~ COLLEGE OPENING With the opening: of Classes in all Departments on October 21d we have on hand a complete Stock of QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS To Be Used In CLASSICS, o PHILOSOPHY, BOTANY, And all the Classes in ARTS EBCIENCE AND MEDICINE. STUDENTS' SUPPLIES Including Note Books, Fountain Pers, Mathematical Instraments, Drawing Materials, T Squares. Set Squares, Protractors, Embossed Stationery and Loose Leaf Note Books. STUDENTS CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STOCK. MODERNS, * POLITICAL SCIENCE PHYSICS, ENGLISH, HISTORY, MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY, R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 Princess Street HIGH-GRADE TAILORI It is our privilege to offer patrons the benfits of High-g Talloring at moderate cost. We now showing the fall range fabrics for Fall and Winter fiom the] House of Hobberlin, Limited. ada's Targést ""Talloring select from, We positively gua tee paid us. Better come in and us talk the matter over.. PRICES FROM $18 TD $35 Thos. Lambert, Ameney -Honse of Hobberl:.., a Toronto Paper Mfg. Company, Limited | 6% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds. Denominations : $100, $500; $1,000. PRICE: 98 AND INTEREST. x. "4 FEATURES OF THE ISSUE. Estimated earnings for the current year are three and one-third times the bond interest. i | i House. There are many bemutiful weaves to you perfectly fitting garments or stand ready to refund all money 157 Princess St. IN PHYSICAL a AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Which Has Decided Upon a Step in the Right Direction--AH Fresh- wen Must Undergo Medical Ex. amination. Queen's University is taking a long step in the right direction this fall. Every firgt: year student will have to spend hours a week in regular classes She gymnasium The freshmen ig science have had) compulsory physteal drill for a number of years and have benefited by it to so marked a degree that the authorities" have decided om an enlarged schemé to embrace stu- dents in all faculties. Medical supervision is to be an integral part of the mew plan. = Eyery ' student on entering the university will have to undérgo a searching medical ex- amination and #0, woo, will all ean- didates for plates on the various athletic teams... The: authorities are fortunate in hay, $0 competent a medical supergigor as Dr. Freder- ick Etherington, until recently pro- fessor of 'anatomy Queen's and an old rugby footbalf captain. These new requirgiients should rejoice the anti-tubereulosis league, (for studzants from : their ° con- rn ree me br me Ae temp eg our rade Aare of Can- let HOUSE WAS BURNED FIREMEN CALLED TO FRAME BUILDING, OLD It Was Unoccapied, ahd Believed to have Been Set on Fire by Boys-- Townley-Horne Box Factory Had a Narrow Escgpe From Being De. stroyed. At 4.35 o'clock, on 'Wednesday aftée. noon, fire started in a small frame | house on Upper Wilham street, which | is unoccupiedi and the place was al most totally destroved. The house was formerly occupied by Patrick Len: nan, snd is owned by Mr. Lavary, whe hves in Iridtand. The house has not been occupied for some time and has been used by a crowd of boys as a rendezvous. It 'is believed that the fire was started by some of the boys dwopping lighted metches., One. - line of hose wax used ot¥ the building. A telephone call to the Brock street sta- tion summoned the department. The building was an old land mark. At 930. o'clock" Wednesday night wires Oame &n contact with some ol the branches of trees on Clergy street, near Brock. and it was feared that there would be some trouble. but it was averted. There came very near being 'a se vious fite, on Wednesday night. at the #ownley-Horne Box factory, at the foot of Princess street. A man passing the factory, about 7.30 o'clock, could smell something busaing, and hur ried over to the fire station on Ontar- jo street, and gave. an alarm. A cou: ple of firemen secured entrance to the factory, by way of pne of the win dows. and found that a fire had stax ted on the second floor, and burned =n hole in the floor. The fire was soon extinguished with slight damage, but PR. FREDERICK ETHERINGTON, Medical advisor for Queen's University physical Frainingy gtr fined nervous work, 'fall { prey. in large numbers to consumption. In~ had it not been discovered in tinie | there would have heen a Mvelv blaze | FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE. ! Features of the Big Event--Farm Produce Sale, At the Old English Inn five o'clock tea wil be served daily. Later mn the evening more substantial viands will be served a ia carte. "Spier for me, Sandy, &t the Scotch booth. The sweeties will be gran' and awiu' economical when yom hae a cassie. Be sure and spier." The public schodl kindergarten will put on '"I'be House of Childhood," in the Gun Shed. There will be fifty five prettily dressed children on the platform. When vou visit sthe Indian village tell your troubles to the medicine ) a . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOB"R 8, 1942. i i For Men i: b A LACQUER FOR BRASS BEDS That will sot wear off. --_ | HY X Wil J All Lac quered with Delmars' Finish. TWIN BRASS BEDSTEADS, our Brass Bedsteads are Each Section 3 ft. wide. CELLARIC MATTRESSES and deed, it is understood, it was some startling statistics on student mor- 'tality from tuberculosis presented to the senate of Queen's by Dr. man. Dine at the home-made table next week and improve your tion. all diges HERCULES and BANNER SPRINGS AT PAGR MVR. oe ms ------------ i GOOD SHOES FOR FALL WEAR At no season of the year do you need better shoes than the fall Wet weather demands good soles, good leathers, & etc,we have those kind of shoes- Built for service and at the same time full of style- 'Heavy Tans - Heavy Calf - hn in Bluchers' - Tan and Buttons Heavy Gun Metals -- Women - Boys and Girls You are invited to inspect our complete stock at any time. ' i ABERNETHY'S FOUND i A 1 " » - Confectionery of th® choleest sort Every delicious variety, all the old- time- favorites, everything de light{ully pure and good A BOX OF CANDY will make* a pleasing man, woman or child SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 gif to MILLINERY NA THE QUEEN | LADIES! YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN THIS | Our Specials for Thursday | Knight, professor of animal biology,; The fancy work table will be simpl, Ta ilcoren ih a ades "nt wl shane a Id Tiara Al Soaps: |. The lancy ork table wil be rl Tailored Hats in all shades. Untrimmed shapes the university fo legislate as it did. of clever brains and expert fingers. Now that Queen's has taken the | Seeing means buying. » lead it is probable the other Camg| Just see the variety of hybrids A sloking fung which will become operative in 1915 is Sal culated to retire the bonds before maturity. Additional bonds can only be lssued up to 66 2-3 per cent. of AM 5 JAMES REID S ' Ostrich and Marabou Mounts, Willow Feathers, in all % 2 al the amount required for extensions or enlargements. Improvements and additions to the plant, already planned, should materially increase the output and add to the earnings. Applications will be made to lst the bonds on the Toronto Btock Eschange. Additional DOMINION BOND "COMPANY, LIMITED Dominion Bond Building : TORONTO VANCOUVER rbocuae. will be furnishéd on request. MONTREAL LONDON, ENG. Dominion Express Building adian universities will bestir them- selves and extend their present. pro- vision for physical education. To the laymen it seems a highly com- mendable move.» It is satisfactory to see that at least one of the universities considers it also quits practicable. gn t Every freshman' #nd "'freshette," too, at Queen's. this fall will have te push dumb-bells, swing vault the horse,.and do various (other "stunts" twice a week in the big gymnasium o e university. incidentally, they ®IH have to take a bath at the clgge of each -hour's exercise. For a" number of years freshmen in science have had to do all these things. As a result, most of the men} who 'represented Queen's in football and hockey and track athletics came from pite the fact that the science men IWELL DRES SED MEN, Have a Most Decided Advantage. had their physical drill at the un- earthly hour of éight in the morn. ing. Now, however, physical edu- cation, as it ig officially styled, made a regular subject compulsory for first year students in all facul- ties and the classes are no longer taken before mon are awake, This move of the Queen' authorit- | les is regarded as an admirable one. { Students, who really study, are an- gaged in the most exhausting and strenuous of work. Too many ne- It has pever before been so easy for men who have the desire to be extra well dressed, to do so for such a small amount of money. We aie showing a large range of new Fall and Winter Buits and Overcoats in the latest styles and from the nawest materials, Suits. at $9.30, $11.50, $13.50, $1500, $16.50 and $18.00. { os ts at $750.95 $13.50, $15.00, $16.50 & $18.00 that you always have had to pay more for. 1.30, $3.50, $11.50, glect exercise in anxiety to make x getting that all the Honours for a ruined constitution. One of the "best features of the proposed stheme at Queen's is supervision, and examination "of all students by a competent medigal mam. Queen's is lucky to have Secuged such "a man in Dr. Etherington 'now a prac- tiging surgeon in Kingston: Every one will wish the new extension of the curriculum all sucesss--it one more subject, but one that will lighten and nof Increase the pres ent load on the students. BOARD OF HEALTH, Taking up Filtration Question. A meeting of the Board of Healt was called for Wednesday afternoon man. A. Strachan. with Leod, Dr. 'A. Ry B. Will dial health officer, 'and Cammon, sanitary inspector, present. Wn gr vs I | New Hats, Caps, Neck- | ' wear, Gloves, Etc. T° I'he little things that finish out a, man's out: fit. All ma d here at a most decided pod sib a Let us show you what we have before yeu LJ UVulities committee in taking wp |auestion of a fluation: plant. for the RONEY & CO clubs, | tha school of mining and this. too, des- is good showing at examinations, tos-| and medals to be had are no substitute is 1 Pleased Over Utilities Committee h] but there was no quorum. The chair am Me- were of She bbard are aetibn of the civic the to ard er a [or Slr an ot ie the Flower Tables; and they. can be bought. ' Don't forget it! Festival of km- !pive for the whole of next week. Char-- [Lty. begs at home. 'Lhe suffering and the poor we have alwayswith us. The i Festival is in aid of the general hos pital, and the gentral hospital is in Kingston. Come ! : The farm produce department is hove the big things are. Tha store house 18 on street, opposite t» Golden Lion. "dee the. gign. The stock Tincludes © potatoes, ' cheese poultry, ogy, , vegetables, harness, axes, springs, implements, ete. Inspect the stock. The last donation is a thor oughbred Jersey calf, six months old, and registered pofligree. It is & pic ture. The sale is now on and will contmue till the end of next week oods promptly delivered. connie | wi | They Have Won Their Place. Would White Swan Yeast Cakes have such an enormous sale in Canada ii they did not make the best bread? Your grocer sells White Swan Yeas Uakes for 68¢c. Free ¢ample from White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limit. ed, "Toronto. Ont. Had No Business. The regular meeting of the City I'roperty committee was called for : Wednesday afternoon but Bs there was no business for the members they had a holiday. Ald. Givens, the ehunir man, 'was on hand\and looked after some minor business. Piles Quickly Cured At Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. . The Pyramid Smile * 4 Many cases of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy without further treat- ment. When it proves itz value 10 you, get more from your druggist at 50¢ a box, and be sure you the coupon below and mail to-day. Save yourself from the surgeon's kni'e and {ts torture. the doctor amd his bills. ¢ FREE PACKAGE COUPON. yramid Drag Company, 402 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall Mich. Kindly send me sample} of Pyramid Pile Rem at once. by mail. FREE, in plain wrapper, », The Leading Undertaker. Phone 714 QUEEN'S RUGBY TEAM TO MEET OTTAWA COLLEGE ON SATURDAY, The Players Are In Good Conlition ~Having Their Final Practices ~The Line-up Not Anmounced. had or Queen's senior rugby team another tussle with the pigskin Wednesday afternoon, with ove: thirty men In uniform. and they realize that there are only two mor practices before they leave on Sat urday morning for Ottawa to do battle with Father Stanton's tricky team, possessing the fastness ant steadiness which the press of the Capital has credited to tham. To day the team, which has been pick ed, though not announced, had work-out, each position being hel: down by what is thought to Ix the best developed rugby materia' in Queen's. If a practice is held on Friday. it will be a Mght one s0 that th: boys will be in as goo shape as possible for the clash with Ottawa college The spectators who bave ated the side line in larg: num- bers, especially during the pas! few days, have noticed the decider advancement which the boys have made since the first of thé week under Coach E. 0. Sliter. Prof Maedonald, president of the foot- ball 'club, has handled the whistle and assisted In putting, the team "through its turns." rs Platt whe in the past was active in Queen's athletic cirefes, and who played th: game while attending college, was seen on the campus on. Wodnesda: afternoon "giving pointers" on the work of the wings and scrimmage For a time the back division of the first team was pitted against its probable forward line, the other positions being held down by effec tive men. The signals worke well. John Aird had his . kned 'badl strained while at practice on Tues day, which will likely put him ou of rugby for the season. Althoug! he had. played igf the inter-facult: games Tast year, it appears this sea son is his first appedrance at pla with' the aspirants for places an the university teams. Smith and Me Quay "were new "figures on th campus on Wadnesday. The rugby. ists were ically examined yes terday and s . From what can be learned, the Ot- tawa College team is very light and in very condition. From their talk they expect to "trim the heads". offi Queen's. The latter players are keeping their mouths closed, and when they mest Father Stanton's outfit they may give 1 a surprise. A student who ha to be in Ottawa atl the first of the week, hag occasion to see the Ottawa College HM team, and states that it is very fast, but light. While he was at a prac tice of the team, a man near hy took out a book and started to make notes but. was soon spotted by the team, and the spectators were put out of the grounds. 4 i Re ey New York, |. Boston, | 2.6. Chicago - . 5 Americén i . 8; De i 6: Pittsburgh, rots 3 decor- | colors. Call and see our Specials Thursday. 174 WELL'NGTON STREET } Yr T------__e 10c For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cakelcelng and Making Fudge. -- Health and Beauty Answers BY MES. MAE MARTYN. Tittle re con whim. teh of iff hair ing whi dandrs fallivg restore Your dition first pooing every with canthrox, th using a good quinine ohn prepare the toni ME one ounce of pint of alechot (r halfepint of col waier better then mus nalr tonles as #1 make ithe halr SLringy ratf and siep yous t. You will find halr and ve flching wealp Te be sure, health and hand in hand Indigestion livery caus® impure blood 1 breeds ugly bloiches vimples and skin eruptions accom. nied often by deprepsion, melan. nolla and headaches These may be fill onemoved by the judicious use of a Sthple home-made system tonic and dood paris made as follows: Dis. Olve one e of 'kardene and one- alf cuptul sugar In one-half pint leohol (net vhiskey), then add en- ugh hol water to make a fall ypart I the remedy Take a tablespoonful referee enoh meal. Kardene ftimulates he digestio aroases a. torpid ver urifies the blood and gives tobe 1 ne whelé system By a natural pro. ess the complexion js cleared the tored. feeling vanishes, And energy nd enjoyment of Wife return A FB bénuty xo wd siuggish vhich ii enithy b two weeks © seRlp You add haf bY, « I 2 M. I: Do pa fiésh wore ¥ ta have sp ent La ant many trier ers for \ parnotis it In J a tERNDC each mew cut down yo cessity for 4d cising Mary tim comple marks aching the same a active features as your young a good, gresseless {see answer 1 PDoarvin clogging up I with fac K lotion we ean mak Heh a ¢ Tou: ounces of spurytn gist's and dissolve pin. Wich base! or sd two teasposnfi wher cold, apply neck and arms 1 nsive and wneq beautifier., It does like face powder, and' excellent for removing muddy look from Mir ood for removing reckies, skin pimples ural skin roughness vl with soread after two or eR he akin This simple most stub. njure even Bleaching the hair will ek puste water n hairs vot wanted, t} Aree minutes rab off 11 the hairs sre gone eaiment will banish the WH growih wr vot sensitive skin w es G. EA It Tay be ald right to « sling « FY shampoo powder where you are ery careful to brush gut atl of the wwder; otherwise it will clog up the Ufes tn the scalp and cause dandruff if very thing you should avoid Te oh your hair looking bright and Sithy and make it siay in cori, you USE nol Ure A shampoo that conlsins iree' alkall, as soaps and most iampots do, Lissolve a teaspooufu' f conthrox in's of het wat and a have a shampoo that can't ex eifed, It will remove all excess vi ad dire, and leave your scalp free rom irritation. This shampoo dries ulckly without. causing streaky. fad. It wili make wii! ue i Creat ad of whi and insten ¥ f oar des we flat Ye ho ying Grog init i 2 4 patches in the hair. Our Laie soft ant fluffy so it tay up amd looks nice without the « a halr net oF veil . ei Doris: If gou wish. to make #& greaseless completion pream-fetly that will quickly clear you? complexion of aecessity of several months treat. freckies, tan and sonburn without the ment, you chs easily repre i at home by mixing togethe¥ an ounce of aimonein, twee teaspoonfule glycerine and one-half pint cold water; stir briskly and jet stind over night Where applied frequently yew wii' finfl this an exceilent cream for re- moving wrinkles, blackheads [recikios roughness and other skin blemishes It will jeave the skin smooth, clea and velvety. and is a maichiess pre. paratioh for massaging and reducing the sige of large pores in the wkin E_B 8: Adihough ay hair Sometimes caysed Bb erry. od and i and 4 BW. If my eyes cont that tired, overworked feet Yours do. 1 would jese no Lio ting a good tonic for (hem i were Incline® to weak them in good condi: simple, Inexpendive remed dissolving mn ounce of or water pine _of eve ramionally fafiakmation and bright' and sparkiing MR SGTre Fou wii fet Biasses. It = & splendid toni generally due to a sed scalp » | Weak, walery alee granuigied 'indicated by such symptoms as {ids Fretty dothes sometimes make a1 No coneited girl oe uederstand girl forget the things her mother used why every man she meets ian't in love to teach her . .. with her. xan for of a i eyes A crowbar isn't necessary to enable Some men would rather a gowsip to pry into your alaiks, & {Gee than earn o decent living