Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Sep 1912, p. 1

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_ YEAR 19-3 19-NO. 218 he D ULSTER WILL NOT FIGHT FATHER BURKE SAYS Noting at Belfast Has no Significance. ABSOLUTELY ABSURD THAT ULSTER WILL WAR OVER HOME RULE Declares the Roman Catholic. Bditor of Toronto--ife Thinks the B:i- tish Liberal Pafty Will Not Last to Give Home Rule to Ireland. to, 18, --Rev, Father of the Cathdlic Register, who from a trip to tho really i pull no, ; suggestion that Ulster is ready ? to oy to war over the question of is absolutely absurd, in pt he says." "After all have "bosu riots im Ulster long rule was 'evur thought ol no doubt there will + be after they have home Monday's conflict there. am doubt that it was engecred jeal purposes, although, as a f, 1 am 8i.» loss to under: y the tavies should imagine extreme mensur® to by nec From all the indications it is that the liberal government last to give home rule nnd, got Hid 15 vé gi 5 it REET eld Ep | mot the tory government, got ania Rig poms, will then 'in home ryle. not only hat for Scotland as well. will see that that will be one ol hes Porm measures the next govern ' Deen suggested that the fra ons Saturday's football 0 oe to show that the Irish are Macking in sporting spirit. Ro tue, 1 was at a having 'game in id it BET aterford recently, & game ooo more strenuous and thay our own game of la 1 can assure you thai - art, the - exception of. the « most) Peacustie © countries w spea with 0 having travel extensively fn many countries of was alk dl trouble in Uls *1 was m Ireland, but' ne the matter seriously, The the south expressed the Ulster would Bight so that ht have sn opportunity of ofice and for all of their , But no ond believed the: will "it is the the jo catie aflorty aul thet al 0" organ ocourved Jin the pro a -------------------- SEES NOAURE FOR CANCER. "German Professor Says Remedies Only Good for Mice so Far. ~ "Munster, Prussia, Sept. 18.~Prof , surgeon ad bacteri- University, and , he says, A asibly > discovered. The widely i treatments eon. cured mioe, as yet to ; in ain, deplores joo &f the various govern limagcing fuvastigmtions | into BAe -------------- vouay MAY BE MANGED EUGENE WILDER CHAFFIN, I'rohibition tandidate fpr president of the United States HELD WOMAN BY HER HAIR. Gave Way at the Roos and Site Fell Seven Storeys, New York, Sept Residents Riverside Drive for two or 'three blocks west of Ninety-third street, were horrified last night by shrieks that came {rom a rear sevefith storey | window in the West Point apartments at 330 West Ninety-lifth street, Wht Mrs. Henry Thompson, of that dress, held Miss Julia Wood, Vv Yoram woman "visitor from Washington, by hey hair and tried fo pull heg swaying hotly" back into the window. For five minutes Miss Wood dangled in: the air and struggled frantically to get out of Mrs. Thompson's clutches, both screaming at the top of their voices, and then her long hair gave way at the roots and she _ dropped straight intg the areawpy. The young woman was so badly hig that it is not believed she will She wat ill and was in charge trained nurse who had Jus it gone out PORTUGUESE ROYALISTS -MUST Pig --- The Soverment Has Agreed to Banish Them From Its Temitory New York. Sept. 18.--The follow- ing official despateh has been re- ceived by the consul-general of Por tugal at New York: "A diplomatic agreament between Portugal and Spain has come into operation, stipulating: "The banishment = from Spanish territory of all chiefs and pro- moters¥of the last Portuguese roy- alist conspiracy. , "The trial by the Spanish courts of those cbnspirators who have been liable under the Spanish c¢rim- inal law. have ix Hive, of a Bis ! 'That those who accepted the offer of the Brasflian govern- ment to reside there shall not be al- lowed to return to Spanish territory for three years." MATADOR IS DYING. Attempted to Throw | Bull by Grasp ing Horns, Los Angeles, Cal, Sept. 18.--Fran- ciwco Delvalle Frasquilo, a thatador, lies dying at a local hospital from be ing. gored by a bull which he attempt: ed to throw by tne horns at a colebra: tion here. 4 With thousands of Mexicans gather: & about the enclosure at' a local park, Frasquilo, springing over the wall, roused the waitmng bull to rage by waving a rod Hag and; as it Jushed af Kim, canghi its horns. His hands | shipped, afd the hull threw ham into the aif, catching him on its horns, Jhen it dropped him to the ground, gored him through the 4 Bide and trolled away. Sn Bebe ALLEGE DISCRIMINATION, Railways Charge Higher for Wheat x "Than Flour. Buffalo, N.Y.g Sept. 18.-That truuk lines are bg a hi fur the shipment wheat than flour is the of wi mves won nia io the rate fon |THE NEED IS SHOWN | _ | laboring with Mrs. Alice Holland fen ails] ings conceived Jhe ides aily 1 KINGATOY, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, PITH OF NEWS WOMEN OUTLIVE MEN. French. Insurance Statistics | Show About Sexes. Paris, Sept." 18, ~The greater Jonwev-{ ity of womin than of men is shown by recent French insurance statistics, the sdvantage on the feminine side being almost one-third, Thus the average age of death of feminine is seventy, while for men™ it is barely fifty. Another company several gentenarians, all women, on its books. These gunuitants have al- ready received their money back five or six times over. The company is thinking of revising its tarifi, making the scale for women much higher. A distinguished doctor, when asked | to account for * women's longer lives, said : "Men live. much harder, and smoke | and drink too much, even though they | rarely work too much. .Women are wiser and think of the future, rarely smoke and drink one-tenth as much, while their preoccupations and moral sufferings are much, léss intense, "At forty a woman is<in the pleni- tude of her physical powers, while a van at the same age has probébly contracted 'organic weakness . which will shorten life." "What OF REDISTRIBUTION The Cities Will Be Gived Better Representation---What Last Vote Showed. Ottawa, Sept. 18.--The need of redistribution is emphasized in a i blue 'book just issued by the clerk of the crown in chancery, giving the detailed results of the general étection a year ago, The vote In each poll is given. It.-was shown | by the census that there has bgen a strong movement from the rural j| distiiets to the cities. The result is that some of the urban constitu- uencies which have a population of 100,000 have but one member, while rural counties with 10,000 | population have an equal rapresen- tation. It has always been custom- ary to concede a smaller unit to the country districts than to the cities, but in any event, the representation of the latfer is bound to be increas- ed. Maissoneuve, with 170,978 is | the largest and Soulanges, the small- est of the constituencies. Montreal | and Toronto both will have more members. The same will apply to Winnipeg and 'Vancouver. WOM. AN TALKS 16 HOURS. Baffles Rfforts of f Doctors to Stop "Her Chattering. Philadelphia, Sept. 18.--Physicians at the Poonsylvania hospital, after i more than thirty-dix hous in an effort to » her talking, gave up tholt ask as hopeless, and ordered her removal to the Blockley asylum for the dusane. ; Nothing that they could do would stop her chatlering, and she had grown so hoarse that she was fast ex hausting herself. The physicians said that they had never seem hew equal -and that the marvel of it all was how she could retain use of her lar yax and #till be able to articulate, for there had not been periods of ten minutes every hour of.the last thirty- gix that she had not talked and giv en vent to articulations that were still distinguishable. Her condition was diagnosed as acute insanity, a it was declared that the centre of speeoh in the brain bad become afiected as the result ol a former 4njury. Rusty Nail Proved Fatal, Windsor, Sept. 18.--Some days ago Harvey Norton, whose home is-at Te vumseh. on a rusty nail, and his night t became affected. He was brought to the Hotel Diew last Friday, but too late to save his life Gangreno sect in, and he died yester day. By Special Cable. London, Eng., Sept B. Princes Albert and Henry, of poyal blood, Fon of King George, were re Wotible for the latest suffragette " leaked out to-day. I was just A far the red fags of the links of Balmoral castle had changed for "Votes for Wo mien" streamers, thal the Joyal strip "fun out of the thing " awlke one morning automobiles. i i spit] i rifts) ' ---- gf (Despatches From Near And THE LATEST TIDINGS | PRESENTED. IN THE BRIEFKST POSSIBLE FORM. i The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Rewspaper Ex. changes. Twenty people are charged white stavery, at Detrgjt, Mich The Canadian Steel Moundries, Wel- land, will spend $200,000 on enlarge ts with Oil tuel, the London Expres. = to supplant coal in the British battleships. Thomas Davis." South Gmy's license inspector, has resigned his position, his duties to cease on Oct. 1st, The wife of Mayor Mulholland, of Part Hope, yesterday, laid he ousnes stone of the $10,000 Carnegie lthrary. Percy age, commercial master of the Collegiate Institute, St. Thomas, nas accepted an offer from Edmonton at $2,200, Caorge McCloy, Winnipeg, govern ment boiler inspector, died, aged thir tv-seven, Fle was a native of Hag arsville, Unt Hor. Js D. Hazen announced, Quebec, that the people would called wnon To pronounce on naval question. The peach crop in the Welland dis trict is exceedingly heavy, and great difficulty is experienced in getting help to gather, pack and ship them pro perly. J. Bruce fmmay, shooting. ih York snite, Eng., telegraphs to the enquiry as to the rumor that he is to retire: i have no communication to make at present." Sir J. M. Gibson, lieutenant-gover- oor of Ontario, has consented to offi- conte at the formal opening of the Children's Aid Shelter, Toronto, on Noy. 9th. Because of the strike the Duluth, Minn., ecowncil adopted a resolution instructing the city legal department to acquire the Dutsth street railway as city propersy, Garden Hall; gh ome 'of the most famous = timbered estates in England, bas been burned. The logs is $250,000, exclusive of works of art of great value, Nearly all the London newspapems endorse the order of the British war office directing that the Royal Flying corps temporarily suspmd experiment with mionoplanes. The fear of the Faglish spy is car vied to such an extent throughout Germany thet every Englishman vis: iting the county. ix Yooked upon as a suspicious individual. worge Zimmerman, Montweal, who supplied the wood alcohol which caused the death of eleven Russians, recently, was found criminally re sponsible for their deaths and arrest Resolutions were drafted at a spf | gial meeting of President Vemable and ! the trusteos of the university of North Carolina. at Raleigh, asking legislation to m college hazing n criminal offence > x Mrs. H. UC. Stone, wife of the pas tor of the Memoriai Chapel of Holy Trihity Church, the "most exclusive Lpiscopal church in Thiladelphia, 1'a., committed suicide by drinking a pois onous disinfectant, A general strike of New York waits ers and cooks, that will paralyze every first-class resiaurant and hotel, at the opening of the winter season. # a settioment i» sol made. is the te test plap of the International Tinted Warkers' Union. Missionary leaders of dll denomina- tious are planning for the intrdue tion throughout the dominion during the next few weeks of a great educa sional campaign. 8 which it is ex pected several thousand churches will take part. The rumor of Dr. Paguette's ap pointment as depuly minister of in land revenue i revived, Armand La vergne says if the people want him he will be a tandids ike MAFine that he a supporter governmen Sravided it gives a referendum on the naval question. i. wiYm Bowes be the SCANDINAVIAN OIL TROUBLE. Stockholm, Sept. I8.--The war fo control of the oil marker in the ih Tn, Soutien ha t hdatd OO The only con: in | Jing 1912, SHOT BY TROLL EY BANDIT. Tragic Resale of a Lone Highway. man's Hold-up. _ San Mateo, Cal., Sept. 18. Charles N. Kirkbride, an attorney of this city and a lieutepant in the 1th company, Coast Artillery. Reserves, known as the "Millionaire Company," was shot and probably fatally wounded arly yesterday, by 'a young highwaynohsn, who robbed two cars of the electric line between this place and San Fran. Cisco. Kirkbride gra and received a bullet in the body. bandit escaped. There was one woman aboard the first car and the robber foreed her to collect the pyssengers' valuables v hile he covered them with a revolver A car from San Franeisco appeared and came to a stop beside the first one. The. robber scrambled aboard and re- peated his performance. He had about completed his task when Kirkbride, a passenger on the second ear, leaped at him. 'ihebandit shot Kirkbride, jump- ed to the ground and disappeared. There were about Jorty-five persons aboard (he two cars. led with the robber The » | BY THE HOMESTEADER A Government Commissioe Nill ln- Investigate Decline in the Cattle Raising Industry. Ottawa, Sept. 15.-~The live stock tand ranching imdustry of Western Can ada is to be inguired into by a ecom- mittee about to be appomted by Hon. Robeat Rogers. It 'will be composedy joi E. E. Taylor, chief\ranch inspector, Calgary; George H. Pope, Wmnipeg, land Clarence F. Graham, Winnipeg The question as to what lands can be set aside for grazing, conditions of leases, ete., will be investigated. In the past there has been consider- {able dissatisfaction over the leases and | friction between the cattle men and homesteaders. To this is largely at. tribyted the decline in the eattle-rais- ing industry of the west. The short-teem leases have particu larly been objected to, ranchers being constanily crowded out hy homestead. rs. As a result of the work of the com- mission, certain areas will probably be set aside, and when they are leased it Mg be for a reasonable Jemgthy per igd. THE RES xo GERM AN PERIL For the Borden Cabinet is Not Meeting. ., Sept. 18.-The ."Gerian peril" so far as the Borden ministry concerned, scems to bd imminent only when speeches are to be made and a safety vent found for tory ime perialistic fervor. Since the ¢abinet reassembled after Premier Dorflen's | mission*te London, absolutely nothing has heen done towards formulating a naval policy or fowards giving "im- mediate and effective aid" to the mo therland., The "emergency" has not vet been before council for the "further consideration' deemed pecessary, and and there is gpparvently no prospect of the question being taken up for some weeks yet. The cabinet has mot met | for several days, and in the few meet ings held since Premier Borden's re- fro guly routine matters Rave been onsidered. 3 Young Man Held by Police Pending Inquest, Uwen Sound, Unt., Sept. 18. At the death of a man named George, (ireen, aged sixty- five, which resulted) from severe injuries around the head and internally, it was disdosed that a brutal attack was made upon the dead. man on "Thursday night. A young man named William Smith is npw in custody, held under strong sugpicion. There is evidence to show that he was the only one aboyt the house at the time of thé occurrence: PRINCE ARTHUR LAID KING GEORGE'S WREATH Gn the Coffin of General Negi Who Sucided at Toki, Ottawa, is ASSAU Lr KIL L ED AGED MAN. Tokio, Japan, Sept. 18.--With most impressive ceremonies the remains of Geveral Count Nogi and his wile, who suicided as a tribute to the memory of the dend superar, were interrud in Oayama cemetery Prince Ar thur of Connaught, pe George's special representative, persosaliv laid a foral wreath on the eafin. The at titmde of the masies on the route of the cortege indicated that N has taken the place of a in the dy of the majority of the "peo » : wniinmesadleiiosiont Wamen Give Money to Yale New Haven, Comn., Sept. 18.-Gifts to Yalé were made known at the meet- of the corporation, the be- $10000 from the King» bury, of Matarhury, in memory of Frederick , for man years a member of comperation. » on of $5.000 was Arthur oF Bar 1h, pied doors. a S ACCLANED ih AST EDITION, BY NORTHERN ONTARIO Five Thousand Cheeed Him > Sturgeon Falls. SIR WILFRID PLEADS FOR CONCILIATION AND IN DOMINION. UNITY Question of Wider Markets Must he Settled in Interests of Canadian : ple -- Cobalt Enfete for Laurier on Wednesday. Sturgeon Falls, Sept. 18.-Sir frid Laurier yesterday made his first visit to this province since the de feat of last September, uhid his recep tion was that of a conquering hero. Stripped of the badges and trapping of office, removed from, the prestige of the premiership, the people of Stur geou Falls and the whole district oi Nipissing, over wve thousand in num ber, testified to their esteem of and affection for a great Canadian. ' English and French fellow-citizens uniting in doing him honor, it was a memorable occasion, and the veteran statesman was moved to unusual om otion. leamng forward from tha garlanded platform, gazing into thou. sands of straining eyes, Sir Wilfrid feclingly ackmowledged the remarkablk greeting from the province which a few months ago vowd him out of power, "May wil fervently ox God bless vou" "olaimed a pioneer at the front of the throng. Sie Wilirid raised his hat amid im pressive silence. "He has blessed me." ne responded, quietly, "for more tha: sevensy years, and 1 ask Him to bless me more. It may be that I ma: again be called to the high office in which | was privileged to serve for fifteen years, ut whether In or out of office my heart and life ans at the disposal of my Canadian fellow ous trymen." " For a thrilling snoment the great ering rose and stood silent = 1-gave vent to ite emotion several moments of enthusiastic and samstramed cheering, Despite the fact that a misty rain tell throughout thé whole morning and earlier part of she afternoon. it was necessary to hold the meeting ous of doors. Arrangements had been made to use the large skating rink, with a neighboring hall for the aver flow, hut ii was found indpossible to house the large throng in both place Z. Mageau, M.P.I., told how Snilios had driven over forty miles for the cpnoriunity see and, | hear "the Chief." 'Thev started Mbndav alter noon And took the jourmey overnight The disappointment was so great that 1» was decided to brave the elements and hold f to the vast meeting out of Men, women and children gathered under a great of umbrellas. And as Sie Willnid the clouds broke fer the first and the gathering cherred as the skiex cleared. One of his thrilling statemenis this : "let my werd bw throughout the whole of Canada aiprocity is killed, they tell wa. haps, but the question is not solved It will not down. It is indispensa ble to our young and growing «oun: try; it is indispensable to the great youn west, that markets "whould Lo provided for ita production if Cane ada it to attain the place she ix, I. trust, destined 0 [711] Id He declared that the question of wider markets had to be settled in the interests of the peo ple. Ir closing he made a pleg for comlination and onjty sed spoke time were was heard Re Per Cobalt » En Fete. Cobalt, Sept. 18.--Cobalt is en fete to-day. The stores tlosed from ten o'clock until noon and the mines allowed all their men that could posisbly be spared to come to 'town. am. of dynamite blasts from the Nip issing mine on the opposite ghore of Cobalt Lake. As the train slowed up, a delegation of citizens boarded the car and welcomed the Liberal chief and Lis lieutenants, Hon Messrs. Lemieux, Graham, Murphy and MacKenzie King. Judge Mason, President of the Cobalt Hb- eral association, apd Hon. Clem Foster, the secretary, had. already met the train at Gilllees depot and outlined the programme of the day Every point of vantage on the 'pleturesque Cobalt hillside, whi frants on the lake and tracks wa crowded with people. Under the auspices of the copmittée, Sir Wil frid spent the rest of the morniog driving around Cobalt and its his toric environs, filled with remini cences of the silver rush of 1904.5. He opened the new Y.M.C.A, builds ing at noon and spoke this after noon to a great crowd of people. " Girocer Meets Tragic Death. | Ogdensburg, N.Y. Sept. 18 Joseph' ove, a prominent grocer, died, lam night, at the city bospigal of injuries received, when dn autowohile driven by: Moses Bover stravk ons of the arches of ibe highway heidge over the Rutland railroad on the - boulevard wear the St. Lawrence wate bospithl The car is the bridge. escaped injury, hut Mr. Toye and & man from Montes! were hurled to the tracks) The latter will probably die. ' Hotel Gleawood, at Lake | Ve, was burned Tuesday. HON, CHARLES MURPHY, harges that Borden govern oy Trane sing grades and seriously Lfentug LOWERING THE VALUE National Rallway--Hon, Charles Murphy's Charge. . Sturgeon Falls, Sept Hon. Murphy, in the of his iddregs to the great liberal gathoritg here, yesterday, made a trenchant eri ticism of the Borden government's ad: ministration of the Transcontinental railway, He charged that the road is being degraded, its grades increased, and that Re country will greatly sul- fer in ¢ nseguonce, Of 18, Chatles course WOMAN WILL NOT HANG For Killlug Five of Her Children by Poison. > Io Mes. MoGee, Sum PEL, who murdered her five will not hang on Uctabe Ith. The government has commuted the sentemee fo life imprisonment. The woman poisonett her dix children, only She has been declared Ottawa, Sept, merside, children, one ving sabe ORANGEMEN 0 AGT HOME RULE 70: DEATH Orangemen in Belfast Met--Amy Officers "and Men Will Join Them. Funiskillen, lreland; Sept Fis yasand militant Orangemen met according to programme, pass. rule gury I town (Lhe bore to-day, and opens a series of meetings, ing a to resist home to the death Police and government detectives hy hundreds were present and made eo. notes ang. memoranda but no attempt. bo arrest anyone. it rumored that a large namioe offiars and men sre prepared resclution pious wade it ol arm ; home rule, strong Sir Wilfrid arrived at 10.30 , and was greeted by a salute ' olor and hight againag if uecesMary. BORN. gin t ¢, and a Ai tighter MARRIED, Met: ARE In Mary's Kipgston Ont Rept Aoailargaret MoCabe x Kennedy, bot} f 4h to d Be pte ber Mrs, J the in KENNEDY Thief yf the Good Porta. ; Rev Father Maye. Rept. 15th, 182 lore ichael Miurte y. of Trenton Miss Jennie Elizabeth, of Patrick Kennedy Ont DIED, Kingsjon, « ree J iert even © 3 "He and Queen and Toh aged he nn Beps Lewis, months Mrs George Montreal reday Bt IM pm to anil Cemetery Kingston, «© Mary mith { ' srivate) Jeg the residence f Mr. J 8 MeBriae 32% Rurrie ¢ Thurads afternain at ge sn Rept. Fith, I~ | MEMORIAM. Ie loviag memory of Thomas Sproule, Dried Sept. 18th, 1811 eo but mot forg p ROBENT J. REID, The Lead Undertaker. 'Phone 577. Princess Street, The Old Firm of Undentakers, 254 and 254 PRINCESS -STRERT, 'Phone 147 for Ambuissce, STOVES AND RANGES, The best Jot we have ever nad; also Bs ensers, Stxods and 4 ne Reasguable prices. At hone 70 PICKLING PURE WHOLE SPICES. PURE GROUND SPICES. PURE WHITE. WINE VINEGAR. Pore ces viseoar. J

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