SAFETY RAZOR BLADES -at 75¢ pkg. For balance of this week ----only-- $ CORBETT N/ENA/ENE ee ---------------------- reer BEAVER BOARD: The best substitute for lath, plaster and wall paper. Ask us for particu. lars. AI A ASIN NP PN S. Anglin & Co. Wellington St. North DELICATE LACES can } FULLY CLEANED, The finest Honiton, Irish Point or other delicate Laces will be properly cleaned if sent to these woiks. R. PARKER & CO. Dyefe nod Cleaners, 00 Princess Sf, Kingwton, Ont, BIG STOCK OF STOVES. ! aolest leaders, | tion {a i live in { | tian in his relationship with those in 'authority and always true and strong lin his defence of right principles and lright action. '} itarian, as a statesman, of | | I have a big Stock of First- | class Heaters and Stoves which can be bought very cheap. Now is your time to buy and get ready for cold weather. Also a fine line of Furni- ture. Houdehold Goods, ete. Antique Furniture a specialty. B07 PRINCESS STREET, Phone 1045 (Canada Lif Assurance Company y Canadian Company whose ppiictes icles b havs a" pelfey wii Pre you cheerfully given how a wiil shape for J. O. Hutton, Y Anat, Or. de Van's Female Pills Riveet. reliable French regulator; never fails. These exceed werful in regulating (he Ortian of jemale, Jysten. Felise '8 are sca fo] rhea in ea to any Address. Sgt sale ad Mahood's drug re } L. LESSES |} | FAINTER has takes aS mans of PRESERVING SEA a aio Row 'ane IIR = Furniture. Call and see me you want a bar gala. SR MAN, 342 Ontarle = yaar Craig's Whotesare. " {thank act governing the matter is as alone." ween, the. Roosevelt party and Ue way is » great unifier. stands as close to the hearts of | dizn {lender as a woman's and an car ever { o Lopen to the ery 'of the | 'passed by and the great things the {local tories promised would material THE WHIG, SEVENTY- NINTH YEAR { PA BRITISH WHIG. published at 3 Ho Kits" pe, Kingston, | Ontanionrey $4 per vear. EdWioas at 2.39 a Hy go { WEEKLY BRIT IH FHI 18 pages, Piblished In parts on Mond | rhureds morning at Ja. To United States charge for postage | be added, making te of Dally $2 and Weekly $1.50 per year. $ Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; i ish, and cheap work; nine Improved presses, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED J. G. Eiliett, President, Leman A. Gulla, See ~Treas, TORONTO OFFICE. ~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church Street, Toronto. H. E. Smallplece, J.P. representative. ay and had w rapid; styl- l ' _ ANOTHER OF oLp GUARD GONE. \s WHS k een will ia days to come a de- bater he He and quick 10 get underneath the his ywpponents and to disclose their wrong views and wrong attitudes in public Sir Richard was not a lighter from choice, he bad the strength and force that made rapidly passing vh'ne in Canada The away old The {has to mourn the loss of some meén who laid deep and {broad the foundations of liberalism in the they enunciated have been for the develop | ment and growth of the Canadian na- We think of 3 Brown, 5 Cartier, Mackenzie, a Mowat, tand, now, Sir Richard Cartwright, the doughy fighter and the ciean poli- | history, made him fogical in his argo | tician, 'has laid dawn his sword and |, nts and positive in his statements | passed to his reward. His name will |, or un: will h ave, guard hat few rivals liberal party of its arm: our of this country, and policies government. but in denunciation His knowledge, his vast him most vigorous cul invective, knowledge, we may say of the world's i ge, 3 Hbwe and a will be many a day before Canada Canadian history, and, elo- Sir more clever or more than Richard Cartwright. a in ages to eome he will belquent a speaker regarded among the foremost of Cang | empire i ' dountedly, the late statesmen; among the To him can be credited many of the builders on {his North American con- iorward movements of the Laurier gov- He was the stalwart backer and personal friend of the distiniuish- as ed premier. He th the other cabin et, for that which would give praspe: iy ple, sinint. Th= well as Lerminent deceased sigtesman was great as He had pn heart and good stood with him, wi members of the and the was sweet needy His e life {and beautiful and his children rise up 'to call him blessed. distressed. home and power to the Canadian pen and what we possess to-day is in He was a quiet, to his outlook jand his capacity to disgern what was & to give stimulus and vitality ten the nation of the north THE BANKER AND THE FARMER. a great measure due "devoted churchmdn, courtly and chris In all parts of Canada his death will be deplored, his praises will be It wui, however, and to his memory wiil 'he taecorded all honor and all respect. be as gn parliamen- | rounded, that his name Why must the rush .in dealer in products of agriculture, forest, quarry, or mine, or the lakes and rivers, or to any wholes: In | purchaser or shipper of or dealer live stock or dead: stock and the pro- d ducts thereof upon the sec urity of adequate such products or of such live stock or and in the second ldead stock and the products thereof.' place, ¢ven if he had the best of fire | proof 'and vermin-préof storage for his grain he would not raise The bank act, says the To ronto Globe, gives no authority lend money western farm the his grain to market every scason such. a hurry ? = For two reasons, the first place, thing he has no accommodation, because as x gencral storage If that clause were so amended as jo include thé producer with the deal: in grain it change in the west. the money would er work =a The able on grain great on it, that tact to m W farmer would he { bank advances western | secure to the farmer on the se his pos curthly of his crops, and a session would lead to the more grain-grower might have thousands of val» | dollars' gene: construction of storage facilities worth of grain in absolutely! § jon the fall rush to market. That rush the grafn-grower to obtain money on the farms and would greatly Yess 'cate storage bins on his farpis vith lout being able to obtain a loan of dollar upon it. Yet the moment that grain is trans ferred to a dealer and reaches the lo (cal elevator it becomes lawful secur for bank advances' even though the property may be far less securely stored than it would be in the of the producer. The clause of 2 lis caused mainly hy desire of the as AO0 u% possible to pay his implemint notes and his store bills. Were the grue grower in a position tt) secure bank 'ity wlvances on his grain his eredit wouid ho greatly improved and grain block barn fades would be less frequent. A mov the ment to amend the bank act int}, I strony direction indicaded is under way the support of the farming community of follows : wills undoubtedly secure "The bank may lend money to any wholesale purchaser or shipper of or the east as well as the west, LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. ow cannot escape their best ight of ii. people The Uniled States politician is iol- influence they do its to disparage and make the fact remains and thinking every lowing the Canadian example of urg- s ing the electors in the ut to coming - presi day mors of what folly it will be to overturn an administration that has been instrumental, are election snd more dd ntial "let well enough The Bufialo, N.Y., that "men are thinking sbout what good reason there can be for upsetting things when the tide of prosperity n restoring the. prosperity that' at a great height and is still rising the board late in 197 and which The democratic candidates are running | had by no means returned My away from the fact and where they \ Tait took office.' seriously News finds as far ns ound "policies of government can be, 18 went Try when NOT ADEQUATE PUNISHMENT. > The Hamilton Herald in didtuesion the latier crime property is stolen; in people marks that the criminal code does not the work of white slave ro- | the former, human lives are ruined, i Lhe safeguarding of property is not so 'mportant as is the safeguarding Euman lives. of The dreadiul work goes n apace in all parts of Canada and provide® for . the adequate punishment of the 'agents of the hellish traffic in human bodies and souls. The penalty for luring a young girl into a life of Beds prostitution should be at least as se- vere as (he penalty for burglary. t should be the first business of par- fiament to issue such drastie legrisla- | tion that the fvillianous work will "he | In | Permanently banished from the land. EDITORIAL NOTES. By next fall Kingston should have a real fair. big interests Incidentally the ju *estigation will throw 'some light on No prindiples underlying the scionti- rule has fo" tariff policy of the republican party, -------- A year of conservative Though out of power at Ottawa ay (resent, there is every indigation that iiberalism with its progressive Cana dinn politics is not out for long. None look forward to the next fede ral , election with more forehodings {than those comservatives neavest the confidence of Mr. Borden and his licw {enants. A scheme of railway extension {owe of the big things to which new rulers of China will early give their attention. © The idea is wise China is an aggregation of Provibee: rather than a dation, and it will be hkely to retain its present status till ah mama ; the people of the interior win move The United States senate will probe! about and gaia kuowledge of each inte the "financial tramsactions" be: other's strength and wants. The rail. iz "at onke"" are still far away. We ever get a Datiooal harbor ? Sir Wilirid Laurier § is 'out 'of pow but his present tour shows that. he the win Sy the 'Store Closes Salurday 10 p.m. SPECIALISTS In the following Diseases of Men [Yariensale pepeia Plies Rheumatiem Eczema | Kpile Asthma | 8 TPhilis' Lost Vitality } Sthieture (Skin Diseases Diabetes | Emissions | Kidney Aflecticas And Blood, Nerveand Bladder Diseases, C or send his story for free advice. on Diseases and Question Bl Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours--i0am. tol pm and 2 to spam. Sundays Je asm. 10.1 p.m Consultation fre DRS, SOPER & WHITE, "~~ Toronto §t., Toronto, Ont. u -- 2 | LIME FOR SALE. DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard ms Wejllug ian .t " We've clothes for yw ' { - <4's Zo -Bodins, h Hemedy Lhe w Loic % . no" ures Nert " i ry, dies d 4 Mend ai and In ! nian: ors, Sper wf aus Debit yz, , Sewn Weakness, watorrhog, and (Fly of A will cure. Joid k ' Hain pkg. 05 reveiot of § . nailed free. Th: ° Woo 3 Medicine © Fovusr'y Windsor , Yar nto, Dy $350 to $10.00. See Ow Special COAL! BIBBYS, Ltd. $5.00 Suit Sule Agetsi Kingston, for Hart's. "Shoes RL ' Cloth Boys' Clothes Boys of all ages specialists -- Clothes that have a stylish look ak loghes built to hold Boys who are strenuous and hove their make-up ~ Clothes you'll appreciate! Reefer Suits - for Boys Sto 16 years. Clothes hide by Boys' Clothes Clothes with snap to the sul" in Norfolk Suits for Boys G to 10 vears. ¢ Our Special $3.50 Suit The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREKT. For Boys ~ 2} beautifully special years trimmed. $3.75 < Women's Best Interests Russian Suits New York Make. Lo Se Boys' Reefers For Boys I yeirs to 12 ye ars, made from Heavy Wool Serge, Doubs le Breasted style Plain Qr Fancy but. . & | Bibbys Special $2.90 7 years, nnething deinand that esegy woman should spare herself unnatural suffering by obtaining safe and pxgper help when physical ills and nervous depression occur, When ailments and suffering come to you remem- her there is one safe, effective wentle and well-tried remedy -- TBeechamy Blouse Suits $1.25 For Boys 21 to 10 yon. Blue Wool €heviot cloth, trimmed with White or Red Braid. ! Blue v We how the | 25¢ Stocking west Blouse Suits Special $4.76 1xlish for Brown, trimmed, sizes Fine Serge, or neatly Boys * found anywhere of special value to women, Beecham's Pills remove the cause of suffering ; they clear the system and by their. tonic," helpful action relieve you of MKeadaches, back- r shes) lassitude and nerve rebellion. fry a few doses and know the difference--know how Beecham's Mern's BIBBY S Limited and Boys' 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. Departme ntal Store Pills will help your feelings; | --_ how they | TEA! TEA! TEA! the ™npest Tea Gardens al inoolored, aud of 'the fin -- Green and Black at 30¢ per al ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Uniarie Steeet, strengthen, invigorate | Preserve and Protect Every woman should be sure to read the special directions with every box Sold everywhers, In boxes, 26c From Ceylon, flavor, veund, E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance | ---- Agent for -- Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitoba Assurance (o'y. UVER NORTHERN CROWN BANNK, MARKEY SQUARE, « 'Phone 288 3 KINGSTON, ONT, prt sen | ESTATE locations: MONTREAL We where REAL Pr acing investors rapidly make a specialty of money in values are increasing If you want to make good profits wath mum of risk eonsult us now, shovtly and the wing « THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE, . { r 4: IN VEST T 2 v Interest parable halt-yearly to suit Investors. Place your money with us and receive a GUARANTEE INVESTMENT RECEIPT under which, in addition to the Guarantee of the Corporation, yon are securell by the Mortgage in which thetas earmarked as our propeity. THE TORON TO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, . Corner Bay and Melinda Streets, J. W. LANGMUIR, your money is invested hs Sd x Toronto Managing Director, THE QUEEN MILLINERY New Millinery in all it's Freshness > and 1: tion ' With tion, an eye the It is Novelty is here, and not only "use wonder Popular This ins ORT 174 WELL'NGTON single to your pur peer of any in this sc an exhibit that will trimphant, Not onl all that, but a Teal and bre Leiriks prices. wm olves all sql STREET \ ir scl Dit ERE ii] [ATS n tion of of Pr renel middle aged and many ladies our inki the most taskful ing so bot) old is said by a great style of beauty B al w copied after nd Enghsh. patterns. In do young were thought and It DR HSS that ther millinery stove mono palies" because our ?firices are very low If yout are considering a new hat hoaor u & the big rush fa. omn. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY . 228 PRINCE ESS STREET of, HATS i "> har i sePRE hey are bg call before Wi : USE. ig AW FORD'S OAL. ISALL GOOD Vk AZ lA