The Biggest Burroughs Hardly "that this does not profluce hing new that makes adding machines than they have ever done be- fore; that shortens ac- counting work. .increases office efficiency, all at a price that can be saved in the course of a year. it" you the new roughs seen the a month Company passes somet do more have not seen | 17-bank Bur- | you not very latest thing in the of adding machine development in size. This is the machine that the United States Census Department used in handling its big figures. D. W. SAXE, Sas Manager. || 16 Bay Street TORONTO - have way | ONT. | | : | € «QELEvE me, boys, this B.D.V, is some smoke. No wonder it is the favorite in d. You're missing a treat if you neglect to try it." Thorough maturing makes B.D.V., dark in color, but deliciously coal, | | Mild lo green label tins. Medium In red label ting 2 oz. 20c. 4 oz. 40c. B.D.V. Cigarettes, 15¢c. GODFREY PHILLIPS Limited | London, England DIMOCK, Direct Representa: Hye, Toronto, Smoke of Herbs Cures Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way It Costs Nothing to Try, This preparation of herbs, leaves, flowers and berries (containing no to- bacco or habit-forming drugs) is eith- er smoked in an ordinary clean pipe or smoking tube, and by drawing the medicated smoke intg the mouth and inhaling into the lungs or sending it out through the nostrils in a perfectly natural way, the, worst case of Ca- tarrh can be eradicated. It is not unpleasant to use, and at the same time it is entirely harmless, and can be used by man, child. Just as Catarrh is contracted by breathing cold or dust and germ-laden air, just so this balmy antiseptic smoking remedy goes to all the affect FW jand are {railway now being surveved and plan "ned iserve wesfern and northern {trusts for equipment est September wheat | corner is the biggest deal ever' | placed in a bad Minanecial positicn by woman or * LLIN FOR WEST I~ | | ivnare OIL COMPANY i MARIYG INVESTMENTS. | Canadian Banks Holding Stock May Bid for the Concérn--Big for Equipment Requirements. | lethbridge, Alta., Sept. %5.--A loca | phper is authority for the report tha within two years the Standard © Interests will bave millions in South Alberta. The rumor ig the tockefeller intorests are getting tions on sich coal, oil and gas lands, behind the Western Canada Issue op Montana and | Alberta It is also stated that the Amalgama ted Copper company 1s securing 0} to come in from [tions on Alberta Sank lands. i Bidtwg at a Ste, Racine, Wis., Sept. ~ Bidding the anction sale of in ' Chivago [Milwaukee = Eleetrie raffway was scheduled for to-day. The: auction | sale was ordered by the United States | district court. Among those mention ed as possible heavy bidders were ns! presentatives of Canadian banks hold | ing stocks and bonds in the company. | | The property will be disposed of nj { thirty parcels. at and To Issue Eguipment Bonds, New York, Sept. 27.-The the Erie railroad have authorized | requirements for last of this fiseal year and first hali | of the next. This will provide for | ajuipment now under construction and to .be ordered within the next twelve] months. ina directors -------- Armour Company Has Coruer. City, Mo., © Sept. on the local board of beginning to feel the "squeeze" of Armour grain combine, of Chi which practically has cornered September wheat in the Kamsas City market. It is said that several big] Chicago speculators have been caught "short" in the kansas City market. September wheat sold as: high as! Ininety and a half cents' in Kansas! [City, one-eighth cent above the high quotation in Chi normal ponditions prices | to seven cents lowe: Chicago. The Armour under Kansas "Shorts" are | the cago, cago. Under | should be five there than in taken on Kansas City board of trade. Grain men say the Armour company has made a profit of four to seven cents a bushel on the million bushels or more that has been sold to "shorts" in the pit. the company Financial Notes. sales : Brockville, Campbelliord, to 13 516e.; 13¢ to 13 5-16e.; Vunkleek Cheese 13 1-l6c¢.; Stirling, 13}e Hill, 13 3-16e. The annual report of Reading com pany shows a combined surplus of its three companies of $5,082.000, an in crease of $116,000. The Philadelphia and. Reading company's net earnings decrcamd $433,275. Grand Trunk traffic earnings. from September Ith to 21st @ 1912, $1,101. O85; 1911, SLOIS 506; increase, $83,082 Ihe Brilish-Canadian Power pany, Cobalt, has been absorbed the Northern Ontario Light end er company. At a meeting of the directors of the Cedar Rapids Power company, it was com- by liv Pow | dee ided to push the work at the com } pany's new plant at Cedar Rapids, a8 to have it completed by Tri, 1011, 5. R. Dow, whose brokerage concern failed, was also president of Feagkiin, | Indiana, North lake, Algoma ani! Corbin Copper companies, from which he has resigned. R. M. Edwards, of Houghton, Mich.., who succeeds as pre sident, admits that the companisg are the failure. Hearings in the government's suit to d'ssolve the American Sugar Refining company. testimony in which is being taken before a special examiner, resumed in NewYork vesterday. Directors of the Ontario and West ern railroad elected Charles =. Mallen president" té~sumeend Thomas F&F ow ler, who resigned. were Nordica Coming. The announcement that Mme. Li Nordica, one of the world's gre t singers, 1s to be heard in concert here has been received with unbounded plea sure. Nordica is a queen in the realm of song. No singer has equalled her i the affections of the opera-loving public So great an actress 1s Nordica so strong. is her dramatic temperan 1 that unlike the majority of - operatic stars, she shines as brilliantly the cert platform on the operatic stage. Her concert programmes are widely varied, and as Nordica is an enthusiastic advocate of opera mn Eng lish, the 'majority of her selec are in English. In fact, Nordica w 29 Hie hrst to Ae singing Wagon in on as, ons 3 Jara of the air passages of the nose, throat and lungs. It can readily be seen why the ordinary | treatments, such As sprays, ointments, alvin, liquid or tablet. medicines fail | ~théy, do not and can not reach all the affected parts. - If you have .catarrh of the nose, throat or lungs, choking, st up fecling, colds, catarrhal heads: you are given to hawking and pil: Ung this in ample. ro yet scientific treat. ee i 'which goes thor: oughly into the w Cause, ours and prevention of catarrh will, upon request, be sent sou by Dr. x Ww. Blosser, 158 Spadina Avenue, : Toe rig i eg vou five days' free treatment. pen will at oned see had 1, romedy. and as it is only cots. one dollar for the. regu la trtaiment, it ix within the roach the booklet Yd age will be mailed you question of the |R. , hess English, The Nordica concert wil be jven at the Grand Opera House on Friday, October 25th. The fia will be assisted. by - Rummel, the vic , and Romayne Simmons, pianist. at 129 Well lington street, | * I have several parties. wanting. te if buy houses from $500 to $5,000. Let me hear from you. 1 char unless I make a sale. | your pro time, if can sell rty fn thirty days or less ia at all reasonable. : les Dell, White's insurance building, upstairs, 33% Bagot street. Robert Montgomery, a resident ol Beockville since. last May, passed aay on Thursday, at the residence ot hh dnughtor, Mrs. R. Coon. Deceased an invalid for several had en He was born in Scotland and. was in his seven year. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chant, Chan our | UY, announce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Melissa, to Myles G. Jelirey, of Tachine, Qué. The ma riage will take place early in Ooto Men's drawers, all wool," 75¢. Dut- ton's. ; tn October 4th the directors of the Richeliow and Ontario Navigation com- pany will: start on a tour of inspec tion over the entire system. The com- pany is a hig eontorn and deals with thousands. of people wha regard the Aggrigation as Possessing sitoby busi ¥e us i » by myested 1 i _nothing [the nerves. THE DATL # urge WHTG, Si -------- COATS BECOME Most of the tailors assert that new model from-an anthoritative the assertion. The suit is built of favor this season--and coat and s same rich taupe shade, T rever of velvet of a darker taupe shade, white plush trimmed with a coral wing cloth tops accompany the suit, THE COUNTRYSIDE WAITED To do Honor to the Late Sir Ric on Cartwright. Speaking of the funeral of the I Sir Richard Cartwright, the Globe says: "When the wright place in ( onto body of Sir Richard Cart last cemetery here day, the Canada of confederati the Canada of the twentieth cent stpod by to do honot E It was. the funeral of # e an, but a tribute fai' h of a great Canadian in his was horne to its tara jr also it was |e quntry. "Quietly the cortege wound its way through mud and slough towards the raqui briglge Fhe ak. Here and there 4 village this family stood in the rain, re waiting this last\ opportunity Le ff the hat in respect to gne that gone. A mounted squadron Royal Military College lined th side and saluted az the bods Eth men of the perm batter R.C H 1 and came to attention streets to the at count ry i suche from winl citizens ined the cathe dral in solemn groups "No eulogy was delivered; nw«d:d. Words of the man's known. He hod and had died inte future Nig been in their what need ha could X than \ fived for with arly fo mis more ready country faith vears had he friend and ertizen; of eulogy *"* e topk place in St Westmount, Tuesdas Jones, daughts nt, to Fr Mr Vrs he marris thias church, Miss Mary 1: F. Jones, Belleville, Knox, only son of W. Knox, Montreal and HEAVY DRINKER CURED. rs. braided and embroidered, A LITTLE LONGER. longer and this seems to prove fabric in high braided in the are made hat is a new model of black and Buttoned boots with taupe coats are Fifth tappe kirt are growing Aveuune tailor broadcloth--a elaborately The [ssstseacsececessercces The Man : On Watch, : esting | to-{ d when pman does Working m the r the ung I'he got the hndings TITCTESHng | ri es his difhc Samaria C wet Him and He Helps | S0 Others, has been cravings of thought is to help the spirit of true and philanthropy released | A man who drink from the awful and whose 'first others, shows brotherhood Read his letter going 0 rain th will remember that. i reqnedy, and 1 t nd it tn be | never Fink' ueing strong gs ir aesire for it! speak - too highly » You way use ny any way you wish in publ H. LILY ¥ HITE Brigdes Samaria Presc ription is tasteless and odorless. and dissolves instantly in tea or coffee. or can be mixed), with food. It can be miven with or without the patient's knowledge: It removes the craving for drink builds up the system and restores Drink becomes distate- ful and even naygseous. Drink is a disease not a crime, One drink of whiskey always invites another. The inflamed nerves and, stomach create a craving that must either be satisfied by more whiskey or removed by scientific treatment like Samaria Prescription. Samaria u hay e name dat Prescription has heen in regular andl successful use by Physiclans and Hospitals for over ten years. If you know of any family needing Sa. maria Prescription tell ihem about it. ¥M you have a husband. [(ather! or friend that Is drifting into drink beip him save himself Write toe day. % FREE TRIAL PACKAGE of Samaria Prescription, with bookie: giving ' full particulars, testimonials prices. ete, will he sent absolutely free and postpaid in 'pisin sewled package to anyone asking for it ana! mentioning this paper. © Jr ence sacredly confidential. to-day The Samaria Remedy he og Dept. »7. 4% Colborne Street, To romtes Cgnada; asiso tor sais st J B. Melaod's drag store. Kiagsion. 4 25 ance jlow jo FE. TOWN STABBED AT A DANCE. Curtis in a Serious Con. dition at Regina. Peter W. Curtis, who Toft trick a short time ago, is in eral hospital at Regina in a very Peter W. this dis the ge ni o®- he recived at a dance hall there, when he was attacked by aman and stabbed six times, It is believed that (artis home is in Cloyne He rraceived his injuries on Sept. 15th. H¢ | was stabbed on the left arm and {shoulder And the last report save that ge doing aswell as can by expects bod. ago. vad Make Your Will. To-day. H you have not already made vour will you should lose no time in doing it. The unexpeoted usually ha The Trusts & Guaratitee Lo, Lint, 43 and 45 King street west, Toronto, make a good executor under all cir- j cumstances, and at small gxpense to your estate. Appoint the company exteutor, and let them hold Will in theif security vault free vharge until required. of Matthow Petonkowski, a well-known F ; Tesident of Renfrew. was killed at {Capnes Chiff on Sunday, by a shunt. in ime, Froosdn eneloite blouses, 50s. Dution's. Rabe rt Weight, Broskville's wr chant, » ied talations oe fo bis" Seemielh tirth SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1912 KINGSTON REALTIES, LIMITED RINGSTON REALTIES, LIMITED, the of the Province of Ontario to purchgeé and deal in real property of any description to hold same with other powers incidental thereto. < is the name of a Company incgrperated. under Iaws and erect buildings thereon of Kingston, more which is well known, tract, in the now "vested in It is proposed to erect dwellings and other buildings in the City with the view of supplying workingnien's homes, the such purpose a well located known as the Brophy the City, has been acquired amd is Other properties are to be especially and for part of { pmpany necessity for northern the parcel of land; at a favorable price for cash, bought. + ided to proceed with the erection «f thirty ible, increasing the gradually demand. The houses erected will be leased or sold, as may seem advisable. The property revenue producing within a short time, Apart from the security amd revenue, it is predic ted that profit will sult to the from Directors have dec dwellings as soon as posse namber The to meet the should be Company increasing in value of i's holdings. v The authorized capital is the K250,000 Divided into 2,500 Shares of $100 cach. same terms at par. DIRECTORS. 'Physician, President, All Stock is sold on the EDWARD RYAN, of the City of Kingston, ARTHUR WILLIAM WHEATLEY, of the City of Kingston, Manuf. ctater, Vice-President. ELMER DAVIS, of the City of Kingston, Manufacturer, ~ a JOHN JOSEPH HARTY, of the City gf Kingston, Manufacturer, HENRY WARTMAN RICHARDSON. of the City of Kingston, Grain Merchant. ._ AUDITOR. Manager of the Northern Crown Bank, Kingston. BANKERS. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, DAVID MURRAY, Esquire, THE SOLICITORS. MESSRS, KING & SMYTHE, proceed to all 4 shares is $100. The and the is payable at- in anfounts to The minimum sab rif tion upon which the Directors may amount payable on allotment of each share is twenty-five per the call of the At intervals of not less than one exceed twenty-five per of each share No amount has been paid or detérmined hy the directors as being payable ing, or Agreeing to procure subscriptions for shares in the company. the preliminary expenses is $500, cent, balance Directors; as [ollows: moath not cent, per month. as commission for subscribing, or agreeing to subscribe, or procur. The estimated amount of The invite Subscriptions for Shares in this purely local undertak.' ing. ' J.'H. MACNEE, Secretary-Treasurer, BOARD OF TRADE CHAMBERS, KINGSTON, Directors of the Company AXWE HIGH SPEED JEWEL FAVORITE CTHAMPIOMN FOOD CUTTER CHURN asics running and most . hates 300 factory washing machine made fu itcher mu quality Canada: Can be worked with' sid be crank as well as top lever ® Tub and the whae top open easiest day « makes the most delicion It's real satis i t hat you need for your h easier ever tasted re to eat; re and a child to more convenient than cutti that is a pleasu She with a knife Both Hand and foot leve press up. Was a beat the w Maxw Chang is the en you wash with { e". All sisen High 1s for Catalogues, if vonr dealer does not 1 necessities. Write 1 Landle these househol DAVID MAXWELL & SONS ST. MARYS, Ont. } WATCHMAN | "rious condition as a result of injuries | Curus went west about a month : your | Round Trip to $7.50 EW YORK Annual Coach Excursion October 8th and 9th Final Return Limit, October 18th 1 River by 28,000 Naval Naval Review on the Hudson President Taft and his cabinet Review sailors and 1000 officers in monster Naval Review, October 12th to 15th. The New York Central will run spect boats from West 42nd Street around the fleet. A" Ten days for Sightseeing in the Wetropoles-- Theatres, the Hippodrome the Water from, Ocean Liners, the Subway, Muasewws Parks Sky scrapers, Navy ) ards. Brood way, Pi 7h {venue Rigeriide Drive. Baseball ~ Wie Srtd' 2 Championship , rs 5 15 Ww OLN §3 NT RA mation, consult Now York Santini apants, or address Now York tral Lise; Goncral Agem, town, N.Y.