en g ih RN RE ea atm aed « S THE DAILY BRITISH THE SPORT REVIEW WHIG. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, | take wp the -matter of holding i banquet for that ovcasion. Want to Play Victopias, ! "Ned" Hartrick. manager of the Vie: | has received Mary' asking the ar of a game before the close St. Mary's defeated C.L.C. during the spason in a game at Brophy's Point. 'hey are wanting | now. th try the meitie of the best base- | ball team the ' city. St. Mary's] have a fast bunch and will mak things interesting if a match can x arranged. . THE COOK BOCK OF LEFT-OVERS. By Helen Carroll Clarke. Former Instructor of (edkery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. A COLLECTION OF 30 RELIABLE RECIPES FOR THE PRAC- TICAL HOUSER ci. In the average small family where there are wo -gervants. or | perhaps one servant, setting atable with the very least ampleness : means that there will inevitably be some loft over food, aud the | housekeeper has to face the problem of how te make the most of | it, It is for such yomen that this valuable book has been en. The arrangement of the contents i fical all through chefs 1] | Palmer had to draft three spare men. Many of the finest dishes--dishes fon which French have made International reputation pothing more than "left | 1 1 Hall, Hughes and Fitzgerald filled the overs" attractively cooked. In every housckeeper's wa kitehen there are the same foods and the same possibilities | vacant places. Hunt was Athleties' 2 lenicher on Saturday, and he caught a PRICE ONLY $1.00 PER COPY. | Purteil, who was in the pg | bux, weil. Spencer, at first base, is one of the best players the \ | Athletics have, and played his pretti- (est on Saturday. Hl | Victorias &ere in good form. Walsh heeded the batting, getting three hits _lout of four times up. Nicholson got {thre out of five times up. Walsh {played a splendid game ard brought {in a ran for each of his three hits. He letols bases well also. Vies did their lbest in the fifth, when Pound, first up, 'voi to third on his third strike through errors. The pitcher was rat {tle and let Cowman walk, Summer fille singled to left-field and brought [Pound home and advanced Cotman tc third. Walsh fought. Cotman: ane i Summerville home on a double, and then stole third. Ray struck out -anc McCammon went out at first oh ¢ lseraten hit. Nicholscn brought Walsk home and was let to second on an Larror: he stole third and Dick ended th: lively innings\with a fly to short Victorias gn el champibn ship of the City Leagu the re main nz game of next wil not have to be played. T hn innings was : . Athletics LHD0002, A Victorias . 13034010 x1 BUTTON BOOTS FOR WOMEN : So] VICTORIAS DEFEATED THE ATHLETICS BY 12 RUNS TO 3. Al torias baseball team, letter from the mabager of St team, Toronto, for rangement of the season. And Are Now City League Cham- pions--Ponies Won From Te cumsehs--8t. George's * Win the Junior Sunday School Champion. ship, Tans $3.00 - $350 in | | | Wictorias won from Athletics in tha fing game of the City Base ague schedule on Saturday ai- {ternoon, the score being 12 to 3. It vas Victorias' game ail through, irom {ihe first innings, when they got their leading run. Athletics were badly hand capped for lack of players. Three their regulars, Gothier, Dutiy and | Ewart, were absent, and Manager Patents $400 - $4.50 { Notes About Players. William Potter, pitcher for the Paci G M abs ls 8 Nine baseball team, who has been dan | un eta 3 gerously ill of typhoid-pneumoma, ws | .2 . improving and is now said to be out! of dange: i "Jotty" Ewart, who plays antre| field jor Athletics, was disabled at} the Shipbuilding company an Satur day by an angle iron falling on his | foot He was unable to be in the game on Saturday afternoon. and > al ol Velour Calf The Leading Patterns for Fall and Winter. $5.00 'Light, Medium, Strong Soles igo:d game. aso did A rn R. UGLOW & 141 Princess Street ABERNETHY'S Notes on Sports, Ralph Britton, Gananoque, challen ! ged the New York canoe clib for the world's championship, it now holds, | tor ducked canoe sailing. It was | hoped the race could have been pulled | off this month but owing to Pestric- | tions governing the races it will not | a race be held BAAR BIAS pt w---- Lin. ------------ -------------------------- A #on of John Magee, ICE CREAM { "The Fines, was impressively solemn 1 \ {ized on September lith, at the resi { " de age of the bride's mother Havburn \ [ By the nt of Quart f | The--2remony -was periormed by their Fed ¥ SAKELL'S { pastor, Rev. K. Garratt, betore only | Next to Opera House : Phone 640 (the immediate velatives of the con- {tracting parties. The bride entered the ------------ -- {parlor on the arm of her brother, Mor- i -- be possible' jor to this year Messrs. Fredenbureh, C. 1. | Speagle, Conley and J. Forrester, Westport, are at Lavant to build a club house for the West. port Deer Hunting Clap. Toronto lost bothogames aster in the International which has ndw closed. We have lar nantities of is Pig LEAD. and - SHEET LEAD. cata METAL [ie in stock: TORONTO %. C A PRETTY WEDDING ' S. Was That at the Home of Bride at | Hayburn. v | The tparriage of Miss: Cora D., {daughter of the late John B. White and Mis. White, Hayburn, to Hobert | I. Magee, only <a 3 ~ Roch feague, to Xl i S N ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL SUNDAY MORNING, SCHOOL SHOES *wo Candidates Were Ordained hy grun's wedding march, played by Mrs os ece the Rishop--The Sermon Was 4. S. Garrett Fhe bride was attired in her goifg-away gown of navy serge >reached by the Dean of On . » E Prea ano nario. | (ih hat to match. After the cere In St. George's cathedral, on Sup- mony and congratulations, the com: fay morning, the Bishop of Ontar- pany sat<down to a sumptuous w « o .administered the rite of ordin- dng breakiast, at the close oi which, ation. Two young deacons, after a amid showers of rice and flowers, they erm of probation, were received in- lcit for a wedding tour to Toronto We never had such an assertmentof Boys' and Athletics. Girl's Shoes. We want to talk to you on this ad., particularly about our special Box Calf 0 0 Laced Boot. "It's a hoot we guarantee to give 8 i H. E. 0 . 1 ( R. Stanshury, 2b. Gratton PAPE'S! BREAKS A {ley White, to the, strains of Lohen A of the church The A pres satisfaction. Heavy soles and solid * heels, Our price $1.50. wo Better ones for more money. | REID & CHARLES Victorias, S 16 Bick, 3 iH. Dick, Pound LI Cotman, "e. Summerville, Se "ah. 5 [VAY ; ' 27 * ALE -+ STOUT --- LAGER? PURE -- PALATABLE .: Nurrrrious -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE anv SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION-Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they roquire for pérsonal or family use. Write to 2 JOHN LABATT, Loarep, Loxpon, CANAbA - NY, i YN A A Ye A OA AAAI AY AY YEA ER James McBarland Agent, 339-341 King St., East i Walsh, Ih. tRay, rt i MeCammon. p -10 a0 Umpire--George Sullivan. Ponies - won on Saturday in the | game against Tec®mschs by a score o 4 to 0, Ponies? had a hard figh and the game was very litely al i through. Norris pitched a gop game ior, Tecumsehs, who, *althougl unable to score, held Ponts down four runs. The teams were: Tecumsens--Corrigan, 2b.; Walsh; Lf | Ferguson, r.[; Nicholson, 1b; W Gratton, 3b; Kelly, ss; Clark, ¢ | Augrove, ef; Norris, p | / Porles--1, Stewart, Li; EF. Ryan Derry, p.: Potter, 1h.: MeXay ef: C. Stewart, 3b; McGillivray, uf Evans, «.: Tolland, 2b. Esford, umpire, St. George's Champions. (leorge's are. champions of th junior 5.5.A.A.A. This honor they won on Saturday afternoon by de feating the Sydenham street chur hy a score of 12 to 5 George s--Hall, «o; Clark, th.; Ray, 2b; Stinson, Mills, 3h.: Elmer, r.i.; Coburn, « Beardsall, Li. | Sydenham Stewart, c.. Greenlees, tps R. Reynolds, 1b; C. Reynolds, 2h t Germain, Abernethy, 3b.; Ram say, ri; Fleet, 1.1; Score by innings : St. George's--1 1 0 6 4 | Ponies Defeated Teenmsehs, FRR ~t boys Su Decke : i i { i i | 8 Pp ..: di S80 -12 v & 4 ABSOLUTELY AND + EMPHATICALLY } 3 To be had in the City. ur Shoes are the Best Sydenham--0 1 0 3 1-5. Umpire --George Holland. Semior City League Standing. The standin of the ¢ity- basebal league. 18 as follows : Won. Los! * Yietorias. "82 tt Athlotios ... 3 9 sunday School Basketball, At a mpeeing of the cxecueive of | tha S.8.A4.AA. held on Saturday ev : ening it was decided to run a basket | ball league fn connection with the association this fall. A committee was appointed to:look into the mat ter and roport at next meeting. It wad also decided to held the annual meeting on Oct. 3rd. The presentation of the = baseball trophies will take piace at a later date, A committee was appointed to i : | to the priesthood They were Revs. 8. E. Hafxington, 3.A., of Pittsburg, and C. M. Dumar, yf Millbridge and Bannockburn. Very Rev. Dean Bidwell, conduect- »d the service, and preached the sermon. Venerable Archdeanon Caray presented the candidates his lordship, at the "laying on of ands," placing the stoles over their shoulders. > two clerics were presented flibles by the bishop. Donald, of Brockville, chancellor »f the diocese, attended the ordin- ition. Canons Grout and Loucks also took part in the service. "Ye are the salt of the Ye are the light of the world" 1 Matt. 5:13.14. This was the text of an impressive = sermon areached by the dean, at the ordin- ation of the young meu; now on the hreshold of their ministry. . "Salt and light Let yo your two =ulding principles.' said, the preacher, "as you go out '0 your work accompaniad by the yrayers of the church and this con- rregation." The dean directed the attention sf his hearers to the faet that 'hrist spoke the words of the text to fishermen, quite ordinary people, first, becausk they were His Adis- iples, and, secondly, because they vere engaged in the spreading of the Gospel Christianity has changed the entire outlook of tift world. The earth. dean alluded Yo the great other hand. set-backs, which the for am' the then to lives of service Christ sald: "I the world," and His disciples, which ara sters of the- church to-day--"Ye are the light of the world." \ * The preacher contended that a oriest of the church, should not only be a sacrificing official. but axercise a blessed 'hroughout the whole sweeten and purify irive away corrupt sin. and do his utmost for the sal- vation of the world. Upon the threshold of responsibiity, the dean urged the bearing of the torch "of Jesus Christ. He pointed out that in following out God's wishes for their chosen umanity. light of community, lifa around: influences, and laity rightly expects--high ideals and standards. "You may have your deficisncies." he said, "but a city set on a hill cannot be hid." The preacher referred': to the claim of the chureh of avastolic succession. The rits of ordination to-day is precisely the same as in the early days of the church. "Re- ceive ye the Holy Ghost," Christ said. The dean felt that too much fear should not be felt about super- natural power. This form of grace in ordination can never fail, for God is within it, John Kelly, Picton, has bern | ap: pointed manager of Sir William Mw oek's farm in North York, to | As is the custpm the! with} | gv Judge Me- these pportunities, blessings, and, on the| young ministers would encounter ini the min-| influence, | Hamiltcn and points west. ents. were and costly. numerous HE WAS FEARLESS When He Was at the Royal Military | College. Church Lile, speaking of JGirouard, now visiting in says : "Those who remember him ip his days at the Royal Military Col , where he learned the engineering which afterwards served the Britis | government such) a good tun ir tigypt, recall, with laughter, the mis Ichief-loving French-Canadian boy and his pranke. Like most other famous tmen, no cone marked him for distine tion in the days of his schooling, but there are many who recall the fact that 'unaflected' fearlessness was a feharabteristic before yet his star of {fame had risen. ; "It 18 just such unafiected courage, {which is far removed from the taint tol bragg:docia which recommend to the vouth of Canada today. 'Gu Perc Canada a we i loumd' is no bad mode] to copy i Impure Blood. i Let the blood become froverished and the nerves--which draw Fth-ir nutriment from the blood--are lapt to repiy with: pain. Rheumatism neuralgia, locomotor ataxia, and oth cr painful aflections arise frim impure blood. Debility and muscular weak {ness has the same cause. The certain {remady is Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They are a great nerve strengthener {ang blood maker. In boxes, 25¢. Mon ey back if not satisfactory. Sold at i Me leod's Drug Store, 53 Broek street, lena door above King street, : impure or im : Have a Preserve. Thy Hay Bay Game Urotective As sociation has acquired from the On government a lease of the flat cand marsh lands $n Hay Bay lying east of a line drawn from the south west angle of lot No. | in the seconc Tcoacession of the township of * Sout) { Fredericksburgh, not eovered hy th | patents of the lots bordering thereo, {within the above deseribed area. Hunt {ers are warned of | tario i A Theatrical Engagement, | It is announced that { Whitman, » / son Mrs. w George May ot Mr. and Mrs Christmas time { Marks, daughter of Fhomas Marks, at The ceremony will take place in Perth, {the home of ithe Marks. Af present {both of the young people are with the Thomas Marks company, filling jronrts in Saskatchewan. License Transferred, | 'The license commissioners for the leounty of Frontenac, met, Gn Satur {day afternoon, abd transferred the I loense of William Potter, of Fermoy {to Daniel Robinson, of the same { place. Chairman Purdy presided and Ithe other commissioners, Messrs. Dil lon, Brewer's Mills, and Carscallen. Hartington, were present, also the wovnty inspector, John Moreland, Tendered p Gift. On Saturday, in Glasgow, D. M Cowan, one of the leading Scottish teachsrs visiting Kingston wn August fant, was presented with a purse of $1,000 and an autograph album wilh 12,000 signatures of t #, for valu. able services vendered the tenshing pro fiw io in Seotland. For tweniydive conts you can pro care and ave in tithe of ned the a preparation ever produced for. colds, hay fever. sore throat croup. seals, burns, ste. Best's Men- tholated Balp' does the work every time. Ounce used you will never be without it. PN a Died, at McDonald's Corners, last Surday nigat, Harriet MeVean. wile of Hugh Mclexn, at the age of forty-five years. t Lanark Old Bays' reunion will be % 1d, beginning" Jameary Nth, eadimng January 19th. The average girl can love almost any one except a sloplaiher. pag" Bell | the ministers not to-forget what the | Marks, will-be married ta Mis Arlvigh | tailoring department, consisting thy ] A COLD AT ONCE. First Dose of Pape's Cold Compound Ends Grippe Misery--Tastes Nice=No Quinine. surely ofid the most severe in head, chest, back, limbs, by taking a dose of Cold Compound two until three consecutive doses sie tak en It promptly relieves the most mis whble headache, dullness, head and stuffed up, feverishness, sneer ng, throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, manning the nose peck, stiffness and rheumatic tw Take this wordrddul Compound difected, without interfesoncs, your usual duties and with knowledge that there is nothing in the world which will 'cure mold or end Grippe misery as prompt iv and without any other asd tance or bad after-effects as a 20c. package of' Pape"s Cold Compound, which any druggist can sapply--aceent abstitute--contains no fongs in, avery komg Grippe and cold either stomach, or Papa's You can break up every DO8e SOV of ore ings as with the else your quinine Faster nies LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Teceived No Notification as to Time of Hearing. 21. (To with Fda into the the laid agaivst tary of th agriee Llural society, | that ston, Sept in connection which | and Ring r} the pre Kingston would a mis the nation ident township ike explain L anderstanding in commection with natter i laid the saturday, the 11th of September. and I understood that F-would be fied when the would I recived no wn one that the wind was not aware or trial on Thupday This was the reason nearance i very Wisedag as | would have SHEEHAN, { Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall importations for his i in | suiting and overcoating in great va riety satterns to choose from. Also { tan ¥ ock of ready-made clothing | aud gents' Jurnishangs. ] BCT to there was miormation ease come on notification fron papers that morning last of my pon-ap- much sur wit were servod it came on was thought notified authoritic me -- DENIS ' the We record of Harry | Franklin Johason, only son "of r | Mrs. Gilbert Palmer Johnson, recent ily of Cousecon, (nl., to Mise Nellie, youngest daughier of Mr. and Mrs Yorn Jones, of Austin, Man Miss Dorothy ascensions at Picton fair, UGH! NOT the marriage smd GIVE YOUR STOMACH. LIVER aX OUGH CLEANSING WITHOUT 6 HEADACHE, BILIOUSXESS, IN This wonderful fruit laxative acs as a liver and bowel cleanser tonic--not as an irritant. lta action is natural and gentie--no griping. It is delicious no dreading. 0 ix positive and prompt--no waiting. + If your stomach Is sour and fill- od with vile gases, your head aches, or you are billous, nervous, dizzy. half sick, your tongue coated, your thirty feet of bowels clogged with waste not properly earried off-- don't wait. ' Surely take a teaspoon tul of delicious Syrup of Firs 1» night. and in the morning all con- stipated waste. sour bile, gases and poisons will move on and out of the system. gently but thoroughly--no griping--no. nausea--no Weakness. fu the old days people et those hours' De Venda will make | jor 5 $1800 Matiress, material and Equal to any made of the purest best workmanship This make a good combination Kellaric Mattress and Banner Sprigg JAMES REID'S The Leading Undestaker. Phone J47 Electricity From Waste, current i obtained in a number of piants in Europe purning household waste, and the means of getting oid and at the ame time nearly nothing. A is 8 large station ereci kiort, Germany, and jt four furnaces for purp these being used to six boilers. In i given cnough steam connected as to produce about fhé plant ia now tons of household soon te be sO » use a much larger » probable that Sa of the kind will he built before Elecirie now quite by }is a Convenient of th ref curr nt is A use wl for Bein exa at contains ing the produce this way to™run Fran twent od waste, stegin from ther, stonm (two turbines burnny @ waste per enlarged quantity i second plant in the eit long Mins May Cars daughter tC hisholm; paased Blood poison On Septem Sarah vighiarn Smith, Will th pectedy { of ~w cause Earl KE. Vanals and Mes, Charles united in marriage lo tiernice Thompson, Brockville Hicks. editor of the Markham soded the funeral of his moth- Mrs. Lewis Wicks, ut Mil {tine, son fVanalstin Maricn iH Sun, at ers the iat : : if M CALOMEL, OIL OR SALTS, BUT DELICIOUS "SYRUP OF FIGS." 1 RIPE OR NAUSEA. DIGESTION AND CONS ENDS TIPATION. matters run until they nesded fu large dose of physic, then they togk something severe, like castor oN, salts or cathartics that meant a to the bowels. These are tho x of the gentle and natural --the days of Syrp of Pigs. ThHix way yo ape not drugging yoursell Syrup f Pigs being. composed entirely - of luscious figs. senna and aromatics can not cause injury gl : Avk your druggist for "Symp of Figs and Elixir of 'Senba." and' look {for the mame, Cafifornia Fig Syrup Company on the label. This is the genuine --oid reliable Any other 'so-called Pig 'Syidp is ab imitation often meant to deceive you. Refuse such with contempt : >