SE ---------- TEAR 79-NO, 222 he Baily Briti MODIFIED REFERENDUM ON HOME May Be Submited By The Government. THE NOES GF ULSTER rp PRODUCKES A REAL IMPRESSION IN ENGLAND. Bitter Racial Feeling Fonned to a Wilte Heat--FEfforts Being Made to Bring the Laborites and the Liberals Together. Londos, Eog., Sept. 23. Political Loudon is full of pumor: concerning the government's action over home . rule,' Ulster's ten o days' demonstra tions are producing" a real impression here, despite YGeneral" Camon's gas oonading and the inadequate nature of Ulster's solemn covenant. Many politicians, including Mr. 0° Brien, wee in Winston Churchill's re markable looal patliament speech, fast week, the evidince that the gov- ernment will yield to Protestant Uls ter's protest and allow it fo write iteell ot of a home rule Ireland, hthers declare that the govirament will' submit the question to a mo- dified velerendum and abide by the result. Even Bonay Law has ad mitted that io such a case he would tell Ulster, "You have got to sub wit, Few believe that the will introduce coercive measures to check the active sedition now pro grossing in the north of Ireland, Car son'secampaign is admittedly danger- ous. Bitter racial and religious hn ars being fanned to a white heal. x government The Ulster clubs, which are diilling duy and vight, number about one hundred thousand men, including many old soldiers and an appreciable stiffening of old army officers. It is ofalally admitted that these clubs "have Sumeried arms on A con siderable scale during «he. past year. They have behind them the most un as Lord Dunraven says, are domina- ted hy the unworthy spirit of ae vendanty , whi ch no concession can bending men in the empire--men four ai Ry have ee dy apart from them. Their agitation, however, has struck home. Every correspondent in Uls- ter, during 'the present demonstration, ag in describing these men as gr earnest, savagely intolecant, ut 3 wholly dangerous. The politicians dard already return- ing to town offer the summer's rest and there are many signs of renowpd activity. The main interest in y forthcoming meetings of parliament hie in the ibility of trouble betwoen the labor representativi and the tama, The parliamentary la bor party is showing many signs of becolning imbued with an anti-liberal attitude which admittedly sists witle- ly among the labor groups through ips the count The unionists are confidently declaring that, thanks to the defection among (he laborites, they will be able to inal the govern: ment before Christmas. This, how. ever, is improbabl, but the best t of goverment adinit that the present position of the thres cor neved contests at bye-elections eon: not atime long without, eausiing n line of viige he parties in parliament he § now ay ak to se of the good relations hat the new agretment may be arrived at; SHOT AGED HUSBA ND. Charge on Which Bride of Three Months is Arrested, Ky. Soph. BNiw. Helen Lane, bride of 'three asta to-day, charged her husband, Char home in this city last was shot twice, one bul- mek, sn bo died in- [attention to the fact until yesterday, RULE QUESTION. CANADA'S PREMIER, The most recent and best picture of the prime minister, Kt. Ho R. L, Borden Taken by the best photos Borden. in London Hie features show the cares of office BOMB KILLED FIFTY : KINGSTON, RAPIDS PRINCE ASHORE THE STEAMER HAD-TROLU BLE IN A FOG, SUNDAY, eave Gale Which Set in Saturday Night Has Been Giving Vessels a Lively Time--=Motor Boat Owned by John Stansbury Sunk 'Near Swift's Wharf--Notes of Marine. The steamer the KR. & 0. lines, went: agromnd, on Sturgeon shoal, near Aultsvllle, dur- ing the fog, Sunday morning, 'the Cal vin company, Istapd, was communicatid the steamer Commwall went to the vessel's assist. ancy The I'tince was on her trip from Montreal to Prescott. She was to have , entered the Kin. gston dry ok on Wednesday. | During the storm on ta motor boat, owned by jury, sank at the northerly side of Swift's wharf, where she wys moored It was a sheltered place, and the ny- ture of the storm may be gathered when it swamped a motor boat in such' 4 place. The bow lide held the bow Sut of water. B The heavy gale which set in Satur. day night, bas been giving the vessels a lively time. Vessels out in the gale were given a great shaking up, and caplame state that it was about the liveliest storm they have experienced in some Lime. The schooner Horace Taber, of Gana- nogue, came over from Uswego, in the midst of it, and suficred the loss of her jib boom. She. arrived in port and after, a short delay was able to {proceed on her way to Gananoque. The barge Dunmore, loaded With corn, from Port Colborne, was towed from Port Colborne to Richardson's elevator, where she discharging i i iH | i i Rapids Prince, of Garden aih and dot Sunday night John Stans is LEAVING A MOSQUE -Mleged Conspirators Arrested. New York, Sept, 23.--A from Adrisnpole says Fiity persons were killed during an antiTuekish demonstration in Akehit schelobi, in the vilayet of Adrianople, when some one threw 4 bomb inte the crowd of Turks who were just emerg- ing from a mosque, Fragmenis of the tore the bodies of some to picees. "the government immediately started an iCyestigation, and gendarmes searched the houses of a number of the alleged conspirators, arresting several men on suspicion. The outrage is of special cable bursting bomb | of the vietina one of a series inst. year, which have clajmed nearly 1,000 lives, ' i --- tie A Millionaire Missionary. William Whiting Borden, son of the late William Bor den and Mrs. Mary Borden; whase share of his father's estate is said lo be five million, is to become a for. eign missionary and begin his life's work at Kansa, China, as soon as his preparatory studies are complet: od. Saturday night he was ordain- ed a foreign missionary by the In land Missionary society at a local church Mr. Borden will spend two vears in study in England and Egypt before going to China. 23. Chicago, Sept. i A Motorist Arrangemeht. Torogto, Sept, 23.~Hon. W, J. Hanna, provincial secretary, has made announcement that the government will introduce special legislation next session' providing for reciprocal rela- tions between Ontario and other pro- vinces and states, and allow motor iste with Ontario licenses to enter these without purchasing pew licon: ses, and vice versa. i PERSONS AFTER MONTHS "FOUND SKELETON IN CHAIR The Tragedy Associated With 2 Wealthy Recluse in a French Town. Paris, Sept. 23. <An exiraordinary { discovery has been made at le Ter- seus; neat Paris, where the body of a wealthy man. who committed suicide ¢ighteen mouths ago 'has heen found in the house in which he resided alone. Four years ago the man in questicn, AM, Dnielan, diss ed. He had one to a hospital to undergo treatmen and Be he returned be raised a strong protest beeause some neighbors bad entered his house, thinking he must be ill as they had not seen he They promptly vowed never to cross his threshold again. In Match of lust yéar Dn vanished, but nobody paid the a when the police broke ad She house nd found the man's - He had at hie n months ago. leaving a Laying that he w to be cremated. Captives h Captives Released. 30 ol Nagin enter. Outrage in the Village of Adrianople! { | (dow ¢ cleared from the Montreal Trans. eye be che gpa. don Et % dumonstratipns ag: Turks in tho Balkan states in the pas 4k The Bartlett ran up against the gale land came through it all right. The steamer Phelps arrived at Craw: rd's wharf, from Charlotte, with the Parson, loaded with coal steamers Turret Court and*Cor- for barge The portation Belleville, liam, The schooner cleared for Oswego, at the Point, owing to the storm. The schooner Julia B. Merrill was in the gale, but suffered no damage. She came over from Oswego with coal¥or the Grove lon. The schooner ardsen's / whari, Charlotte. "The barge Davie, of the Transportation company, was at the dock of - the Kingsto buildigg company, en Monday It will be x thal the year. he up company's elevator, for to Yoad cement for Fort Wil Abbie I. Andrews but was held up Ford River loading feldspar is at Rich- for Montreal floated Ship- wmorn- per works will now be | The steamer Dundurn ome Sunday, and the steamor up. The stegmer west on Monday morning, Swift's wharf: Steamer Aletha, down and up; | steamer Rideau Kin cleared for Ottawa: Kann av passad down Belleville due BANDITS HOLD UP TRAN AND TOOK $70,000 Lastof Series of Robberies on Louis- ville & Nashville Rail- road. Pemsacola, Fla., Sept. 23.-Seventy thousand dollars were stolen by mask- ed highwaymen from the westbiiand Louisville and- Nashbille train Wednes day might, according to information which leaked out at the railroad offices hare. The holdup took place between this city and Flowmton, Ala. The money was 'in expross packages, sent from Pthsacola banks to Flomaton fori the Payment of employees of the louis ville and Nashville in that district. Details of the robbery have been kept secret by the railroad company, But is is known that this is the last and largest of a series of robberies which have occurred oy trains in this seckion of the south, most of... €hich Rave not 'been reported to the authori- ties, private detectives having heen put on the trail of the Suspuoied mien, John Hammel, "Berfin, yeas in penitentiary given five for horse steal oaks rainfall in Montreal, 3.4 inches. The cabinet is to {ake up the naval question next week, ONTARIO, I City of Montreal went 1 MONDAY, PITH OF NEWS Despatches From Near And 'Distant Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS PRESENTED IN THE ERTEFRST POSSIBLE FORM. i The Whig's Daily Conionsatiss of the News of the World From Tele. graph Service and Newspaper Kx. changes. Premier 1 lament will be Ist. ; Protestan( Qergymen pragehad strongly sistance. Three hotel kcopers al Windsor plead- ed guilty. elhing ligaor giter hours amd were Hind ths 2nd tield battery, tured the artillery efhe Dr.. W, Mol ood. killed by being horse he The Parl of pointed chief\in Rev nuated Thomas, . rden announces that par: called hefore Decernber Belinst rule re- in for home to Ottawa, governor general's cup cap- for Sask., a restless Saskatoon, thrown irom trying out." Liverpool has heen ap- governor and communder-in New Zealand, Robert CC, Pars a superan- Methodigt m rat. St. i thig eighty hice at age. of idle at mines following a strike. v little prosp sand men ave Utah, 8 {0 bi n There app sttlemen | The hone crop of Quebec has turn- CoOL... Who dined wit 3 King an aver- yed © out to ho lesa shan hali to=be the age crop. 'Fhis also case in Unlaric . The orph:n children of a Lanark- shore miner have proved to be heirs to $300,000, leit th late Hunter, Brooklym, N.Y The Watson Trading company and tie Wubi iron vorkstare new industries in Northern Ontarie's commercial and manufgeiuring evolution. | For permitting itz baseball park ta become overcrowded during a serie with the New York Giants, the Chi cago club, of the National League, was fined $600, Rev. Dr. that. the soem s by © F. C. Stephenson geportesd Sgnday school and, Young People's Soci of the Methodist church had esniributed over ¢nz hun- dred thousand doliars. F. P. OCofinar says: 1 find that Carson s j created little excMement-in England and home rile now is regarded by the Englishman id the street as a seitied controversy. . It is rumored that Archbishop Bru chesi bas declared that he would not support the child's wellare movement if compisory - edueation weve elimi ated from the programme of the move ment. Taking his diplom at Montreal sixty-sic liam Rose Rombough; who died Fri day fight, at the age of ninety-one, at the residence _of his davghter, Mrs. David Hunter, 77 Grenville street, Tos rohto, was the oldest dominion land surveyor in Cana Ia. He wae bom in Napanee. On the whole, cforinance has as civil engineer years ago, Wil Re njamin' SE PTEMBER 23, 1912 CHARGE DISNISSED MAN WAS ACCUSED OF CRUELTY TO A HORSE. Magistrate Farrell Disposed of Long-Standing Case of Charles Dufuas--It Was Alleged That He Kicked nn Horse--Police Court Cases, The charge against a local Greek, Chinrles Duiuas, that of wuelty to a horse, was dismissed, by Magistmte Farrell, at the police court on Mon da morning. The case is a long standing one, having been adjoiirued on several oc casions. The charge was made lw rs. Watt, who sells vegetables the market. . Dufuas conducts a frujt stand at the cormer of Montrenk and Princess stoeets. Mrs. Watt and a little boy, who was driving with her, gave 'evidence for the prosecution, when the case was first heard. The sused, who was defended by T. C. Rigoey, claimed that be was in nocent and that he had only led the home away from a plot of grass near the sidewalk. He .stoutly = denied having abused the horse. @ W. C, Morgan, 'V.8. gave evidence Monday morning. He said that he had examined the horse shortly be fore the case was heanl in court and hid been unable to find any trace of mjury. magistrate imposed a fine gf $1 and wet of J | Jivtant J welled. "A Bandmasier | the case be after weigh to dismiss Mr, Rigney asked that dismissed and the court, ing the evidence, decided the charge. Robert Mirrliss was registered asa drunk and admitted his guilt. He put the blame 3n a few friends he or ten days. A first appear ance drunk was given a chanee The session of the court was in the council chamber. The court room, which has been in hands of the decorator for days, will soon be me ady for use. STIVAL police the some THE WARY EST FE Salvation Army---Service Sunday Evening. harvest festival service Salvation Army citadel, Sunday night, was a success, a goodly crowd attending™ The band conductel the service, The following programme was rendered : Opening song, "And Soon the Reaping Time Will Come'; selection "Harvest Praises," hy the band; four short speeches and songs, conducted by ' Department Bandmaster Granger; song, by The songsters. Ad- Allen then welcomed Mi and Mrs. Purden, who ' hove just moved heve from Stratford. Mrs. Sergt-Major Suell and Bavdsman Snell then fare They are moving to London. y Williams read the serip- tures." Hi¥ talk was most helpful. The minle choir ging "Lead On," Then seletion was given by the band Tonight, the sengstors, assisted Soih" brass bands, will conduct a mugical festival. At the close the an- nual harvest festival sale will be held. PIG LAKE STEAMER of the The special held in the by . "wos Keel of ;$S. "Fairmount" in From Kingston Scraped the Canal Bottom. Set" 23. ~The steamer Fairmount wirived" from Kingston 'with a large cargo of grain. He voyage had "been an extremely 'rough une, Coming through the. locks some difficulty was experienced in opening the gates. The Fairmount being the largest vessel. capable of coming through the canal, entirely filled the basin between No. 2 gates, and block: od tae gales as they were swinging back. After the vessel was backed a few feet, however, they opened easily. Coming through No. 2 basin the kee scraped bottom as the depth of the eanal is only fourteeh feet at ~ this point. No serious damage was done, Montreal, A BRITISH AIR FLEET Has Been Decided Upon by the War Office New: York, Sept. 23.-A Loundon ea- ble says : Great Britain is to have an air fleet as result of recent grynd manoeuvres in Fast Anglia, which wili put the new arm of service on a par with that of the othér great powers. The war office authorities are so im pressed with the megessity that n great fleet of fighting war Planes will he or ganized immediately. Tt will comprise two types of machines, one armed ith quick firing gune for aging and d stroyitig epemy's ori while the other will be designed for sdouting, "KID" MeCOY FILES SUIT For $200,000 From the Belgian Government, s Bruscefis, Belgium, Sept. 13.--"Kid" MeCoy, the well-known Yankee boxer. has filed a claim for twe = hundred thousand dollars damages against the Belging government, which accused him of complicity in the theit of Thurin's jewels at Outend. MeCov claims "lv veputation, was grievously besmirched. | SR5000,000 Tnetessss Toronlo, Sept. Z3.-The people Taromio awoke io find the increase ty of =. the! on held 4 al FILLS CANAL BASIN {they will clear away--nay, Whig Of His Government's Defeat a Year Ago. UNEXPECTED GREETING BY GATHERING OF LIBERALS AT NORTH BAY. Mayor G. A. McGaughey, a Queen's Graduate, Addressed Sir Wilfrid, Whe Responded, and Prophesied a Liberal Victory at Nett Flees 'tom, North =b-~Norvsh Hay and the surrounding district eolobrat ed the anniversary. of September 21st by tinleving a genuine "surprise pai ty" to Sie Wilited Laurier. The liberal ceirf hid completed his piesent | tour of Northern Untarvio, and was due to reach thisNown Saturday night on his return trip to Ottawa. : The gathering surrounded the car, cheer'ngz and acclaimimg their mottoes. Sir Waidrid smilingly relinquished ~~ hi ical, donned his overcoat, and per mitted them, amid enthusiusm, to al most carry him to a waiting automo bile, in which he was drivem: in tri ugphal procession through some of the principal streets of the town. Retum mg tg the station, Mayor Gi. A." Me Gaughley. a former resident of Deseron and a graduate of Queen's Univer sity, mounted the platiorm of the and gave expression ® the welcome of the people, "We "thought," said be, "that this day of all days was the one in which to testify ol our intensified newed allegiance to the countrymen, the man who a Vear placed principle before power, and who sacrificed office and prestige in the cause of an enlarged and 'more pro sperous Canada, a cause believa hy will live to see triumph." (Prolonged cheering Nir Wilkeid He spoke Bay, Sept o, car und re greatest of our ago we greeted with en fealingly, unex peet ed nas and was tithute sail he. and all thusiasm, touched by the "This is indeed a surprise,' "It is altogether "unexpeoted, the more appreciated since we were just passing through vour town em had no intention of speaking. 1 ean not tefifi vou how it warms my heart, Like you, I' have not forgotten that a Year ago lo might {he cause which 1 had the honor to lead went down to defeat. To-day they tell me our op ponchis hre celebrating their victory win vou heartily, aye, enthusiasti cally, in celebrating our defeat, for we have more proud of the defeat than they have to be proud of the victory. We went dewn in a nohl onus -- standing for whet we was best our (Cheers. | "Defeat has no terrors for the fighter who knows his cause is just and right," continued the liberal teader. amid renewed applause {"We take our defeat gamely, and we gird our loins and still phess onward, knowing that time is with ng. I am & believer in British in stitutions, in the government of people. T still have confidence, lots of it. (Cheers.) Let ug press on ward manfully together. and, when the mists of misunderstanding and ; prejudice have cleared: away, as as they {are clearing away--the people who defeated us last year will rally once more, and stronger than ever, to the cause that is their cause, the cause of the country. (Cheers.) "The people cannot be misled all the time." continued Sir Wilfrid "A year. ago, my friends of North Bay, you remember that our oppon- ents issued a promise: 'If the Laur fer government is defeated yom will have the Georgian Bay canal within a year." (Laughter and cries of 'Hear, hear.') The year has gone and it is my privilege to pass by this way. 1 say to myself, I will have the opportunity to see the work of construction going on upon the Georgian Bay canal. I ask my friends to take me to see it. They look at me surprised. I say. 'Take me to it. © It must be there, becauss it was promised within this time!' They smile at, me: Again I ask: 'What have they done?" "Not a thing." shouted from the crowd. "I'm afraid not," observed Bir Wilfrid. I'm afraid we will have to wait till the return of the Laurier government to power befora we éar hope to get much done. They do not seem to take even their own promises seriously." "And we whn't have to wait very tong," shouted 3 man in the gather. Ing. amid renewed cheering. "Till the next Slee] ection." smilingly responded the li chief. | and again the abplause, broke forth. A MEDICAL PROFESSOR SURED AT LONDON Deliberately Tumed on Bas in Mis Barty Yost 4 1 Health. London. Ont. Sept. 23. ~ Professor Dickie. who came here from Bel fen Treland. some time ago, and Ee been lecturing on anatomy at Western medical college, delib- erately- commited suicide tite gas reason to be belreved for common country a voles LAURIER OPTIMISTIC ON ANNIVERSARY NIGHT LAST EDITION, PREMIE i M BR ASQUITH Hon 1 HM. Asquith Fr. Borden's invitation of the dominion REFUSES TO SUPPORT HOME RULE PARLIAMENT May Plan a Provisional Government to Take Charge of Ulster. Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 23.--The Ulster Union council, with Sir Ede ward Carson as chairman, and such notables as the Marfuis of London derry and Lord Charles Beresford present, met to-day to formally ap- prove the text of the anti-home rule covenant, ready for general signing next Saturday. While the covenant flatly refuses to support an Irish parliament and resist te the utmost, if professes the greatest loyalty to Kipg -Guorge. Most of the 'members of the council urged Passive resistance ag long as pos sible. It is @ i may plan a i to take charge of Ulster the day home rule Yecomes effective, PEL WILE DROW NED said epted 1e guest 150 Two Stéawers Collided in Dvina River, France," Frame, Sept. 23. According information here a. handred persons were drowned, to- tl Northern Dvina river, ramers collided in mid: I th stpuggles ere ap When Paris, inte da n 1wo Ths when siream. palling A Special on Damsons, On Tuesday will sell this most popular plum at 00¢ per peck. or Te. Carnoveky, "On the cor we pee quit ner Peterboro, 13%e.; Woodstock. 13 9-168 138: Pie { hoese Madoc, Ottawa, ton, 13%c; 1380.; Wate Bellevi Que, LI TLE 160.3 3c; Comwall, Iroquois, 133 London, rtawn, N.Y 15§c to 15630, 13 7 : Hyacinthe; Te ; A Cowansville, Que ; 13 1-16e. Bony. 2000: 8 » 13 at. 2 fev Thee r, Ma. 1912. to EE daughte . Wilber NY PIED. Toronte, on Runday, Rept, Rtowart Campbell Hall Mra John Cockburn, 228 : Juad, Eg his Beth Kingston, Ont, avid J. Marskell, aged of his Princess pom 10 clry, Hept tHe aw wills y at Cemetery Kingston, Ont, Huth Meserve, aged 5 daughter of r. and Meseryve, 216 Frontense wi Her: fate residenc 5 on y, al- 4 p.m Friends and sox vespecifully irvited XY residepoe Ee 2.30 Rept N a vition, ROBERT J REID, The Leading Lndertsier. 'Phone 577. Princess The Od Firm of Underiakers, 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET, ' "Phone 147 tyr Ambulance, STOVES AND RANGES. The best lot wi Sve ever had. alse Dressers, Kaptt "ind eA full ine. Heasonable prices. At Turk's, 'Phooe 705, PURE WHOLE SPICES, PURE GROUND SPICES, rue WHITE WINE VINEGAR. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. PURE ENGLISH MALY VINE GAR, ©.