PAGER SLX. " on || 1 i | Overheard in a Street-Car. | | Theres a lesson right there! Little blemishes of com- plexion, small sores, eruptions, | | spots, are not only un t to the person afflicted, but are the first thing noticed by other people. A little Zam-Buk applied at night to spots, eruptions, sores ) of any kind will do wonders. Zam-Buk is mot a greasy | | preparation which will go ran- cid on your dressing table It is made from healing, herbal extracts and essences. Always pure, fresh and ready for use. | | Doesn't lose its power. Keeps indefinitely. Healing, soothing and antiseptic all the. time Try it! : 80. box all druggists and stores. { | From Yard to Cellar We deliver at latest prices the very best grades of coal. This is a good time to putin | your supply for next winter. P. WALSH | 35.57 BARBRACR STREET, | i "WE BELL i Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antaracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SONARDS COAL CO| North End Ontariv Street. | 'Phone 155. Best Crawford * Peaches at su maar THD MAY ARRANGE will 18ays : | marning alliances jand one of i strongest in the dovericy {the | comin the tin the already | { Paul, | heen ALLIANCE 0 oF VERY GREAT STRENGTH. AN The Biggest Car Shortage Known -in the United short Term Financing is Now the Vogue. A \ wake : 2% Sept 2. wil local paper up some in the near futufe with th two of the greatest railroad that have ever been formed alliances will make railroad according "floating around in Calgary, "Canadians naws of these the Canadian Pacifi te {rumors now {road circles. hind the rumors in 5 story invasion of Canada by Americar roads, ad the story going around i that the Greqt Northern road, already mto Portage la Prairie ands Brandon and heading for Regina, contemplates through Manitobi and Ses heading up with the Gran Trunk Pacific and at the same time j coming froin the Montana boundary line into Alberta and meeting, with G.T.P., in this province, practical ly networking Western Canada - with branch roads and trunk lines "To offset this the Canadian, Paeilu and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St {Paul roads contemplating an alli lance, and although it will not he ag {amalgamation, they will work yogéth er and invade the Jim Lnited States, part of which i invaded by the €., M. & together making the stronges combination in the world.' | katchewan, are Faces Big Car 'Shortage. New York, Sept. 23.-The States is apparently face to face the greatest car shortage in its tory. A shortage of 179.538 cars October 25th, provided only that amount of traflic handled in 1909 furnished this year, is estimated in warning bulletin iksued by W. A. ( rett, chairman of the Assoeigtion Western Railways. Lhe largest tonnage handled Ty the {United with hi» hy the is sal « that has country & rail "Ve that knocking at the 'kitchen door? Why, it's Mrs. Edwards round #gain--she's always ready to lerld a hand with the cooking That _ nourishing home-made Irish soup of a real dish-of-all-work -- useful in a hundred ways. It's fine and tasty by itself." It's the secret of a savoury sauce. It's the making of a made dish. And, to bring out the goodness of your own soup and gravies and hashes and meat puddings there's nothing A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 F. 5 JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Roses Carnations; Sweet Peas, and all other seasonahble Flowers. A choice variety of Ferns. Palms, etc. Wedding Bouquets, Floral Sprays and Funeral Designs a Specialty, / _ "Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories 23% ° Residence, 1213. BEDROOM FURNITURE | $3.50, $4.50 and up. ' Some: special ones at $5.70 and ; 3 50, |= adding |EDWARDS "SOUPS Prime beef and the finest of Irish vege tables--that's what Mrs. Edwards puts ir it; nothing but what's pure and delicious As there is no strong added flavouring, it will blend perfectly with any other soup Remember to boil st for half am hour Sc. per packet. Edwards' Desiccaled Soups aré made in thre: varielies-~Brown, Tomato, White, The Brow: variely is a thick, wourishing so p prefared from, beef and fresh vegelables. The other twe ar purely vegelabie soups. Lots of dainty new didhes in our new Cook Book, Write for a copy post free. H, B W. G. PATRICK & CO., Toronto, Representative Boil the Province of 8. Ever | 8h States | the | rail-{ ot! Hill territor? THE : soos is declared to be in sight ready, a western grain erop hreaking | al; previous recorus and a sudden | coum in all branches 4f business com- | bining to put au unprecedented strain | transportation facilities. 1 his upon increase the td largess ortage. Appeals to shippers to most use of every availa being sent Gut broadcast by the rail. roads. Une railroad has issued a | warn ng within a fortnight to many | of its customers thé they would bet- | w estimate of PF ake the ut- | e Car: are | ter do what shipping they can in' the as the prospects are road will not be able to furn- the end of October. ext sixty that the ish cars by - days, Broker Fails in London. { Loadon, Sept. 23. --~Annountemsnt {was made on the Stock Exchange to- the suspension of John Goff who has been 4 member of the Exchange since 1873. The broker has been doing a fairly large busi ness. day, oi Spencer, Short Term Financing. Montreal, Sept. 22. An increased tendiney towards short term financing has marked the municipal market dur- ing the past month, says the Domin- {won Bond company. In iget, this ten- {dency and an indication of what will undoubtedly prove to become a general concession to the demand fora high- er yield on this class of security are the outstanding features of the month. Short-time financing seems to be the only present remedy for relieving the congestion of the municipal piarket, which is slight at home, but which continues somewhat serious, abroad This method of raising money for pres- ent needs if continued for a fair period will give the market. a chance to strike its proper level. Commercial Notes, The period of grace for paying in terest on East Canada bond coupons extends until Dec. lst, the bondholders may, take action. The Cobalt Aladdin company, ited. has taken a lease of the Silver Queen mine, at Cobalt, has been closed down since 1909, wre actively engaged getting it ready for mining operations, Laurentide attracted much atten tion on 'the local market Friday morning. the price moving up around 216 to 220 in a very short time. The street 18 convinced that the recent strength is due to knowledge in cor tain quarters that there will be rights for Laurentide sharsholders be" fore long. Tmade of all kinds is booming over Quebec. The warehouses working overtime to keep up fumerous requests for fall Boet and shoe manufacturers are si tisfied with orders, notwithstanding adeauce in price of leather. A light faflure list is reported, amly five in- solvengics being listed with liabilities of $21,000, There is considerable agitation ow ing to the decline of Mackay stocks The selling is regarded as only tem. porary and it is feared the earnings of the company will he impaired I the recent reductions in telegraph and cable rates, The Russell Motor Locomotive Co has recently completed the installa tion of additional machinery at a cost of £100,000. The new Canadian plant of th National Car company has orders from the Canadian Northern dnd Ca nadian Pacific that will keep it busy to the end of "1913. 3 The Cockshutt Plow company, Brantford, "show net profits of $848; 274.12 for the year ending June 30th 11912, = The earnings of the International Nickle company, New York, for the first five months of the current fiscal vean, are slightly better than last year, and warrant the prospect of a high record for 1912-13. It has in mind the listing of ifs stock on the stock exchange, but the matter is be ing approached slowiy. Samuel Hale, of Wisconsin Street company, has been appointed. general manager of the Lake Superior - €or poration, at the Soo, to take effect Oct. 1st. on which date if they see iit, lim old whiel and all are with order of A VISIT TO IOWA By Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Smith of Odessa. Mount Vernon, lowa, Sept. 21.-«(To the Editor) : After a short visit with my daughter, Mrs. Norton, and grand- sons, we took the UC. & N.R.R. for lowa, arriving safely in Eldora on September 17th, and were met at the depot by our daughter, Mrs. D. B. Aviesworth. We found the family well, having a fine home, surrounded with many beautiful trees. There has heen a great change in this city since our last visit. Paved sgreets, several new blocks, fine new residences | " " Johany, Get Your Gun ! and hunt up that plumber 'who did this poor job and charged 80 outrageously! Johnny will not hunt for or | "shoot at us, because he knows | that what we do--we do well. | | | | | and new electric lights lately installed by the Park Dam company, make a great improvement. The same evening our daughter took Mrs. Hmith to the Women's (lub, which met at Judge i Albrook's. On Thursday Dr. C, O. bee, of New. Providence, came and dure us a fast auto ride to his beau. (tiiul home to visit his family. He is a brother of J. E. Mabee, of Odessa, and schoool-mate of Mrs. Aylesworth. We tdok the train for I Mount Vernon, to visit the other | members of the Aylesworth family, We were much impressed by this beautiful city, 'with its many hills and trees, and enjoyed looking over the grounds and buildings of the Methodist BO t Cornell College, which is, located there, We left there for Chicago. Sat- aday wfitrncon. Ne wil spend a few days in Chicago, t go on, stopping to visit other friends on the way and he home about « September 30th. Yours truly, JOSEPH R. SMITH. Blames Kiss for Killing. Hartford. Coun. Sent. 23.--An tempt Howard P. Halsey, a weal thy business man of Windsor. to kiss Miss Apna Carelli, who was killed when his automobile turned turtle on Angunt {ih was for her according to the girl's sister, Soe ie. hen, i er wha testified at a te: al- Sutetary of State DAILY BRITISH WHiG, at | oo Tt UESDAY . SEPTEMBER 2 1912, + FACTORY WILL BE IDLE THE SPORT REVIEW MAY wri REMAIN HAMILTON, FOR TWO MONTHS OWING SERIOUS FIRE. " LECKIE, | nd i -------- Dredging to Continue at Gananoque So the Alert Officials Say----Football ~The Corner Stone of the Ganan. | Sul Under Ban at Columbia-- oque Post Office wa as Not Laud on! Noles Baseball and Other the "Glorious : 21st." | Gananoque, Sept, 28 About 5.45 Football will remain under the ban o'cloek "Saturday morning, the em: at Columbia University until the sport ployees' of the Gananoque Water is so modified as to reduce the possi Power company., while opening the bility of injuries to players gates at the dam, noticed smoke. Jack" Newton is coaching Toronto rising from the upper windows of Argonayts, bu, it is said that the beel the works of the St. Lawrence Steel trust is not thowing that speed which and Wire company. Chief Smith will be required in the Pig Four this and his brigade were promptly on year. Last scason Argos were the the job. The fire was in the main :lowest scoring fourteen in the Inter building and started back near the provincial, and got away with it plier room, presumably catching The Vale rughy squad has been aug from there. Three streams were mented hy the addition of a plaver quickly turned on and inch by inch who tips the beam .at 320 pounds. Evi the fire was forced "back until the dently speed doesn't count there appliances of 'the Ontario Wheel "Jack' Cruickshenks, the ex-Varsity company were brougnt into play, wing man, at MeGill and will turn and this soon turned the tide. The out with the red and white squad. building is of stone and owned by Fhe Montrealers are trying to get Justice B. M. Britton, of Toronto, "Buzz" Baillic out to play quarter for and is well insured. The loss has them." been variously estimated at from. Hamilton Spectator : eight to ten thousand dollars but ficials of dhe will probably, overrun _the latter probability amount. The walls are all right, in the city, despite the rumors to the floor and roof are badly burned. contrary. lLeckie's parents are an The machinery is considerably dam. ious that he should go back to school aged and the belting entirely. but Leckie is not anxious to go hack This will mean at least a month or until the football season isqover. six weeks enforced idleness of the SH sua employees while repairs are being In Baseball Circles. made. The work of repairing will Hine Zimmerman leads the Nation: be started as soon as the insurance. ql league batters, with 377 and Ty appraisers have settled the amount Cobb tops the Ame rican League with of damages. 116 y The government George bv the Randolph, MeDonald basemen, which has been dredging the St. Florida, Lawrence and Gananoque rivers in .outh this section for the past six weeks, - Pitch * "Ted" Cather, whom To received orders to leave on Satur- ronto wanted to send to Ottawa eg dav, but as the work could not be Iy this season, sand then farmed to the left In the shape it then was, the. Tri-State, drafted py Loui: little factory town got busy and Nationals. ol soon had a statement of existing Minneapolis has won the American conditions with the department at Association pennant for the third sde Otawa. The work, which WAS cessive season stopped during the morning, was re- The New York National League fran sumed about the middle of the af- chise, for instance, could not be pur ternnon., and will doubtless be fin- chased for £3.000,000, It is estimate ished before the dredge is removed. (hat the (flaunts in a good year madi Tha dredge force are up to within $250 00. a few hundred feet of the lower dam, The Mesdames George W. Scott, W. WW. Stafford and W. E. Meges have bsen appainted to represent Grace Sunday Schoo! at the annual convention of the Leeds County Sunday School Association in La downe Oct. 4th, E. Bishon. Stone street, was sum- moned to Newbore on Saturday by the illness of his mother, eighty- four years of age. : N. Webster, Charles street. had extensive repairs made on sports. One of the of Alerts stated that in: all Leckie wouldkstill remair dredge, operatad Ca., Needham, the plays with the winter Ginelph second Jacksonville, down in league, was St. Ambrose McUgnnell, formerly of the Boston Red Sox, now with Toronto is the leading second basenfan of th International. In thi luternational League, is about the bist propesition, Leal's franchise is" probably #150000 if it could be; purchased all. Toronto and the worth at! General Sport. of Canadian bowlers will | the old country next summer. has Dr. W. (i. Grace, cricket's grand old to bis man, is still in the game, although dwelling house recently among now in his sixty-fourth vear. For others a handsome new verandah many years he was England's cham- has been added, materially improv. pion tatsman. His record score was "The Misacn B. G. Alkens, Place, x 100, not out. His highest annual ag- €, sa ens, I Ake. gresgte of runs was 2,739 in 1871. AY Avon Sand E. Glover. and, Mrs. The British Olympic council' in a pre H. R. Aikens, spending the na" jininary report attributed the failure month in camp on Tremont Park ,f (he English representatives at at Mrs. Taylor's cottage, broke Siockholm, in a great measure to the camp on Saturday and returned to gpa(hy of the British people. town. "Milly" Allen, the Ottawa boxer The layine of the corner stone of gongunces his retirement from the the new iananoque post office in, after losing the featherweight ti- building, which according to re- "Joe" Bayley. of Victoria. norts. was to have taken place on 4 pr Saturday last, did not materialize. F. X. Beaubien who for the past few years has been on a farm a few miles west of the town, is giving it up and will shortly move back fo town and occupy his residence on Manle street. Mrs. William Meoggs has been ap- rointed to represent the W.M.S, of Grace ¢hurch at the convention in Kingston, Oct. 3rd. Basil Fuller- ton of the staff of the local branch! of the Bank of Toronto, will sever his conection with that in- stitution the end of this month to accept a situation with the . Me- Laughlin Auto company, of Oshawa. He will be succeeded here by Ewart | Britton of the Montreal branch, son | of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Britton, W. V. Battams, for a number of years manager of the Citizens' band has resigned his position. The re- | A visit team to fs' more Catarrn in this sec tion of the country than all othar dis eages put together, and until 'he last few fears was supposed to be jmcur able. For a great many years d¢ ior: pronounced it a local disease and pre seribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing. to gure with wes) treatment, pronounced it incurable Science. has proven catarrh to be 2» constitutional disease and therefore quires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is he' only constitational cure on the marke* 1 is taken internally In doses from 1 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct lv on the bleod ahd mucous surfaces of the svstem hey offer one 1} dred dollars for any case it rails 1 cure, Send for circulars and testi Imonials, Address F..J. ¢ 'HENEY & CO. Toledn, Sold by Drugsists, 6c. Take Hall's Family Pills for comsti. ration | There Ohio IN} {but only because it paved the way for Hale and Hearty at 79 t The strength, vigor and health ene Joyed by Mr. R. H. Chase, who Is almost TH years of age, are most remarkable; and he says it is all due to the use of Dulfy's Puke Malt Whiskey. g "1 have Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for over 13 years and &iv though nearly 79 can out-walk 'most of the young men of to-day. My strength, activity and ability to ef joy life are all due to your valuable medicine. 1 am now negotiating starting a fruit farm in Washiug- ton or Michigan, as I feel Hke a young man with all the world before me. 1 will always keep Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey with me, and 1 recon mend it to all old people «who wish to keep young and vigorous R. H. Chase, 7218 S. Morgan St. Chicage, HL used MR. R. H. CHASE, 79 years of age Juffy's Pure Malt Whiskey than half a century of .all throat, lung ran-down conditions. he great renewer of youth has been used for more with great success in the treatment and prevention and stomach troubles and for all weakened and The merit and honesty of an article that has been used and approved of by the puble for such a length of time cannot be questioned Ite ame has spread the world over, and it stands to-day the most celebrat- »d and most successful medicine 'and body builder known IE SURE YOU GET DUFFY'S and that the seal over the cork is ius act. Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists,"dealers and bot # 3L25 a large bottle. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us, ve will tell you where it can be bought Our doctors will send you ice free. together with a vgduable fllustrated medica! booklet % -- . | The Duffy Malt Whiskey Cd., Rochester, N.Y NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE-- A SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT And a Delightful Scalp Dressing The discovery larm of fire makes possible the heroic work of the putting it out most instantly Herpicide is the one standard' gnd original danadruff germ destroyer. Any other preparation making this claim is abr imitation Recommended class barbers. Mend lOc. in postage or silver for sample and booklet to The. Herpieido Dépt. R., Detroit, Mich Newhro's Herpicide in He. and $1 sizew is sold Ly all dealers wha gust: antee it to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money wil be refunded. James 11. Mcleod dpecial agents and turning in an firemen in fire spreads with des Undiscovered, a amazing rapidity, every: thing within reach. The discovery of the dandrufi germ was of inestimable value to mankind, troying and applied by first. Con, the greater service, Newhro's Herpicide Dandruff the discovery of contagious, and its spread is checked by the use of Her pic de. This delightful scalp dressing kills the germ, and prevents 'the hair from falling. It stops that itching al is IL. T. Best, and = Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match T is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Eddy's matches because. If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." DDY'S matches are always full MM. count good dealers everywhere kiep them The E. B. EDDY . COMPANY, Limited Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Hull, Canada. Toilet Paper; Tissue Towels, ete. signation will go into effect the end of the month. R. E. Cook. Ottawa, son of Mr. | 8. G. Cook, night clerk at the local | post office, has been appointed | assistant superintendent of printing | in the government printing bureau | at Ottawa. | Bernard Shiels, proprietor of the! Brophy House, has returned from a | two weeks' visit in Montreal and | Ottawa. Mrs. Armstrong and | daughter-in-law, Mrs. Morrigons Armstrong. of - Mallorvtown, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Meggs. DIES BY WIFE'S FALSE TEETH . The Order lost-- Because his "handling charges" made his price too high, Widower Asked That Memento be Raried With Him. St. Louis, Sept. 23. Carefully ar ranging for his death Yor days vance, Frederick Koenig. sixty-five years old, swallowed carbolic _aeid. this morning, and died at the city hospital. Pev'de his umrconscious form were the false tooth which had belonged to his wife, who died last Jum, A note asked that these forth and the ashos 'of hie wif+ he buried with him in the now Rt. Warens cemetery: alan her vieture, his eyralasres and his eitiron- «hi «. We t a nnte saying Nhe waar anendnrable withont' hie wife, A letter to Koenig's danehtevinlow remtain-d the pricéa gioted to him for he various services connected with a futioral of moderate cost. Fe left a cheng Jor £54 made out to an under taking fem. THINKS WILSON WILL WIN. In Letter Acknowledges Probable Victory {Democrats London, Sept.\23.-- Theodore Roose: velt has fot much i any, hope of winning the presidintial fight, judging by the tone of leiters received by per mflal friends here. He wrote to ome correspondent, re LE LL rT Ln + LL Ir ITI -- A Aer the heavy cost of prices. every day. IIIT i ---- CEA . calling Ki t's remark to the effect Ficonwe | that -- ax praying for Chan hamp Clark received the Pad | TRADERS. "hoi Wp hay Keeping Prices Below Competitors HOUSANDS of orders are placed on the *'price basis'* every day. lines, quality is important, but the price counts equally as much. - Success lies in keep- ing prices down, while keeping quality - Economics pay the profit. shifting hauling about the shop che? eats into the profits, or boosts selling In handling all kinds of goods, an Otis Fensom Freight Elevator will save you dollars It cuts out unnecessary labor enabley yours arsange yous Wuls and stock so A Freight Elevator is the Cheat Cost Saver in Handling Coods. AAA LATTE AAA AT as to work most efficiently -- without Jost motions. You caf store stock conveniently You Save money every way. If you have more floors than coe, it puts them all on the same level -- makes the top floor as accessible as the ground floor for all kinds of purposes B An Otis Fensom Freght TOR levator cost" you very line. It A 8. saves a great deal. Probably you can have an equipment for, much less than you think. Send for 'Freight Elevators and Their Uses."" It tells the story Use the coupon I machinery hhh ddd ddd bbl ARIE TT It. NOW OTIS FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY. LIMITED SANE BUILDING ra Fade 5%