©. It you want a bar TOR POTR. ho BEAVER BOARD i The best substitute for lath, plaster and ~ wall paper. Ask us for particu- lars. \ Nm S. Anglin & Co. Wellington 8t, North i '4 | Street, Toronto ' DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publish { Thursday morning at $1 a ar. | Ontario, at $6 per year. Editlous at 3.30 and WEEKLY BRITISH*SWHIG, -1¢ pages, publishéd in parts on Monday and To United States charge for posiage had to' { be added, making price of Dally §3 and Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, swi- ish, and cheap work; nine Improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED AneNTA Slr yar THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1912, |THE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR 306-210 King Street, Kiagston, 4 pm ed at J. Gi. Elllett, President, Lema A. Guild, Sec.-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE~Suile 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church H. BE. Bmallplece, J.P. representative. DEAR MEAT | i § i The Norih German Gazette, which is "officially inspired, argues that the high prive of meat in COermany, which is provoking fierce radieal criticism, is mn i's lia satisfyctory phenomenon, inas- | purchasing power of the masses; that facilities exist for the import of cat - ---- a FROM OUR'OWN ESTATES In Ceylon to-you with all its that delicious flavor retained LIPTON'S 4 J Goes farthest for the money The kind you are looking for . is the kind we sell. Il scranTON coar is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. as Thorotlgh cleaning of ela borately trimmed dresses, opera mantles, silk' wraps men's dress sults and} other 'fine garments without any ripping apart or damage to the material R. PARKER & C0. Dyers and Cleaners, 80 Princess St, Kingston, Out, JE apts We ® Wig Stock of First , rs and Stoves which can he bought very cheap. Now Is your time to buy and get ready for cold weather. Also a fine line of -Furni- ture. Household Goods, etc. Antique, Furniture a speciaity. L. LESSFS' 507 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 1045. Woael's 100 Groat FEuglish femed {0.08 and invigorates wots ne, vous syste, makes now Hood in old Veins, Cures Nerp A: otal ond Proin Worry, Des wo. I eaioness, Kmiswions, Sper ane 7 cle of Abnse nr Eroesses, ix or 8 One wil, ploase. six 1 droggista ~= mailed fo oO Sot of prion, New pom L The Wood Modioine On indi' Vorato. TEA! TFA! the Ficest Tea Gardenr of ufeciored, and of the floes and Black 'at 300 per om ylon, voi, Green und, at fo ANDITEW MACLEAN'S, Pe Gntarte Street, T PAYNTER has taker A of the late : i fi FRESHRVIAG NRALERS, A Lot of Preserving alers for Bale: also New and Becond-hand Beds and Furniture. : Sait and see me Kain, Cm GARMA 242 Outs , wosite As A rasiaxle Street, j the from Sweden and elsewhere; that "the supply of stock at the Berlin Cen ltral market is satisfactory, while the supply of pork, the staple food of the Hower elasses, has actually increased; the peculiar dithieulties of the stock breed rs and the fodder purvey- ors, the butchers and must not ignored; 1 the farmers, | ke jrise of prices is an international phe- nomenon. lt contends thai the supply {of stoek has really kept pace with the | | | { | { Medical seine has chown an over {readiness to repudiate old notions al- | together a8 soon .as it adopts nbw fon #. "Many people remémber & days i : iwhen consumption i regarded by {Physicians as hereditary, as well as of the fact that (many laymen who had opportunity to was incurable, in spite observe cases of it were convinced that jit was They reuled and any humanitarian with a {remedy was contagious. were ridi- driven out of , business | When thé idea of its contagious char- facter dawned on the scientific intelli gene, the thought of heredity having anything to do with the wafter was scorned. To-day there is a little moe sanity - in the study. of the Eau, and the factors of heredity and contagion are both reckoned with, Another old idea that has been treat white EE a ey, much as it indicates an increase in the | number of and that the | FACTORS RECKONED WITH. IN GERMANY. Sa invrease of population, apd that of the would no! improve matters much. But any {relaxation proiective system this explanation fails: to meet public bem a large politi mass approval. There have meetings which have passed resolutions of pro- fest a-anst the ~ import certificate. [1h town council of Dresden,» Nurem | Ler, Magdeberg, and othr impe Wiesbaden, Bremen, ant centres have pass. td resolutions--in some cases to peti- tion the federal council or the govern: ment of the state to gdopt relief mea jr so auch as baying meat wholesale tand ratail'ny- it at cost price, putting pressure cn the butchers, and import- {me irozen burden' ment from abroad. The the is for a genersl | "odkning of the frontiers." of ery ed with ¢ d empt iv that of "miasma"' From aacion® dl: of the list 08803 times down to the mid- century infectious dis were resa'ded as due to a ruptioa of cor- the air, especially that re- sultiny from puirefaction, and deodor- the substances that were supposed to neu- ants, perfuthes and burninz of trali e th's poison werg used. Natur al y, when th: scientists discovered the i ern™ the miasma notion was scorned ss a rhe of the dark ages. Now, how even, Dr. Trillat, of the Pasteur Insti- the overleoked, that though' noxious gates tut: of Paris, makes" point quite may not cause infection, they may hy th ir presence in the air promote in fection by providing a favorable medi thd growth of bacteria. Dr. Trillat makes this asserticn as the re: um for sult of experiments in his laboratory. ------ The newspaper and periodical law of the United States, which 'will into" effect mands on American publishers go 1st, makes deo which on Oct. amounts almost to censorship. It requires that publishers shall file on the fist days of April and Octo ber of each year, both with the post mastor-general and with the - local postmaster, under penalty of denini of of the mails, .a statement of the namés and of the owner, publisher, editor, man' the use sworn addressee: aging editor and business manager oi their newspapers #nd periodicals. Re ligious, fratérnal, and sciontific publications are excepted For a corporation, the names of the holders of more than one per cent. o the stocks, bouds, or other seenvities tomperanee ' must be given, and, in the case o daily newspapers, a statement of the NEWSPAPER CENSORSHIP. avurage paid arculation for the pre eding six months, is required. Ho Furthétimore, all editorial or other roading matter appearing \n a 'neys 1,80 of magazine for the publication { which pay. is amepted or promised wst be marked "'advesiisement," un Le penelty of a fine of not less than 50 or more than $300. « This (s dras w legislation, and is pretiy "eertain » produce a great deal of dissatis wtion as well as lying and deceit' The extent of its application will +» * gleaned from the fact that Ist, 1912, there were 28,144 ewmpapers and periodieals enjoying mail privileges, There ere 2.514 dailies, 17,217 weeklies, 5, 77 monthlies, 1,351 quarcterlies 785 having f these, all except 1.500 exempted ubleations will be subject to th on uly wond-class and other periods of issue rovisions of the new law, » AN AGE O Was there aver a tim¢ when human society was so full of alarms at present ? And the funny thing aboul it is that probably the world never before so well off on the whole A little moro laughter might by a eure or alleviation of many of ou anxieties. In the awful days of the Black Death, or the Thirty Years' war, me did not takd much stock of them selves in finding out how many died and how many million 'dollars lost each day. But the present turm for tabulation and scientific stud: rubs in our lesser ills. 'Scimee is serious Muse, "Ave we going utterly to th dogs?" is the heading of an article in the last English Review ol = Re views, = Sickness, incapacity and ir sanity , are 'declared by the write therein reviewed to be advancing in Great Britain. and the only remedy is eugenivs. 'The house flv, which ha. been with us for ages, now seems likdly to destroy éd humanity. Reitish consols are gong down, wark- ingmen are gviting into parliament or as Wa wen F ALARMS.' weatenihe as syndicaligts todo wilh «av pariiament. Home rule will ruin =nland, upd" is ola to some of the unionist 'leader though "home rule al singularly enough aceept he church and christinoity are said + ha an the decline. The logitimal, ema gives way to. musical comedy 'to vaudeville "out of living increases. All wealth + coming into the hands of a he Caucasian race is playing out ad blacks or yellows come to Lemay. Britain, who once i %0 win against odds, now quakes woording to some politicians, befor aa German, her inferior weal bh 'oft naval equipment. Why not simply laugh away som {i theses cobwebs of fear? cays th London Advertiser. Charles Dawin wor to soothe himseli to sleep af irduons mental toil with a reading of "Tom Sawyer" or "Huckleberry 4 cipn." After a terrifying hour spent wver Canadian and United States pa! pore a book of Mark Twain or Stor or Clouston should be an excellent thing for the nerves. somes ad, musical fow su boast in binmmstinisi. --_-------- -- parm on -------- ' declared that it must have rained in tae cans, when charged in court with sonding adulterated milk to ithe fan tory, had kipt on the weather. Large quantities of woolen rags ar: shipped annually from this country 10 England, and the trade with the hoddy manufacturers is now firmly ewtablished. Last year the' rags sen! her eye dosely glued ary circumstances would * blush to tell a lie have been known the railway when it to for th They embarrassm truth Ame tickeis "ander twelve" sypved this dian rasivoads carr brought from full three dy diately become all the 1 tion over charging fare - for childma inches tall than Short, pu feet, - eight ofispring Through an uniortunat pen the Whig tip of th Mon credited 1 th treal Herald, a call to liberals declare against re Montreal Siar that sa the Whig gave th show how ciprociiy, whegea was the oul, - the Star's appeal to strained the and the liberal was to have Laarier an agitation which tle the last party quit fear will upset At than the libe®ul defeat likel- ted into the next campaign, alarm of the "independents" (7) other ied ment the election, things reciprocity issue The to be to the ' things"? are not inter jer Rev, way W. J. Mavers Yin to Canada now on rom the as the Bernardo, Honus, an envoy to mierest people" of this -country in this worthy institution. Perhaps no nu dium deseribes its objects and results and One morg, illuminatingly than Ups Downs, fits Canadian organ. zlanes "through its pages is all that 2 rn s nended to) note the eommendabli work that is being engaged in, and illustrated sturds the avundant testimony of comely, girls and Loyvs that themselves wd their adopted homes. - It that should evoke a hearty i n are proving "a credit to ww a re work and who seized with the Usignif of cance the admonition, 'Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the of these, ve did 1 unto Me." Mr. Balfour as Host. A deal of piquant. interest has been aroused in social circlef in Engldnd hy the announcement that Mr. Arthur Balfour and his sister are to give a dance soon. This will be the first oc- casion upon which Mfr. Balfour has given an enterfainment of this kind a§ his residence. ' Mr. Balfour is displaying a deal of energy these days, which is a welcome sign that he has regained his health. I }t- was a delicate compliment for the Benchers of Grays Inn to invite him tn unveil the statue to Francis Bacon, for Mr. Balfour is, of course, a Cecil on'his mother's side, and the famous Lord Burleigh, who held the post of Yord Treasurer to Queen Elizabeth, was himself a member. of Gray's Inn. A Curious Legend. There is a curfous legend 'in regard to Deadman's Place, Southwark, don. An ingenious old writer says that the mame originated as follows: "In Deadman's Place, at St. Mary. overus, a man seryant béing buried at seven of the clocke in the morning, and the grave standing open for more dead Commodities, at foure of the cloake. in the spme evening he was got vp alive againe by a strange miracle, which, to be true and certaine, hun. dreds of people can testifie that sawe him acle like a country: Ghoste in his white peackled sheete." However, a more exact" historian explained that the name was merely a corruption of Desmond's Place. f Combining Novelty With Realism, Mr. James Welch, who , de a nice little Bold,' big winner, who was full of confidence. Said the author: my new melodrama." * "Hard to find angthing new." thus setting the snowstorm afire." Thermometers. the thermometer of Fahrenheit, a Ger. man; in" Russia that of Leslie, an use that of Reaumur, a Frenchman. he WE T.U. wi 01 Uetober 2nd Dr. Hiekey's (ure is a sure Sronchitis. We. ub Destls Many a man ie rattled young widow acta ac id he o flirt with her i be held snd Bnd Was trying of, Nt 18 no wolder we got so mw hh, free. advice, Br sorER from Capsda to the United Kingdom | Fuaropx of { alleged indepondint press | "4 Borden govern | "other | hence the | his | ! most ponse from those who are-able to aid | Teast | em i [sure Closes Saturday | 10 p.m, ¥ BIBBYS, Ltd, For Hartt's Shoes Be Men's Overcoats Hl Overcoats $10.00 "Men's Fine Tailored Chesterficlds, neat patterns in Grey and Brown i Herringbone Tweeds, 34 to 49, also plain Black or grey Cheviot cloths, very dressy. - _Overcoats $12.50 English Cheviots, expert tailoring, colors Plain, Greys and Blacks, sizes i 34 to 44. Overcoats $15.00 Fine Black and Grey Cheviots, plain or Sitk faced, beautifully fashioned, sizes 314 to 44. ' English Wales cords in rich shades of Grey and Browns, lap seams; slightly waist fitting, real dandies, sizes 34 to 41, All this Fall's style, No oll coats to show von ' Mcn's and signed hy =. Men's the designs BIBBYS Limited Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats "Stits Suit Sale - $15.00 Fine English Tweeils, Fine Scotch Tweeds, Fine English Scrges, all new | colorings Jatest models, cut and de best People in the Clothing Dasine-s.- Sizes 31 to 48 Wo gnaranice dosdibayon perfoctly. To satisty you as tose larines and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. \ ile out of 'When Knights Were | is looking round for another | He -is conscious of the fact that it | is not easy to come acmpss something | pew that will capture the public, but | at any rate he once met an author | "I've thought of a novel effect for ¢ "This is new. The villain lights a | cigar in the midst of the snowstorm, | In England, it is stated, is used Englishman; in France that of Cel. | sinus, & Swede, and in Germany they | ~ ! The Lenvox county convention of | in Napanes |" soe for when--a| Judging hy the quality of the pro-| break it is nations disgrace. MMaad 13 year treaty" den, Bag i don't go wow. 10 a hack namber, A Deh! Survivor. One of the gutls al tie Tom hibition lade i oRiy survivor of Delhi, a pagans of before th sound stand every aller. reon and evening Nis pane 3 Duk Sauth, £ FL Clase agnee, vj during the Ind apn muting, wa atine care, de treaty RAWFORDS Coan. gd 0 the Sed Ostordsiize Tus Brigade. He is 7 yearsll but ¢ tab apyosr to have riached pearl age. My. Emits sirved i tr {Me By ia MG Vas ID sever : itd the asa. He nea medal ve redogeition of having found 3 og bo Arq------ te, -- near fi: the war, aud {4 bears 8 Dull bac esas ISALL GOOD AT. Va uh Sole Agents in fingson ) ENULE SAM MAS PANASBAITIN «Uignified citicen snd staleamad, "A people's word should be inviolate, in Roughnerk politician wae all right