+ POLITICAL STORIES {TOLD OF THE LATE : | RICHARD CARTWRIGHT. Springs | To ful Tales of Prophets, Resi | ICHFA, in | The late Sir Richard = Cartwrigh You [~o + homan that a number of «» cellent stories have gathéred abou his name. Perhaps thee stories are a bit different from the stories tha! gather around the name of the avr Jpatesmitn or politician, Tor al ie Sir Richprd was the aristo in politfes, he rarely mingle with the crowd, he 'Kept his personal {life nnd his political life 1m weparats chambers. : sit His Story Book--In By-play of De bate He Showed Up Best--Would Search Scriptures for Disrespect Ottawa Free Press age hx {erat is a story by a brilliant Am writer of ou plot to keep . ou man. from the British house This story is said to have been based upon a welldkbown trait, of Sir Rich ard Cartevright. j= Three men are dining in a club. Op them is a wellknown stat § Tuan, engaged in reading a book. 1h {was within a few pages of the end and every few minutes he glanced nervously at the clock as though [pressed for time, EY One of the three pwn watching hin 8 explained that he was the famous mi B | nister of the crown, and that he wa 8 due at the house in few minutes {to deliver an epoch-making speech {The man thus making (he explanation was a political eppomat. '1 would," KE he told his two hearers, "give te | thodsand dollars at this moment fos 'a new "story of Sherlock Holmes A igood detective story is the only'thing that will keep him from the house to Inight. He is late even now, but h will not 'leave until he has finished ® the story he is reading." There erican slates HE principle of the posite anti Spiral Spr construction is the reason for its heglth-giving, sleep inducing qualities. N It cannot sag and double your body up--cramping. nerves and blood-vessels, as does an old-fashioned woven-wire spring. Instead, each of its hundred coiled spirals support, independently, a small part of the mattress, "giving" when Yresaute isapplied and springing ack instantly when it is re = | moved Your body is supported evenly, with the backbone straight and level, Every nerve and blood-vesse! is in its natural position. You are fully re laxed, enfirely comfortable, able to get the greatest, possible benefit from your hours of sleep. His Story Book. Richard Cartwright to dum th That was the life It was 'ten years ago, ling a most exciting debate in commons, that Sir Richard was ob {served to be poring over a book. (s 'a couple of oecabions during the de 9 bate he was asked a question, which x | questions he answered in the slortest | possible manner and with a snort o | i ps E | hen six {left for dinner, { hind on his seat {that the minister was {studying profound | tnance or philosophy "Come and see," said a press gal lery man who sat immediately above the minister's seat and who knew him The little group stole' into the com lanced at the title of the i ving exposed on the min tisterial seat. It was 'Blue Lights, oi iHot Wark in the Soudan," by R { Ballantyne, and its sub-litle was "A {Book for Boys." 2 i Indecdd, Sir Richard sion explained that 'he erature a kind of mental that is he could read with one part o -- {his mind and follow proceedings wit) quite another part. Like the playing of Patience, of which vears ago, hu used to be - extremely fond, he could {put his mind in trim for some effort | best by some light mechanical menta exercise such as reading a light werk just as the Marathom runner might spend a few minutes with the four pound dumb-bells before starting on his twenty mile ride. Richard had read evervihing {Cenan Doyle, and he is credited wit} { knowing almost every work of Hen ty's, Indeed, right to the last ther was a peculiarly boyish enst to hi miod--mentally he never seemed have passed® his prime. Ihis, too, was noticeable respect in his famous moments of ritalin, when, as well known, would blurt out some truth that ers scareely dared whisper: And the truth peonle found simplified matters exceedingly Thea occasionally he would show another Kind of irvitation. It wos in his own hotuse once, when a visitor je present, that Sir Richard was in bail o'e, 00k Sir Richard leaving thie book be Someone silggeste engaged i» work came, Your dealer should be able to show you the "Banner" spring. 1f be cannot, write us. THE ALASKA FEATHER . & DOWN CO., LIMITED Montreal and Wiasipeg i | | mons and thook, now sone ol Also makers of 'Alaska' brass and iro: beds, Health and Oster- moor Mattgesses, Feather Pil lows and sl kinds of bedding on one occa found such lit soporific LE TEA! Z TEA! TEA! From the Finest Tea Gardens of Ceylon, uncolored, aud of the find flavor, Green and Black st 30c per pound, at ANDREW MACLREAN'S, Ontario Nireet. an Ls po oO ase 3 LIME FOR SALE DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard "Thone $45, 285 Wellington St - | Or, de Van's Female Pills | _A reliable French regulator; never fnilr. These Sls are exceedingly powerful in regulating (ha generative portion of the lemale system. Nefuse { cheap imitations Dvr, de Van's are sold at Be x, or three for 8 Aailed to any addres: Bell Drug Co. St. Catharines, < For sale ad Mahood's drug store. From Yard to Cellar We deliver at latest prices the very best grades of coal. This is a good time to put in your supply for next winter P. WALSH 85-57 BARRACK STREET. Sir in anther ir he oth once it was out, terrupted by a eraski in the hall \ | passing servant had dropped a plate with a tremendous crash, which quite {threw Sir Richard off the thread of his argument, The old gentleman was furiously langry. "Fools. fools," he said; "Pve {been surrounded by them all my life Fools, they've blighted my career," jand in A moment the anger was all jover and as the visitor passed out he saw Sir Richard slip a bill into the isorvint's hand, lest he should have {heard and his feelings been hurt Not Withdraw, It was in the byplay of debate that Sir Richard showed up best. When he referred 10 a certain group in the commaons--to<ay they would ~ have been called muck-rakers--as "a fe {lewd fellows of the baser sort" one of these designated fellows spent go hour of the commons' time to hav the expression withdrawn. But Sp Richard blandly explained that he used the term in' a purely scriptural sense, and the incident did not re sult Mm any victory for the protesting oppositionists of that day. It was Sir Richard that stamped Mr. Foster as Cassius. This was at a time when, true or otherwise, it was said there whs considerable fric- tion between Sir Charles Tupper, the promier, and Mie. Foster, his first lien temant, and Sir Richard's humorous "Cassus bath & lean and huagey looky' and his advice to the Cassar of the party to beware of assassina- tion, political or otherwise, had a- bout it a humorous tinge that made the house shake with Inughter. All their lives thew: was a political vendetta between the two great op- ponents, Cartwright and Foster. As valiant knights of the middle 'ages would not draw their swords upon men who were pot their equal, so both Cartwright and Foster found satisfaction in twitting each _. other, sewing only each other of all the house was able to answer them in ther own coin. And, indeed, the re sult was a draw. Foster in senten- ops that would sting like the crack of a whip would search out every weak- | | | | | F. J. JOHNSON "THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Roses. Carnations, Sweet Peas, and all other seasonable Flowers. A choice variety of Ferns. Palms, etc. Wedding Bouquets, Floral Sprays and Funeral 8 a a -- BS ---------- for disr=spestiy phets - of ole for-fatded hor sarch the ales about ouid san uw ni, and » Benedjct Arnold, for rences witich 1 one supe e would lay at Foster's de It was, i i ickw scriptures i the pr std thology history HOOUT re sentence iyoe of lar a kian sense these had a sincere respect her. Personally they were iriends ut the rules of the house of eom- ons are something like the rules of ne fericing class; they ws 10 prevent oppolienis aring each other These ner players took a delight in sieing orofound a blow they could athiet upon each other without: g¢ ing vatside the rules of the game. It was . distinct peint to the other one ven Be could persuade the speake: 4 the house that his opponent transgressed the fules of debate. Such was a blow beneath the belt, an un air advantage that took the sling rom the hurt it otherwise night have achieved. HUDSON BAY LINE RISKY. rators seriously in skilled ra Ow i dr Donald Mann Makes a Statement at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Man., Spt. 27. Shesssn risky a RG allway undertaking is of so ature and ultimate woblematical that it should be oper sted by the government un il its real value has been demonstra od," sald Sir Honald Mann, here, "i now," he added, "when the Canadian vorthorn started we had the choice of to the bay, or east and vest, and 1 think the result has jus ified, 'our judgment But you can ever tell, aad the result is uncertain. ndoubtedly, there will ba a large ish trade from the north and valu ble mineial deposits nay be found Jong the right of way, as happened n the ase of the Ontario government making the line of incalculable Add ti» this that there to be considerable through froight and passenger the lement of risk is materially reduesd Mt I think that the right is 'wing pursued." Donald belittled the long a line could traflic would be its success is dominion omg north oad, vorth ound ratlic, and course suggestion Ix Sir hat ed when .ectni scanty 20 $0 Buckley's Celebrated Hats, uncondiional guarantee hat. Sold only at the big hat dealers. A printed oes with ampbell Bros', every When Nellie Dresses. Vhen Nellie goes up stairs to "1 take a megazine, \nd read about the wonders of Some far off foreign scene; 'n article Hn men who graft, The Wall street system, too; \lso the editor's remarks On what next month he'll do. dress, . I light my pipe and puff away The wh ie the page | scan, \nd rcad a Robert Chambers About some love-sick man, \ muck-rake expert leads me through A bale of torrid stuff xplaining how a lot of men Got upon -a bluff, tal ale rich read the advertisements next, Of collars, cumeras, cars, ind breakfast foods and underwear Tobacco and cigars \ liberal educ m, | Obtain, 1 must confess, the evenings we are going out And Nellie starts to dress. Detroit Free Press King of $2 Hats, The Waverly.» George Mills & Ca Would Ask Jonah. Here's an instance tion Army "lassie" ological heckler. "Po you really believe," he "that Jonah spent three days uighis in the belly of a wh a" 1 don't know," renlied the lady of the poke bonnet; "I'l ask him when 1 get to heaven." "But supposing he isn't there *" "Then you can ask hin." The Smartest Styles In $2 and 22.50 derbies at Campbell Bros'., the leaders in men's hats. Salva a the where a scored off asked and Bronchitis and wheezing quickly ew d hy Pr. Hickey's Spéedy Cure. 25 at Best's. The way to accomplish much is do one thing at a time--and do well. Mendel"s 85 coat sale, Saturdas The Bible was made to help people who never had much of a chance Men's 81.35 nightshirts, 75¢. Dut tons, The Sauntains have never made skeptic, nor the sea a doubter. HERE IS A REAL DYSPEPSIA CURE "Pape's Diapepsin" Settles Sour Upset Stomachs mm Five Minutes. Do some foods ypu eat hit back. taste good, but work badly: ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour gassy stomach Now: Mr. or Ms. Dy speptie, jot this down : ape's Diavepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset vou. There "never was anything so safely quick, &o certainly effective. \No dif ference how badly year stompeh is disordered you will get Lappy relief im five minutes, but what pleases vou most §5 that it strenethens and regu iates your stomach so voy can eat your favorife: foods without feur. Most remedies give you relief some times--they are slow, but not sure Diapep«in is quick, itive ard puts vout stomach in a Ithy condition so misery won't come, back. | You feel different as soon as Tha parsin comes in contact with the sto- mach--distress just vamishes--vour sto- much gels sweet, no gases, no beleh ing. no eructations of undigestl food, your bead dears and you Teel fine. 3 Go now, make the beat investment vou ever made by getting a large fltveent case of s Diapepsin from anv drug store. You realize to it a A Great Search. And Cartwright, in return, would A in five minutes how peedless it Ws to wafer from indigestion, i of any stomach disorder: THE f the | are planuved so | P had ' of the opinion that "the Mudson Bag" of Liat CTR RGR Ro ao a DAIL 2 BRITISH WHIG, A YEAR -AGO SLUMP HOW COPPER AND STEEL HAVE GONE UF. Bounds Will be Placed on the British Market--1hey Bring Better Prices --anadian Rubber Company 'tc Issue New Stock. New York, Sept The ri Amalgamated Copper to a level above 190, for the time in more than |two years, and the ; g of IT by Steel common, serve all the atten ition of Wall street on to fact that just ome year ago the stoek market experienced of the pronounced »!'umps and panicky condi Jticns that had prevailed since 1907 +A year ago, the controlling factor in {the downward mgveéuent the threat of a government aghins the Steel ( orporation common then broke ta 518; Amalgamated Copper fell to #43 2% we in hirst in One most was uit i Seed while Car and Foundry: Bonds. Montreal, Sent It is understood that the Royal Securities Corporation and Lae, thigginsen & CO., Boston will not offer the recently purchased "Canadian Car and Foumdry bond® i this country, but will place the entire lot in the London market The original lot of $3,500,600 was of fered in both and dollar winds, and it is an interesting fact that the sterling bonds are selling in London at 110 or 111, while the dolla: bonds in this 106. 26./ sterling country command but Issue New Stock. Montreal, Sept. 26. The" Rubber company has decided 82,000,000 of new stock early in. the new I'he money be used for needed extension to the company's plant. : Canadian Lo js8u, Year will & Commercial Notes. . prices are predicted in the the Steel company of Can this is due 10 the {net that steel trade is booming. The dircetor and Millifg reorganization {take over the one, it rumored that Smart company will amalgamateswith anoth Br company. i he Stock listed $750,000 common | Toranto Paper pany. h. E. Jackman snd I. I'. Stienmgn, Yochester, have leased th King Ed ward mine at "Arrangement are being made to start work at ohee With a crop of wheat farms he United that reath 710,000,000 bushels, and a crop in Europe that is far below the average, shippers in the United States are con fronted with the highest ocean freight rales cn record 5 loronto Paper Higher stock ada of the ( company are of assets ol anadian Ceregl anning the company te the presen a new of 8 Lhe Lorgnto ha th com Exchange stock of Manufacturing Cobal from ol States may established another high rceord, selling at 704, an appre (tion ot ten pojuts since it first made appearance on the curh la Pose Consolidated mines gare favorably regarded by the huyers. Tm portant developments are looked for coke common earnings show an in crease of between tén and fifteen. per cent, | there is renewed talk of placing To Rails on a ten per cent. basis | The stock exchange firm of Stbphen IR. Dow & Co., Boston, have made an | assignment it dhe |phén R. Dow resigned as president of 1th Franklin, Indiana, North Lake ! Algonma and Corbin Copper" compan | ies i The Canada Cement |v building a ahout its i ronie same time Ste company pur huge plant in the n-thborhood of Medicine Alta WW. PB Brockyille, a former {olicer and director of Canada Carriage company, has been admitted a member of the firm of Richardson & Co, brokers, Montreal. The firm is : now | composed of A. Richardson, N. F i Nash and Mr. Brough | Ralph Stokes has been appointed as | sistant consulting «ngineer. of the Ca | nadian Mining and Exploration M mining tsrough, | Ss com pany i sive | rica. |. Sentiment in the Pittsburgh | centre i" mors optimistic than at jany time in | | United States manufacturers are still able to export news print paper, th figures for the month of July being 5876 tons. The imports for the same month amounted Dir ing 1911 Canada shipped 58.561 fone of this grade of paper to the United i States | Trade between Canada and New Zea lland will be enlarged in the near fu 'ture, according to 0. B. Bendall, a | hivpine underwriter from Wellington, New Zealand, passing through Toren Stokes has had an exien experience in South Af see! now ive vears | pei i to 5,756ytons {to on his 1y home | The Duluth, South At {lantic reports for vear ended June 30th Lhow a decrease in net: operating reve nue of $122,163. A Rio Janeiro loan of $15,000,000 at five ver cent. is shortly to he floated on the market and arrangements f§ w Shores and ior underwriting the issue are now in pro- ! | The Brock Centenary. Sept. 27.--A dominion-wide [celebration in one form and another was decided upon by the United Fm pire lovaliffs at a meeting vester day to commemorate the centenary of the death of Gemgral Isaac Brock, who fell at the Battle-of Queenston Heights on Oct. 13th, 1812. The var {ious forms of celebration decided up lon will include special services in all the schools of Canada on the after noon of Friday, Oct. 11th, a patrio tic service and the decoration of the Brork monument ut Queenston Heights on Saturday, Oct. Mh a yal sa lute from cannon in all the { Toronto day, Oct. 12th, and memorial vices in every church in Canada Sunday, Oet. 13th. Pon't Pat Off Busting your new fall hat. We have every new style from the world's best inown and most celebrated hat mak- ers, Christy's, Bucklex's, Seott's, 's. Liberty, etc, $52, $2.5), S30. 2M. Campbell Bros, the big | h at dealers, / aidan When a. big man makes a fool of bi he doss the job well: i rao $2.75 coat sale, Saturday. t \ t~ hie Bay | SEPTEMBER 27. 1913. FRI bn X. "BAN PLACED ON KISSING, | : 1 i Bavarian Rablways" Decree Applies i to Frains and Platforms, 3 Ihe ban ich Bavar vays have placed a on ki pia ms, or ihe pr PE 1 decros is due to the! and his vt y= Sept m he ,. lanovent havior ol a man The woman, whe laid her head on her hus | . band's shoulder, and he placed his | \arm around her The other passen ger) on the car did not like 1 the conductor Fhey cused the couple of kissing, and ed the conductor make them was =, and summensd A ask bg 1 to ¢ 0) _MILLINER \'TS {ter dn- and *1t JOBSEs8 (Hal early tion of French and Engi ddle aged and young were t many ladies ov DRESS HAY nw 6ther millinery slore has They ar prices are very are considering a new hat honor u ith a PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PRINCESS STREET RE thought - of, S © POL O- our 'all before gave themsd ves. The husband complained thorities of the mrvion of ductor in interfering with hum dented the kissing charge, but ollicials to have assumed that | was guilty, and issued the deri referred to above prohibiting kis on trains or railroad property in ture. thé the em | Ring | ia ELECTRICIAY TO CAUSE SLEEP. ) . German Physician Claims Invention New Insomnia Cure, Sept, 20 { of i step, may turned « at is the alluring prospect offered | saffering by | Is hmidt, his | for this purpose in a medi dadin, Flectri which will, to Die mventron cal magasine He Asweris net i when | bregn, able tq Ire n and off people from insomnia Nage who describes he has devised a which, the | that form of elecpric current applied Yo the base 01 i will produce a narcotic effect, | be maintained as long as it | desired It has been tried with the | greatest success, and without any injurioused effects, on dogs and rab yits Dr. Nagelschmidt is convinced ; es Underiear for MEN and BOYS UNSHRINKABLE Warm, shapely and comfortable, Carel \ n Single and tatiored garments i Sails DEALERS EVERYWHERE ed TRAE --ar Tiger Bran Manufactured by The GALT KNITTING CO. Lud. < ° Galt, Ont. that it can be equally applied to hu man beings The application -of the current eliminates pain. from any part of the body, also yr Rich Red Blood. | VBS blood is the source of all men tal, muscular and nervous power it the bloed is weak-'you weak | Have rich rd blood and you will not | : Atrength, but you y resist The best up health and enrich fron Tonic Pills great nerve | maker In Drug Store above are {only have | i 4 3 4 twit be abies t greater disease to ton is Wade's they are a and blood McLeod's door if thaxalive rengthener 2We., at Brock t Money st Ning back satistae not Relieved the Situation. Once when Justin MeCartly had ralled on Dean Stanley and they were conversing Matthew Arnold was ao- nounced, and the deay. addressing the wew arrival, said, "Come here, Matt and let me bring you face ty face with the man who tays you are cnly an iature Goethe.'" MeCartliy was natur- ally embarrassed at the repetition of a remark that seemed to be 1ll-natur ed. "Oh, come, now, I didn't say only a miniature Goethe he stammered, but Arnold prompt lieved the it uation: by remarking with a winning smile, "If he could only convince me that 1 am a miniatire Goethe how proud of mysell he make me." o- Justice to Co Lord Cockburn, though a successfa! defender of: prisoners, failed on cone oceasion to get aw acquittal for a mur derer. "The ecaiprit," Mr. Croak James tells us in "Curicsities of Lav and Lawyer 'after the sen- tence fixing his execution for the 20th day of the month bad not been removed from the dock when his'coun sel passed him and was then seized by the gown. The prisoner said, 'I have not got justice, Mr. Cockburn,' 'to which the couusel gravely repited, Perhaps not, but you'll get it on the y th" > A Thriving Industry. Queen Charlotle 1s have two { whaling statious operatiog-ten- onthe lin the year and giving employment i | a nupnber of bands. It is reported | that 4ver 400 whales were caught and { disposed Of at Nadep Harbor, Buckley's Guaranteed Hats. | i These world-fTamed teed even accident y be had in Kingston only Bros the style centre hats are guaran agamst at Campheil for men's hats i "Hypophosj hites" make red blo ! land huild up the nerves. Large i ties, 75c., at- Best's : | You can't tell much about { Lord is doing by reading papers Flannellet ts tons. Mendel's {day | bot what th the church | De Dut- | night dresses for shirt hargains, Satur § wholesome. military | saluting points in' Canada on Satur | sor: | on | £3, | i S WN REGAL LAGER -- The ly Beverage Beyond Compare TH ibsmannciitt due to a perfect yea cleanest brewing materials and our make REGAL the k At all Dealer apd Cafas Hamilton Brewing Ass'n, Limited, Hamiiton! JAS. McPARLAND, 78 egal Agent. I Cc A ------ - meth pasteurizing Leading Hotel THINKING ABOUT SHOES Then you should think of nus. 'We have pre pared a most wonderful exhibit of The "Sea- son's Newest and Best Footwear 'roductions for Men, Women and Children, If you have a Shoe need now of « onfemplate one soon it's to your interest to drop in here now and see the stylish new Footweun You will be ander no obligation to buy, because you look. It would be a plédsire for us Yo show you how and why we can dnd dg sell Baten Shoes." ' J. H. SUTHERLAND '& BRO. The Home of Good Shoe wv | "Grandpa Says THESE Are Good r Little Boys! "GOOD?" is right. and pure sugar that's what Maple Buds are. «not only good to the taste -- they're nourishing and Pure chocolate, pure milk They're children may eat all théy want. The Maple Buds satisfy their craving for sweets and at the same time build up their little bodies. Buy Maple Buds at your grocery. Tedch the children to spend their pennies for these wholesome sweets. COWANS MAPLE BUDS THE COWAN CO. Linusted Toronto, Ost.