OW ONE WAY SECOND CLASS RATES T0 PACIFIC COAST | .On sale dally Sept. 25th to Qet. T0th. | VANCOUVER, B.C.\ ° -| VICTORIA, BC, | ! SEATTLE, WASH. f $50 10 } . WACOMA, WASH. J . : SAN FRANCISCO, CALF. - SR i, 152.05 SPECIAL SECOND CLASS EX- CURSIONS TO NORTHERN ONTARIO POINTS; Golng, Sept. 25th, good to return Oct. 1st, For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & TA. Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. E ME RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. ~~" COLONIST RATES On sale daily. Sept. 25th to Oct. 10. VANCOUVER, B.C 150.10 VICTORIA, B.C. SEATTLE, WASH. TACOMA, WASH, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOS ANGELES, CAL. SAN DIEGO, CAL. MEXICO CITY, MEX, Full particulars at K. & P. and © P. R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. . CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Service for balance of season, Leave Kingston Sept. 22nd, 24th, . "26th and 20th, STEAMER "TORONTO." Easthound, 5.30 a.m. Westbound, 5.00 p.m. ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL EXMIBITION CHARLOTTE AND RETURN, $3.75 Going Sept. 24th, Return limit, Sept. 28th. For full particulars, apply to J. P, HANLEY, Agent, Corner Yohnson and Ontario Sts JH. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A.G.P.A. Toronto, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: BOAT C0. LIMITED «BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Either One, of Course. Of course, we eithér numeral! or mal punectpation in the printing of figures. Yon may not want an adding ing machine to handle dollars and cents. You. therefore, 'want it punec- tiated rin a different fashion, Of course, the Bur- roughs way is always a bit in advance of the actual requirements. That implies "wise an- ticipation." which ix one of the principles of scientific management. We give a combina- tion of numeral and deci- mal punctuation in the same machine, A new idea, of course, but it is one that Is used a grert deal in practice, Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sues Manager. 146 Bay Stapet TORONTO "ONT. give dees FADS LL4400046 00000040000 {Continued from Page 2.) . oem. i- 4 bright and jolly supper party was given alter tne theatre, on Tues day eveming, at the Frontenac hotel, Ine guests included Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Helen Gordes, Miss ora Macpee. Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Messrs. W. Kent Macnee, Heber Laf ferty, Sidoey McCann, Douglas Ang lin and leonard Birkett. ee - v Mrs. {Rev.y J. W. Molntosh will re ceive for the first time, at her Kom. Hi Frontenac stregt, on Thursday af twrnoon, Oct. 3rd. ' a Mr. H. Fitzgibbon, who was a guest in town for the wok-end, returned 1, Montreal on Monday. Professor J. W. Katon will arrive in town from Dublin on Friday to take over his new duties at Queen's uni versity. Mr. J. D. Craig, who has spent tre past five months with the Alas kan Moundary survey, 18 now ig Dawson City dnd Will retarn to Of tawa on Oct. luth : Professor and Mrs, Alexander Mo Phail, Clergy street, having changed their plans and will not return to town till Saturday next. Mre. J. D. Craig, Ottawa, Mrs. Fra neis Susket, Mrs. William Gilchriese. Messrs. George and Henry Scobell, Cape Vincent, spent Saturday in 'Eczema 25 Years Cured by "Cuticura® Mme. J. B thi A Montreal Leg Like Raw Flesh from Knee Down "1 have been treated by doctors for txenty-five years for a bad case of eczema on my leg. They did their best, but failed 0 cure it, My own doctor had advised me to have my leg cut off, but 1 said I would try the Cuticura {etnies first. He said, 'try them if you Kke but I de not thinl: they will do any gbod." At this 9 leg was peeled from (Th foot was like a plecs of row flesh and had wo walk on crutches. "1 bought a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box ¢f Cuticurs Ointment end a bottle of Cutici:ra Tesolvent. After the Brst two treatments the swelling went down and in two mouths' use of the Cuticura Remedies my J was cured and the now skin grown on. doctor could not believe his own eyes when he saw that Cuticurs had cured me and said that he woul use Cuticura for his own patients. Put for the Cuticura Remedies | fight have lost my iife. 1 am truly grateful for ths wonderful cure that Cutiowra wrought snd I always recommend it most highly asa surs and economical cure for skin troubles" (Signed) Mme, J, B. Denaud, 277 Mentans Et... Montreal, For more than a generation Cutieura Soap and Ointment have afforded the speedicst aid most economical treatment for skin snd scalp humors. Sold by druggists and dealers Leaves Kingston dally. except Sun- day, at 3 p.m. for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports, call ing. at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at reasonable rates: JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM- 4 SHIPS, LIMrren, The Finest and Fastest Steamships on the Canadian Route. HOLDING ALL RECORDS, MONTREAL. QUEBEC, BRISTOL. Montreal. Bristol , Wednesday. Steamer, Wednesday Oct. 2 ..Royal Edward ,. Sgt: 18 A 1 L Royal George (. OG, 50 Royal Edward .. Nov, 13 Royal George .. Nov. 27 CWINTER SERVICE, HALIFAX ; TO BRISTOL." Write or see any steamship agent, or CANADIAN. NORTHERN SS. LIMITED TIN Sf, James Street, Mosiresl everywhere. For a liberal sample of each, with, 32-p, k, send to Potter D. & OC, Curp., 49 Columbus Ave, Boston, U.S. A. | | | | Jerseys for We just received from 'Great Britain a ase - town, « - : - - Mr. Noble Stacy, Johnson street, {lei: on Friday 10 spend several - daye lin New York, | Miss Sarah Willis, after spending + ltow days in town, will leave on Sa | vurday for her Lome ih Halifax, ac | companied by her brother, Mr. C. KE { Willis, who will spend his holidays in | Halifax. ~ { Miss Ruby Laing, of Toronto, i {# the guest of Mrs. Malolm Suth jerland, Earl street. Mix. H, Belts, Albert street, left of {Monday to spend a week in Bowman (ville, the guest of Miss Edna King. | Mr. Hugh Maclean returned to Te ronto on Monday, after spending th, {wedcend in town. | Miss Edwards, who has been spend ing some time with her sister, Mrs iJ, P. Shine, Royal Military Colleg: ieft, Friday, for Montreal, and saile irom there on® Monday for her hom England Z Yin - - Pr. A. P. Knight, Alice street, alto «pending a few weeks at Bourboun nat's camp, Long Lake, P.Q., redurn od home on Monday. Mr. and Ms Richard Hooper, who wiry ale it the same camp, returned home | Tuesday, 'having stayed off a {days in Montreal. | Mrs. D. S. Roberlson, Svdenhas street, left od Monday to sp nd fow das with Mrs. Spackman,. i Montree! : Mca. Meikle, who has been in tawa for some time, has returned town and is en pension at "Avon more." \ | Prof. and Mrs. Vandersmissen, To 'ronto university, are spending a fer {deve in town visiting their som, Ce {det Vandersmissen, at the R.M.C. ! oO fer Ot 4 t | Miss Mabel Dalton, alter spending {few weeks in Ottawa, retwmined hom: { ou, Monday. Mrs. Kier { Sarnia, on Mrs. arrived, in town fron Tuesday, and is the gues Norton-Taylor, Wellingto Mrs. A. de Moubra a few days in tow: ". Hughés returned to Toronto om Captain and sell," who spent with Captain and Mrs. 1. T. "Roselawn," Tuesday. Mr. Hugh Farthing, of Montreal twho has bern spending a week in To iB ronto, arrived iw"town on Sunday, an is the guest of Mrs. ' W. B. Dalton "Jehnson street. Mr. R. Faston Burns, Frontena: street, returned home, on Friday, fron a delightful trip to Duluth. Mrs Burns, who accompanied Mr. Buns Le Duluth, will return home on 1 harsday Captain and Mrs. Philip Prideaus William street, who are visiting Mis "Caswell in Chicago, will return hom jon Morday. its Margaret Maclennan, Toronte 'who has been spending a few days © Montreal, arrived in town on Tuesday and iw the guest of her grandmothers 2 Mrs. Honey Cunningham, Farl street. i aE ee iB Mr. and Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, wh are the. guests of Mrs! George Fen ip wick, University avenue, will return t( their home in Windsor on Saturday. | Professor Svmons, of Gloucester Fngland, will arrige in town on Fri day, to take over his new duties a Quven's University. I Mex. A, Evans, of India, who is not the quest of (the Misses Callaghan Gardin Islanag, will leave, on Thurs day, for Motireal, to visit her moth er, Mrs. Nash. 2 1 Frofessor Morison, who has beer stend'ng the summer gt his Kome 0 L Glasiow, will return to town on Fri diy. i Bie. Brigstocke and her little dangh ter, who have been visiting Mrs. Wi Bam leslie, King street, for som tive, returnad to Cobalt to-day. Mrs. Charles Lax, Union street, a' ter speneling a few 'dave in Toronte retuned on Sunday. {Mies Mazar Campbell, Emily street will ve shortly to attend school is - » - - Mrs. Arthur Cusningham, On-gwa nada, left, on , for Toronto to meet Colonel Cunningham, who ha: just rettened from a trip to Red Deer Alberta. After spending a day of fw in Toronto, Colonel and Mrs. Cunning ham returned home on Tuesday. I Mes. J. M. Cambell, Emily strect wh is visiting in Rochester. is expect Ne Geonge Richa aivere i Mr. G i University avenue, spent the week-end in Belle ils, BREAKS A COLD [is an efficient restorer of the WENNESD : "GRAND OPERA HOUSE, -- WHIG, A Large 'Audience Went to Hear Nazimova. FS The delightial youd Russian act ress, Mme. Nazimova, charmed a large a audgence at the Grand last night, by Pape's Cold Compound Cares Cold, he arti in - French ay The ant Grippe in a Jew Hours-- Marionsites." This was 'Nazimova's Tastes Nice--Acts Gently, third visit to Kingston iy as many i Years, and {hose who saw her in her Bi ks a positive fact that a dose of first gnd second appearanées, went ig Pave s Cold Compound, taken every Vode ber azain. Jt is Narimota's sim- 'wo hour! until toree consecutive plicity :nd naturalness that has made aoses 'are taken, will end the Grippt hor a great actress. She seems to. de ana break up the most' sevire .ccll. light in taking the part oi the young wither in the head, chest, bak wis. that has been her role m all stomach, limbs, or any part of the thre: plavs in which she has heen seen nody, . bre. in "The Marionettes," after he 11 promptly relieves the most mis ng despised by her bushand, whom erable headache, dullness, hesd and she de gly loves, she succeeds by liv wine stuffed up, feverithness. speeving ing gavly in appearance and eseiting sore throal, ruhmag of th nose, his jealousy, in winning his love and mucous, catarrhal discharges, sore devol ou Supporting Mme, Nazimova wees, stiffness and rheumatic twinges, 18 a company of exceplicnal merit, Tzke this wonderful Compound as . - : dirveted, with the knowledge that! Phillips-Shaw Co. in "Bitly." there ig- nothing else in the world' You will not be compelled which will cure your cold or end streuch your imaginstion very strong Grippe misery as promptly sud with- to fiily appreciate the peeuliar predic: but any othet asfistanve or bad af ameni "ily Hargrave" found himself ter effacts as a 2c. package of PPape's wh n he 16st his four front teeth (false Cold Compound, which any druggist one, of course} as he was ahout ta can . rupply--accept no sabstitute-- bare his heart: to the girl of his contains no quimine. Belongs mn every (howe, and (o these iour false teeth nome Tastes mice--acts gently, h:ngs the plot, around which the greatest farce company of the present POLITICAL ARENA PELL. NEEDS-ND HELP to day has been written and staged "Billy"" comes to the Grand on Thurs Women day, September 26th. i -- Phe Light Fternal." are! . . » This! The Light Eternal," 4° pawe all over a millikn will vote The 'omance of carly Rome, in which th ourcau of ¢ ccusus has issued a state 'TIUmphant struggles of the early ment showing that ir: the six states in Christians are devoutly and dramati +h ch women vote--California, Color- ally pictured, will be the attraction ido, Idako, Utah Washington and at the Grand next Friday and Satur Nyeming there are 1,346,925 females 2%, and Saturday matinee. This play H vears of age or over. has created a profound impression in "oi this number 654,784 are of native #imost every city of the country since vhite parcntage and 333,925 of forgigy 'M8 In tial presentation at the Majestic vhite or mixed parentage. 1 heatre, New York" City, four seasons Th re ame 327,052 foreign born white #70. No religiaus drama has ever prov somen entitled to vote. There are 'BH 52 Mnpressive or cgnvinging, ' . ha a'so 13,4558 pegroes and 17.046 Indi- | 'i - ta ns, Chin se, Japan-se and other Asi-| Died nl Brewer's Mill. alice. Patrick Kelley, aged eighty RR Te feng respected « resident of {eounty, died at Brewer's Mills on Sun- { HAPPY LAUGHING day, September had. He was born ' iin Cush ndum, county Antrim, Ireland, fand was well known throughout Fron. CHILD IN A FEW HOURS |: county, where he had been em iployed by many of the farmers: Many nin-- the merry laugh and ready iix States Will Allow its to Voie. Washirgioh, - Sept. '25. --Women oming inio the political arena. +x iH ° years, a --- | will miss f. Cross, Feverish, Tongue Coated {wit of the deceased, who hed the fa ab "% . b culty of pleasing both young and or Sick, Give "Syrup of Figs." old." The funers! took place on Tues day, at Brewer's Mills. Rev. A. ¥ Travnor, of Brewer's Mills, officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr.. Kingsley, of The remains in St. laine by's cemetery, Mother ! © Don't scold cross, eevish child ! sLook al the tongue ! ' ov if it is white, yellow and coated | |f ushendall. I your child is. listless, drooping, | terred in : { : sn't sleepitig well, is restless, doesn't | Brewer's Mills. in a new lot of 'his at heartil or 35 tre irritable, | O%0 special choige. The pall-bearers h Na $ 83 able, es Pater" (* Jol iar ' ut of 'sorts with everybody, stomach | ¥! Peter Camplioll, William Yous GHF, "Teverish, breath bad {Charles Milne, John ©Dundon, Der A <h, i ; ; has stom. wch-ache dav -hoea, throat, y " {Murphy and James Milne s full of cold, it means the little | ; : no's stomach, timer and thirty feet of | owels are filled with poisons aad | oul, constipated waste matter and edd a gentie, thorough cleansing noe, y Give n teaspoonful of Sprup of Fig nd in A. few hours all the clogged «» waste, undigested food® and sour your wel sore Visitors at Mount Chesney. Mount Chesney, Sept. 24.--The | conlinual rains have left the coun Al itrv in a very roar condition. esac. 7Tially for the farmers who have not finished harvesting. G. Patterson has erected a 'new kitchen. E. Me- 3 {Garvey is also building a new cis ile wil gently move on and out oi tern. Miss Etta May Fowler has ts little waste clogged bowels with- | returned home after spending a ut naasea, griping on weakness, and | month visiting her brothers m the on will surely have a well, happy | west, H. Ducett has completed a nd smiling child again shortly, | new 'steel roof on Jas. Fowler's res- With Syrup of Figs you are not | idence. A number from here at-. rigging your children, being compos- tended the township fair, Visitors: d entirely of luscious figs, senna and | Erndst Ewing, Toronto, at John Mc- wromatics it cannot be harmful, be | Garey's; Mrs. John Black, Catar. ides they dearly love its delicious (aqui, at G. Patterson's: G. Suther- aste. Hand and daughter at Mrs. P. Fowl. Mothers should always "keep Syrup er's; Migs McArdle at Jas. Hickey's: of Figs handy. It is the only sto-| Miss May. Carey at Jas. McGarvey's; nach, liver and bowel cleanser "and | Miss E. Fowler and Miss Katiieen egulator needed--a little given tg- {Cashman at M. Fowler i Mrs. Tu > fav will save a sick child to-morrow, | PID, Kingston, at E. iclinrvey. i Full diections for children of = all Mis X. Netirath at Joseph ~ os dud tor gtowunps. dainty prin |OUNESL: TL Be on ie pac . {Hyland at J MeGarvey's; Ask Four drugyist fou the . fail { 3 rien has returned home ne, Byrep of Vigs and Elixir bi visiting friends in Sydenham. ienna, prepared by the California ------------------ba fig Syrup Cb This the delicious asting, genuine old heluse \fiything else offered. G. Mrs after is reliable. Wedding at Fernleigh. Fernleigh, Sept. 21.--On Wednestiay Sept. 18th, , at the residence of Mr, {and Mrs, W. C. Salmon, Maple Grove { thsir youngest daughter; Maggie Jane, walk united in marvinge to Allred Fred Sparks, Dentists, will move to erick Page, a prosperous yeung farmer REMOVAL NOTICE. On October 1st Sparks & bride 19th, 1912, their new offices, 159 Welling- of Desert Lake. The looked ton Street, corner Brock. over charming in a gown of blue silk. She Carnovsky's. jwas attended by Miss Louisa Daudo Kingston, Sept. {Oscar Huliman assisted the groom. {Rev. MY. Irvine, Flinton, officiated pt---------------------- nly mediate [friends witnessed th {eeremony, after which all sat dowtt to a dainty tea. Numerous and costly {were the presents received hy (he hid iw hich went to show the high exicem in ' IF NOT CHECKED {which she is held. Mr. and Mrs. Pag leave, on Monday. for their new home p o brides travelling One of the most commun troubles of 28, gery Later The bi dea ob 5 to girls and women--A THIN, WATERY (4 "* 5 : £ONDITION. . OF THE 'BLOOD |™"™ .. = = This trouble (Anaemia) is seeh almost | Westport Wafts. every, day. The Appearance is striking | Westuort Sent 2% MM and pale, sallow complexion, citeles about org or br of Edmonton the eyes, shortness of breath on slight a Are renewing acquaintances 'xertion, and such a one suffers from bate and at Newhorp. Dr and Mrs salpitation of the heart, hefdache, in- PA Br le ony Tuskaay® toh ligestion, swelling of hands or Peet, Boi Wah Db and Med. JL constipation, etc. All these symptoms Lie are spending the wesk in Tor may not be present in your case, de- onto. B. J. Malvitie. JF. Mulock pending "68 duration and the stage IL. MeCann - and F. Egan attended 0 he due ¥ : {Lanark fair. Capt. Thos. Lynch f not remedied the blood becomes {of the Rideau King. is home for the nore thin and watery, subsequently | winter. R. D. DeWolfe iz hating ausing swelling and dropsy.--Do not {a new plate glass front gut in hi low this trouble to advance ~Check | grocery . Store. W, H. Citter =n + mow.--You can not only check it, but Kingston, was a visitor in town last Jou can hring Sout 3 Somplete cure | wook. Fred G. Forraster returned iy using RESTORATONE ABLETS | North Bay Tudsday. .J. B. Me id followin the Bode of living de- Cann had hig racer. Oantell at Par eri e circular ace in) eral ach. box of Tables The advice . ham fair last week and won severa free and the Restoratome Tablets will . -- wweate pire, healthy blood, Get This Healer To-day. THE SECRET OP YOUR You can't get along without hae RECOVERY. 4 ling some good healibg remedy in the Restoratone Tablets are unexcelled house. The ane to choose. always, ood and lis. Wade's Ointment. It heals cverything. It stops in t fonic 10 tne entire System-- ing' formation of --promoti he activity of special organs at fault |fBaommation, prevents 'hey are a veliable cure for anemia, (pus, dnd is A specific for a variets digestion, BL aes. dGmnia, pal. lof in afiectiore that orlifiary oint Jitation heart, aad pains ta do not reach. Cures Feria, ] Aen, Salt Rhoum, Scald Head. Cold Sere, 'has thout sme Fry Pils, ten ser. Gi Joven > ral "A ot Chanoed Hands, Frvsipelas, 1% boxes, Pe, at Melood's Vrag is never substituted. See Store, 53 Brock gireet, ane door v above King street. Tn ihe oll duys of barbarism, the people fousl with hatchers, Civiliza- tion buried the hatchet, aed now men a ------_ a ST PAGE THREE. { 'Toronre, Ont, Sept, Shen, 1" nn Ottaws Valley and Lper Si Lawrenge wibecasional showers tawdry and on Thursday, 'clearing and turning cooler en Thursday wight, Velveteens and Corduroys > You know how stylish all pile fabrics are this season- Int you may not know that the better lass of manufacturers won't prowis » de= Frontinac | ] | ] | O'Brien at John | heats in the races. 4 - RE livery till next Ssptember of pile i fabrics ordered after now that means that once a particular shade is sold out it is sold out till next full, 3 ) THIS WEEK We not only give you a comprehensive ex- hibit of the chosen styles for fall and winter, but we also make your visit profitable. We are offering splendid bargains in desirable = Velveteens at 30c, .60c, 75¢ to $2.00 The New Cavendish Velutina 3 the est bile fabric for Dresses or Suits in all the desirable new colors, 3 : Very special at 75¢ Black Velvets at 40c, 50c, 60c, 75¢c, $1 to $2.50 Fancy Velvets in a great variety - 75¢ to $1.25 Corduroys from 50c to $1.35. An early inspection invited at aA STEACY'S § "Store of Satisfaction" Ou LO A - WCO > Df - L CO D] DCO >A) WN -iE O ~ A] " " . . a ---- & ' A iP i PA When you do any painting inside or outside the house better be sure of best results by using M-L Pure Paints. Colors are clearer and sloaner and have a more M-1. FLAT WALL lasting gloss than mot paints. And you can do COLORS ~16 shades a good job with less M.-L Paint than with ether are just the thing to carry out the new styles of stencil decors ation. Artistic, sae itary, durable ~can be washed like painted woodwork "wm kinds. Spreads eavier, covers more surface, sad because of u special ingredient lasts about twice \ as long. Forty-seven colors for interior and exterior work of ali kinds. Sold only in tine ~fult measure, Made by lmperial Varnish & Color C oronte Limited, : Sold by W. A. MITCHELL Another Long Range Record Broken The score mad® in the Palma Troph$ by Russell, of our Canadian Rifle Ammunition, es ---- team, essing Ross Service Pattern ,303 and Ross tablished a new World's he X00 yaed: ana yard 1.000 yar The It Rif ' efficiency aud proven Jisel! an The of the Ca: EH more ¥ ¥ ir Hy ah surpassod VER DOR ' 2 competition was also made by one # Rifle and: Ammunition, peond highest score dian team---using 4 that the Ross Sporting which made (Hig extraordin- of design which pleaser ) the United know io it Is of interest to sport Models have the same accuracy und power ary scoring possible, pins a styl , ant juntiness the keenest sportsman On merit alone they are Winniug 2 large sale in India, States apd other big game countries Bold by all good dealers aty from $25.66 and upwards Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue on Request. ROSS RIFLE €O. J