Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Sep 1912, p. 4

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" ny \ refunded: ia 8 tows COR 1 -------- re tt | Lath is Very Seare ce. We ies succeeded in getting three 'good cars of GOOD SPRUCE AND PINE LATH which we can sell at favorable prices. 5 S. Anglin & Co. § COR. WELLINGION ad BAY SIREFTS {=u etn tasinn, SE i AT 4 O'CLOCK CREANING CURTAINS. FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. ™' We take pride in the way we clean the finest and mogt delicate of lave curtains. Our ~work always pleases. 'R. PARKER & On, LL. Princess: St, Kingston, Ont, * BALERS, a. And Body n mn he Call and Bee at you want a Bar wain, Oaterin Street, % Wholesals, lm. Ble STOCK OF STOVE. 1 have a big Stock of First. .class Heaters and Stoves which oan be .bought very cheap. No get 1 now life in strange and Jonely should be the subjéct of a study before tigate it at first hand. of Commons this step is construed as that our minister s{ering an extension of rae an empire -builde rs Jto go a little farther than this, anc is your time to buy and A | known men and women in the back woods. They had broken up BRITISH WHIG, published DAILY Editions at 2.3 Ontario, at $6 per year. ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG SEVENTY-NINTY YEAR at 306- ne King Street, Kingston, 4 and 4 WEEKLY BRIVISH Hla, iN Pages ibe in parts on Monday and Thursda ay morning at § be adde making tf of 7 Daly 39 5" og nited States charge Tor pdstage had to Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, styl ish, and cheap work; nine Improved pe CaN N, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED > TORONTO OFFICE~~Buite 19 and Btreet, Toronto. H. E. Bmaliplece, J.P, Jo MG. Elliott, Presidents' Leman A. Gulld, See.-Treas. 20 Queeqn City Chambers, 32 Church representative. . Ths -- A. A SOB SS A STE TO HAVE UNION ANYWAY. In some places in the west it ap- pears that nothing ean stop church union, At a meeting of a special com- mittee of the three denominations m- terested, Presvyterians, Methodist and Congregationalists, held Toronto to devise means for bringing about union, it was reported that in séven or eight places in the west churches had been formed of those who had hitherto been members of the three de- nominations, united-as one body, tak- ing the proposed basis of organic union as their foundation, and that A in the plan worked out stiecessfully. This was done chiefly in places where it was necelwary to ewtablish new churéhes. They are all seli-supporting. It was alo reporied that there are a number of, churches in Eastern Canada desir- ous of uniting and only waiting for some official way of carrving it out. In order 10 get further information th: special ecommittde, after discussion and éonsideration of Whe question, ad- journed. Lo meet in December, when probably' some solution of the pro- blem will be found, THE HORSE PROBLEM. The in Fngland, extcemely. popular as elsewhere, and yet thei 'becom: | the auto 1s rapidly disappearing horse is ing a serious, problan over in old country, specially to the war of fice, which finds: the question of re mounts harfler To meat efbh year. The latest attempt to solve the problem is a movement for the re of the Welsh flight roadstu according to a report of the board of agriculture, gov@gunment grants have been given for T couragement of the breeding of type. \ Sinilar arrangements will probably vival and, | en this be made for the breeding of the rapidly-disappesring old Devonshire pack hotse, but it is feared that it may be too late to save this type, as tt is almost extinet. Prémiums are also to be given to encourggs the breeding of the old strain ol Walsh coh. One of the strange things of these latter days is the fact that the auto has not displaced (b¥ horse, ns was ireely.. predicted, are turned out the fewer horses ther are to be secured and the high + the price. Horses are actually at premium right now all over world. but as more autos n the CANADIAN METHOD THE BEST. In the opinion of many economists difieult problem faces the British government thas the adjust ment of its differences between capi- tal and It is interesting to note, therefore, that in the perform- ance of a promise that the Canadian method of regulating trade disputes no more labor. legislation was enacted to deal with the question on this side, Sir George Askwith id coming to Canada to inves In the' lobby of the English House meaning that the government the Canadian system as a model, par- ticularly as Canadian cables indicate of labor is eonsid- the Industrial Outside government eir- | the favor Disputes" Act. eles, where it recently: "has heen A subject of a searching enquiry, very little is known in England of the act, and even among labor men, references rarely are made to it. It is ecomsider ¢d wi the old country that if the two opposing forces submitied their difier- ences to a judicial enquiry, half the strikes would he avoided. Av industrial Nir George Askwith has met with re markable success, and his knighthood is one of the rewards for a series of wonderful vietories fought against great "adds. His genius, for reconeil: ing elements which are apparently hopelessiy antagonistic hag won - him the admiration of all classes in Eng- land. . His obvious sincerity wins him the confidence of the extremists among labor men, while before his acute sense of fairness, stubborn mas-_ ters yield. ¢ chief commissioner, y EMPIRE SUILDERS. Me. Borden has come home. fron Great, Britain, and has been seclaime an empire-builder. Sir Wilfri Laugier also went to England on se veral occasions and was goclaimed a Both are entitled "Any statesman that doé empiry nen to praise. his duty in any part of the is an empire-builder. But we recognize that anv man who doe his duty in any walk of life is « aation-builder, and an empire-builder remarks the Toronto Star. The mar who builds a house'is alse building nation, Ii he builds a good house with honest materials and hones workmanship, he is helping to build « sound mation. If he sorimps his worl or usés poor materials, he is introdu' ¢ing an element of rotienness into th nation and the empire. Sixty years ago Canada was no regarded as a source of strength the empire. But every day it was be coming stronger. Who were strength ening 1? Partly the wiser of thos who were engaged in public affairs especially those: who insisted upor seli-government. But chiefly the un thei Jitile homes in Great Britain, crossed Atlantic on a slow boat, man in the steerage, and begun fur § Grima Many of fess were hot farmers on |! accustomed to farming life. They had i. Ryerson, one of the pioneer Md hodist preachers, used to help ndians to clear the land hems to farm. He nons on horschack. reacher,"' says Dr. Burwash, ome m 4t nightiall from his Jong ide and sit up till moming. 1 looked n upén him, and saw the pile of fire: vood consumed on the one.side of Wim, aud a pile of manuscript grow ip on the other." The struggle with nature the' pio: cer accepted without grymbling. Bug iis hard lot was made harder by mis- overnment. While the backwoods. Laan toiled, men sat at their ease. in he towns and parceled out huge racts of land, which fell into * the wands of speculators. "The greater art of these grants," said an hon. st official, "remain in an unimproved tate. These blocks of wild land dace the actual settler in an almost opeless condition; he can hardly ex wet duriag his hifctime to see his wighborhood ' contain a population 'wificiently dense / to support mills, chools, post-offices, places of wor hip, markets, or shops, without vhich civilization retrogrades. Roads inder such eircumstanos can neither w opened by the settlegs mor kept a proper repair. In 1834 1 met a oittler from the township of Warwick wm the Caradoc Plains, ssturning from the and teach compesed "The ser- young "would ibe gone. WEDNESDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 18, . 1992. EDITORIAL NOTES. 1 man w h > calipd September the best month in the year evidently for-! got about the new pumpkin pies O¢t ober. in pn f A Frenchman claims fo have discov. to iurn iren into gold. discovered ered a way That's nothing Carnegie that process long ago. " New York proposes that milk be sold for infants, for grown All that will be in three grades, felis and for cooking. nocessary 16° mghke whe order effective will be to dye A milk red, white and blue in fast colors: At Cincionaty four ounces of meat a day-antil prices go down --is the maxi mum for eathsmember™ of the families connected with the Housewives' operative League. Such is tHe league's announcement, and it means to stick to it. ¢ Co. "The protective tarifi omables the jewelled" hand of greed pick the pockets of need," saya United States Senator Gore. This i# a more felieit- ous mode of expres#fiig ihe thought that is contained in the howl against the "bloodsucking big interests." The gCanadian manuiacturers said to have placed $150,000.000 of insurance with New England mutual companies because the rates charged by these companies are lower than can be obtained from Canadian com- panies. It dems it is only the farmer who is in danger of becoming an *"'ad- | junct" when he seeks to do business | where it is most advantageous for his L to re own interests. The international joint commission of the United States and Canada, gathering data in regard to the pollu- tion pi boundary waters, for the pur- recommending remedial mea It is asking that city officials to any pollug- which n= is pose of sures. submit a statement tion of boundary cludés Lake Unmtario, tions as lo the best practicable means such pollu as waters, and any 'sugges of remedying or preventing tion. SPIRIT oF THE PRESS Inconvenient Initials. Vancouver Province A Victoria correspondent "Victoria. B.C," as a hogan Capital City. Dut wag it? Chester 4 . Grey Cheviot fields. suggests for the Tory Material Used Up. Oftawa Eree Press Here's a hberal made an office-hold er of the Whitney government. ~That as encouraging for us liberals, since tories must be getting scarce in Un tario. Definition, New Orleans I'l adlie A bore is s& mab who will tell you the smart things his baby says and who gives you no chance to tell him the smarter things your baby says. made Colsrings. See Cur $10 Black and | by Canada's best The best Suits on the continent A man's comfort and good appearance demand a Fall Overcoat. Now It's F all Overcoat Time! \ - We've a'splendid showing. See Our $12.50 Fan. cy Tweed Overcoat. The ( . 'arlton style. \ See Oar $18.00 Turported W orsted Fabries in 'rich shadef Blacks in abundance, Plain or Silk Facing, plain or lap seams. ~ Real aristopratic for $18.00. { tailors. Ba $ & See Our $15.00 Chamber- lain style," Blacks and Grey. Greys plain eloth. Fancy I Wales cords'in rich shiles of Brown and {#rey. i ~ {of Grey and Our New Gordon Suits at ($15.00 New Models, New Fabrics, Naw ie % $15.00 Fruits of a Liberal Rule. Ottawa Citizen : 'those who remember the drift of young Canadians ~ across the line a soore oi years ago will realize how the tables and "the tide have been' turhell in the last year or so. Not only are Americans entering the Canadian west by thousands, hut many yousg men are crossing = over to 'hingdton and finding remunerative employment there. Canada is doing much more today than holding her own Men's Not Much Longer. 78, 80, 82 PRINCES "BIBBYS Limited and Boys' Depa riénfar Store $ STREET. Buffalo Courier Allowance should, of course, be made for the influence and promptings ol intense paity spirit shown in politi- cal discussions in Canada, but there is the ever-recurring question as to what i8 to be done with Canada's enormous grain surplus. How long can it be profitably disposed of in Europe in competition with the bver- increasing - surplus of Russia, Argen- tina and other grain- growing regions? How Much longer ¢éun the manulactur- ing combines of Eastern Canada hold the whip hand over the farmers of the western provinces ? Peck's Corn Salve. A little remedy that every suffer- er from corns, should get to-day. In a few days every offending corn will In big boxes, 15 cents at MelLeod"s Drug Store, 53 Brock 8t., one door above King St. \ are warmth- from wools them because it is knit into thetn- The principal "thom rughfares ol Brockville are beipg beautified by the removal of the unsightly dectric light . The movensmt was initiated the undertaking by the corpora: tion of the pavement of King sireet. A hid named Roy Kleinstuher eight years, of Tweed, is in Bel leville "hospital, suffering from a frac tured skull. A horse knocked the child down and stepped upon his convenient 10 you will show you these beautiful garments for men, hildren. Your taste in style and colors has been carefully consulted. Some stage $V. $V. VV. .9$/ .¢,.9.V6.V .§V.V. are these improved knit coats For driving or motoring--as for a hundred other outdoor enjoyments--you will be glad of your Pen-Angle Sweater Coat on windy days and.chilly evenings. For though they feel so fleecy to the touch and set so lightly on the body, they iving indeed. Knit by Pen-Angle process, the choicest ; these useful garments possess a smartness and style not known to the usual knit coat. And they retain their shapely lines, because they are care- fully shaped to fit snug to the figure. ' That shape a in the Pen-Angle Your exact physical type is included in the wide range of 1 v > Pe. For Your Horses 1f you, want your Horse and Rig well looked after, put up st Kings ton Repesitory. Board reasonable by day. week or mouth. R. W. SMITH. Mgr. This ds 400d time to putin | LP: WALSH: GRIMASON HOTEL Haus changed ghands and Bas ink renovated - and been thors refurnished. Menln un Specinit Bar stocked wit ne ligganrs and cigars Begl 'yard and stables in JOHN COLNINEAY, " chon sy Proprietor,

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