Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1912, p. 13

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AGREED WITH BABY This Mother F, Found The Right Food For Her Baby Girl, Arthur Prince of Meaford, Ont., Series, on Bept. sath; igi 5 ar Mr it 30 well am Using it right along an excellent. "I have baby, "Bhe can nix different fou, nt all--is alwa indigestion, your food. sample 2" Mrs, Prince wrote again oh Sept. oth; 1911 riend's baby has grown wonde y 1 can scarcely lit it. Her next Laby, which she | expects in five months, swill be fed on veave's Food right from the start--she thi: ks it is so goo jn Mothers aud prospective mothers may otaii a free tin of Neave's Food and a ¥aluah le book "Hints About Baby" by writing Fdwin Utle ey, IquFront Btreet Yas ot, Toon Canada. (Me ntion this paper.) Neave's Food is sold in 1 Ib. air tight tins by all Drujggists in Canada. 4 ate sit it. does not thrive 1d troubled with. lease send her a (anada Life Assurance Company The only Canadian Company whose Smith, Policies have doubled through profits Figures how foliey will shape for you ponds de Bh given by J. O. Hutton, 4 mAs Electric Restorer for Men HT a 3 vim and vit: Raity Preniature decay and all sexual | ol wih a box, -. fo k Boobe. Drug | Street. £1 a foam new an Price ailed to lsd toany address os, Ont. Er ------ o a8 Mahood . | FOR PICKLING We carry a fall |}! line of Pure Spices ! and Vinegar. D. COUPER'S 'Phoae 76. 341.8 Princess St. ee Prompt Delivery. Sound Sleep ' is usually impossible to the bilious. But biliousness yields--and head- aches, sour stomach, indigestion go --when the bowelsare regulated and the liver and kidneys stimulated by BEECHAM'S MAXWELLS The Wringsr Woard: axtends from the side, ott of the way of the sovar. This allows Practically the whols top of the Wb to open up | wakes it assy fo put 18 and take out clothes. No sthor wisher has ar lovge an spening. No other washer cam be worked wiih erank handis af vide a3 well as top lever, Do pow sss Mazswell's "FPavorite™ the ehrarn thet makes quality bytter } Write ua for catalogues if yoor dealer does not handle them. OLD LADY ALMOST CRAZY WITH ECZEMA A Remarkable and Convincing State- ment of the Success of Cuticura Soap ard Ointment in the Treat- ment of the Pain, itching and Burning of Eczema M1, the undercignodeg®anct gies enough Drake to the Cuticurs Remedios. 1 had been dactoriag tor at least a year for © coma of my foot. | hed tried docier afte doctor ail to no avail. small spot showed wu was wormed and saa' for ry ho 0 Lhe gozemn spread to the never could Boel she hud The whole foo ran wate "My husband and my sons and day wheeliag me from other in the nope of giving i would sit toe bows AH very Hithe pain, fae] i t hegven. After using the os { w pit a ried | recommended ! who is the Agent for | PR NEWS OF NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS THLL Os. i | the Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are' Saying. Trevelyan Tidings. Oct. | ~The linemen telephone poles and the to soon have a phone stalled in every home, Mis. M {frnan, Athens, and -Mes. 12. J { Brockville, spent the past week (uests of their mother, Mrs. M. fer. Mr. and Mrs. "ded" Flood {vrtnined a number "of their friends {pleasantly on Friday evening, Mrs. J iMeKenny, Athens, visited at F. ler's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs ! Leader r. Caintown, spent sunday 'B. Flood's. ' Trevelvan, {erecting Iple hope at peo i" He Shea, the Lael oh Leed- B ai Gi Barriefield Visitors, Oct, 4.-Mr. and Mrs. | Montreal, have returned visiting his father, M1 Murney Pugh, RN. and Miss Lille, of New York, are visiting their home. Mrs. W. Norman, =r, Pisiting her daughter, Mas. 1. | at Portemouth. ° Mrs. Kenddil. of Sarnka, visiting at M. Turned's tdohn Curtis, "of New York, visiting at 11 Turner's. R. Stanton has return led. home from Petawawa | Barr Creek Budget. Burr Cregk, Oct. 4.-Mrs. Johe Woodruff, who recently was moved to Ithe Hotel Dieu, is improving rapidly Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins, Stoness" Con ners, were visiting their daughter, George Smith E. Sterling, was visiting { Sunday. Mrs. Albert Day spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. L. Spoon Union street, Kingston. A sur {prise party was given at Paul Reese's, | York street, in--wkich a nuwiber of { yf\ing folks from heme > attended, Bairietieid, | Pugh home after Pugh Miss of at IT at lath, Canonto Reports. (anonto, Oct. 2--lLawrence Bros.' : a few days ! Farmers ! on aw mill is shut down for owing to a broken wheel. potatoes are starting to rot clay ground on account of the {weather Mr. Bapks, of Ompah, re | ceived a bad cut on his foot while | working in Lawrence Bros.' saw mill lon Friday last. The infant son of IMr. and Mrs. Peter Metiondly dieslet |Sunday. ~~ Allen Melntyre tended {Cobden fair fast week Mrs. John Card and little granddaughter left for home vesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Badour visited friends at Ompah on Sunday. Say wet Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Oct. 2.--John Wood: cock has bought the old grist mill known as Keech"s Mills, and intend: repairing and improving the prem-| ises, making it suitable for a can ning factory. Edward Carscallen gdiad, suddenly, on Monday, after couple. of days' illness The funer-| val took place, Wednesday, from hir late residence to the Methodist | cemotery. In religion deceased wasn | a Methodist. He leaves a wife and | five small children to mourn hi: | joss. Russell Thornton has left for | the west where he has secured a good position. Samuel York ha accepted a position as clerk with | Thornton & Whayfleld. | ] Tichborne Tidings. Tichbokpe, Oct. 3.--~Quite a number | of teams are hauling feldspar to the | new crusher at Drafton's Crossing. | Hiram Richard has his new house | nearly completed. Quite people Taround here are on the list. Visitors : Miss "Dolly" ey shen Sunday at home; Mrs William Steele and daughter, of Mis-! sissippi, are visiting at James Kish's, Miss Grace Dermott, Miss Mary Thom- | pson, Ervine lewis and William | Thompson visited at John Bedore's on Sunday; Miss Della Hampton visited | | Miss Lizzie Bedore on Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. James Allison have re turned home after spending a few | days in Toronto sick | Hick- | x Front Road | News. Front Road Kingston, Oct. The new cement bridge over the) Cataraqul creek is about "completed. | it is certainly a vast improvement | to the read Mrs, Gibson of Cal gary. who has been visiting her | daughter, Mrs. H. Wartman, during the summer months, returned to] the west receatly Mrs. Wartmdn | accompanied her as far as Hamil | ton. Mr. Robinson visited - friends in Detroit last week. . Arthur Day and F. Murton were called to at. tend the petit jury om" Tuesday Farmers are storing ensilage. Much grain is yet lying in the fields. Potatoes are rotting on account of the amount of rain and it is feared will be but a poor crop. Township of Portland. Harrowsmith, Oct. 3. -- At a special meeting of Portland town. ship founcil last night the resigna- tion of Milton Shangraw, who was appointed collector of taxes for 1912, was accepted, and John C. Walker appointed collector. Salary 00, $65 The avplication of the Bay 'ot Quinte Railway company for auth. ority to revise the Grade Bn on its Hue 14 eepabi o of ol, on { igion . ston {who died a'out of | friends here on | week | Butterill, { well attended. to Harlowe the next day. { sult a number oi | | wright deprives Canada of one jed {was her very good friend. { Clark's thippunt | him, ie a . THE DAIL and Mrs. Midas Grant, hamham, visited friends here: rte cently J. PomeroW'is visiting in Montreal and at Covey Hill, Quebec. Visitors: --Joseph Walker, Pitts- i Blak, at -W. Waindl a, Akan, Desmond, at DD. Pomeroy's: Mis. Edith Yorke, Verona at J .Pomeri ay's: Miss Florence Trousdale an! i Miss Creighton, Verbna at C Db Yorke's rr Ras Be Death of a Centenarian. Atkinson Oct 1.--On Sunday Sept. 22nd, Henry Johnston passed away at his home at Atkinson; aged 105; but notwithstanding his grand old age was hale and hearty until two weeks before bis death. wher his hart becawe affected He was born in Ireland and in 1847 cane with his parents, brothers and g' ters to Canada, settled in Pittsburgh and lived here ever since in re- he was a Preshyterian and in politics a conservative. Mr. John- was a very hospitable man, kind and generpus to all, and up right in all his dealings, His fam iliar form going up and down the road will be sadly missed. . Rev Mr. Reede preached the fuperal sor- won at his home to a large cirel of friends and acqueintances, thonee his rema'ns were followed by a large cortege to Gananoque .cem- et ry where the Orangemn perform- ed the last rites to all that war ro-tal of their brother Inter ment will tak» nlace in the family plot at Sand Hill Deceased wa: married to Miss Mary Anne Lucy 1882 . He leave five sons: Francis, William, John Henry, Robert. and Anderson, al of Pittsburg, and two daughters Mrs. gor McBroom, Washburn and" Mys. Wm. McFarlane, Joyce ville. a At Mountain Grave, Mountain Grove, Oct. l.--Consider able grain is 3till in the fields Pe Jatoes are reported to be a bung crop. Mr. and Mis. Joseph Buttarill have returned from the west; they vis ited their son at Regina. Mi-s Camp bell and Mr. Lapum attended the teachers' convention in Kingston last ' Miss Gestgude McDonald ef for Toronto to visjt her brother. Da vid Cox has rpturned from his loli days. Mr. Lioness, orgamuzer for th Foresters, ws spending some time her and has secured several recruits. My and Mis. Ross Barr, of Napance. hav. moved to W. Barr's. Miss Lowery, lichborne, at W. Barr's. James MN Donald has returmed home afta spending several months traveling Mrs. Walter Barr spending a few days at Camacn Kast, LL. Black ha moved from here to Havelock. My Mrs. Williams are spending sdow time at Mrs. I. Cox's, prior to leav ing for their home at Peterboro. J Johnston made a business trip 9 Kingston last week Ww Mchnight and R. Drow are building a platformy m higar or the town Quite a number attended the tion at Parham. Ruomor lage is to have a doctor Mrs, Sharbot Lake, at L er Mis. Risley and children, of Svracuse, N.Y. at Frederick Gihb's. { The box social held in the village hall under the auspices of LOL. was A number of the local with the "organizer 0 com hall ssid gave th ae li texill's. Orangemen wen! Weakness and Failure. inlerest is almost unlimited Energy comes from rich i vital blocd. Weakness and failure re when blood is weak and impure utmost mental and muscular en ergy by «nviching and vitalizing your { bleed with. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They help almost at once They are a great nerve strengthener |. and blovd maker. In boxes, 25¢. Sold t Mcleod's Drag Store, 53 Brock street, one door above King street | Money back i if not 'sntisialtory Human in its power. Have Friend of United States. Transcript death ot Sir ¢ Boston The John Care 1° of her distinguished statesmen, a man of 'thorc®eh training and' long service im the higher public affairs of his country, and che whose Toss thet nit States deeply because he Even Champ break did not worry his experience enabled him to easily comprehend the super | einl character of the man. Twiee was Richard most regrets, because of Goodery of London, SAW erratic league Y BRITISIL WHHL, ~ATURDAY, COSMO "The Blindness of Virtue," at With (MTOBER 5, 1912. HAMILTON, 5 the Grand on Wednesday, "IE Oct, Wh. How She Acquired "Fem:nine Charm" omen sat e trad £YOue 3 iida't help doing {hi beauty #2, ROY her mn Io not or eve ng Lh : q her ui | leature tha costume. But ther hor (ace and ex and asked me how youl azzhingly ertinent, | was someth about pression i risked * Would sou mind telling sep your complexion pure w 0 think in over your peach like me thirty, and vel haven't vour Cheeks do you di face, are quite How she skin But easy; 1 shocking, Instead ot wed Sou listeti off mornings soiled ut pai the woman wehing 1 a sures th shipy, with evealng wen ther skin com clear under a beautiful vou know. Then I use 4 face bath powderpd saxolite hall witch astringent which wonderfully, Very thought Im plan ax I like it ip Brown, Faery voderneath ii armkle ny lexion 0 ward o nade by dis ane ounee) ol ne pint hazel- a harmies skin Ba Lot i trying hh Millicent Feller, 'tanes' th sunple, now menses Story ih CARTWRIGHT A PROPHET. A Letter He Wrote Faper in IST Weekly chard at Kin century figures or on is wrote to a Londo Tore S That Sir | passed away half a stand life, was a linary vis vhich he evidenced to th vl Canathian News in Dec the tuture and wnadian confe African and and prophe when B would ates In a great nst the Europe ouncil, Englar looked the sucvess of ( nm, the South ralian federations, lay would laughter nations United & mer 1s71 He oone Mmiam and h Jom wit Angl tinental imperial tives of. the of t would sit and discuss que ening their mutual inte at rolonres eda | honeymoon. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, Cow, Suprmwit 1 to Have Been Drown Recovered, | ed, Wolfe Island, Uct. 3 --Edward Pave [nas rembod Duncan Mellae's fain Cagmmings sold a fine team to | Pittsburg farmer Jeremiah Groen bride have returned home afte Owing to the ther the potatoes are commel rot in the low land Wiliam Hall has purcha Woodman's farm, on the purchase price was 36,500 ' Russell has rented Grant Pyke' factory NY, is Madeline to necr the cheese gan, Watertown, friends: here Miss nas gone to Ottawa enter vent. tapt. James Pvke's tur from Toronto Duncan McRae, Michi business James iting his parents here ke, has returned home triceland shipped a load Montreal last Whit t- of loading them the was accidentally knocked inte river and given up for lost wis lator found nothing the Miss Made! Ww 1 3 t load Kinney sailed wo We SFrank cattle to the one week in ac nto car the Livin worse of its me Kingeloy liam Patter cattle on long has BOR "HU Quebe . Monday, 2 boa of hter of the Innocents, The Slang The sia abt ted have a tral 5.000 U0 Wn SRLLIRLLY old PAGE BAKING POWDER MADE IN CANADA CONTAINS NO ALUM CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF BAKING {EIN Qn sie ches) THIRTY EN GILLETT'S es IVE the English credit for this--they DO know pipe tobaccos. That's why all good [= pipe-smokes pretend to be English make. B.D.V. is the genuine imported article. Any Englishman will tell you that most everybody "across the pond" smokes B.D.V, Light up and get acquainted. Ounce packets sci! bere lor 10c. Also 2 oz, tine fog 20c. wad Ib. tins 400. Vacuum senied. @ODPREY PEILLIPS Limited. London, Eagiand DIMOCK, Direct tive, Toronto A iN E » ADE AN, & aisann ' Representa- ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE -- PALATABLE -- NuTrImous -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN .LABATT, Lmarep, Lonpon, CANADA NN TEN EY ADAADANM A he fore also the the wa of giving . this anthon Sav he ir "I doubtiul aw than {he wotimg premier, in thy absence of | Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and, had he been nvested with the fall dignity of that {high office he would not have disgraer | ed 1 Had Backbone apd Courage. Basak ville Times Bir Richard may have lacked | some of the smoothness of the aver: | age modern politicians but he had | what is still better--the -backbon: and courage to be true fo his honest beliefs. Pity it is that there are not more like him in Canadian pub- life. Many a premier has met his doom by the weakness of his colleagues. > BLESSINGS NEVER COME SINGLY Herpicide and Beautiful Hair. Having a "gin of nice hair i= a blessing within the reach of 'anyone who 5 use Newhro's Herpicide be- fore the dandruff mm hus denuded the scalp and left ph sondition of chronie be Herpicide imparts that spa andiius), ter to the hair which 1s so Attractiv Having a subtle fragrance. Herpicide appeals directiy to persons of refine ment. thas been sold for years, and toasts of more satisfied usees thin all oth rv hair dressings combined. Newbro's Herpicde is recommended sud used by the best barbers and hac DE Semd 0c. im postage or silver for sample ard booklet to The Horpicid Co, hep R.> Detroit, Mich is Kew or: « Herpicide ir Abe. and $1 sides pT by all de, . 1s who guar antee it (0 dix all that is claimed. Jo ey satisfied your movey "i Fas + Mebecad and 1. fin | Pant, Phe ! free trade principles. ! gover he persuaded that there waz an even ting such a supposing vended in omething hona fide union Between. the would add one particl strength of the empire; oe the po questio all t if thing main ax are in other re mere. factoof its exist Faglish eff sp nl worn hamper aml embarcas men in no ordinary degre Sir Richard, a: of 1h of the resirrocity pact, had at the hande. of its opponents h cnarge of disloyalty, was really no more than he. In this san in 1871, be wrote : "We ple most thoroughly tinning part and parcel of the I smpire, and although most. andoubt edly anxious to cultivate hfendly lations with the United State v far as practicable, we neither wish hecome incorporated with that en mor even to he made to feel we are only maintaining a existepce at their will .and pleasure' Sir Richard wae a firm believer and he could one author to suffer loxal Canading etter, are desirous of written COR eve that SOPRER ts danver to Canada in tearing dows tariff walle between Cans ada United States and Princess Henry. Princess Henry of Battenberg is al most accomplished musician, aud can read the most difficul* music at sight A famous musician - wa: "commanded" by Queen Victoria to; Windsor Castle Another "princess played a pleee of music and aske? an opinion of her skill. . "Madam. was the musician's courtierlike re- spouse. 'you play like a prineess Then came the turn of Princes 'Henry. who also sought the wusic- fan's judgment, It was: "Madam. you play jike artiste." The Princess bas an adds tn ber mecomplishmenty those of paintiug clerecly in ella watereplors, and elocetion, whereas. there | ritich | mn th' As promptly given |, oom | posed many charming songs; and; ®aa wonderfully healing as " Vaseline." little things that need in your nursery. { i { Ta Nothing else is so safe, so pure, €0 For chafed, red, little limbs and sore skin and rash, and the many Little Things --"Vaseline." Always "Vasel- _ine." And rude radiant health and ocd yothing but good --will reign For Babies Vaseline "Vaseline" is put up in Sanitary Tin Tubes. It has never been , touched by hand, not even your own, until it is squeezed from the tube. Contact with the air or germ contamination is impossible. There are many special * Vaseline" prep. arations--each the best remedy of its kind for its particular use. Learn all about them ia the "Vasghine Househiagid Hix free, Wopaid, ou request. Write © and antiseptic wlsak i ho day. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY : 'Consolidated Offices NEW YORK- Lospon 7]

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