. Hutton, 18 Ma strest. -- TTT 'Thomas Copley, Telephone 987 Drop & card to 13 Pine Streat when | vantlig anything done in the Carpen- er line. Estimates given on all kinds and new work: alsa Hardwood Fioors of all kinds Alk waers will receive prompt attention. hop, 49 Queen Street pe fo | 5f repairs | COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Boh SE GAS FOR FUEL convenient Provides the most form of heat. Is the essence of coal with none of its discomforts and drawbacks Requires a minimum Iabpr, time and floor space: Gives a steady. dependable, intesse hedt that can be regu- lated to a nicety Involves go waste of time or fuel in getfing ready for use Involves no waste of fuel when heat i» not wanted CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT, COOK WITH GAS, Call in at the Office of the Works, Queen Street, or 'phone 197, and we will be pleased to give you: all necessary infor mation » Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts. C. C. FOLGER, GENERAL MANAGER. of _ BEDROOM Iron Bed Special this week, $2.50, 0. $4.50 and up Some special ones at $5%75 and DAILY ARRIVALS Best Crawford Peaches at A. J. REES Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, all styles and finishes. 166 Princess St. Phone 58 A k ™\ ! > gi ; 4 7 HOME, #, A va 2 g al cd 2 XJ WHERE WHALING A a STEAMER FICHED 3 wr TARTY - Tv . REMARKABLE who found a tribe Nome and Seattle. This map indicates the remarkable five-year 1 of white skins on the shores (| left Edmonton amd went up the Mackenzie River, then back and over the great white plains, and fis ally returnid to eivilization PY SARE = STE FANSSON STARTED ALONE FROM © BAREY ON MAR 22ND AND ARKIVED ERE JUNE ZT EXPLORATION IN NORTHERN CANADA. of Stetansson. trip of Corosation Gulf. He forth vim WOULD SCREAM FOR HOURS WITH ECIENA neil Baby Dreadful Sufferer, Could Not Keep Him from Scratching. Every Joint Affected. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and He !s Well, on | sm only a a deemdfal : amma. At of two weeks he movered with « on his kegs and which mother was red gum or but day by dag it grew worse until every Cjeint and er affected and Lai srregraing for hors day and night, such a thiog ont of the Hirsh twa of © Was one nie Aid pot think 11 so serions: ame ordered ointment for rubbing in, the other a dusting ponder. 1 followed their prescriptions for over four months and will baby kept petting dner" worse. | could pot keep him from scratching | so great was 'his agony "When be wae five months old 1 tried the | Cuticars Pomedies and 1am véry thankful to sue wr ave 3 today free from all his suffer. Fig. His grotas were hiending when 1 started and other parts affected wore lower part of bia node, under the koees, arms. in aT! shrews and verk: bet after twice re of atpication to Potter Cold 80 Columbus Ave, Boston, sa ue Sizes 1 to 5. %1.25. 1.60, 1.76 and phot ant 1 feel, | Sizes 11 to 13. 1 00, 1.50 and 1.25, vies were | started. | Sizes 11 to 2, £1.25, 1.50 and $1.75. Girl's Buttoned Bools Sizes 11 0 2. = $1.50 and $2.00 of the worst cases he had seem. the | THE BEST PROCURABL FURNITURE FOURS cmum----