SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28 1912 ' CONSTIPATED, BILIOUS, HEADACHY, LIVER TORPID?---CASCARETS SURE Turn the rascals out-et heada billousness, constipation, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases----turn them out to-night with Cascar ety Don't put in another day »f 'dis ress Let Cascarets sweeten aud regulate your ste chj remove the sour, undigested and fermenting feod and that migseryv-making gos: take the excess le from your liver and carry off the omposed waste matter and onstipation poison . ; So EF 3 v from the bowels. Then you will feel great : rig Favors: yo k E d 7 : A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out. by morning-ga 10- cent box from any drug store will Keep your head clear, stomach Bweet liver and bowels regular and make you feel bully. and cheerful for months., Don't forget the childs That furs are steadily advancing d t ! F : fn price is undeniable And that yo te he must then ren oa AM 4 ; : ; i " a ; advanced jens hav y nok affects qjser h : rat \nd : the Pelt us | // » Eh ; : Ad La 2 10 Cents. Never gripe or sicken. their popularity anc demand for Yearcli aniRat as : . : J Ze Se ie - : ' be benttiiul 3 i i ' 7 y am Ty niabie Never Wily howutitul. Is is epoch : : ; CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. "before in the world's history have [lovely dM he hos had ih rau 5 % of ; 2 j 4 os ; ----_-- - they been more generally i DFO and WYhile t t OR + eu aE - ; : ; be . » . - TT every TE of society for pelts ar dy 8 soit of testute ag ih 4 { ¢ : H e a 4 B : Peath of Wilton Lad. a luxury which no rich woman {lon Erobeidy it would noribe ; ' RIG Bo Wilton denies horgelf and which a far from ¢ for even the cleverest of f{ : prosperous woman will, if pe ble in-tarin a eh) ale 8 tonk mio some . i a 9 yi § . " ait weak, alter a few weintbe' aes, | Uo othy and Margaret returned, Sat uf ' 5 resembling § iver fox» % J - i » acquire. in ! m ga i i wie {Hom drop) and heart trouble 1 he | urday, to (heir home in London, af Barely a generation ago a single pelt, hut the London and Paris spe fruiral was conducted at the house by {101 4 couple of mduths' visit at Bern LE IE sot of furs was considered ac gt je 3 Bell. Udensa, thoy eto Yilte 1 |akd Nili# cemel a O DUrial tobhert Been 1 upp for AY woman to have : 1 5 ! : ! ont Supply ' Eo yo . 4H wars} 10. Seif of that fur are greatly 4 tine has a line new addition built to]. Thy man wits always says just what Tight --. dark hon De hol d : or in demond for use with the monn y % bis tensni house, which is occupied by [be means magabeaan adpdirable char . alre i { : A tatlormade suit and vastly do they pe ' £ James Hui. William Stuart. w mar- acter, but he wouldn't shins in the 'ner hG . - TN $ short-haired, their owner, deeming | 11. 1. ic eved debutante: alse her be £5 ree e sm at § K Le > T . » : herself fortunate, wore them at any | r-haired-* chaperone. ii smal vr AWonderul fens, voungest daughter Curtis] Fven when they huve nothing to do hour of a winter's day or evening ly © Co 3 ! -- | th "her tast end with "its flerce eyes and pointed =d Fo ot A BIIGPIE | rer Hde Walker, Westhrooke. Miss K. Martin, [some people don't seem able to do it and nobody questioned her taste in nose looks wonderiully chi vhen seen Red X Set } ral C : . I matters sartorial But "other times tring agaiiet. tii: charkler of cats other mannors" and nowadays it the new plastron collars which fast 3 most emphatically 18 not good form plasty Hars which fasten : 5 : to pear on tho streets of a morn | the hack of the figure. Usually the liomposed of large x ocenpied chacked with lines of bifie-grey, in rv Bi, sable broadtail or er. |romium "ol # brother-woli decorates |fashionabl : : V whi ei | tedlined with a darker shade of "mine Those skins Are TR served] front uotre of a flat muff white fox accessories when amying Tow. On one model the coarse: for ceramonious occasions and are it dressing to phe hai may beland from an afternoon re noo hs irad pelt is seen in a sailor colla only acquired after the wardrobe [Carried out in furs as well as in fa- [to a country chub tea, but s ul 121f cover ® the back of the coat includes acessories made from the [brics, is evidenced by the muny de | ot wear them to church wher in' Directoire revers, in broad humbler coats grown by the bear, |®ians in red fox sets fhatlare shown traling about the count | straight cuffs and in two narrow seal, mole, lynx, wolf and fox fam. |in Lcwmdon and Paris at this season Fully y Usbade ago, the queen-mot evers at the sides of the sk'rt flies. Lines are as definitely drawn | Yotable among these sets is a neck ler, Alexandra of England, lesrned #'ack furs are usually put upon the between the furs suitable. for morn. [Piece and mull ordered by 'a reckless lappreciat he refined Ieauts of tl tailor-n ades of sapphire or Mediter- ing and afternpon us they were be- Is. extravagant Ameriefin heiress who {modest wole's cont ard consequent! anean blue and the grey pelts on tween the French aristocracy and|'Voms yeliows that tomb with ser directed the eyes Dame Fashion be sults of lime greem or prune bourgoise before the Days of the fgens and browns that deepen the ward these tiny pelts. Hundreds o Some of the smartest new fur Terror. shida © of her chestnut-colored eves. them. it is va } te : od the 12 3s show- three distinct varietie When the founder of the Aston | he " is home from Hamilton for a few Sept. 20. -Korah, the voung | poeks, previous to the ope ol est son of George Peters, 1 horpe, digo! Queen's. Mrs. Letteney ami the Misses cmbists have produced some stunnio 3 5 i 4 eliects with the pelts of small gen ried, on Wednesday of last week to | diplomatic service Yarker, is t Erwell Miller's, caring | Occasionally the sense of humor ean ior- Mrs. B. Lake aude Asselsfine + exchanged for dollars ¢ expects to wear the coormausly [making of the 8 scarfs of fi f pelts combined One caracul " \ fortune established his trading posts | broad collar over a one-piece gown of for mere yards length and the long wrap, for instance, has a skunk tol: near Puget Sound and the mouth ot goldn brown panne, hat naturally | flat mufis (hat are worn hy count! lar but a deep cape in moles the Columbia river, he was consid. {this get-up is for alternocn receptions women in Franee, England an ' and to go with it is a muff in skunk ered to have gone far afirld . for | »nd will not be likely to dazzle thefca. Most emphatically mol Others are of seal trimmed with er- furs. But present uay dealers have '?yis of the hoi pollo .r longs avon, the furs list 'for "af mine' and of tiger skin garnished wandered still further ~and from. The fox family 1s rich in pulchei [YEERoons "but they are not ecnspicu' | With hear v.18 Dich Brot ol t of ke rf rs 4 The fashnioable "Roi de Rome across the Pacific Ocean have lg, od. 53m tre y {ously gui of keeping for momings an ¢ 5 © i ha / : brought the Australian oppossum, al, Indeed, rey - truthiuily be {the worran owning bui cn» set of pelt | callar gots its name, of course, from The above illustratior. shows the magnitude of The Duffy pelt which almost instantly Teaved that all ol its Werle satus d not invite pneumonia by going | a type of thd directoire collar asso i Malt Whiskey Co.'s plant, at Waterloo, N. Y. and the 'execu: into phenomenal prosperity. Soft | i lunchion with her throa' | ciated with the Younger brother 'of . & ' edhe ve at n° re ss i : > . ae and: fine and attrodtively viarked in{hONer. 8 not a really dressy { s unproteeted by hor mole | Napoleon the First and in fur it ie tive offices of the concern at Rochester, N. Y. This manufacturing : "hg on hos i OR i ' + . distinet stripes jt is not remarkabla {204 many dealers resoeve it for thoss | din, ow ¢ nore than ever picturasque if put plant is ehe largest and most complete of its kind in the land, occupying" Esaki le 2 ; that the well-brad Eopglish woman | Hy vi f its beaut swmine cop jon a'coat in a contrasting pelt. But » EL y . a . . ~--quite as capable a judge of furg!™o" . But the black fox whose | tinnes to Foign saprs mong f there is no denying that among the over 15 acres. Itisequipped with every up-to-date device, known to the art. as she is of laces and jewels |P&° 18 pointed with white hairs al } fod 1 Mt Lads ans } daytime wraps those having low- There are immense duplicate warchouses a great distance apart, so in case of fire ; v n COTU IY 6 plan should promutly have. sealed then WYER is accorded a promines reer. then. doss w, since t rolling revers running into deep in one warchouse, the tr ok : s with the cachet of her approval jamong designs in fur accessories, be [women wha possess it ir 1 s collars nromise the . most satisfac- Ay ' ade can be supplied and the high quality and excellence The sot of opossum here present {raase h-, deed, gre Je women {erable quantify, are of the class tion. Ope especially stpiking model maintained, ' od. was especially designed for a|canable of resisting so lovely an ei] nembers have correct garh vers | that is having a run in London. be- : young English 2gitl The neck: {fect in magpie. Next in favor comes possible occasion. Nedipiec arc | cause its lines seem to suit the Ene- ow t % ade- -What it Does place, made of two entire bodies of fine black fox whose name. polor ja lmufis aint hat trimmincs of ermine lish figure, is in moleskn and Smoke the Australian eoon. thoroughly {rroeumized only by a lomg stretch worn by thir fair owners to alier 00} fox. The. sleeves, exaggerated v 's Pure Mali Whi 23 : W : covers the figure from throat to of the imagination and the texture of {receplions. to church weddibhgs, to wide, apparently are eut-in-one with Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey is manufactured from specially selected and cleaned grain, waist and with the addition of jwnose coat 1s exceedingly delicate. lo wai} lunch-ont in expensive rostasrent. the shoulder forms and, below he the best that can be bought. Only the purest spring water is used at any stage, Every step sleeves would be a short jacket [iaei, the blue Tox set will not stand jand to evinimng erts, art exhib tnees, the wran is noficeabl } in the process of malting and manufacture is watched most afl] i wo more animals contributed their |afrd wear: mor 1s it required to dostions and thestvieal performances rower than at the hips P i ne y Je St Carelully by men of broad experi A } ] i coats to the making of the mull and |. nee 1t belongs among the, furs | But it ks years siuoe (he "oidlest inhy 5 Evening Sloake may be separated ence, under the supervision of a chief chemist. Great care is exercised to have every kernel portion of a third oppOSSUM WAS: ov apart for afternoon use Thor jitant" has sein a wonien of fanliles [foto two distinct classes. ira thoroughly malted, prodiicing a liquid food: tonic and sti . . i 3 made fate the band trimming thei, of cove plebing foxes. Yet [swrtorigl taste taKieg a destime walk comes the practical looking utility Eh'y Bn + pO Riga 4 fo s stiaiulant, requiring no digestion, in turban. Nevertheless the use of lio tia are handsome creatures, ov. [While wearing hor ormines. The fetter | wrap of plush or embossed v svet. | the form of a medicinal whiskey, which has been for over 50 yeargand is to-day, the world's 80 many animals eannot justly bel = Loy hain coats may be a bit |10 produce gioets in the black and fur trimmed and ofttimes fur Hned greatest medicine. x a8 an extravagance as thej -- o. C0 poe brushes hort, amd white romirinations which French we jand perfectly fulfilling its misalon | Tak di " 4 i . a : ; « 5 : fur is reputad to wear intermniablyy =o, treated. the "vellow vod and [Men always have delighted in. Revillon | of %eening owt the cold. Lo en as directed, it brings into action all the vital forces; it makes digestion perfect and may be done over times with} =~ ~~ . and'. the other leading furriers ard The other class of evening coat "2: and enables you to get from the food you eat all the nourishment it contains thus build~ out number. Revillon Freres and [© bringing out searfs, stoles and shoul- | purely ornamental and made of chif- " be | } ion ; , thus Laxton of Paris have not neglected | "VY der capes to matéh pillow, flat and {fon silver brocade or lace. I'® Ing up the nerve tissues, toning up the heart, giving power to the brain, strength and Australian When design: | White fox sets are so eminently be lenvelove mulls of erine, Fordersd o [folds Tach paren 18 fhe knees ia elasticity to the muscles and richness to the bicod. It is a premoter of good hedlith 'ing their models for this autumn| onang that the possession of them Yiapdad with roadiail. 'These acces | front, but at the back they fo el . and next winter. but between thelnas cuused inany a debutante dud] ories »rv intended to axorpony/vel-|lone train terminating under aj and longevity; makes the old fe¢l young and keeps the young strong and vigorogs. various sets turndd out it is diff} Lung rl of otherwise faultless taste fvet and lace demi-toilettes heavy tassel. That these coats are 4 to say which are the more al|i, dress to commit the indiscretion of | Sable. less conspicuous - f trimmed with sable or ermine | of their customems who are Wearing - h gvev-while tones look really aitrac ring. ts wearing them on the street of an af mine, is always tha vogue for who | mink. is not an ovidepce that thev BE SURE YOU CET CUFFY"S ative to Australis but not neatly | amoon. Now, asa matien of fact Lever éan afford to huy any of it. bu mrevide warmih. Te ehancea are, 2 + hi ie i That $x ]it is never quoted among the t they do not. u stween . " Sal amin] oer hite fo > al Svein a into a | tacular fur nevelt'es. A nrckoisc: |these two classes of evening wran| Sold by druggists, dealers and hotels in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY, price $1.25. "the beast with the ng ook ee ad 'acai wot ily sup |and scarf of it always adds elegance | comes the coat of ermine or sable If you can't procure it, lot us know and we will tell you where to obtsin it. "webbed h y Denmuted -- a hat band--to be wore [10 8 costume amd those accevioric )or Shingh a hordeted op : te Write for free doctor's advice and Book of recipes for table and sick room. ' nan Eater are sometimes nost exguis'tel: | trasting fur outly, these wrap ; hy a grat ol a bo aot " made up with touches of real point but warranted to last a long time. | : + THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO. holes show, ton an < plan' ftor dnxk | duchesss or Venlse lace in natura | le Yai iy ~ oe ry to ------r Tir J tone. and occasionally win wl', A shoemaker's wife never thinks be : Rochester, Ne e . { % : . § tinsel lace. ie too good to last formal but not decollete cab. 1 Undyed common red fox fas Nhl Give a man sicing enough' and heY course, this rule like alt good rule § ooocradiy leaped dnto favor as oo he : Sy % : h 2 23 Tleopstruct his awn tangle. bas its exceptions. Hoa ne i= By triguuing for ultra-fashionadle (8il1 J 4 woman really fond of vend Mg or Sigil. eA meighburhoot or-mades of pollen yellow , worsted' ao. che seldom dries to sing. a