Hee ccf te tama ev « 'e BELLEVILLE - - Ont MADE IN CANADA EWGILLETTCOLID RONTO---- ONT ALBERT COLLEGE: BUBINESS SCHOOL $63.00 pays Board, Room, Tul tion, Electric Light, use of Baths, Gymnasium, all but books and laun- dry, for twelve weeks--Ilonger period at reduced prices $30.00 pays Tuition alone for the entire scholastic year. Graduates holiling the best posi tions. Candidates prepared yearly for the examinations held by the In stitute of Chartered Accountants of' Ontario and for Commercial Specialists. Special attention given to Matriculation, Teacher's Courses Blogution, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Fine Art. Domestic Sclence | Physical Culture. For Illustrated Calendar, address) PRINCIPAL DYER, MA, D.D 'stood, Of all the paints you can buy, ether , Prepared or spe« cially-made, none will spread so easy, cover so much sur- face and give such * good satisfaction as Pure Paints Tontins oe whole house out or im or frenhes up a bit ea get M. WoL bara, os pure lead, pure zine and pure oil there's a special ingredient that mekes M-L Punts protect and any surface they cover for CT twiee as fons ordinary paiat. Porty-seve LSators and tints all par; Made by laperial roth & Color Co. Limited, Toroutoy Use ML Flat Wall Colors ts paint (wells and ceilings. Artistic, evaitery, Seanomient 16 shades. 706 bo For Sale By W, A. MITCHELL): /// / 1 AAAI oF NV A BENEFIT CONCERT GIVEN ¥Ont | A PARALYTIC: Hugh Davis Had His Foot Broken as the Result of a Fall in a Factory~Dredging of Gananoque | River About Finished, Gananoque, Sept. 19.--A benefit | concert was held in the opera house | in ald of Hugh McFadden, who | was stricken . with paralysis up~| wards of a year ago and who has since had two other strokes. The following local talent contributed to i the excelent programme: the Citi- zens' band, 'who rendered some sel- éctions in frofit of the Opera House as well as within; St. Andrew's male guartette consisting of Messrs. 0. A. Meredith, T. E. Shields, Chas Stephenson, William D. Cotton; the | Misses Kate and Trena Brennan. Clifford Sine. Willlam Runnett and | F. Running. ° The concert was well patronized by the citizens. Rav. Melvin Taylor acted as .chairman, Mogh Davis,-an employee of the Parmenter & Bulloch Co. met with a painful acident on Monday after- noon. While on a ladder putting on a helt in the company's works, the belt eanght and pulled the machine up, striking the ladder on which he and throwing him to the cement floor below, where he for- tunately landed on his feet. Medi- cal ald was at once summoned when it was found that some of the small bones of one foot were broken. West Leeds teachers' Institute meeting will be held in the assem bly rooms of Gananoque 'High, i School on' October 11th and 12th. Mrs. William Lefever, 'who has been spending several weeks hers with her mother, Mrs. J, J. Moore, returned Monday from a short visit with relatives in Montreal. and: laft yesterday for her home jn Winni- peg. It is understood that the local public and high schools "wilt < be closed on Friday afternnon to péh- mit teachers and pupils to enjoy the last day of Lansdowne fair. The wogkdof dredging the Ganan- oque river up to the lower dam, 50 a8 to enable vessels of "deep dranght to come up to the factor- fes along the river, will, it is expect- ed. be completed next woek. Thé Tremont Park House has closed for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have moved back to town for the winter. Judge McDonald on Monday sen- tenced Roy Sherman to twenty-one months imprisonment on a charge of indecent asasult and of theft of part of a gasoline engine. Trouble Over Mine, Toronto, Sept. 17.--The action of. certain shareholders of the Crown Charter Mining Company in issu- ing a writ to prevent the directors disposing of certain assets of the company to shareholders rasiding in Rochester, New York, had a detri- mental effect on the stock on the mining exchange, causing the bid price to drop from six ta three cents. . No sales were recorded at this figure however. The directors of the. company claim to have advanced certain moneys to .the company, and the shareholders who have issued the writ claim that they know of no such advahces. The property in question is situat- ed in Porcupine Camp, and is claim. ed by the shareholders to be their most valuable asset. Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock strédt, has received all "his fall importations for his tailoring department, consisting in suiting and overcoating in great va viely of patterns to choose from. Also inrge stock of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. . At Trinity church, Brockyille. on v evening, pSamuel F. Hinton, Brockville, and Mise Marvy A. Darnes, Liverpool, Eng., were married, "The Baking Powder With a Pedigree" contains no alum. It is nade from pure grape cream of and guarantees sweeter, lighter and whiter bread and delic- NOW IS THE TIME TO INVESZ IN Montreal City Property We Make a Speciality of | well located Rullding Lots in the North and West Ends of the ety, Ask ws for particulars, » Logs from $350 to 8230 Each. x THE DAILY BRITISH > WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1912. S-- The material from which: Burroughs Add ~=ing Machines are con- structed is the best for the purpose regardless Hf cost. and no trouble | or expense are spared ! which will improve thelr construction. 'It. is the spirit of our guaranty to give our cus- § & tomers a perfect ma- : chine. We will at any time replace any paris (ribbons excepted) where it can be shown that i trouble is caused by poor { material or a flaw in the | material." ! May we show you what } it means to you? | Burroaghs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager, = 146 Bay Street. JORON TO ONT MOST WHITE SLAVES ARE FOUND TO BE SMALL AND DARK. Eighty Per Cent. in Chicago's Vig District are Brunettes -- Low Wages One Cause of Girls' Down: iall. » Chicago, Sept. 18.--The ~ Chicago Protective league for Women, which 1s conducted by civic leaders, bath usten and women, and which has for its object the suppression "of white slave traffic, bas just given out som curious statistios. The league has 700 women in the segregated district booked and cand indexed, "From the records," says the secre davy, "wa find that eighty per cont. of the women have dark brown hair and dark eyes. This indioates, perhaps sasceptibility , of brunettes to th wiles and false promises of men. The majority are small women---small mn {siature sand weight. More than one third of them assgrz married wen eaused their fall. The average ag {is twenty-four, but the majority s they minde theif first misstep, be Ewen sixteen and seventeen, but did no take up the life regularly until twen ty years. "Fully ninet " per cent say the small wages--$5 and $6 a week forced the life on 'them. Many are supporting mothers and educating brothers an winters, About tem per cent are married. "Filteen wero school teachers and twenty have attended college. but faw were found who could pot read and write, Many are well educate and read the best literature. "We expect to register fully 2,506 women and we have the assistance of the police, who register women, bul do not go into details. We ars try me to discover the cause of vice sc that we scan most sucesssiully -figh it. Five girls were prevented id entering the district Yast .weck, Tw were under age and "thres were found whise- relatives had reported them to the police as Tost." Dance halls ni mentioned frequently "as contributing causes to downfall. "The startling fact wag discovered that only twenty per cent. had been ofi_the . downward path more than four years. More than half the his tories showed but a year or two The women made aflidavits to their life story. We found three who eam from families of millionaires and one a cousin, lshe swore, of a name sake of a prominent United States senator mentioned frequently in the 'newspapers as involved with large cor potions. . 4 tors: ANOTHER FIGHT ON NEED NOT LOOK FOR PARTITION OF AMAL. COPPER. Mine in Porcupine in Dispute--1Un- fortunate Blunders Made by' the Politicians. Boston, Sept. 17.--Those - who have been looking for the dissolut- ion of the Amalgamated Copper Co. in the: near future, will be disap- pointed. At the present time the management has no such intentions, nor has the subject been officially touched upon at directors' meet- ings. From time to time the 'Street' has had various reasons to offer as to why Amalgamated should dis- solve, the chief contention being that the company's sole duty of late had been the custody of Anaecon- da's control through stock owner. ship, To this the roply is made (| that Amalgamated has many other functions. Since the realignment of the Butte camp under control of the Anaconda Co. and the acquisition of the entire capital-stock of ' the United Metals Co., has become responsible for the sale of more copper metal annually than any other individual agency in the world. Sales of about half a billfon pounds of copper a year may now be considered the company's most Important function. upon the Selling Co's disbursements to former stockholders, Amalgam- ated Will receive at least $1,000,000 per annum from this souree alone. The official answer to' statements that dissolution might be attempted 's, therefore, that Amalgrmated's interests are still sufficiently diver- sified and large to warrant the! maintenance of its corporate exist- énce. Unfortunate Blunders. New York, Sept. 17.~One thing thal makes Wall street a bit nervous over the political situation is tHe unfor tupate blunders being made by lead ng' orators in discussing vital issues The meat tmst. for instance, is no doubt a monster that ought to be strangled, but the plain fact is that there are fewer edible animdls in the United States now than perhaps in on vears Official "records of the government tabulated last year show that in oh vears there was a decrease of wore than 6,000.000 in the number of all cattle and of mom than 9,000, 0 in the humber of sheep, Production of Gold. Yor the first six months of the year ; ihe gold production of the province, sccording to the report of the burean of mines, was 11,854 ounces, valued wt $225,198, an increase of $192,878 This is chiefly from the Dome Mine, WL mnee the six months ended, the Hollinger mill began turning out gold ana there are pow a number of small Jroducers as wall. Finantfal Notes. The United States attorney gemernl =ays that American Telegraph and I'elephone in under investigation, but would not indicate whether a dissolu- von suit would be filed. imst year on the British railways onry one passenger was injured out ui every 450,000 passengers carried And vet Amesican railroad men scorn fully regard' English railroad man- agement as behind the times. It is not gemerally known that the muskrat is the most important fur bearing animal of North America. In wie vear alone (1910) 5,500,000 musk. rat skine were put upon the market, reaiizing to the trappers a sum ap: proximately of £1,700,000, A. TE. Osler has Deen elected a member of the Toronto Stock Ex change. Mr. Osler, who bought a seat trom Sir Henry Pellatt, is the second ex-miomber of the Stanflard to go on the "hig board" in recent years, Orlando Heron made the cnange a couple of years ago. Reports are current that negofia. tions have been opened for the ab sorption of Inspiration. Copper ireen Cananea Copper, and Miami Copper by the Annconda Copper _in- tevests. Interests identified with these properties say that if sach a merge: plans are under way they are sot a ware 'of the fact Heho 1 Lake Tachoon Echo Lake, Sept. 16.---Service was conducted by A. Wagar on Sunday last. A number of young sters attended the party . at Switzer"s. Mrs. Maggio. Rutton has left for Harrowsmith where she has secured employment. Miss Ella McLeod has gope to Parham where she intends to spend some time. Miss Nelle Smith took tea at L. Switzer's ow Sunday evening. Vis- Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod at C. Cox's; Miss Clole Switzer at John Cronk's; Mrs. William Alport at Al len Wagar's; Mrs. R. MeCullough at J. Babeock's; Mrs. Harry Bab . jeock at E. Simpkin's. Amalgamated ' A Ve own and offer : at 100 and interest $1,250.000 Gordon, Ironside & Faras Co. Limited (Packers, Ranchers and Provisioncrs) ~ Winnipeg, Man. 6, FIRST MORTGAGE FIFTEEN-YEAR _ SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS * Dated 1st July, 1912 Due 1st July, 1£27 Interest payable lat -- add July Principal and interest payable at the Broninion Bank, Toronty, Montreal and Londen, England. Redeemable as a whole at 105 and accrued interest on any interest dats on six weeks' prior notice, or annually for Sinking Fund dradings, beginning July 1st, 1913. Denominations : $100, $500 and $1,000 » with sterling equivalents Domds issued in coupon form with privilege of registration of privgipgl and in fully registered form. Coupon and registered bonds are interchangeable. TRUSTEE: STANDARD TRUSTS COMPANY, WINNIPEG The legal opinion of Messrs. Blake, Lash, Anglin & Casseh, Toronto, ; will be furnished. The authorized total issue (closed mortgage) is $2,000,000, of which ahount $750,000 is retained in the Treasury and can only be tssued for 70, of the cost of new properties, permahent betterments, etc., as set forth in the Trust Deed. We emphasize the following salient points of this issue: ' ASSETS Packing house sites, branch real estate and ranch lands (aot including the Company's valuable interest in approximately 600,000 acres of leased lands) $1,208,413 | Buildings, machinery and, equipment 606,146 Investments . Co wdb4 160 Current assets, in excess of current liabilities. 1,622,278 Total assets (over three times amount of bond issue) es .$4,020,988 (2) Average annual net earnings for three years ending February 28,1912, * $278,189, or nearly four times the intererest on bonds now issued. (3) An annual sinking fund, beginning July 1st, 1913, sufficient to retire the present issue by maturity at a maximum price of 105 and accrued interest. 3 2 » (1) Land: Gordon, Ironside & Fares Company, Limited, conducts a wholesale packing and produce business throughout New Ontario and the Middle West as far as Central Alberta, with packing houses located at Winni- peg and Moose Jaw "storage and distributing plants at Kenora, Fort William, Port Arthur, Rainy Rrv er, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, Regina and Saskatoon. . «The Company had its inception in 1585 as a partnership. In 1902 it was converted into a joint stock company and has now an issued capital of $2,172,600 with a surplus of $655,000, derived principally frem net earnings. The general management is in the hands of Mr. J, T. Gordon, President, who also particularly supervises the packing depart: ment. The Vice- President, Mr. W. H. Fares, is in charge of the ranching division. All branch plants are in charge of capable men why are experts in the business. Copies of the Trust Deed and of the Certificates of the Canadian viet Company, Limited, and WW. Toole, Esq. ( Real Eitate J aluator, Calgary), may be seen at sur offices. Interim Certificates will be issued pending delivery of definitive bonds, DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ON REQUEST. PRICE: 100 AND INTEREST YIELDING 6%. Derarion Secures Grooraron LIMITED oo! LONDON, ENG. CANADA LIFE BLOG 4 MONTREAL 28 KING ST. EAST TORONTO E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance ~---- Agent for---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba hse € wy