Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1912, p. 10

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> wuty: > PALE TEN, Tips For | the Farmer Bete BY USCLE JOSH. 0000000000000 0000000 Marketing Dressed Poultry. Dressed poultry always pays a good profit and as whith eggs, appearance goes a lomg way in securing top prices and the best market is direct to a retailer, The following rules should control your shipments : Starve the birds at least twenty four hours before killing. This leaves the crop empty and the flesh in bet ter shape. : Always dry-pick your birds, never scald them. Dry plucked birds will well at-from two to three cents per pound more than scalded. Scalding discolors the flesh. It is not necessary to draw chickens or turkeys but" ducks and geese should always be drawn before ship ping. Leave on the head and feet. Remarkable Crop. A remarkable crop of fruit has been Clapp's Favorite peas trees on the or- chan] and truck farm of N. J. Mc Murray, near 'Sarnia, Lambton coun 'From these trees Mr. McMurray "has this year picked 186 eléven-quart baskets of pears, which sold for Sle a basket, bringing in $93. From a nine-inch section of one limb a bas ketful was picked. As these trees are » Planted sixteen feet apart, there would be about 170 on a solid acre, which would mean a crop of 3,162 baskets, , worth 81.581. It wouldn't take many acres of that kind to prodice a fai living=if they bore as well every vear, : The Bacon Industry. In the year 1899, it was deemed wise by those in charge of institute in giving instructions in the produc wotk in Ontano to centre their work tion of "bacon" type of hog. 'Ihe speakers were chosen largely upon the bais of their qualifications to give instructions. in the breeding, feeding and care of that class of bacon, the object being to produce that quality of bacon for export which would hold a high place in the English mar kets. One man on each deputation was furnished with illustrative mater ial, by way of charts and photo graphs, which would emable-him to indicate clearly to his audience the tvpe which was advocated. Plans, charts, tables, statistics, apd othe infomation bearing upoh 'the selec tion, breading, housing, general care, and feeding of hogs, was furnished each speaker. The experiment proved most successful, and there was, in the seasons which followed, a marked improvement in the quality of hogs produced, and a uniformity was és Aatfished throughout practically the whole province. A great stimulus was thus given to the bacon industry which has continued over since to hold a promfinent place in the agriculture of the province. No doubt other m- stances can he given where a general on i along a definite line and covering a considerable territory has been effective.--George A. Putnam. Raising Turkeys. Turkey raisers in the town of Ther esa, N.Y, have hit upon an innovation which is proving highly effective a a protection to turkeys. Those who raise turkeys and live near woods or the right time and in the best man- ner possible A few days' prema ture cutting 'or letting the cbrn come overripe, and the work of a season may be robbed of a large percentage " 'profits. -- Toronto be. of 4 Produce and Prices. Kingston, Oct. 5.--Market | clerk Potatoes, 200. a peck; cabbage, 30c. doz.; eelery, Be.; lettuce, He. a buneh; radishes, 5c. a bunch; green onions, 20¢. a peek; carrots, 20¢. peck; new beste, 2e, peck; npe tomatoes, 35¢ pk.; cucumbers, 15¢. doz; chickens, 10e to 124e. Th; fowl, l0c. Ib; potatoes, 73¢. to 21 a bag. J. A. MeVarwane, Brock street, re ports grais, Hour and feed selling as follows : x Oats, 85c.; local wheat, $1.15 bush; ved wheat, Bic; peas, $1 to $1.10; yellow feed. corn, ¥iec.; bakers' flour, $2.90 to $3.14; farmers' Hour, $2.85 to $3.10; oat- $3.10; Hungarian patent, o per bar meal and rolled oats, $3 * rel; cornmeal, $2 to $2.25; bran, £21] per ton; shorts, $28 per ton; baled straw, $10; loose, ¥8; hay, loose, $17 to $18; pressed hay, $16 to $17. Meat--Beel, local, carcase, j9%. to 10¢.; prime western, lle to 12¢., car case: cuts, 10c. to 20e¢.; mutton, 10e. to 15¢.; lamb, 124¢c. to 20e. 1b.; live hogs, 88.25; dressed hogs, 12c.; veal, 9c. 12}ec. ¥ x Dairy--Butier, creamery, Me, to 32¢.; prints, 27c. to dle; rolls, 25c.; eggs, 25¢. to Je. doz. John McKay, Brock street, reports as follows: The hide market is steadily declining, owing to poor qual ity and poor demand. We quote hides No. 1, trimmed, at 10c. a Ib; No. ? and hulls, 9¢.-a lb,; sheep skins, fresh 85¢.; deacons, $1; veal skins, l4c. per Ib.; sheep skins same as hides; tallow rendering, Se. per lb.; wool, washed 2lc. per Ib.; wool, unwashed, 14c. per Ib.; ginsing, $5 to $6.50 per lb.; hors hides, No. 1, 83. Above prices are for No. 1 prime stock, blue. pelts and unprime acvord ing to value. The Dominion Fish company report the following prices : Whitefish, 15¢ Ib.; pike, l0e. lb; Chinook salmon 0c. 1b.; kippered herring, Yarie uti bloaters, 4%. doz.; perch, 10c... ib salt codfish, 15¢. 1h.; halibnt, 15¢. tr 20¢. 1b.; fresh haddock, 124c. 1b.; blue: fish. 15¢. 1. stead, avd. 1240; salmon trout, 15¢. 1b.; finan haddie, 10c. to 12¢.; fillets, 15¢. In i Discriminating Against Catholics. New York World During the recent visit Winston Churchill to Belfast the harbor boar there declined to permit' tha first lord of the admiraliy tp inspect the har bor. The result to Belfast has beer the transference of admiralty work and subsidies for maval outfitting tc Haulbowline, in the south of Ireland. But who compose the Beliast harbor board ? _Out of a salary list of over £55,000 there'is the name of only one Roman Catholic, who receives £1,250 a year. The Belfast poor law board hat on its list of over five hundred sal- aried oflicialy and employs only fifteen Roman Catholics, and their salaries aggregate only $8900 4 vear. The Belinst water poard has a salary list of $20,000 a year, on which appears the name of one Roman Catholic with an annual remuneration of $325. Ip Londonderry city 8845 goes to Roman Catholic officials out of a total of £33,315. In Dungannon, where nation- | alists and unicnists are about equal in populaticn, there are two Roman Catholic employees--scavengers--and ip a salary list of $2,875 4 year the pal try sum of 3180 a year goes to Rovan Catholics. of Six Year's Use of Baby's Owe : Tablets. € Once a mother has used Baby's Own THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 35, LADY ABERDEEN'S ARMY. Her Forces Are Doing Great Werk For | Ireland. : This is an age of organized social re. form, and there was never a time when women were doing more valuable work for the community. The Women's Na. tional Health Association of Ireland may be described as a social welfare army with her Excellency the Coun tess of Aberdeen in command. De. tachments are stationed all over the country. One hundred and fifty branches or battalions are engaged in attacking disease, poverty, misery, and dirt. Twenty thousand wtnen are en- rolled under the banner of health and hope, and it would be diffienit to over. estimate the value to Ireland of these women's work. 1912. v Comfort Soap means "Comfort" not ° just . $5.00 JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE szocx sr | "Soap." POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA Treland, half a dozen years ago, was virgin soil in the sense that there was no definite philanthropio organization for tackling the problems of tubercu- losis, infant mortality, and public health. Any remedies were. merely Jliative. Prevéntive work had not Baer started. The infsat mortality and toberculosis death retes were ap palling. 80 Lady Aberdeen started babies' clubs, and a pasteurized milk depot for supplying pure milk in Dublin. In the poorest quarters of the city, places were rented by association to 'be used aa, "clubs." , Voluntary helpers and traived nurses pere ob- tained, and the good officel of the doctors were enlisted. Thus the pre. ventive work for iniapd mortality was organized on a professfonal basis. The association begins with the babies and and the mothers in its health cam- paign, and rightly, tev. By the edu- cation of motherhood and the protec- tioa of infaney this problem can best be solved. But its energies are extended in all directions. Just lately the children's laygrounds scheme has come into ing. Derelict spaees in the slum. miest parts of the city are being trans. formed into garden playgrounds for the babies and the ehildren with as- tounding success. St. Monica's Play- ground was opened & little w hile ago by the Lord Lieutemant of Ireland, and' the children of that neighborhood have come to regard Lady Aberdeen | as a personal friend. The next move is to be the forma. tion of a boys' camp on the site of Ormond Market, at present a scene of | mouldering walls, falling masonry, crooked lamp posts, huge heaps of stones, tin cans, and refuse of all kinds. Lady Aberdeen has secured it at a nominal rent. It is to be entire. ly cleared and made into a camp, where destitute boys from crowded homes will live and sleep, going by day to their work or their schools and returning in the evening fo a veritable boy seout's paradise. The effect of a multiplication of such camps upon the questions of juvenile crime, hooligan- ism, and delinquency is surely sell evident. A great deal has already been said | and written about the tuberculosis campaign of the Women's Health As- sociation of Ireland. People are fair- ly familiar with the propaganda of the association. They are aware that sanatoria have been constructed; that traveling health caravans tour all over Ireland, ing the laws «A health and hygiene to the people. The asso: ciation also provides nurses for the treatment of consumptive patients in their homes-under a system of volun- tary notification, As a result of the work, the death rate from tuberculosis ia the lowest recorded since 1864, whem the regis. tration of deaths was intsoduced. -- Cycle In War. " The British adthorities are begin- N Screen Doors, George's The Celebrated Hose and Sprinklers, ELLIOTT BROS. Gas Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil- Stoves and Window Screens, " Brownlow " Bi fil Ovens, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Froezers, Garden Lagn Mowers, Ete. AGENTS ToR ------ Filter and plus KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO I3 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! It sur process by which it is made differs from others. ciously sweet and non-ritating. SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG RGCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturdrs: QUEBEC passes all others in quality and flavour because the It is deli- Tan Calf, leather lined, double sole, Goodyear welt. wet Fall weather. mth 'Box Calf and { Just the Boot for $3.00 a pair => SS me ---- ct st gs, vr Baan - King St - YOUR NEW FALL BOOTS. FOR MEN AND BOYS |: - High Grade Goodyear Wells, - from $435 to $5.50 The Dr. Worth Cushion Sole for Men, solid ; comfort, one price ) 2 ning to take serious notice of the pos- sibilities involved in the use of the cycle in war. A great advance has been made of late in its smployment for purposes of defemca at home, in rocky ledges have found the use of |, turkey bells a great benefit in fright. | Tablets she will always use them as suing foxes, skunks, and Sther lovers | 100g as there are little oves in the of poultry from the flocks. Turkeys |POUSE: They are absolutely - safe and ~ . i cure constipation, colic, never fail to rd be | so protected have been allowed the the many other baby HARDWOOD { indigestion or freedom of territory where foxes and weasels abound, and not a fowl has been lost. The bells are small and are attached to a strap, which buck les about the turkeys neck. The birds soon become accustomed to thes neck wear. Another factor id that the flocks can be easily located, as tingle of the bells can be heard yuite a distance. Prepare For Winter." The farmer, like every other bus. iness man who would have his of- forts crowned with a measure of success, must keep looking ahead In no department of his work is this more important than his efforts to get his cows into good shape for their winter's work. The hot summer weather and the flies and kindred pests have a way of thinning the cows in flesh and. ot weakening their constitutions gen- erally. With the fall there comes a revival of constitutional vigpr. ot which the alért dair¥man should be careful to avail himself. The pas ture should be supplomented with a little forage crop, and meal should be added to the daily ration. These may be fedewith advantage at night, as it Is a question if it pays to have cows out at night when the nights are and the dew approaches the hoarfrost stage. It should always be remembered that a cow, to give her best performance in the milk pail, must be keot in good heart, not only during the period of lacta- tion, but also during the perfod img mediately preceding freshening. Further, the dairyman will do "well to both cull and supplement his herd. No greater folly from - the dpoint of profits 'committed than keeping the that does not pay her way and give her owner a good profit. Such boarded bovi {lent the | fot {cine dealers or by mail at 23¢. a box from The Dr. Con H am been hood and -chiklhood ailments. cerning them Mrs. E. Simmons, ilton, Ont.; says: "I have not without Baby's' Own Tablets for six years. | have given them 10 my three little ones and find them excel during teething and at other times." The Tablets are sold by medi- Williams' - Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . A Joke by Mansfield. Julia Marlowe, the charming Shakes Petriun pfirms, tells a story at the expensw®of the less brilliant member of her profession. The late Richard Mansfield's company had been re hearsing move or less faithfully & an hour when the hypercritical sta: himself arrived unexpectedly. For se veral seconds Mr. Mansfield watched the rehearsal--his expressive face run ning the gamut of 'emotions. "Wait a minute--wait 'a minute," impatiently lled out the pompous stage mana gir. "Where are those two jackasses that are supposed to come down thal hill, on . this gitl's cue ?"' Thereupon Mr. Mansfield abruptly. interrupted him. "Go on-go on with the scene" he ordered, authoritativelv. Thin he turned t» the stage manager and pat stage already. A Leading Question. Tarorti Star I the effect of a written description of bad plays is te pervert morals, the effect of the performance itself must have heen vastly more iniouitous, Yet the performance escapes, while the mas who, in order to_ arouse public opin- ion, prints a pamphiet about it is photographed for the rogues' gallery, tried, and convicted Wa have not time or, inclination to indulge in fandiul trouble. mntil "we havs got rid of our real misfortune. £100 Reward, %100. The resders of (his paper will » eased to Jeart that there i= at jens ne dreaded disease thar sclence ha been able to cure in all its stages, ane that is Catarrh. fall's Catarrh Cure is the anlv positive cure now Knew: to the medical fraternity, Catarrh be ing a eonstiptional disease, reduire- # constitutional treatment. Tair' Catarey Cure ia taken interpally, . ing directly upon the blood sug mucous surfaces of the system, ther F destroying the foundation of disease, apd giving . the patien: #reugth by building up the copsiitg | tien and assisting 'viture in doing Jt ° 0 The propristers Lave sb mus) faith in is eudstive re shat the offer Ope Hundred Pollars for an Das that §t falls to cure. Sead for lis est is. i : Address, y J. Cheney & Co, Toledo id by all Drugeisis 7 Q Hstion, Be ke Hairs Family Pills for consti: in South Africa, the highest being $487 b pound . far above the ordinary mar proof of which it is ouly necessary to refer fo the increase mn the num- ber of purely cycle bagtalions main- tained in the Territorial Force. But abové and beyond that is the informa. tion contained in the new "War Es. tablishments," which shows an in- crease in the number of bicycles in the regular army, and a greater recog- nition of the motor cycle. A cavalry division has now 18 mokor cycles and 371 ordinary bicycles, as against 118 of the latter hitherto.' All this is very encouraging to these enthusiasts who have hitherto me§ with a some- what cold reception from the military authorities in the advoeacy of the cycle. - Queen Had Confidence In Him, Queen Victoria showed her confi- dence in Sir Dighton Probyn by ap- pointing him Keeper of her Privy Purse. He was also Comptroller and Treasurer to the late King Edward, when Prince of Wales. Op the acces- sion of the present King, Bir Dighton, in a00o with = special desire, attached himself to Queen Alexandra, and is always in attendance on her on state occasions. Few men can boast of such a record of service, and were | the venerable courtier te write tha story of his "Life" it would prove one of the most interesting documents on record. Hanged For a Trifle. It is almost impossible to hang a woman in Anglo-Saxon countries to- day, but in old time England this was not the case, King George 111. once offered twenip-three women dffenders an alternative to hanging. They might, should they choose, be trans. ported instead. Bix of them voted for hanging. Ma women were then hanged for far less crimes than wine dow-amashing. Welsh Falling Of. , The decadence of the Welsh lan. uage is evidenced by the statement that about 85 per cent. of the people sf Wales know some Enghsh, while pearly M0 per cent. no other language. Costly Plumes. Fancy prices have recently beeh paid for prigse-winning ostrich plames. Make This the Test. Feentually re will clean your house from top to bottom with {he magio cleaner, RE-NU-ALL. Why continue to ylod along with broom and duster and soap and water and lots of hard, tiriug work, when you can dasily test the merits of RE-NU-ALL. Risk 25 cents ina bottle of Ri-X1U-ALL Prepare a cheesecloth duster (ns directed on the bottle) asd make this test. Take a section of hardwood floars that hasn't been cleaned 1or some tin if there is dirt stuck fast to the varnish, so much tho better-- DE NU. ALL wi unfasten it. Give.a few rubs with your duster. : : Look at duster --ses the dirt it has absorbed ! and study the difference. That yub of RE-N1:ALL as scooped up a dust an Erodes, and has left it shining like a ballroom floor. . Vhen you're satisfied with your floor, test RE-NU-ALL on your furni- ture, on your painted walls, on your mirrors, on your staircase--give it a h test. ~ ~RE-NU Jinoleum and 6 cleaning. Took at yoir floor the dist, énameiled bedstends and the brass ones; RENU your ahd then go and celebrate the new ora of easy house bottle right now. o, : : +Canadian Wood Polish Co. = Hamilton, Ont. a Your grocer or hardware dealer sells ift-25c. to $1 sizes. Send for a TL i] il

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