Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1912, p. 5

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TY ! AT Hl { At Your Dealers : Avoid Substitutes Booklet on Request R. UGLOW & COMPANY. Agents, Kingston. New York London : Paris - - - . of Hobberlin 1 imited Tuilors to the Canadian Gentleman AN ORGANIZATION OF EXPERTS, . : There is no guess work about Hobberlin Tailoring. From he mo- plent the order {8 received it' i handled by specialists until com- pleted. Men who are paid to watch every process from the first chalk mark to the final touch of the press ng fron with never ceasing care, It means the personal attention of exerts all through and through With an organization of this kind there is little wonder that our fashions are the most authorative, cur tailoring the most substantial and dependable. 7 Prices from $18.00 to $35.00. AGENT FOR KINGSTON: © THOS. LAMBERT, "7iitor~ 197 Princess St. We have large quattities of TAILOR PIG LEAD - and - SHEET in stock. -------------------------- House - Ean METAL (5 TORONTO RAAAKAKAMAMAN MAAASAASAAAAAARAAN 'THE QUEEN MILLINERY ~~ Saturday Specials LADIES' AND MISSES' TAILORED AND DRESS HATS In Velvet, Velour and French Felts. : SCHOOL GIRLS' TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED FHUT HATS in all colors at . . $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50 A LARGE VARIETY OF UNTRIMMED SHAPES for Ladies ¥ Fri UY p Gas Stoves ahd Ranges, Cenl Oil Stoves and "Ovens, <Rofrigemtors, Ice Crean Froezors, Screen" Doors, Window Screons, Garden = lose a : Hr iid AaeNTts Tor - ¥ ¥ ig The Celebrated * Brownlow" Filtor au 'ator Coo ev, : Water" pa. . ers, Lawn Mowers. Eic, 77 Princess St. ' WE eee hee 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912 . A KINGSTON C0. The Great Gulf Lands, Limited Created, FRUIT AND FARM LANDS TO BE DEVELOPED IN ALABAMA, UNITED STATES. ' Interprising Citizens Purchase Nearly 20000 Acres of Rich Fruit Lands--Will Pevelop a Part of the Tract Themselves--The Stock to be Sold is Guaranteed by the Land Itself: hS Recently some of Kingston's wide awake busines men made careful in: vestigations into the sibilities , of development and profit fo be made of 8 lands. ;. They had been attracted to this district by scticles in such reputable and stand. ard publigations #s Saturday Evening Post and the New York Tribune. In- vestigation revealed possibilities be yond their most sanguine hopes. They formed a company and, purchased a valuable tract of 18,980 acres in Mo. bila county, Alabama, within fifteen miles of the city of Mobile. The Mo bile and Ohio railroad runs right through their property and makes four stops within their tract. This line leads direct to the best markets of the north, viz.,, St. Louis, Cincinnat, Chicago and New York. The Parpose of the Company. These men lesrned that they could buy this tract at a wholesale prics that would enable them to double Lthdir money by simply selling it at retail prices to settles. . To. sell the land to colonists was their first in- tention, but the possibility of veu, much greater profits to be made by aeveloping 'a part of the tract them solves led the directors to decidt to bold and develop sume 2,000 acres of this land for the comfpany. ingly the company proposes. out 1,000° acres of papershell pecan, which meadily well in the fifth year after planting for $500 per acre, and in the tenth year for $1,000 per acre. The other 1,000 acres will be set oul in Satsuma oranges, pears, peaches, figs, ete, which alse sell readily at Ls acre in the fourth year afte: planting. The sale of these develop od land: should vield tremendous pro: fits to the shareholders of the com- pany. Why. Stock is Offered for Sale. * The Great Gull Lands, limited as the company is called, proposes io sell a small bloek of its stock io en able the Hirectors to develop. this tract of lind. This stock is guaran: test by the land itself as the * com: pany agrees to exchange the stock #0 purchased for land itself at the uest of the within a reasonable time. Thus the stockholder is absolutly protected hy land which is increasing in value every year. It ig not spetulative like min ing or industrial stocks so often are but is quite as good as any first mortgage on land, "while it carried with it the possibility of splendid pro. fils beyond what any mérigege oan yield - to set | Nature and Value of Land, The company's property has been rcarefully examined hy a numbor of competent and experienced ators, Inciuding representative far- mers from Ontario and leading agriculturists in. 'the Southern States. Their unanimous report has been that the property is high and dry, exceptionally rich and fer. tile, easily tilled with an ° abun- dance of pure" water, well adapted for gardens and intensive farming and is readily accessible to a splen- did market. The mild and salub- rious climate of the Southern States is too well known to require further comment and renders the district sparticularly desirable for residen- {tial and agricultural purposes. The land yiolds three successive crops a year. Irrigation is not required. The community is an orderly one, with a large influx of worthern lgettlers. The laws are well en fi ery valuable orchards and groves already adjoin the come pany's property in many places and conditions are now favorable for the sale of the entire property in small holdings as a high class fruit Adcord-| stockholder, made valu-y 100 years. The company's adver- | tisement may be seen on another page of this issue. THE MINISTERS WHO WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY, Announcements Made by the Various Denominations as to Their. Ser. vices--Sermon Topics and Musical Programmes. : St. Andrew's--Rev. 8. J. M. Comp- ton, B.D. Services 11 am. and 7 pn. Strangers and students wal- chme. St. Paul"s--Momm'mg prayer, 117 ofloek, preacher, Rev. W. F, Fite. Gerald, M.A.; Sunday school and vi- car's Bible class, 3 p.n.; evening pray- er, 7 ocloek, preschef, the Hight Rev, the Bishop of Untario, ILD. «Queen street Methodist church--Rev. G. I. Campbell, pasta Phone 321. 11 am. subject, "The Prophet of Judgment ii the Desert"; 7 pum subject, "The Prophet of Mercy in the City." Young People's meeting, Mon- day S pm Calvary Congregational church, cor ner Bagot and Charles streets--11 a. m., public worship. 3 p.m., Sunday school. 7 p.m., public worship, An- nual Harvest Home services will be held. Seats free. Strangets and visitors welcome to ofl one servius, Si. George's cathedral Sixt wath Sunday after Trinity, § am, holy communion, 11 am. ordination ser vice by the lord hishop of the diocese preacher, the Dean of Ontario. 3 p. me, Sunday school. 4.15 pm... bap tisms; 7 p.w., «vensong; pieacher, the, Dean of Ontario. Nt Mark's, Barrieficld--Harvesy than'sriving services. Holy commun. top. 8 a.m.; morning prayer, il am; {holy eommunion, Il am.; evening payer, 7.50 pan. Rev. A, H. Me areer. ourate of Christ Church eathe- drat Montreal, will be the special preacher at these services. Sydeppam street Methodist church--11 a.m., preacher, the pas- tor; 2.45 p.m. Bible school; 7 p.m. preacher, Rev. Dr, Ryckman. An- thems, "Harken unto Me," "The Way is long and weary." Solos: "[ to the Hills," Mrs. James Small: "Dreami of Paradise," Harvey An- grove. At the Adventists'--Subject at pam. "The Seventh: Trumpet," of Rev: 10,5. On Wednesday, 8 pn. "The Unpardonable Sin." On Kriday at the same hour, "Will the heathen be saved ?" _ Services are also held on Saturdays (Sabbaths) at 3 pm. All welcome. - Furst Church oi Christ, Scientist, Johnsen street, between Bapot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 aun.; subject, "Maller." Wednesday evening, - testimonial meeting. Free public' remsling-room, same address, open' every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'dock. All are cordially vited to ths services and the reading. room. Cooke's church, Preshyterian-- Minis ter, Rew. J. W, Melntosh, M.A. Resi dence, 90 Frontenac gtreet. The pas tar will conduct both services. 11 a. m.. the sacrament of the Lord's Sup per; 7 pom, "The Servant in the House," 8. p.m., Sunday school. Mid-week ting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers and students cordially wel comed First Congregational, cor. Johnson and Wellington streets---- Rev. KE, 'LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor. Morning worship at I1 o'clock, subject: "The Voice from Edom: evening worship at 7 o'clock, subject: The Lust of Life." Sunday school and Bible class at p.m, Strangers in the city and thosd looking for a church home- are cordially invited. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Barrie and Earl streets. --Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., pastor, 181 Uni- versity Avenue. Services: 11 a.m... "Wonders of Nature, and Greateg Wonders of Grace." 7 p.m, "Some Elements of the Wanquishing Life." Sunday schol 3 p.m., prayer meat ing, Wednesday, 7,30 p.m. StiNentp {and strangers cordially invited to. 'all> the services. D. G law, Rec. Steward, 170 Princess streetf Bethel Congregational, 'corner Bar ivie and Johnson streets--A conten) church... Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis ter. 1b am. "Saint-making"; 3 p.m. Sunday school for all, George Mills, supetintendent;: 7 p.m., "Athletic Tro: phies.'" The church. has open doors, open segls, open hands and open hearts for strangers and citizens. All weleanie. Prayer meeting, Wednes day, 8 pm.; C.K, Friday, 5 pm. { St, James' church, cormer Union and Arch 'streeta----Ven. J. Ker Mac morine. MAL DD. rector, 3 Clergy street east; Rov. T. W. Savary, HAG, vicar. the parsonage, 152 Barrie street. Sixteenth Sunday after Trie- ity. 8 am. holy communion; Il a.m, morning prayer and litany, prescher, Rev. W. H. Harris, incuinibent of May- nooth; 3 pm., Sunday $fhool and Hible classes; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon, froncher, 8 in| to-night. i SPECIAL, SALE of WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES | We have about 90 prs of Sample Boots made by Utz and Dunn's,' Rochester, N.Y. The sizes are 3, 3 1-2 and 4.. No other sizes. In the regular way $3 50, $3.75, $4.00, they are worth $4.50. We are offering these this week at $1 00 ABERNETHY'S * a Dykes. Male quartette. The church with the homelike feeling Come. : : St. Luke's church---Rev. R. 8. Forueri, B.D., rector. Harvest Sun- day. Services 8 and 11 am, 3 pm. and 7 p.m., 8 am. Holy Com- munion; 11 am. morning prayer and Holy Comiiunipn. Rev. R. W.. Spencer, M.A, Camden East, will preach; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m. evening prayer and sermon by Rev. R. W. Spencer, M.A. Music Anglican Chants, matins, Wood- ward's "Te Deum;' anthem, "Praise the Lord," J. H. Maunder; even- song: Magnificat . and Nunc Dimit. tis, Edurgn A. Clare; anthem Shall Dwell in the Land," Stalner: solos by Miss Daisy Johnson, and M. Pardoe; quartette, Mrs. Betts, Mrs Marshall, Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Pardoe. Soloists in Te Deum, Mrs Betts and Miss C. Fornerl A harvest thank-offering will be taken up at all services for the new pipe organ. Seats . 'free. Strangers welcome at all services. a --_------ ' A BUSY WINTER OF. BUILDING 18 PROMISED. The Boat Builders and Repairers Will be Kept on the Go--Move: ments of Vessels in the Harbor. A local marine man stated to th Whig, on Friday, that fyom the pres nt indications {and he was in a posi: tien to know), more work would be done to vessels aleng the harbor front this coming winter than any. like sea: sch in some years. . The Montreal Fransportation company will make its usual repair, and the rebuilding of the steamer Lamonde, which is con templated, will keep the ilavis + Dry Deck company well employed, with its other comiracts. The Kingston Ship building company will be a hive of in- Qustry, and repairing will be: dons Lo vessels ving at Portsmouth bay, which is such a haven for winter quar- ters. In 'addition to this, renovations of a more extensive nature are intend. «dtp some of the passenger boats ly- ing along the wharves. ' : Grain Shipments Heavy. The shipments of grain to ston this week have heen quity heavy, and the real rush is expedied to com. mence shortly. Quite a few vessels are ai present loading at Fort Wil liam for Kingston and Montreal. None of the pew grain has boen shippe | but as yet but it is expected it vill be sent wut vely soon. Movements of Vessels. The stemmbarge Waterlily and Ll steamers Al>xandria wep at Folger's wharf Friday night, from Montreal) sod discharged freight. : The schooner St. Louis, which has been unloading fddspar, at Richard son's wharf, has deared for Chas lotte. - 3 he steamer dowards cleared on Fri- day night fpr Oswego. : M. T. Co's elevator : The steamer Advance arrived from Moutreal Fi day night, and cleared for Toronto, to: load package ireight for Fort Wil liam; the stéamer Noble arrived ho Chicago, Friday night, sad is dis charging 75,900 bushels of wheat; the steamer Westmount pssed down at isldnight grain-laden, on the way to Monireal; the tug Bromson ~ arvived from Montreal with two light Isr ow; the steamer Twwret Court arrived this aftcendon, from Fort Wiliam, and is discharging graio. It is expected that M.T. company's barge Davie, at presént in the dak of - the Kingston Shipbuilding com- pany, will be floated on Monday. The stenmer" Rapids Prince' will bo docked the mi of the week. : "The steamer Belleville is due west i The steamer City of Hamilton pass | od wp on Fri Swift's wharl "ve | King: | «Own Tablets in R § he. : L . a oN, By the Pint or Quart SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 540 : The Mar : On Watch.? . * DOo0essOROIDOIGRAOQRIRIRARSE Fhe Lampman notices that down in Montreal they are burying people alive... they must have fae laws in th: Fronch provinte if this is the con dition of afinirs,_and the undertakers must trext some of the dead as scave engers do deceased cattle. Ih Kings: ton, the Lampman is informed that i is impossible for a4 person to Ibe biried alive. When the undertaker goin through there is no chance of the heart aetidn being revived and the "de ad" turning over 'in the coffin. It is comforting lor people Lo know this, The Lampman agrees that it is tine for the mun wo put their straw hits into winter quarters and in this au tumn season "look the part." The ls dies are exempted, of course. 'Lhey may wear their straw bonnets @li the snow flies, : A county "fair without side attrac ticns would be 1p the averige towns man tke Christmas withoui Santa Claus, remarks ths Lampman. Even Town Ceuncilman Kent had to hire musicians to draw the peopte to his phorticultural show, while the Catara qui physician had to add. baseball and horse rac.ng to the programme of the township rhow. Cut. out baseball, horse racing, balloon ascensions and other attractions apd nowadays peo- ple will 'not bother about looking at eshibite. It was the mén with the wheel end the shells, and 'the vendo of the type of the late "Bill" West, who could sell 4 watch and sundry othr picess of jewellery for twenty: five ¢ nts, who put lie into the fair of old Kingston town. If Mayor Hoag ® WARDROBES For Usefulness BEDROOM WHITE . CHAIRS 'AND ROCK] CARPET SQUARES AND MATTS 1 JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. - . Phong 147 MEETS WITH GENERAL FAVOR. Movement Which Has Been Revive ed to Inaugurate Fall Fale, wants a successful town show pes year, let him cogage the airship men and the ballet girls. FHE TOWN WATCHMAN. Keep Chikiren Well | During Hot Weather. Every mother ktiows how fatal the hot sutimer months are to small chilé den. Cholera infantum, disrchoen, dyseniry apd stomach troubles are rife at this time and often 5 precious little life is lost alter only a few hours illness. The mother who keops Baby 's the house feels safe. The occasional use of the Tablets pre vent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenlv---ns it generally does--the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. The Tables are "sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Bc. a box from The Dr. Wil liams" Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, Died of Whooping Cough. the death acourred. Friday noon, of Gertrude lieme, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. - Sterling Holland, © 4 Clergy siteet west, aged gearly eleven months. The child sufi {rom whooping cough, which had developed in prcochial [moumenta. Me. and Mrs. Holland Gave ihe sympathy "of a host of friends ju their sad bereavenfent. the funeral look place Saturday af Lgo into the enterprist The movement put forth again, by Mayor Hoag, to stir ap enthusiasm for the inkUguration of & fair for tHe ally, hat been mel with hearty . ap- roval from many leading. citizens, A representative 'of the Tig, peak ing 10 8 auvhber of people shout the matler, found that nearly all were in favor tof such un schome. Home sug- gost that the city and the county en ter into ihe schema, while thers are oib'rs who think that the chy should on ite owe accoint. However, the general feeling expressed is that there sould be rome effort put (orth to wtart an annusl fall fair, and that of i were started, of would be a great boom for the city. It in likely that a mesling will he held in the city. hall some evening pont week, to discuss the mntier; rt dha 5 No Hurt, Bit Corns Go. ! Peck's Corn Salve produces no pain or soreness. It can't bam, but it will remove hard or soft corns eveary time. * In big boxes, 15¢.; at Meleod's Drag Store, 53 Brock street, ong iloor shove King street. .. ® he first. shipment of lend from; the North American Smelting conipghy's wad made Snturdav. 1g 15a plant hefe Canada Foundry company, Torabio. ternnon, to Ustaraqui cemetery. Rev. T. W. Savery inted. On Friday, twenty tons of lead wery turned' owt

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