THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, JURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1912. ECONOMY IN THE HOME THE COOK BOOK OF LEFT-OVERS. By Helen Carroll Clarke. Former Instructor of Cookery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, . A COLLECTION OF "Rin. Hous RECIPES FOR THE PRAC. | JAL HOUSEKE.. ER. } In the average small family where there are no gervants or perhaps one servant, setting atable with the very least ampleness means that there will inevitably be some left over food, and the housekeeper has to face the problem of how to make the most of "ft. It is for such women that this valuable book has been written. The arrangement gf the contents is practical all through. Many of the finest dishes~-dishes on which French chefs have made international reputation---are nothing more than "left overs" attractively cooked. In every housekeeper's own kitchen there are the same foods and the same possibilities, PRICE ONLY $1.00 PER COPY. R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 Princess Street ° - TY COUNCIL SESSION A GREAT DEAL OF BUSINESS WAS TRANSACTED, Flea to Allow Popcorn Man to Stand With Push Cart at Corner--Re ports by Commitices Adopted. The "city fathers" were in session untid 11.1» o'clock on Monday night, and cleared the slate of a great ea: oi business. Mayor Hogg was in the chair, and all the members were pres' jent, with the exception of Ald. Ei liott. 1he reports of the committee: were passed with very little discussion, thg-session beng deiayed by the dis | cuss ichs on the proposition to reduc the number of giderinen, the term oi aldermen, and | the motion of Ald. lurkington aund| Ald. Stroud to have the 'assessment roll published. The fol- lowing communitations were received and referred to \eolnmiftees : To the hoard pf works : (;. W. Mylks, re tree removal on William street; Master Builders company, Te concrete walk; J. 0. Hutton, re Walk on Ellerbeck street. Tovevie utilities : W. H. Woodrow, re demand for wages; Great Lake lo- ternational Pure Water Association, re convention in C leveland, Ohio, October hd and 24th;| {New York Jewel Filtra sich company, rd filter plant; Bate: -- -- > - House of Hobberlin Limited Tailors to the Canadian Gentleman AN ORGANIZATION OF EXPERTS. There is no guess work about Hobberlin Tailoring. From the mo- ment the order "is veceived it ir handled by specialists until com- pleted. Men who are pald to watch every process from the first chalk mark to the final toueh of the pressing iron with never ceasing care. It ns the personal attention «of exerts all through and through h an organization of this kind there is little wonder that our fashions are the most atithorative, cur tailoring the most substantial and psugabis, Prices from $18.00 to $35.00, , + AGENT FOR KINGSTON: THOS. LAM MERCHANT 157 Princess St. TAILOR E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance o ---- Agent for -- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance Co'y. OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 386. KINGSTON, ONT. | Lowney's shows you how "Cocoa ought te taste. v a GI 7% Machine company, re feed water heat er; J. 0. Hutton, re sewer on Ellei- boek street; William Cullen, asking fo increase of salary. From Mrs. Carson, returning thank. to the mayor andfhldermen tor leties oi condolence, lowers and many act of kindness on the death of her hus band, the late Ald. John Carson. The council was notified from, Otta wa, of the visit the German doctor propose to make to Kingdon on O¢ tober 4th, On motion of Alds. Givens and Bailey, the matter was left with the finance committee. The local medica association will be conferred with i regard to the entertainment of the dis tinguished ®isitors. Aid. Shaw presented a petition Isdac Alien, for the construction of : concrete walk on Earl street, abov. Victoria street.--(iranted. Ald. Bailey presented a petition frou Byron Derbyshire and others, for wal on west Collingwood street, to be con tinued "to King street. The petition was referred to the board of works and, no doubt, will 'he granted, pro viding it is properly signed. Alds, Stroud and MeCarthy asked that some attention be paid to th crossings in Cataraqui ward. Mayor Hoag said that he would ad mit that Cataraqui ward had been th: most neglected in respect to the mat ter of crossings. He asited that th. jrepresentatives of the ward tell thei troubles to the board of works, an = [ho pushing the matter, if they de or sired to have anything accomplished, In regard to the deed for: the hand ing over of Cataraqui bridge to the government, referred to in the finance committee's report, it was stated, 0 tearrespondence, (hat the ofty solicito. iy ud suggested some amendments ir the deed, as drawn up by the solicito ifor ths government, W. Mundell. The wmendment was to . the 'Wiee ithat the government agree {o main tain the bridge, and continue to kee, iit free from tolls. The government re fused 10 be bound by such a clause The finance committee recommende that the deed be signed by the mayor twithout' the - inclusion of the amend ments as Jroposed by the city solic tor, and the recommendation was car ried, without discussion. Ald. Givens' Protest. Ald. Givens raised a protest in regard to the clause of the board of works report, which recommended no action, on the communication of George Ghitgras, asking for mission to stand his push-cart on the south-west corner of Montreal and Princess streets. Ald. Livens pointed out that Mr. Ghitfas paid a tax of $75, and he regarded this as a good business tax. In fact, there were many who did not pay this much. "In addit- ion to paying this sum Ghitras had stood for five or ten minutes, or _ the street with his cart, and 'had "Health and Beauty Advice BY MRS, MAE MARTYN. o# been summoned before the police magistrate, and had been fined. City 1 Solicitor Melntyre, who had to pro- |secute, t6 carry out the by-law. was 'of the opinion, that it was a hard- ow days a after ANampoIng. try cleans M. 8 | Sutionk ing » ae i ht Eh or & Wks ne in talon fc. and Wier ro Ae Re ane SURO of _kardene. take es ~halt pint 'of alcohol ( Whiskey), add onehalft cupful of ar and ehou hn © bot water to make Sun, ti tablesuottul Nye minutes rer fore eae purifies the ood, "iraies. thy ver Jciars the sR tends td ThEnicn ahd dup pe entire rinsing thoreughiy and scalp wonderfully hair Deautitul, fluffy and ax thick, This mi, PE without any danger of sireaking discoloration. Miss L.: If you only knew wha was in the cheap, greasy cold cream beiycu have been smearing on your face you would never use them again, as Never nag i A. really harmful. ing but a sreaseless cream . on't want halr on your face. A excellent complexion cream-jelly ht 38 ons teaspoonfuls mozoin and one-halr i se this regularly an 5 the skin or jhe ay Feliable cream for' removing wrink} iokiing ine Bhi and size of large, We Conedt ing Vitoria: Your wealp ¢ Rimuisy quinine falling : [oneal f with 'One-half will Rave oh with a teaspoonful of eanthrox dissolved In a cup of hot water, then with clear water You can use this shampoo as often as you like, as it. will benefit your hair It will relieve that itohing sensation and make your driee ee or you van prepare anf b togather and allowing »o Stand glycerine Joe comprexivn wonder- 5 4 ver of Nealth, That needs good, ruff huiktanle re and op any pint an EAE Fal EEE oi eae tonics ship, "while the magistrate was of the same opinion. I¥ had been suggested that a change be made in the by-law, to cover such a case. Ald. Fair remarked that he had no objection to. allowing this ome man to have such a privilege. but there was danger of there being similar requests from others. Jt was finally decided, upon motion of Ald. Givens and Ald. Rig- ney, to refer the matter back to the board of works, for further con- sideration. t s Board of Works. The board of works recommend- That the petition of H. Wunter and others for a concrete walk from Redan els Bo a oe cairn in Ta at Sranted. be , ex- fended up to el" garage on the of the local board the yiammynications of An- nie Knott, 3 2 _lohnson street, and TR Knight 123 asking to have tree Sold down, be referred to the chairman and city \ t t i per-: by Mr Mundell for the domini ion | government without the inclusion of the amendments as proposed by the city solicitor. ! On the communication of the Canadian Highway sociation re: annual convention, t "no action be taken. i On the communication of the Sis- ters of Charity House of . Provi-| dence, re exemption from taxes and! removal of street watering tax, that! no action be taken, re exemption | from general taxes and that the! sum of $4.13, street watering tax, | be remitted On the commuflication of I. P. Treneer, asking for remission of } dog taxes, amounting to $6, the request be granted. ' On the communication of A. E.| Ross, asking for remission of taxes | on Infants' home property, that the request be granted. On the communication of the I'nion of Canadian Municipalities, | re fee for year 1912, that no action] be taken. | th Utilities Committee. The ' utilites committee mended: That one aump-cart be pure hased | from the Massey Harris Co. at price of $42.50, their tender being the lowest. That one bicycle be purchased from Angrove Bros, at a price of $45. That one 2 in. separator. be pur- price of $30, their tender boing the lowest. That the purchase of 25.000 brick for the new boilers, be left to the chairman and manager, wigh power to act. That two tanks of gas ofl be pur- chased from the Craig Oil comnany and two tanks be purchased from the Paragon company, at a price of four and a half cents per Ameri can gallon, and that the chairman and manager be given power to pur- chase additional tanks covering re- quirements. That one chased from company at a price of $885, their | tender being the lowest. That the hYydaw covering the power to purchase be amended so that the chairman of the light, heat, power and water department be em- powered to make purchases up to $100, 'That' the manager be given full authority to fix the wages of ° the employees of the. light, heat, power and water department other than the permanent officials, and that the | 12-ton crane be pur- ell for the: light plant on 13th, 1911, be rescinded. That the making of a new con- tract covering the plant's require- ments for petroleum be left to the chairman and manager wth pp ver to act, and that thy be empow ered o take any steps necessary to this end. All the recommendations reports were adopted. in the IN MILITARY CIRCLES. L. M, Hughey Posted to No. Co. R.C.GA., Halifax. Lieut. 1. M. R.C.A heen posied 10 No. company, G.A., Halifax. Residents of Canada in receipt special Indian mutiny pensions notified that, according to a communi: Licut. Hughes, 1 of | LIEUT L. M. cation just received {rom the 4 goves ment of India, such a pension lapses if ths pensioner procteds to the United Kingdom or to a foreign country, Majors A. C. Caldwell, of Toronto; Ww. B. holy of Ottawa, and Houliston, of Quebec, RUE. have bern examined, and are qualified for promotion to ihe rank oi lieutenant. colonel. Capt. P. E. Prideanx, C.0.0, city, has LE granted leave of absence till the 30th inst. The headquarters of "F" company, 38th Regiment. 3rd. division, has heen irausferred from, Lansdowne - to Bil lings" Bridge. HUGHES 3 rovimn A Pittsburg Surprise. Jarvis Waller, of Pitjsburg, pleasantly -- surprised, Sunday noon, when his three nephews, Tho- mas Woollard, of Merrill, Mich. ; Al- fred, of Pasadena, Cal, and George, of Ureas Island, Wash., returned to] pay a visit to their old home, after ati absence. of about thirty years. The bogs say "Kingston and the surrotnd- ing countryside look very familiar af- ter their years of absence, -------- Miss Ruth Lance, Walertown, N.Y. aged. five, died, [following eating strychnine tablets she found in room. y was after 1 that © } recom- the William Hamilton | schadule of wages adopted by coun- | March y| the city. are | 2% Cie no sight turn; A .. of this | {and it is claimed BUTTON BOOTS FOR WOMEN BW Tans Patents Gun Metals Velour Calf The Leading Patterns for Fall and Winter. en . $3.00 - $3.50 $400 - $4.50 a nd $5. oe Light, Medium, Strong Soles | i | TT ------ ------ ABERNETHY'S WANTS HEATING SCHEME FOR CITY BUILDINGS And Repairs te Streets and Side- * Walks--His Worship Asked That the €ivic Committees Consider His Requests Carefully. That a scheme should be set forth {for the heating of the city buildings, | that attention should be givin at once towards the keeping up of the city repairs made to the sidewalks improvements to the market was, in brief, the request made {upon the city council, on Monday might, by Mayor Hoag, who wrote { letter to the council, pointing out th {duty of the members. As a result, hi' {letter was referred to the committee having the different matters in charge The mayor used "the big stick" in la friendly manner, and expressed the hope that the civie bodies woukl "get busy' on his recommendations. The letter from his worship was read | to council by the clerk. The mayor first referred to a heating svstem lor the' city buildings, stating {that he hoped that Ald. Givens, as | chairman of the property committee | would bring forward some scheme {heat the city buildings. As to the eit | streets, the mayor stated that, witl {few exceptions, those in Kings LON Wer wo better (han could be seen in an) nal villag ze. 'And who is tc [blame ?" he asked: He suggested tha | the system of keeping up the streets be placed on as good a basis .as the system mow in vogue for the looking after of the light, gas and water fo ! I here should be some system keeping up of the macadan | ronds, and the suggestion was mad { that the city be divided into four dis { tricts. Repairs should also be m ade t« {the sidewalks, As some of them wer {in a disgraceful condition. eThe walk on the market square were also ir need of repairs, while a portion of th sijuare needed to be filled in; so as to do away with the large pool -of wate which came aiter every heavy rain. The letter of the mayor was referre to the city property commitiee ane { the board of works. | Ald. Givens gave an explanation for the property . committee. He stated that a plan for the heatiog of the cit: buildings had been drawn up by hi comnittee, and that a request ba ben made to the finance committee t ! supply the funds for the same, but th finance committee, much to his price, had not passed 'upon it ih committee had setured ell the informa ticn possible, and had plans for th work prepared by Mr. Newlands, th architect. streets, land | square, QUEEN'S RUGBY CAPTAIN HURT By Falling Off Motor 'Cycle Nes Lake Ontario Park. John Erskine, captain of Queen' rugwy team, received painful injuries on Sunday afternoon, while moto eyeling. When just beyond Lake On tavio Park, Mr. Erskine attempted tc withthe result t he wag thrown off on the road sustaining' some cuts and bruises om {his legs. The injured student was driven into the eity to his lodging places. He was able to be around .on Monday afternoon, but was fortunat. {in not suslaining more serious injur- Lies. WALKED STREET ALL NIGHT. Kingston Has 2 Mysterions Woman in White. Who is 'the mysterious women © dressed in white, who walked th | streets. all owe night, last 'week ? {This is the question which 4 nambv of citimena were asking today. It a) pears that Tuesday night was t} night the woman was noticed on t street. Different people noticed he walking the streets on the north sid. of Princess street, at various hours that the woman walked all night. ; Some are of the opinion" that woman was walking in her Eczema Cured for 25¢. Wade's Ointment cures eczema An all similar skin diseases. At the sam: time there no more fer cuts, burns, eold sores, the Good Food Irritable Mind, | hands and other minor skin Tey it and yom Br never Te. Brock street, one door above sroet. On September 13th, there passed away in Mulbery, , at the hotie of her Mrs. Oscar C. Ivey, Mrs. John Stevenson Bar- kar in the 76th year of REQUESTS OF MAYOR; chased from McKelvey & Birch at a i DELICIOUS PURE ICE CREAM UN Y By the Pint or Quart / ; SAKELL'S ~~ Next to Opera House : 'Phone 40 For Cooking and Drinking, also fo r Cakelceipg and Making Fudge THE DELIGHT OF YOUR AFTERNOON GUEST -:It Always Please TEA Goes farthest for the money DYEING F . In cle wrap women dyeing skirt pr we know must or wing wi for the' h par ticular we particular, be, and we are and so please R. PARKER & CO. Dyers and Cleaners, AT THE, GRAND. -- A Nazimova in 1lole. fumou Mme. Comedy Fo-night Mme ian pera the Ra to the in her This Om Nazimos acliress, House to-night uceess, 'The Marnonsties."" 4 a light and enteyiaining of French life theatregoers first appeased theatre in that There is a ksson vives; and for vant 3 Gmes Gh fa test play dy when mn it ri Mme at the Inst in the husbands, to learn M Nazimov Ly winter play tro cen or "Billy Sidney Drew's famous "Billy," is to be the the Grand Opera. House Sept. 26th Having been we the one play most Mable in to present Albert Phillips and Shaw, whose popularity as and charming personality made ay overwhelnl og favorites for wi season at (the Grand theatras, 'oromto. . "Bally" is a splendidly tructed comedy and i= especially ppv riate offering. on Thursday. i i mesdy Liracton lected which R & is ent an - "The Light Eternal." Not sipes tha 'Ben-Hur"" has initial presentation of | a stags romance of LIPTON'S FOR A WOMAN. ' j 89 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, rand tht delighted New York A if they. at | on Thursday, As Letina artista he i hem | SLEEP | ON 8 to of the workmanshi any made best SPRING BEBS 2 good Mattress i and } This make Keilaris ombination Spring JAMES REID'S much Ftérosl a of the th < oy The of the pox letiap, thar LL] histor at of Banner early Chri | attgntion { the LB | fourth 1 LN tiring Tramin cenius Frida thie prand next { eninge and Flay deals [or Christ | sscution hb and the ultimate faith. "The 1 a les teach {ie anil day was malin with strugpie their Dio ins of { i per triwmph ig Fernald' an both kn the of Uhristianiiy rr 1 of ht a to and pra no time are Lhe ¢ ful drama lost septind elimmeon SUBGRY waht of Miss Catharine daughter of J | de niy on Friday | attack of apoplexy 40 years Ross W. Sproule,' Napanee, on Wednesday for Ottawa, he received an appointment ; the C.PR, Co. Kelly, Brockville, Kolly, died sud. night, following an Bhe was aged Taft wherg with H 2 THE 1873 i ng BANK] Lis an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals, Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to fumish pas- tieulass. "wh Cr Ld KING '| HE Rickardion, ION BRANGH. ann