THE DAILY BRITISH Ww HIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 012 : : 2 AGH } THREE. TRAVELLING, i : : 1 THE SPORT REVIEW WHAT IS COMING, To FINISH DREDGING 4 Will Make Eggs And Other Foods | W a a antl 20th, "er IY TRU io dok 187-34 | - From Air. a eather Probabilities : a euthe i Tair SYSTEM JWEEN'S + RH -- PL AYERS] Chicago, Sept. § Dr. Paul Wal | 7F GANANOQUE RIVER BEFOR¥ sad cooler, DOWN TC HARD PRACTICE. d of Riga, Russia. predicted Hete | GOING ELSEWHERE. Capt. | YiC BIA, B.C. 3 Sn to = . fas burg in 1 3 we Santeayhur BR I BEATTLE, SH 0 10 . a LL oh oella Inia variety of trogenous foods will Draananove = Henle bey ne beh . . . \ View a ie ru actice held on jy on the air some day redge No. & of tae Randolpt : from ir Dr. Walden, J RATES 10 PACIFIC COAST | best range on the. Out on Account of an Accident--| a Sy --- ler a; b the NTL Bh turn--A Directory Man Arrestec ' 'AS : y be male rrow i ; TACOMA. WASH | M<Cla ry Wednesday . afternoon at Quest's | "i sonsaor It procticany avian | McDonald company which had been SAN FRANCISCO, CALF. 4 ro Mpus sek Hazlett was oul tehat at no distant date we will bell Smant el and got in readiness tc 308 ANGELES, SALP, . and Jevng : , who Hlaraweng food supplies. from the leave .for Trenton, was yesterday mar k et--it is " Sunday Nchool Basketball 'Tvo- | ternational nares of Applied For Trying to Collect Again Fron afternoon pulled back into Ganan On sale daily Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th ? " t . refs : [Chemistry to 1 in St. Peters- | Subscribers. BAN DIEGO, CALF. 52.05 ! 4 wou ! to Queens lair" he said. » . - MEXICO CITY, MEX, } : igre or ¢ y line, wil "Prof. Borthsen, of Germany. has Sq By to coinplete her work uj Po o n he mo those who sone 4 king. 110 the lower dam before leaving -r it on the ta 1 already succeeded ip making th ! Aad ithe 3 RRR TR OW ONE WAY SECOND CLASS is just 'one = A] : las' 'night that the next greas fea! - Erskine Not Yet Able to Turn]S! chemistry will bs the Making of | Government Hredne OFlered to Re EB ar VANCOUVER, B.C. : 108 v ~called 7 10 a held in St Peters. SPECIAL SECOND CLASS EX- line were fq imple compound nitrogen and hy. Work been continued, ' at 17 3 x ian ~ ul Foo of inlo MclLeo out o ast 4roren. This: shows that we will | wild haveteen completed by thas CURSIONS 10 NORTHERN =F. , e a nmage; Mgliguahan and {ye apie to make more complex com- | HG ang the dredge and gang of grin I is ak zt good. Mac-} ounds. An egg is a complex com. | Men av aflable for work in any pan lomnell as at 3 ved better xe roman +1 the 2cuntry. ONTARIO POINTS ' } AAA a¥er be yO . pound of nitrogen. oxygen, sulphur, In June last. 2 man culicd op the The solving of the dust problem the best s and hydrogen The chemical pro- hie r Wednasday: to : > the |S _ : ill be: i {various business concerns of the small in vestment you can make for 3 + Sold by Ji Bunt & Co, ine id a rece t, but Sess of the ben wi o> 1m tated n itown for subscriptions toward a : the home. Going Sept. ith, Hood to return] gr; {the laboratory in the undertaking. baal : The i fal. 5 ct.. 1st. f : I be we su Z few I pormarly we weresable to do very | Pusiness directory to include all thé 1 most useln sanitary, economical, ud = Pound is out a will prob ipi'nciyal towns of eastern Oniaric For full particulars, apply to : ia ih any tle with the uncombined nitrogen | P: i ra J 0 efficient dusting me \ p ply ably playing fullback. jack Mg bi the atmosphere. Now. that on Each subscriber to pay 86c.. h 1 ting mediun? known. J. P. HANLEY, CP. & TA. 1 11 Haz! i Erskine. ar advane Y day ! ut azl skine relare able to harness it th ssibi}. advance 5 esterday the man re . oot . Corner Johnsen and Ontario | Streets Y t } . Hs fre . \ 00] Tg good for the half line, and A Ea 2. passin turned with the directory and pro tl dE he: adv: ne A 1 N04 that you get a on went be afraic Reid, as not out on ceeded to collset the 8bec. over 1 AL an ONLY Dustless Duster. ho was on re -------------- . »» Wednesday, is a prospect for quar 2 : i again, getting the amount from sev o ark | A BROTHER'S ACT a to go home in the dark, y. The boys are turning out well y . eral business concerns. . One of if you earry one of our ' ~{To Give Child Right te Rear the|'he number did not bite. and ¥ " Sunday. School Basketball, - Net phoned Chief Ryan who promptly | =~ | M ¢ iH " : i : : . : . a wak ath | 1anded the man in custody. and 4 aT . The Si schoo hasketball FN "« > ww covwmoron wm - |(| Nil lo Plated | ii Stat ny A ror van MT sn op oo BED dm p { CKIie 1 , tha YMC A (20nd lor un brothe or ¢ sin and in do | trate Carroll Phe amount that ' A CX y v EE in san PACIFIC RAILWAY. ll Hex] ont! At the i nz so have won a wonderful wile. We The would have obtained from loca) sium Fhe scucdules, 1a8t | re criain we love each other -nd will | gubseribers if his plans had not oC in the ee series, senior : V est P ket ar, in the thre § les, 8 mor, In 1, 6 happy gh mb I Ra ee re Bi erniediate 3nd junior Were run oft} "1h. od clarution was made to-day by | feoted np to about $35. Fl h Li h cal troph sy a Ra the [John Conaell, twenty-two, who has | Invitations have been issued for as 4 ts t Ze iy ROY yuan rai here married | aura Cavanaugh ' : an At Home in Turner's Assembly ree i p diate, a i jj uct maiul in tae imermad ; While he had a wile and child at | Hall on Tuesday evening, Oct. 1st , ' or 1 { Ho 36 arrison trophy, while |, Matthew Connell, Jr., Jobn's On sale dally Sept. 26th to Oct. il the: junior silverware. donated by lio , a . { under the auspices of Harmony | Regular $1.25 line with BY JUIOP A verwaie *d BY [trothar, married Laura Cavanagh, of | Lodge, No. 15, Daughters of Re VANCOUVER, B.C, " tioucester, at Portland, Me., as Joba phekah i xi TORIA, B.C, Tungste n lamps and bhat- Henning. He established a home for! he' roofers are' at work. on the 3 TTLE WASH. A COMA, WASH. HOWARD | - wife No. 2 in Dorchester, o suburb of | Spring and Arle company's new ex 4 fi 1 £1YS for - i tin k : terg'on to their plant an Mill street : o i F | " 1 Gr -jyenrs the man Kept the se Fish and Game Overseer, Georg "SAN FRANCISCO, CAI | : fo r tof hs dual life And for a Yous Toner. who has been confined te We are the SOLE AGENTS tor Kingston % fr : wd | ftir the two women learned of ig ia ne tor BOE . i . 108 ANGELES, CA. 3 " jae h two a : . kee of his his ho ne for some time past, suff r for these he fps to the Housekee pers Dust SAN DIEGO, CAL z: [duped h ) etion ag ing from ebzema, has heen remove: i ERIC) CVE hv 4 | Connell, unt few weeks ago, 'when ', Brockville General Hospital fat Cloths -- Dust Brushes. Broom Dusters, Ete. MEXICO CITY, MEX. 1 he was charged with bigamy and ned pregtment ; |ci160. lhe fret wife took him Lack Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Chapleau of Try the Dusters' Brush on your hardwood 1ist's brother, Ingersoll, is spendine a short cate here from Maine and married the | day season here with her parents r CONWAY, Gen. Pass: Agent ri inn 1 { he x a. 4 -- y woman his Mother had wronged "so | Mp and Mrs. Robert Wiley Kd SP A ---------------- : 5 o he boy could legally bear the name [ward M. Zav ita, Ottawa. spent ves. of Cannell." To-day ~oha began work topdav in town on business. Mrs n tha shoe factory of his brother, to W. T. Dustin and daughter. Mis support h's wife. Gertrude Dustin. left yosterday for ne Gouverneur, N.Y., to visit Mr. an? : Y if . Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs. | Mrs. Lester Beerman The Minse > h nN A i See our showing in Persian lamb, | M. and H. Lyons of Forest Port . . ae Service for balance of season. h L 3 mink, Alaska sable, ete. Campbell | N.Y., are guests of their uncle and "St f do Leave Kingston Sept. 22nd, 24th, 4 5 5 P'res'., the makers of fine furs aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Bates ore Oo a S action : 26th and 29th, . oe SR ; ; b mi i : - STEAMER TORBNTO. i VN 7 ied AR A Larger Class, IN MARINE CIRCLES. Kastbound 30 am ; =, ' B37 Dean FEliis, of Quein's Faculty of ny CASNESSESTS (EISNER) (TES) Jas d, 5.1 .m, A a . } Education, says the opening is on Oc Movenients of Vessels in and Out of Westbound, 5.00 p.m. { 3 aE 1. ey a) ; on | This P " - se smn ---- ig 2 . tober 2nd. The indications are that a Tort, SPAIN VERY BACKWARD. WANTED MRS. SNEAD BACK. ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION RS : - " C2) AE J the class this sessicn will be much Ihe steamer Phelps cleared with | larger than that of last the barges I'arsons and Acacia to load What a Repore videred by Wing Motive for Killing of Al Boyce Ite | : sida ¢ > . | 1h: second "'wiie'" had a sop. {Ottawa are spending a short time 0 x Full partie ulars at K & P. at ( Hliday Electric Co. : is John Coinell, the © roufessed: bigs jana a , a ray. hn floor You Tl like it. ~ P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street hint's' bot) ard of the story and | 3 bot: INSPECTION INVITED CHARLOTTE AND RETURN, a mm 8 ¢ : 3 fe » & coal at Oswego for Belleville, Alf ho ' . b 3 a wa | The marine department is arranging | The steambarge Jeska is at Rich as Bu vealed by Letters. Going Sept. 24t! or fl Be a i {for improvements to. lights cn the wrdson's wharf, windbound, on hes Madrid, Sept. 26.-As the result of Amarillo, Tex, Sept, 26.-The mo Return limit, Sept. 28th. } EY | {1 ower | Nt. 1 sureneh. way to Oswego. an investigation ordered hy King Al | tive which prompted John Beal Spend : i fonso, the to be mn wait aud kill Al. Bovee here . " . . utinister of the wmterior re 'or full particulars, apply to The steamer Buena Vista cleared F 1 , apply on Saturday alternoon, became known . v . 4 ~ ) he ls i for Washburn. with gwin from Rich Ports that sixty per, cent, of the land IH. FOSTER C HAFFEE, AGPA dhe steamer Mississquoi was in rigation Toronto, y 7 WE GRIND YOUR LENSES p ot, from Gananoyue, to-day The report shows that 4.500 villas - Piles at Home > I. Co.'s elevator Yag Thom " . 4 eh ag { trom his Canadian ranch to Mes. Lena Snead in an effort to min her awav are without roads or railaaye, that sm Snead a second time; caused the LAKE ONTARID : RAY of QUINTE STEAM: We fit them to your face { won, from Montreal, three light bar M0 towns and villages ha nker to plot against the life of the > BOAT £0 LIMITED | PA ges; tag Emerson, fim Montreal | dhools, and that 12,000,600 of 3; wis Inui Novasio > : Satisfaction guaranteed or | Simple Home Remeds. Easily _ Ap- three light barges; steamer Heging, 17m 000 nhabitants ean neither read | elo v the wife, Bovoe's lettors plied, Gives Quick Relief and | J. P. HANLEY, Agent, W test of Spain is ultivated i thir | I h his @ I, Wal Coraat op) yr ARORL. ais yes har | ison's alev oy a 1 unctiiivated and thirty { through his counsel, alter Seott and Ne) a nsan an . I 8 S your e | Get Rid of ardson's elevator ; . jeight per gent. is utterly without ir (WP. Mclean. Letters sent by Boyoe i | } | from Port William, is disc Narg LINE © bpd write ta « lis nead al a time when BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. oney refunded. 1 | . tull cargo of grain, will clear for Rel : 3 and hor Buraat, 3a Lime Ale money ri xX | Prevents all Danger From loville 3 load: coment for: Foit' Wil . fe and | E bu bind having batui the steamer Rosemount i duel " Hubbies in Jail. . Str. ALETHA KEELEY, Ir, - Optometrist | UpSRation bam; BE I ont Willian Cambridge, Mass <i pt b nig Christy's Famous Hats. $ wn dally, except Sun- | Se vie i , ischs gran; tag Bronson" a wertrade ooseelyn, twenty ce Leaves Kingston dail) ep Send for Froe Trial Package and to discharge g 1g son" av | Get o n, t ig i celebrated make has been a (a day, at J p.m. for Picton and inter-| 226 Princess Street. 'Phone 927 | Prove It in' Your Case rived from Montreal this afternoon, ja bride, is still unmnrric Ae : ; ba | mediate. Bay of Quinte ports, call- - 3 rove n Xe Ase, with Whee bape said to-day ah i i { ith od dre smote for the fan Ing at Descronto, Northport and i 1 | Don't even think of an operation The steamer Rapids Prince ' was I iy he Campbell Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays. . - { for piles temember what the old docked at the Kingston Shipyard on [vied kas dial and Saturdays. # : SE | family doctor said: Any part of the Wednesday evening, shortly after the] eady married and he was at: Co yey Freighp handled with despatch : body cut away is gone forever. One harge Augustus of the M.I. Co. was |Honse of Correction io RO nr v3 - and care at reasonable rates. ! ; : r two applications of Pyramid Pile gogted. half years. On April 2th, 1912, Mise | A War Tragedy. JAS. BWIFT & CO, El | Remedy and ail the pain. fire and Sifts what iteamer Tovonto, | Josselyn tric marriag ain h nivaca, Mex. Sept. 2.--Am Freight Agents. | torture ceases In a remarkably gown and up; Rideau King cleared [time with George H. Haver k AV | at Ojo de Agua, Capt. Esco 1 P. HANLEX, i ¢ ghort time the congested veins 8re (yin: Aletha, down and up retock pleaded guilty vig a wife, bedo and sevin of his soldiers were Ticket Agent. 1 . { [reduced to normal and you will seon iving wh n he married Mis by rebels yesterday. On recéipt be all right again TY this r- PITH OF WORLD NEWS He Fegen, today, to serve , ; markable remedy: Sold everywhere = une year a ocll aext or to «x onidig n actress, and the sweet at drug stores. Send for a free trial po, Telegraphic Despatches amd |Joss.lyns fst h d eart Freobedo, committed suicide AN package and prove beyond question Newspaper Exchanges. », 4 | | % TER GON ROL pre eh | | gra iy ~ d 1 dress « joc | { out " das 4 " it is the right remedy for your case # w at CANADIAN PACIFIC IB! Bor lawn edges with, pleate Lon en though you may be wearing a | breslung is general in the west verre | the crops ave great. neve three years ago Miss' J She found ont the news here, Senorita Safin T8t ty and i i IMS the ¢ rand wrs pilo truss : 3 . Just send In the coupon below at Western Canada ix preparing to use . i : a 12 2t 1YA . f p {R Frank Newman, went to the boys ' once for the free trial treatment It the Panama canal for wheat ship ip representing Cooke's church It | will show you conclusively what ments. {§) was amusing that the winner of Pyramid Pile Remedy will do. Then Ihe Australian commonwealth may | | y » three Dreadnoughts for imperial each cup, was the Sunday school, | You can get the regular package for give with which the donor was con-|5® cenls at any drug store. Don't defence. . . : = nected | suffer another needless mirute Mrs. Charlotte Bull, wife of 6G. F SOLD ALL stl, : (3 Fiom appearances St. Panl's will| Write now. . Bull, died Beighips, in her husdied he mmus two orsthree of tha play- and second year. | » 4 pionshiy » lian Manufacturers associa Empress of Ireland .. .. «Oct 4 ers of its championship team. | a AR . Ihe Canadian or ham > Bett {B Ken" McCullagh is in Calgary, | | FREE PACKAGE COUPON. | (ion declared for the abolition of the x de Saree : i "Max" Ore in Hamiiton, and Gordon |! pyr © 452] business tax. an e , i i> : A » i yramid Drug Company, 4562 i : : Lake Manitoba .. .. .. .. 2D. 1 {§ Fleming in Sherbrooke, Que. Tue; pyramid Bldg, Marshall. Mich., The death of Sir Richard Cart Empress of Britain .. .... Oct 1¥ {p remaining members of the old Kindly send me a trial treatment] wright leaves eight . '® guard are "Tom" McCormack, ! {of Pyramid Pile Remedy at once] swnate to be Llled before the ses "Billie" King and "Alfie" Woodr| by mail. FREE, in plain wrapper.] sion : row. {1s 1 can prove its splendid re- On Friday Col. Sam Hughes Sydenham, the winners of the! sults dine with Lord Roberts, and for te Tickets and all Information frond intermediate looks good to have | week-end . will be the guest of Lord i ; N- " 1 p about the same feam:---Roy Wai. | { Name a" Sv Selborne, in Hampshire. ! any steamship agent, or F. CO Xx Harold Trotter, Duncan Wightman. |} Canada is to be granted a canlinal WAY, GPA, K & PR, Kingston, ip Herbert Holder, "and Frederick | | Street : Ame was at the next coasistory, awording to Ont : 13 : 3 Pense. Cooke's junior will be fair- City Sy 5g ino. 1 the Milan eorrespondent of the Chion- {8 Iv well "intact" to defend the--jun- : : 3 . icle, in the person of Mgr. Bruches or trop" . : f treal. Nos been hid that: SE. An] ww of Monlre pin drew"s Sunday school will enter a i Deposed Governor . Will Fight. jteam in the senior series THAT TOBACCO ! London, Sept. 26 The Chinese town SE With the "Reenter" on It Foi Uhow gs hewn declared in . Rughy Notes. Ww crowing louder a8 be goes along. 'otate of siege by ie governor, whe Only 4c per pound For chewing and has reecived notilicaiicn from the Pe kin government that he has been su perscde?, geiordny to a ROWS agency despateh from Tha Tein, : Sh. sug haessy is makitg a bit al a ni ---- Many of the 'habitants are hurried coah at Metiiil. He is the Bhp pone - leaving ths ety in fear of = hioo ' We just received from [B siockhoider in' the Ottawa Baseball : - : Club and a tall player of no mean i Es ritain a grand as- 307 Fur Sale, The AB caman., vacancies in the Empress of Ireland .. Nov, 1} Lake Champlain TR a. Nov, 3 Lake. Manitoba" .. .. «+» Nov, § will "lack" Ryan has (nally decided to tn out with Ottawa. This may in. | vnoking. " + : } CL duce "Jack Williams, formerly of AT A. MAUCLEKANS, ¢IingRion, also to tern out ) A nee frame hous, with hot air ort ad x ent in plain colors Arrarigementis have been made for a . match between Optawa College acd heating, «lc ric lighting, £. & €. and | and almost every com- Hamilton Tiger toams gt the Ambiti- good kaa, jn western part af =. | bination of col and we ous City on Saturday next. south hl 1} - is {The Gita papers ane touting Fath 20. R. Charles fel, real wiaie ag-| | What the A. B. Seaman Says: ® 3 er Stanion's Kids Sor the Tate collegi- : ency, 239 Bagot Au, f ate champica-hip. Queen's will have I . Cindi. i something 10 ray belore the honors Bridge Over Treat &" sailor' s * and 3 br aw ard: : . Ottawa, Sept. be Hamilion Pekdye { A 8 life is bold free, and life f Teronto World: Queen's have i big 5 : Das awar to t amilion Bri 4 . i husky line his weer, aud are goiig to company a ecatract for the comstrue- H is one grand sweet song as long as give them af a tussie for the honors. . : Sm wi naa : a yer he there's lots of Empire Navy Plug The statement By Br. Schultre that } {price ix not stated. | Chewing Tobacco. " the Countess Neabo was strangied be . -------- fore her had toniched the » ators of : . § i Bronchitis? fpenwaod ake RY. will. tt is Pr. Hidkey's Cure Wilk give instant eel, he supported by four other ; at ; | od eure the worst aituck of ns. Fe, at Best's. ;