ans cosni A PROGRESSIVE BANK The Bank of Toronto is prepared to help men of character 7 and enterprise In the detélopment of sound and legitimate . busi- ness. This service is in the direction of discounting bills, giving a reasonable amount of credit, and supplying all other banking re- quirements. Business men interested in service of the above Invited to confer with the Manager of" _ THE BANK OF TORONTO 112 Branches in Ontarfo Quebec, and the V CAPITAL AND. REST ASSETS. | <« nature are" West. £1 1,000,000 $37,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1855. ./ KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McEAY, HOWARD SF OLGER INVESTMENT BROKER, : HIGH-GRADE BONDS AND STOOKS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. ' MONEY TO LOAN. Attractive Properties for sale, ranging from (the modest rot- tage towpalatial homes in the best localities -én-- the. city and at right prices. OFFICE: No. 44 CDARENCE STREET. | "Phone No. 993, REMOVAL On October NOTICE. Ist Sparks & Sparks, Dentists, will move to their new offices, 159 Welling- ton Street, corner Brock. over Carnovsky's. Kingston. Sept. We carry a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. D. COUPER'S Phone" 76. 341-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. EE EEE Sw An ELECTRIC IRON Saves you from drudgery on Ironing Day. No more headaches caused by working in overheated rooms, where it is necessary to © & coal or gas stove going to heat ordinary irons. Iron wherever you have a lamp socket. Nothing hot but the LET ME PLACE ONE IN YOUR HOME ON TRIAL Without obligating you in any way. 'Phone or call. | 2 19th, 191 FOR THE Smartest axp LATEST IN HATS " GEDYE " The Up-to-date Millinery Store, 178 WELLINGTON STREET. Private Fitting Rooms. 'Phone 225. THE DAIL The Assessment Roll of the Lity MOTION VOTED DOWN BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON MON- DAY EVENING. The Aldermen Did Not Think the | Roll Could be Remedied by its! Publication -- Alds. Turkington | and Stroud Alone Voted Yea. A motion of Alds. Twiington and {Stroud, to have the assessment voll published, for the bencfit of lax- payers, was defeated by the city coun- cil, on Monday night, the mover and | _seconder of the motion alone voting 3 and a motion of Adds. Ross) and Rigney, to have the matter re ferred to the finance committer, for consideration, the committee 10 ro- port to council at the earimst posa- ble date, was passed. Practically the entire favorable to having rad] remedied but tne members that the remedy would not be wet in passing - the motion of Alds. Yur xington and Stroud, in favor of having the to the finance committee. The question brought forth a good deal of discussion, which at fimes wag quite lively. The motion of Alds. Turkington and Stroud was to have the asiess ment roll for 1913, given one insertion in each of the city newspapers. Ald. Turkington stated that he had tooked into the matter and ~ tound that the roll could be published at the rate of 2ic. per line. He felt that the expenditure would be war ranted. The workingmen had asked for it and he thought their wishes should be met. Ald. Harrison felt that the of the people should be met but he did not feel that the publication in the newspapers would bring about the desired results. Ile pointed out that én 18585 the rol had been pub- | lishod and that no good had been dg rived from it. He felt that ten pet cent. of an increase could be raised from a mwvision of the assessment roll council matter go' wishes as fifteen per cent. Continuing, Ald. Harrison statid that next year a commission of three afsessors might be appointed, two additiobal assessors tb act wit the present assessor. This . commission would satisfy the people, he thought, and as a result of their finding there would be few appeals, : Ald. Ross stated that the question of the assessment roll was being dis- cussed in almost every city. He would aot favor publishing the roll in any abbreviatea form so that it would not shdw th. tax on land and improvements. , Some action should be taken to satisfy the people that a fair assessment was being made. Some plan. should be set cn foot for this purpose, and for this reason he advocated referring the matter to the finance committee, believing that J. N. SCOTT. The Up-to-Date Electrician. 116 BROCK STREET. "Phone 1215, ; : AFTER THEATRE SUPPER Tuesday Evening ONE DOLLAR PER PLATE Please seciire your tables as early as possible. Hotel Frontenac FUEL Provides the most convenient form of heat. Is the essence of coal with none of its discomforts and drawbacks: Requires a minimum labor, time and floor space: Gives a steady, dependable, intense heat that can be regu- lated to a nicety: Involves no waste of time or fuel in getting ready for use. Involves no waste of fuel when heat is not wanted: 'HEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS. Call in at the Office of the Works, Queen Street, or 'phone 197, and we will be pleased to give you all necessary infor- mation . . of C. C. FOLGER, REAL ESTATE SNAPS. RI Houses from $230 to $12,000. Double Stone House on Earl Street. $3,000, not far from Post Office. x Solid Brick House on Earl Street, all modern Improve' ments; a most desirable resid«' _encé. $4,150. Horses and Cattle Insured against death by accident or oF SEPTEMBER. "OUR WINDOW DISPLAY | in Most INTERESTIN a TO \ DIAMOND GAS FOR ight Hat, Power, Water, Dept. GENERAL MANAGER. | : | tales Ald. Turkington's motion would not fit the bill. Ald. Rigney wasool the same ofin- ion as Ald. Ross. The plan of Ald, Turkington would not bring the desired results. The whole question of the revision the assessment roll | should be given the finance | committee for a report. He pointed jout that city officials might enter | appeals which would bring results, I"Ald. Shaw said that while at first he had favored the publishing of the {roll, he did not feel that the expen- | diture as proposed would be warrant "ed. e favored the idea of havihg | three nasessors do the work { Ald. Kent favored the plan of Ald. {Ress and Ald. Rigney. Ihe assess iment roll could be seen at the = city 'of over to hall at any rate and complaints made | if it were desired I Ald. Stroud wanted the list lished After it was printed action could be taken i | Ald. Ress said that if the published this year it would have be corrected next year; asd-it-wonld not be a good policy. Mayor Hoag questioned the lishing of the list. He wanted council to find the remedy for ny evil, if there was an evil Tarkington said he would ho pis motion. le was backed up iby a large number of workingmen, | {and Ke felt that their wish should be complied with. Alds. Ross and Rigney then moved to have the matter referred to the finance committee and this motion was passed. Alds: Twkington and' Stroud alone voted for the publiv:- tion of the list, Al. Turkington was quite warm [hen his motion was voted down and | made a remark to the effect that the | workingmen wires unable to get faw yp at ha hands of the coun: pub- lish was to pub- the ee looks as if the wotkimpaten will | Ave to "take the pill and swallow] said Ald, Turkington. ay oliect to that statement," said Ald. Ross, hotly, "and would ask that Ald. Turkington take it back."' fe Sata furthic that he was quite | in sympathy with the movement to [have the assessment roll revised and hie did not think it was right for =» {member of the council to make such] a remark. AM. Tarkington said he would take back what he had said after Al 1Ross had made his statement, and the little tempest was 'soon aver. 5 Corns Disappear. °F 'When Peck's Com Salve is used. Tt' than out, root amd all, and witht possibility of injury to the (ig st big boxes, 15¢., at Meleod's Sort strest, one door NOT TO PUBLISH C= was | the assessment | felt | and thus votatd- and that perhaps it might go as high | then | the | i would stay away from home for wat Y BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, IN3. | Aan - [4] THE PEO ( Mus EWENTIS] ) (GRAY OPERA HOUSE) TO=NIGHT - ALAS sila Zz oF PLE'S FORUM CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS CONDENSED. ADVERTISING RATES -- First insertion 1¢ a word. Each con- secutive imsertion thereafter half cent a word, Minimum charge for one insertion, 20¢; three insertions, Boe; six, $1; ome dmonth, $3. NAZIMOVA IN THE BRILLIANT COMEDY, MagrioN ETTES). , $1.30; un few $2 Seats wow oun * 'THURSDA Y, SEPT.26 Phillips-Shaw Co. Presenting Shubert's Famous (Comedy "BILLY" THE GREATEST LALGH PRO OK. | ING FARCE EVER WRITTEN HELP WANTED. A Gini, AT COLLENDER HOTEL | GIRLS WANTED. APPLY AT THE sackson kFress i GIRLS FOR fN-American oi Ni NG.ROOM, otlel T™WmO Britis Pow FINISHERS AND OPERATORS Mis Le Woss ou Sale, { SL00, T ONCE CHL OLATE Princess Apply wo Gris, Street, A Laes® re Gand | AT a BE, AT ROCKWOOD HOSPI- a Talloress. Apply to the] FRIDAY & SATURDAY A PEW SHARY Boys wry Toy | Ki: gston Hestery Co, Lad, King! Ww | Sept. 27 and 28 Evening N15. Mptiveg, Sat. at 2.30 Henry Miller's Superb Spectacular Drama of Early Rome, mens | The, 504.7 COMPETENT MAID; NOL At NDRY Apply to Mrs, Ht. ning and hmily Streets HOY Bo ANTED AS DRIV ERs NY ork Apply, Anderson Oror Bethea and Division THE. rd : 4 'um Ee ee ye | A HOUSEMAID FOR THE COUNTRY | Liab, Apply to Mrs. WW. H. Maceo | cur. Union and Bagot Streets. The Most Thrilll and Absorbing Re Drama the Stage has ever "A Masterpiece of Mudern Stagecraft. A piay that Carries Con- vietion. Original New York Preduoc © tion and Superb Cast. PRICES: Mafineedde, nes Rog Eveniug--2ie, f0e, Tie, Seats on Sale Wednesda) NOTICE. I hereby give notice that 1 not henceforth be responsible any debts contracted in without my written order. CAPT. JAMES OLIVER. Kingston. Sept.' 21st, 1912. ; GIRLS WANTED FOR NEW Box Factory. Apply, Town it of Princess Bt, SMART. Paper ley & Horue, f | SMART BOY FOR MAILING DEPART ment; sieady job to the right kind of boy eAppiy, Business Ullice Whig. ees $1.00, SMART GIRL FOR GENERAL HOLS wii! work; no washing or good wages. App for Street West my name! a------ RELIABLE MAN FOR ' geavras Work APPLY, Slang erience and wages, Rice & OC Bowmanville | TINSMITH, A BOY, ABOUT 15 YEARS OF A for denvery wakn: understands horses Division Street THE HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE al, tae Apply to UNEQUALLED WAGSTAFFE'S FINE OLD ENGLISH MARMALADE IN SCHR SEALERS, 25¢ each "MADE IN CANADA INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AA AND AM GENERAL INTEREST. WANTED, FIVE FIRST.CLASS Plumbers; wages, bb cents ar hour to capable men. Apply, Cot. | ter Bros, Winnipeg | . GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; cooking: one rem the confiry | preferred. Apply to . Mrs i Btevenson, 174 Barrie Sireet A SMART GIRL, ABOUT 16 OR 17, TO' lake care of jo children and assist with Rent ROUSE ork, 'Ap. ply to Mrs then, Mack st MEN AND TEAMS WAN. ted. Apply at once, corner Clarence and Wellington Streets to J. F. Reid. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | ==What the Merchants Offer 10 the Readers of the Whig. "Buy Castoria," at Gibscn's. William Swaine, plano tuner. Orders recived at McAulev's. Phone 564. Madame Nazimova arrived in city on Tuesday. che is staying the Frontenas hotel. H. Cunningham, piano 'tuner, King suet. Leave orders at Auley's book store. » Robert Henderson stall, is spending his home in Morrisburg. "Four hendache powders, 10c.' son's. | The yacht Irene II, owned hy | Peacock, of New York, {wharf on Tuesday | "Buy seidlitz powders." Gibson's Frank MeAulifi, of Wetland, has eived in the city to resume his dies at Queen's university "Kodak supplies," Gibson's. The yacou Zilpha, owned by Hutch inson of Alexandria Bay, at Swift's wharf on Tuesday. "Kodak supplies," Gibson's. | The friends of W. J. Smith, Hers... Pom = Office merly of Kingston, of Ottawa, | Collcnt salaries: write will regret io hear of the sudden full particulars [death of his oldest son. Rite; Dupe. a6) { "Four headache powders, . son's Abram CC. Mott, Abram C. Mott, ire, Merle £. Mott, and H. M. Potts, i 'I Riladelphia, were in the cily on Mon« day. They left on their private yacht on Tuesday. uy backache plasters," Gilvon's. In Syracuse. N.Y., on Tuesday after noon, B. R. Gage, second son of D | 'B. Gage, Montreal street, was married | OSTEOPATHY. ito Miss M. I. Grover, YOUBEest datioh- | eer -------------------------- er of Mr. sud Bre: G. Grover. They ArmA. HOUT PRY GS, G till reside on Montreal street. bots : Wellington "Buchu kidney pills," at Gibson's. Dy on bite Ba 1m one } Cadet Wood, oi the Capital cadets, eroft," V.O. Hours: 2 Ottawa, retutped to his home, Tuee- |. Sifice 3 hone, "i jday, alter recovering from typhoid = 5 fever, which he sickened with at the Barriefield cadet camp. Save time, pain a annoyance by [°C | taking Dr. Hicked's cure for that| n KIRKPATRICK, 42 CLARENCE cough. A prompt and aare ih Hipp Kingston, Ont. Telepnons every time. 25e., Anthony [LOUVRE PEARLS MAY BE soLp. Bay, teturned on Sat y after, af two weeks' trip through New Ogtario | Famous Thieves A MAID, a0 LSSIST WITH GENERAL housework ome who can under. | take plain cooking much prefer red * Apply to Mrs. F. G. Lockett 24 Stuart Streel, near Barrie tog al | MAID FOR for fan ming: GE NER AL three references rey Union Street st and wfter HOUSEWORK Ww of no shing wired 21 West Mc Apply ¥ INTEL INT PERSON earn $190 monthly Serrespanding [Ur Newspapers; no _¢ nvaasin Send for particulars, Preas Synd Gil cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY. aly Pi, -------------- i S---------- CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMMES, ties, Scotch, English and Irish; party arriving September 2nd and weenly aiter. Fue Pui mond Street, a 7 Pembroke Stree t, "00 PER WEEK salary that chauffeurs who taken our correspondence are tng: woud ear? 'Write for oronto Auto In of the vacation Standard at his A. R was at Swilt's uh, a Toronte, "ont at stu IS AVER rf i { | 1 stitute, | ronto bros. was GOVERNMENT w ANTS Mail Clerks, CANADIAN Ratlway riers £ y for Mai Employees coming; ex- immediately Franklin in- Rochesier now 10 r 8 10 Gib 2 ME tlectrical and Me- chanical Laboratories of the chool of Mining; knowledge of steam and electricity preferred Apply, in writing, to the Becretary uf the School of Mining, stating experience and salary expected \ to & and ¥ Ash. to 4 pa Resldenoy " MARRIAGE LICENSES. "Necklace is Report. | where he was sent by the Ontario gov' ernment. on a road-inspecting / tour. A Day vuilets Eaten, # lihson's. A wayward young lad; arrested by the police, at thy request of his faiber, ! was given his iberty on Monday even } ing, ua Promising to be good. ed to be "Sick." Paris, Sept. 24.--1It is being ithat the famous pesrl necklace be longing tothe Thiers collection in the Lofvre ist showing wigns of lan 'guishing, and. believers in the theory i that aenrls need to be worn to retuin (hair life are pointing to this necklges I a proof. said 'at a time. Buy Bellagonna plasters, Gibsons. Mee. (Dr.) Canton, whe has recent. | 2 TukEestion has heen made that th: necklace should sold { Iv returned from a trip wo Calgary. fig placed at over S10" Alls Yale Alta, spent a week with Major and {yncney spent in acquiring works for Mes. Amey. st Mosow. She intends! hy, Louvre, which is oiten unable to sprading the winter with her daughter boy what i wants owing te lack ol at Finch. - fonds. The Louvre hus not the Puy toilets waters, Gibson's. ts sell any of its Posscheions, sn t " Joseph is visiting his a baw would have to be passed to en Sheu dav. stle it to do so, Col- to say, the weal anony- ngire ia z [GENERAL {maTE MAN FRONTENAC Waiaron, cor FOR SALA. POWER MoTOR Apply Street RED sTRIPED BELT KIGAT HORSE Ars Wather Mack S54 BLUE AND w a al "Photie day vorni Sydenham Sir $ as Sted store Rewdrd fog r : 3 en office K OF OF WALNUT AND 03 = som . en . . Ss js, the hest we have e) i nd t " Tease nablie price, FINANCE AND INSURANOS. Turk's. 'Phone 708 tas FR AME not SE, INSURANCE, 4 : : oon, Agent. 158 Wellington St Fire. Life. A-~cident and Health Policies issued DESIRABLE Sell corner Unlon & fully mod water heats K. Caria on the pres ------ THAT MOST brick resilence, Frontenac Streets; six bedrooms: hot jarge lot® Apply to J 14 Market Street, or mises & G ARDINER.-- FIRE. a, Accident, In surance and Cus- Sin Briker Estate and Money to 1 of war business Clarence Etreet jus 'Phone Kings FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA AN samp ng outfits, Cisning marine supplies, funch Engiish raincoats, anche oad canvas, kit bags, silk. tents, hoods, motor boat supp Frank W. Covke, 39 Clarence 'Phone 881 or 23. LOAN AND INVEST. established JEL hard Cartwright city and farm unicipal' and country ures mortgages purchased t recnived and intarext at 8 . MeGMl, Manager, 87 Street i we ------------------------ ment : Rie Clarence FRPOOL, LONDON, AND GLORR Fire Inenrance Company. Available $61,187,218 In addition to the policvholders have for security the unlimited Habllity of city nroperty insured at jowest possihla fates. Pefore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents NPhane 232 \ < hairs Mattresses, Pillows hoegany Mirror Oil Paintings tists Ww. H sion Sireet re vk by r Stevenson, 219 , 180 FOR ROOM FRAME A house on Elm Sty $1,030 FOR A SEVEN-ROOM JFRAME House and Barn; large lo $1,000 FOR SIX-ROOM FRAME, NEAR. RURINESS | CRA NCEA. NYONE ANYWHERE CAN START 2 mail order business at home: no ranvassing: be your own boss Rand for free hooklet: tells how Henrnck, 2.909 1. wknort NT [row ER ~ SON, ARCHITECTS, Iwo YTS AND DRIVE HOUSE) splendid buliding sight. a snap Tor quick buyer FARM IN MANITOBA, CLOSE TO Hit, for sale or exchange for propery this vicinity FRAME nw LLIN §: 'BwWE L v INGS PORTS. BATEMAN & GARDINER, 87 CLAR. ence, 'Fhene 396, Kingston, Ont, ARCHITRO™. ", SMITH, ARY HITROT, ETC, "258 King Street 'Prone 34 3 NEWLANDS a "er ~~ ARCH. tects, ete Offices, 268 Bagot $t 'Phone 608 IN MER chants' 'Rank Bulldines, ford one Brock and Wellington Streets, Aran a card FOR SALE © COARS! NO [TRY WELL-KNOWN GROCERY and dwelling of the late M. Ryrnes, Barriefield--- Apply on premises. BUSINESS NOTICE. p---- bis cor st COALSI--WHY PAY such high coal bills when you can use gas for cooking? Drop a card to David Marshall, 101 Queen Street. for prices on gas Instalia- 0 LET. ron Livis CHARLES ANDRE'S CEMENT for your cement walks and of concrete work: will handle any size gravel; I also d» plastering sd repalr chimneys OOM AND BOARD 72 William Stret noon A at 181 Mixer all kinds -------- WOMEN on Street PERSONAL. AM roam office INGSROOM AND FRONT wen. Apply to Bex 128, Whig HAIR, we A SMALL MAY NICE CLEAN RAGS Ta | SHOE DETACHED house f ne with some! GENT, EMEN ., asta -- k A. SPARKS 230 DR, ©, FRONT ROOMS, "FUR. well heated; nice looks 144 Barrie Street, re -- ON KiNG # Cathedral ig office. PLEASANT _ nished and tion Apply MOLES, nl T ". marks and blemishes without WARTS, all grow removed ng iy exper] AR . and Street 1 ye Eimer J Throat Bagot A FURNISHED Street near to Box 4% {1 Specialist, 258 CATERER. FURNISH RESIDENCE, APPL at Mr an's Real Estate Office, near Wellington BALLS Banaet Ar 0c ot TO PARTIES, Brock Stree Breakfasts Rent Dishes, Tabs Silverware. Reid & corner Union and Div). CATER Wedding ete. also Linens and Hambrook lon. Streets rv RXISRED ROOMS, WITH sil modern vos City Park. 88 LARGE ur . Wellington Street WANTED---GENERAL. nD. ROOMS FoR Twa desirable location? ® required Ad. offic Two Vv URNISHE FARM TO BE xe HANGE Font property Med Hen Age a city Estate FOR WIPINS machinery: will pay good price for] same, British Whig Publishing rost's Company. "Phone 526 pais int r---- ansi-- : : ROOM WITH HOARD dry, airy rooms, ahoslutely roof; Epur own lock and wy Btorage, 199 Un OMFOR" : ! nara PRIVATE HOUSE, SITRING, il m Bedroom office on ance also A bpiy, KVERY D®- | best will REPAIRING ion; first vciass work; only used; one trial suffice, Bring our repairs tT Beatt's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West, PIANO, VOU AR AND ORGAN PRA, - - ba 0 ' od sua hing Phong 518 LAL DVIN WiLL ares A ' Wein tan piy 81 shove oy scri rt er Music. TRAAT I Will. wuYy all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves will pay highest prices. sea me before anyone else J. Thompson, 333 Princess Bireet, next St. Andrew's Churel rt ---- i ---- 4 ------ SEMI-DETACHED me; pr AKE NOTICE, MEN. OLIVE em em LONER, or Tihs r f Manic, Nar Ber f:pc "rma, Hing at MISS ¥V LORE Ne ¥ sy Ralf : ' ime pen Appi to eX { 1 particulars un be seen flee TO HRING THEIR h and have it made up Into up- suits Price and work. guaranteed to please repairing done on the shoriest notice. Thomas Callo-} way, 131 Brogk Breet, near | Rihhe's Livery i Clot MEDICA to-date i L. manship Pressing and now Ann, nay ned oe Prone iN DENTAL. . RAPP, nA, LDS, moved Yo 258 Princess ns, RE. 1 rant DENTISTS Kingston W. J. GAVINE, U'PHOL TERING, HE. pairing and earpet work, Kalr mats tress renovating Iwop 8 card =F onl! 216 Rawnt Ff eont AND SPARKS, 1-2 Princess Street, 'Thone 24% ? ©. NASH, DENTIST: DR. ©. 0 assistant, 132 Princess 'Phone 735 Weicker Btréet LEGAL. SIMPSON, LDS, Dp ist corner Prindess and Entrance on Bagot Street. phone $28 p---- wa CUNNINGHAM & MIDIFE, BARRE ers and Roljciiors fAw Office, Clarence Hire Kingston s, DENT. Bagot Tele Dry Cedar, all under cover, $2.75. Now i is the time to 8, 8 ROOMS; NIO® 5 STORAGE FOR FURSAITURR, LH ground