Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1912, p. 4

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"The Shuttle Carriage on a Burroughs is some- thing entirely new For instance, if you have two columns of figures you want to carry, some are in one column aid sofie are in others. you put in your sum. pull the handle, and it prints in the first column; then it automat- ically carries the paper over to the next column and you print in that You pull the handle and it' antomatically sends the garriage back to the first colump, You may say that you have no use for such a machine. How do you know? 3 ever gone departments ind how much of of work you If you have jut a stop watch that sort of work for half an hour, and then . haVe an adding machine brought in and you will probably ~ find 'out you _ Could save 75 per cent. "* of 'the time. Time Is what you are paying for when you hire clerks - Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. BAXE, Sales Manager. * 146 Bay Street { BEAVER BOARD The best substitute _ for lath, plaster and wall paper. Ack us for particu- lars. S. Anglin & Co. Wellington' St. North a We can oui. ow for the cold wet weather cheaper than any other Mee In the ely. Come in and we'll prove Ut. UTS, RAINCOATS, nn NDERWEAR, SWEATER LOATH, HATS AND CAPS, GLOVE SOX, ROOTS AND SHOES, Rt hae us, hse Thene Goods abe nll New Stock for the Fall and Winter. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. 5 BIG STOCK OF STOVES. 1 have a big Stock of First. class Heaters and Stoves which can be: boyght very . cheap. Now 1s your time to-buy and got ready for. cold weather. Also a fine, Jine of Furni- ture. Household Goods, etc. Antique Purniture a specialty. JL: LESSFS 507 PRINCESS STREET. ; 'Phone 1046. uh 58 also eit shag, for . Call and see me Wahe & Be ghin. 4% Owtnrie Street, tn Crags Wholesale: Bho Ginter eruption will ehd ini the .ANo- losing of strength. "Alwags feady. 'Metal of any kind will remain clean ten | Which dre sq apparent io others. OVERCOATS, | .lination as against his less public-spir- THE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR rs i me people denimmied thom # | DAILY BRITISH Ontario, at $6 per year. WHIG, | Thursday morning. at | be added, making AL ot Attached is one und cheap work: 1 Daily ish, TORONTO OFFICE ~Bulte 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, Smallplece, J.P. Street, Toronto H E | i I - TECHNICAL EDUCATION. i % { Kingston the of is playing with iTechnical complete, | , tion manual training. | 5 education, on a large, and comprehensive plan, and the it has not, because educators of om pro vince have not taken the part they should have | The Americans may i mes---some of but in a _greal movem nt. be bohind the spoken te nical of our critics have lightly for | training large schools which are md must be surprised. The a schaol their plans any one to be | in the cities, writer of this article {in Duluth a lew days ago limpressed with its size, its equipment, Every department visited and was eiciency. ried with it gn igspiration and ap en car | thusiasm which weve shared by teach -er= and pupils, Winnipeg is a great school system is in keeping city, and of leourse its ues: 4 who visits thé¥ - published at 306-210 King Street, Kingston, i Editions at 2.30 and 4 p.m Hi | WEEKLY BRIT 15H JH, 18 pages, published in party on Monday and To United States $3 and Weekly 31 of the best Job Printing Off nine Improved p sme THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED | i charge for postage had to | 50 per year, jces in Canada; rapid styl J. G, Elllett, President, Leman A. Guild, See.~-Treas. by 32 Church representative, 3 wish 4t= civic prytentions. "It has two tEditical schools, which cost, plete, about $125,000 each, and a this) is under construction, The deparigeent of Manitoba bas not the experienge of Ontario, gol i | 'Wanagement quite posing. "But it leads in technical cdu cation, and with the full approval off the people. The older provinces of Canada had om education had and it is 8) un better wake up on this technivd sub ject, fis education departmentyshould | load in the development of education branches. The head of it abroad in search of practi n all its has gone' cal and suggestive information. Heean and in Winnipeg, get it in Canada. and it is a reflection upon this great provines that its capital is lacking the entirprise and progressivenass which are wo manifest in the capital of Mani: toba } t | | 0 LEARN T0 FARM. JL Hill, North "rn system, hend of the Great delights to talk on ques- {tions aficoting agriculture, and it 18 | . Iworthy of note that his utterances are invariably distinguished by good, i | | At a banquet sound, common. sense. tgiven in his homor in St, Paul he turn- {ed his attention to agricultural col- {leges, and advised fathers who intend {to prepare their sons for the farm to {send them directly to the and let them get their training from actual farm experience. is much practical wisdom in the Vancouver there this counsel, remarks { Sun. less excdllent ingtitutions and accom- { lish considerable good. Tut there {a distinel disposition, both in Caunda | Land the United States to overrate the service they are to the farming indus Under teachers the Hoy | try. capable who has got a geod grounding from te mtinent before long. A VERY NECESSARY REFORM. The assessment question is vexatious betimes to the who mn | x and iv will erop up great must deal with it. which the Canadian manifacturers deal {with it is suggestive. A special con mittee has carefully studied the fab | ject and de-lared that th? law as it | seands penalizes & man ior his public and that it should be_amendad embarrassment of the men The manner spirit, 'at onees | "Under the present system of sessing," it is aveered. "Buildings "value manufacturers and other owner of property find that in proportion as ti#y improve their premises from tha standpoint of appearance. fichith "of | "mployees. aud other factors of inter font and value to the eneral copumun- ity, their AssessMen| dnd taxes are ? increased. The owner suffers 'discrim- as at el ited competitors in business. This peflaity or discrimination is not mere ly to. the extent of the value of the improvements in buildings, but is in the business manufacturers creased by assessment (which in the is sixiy per cent), upon the improve ense of ments." The object of assessment is not dis puted. It is the basis for revenue Agricultural colleges are doubt- | 1 (demonstrators: is {country | jof the property eneouraged, raising, and the revenue must be had. But the taxation should be fair and The single tax has been | squitable. It is held to | proposed dnd rejected, TT. EDITORIAL NOTES. | Beds | The principal event in the education al world of the United States is the | establishment of four downs to ad vance the foathall ten yards. The Canadian mawpufacturers object to 'Y.M.C.A's buying their equipment outside of Canada. The Y MUAY can retaliate and object to the UMA. baying ils insurance in the United States: These patriots and lovers of Canada should be consistent. revival of social and religious feuds which must lead to deplorable ree sults. If it is right for ons party to atm and drill it must be right for another. Eventually theve will be a clash of a more serious kind than any that has vet taken place. - The Toronto World seems to rebuke one great man inthe gov the province, when it savs t "the anomalies of the present, 8 Eystem are patent enough to every: body who is familiar with its opera: ion." Sir James Whitney does not | vol seem 10 have seem the diffieultios ment of aninion, and Sir Lave a care. the balance of ther deficiency, or actual experience of farm work should henelit from a course But obtain no little in an agricultural college it is doubtiat Jif the previously who has never who in hgs obtained at any bril youth been on a farm and (ndeavors Lo put into practice the struction which he such an institution will make his work when he be- The time hant success of ging to farm in real earnest college the put fin. at an agricultural hould be a post-graduate course; farm itself is the real seat of learning +t which a grounding is to be obtain- «d in' the priuciples of the science wof agriculture. In o!d world states the lecturers and through the who go lessons and instrue- anf tion to the give farmers are beginning to He regarded as more valuable aids to than the colleges, taken on and this | the industry f the same view may be » But there are features of ft which are approved, i + y he generally impracticable. dud some of the cities have tried them | of the exporience, satisfactorily. CMA cite any it and candidly that it §s wreng to allow the holder of vacant land to escape the taxataon It "he committee does' not opuly but declares 0 his measured increment. recom: ymends some form of tax by which they holding of unimproyed property in dise ouraged wil and the impwovewent « and the | committee adds : "We beliave that an! increased assessment upon unimproved | lands would go up any deficiency arising from the abo-, the business tax. lition of We oan see no serious objection to throwing | would hopping irug store well, even the whole of it, ppon real property in! general." It remains fo be seen how the poli tical leaders in the legislature will re gard the proposgition. Mr. Rowell and his supporters in the opposition have put themselves upon record this subject. They are in favour of a poliey which the C.M.A. has advoea- | ted. The government has heretofore resented it, despite the fact that it has heen urged by leading conscrvative pa- | But even stung oO! ny pers and politicians. governments are susceptible of public}, James Whitney must | [fe The New York Sua expresses . ibe opinios that the, novel of character Will' keep longest hold of the world. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, tolerated in public places on { eount War scare {nickel | favoured {poras, 1 to fun towards making even the prospect of living { leans thind ths was girls shown through that a statue; with a _gazink, 23, $1.50, hat dealers. | soh am = SEPTEMBER 1912, 1 asd by their suppor The threats HL ? - 10 pm. Canad shutting Janac this plate be article, thout Te resist modern g sifpie. Rp anad : A of" peace wauld 2 Pid ahi wre (i the SHOLOWO voted bay Yark state lor good roads LINO has betn diverted bn erament for the cont 311 the gov routes Fhese which interested, to the resuit gi for roa expedited properties in Cet tain politicians are the hurt the shin and market Here priating a large oat exelusion Toutes is appro ds with specifying the manner which it A tario had better heed. 15 to be spent. warning which Un Kitchener and His Misguis Lord Kitchener's ability in guising himsell has given rise te trug and of soldicr following cident w told who with the kssex rigiment in g paign sgaffist the Dervighies "4 was acting corporal of "the g over 'a large number of gentlemen the d&ert whom we had taken pei sopers. In the course of my rounds a captivis within the tent drew my attention, and | was surprised to heax in good English the wish 4, get reported. the int of the guard, wwt. with the wply, fool stay where "L continued met with the matter as cart 50 1 went on my "As | passxd the voice from within sad, yda are the ksse answered that I was said, 'Well, tell Mr speak him. 'What name 1 er,' came the reply, ported accordingly He immedtely made fo er's quarters and '1 shall get that meéting. "The dishevelled 'dervy reality the Lord Kitchener to be, who had been out mong the enemy and he had ly been taken prisoner by troops." iH wany stories, famous otherwise, this The by in as one erved Hin davd of Cor this." | rerjuest out ol ooUarrences only to be 1 thy ol course the serge: curt he is ground request A time the my and wa again Lhe gain | reported reply ty il nt Agam this time the 'Say, corporal, nnd but a round wa Lrongvs spot of resiment ? i the prisoner that i and : id wan! to 'Kitchen Lt once sergeant prison for queried and i a to th r the never was in that was spying apparent hi own Wash Tub. Ld Whe Wan $18.00 # a recipe for postponing one s tun ' Dr. David Paulson, of Hillsdale, We The eral, Mich, proval on a tub. A study sets the mark highest ap liberal ol the wash of the wash tub has convinged the worthy that it should not be regarded intra muni of torture, virtue is an aid to clegnliness, but one contain ing the potemtiality of good health, and, thereiore, to be regarded with re ypect and gratitude. In addition to ot show use doctor 18 an whose single Store Closes Saturday | See Our Bryson € uits BIBBYS, Ltd. ms se No matter whether you are a Business Man or a Workingman or Baker, we ean satisty your clothes requirements. : The styles and fabrics this se We enjoy showing our clothes ! In our Suit display we offer our trade the master prod best Overcoat makers The highest salaried designers originated our styles, the most skillful jourreymen Tailors working under most : Ul the conservative for classy Dressers, See Our Chamberlain Coats - $15.00 Plain. Blacks and Greys, Cheviots and Worsteds, | Our Gerdon Saits Bunkéor ason are partignlarly attragtive SUIT PERFECTION uctions of the sanitary conditions made them. Our Castle Suits $15.00° | = $20.00 OVERCOAT ELEGANCE a models as well (He sant w------_-- wv. See Our Senctagsbaals ~~ $15.00 Brown Grey ad Bronze, Wales, Cords and Herdnghone Tweeds. SQ criations as Ionghish promoting health, the doctor decls that doing a family washing every Monday morning promotes pulchritude The exercise not only strengthens the body and limbers up the muscles, hut it purifie] the blood and brings the Jush of health to the cheek. But in spite of the good doctor's enthusigsm sn the subject of the washboard and tub as a home gymnasium, are {eonvinced that these articles of domes tic use will pever become popular with we a 80, en's and Boys' Deparime ental," 82 PRINCES ; STREET ssn the gentler sex. We dave say that na 110 Juno and becoming as beautiful as or J Hebe, would convince the average wo |man that she ought to spend a half Iny a week over the wash tub. She rather get = exercise going and her éhmplexton at the Our good Michigan doctor but he is hopelessly be times, COAL! The kind you are looking for Is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt. delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREKT. Why Minera Never Married. through character, A famous spinster, known wit the country for her entertaining a number of little from a charitable---mnstitation-- After the luncheon the children the place, in they might enjoy the many tiful things it contained were order bean "This," said the spinster, indi Minerva." . Minerva married *' little girls my child," said the spinster; smile; "Minerva was the God fess of Wisdom Lappincott' Ma ating tig "Wak f the "No, asked one BEDROOM What About a New Derby. i $2, 82.50 the hig We have every good "syle, $1. Campbell Bros, Se $4.5 Some special $6.50. »0 and up. ones ot $4.75 wool, 7 Duy all Men's drawers, 8. But unfortunately the characterless no- & vit is what seems to please the ma jority. Sh: abd She public e utilities be taxed? "or Torani it is held that they should nit be: A similar contention here, sustained public mean g great saving to partinent. It is taxed, plant would be, and it ous charge against the ues. opinion, would the power de- a private mieans 5 seri- current by aR reve Carson and Smith, unionists, have kd all otha in signinz the Ulster covenant of resistance to law and good 'government as provided in home tule for Ireland. In this act, and jn counsellng rebellion amd inviting bloodshed, are they nol guilty of sedi- tin? Thy bave already their loyalt$ to the state. A defence offered by the decency de- partment of the Toronto police force, for 'not suppressing certain suggestive performances in a local theatre, was pledged | Springs, $2.50, $3.50, $6.50 Mattresses, $2.50 to $36.00, ! Dréksers, Cliffouicrs, | Tables, all styles and finishes ys--10 am. to 1 pam | 0 or ware, | R. J. REID -- Faone 871. Dressing 1! F URNITURE Jr n Bed Special this week. $2.50, | and | = | { | § b | | THE QUEEN MILLINERY Cg An Autoimn Showin bg, of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hats Practically every fashion seurce of consequence is represented here, | DRESS HATS, TAILORED HATS, SCHOOL HATS and UNTRIMMED SHAPES This showing again demonstrates our commercial | | gure macy. 174 WE L LINGTON STRE ET v E. BLAKE THOMPSON, | Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance | ---- Agent for -- od Union Assurance Soc'y & Manitsba Assurance Co'y. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, sve VORTHERNS CHOWN BAAS a none IRN ONL. a mse ery RAWFORDS Coan. YAY ARIE RT (AT Ta

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