PAGE TWO, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, a TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1,-1912. HR Aa ie ese i 4 AMAAALAAANA. GETTING TIME TC ABOUT A FUR COAT . 3 HE Season is slipping along and | there is nothing to gain by wait ing. You can only comprehend the size and completeness of our stock by | .a personal visit. COATS here in Kaeeoon, Persian Lamb, also COATS, Muskrat lined, with Per sian and Otter trimming, etc. Hundreds of FUR | Jeaver, | FUR-LINED | ALMOST CAUSED PANIC WHEN PERSON CALLED "FIRE AT THE ORPHEUM THEATRE. Clanging of Gong on a. Passing Ambulance. Brought About Quite a Stir--Couple of Ladies Fainted in the Rush for the Doors. The clanging of a gong on a pass- ing ambulance, and the cry of "fire" given by a person in the audience, caused a small-sized panic, at the Orpheum theatre, Monday night The management acted rrop. owever, and opened the side exits and every person was able to get out of the theatre all right. and luckily, no person was hurt, al yon Tuesday morning. ' IN MARINE CIRCLES. ARIE i Movements of Vessels in and Out of the Harbor. The steamer Aletha and up on"Tussday The steamer Hamilton was down went eas The steamer Dundurn passed dowX on Monday afternoons he steambarge Jeska cleared Mofiday night for Oswego for coal The steamer Wahcondah passed on her way to Montreal, on Monday night. The steambarge, John Randall was in port from the Rideau, on her way fo Oswego, to load coal. The sloop Granger arrived in port from Amherst Island, with a cargo of scrap iron for Susman & Cohen. ! The steamer La Monde is now in the dry dock waiting to be rebuilt The representative of the Union Bank of Toronto is expected in the 3 A ------ ~Girl of My Dreams Music -- ------ coms sim S---- ee st a eat sat ata A I, Pl ei Ah NA SM... Nl ti ati SAAN Nl All the Popular numbers, Selections, Waltzes, and Complete Vocal Score, including--- I'm Ready to Quit Girl of My Dreams Girl Who Wouldn't Spoon Maybe It's a Robber Quaker Talk Every Girlie Loves Me Dearest Little Marionette Y.adies' Home Journal .» Pictorial Review Harper's Bazaar Octobe Women's Magazines for Woman's Home Co r Home Companion contains the firs of the series of **Kewpie Kutouts, designs and painted by Rose O'Neil. A October A Enum mpanion Woman's Number of city soon to give directions as to what is wanted. It is expected) however, that the boat will be en- tirely rebuilt. It was expected that the steamer Byron Whittaker, loaded with corn from Chicago, would arrive at the Montreal Transportation Company's elevator, during the afternoon and the steamer Tugret Caps is also ex- pected. from Fort William, with grain. The weather ras been so unfavorable that the vessels have been delayed. The Late Miss Friendship The death occurred at the residence of her gister, Mrs. Grant, on Monday, of Miss Frances Fridndship. The de ceased lady had been sick for some time. She was in her sixty-second vear, and was the daughter of the late "Thomas Friendship, of this city. In religion the dedeased was a Baptist and an attendant of the First Baptist church: She leaves two brothers and one sister. The funeral will take place from her sister's residence, and will be of a private nature. ~ though a couple of ladies fainted in the rush made for the doors, There was a good attendance a! the show, and all went well unt¥ Corbett's ambulanca, from next door, drove out. of the laneway in| answer to-a eall. Some one in the! audience had an idea that th4 theatre was on fire, and that the gong ringing was that of the alarm of the firemen. If you prefer a Coat made-to-order, | you may select your cloth, lining, and skins for Collar, and Cuffs, if desired. | We do the rest, and guarantee you | satisfiiction in every way. Last and | most IMPORTANT, YOU SAVE 25 per cent. by baying here... Tailors | or ordinary Aon, cannot compete with us. Reason: We Buy, Manu. | facture and trade direct. COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 019. SUNDAY Has Been Planned by the Suaperin- tendents' Union. On Monday even'ng, in the Y.W.C.A. parlors, the Sunday School Superin- tendents' Union of the city held a meeting, at which it was decided to hold two rallies of Sunday school workers, ome in November and the other in January. A tea will be giv. en in connection with each, four of the schools bwing respensiisle for each, and after tea, local Sunday school diffieul- ties, of teaching problems, etc, will be discussed. There will be ten or more del(gates going irom Kingston to the ccnvention in Hamilton. This conven- tien will have over seven hundred dele- gates, the largest Sunday school con- | vention ever held in Canada, and spe-| J cial interest will 'attach the re ports or echoes. On the first Sunday in the New Year it iss proposed to have a great rally of all the schools belcnging to the union. . We can show you the best $5.00 worth of Cloek in Can- ada. Eo tod $10.00 How does this Coat strike you at the above . If you want a new shell on your Fur-lined Coat, or bmer-- repairs of any kind, bring it here to secure promptness and satisfaction. . | Iustrated Pur Catalogue Mailed on Request JOHN McKAY | 149-157 Brock St. THE FUR HOUSE i ------------------------ _-- _ gud Simba =o HOME FURNISHING We can help you. Our large New Stocks of Furaiture, Carpets and Curtains was never better. Ah It's a special. and not only equal to other $5.00 clocks, but better. It's for tfe man- tel. rnp Can We Produce His Like? Speakiny of the late Sir Richard Cartwright, the Canadian Freeman (says . "To the very end he played his part. The Gfty years of service stand rounded out as complotq and integral {Even in his death he was fortunate, i | for he was not condenined to spend | y ER { . his latest deye dissociated from the | f aH It 1S only one of many {interests that, had been the warp | a : What Happened in Kingston and|.nd wool of his life He was of | . Elsewhere in 1887, jan old school; it would speak betier During the year 'the number of | for the new school if it could produce commitments to the county jail [some of his like > talled 179 mates females, 37 Lueen's university is open and pros- | pects are fine for a good season. | The students are coming in When all new students have arrived numbers now to start their session's they will make a class of over sixty. ,work at Queen's. The hotels show a The Royal Military College opened large influx of men from the west, with a pumber of new students. {where many of thq students spend mrt nent { their gummer vacation. Classes | in The Festival of Empire. ome of "the departments were begun Christmas is coming. The Festipl Tuesday and in another day the cof of Empire, however, will bg here first, loge term will be on in full swing. at which yop will be able to buy all ---u -- {kinds of pretty and wséinl presets for it the Post Office. your friends--and yourself. Jusiness at the Kingston post office Earl Grey savs that Canada will bo has increased to such an extent that the tentre.of the British empire. The | the Post Office Department at Ottawa (but lots of attractive articles to be work has been done jon it this week I sold for sweet charity's sake can | "Do you know," he on | thought the Borden gdvernment .|maréh of the nations in the empire has decided to send Postmaster Stew J : | i - Parlor Cabinets, all styles. 5 Ss Yiea. 4 30, Sinele fare tips have been arranged It Must be So. to blame, 1 would change over You be the judge and com- pare. -- . 3 FULLY GUARANTEED. price! : ' SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Opticians; to TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. that we show at this Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET. to- popular price, and we Students Are Coming. large | will be pleased to show the range to any person Big Ife of Hall Seats and Racks, who will take the time $6, $7.50, $11, up to $50. manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, _ ™made of Linden | Wood, simple to op- . erate, can be put up | in five minutes, Made in all widths . Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up-to-date. 'GOURDIER'S i to call. A AA ANAM Other garments af from $5.00 to $25.00 each. Every Coat new this season, not a single garment left over will show what that means. art an electric stgmper. . | It does mot matter whether one is It doss not look as if the new wing a home ruler 'or an anti. for there {Would be ready for use by Christmas are no. politics at the Irish booth-- |time, when ijt most needed. No | $7, $10, up to $60. A fine line off)"; kK. & P. RR. Co. betwean| "I wonder if the Bordon governfent Music Cabinets, Sharbot Lake and Kingston. lis to blame for all this bad weather," meet everybody's taste. Tha Femarked a local conservative to the a most | Whig today ' | EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS | Phone . Ices {pute article can be enjoyed in Jeomfortable booth, where vou sample and rest, afterwards call your friends, Good music will be a feature. There will be two brass bands apd a string- ed orchestra present. Keep this fact in mind-<that the Festival will run all next week. . . . from last year. added, "if - was to the A A A A gl At lA NN A NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. A A AA A At aN other side. 1 would for a fact." A Down Town Lo cation can be Purchased for $3.500 Property consists of 2 large stoné dwelling, containing 12 'rooms and impeovements, lot {66x150, stabling for 4 horses, {drive sheds, ete. . Bt Possession at onee. MULLIN | Tables for Parlor. Dining-room Hall, Kitchen, ete., 75¢c to $85.00. Parlor Suites, over 50 styles. un- equalled variety, $20, $27 up. Carpets, Rugs. Curtains, Draper- les. Linoleum, Oilcloth, Shades, etc. 'Phone 90. Yours. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY $ Aas Pr Als i re mae stores WE HAT EVERYBODY Oar store is really three stores in one a Far | Store, a Hat Store and a Ladies' R sady -to - Wer r | Bn Store. The Kuights' Baaquet. The local Knights of Colombus who have charge of the arrangements for the reception and banquet to Supreme knight Flaherty is gomposed of Missrs. Dr. Mortison. J. J. Behan, Dr: W, Gibson. James Hogan and T (iallagher. The banauet will be {en dered at, the Hotel Frontenar, at which Archbishop Spratt will attend. Customs Revenue Heturas. The customs revenue returns at they port of Kingston for the month of | September amounted to ¥23.3%6.81; for | September, 1911, $17.49.57; increase, $11,086.94. The total revenue for the fiscal half year amounted to $187,274. 47. For 1905.9 the collections amount- to F172,96.15; 1909-10, $194 908.09; 1010-11, $250,215.78. BUILDING IN KINGSTON Ai So Far This Year Amounts to Sun Fresh y 0479. Ep to bg " amount. of Sweet Peas jhuilding permits taken out at the city'! Asters Gladioli } engineer's office has ben $410,170, as | with $230,086 during the From our own garden There are several Ire | each day at : months 1911. During added to the first naméd amount lx PURDY'S 1 the permits amounted to fore the ¥ thirty working | 109 BROCK STREET | en's ieoltages are to be he Bibby's Garage Motor Touring Cars. By the day or hour. Capable drivers. Pure gasolene for sale. BROCK ST. the QUEEN'S CAFE R McFAUL'S CARPER WARERNOUSR, | shortest notice. \ REGULAR DINNER, A, TAPPAS 4 CO compared same nine | Septenther £39 085 of ------------------------------------ oH -------- Jarge works to b | ; y y r closes For Your Horses If you want your Horse and Rig well looked after, put up at Kings- ton Repository. Board reasonable by day, week or month. R. W. SMITH, Mgr, erected work at the artillery narracks has not yet been reported, although begun, ine power house started this week and quite a lot of other work has tp ' + be added, that tht thal hoildiok | the year should reach MEN'3 HATS A {3550 000, Aredo be found here in $i big variety. We carry all Blix the Gite of . W. Leonard the best makes. TN Hospital Governors. . ; i 4 Recently R. W. Leonard, chairman of {the Transcontinental Railway Com FF mission, was in the city, snd, y with br. J C visit to the Sir Oliver Mowat mew or ial hospital. He was vo phensed with ie visit that he has forwarded to J Br. Connell a cheque for 806, to be iF devoted in the erection of a cottage on Bithe grounds, and to be known as the "Rowland Cottage," in mefory of his wife's family. The gift is one that is y highly regarded by the Board of Gov- Handsome Residence Women's Missionary Society. The annual convention &f the. Kings {on District Women's Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church will be held in Sydenham strest church on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 2.30 and & pom, The convention will be rd- igi dressed by Miss Beatty, B.A. of Ja-|§ pan, and Mrs! (Rev) Woods, of India. | § Al are welcome. J Calvary Church Presentation. An enjoyable time was spemt at Calvary church on Monday evening by a number of the members of the guild. After a musical programme -| was rendered, presentations "were made to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gage of a chair from the gu and a set of knives and forks from the school. The Busy Real Estate Cormer, JOHNSON and DIVISION STREETS. "Phone 539. is to be lowers in all arrange- ment for all occasions promptly. Toel's IT: Great i ROWLAND COTTAGE to | | i 129 King Street West, fac- | ng Lake Ohidrio, the resid. i | sce of the late John Hewton, Detached Brick, eleven rooms, sbardwood floors, 'two ROBERT PAYNTER has taken over the bhisiness of the late as. Pavis at the bid stand, 268° PRINCESS STREET. All kinds of FEhoe Repairing pramptiy done. All wor guaranteed for cleanliness, whiteness, spotiessness and sanitary JAreciment of your - wash- ables, and The steamer Letitia, on arrival at | Montreal from Fngland, Ginchuryred a . : J iarge co of i <iq! oy | ; wi-- or & Trotler. of Brandon. Beecham |§ Trotter said thay had « very fine voy- age for this season of the year, mak ing the trip from Glasgow in less than nine daps. THIS LAUNDRY " In Fitting Glasses TO CHILDREN'S EYES Especlal care should be taken, #8 a slight strain from the wrong lens might result in per. ROH.A. Sports. : call "houses and Building Lots for LHA. sports will take place manent fojory to the delicate give ¥ou just what 8 \ tissues of the eye. want, just when you want ) room here to build another | Sale on reasonkble terms. v Wednesday ér Darriefiold | § a ; . 3 on hy arders i; ive x anti on Sar ou tha jouer © | : is ' i We will examine their eves J | | fine residence facing the wilt angwer oud you 5 common... lhe vamounted events will it, and at rice that beh am fit and adjust glasses pertect- ball ke 4 pri ar be hold at 9 am. and the monnted at Iv. "Bring, your children to will please yeu 2 pom. A cordial invitation is extend : J. §. Assalstine 0.0. S. fed to all interested to be Present. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. + "Phone 1019, | Kingston's Exdusive Optician i i oe pea Sind Prone 22. ok ¢ at 5 % soi * "Fixe corp i," Gabeon's. buts his do bli hh hed