: A THE DAILY BRITISH! gi wine. 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. PAGER SIX. aa BAKER'S Breakfast For all those whose occupations require clear heads and steady nerves, as well as those in poor health or of delicate digestive powers, it in the ideal beverage. Trade-mark on Every Package Booklet of Choice Recipes Sent Free Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1789 Montreal, Can. Dorchester, Mass. "How to Get Rid of Catarrh . Here is a Simple, Quick, Effective Way and COSTS NOTHING-- Send For It and See, Those who suffer with it know well the miseries of catarrh. There is just one thing to do--have it cured. It car be done. To prove it to you, send your address and the means of » quick and safe cure will be sent tc your home free. in every way. The idea in. getting it to you free is tc prove to you that there is a home cur for catarrh, scratchy throat, asthma rtopped-up focking in the nose and throat, catarrhal headaches, constant spitting, eatarrhal deafness, ete. The Remedy that does it is the inventior of Dr. J, W. Blosser, an eminent doc tor, who has. for over thirty-shy years heen identified with the cure of catarrh in all {ts worst forms. His discovery is unlike anything yor ever had before, as it is not a spray douche, ointment, atomizer, salve cream, or any such thing, but a genu ine tried-and-true cure that clears out the head, nose, throat and lungs sc you can again breathe the free air ane sleep without that choky spitting feel ing that all eatarrh sufferers have. It will save the wear-and-tear of interna wetlicines that only ruin the stomach It will prevent colds and heal up thi mucous membranes so that you wil not be constantly blowing your nos and spitting. If you have never tried Dr. Blosser'; discovery and know that you nee such a cure, and want to make a tria of it without cost, send vour addres to, Dr. J. W. Blosser, 158 Spadina ave ne, Toronto, Can., and a thoroug freo*irial treatment and also an elo borately illustrated booklet will b sent you at once, free, so that yo! can begin to cure yourself privately a: home, Now write him immediately. For Your Horses It you want your Horse and Ris well looked after, put up at Kings on Repository. Board reasonable y day, week or month, R. W. SMITH. Mgr. GRIMASON HOTEL Has changed hands and has nn thoroughly renovated aad refurnidhed it pecinity, Bar » with choicest liquors and cigars. t ¥ and stables In ity JOHN COUSINEAU, Proprietor, (| (We are agents for cele- { Fdmonton, TRY T0 PENETRATE THE NORTHERN WILDERNESS: i FROM EDMONTON. $ | Prospectors to Set Out Next Spring tuo Gain Definite Information o. Gold Deposits Near the Liard anc Nabannai Rivers, Edmoaton, Ala., Oct. 4 | ice goes out of the Liard river | spring, a party of prospectors, | practical knowledge of) mineralogy was gained in the {oremost gout camps of the United States, Canady, South - Africa, Australia and South America; will start fiom Edmonton to pensirate the porthern wilderness, | more than 500 miles west of the con luence of the Liard and the Nabaoni rivers. The prospectors will take with them twenty pack animals and ample sup plies for a stay of lenste, six months. Thréé members of the party will pass the winter in Edmonton to assernble the outfit and arrange transportation to a point, whence it will be earried to its destination weyond the ourposts of civilization William Drew, now a xesident who went to the headw ters of the Liard [in a skiff with tw prospectors in 1890, discovered placer «ald there in paying quantities, but $. ofinge of provisions forced the men 0 abandon their exploitation project. wrew returned to Edmonton, while his partners headed westward through the fn ount din, miending to travel over land to\ Vancouver, B.C. As they were never heard from it is believed they perished on the lonely train William Melgod and his brother Frank, sons of Murdock Mcleod, now of Edmonken, previously a post trad r for the Hudson's Bay company in the Cort Nelson country for thirty ears, accompanied by W, J. Weir, a young Scotchman, Rett Fort Nelson early in the spring of 1904, intending to explore the district at the head-- vaters of the Nabanpi river, a tribu- tary of the Liard. - Nothing was heard of them until 1906, when a younger son of the post rader, going over the same route, vith a party of hunters; found the skeletons of his two hrothers side "by ide, both having been shot. Their ns and ammunition were nearby Weir's bleached skeleton was found hree miles away. There was a ragged ole in the skull. The remains of the hree men, which were identified by articles known to have been carried yy them, were buried near where they ell. The theory accepted by the elder Murdock and his son, as well as by rappers and traders in the district, 8 a solution of the triple tragedy, is hat Weir, high strung and new to the ountry with its solitude and mystery, weame insans and shot: his compan ions, while they were asleep; after- vard taking his own life. The younger Mcleod and his men, vho prospected near the head-waters sf the Nabauni river for some time, eturn'd with samples of rich gold earing quartz. The prospectors re wirted at the trading post that they ound gold in abundance, Hut the' in weessibility 'of the country, the long listance to pack supplies and the hardships «ncountered made impossis 1s the development of the ground George McLaughlin, for years in the mploy of the Hudson's Bay company n the Fort Nelson district, was a nember of a party organized several jtars ago to iffromigate the reports brought down #By~--explorérs of 189%, 1M, and 1906, but the loss his i ht prevented him from going, and he others postponed the long fourney ntil he returned from Fngland, wherd he underwent treatment for his eyes, lubsequently the project was aban: len d, Yhe trip to be undertaken next pring will be the first determined ef 'ort since 1906 to gain definite infor natin of the gold deposits reported o exist in bonanza quantities in the pountains at the head of the Ligrd | ind Nabanni rivers. -- Fire Had Curious Origin, Toronto, Oct. §.--A skunk' figured, n a fire which destroyed the shack yn the east side of the Municipal rotel on Queen street, just west of Jay, last night. The fire was the wlecat's gevenge, for the blaze started when someone tried to end the animal's life. The animal had been disturbing he neighborhood with its odorifer- us presence for some time. A man armed with a gun sét out to render vic service, He shot at the anl- nal, the bullet went through it and nto a can of gasoline, ~ which ex- ploded it and set fire tothe shack. When the next whos at for Hs of Two Hundred Resorts Raided. Chicago, Oct. 4.--Led by State's Attorney John Wayman, 300 bailiffs and deputies Jast night raided over 200 resorts and arrested over 500 keepers and inmates. --The nore warrants, and give Chicago 'he most thorough cleaning In its and enjoy roectitor said he will secur~ 1,000} "DRINK BEER TOO PANT. Do a Says German, Americans v Oct. 5.~bn one of 216 German physicians on of 1 Arler INPOS Chicago country, discussed ican hurry Was ble. 10 make rican gO for the fie Fatherland fe pleaded the beer and the of being consumed and wi a regard for digoity "You Americans live too hurriedly, bo said "You don't simp enough You eat too rapidly. You don't di st your food properly. Yhe prin is with your drisking ache to see Am at a bar One and the glass Jur rest He admitted i the Am- slow, but sake of rights f Gernwan s'would hay slow ipal t makes my beart ricigns drink beer salp--two at the most Is empty. trogble "Our UGermgh method of tavern drinking is & only way. We don't try to' do a Marathon stunt with our beer or to see how much can drink in a given time. Take a glass of beer and along--trke half an hour to drink it. Sip it, sup ii, it. Shake it occasionally keop the foam on the try this when vou drink 'and see how much it." we tease it to suriace fust beer gain njoy PRINCESS WANTS AIR TRIP. you will namoured of Aviation--Flies Min Airships at Balmoral London, Oct. 5A at Balmoral when the royal ar tere, is the instruction of the voung princess and her sister im Scottish dances. Now Princess Mary has be come enamoured the sport fly iature vearly event family of of a ng muniature aeroplanes in the heath. 10 the and er. Indeed, this pastime is said be outrivalling shooting among ounger of his majesty's guests, Princess Mary is even more interested than her brothers. Last week her royal highdess de lared it her greatist ambition to soar aloft, but her parents hav: so far declined her permission. was BOLT QUITS SHIP. "Way of Pipe. Uet. 5 | insdule laden with von py rides from Huelva, reached New York lal with her fore topmast split her captain's pipe a total wreck, as the result of a thunden storm through which she passed. on Sept. 20th The bolt, Which split the foretop mash wrecked the truck and, passing through the vessel, hurled the man at the wheel to the flock. It passed out by way of the (ain's pipe, dashing it from his and 'breaking it nto bits. the Captain" Flies by New York, The freighter Hall, 10 and cap lip: "The Lion_and the Mouse.' An announcement of great import ance to the threatre-goers heralds th ngagement of "lhe Liop and th Mouse," the phenomenal suckess of th last three years, at the Grand (pn Sat urday, October 12th, matinee and nignt. "The Lion and the tha elefpents of popularity \ central interest, an intense love story wherein the [overs ave in peril man) times, and a good portion of comedy Added to this the people of the move in the most "select circles" talk ol millions as though they juggling copper cents. The ar cn sale for "The Lion and the Mouse Mouse" has a pow all ia seats Most. peopie find living an agreeabl job. : Skin Cleared in a Few Days by Stuart's 'Calcium Wafers, the Famous Blood Purifier, Puaplex, blotches, skin eruptions of history. He declared that he will not confine his operations to the so-called viee districts, but will in-| vade the residential sections, where miny alleged disorderly houses are now conducted. Lawsuit Sequel of Canal Smash. | Montreal, Oct. 4.--A sequel to the recent smash up In the Lachine canai is the claim for $12,000 dam- ages filed with the registrar of the sdmirality court, by the Canadian Sand and Gravel company against, the steamship Nevada. J. L. Ross are in_use in Kingston. - | Years Is mentioned as the petitioner, his Jolaims being looked affer by Messrs. Perron, Taschereau and company. The owners of thé Nevada deposit- ad $12,000 bail. 8) | § | Goes fo Halifax Cathedral. | appointed by the been Nova a to the position ral of ¥ ago the Pacifie vost of the college in his financial duties, . and to become lecturer pastoral dheology. § 7 Kingston and Ottawa. Rideau King for Oitaws every Mon: day and Thursday. J. Swift & Co, All Saints', Halifax. |. Begin taking Stuart's 3 . Llwyd came to Trinity three fers to-day and then look at yoursef riage to John Orville Stewart. eldest from a large parish on jn the mirror in a few days, «wd fod son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, coast, to assist the pro- ,j) those awful pimples, blackheais, : acve, boils, fiver spots, rash, ecrema, ™ and 'that muddy Asa \ ¥ Juke, The can easily test-Stuavt's Cal. She all kinds, are simply the impurities in the blood coming to the surface. All the external treatment in .the world won't do a particle of good unless you purify the blood. And there's nothing so humilinting as a face that's all "broken out" and _ spot- Stuart's Calcium Wafers will clear the mo&t obstinate complexion, be cause they go right into the blood and remove the cause of the trouble. The blood is cleansed «f all impurities and "foreign substances and these are quickly eliminated from the system You'll notice a w ul change in a few days--yon will hardly . know yourself in a week. And Stuart's Calcium Wafers are ab- solutely harmless to any ope. 'Their ingredients are just what a physician Toronto, Oct. 5---Rev. Dr. Liwvd, prescribes in most cases of skin erup- of Trinity College, has tions and poor blood. Bishop of are pui up in concentrated of which makes them -act ho utiary and vicar of the thoro These walors form, quickly and J Caldium Wo complexion rapidly of a flower cium Wafers for yourself. You can get the regular-sized S0¢ in any drug store. Marathon - Stunt} Albert Oliven, : a the | privieg: it} $ { | KINGSTON LIBERALS | REVIEW PREPARE FOR BATTLE. : | a {Continued from Page 1.) {THE CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE Port of Lhe Sommitiee presented by " " AE EE A> 4. G ciliot as follows 3 i ELECTS OFFICERS, Honorary presidents--Hon. Wil! jllam Marty, R. J. McKejvey, N. C.| Polson, Sr., J. B. Carruthers, W. G.} Craig. . i and | President--Lt.-Col. R. E. Kent. i | Vice-presidents--Dr. J. J., Harty, | {R. J. Carson, Dr. A, W. Richard-} City |%on, R. J. Baiden (Portsmouth). | Friday | Sed retary- Ww. B. Mudie. i officers | Treasurer--N. C. Polson, Jr The president-elect rose to reply, amid applause, to the honor which} had been conferred upon him. | { Though appreciating it, a realiza-| ition of the responsibility, it carried Trotter, president; P. Moran, vice j=ith it bad been Placed upon his ressdeni: Malvilla - Cooke. 'secretary i shoulders He drew the memories a Be Trotter: asked . be + OF his hearers (or many of them) released but the meeung requested him Jvack to the times; Jen 25.8 Loy : ¥ he was interested in an élection. |, to reconsider the matter and it was | Hg pelieved that the liberals held over until a later date. {the "whole thing," in those se. fuancisl report sigwed a total and signified his assurance of 4% of y JED, am an expense sti The re oO 38 v oO account of $307; leaving a balance on ny received form Su . hand of #34].15 | ago; but it was by no means * Sr fand out." It was starting out Queen's Confident. retrieve itself. The blues Queen's rugby team play Ottawa [that it was amusing to . see College at Ottawa on Saturday after [Conservative friends croping up! noon. I'he team went to Ottawa on [€Verywhere, from "away back" only} Friday in order to be fresh and in |® Year ago. And they would be put good trim for the game on Satur | back again i day. The excursion load of Queen's The new chief officer, at some] supporters jeit at eight o'clock léngth, outlined a plan of organiza-| turday morning for Ottawa and will | Hon. from the officers, ward ardve about noon. Queen's men ary | Chairmen, to the sub-division chair- onfident of men and lmpressed its I gs their team | 8 i . working tik chock work. t Is He asked for enthusiasm and unit- Y y : ed effort to put Kingston back! hoped they will start off with a win. where she always was. and will be) Baseball on Friday. {~----a liberal constituency. Terms ol . aE : expressive of the hand work of th "ational league--Brookiyn," 8; Now | retiring chairman, were included in) York, 3." Hoston, 14; Philadelphia, Colonel 'Kent's speech i American feague--Phifadeiphia, The new first vice-president, pr. | Boston, 3. Chicago, 7; Detroit, J. J. Harty, responding to the call Washington, 4; New York, 2. of the mesting, said that he wags| ------------ twith. Col. Kent, that the liberals of | Kingston were not dead, half-dead, With proper organiza- { Stanley: Trotter Again Chosen Presi. dent--The League Has | » Surplius--News of. Rugby Other Sports, The annual nweting of | baseball league was held on {evening for the election of and the report of the financial dition of the league. wirs wire reelected for vear as had been on the oon i Ihe same offi the commng the executive for the They are: Stanley past vear to to said Sa SUCCPRR, 2 4; 2 Rugby News. Ben Simpson, of 'Hlamilion, has Leen ' OF asleep wreed upon as referee for the MaGill tion behind him he believed, the varsity game in Toronto. colonel, hearkening the call to | Varsity's gup of joy will never arms sounded from Sir Wilfrid | overflow till I, C. (irifliths accepts would rally the reformers of King- the chair of rugby at that seat ston and lead them on to victory, | iearning. iy as he had lead his old regiment, the | Ottawa Free Press: Weldy Young, | 14th P.W.0. Rifles, over Barriefield | «ome half back in the duys of Harvey | IB the. past. (Cheers and laugh- | { i | | to ol their' oe hi 0 " Advertising divides TN oa 5 ATS IE thee Whi paren; people into two classes ---the quick god the dead." So says an advertising expert in an American magazine. fact. It is a terse yet true statement of Some readers have possibly heard the re- mark that a duck after laying an egg, says noth- ing, while, op the contrary, a'hen makes a Food deal of noise; and there seems to be more money in hen eggs and more of them used. The twenty-four hour strike in Chicago, last March, when the newspapers were reduced to four pages in size, gave everybody & chance to see a city without advertising. "On regular business days," «when the Orttey Journ says the Mail » icago papers come out without their usual amount of advertising, the street cars are always crowded, the business Rt of the city are always filled with people, an stores with shoppers. the On the day when the papers carried no advertisements Chicago had a oli day appearance. The downtown business' streets looked almost abandoned ; there were no strap-hangers in the street cars between the hours of 10 AM. and 4 PM, and the great de- partment stores, usually visited by thousards and thousands of people, were quiet and doing almost nothing. not carrying What the newspapers lost by ¢ usual amount of week-day ad- vertising was an insignificant percentage of what the big and small stores and the transportation lines lost in trade on that day. It was a day that\ made not only the business community but also the entire city of Chica ing means to modern life 0 realize what advertis and how little can be done nowadays without advertising." Culford, Swart Rayside, et al, watch jor.) "Here take Kingston, put| othe tRtawas at' sork vestirday and her where she belongs, and enroll trinks: the. gare lina Tout, some of Hits her in the ranks of Canada's lib- | hse. Weldy will be right there in erals, ' he could say to the chieftain, | a) E R. J. Carson, R. J. Baiden, W. B, Hamilton Saterday. . Mudie, and N. C. Polson, Jr., also| I'he Queen's and Ottawa College au {goa congratulating the vresident] thorities failed to agree on officials on his election thanking the 'meets snd the appointment has been feftiv ing for the honor of their appoint- | the hands of Graham Ros¢, the second ments, with the assurance of the of the Intercolleghate rallying of the warriors around him is Likely that he will and prophesying liberal victories in nominate a. couple of Montrealers. ithe future. | Ottawa Journal : I'here is some In his usual eloquent manner Dr. A wetting geing on locally the Col. W. Richardson added greatly to the wege-Queen's game. | he prevading sgn thusiasm and weight of the speech dds in the [Intercollegiate struggle oq, In part he declared that the li 3 to 2 on College beral; policy had always been the ad 1ce-president mon, so it on un about 3 Father Stanton, of Ottawa College, vance guard of progress, intellectual was indignant when shown reports in Ii, commercially, and every other | loronto' papers that "Mike" Millian way, True, it is not always thought | night be protested for having played wo, biit history, sooner or later, vou- | at North Bay in the, sum- cheg for this. Tis belief was that ner just olosed. He asserts that Kil (he people were becoming' more and ian &s an amateur, and that he has more convinced of the wisdom and wver played with or agamst pro: girangth of the laurier policy, the! essionals. principals of which are in the Po yaseball The Ottawa (Ttizen says: The much jnierests of Canada and Canadigns lisputed question of offside interfer (Cheers). "And look at the causa | wee, which led to so many verbal have," he said. "Sir Wilfrid has | wotests last fall is likely to cause an id thet the country must well ipheaval in the Interprovincial and organized -and thickly populated. Nev ntercollogiate Football Unions this on «the history of any nation has | all 'because of the coming of the {he progress heen 80 great as during \merican coaches and the introdue the liberal reign." tion of a radical change in the | The speaker expressed his pride at tems of attack, utilized by the VATIOus what the liberal party had done for | rams. The Ottawa, McGill and Ha gp) goviopment of our transcontinen. | milton Tiger clubs will all follow ohif tal railways and, waterwavs alone. | went styles of play and is a quesilon The building of the former had heen whether or not the (atest innovation po cid at hy their opponents The will come under the head of "legita Ziepening ob the SE Lawranet' Hiver | mate." from Montreal to Onebec, now way, is only following out icy of the recent government me BAYY question, the doctor said, 1 one of the things that killed the lau rier government, but 1t was going to place it in office, he was sure. The | electors were glad that Sir Wilirid | was making this a prominent feature | in. the liberal platform, outlined in his speeches from place to place. i {The speaker said that the Borden cabinet reminded him of Heintz pick los--fiftv-seven varieties. Mr. Borden | also had several varieties. (Laughter). | He continded that they were the most hoterogeneons group of men that (ever attempted to govern a country, Late Sir Richard Cartwright, and will fall in their weakness. Toronto Christian Guardian iooking back the liberal parity | At the ripe age of seventy-seven . . nothing to regret, said the speak one of Canada's foremost public One battle lost is not the fail | 2 er, men has passed away. Sir Richard bure: of the campaign, and: he: believed Cartwright was for magy years one 4 . 0 ee that there were hundreds of electors | of the most effective political or- or the cOMRIrY fe tha ators in the country. A marxel- all over the couniry " he | be ye under | the pol ! The wos General Sport, The New York state boxing c« mission suspended Papke indefinite for refusing to keep an' engagement There will be a new hockey rink Ottawa ready for the season of 1913 1914. The rink will be provided with an artificial ice plant, and every de tail has' been arranged for. Harry Ackerland, of Pittsburgh, Pa, confirmed the rebort that he had pur chased the holdings of Frank 'Chance in the Chicago National league bage- ball club. mn re a ------ sorry ¢ is to Waste energy, time and con ply take NA-DRU-CO Headache Waters Your Dxuggist will confirm our state anything that can harm heart or ner NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, 124 Vous sy I ' a box. orld nt that they do not « ntain t ES a SR We have large quantities of pn : PIG LEAD - and - SHEET LEAD cuss METAL tia in stock. TORONTO $200.00 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY FREE LPAPE | NREOCA uPML ATSWRYREBR CPAHE | RCYREM YBRAPRSRE ERPA Can you afran, C £ jumbled SHARE IN THE the above set x they comply with a simy WANT A CENT OF out an vith Wke 8 com WRITE AT ONCE, A Jettens into the names of eight well known fruits. "If so, YOU ( BE ABUV E ki ' " by 4 AN JAMES. WHITCOMB RILEY'S BIRTHDAY OCTOBER 77H. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY WEEK is BEGINNING ON THAT DAY WE SHALL DEVOTE A WEEK TO THE CELEBRATION OF HIS FAME WITH SPECIAL DISPLAYS OF HIS WORKS AND MANY FEATURES OF YOU ARE CORDIALY INTEREST. COME TO OUR STORE. COLLEGE BOOK GENERAL INVITED TO STQRE 3 change. "The liberal party is not | lous memory, a great familiarity do with English literature and espec- Sewn sed, ~ wt 2" down fot{ ally with the Bible, the ability 10 fe ol e dc r Wifha ed. | marshal his facts in convincing ar- ¢ old guard is here to-night, and ray. and a mastery 'of the English {those on the fringe are only waiting language made Sir Richard a polit-| to be brought in. We have every- ical orator of the first order. He thing .to work for--king, country, our was too much of a fighter and $00 fllust igus loader, hugs snd families hard a hitter to win the warm, the tle ery of t iberals 1s o onda, A political opponents, | same ws that of the Crusaders of old {and yet all who knew him gave him Forward." " credit for both great ability and| Dr. Richardson congratulated the deep sincerity. He was a confirm- president vpon the new contract he ed Free Trader, and ne do not had taken during the evening. bul, as know that he ever changed his he said. all the big contracts are go- views upon this point, but at least ing to liberals mow. these views\did hot prevent him! A vote of thanks was tendered to 'from holding office in Sir Wilfrid the ret'ring president for his labors Laurier's cabinet. He retained Wis 3, (he interests of the liberal party. mental vigor to the very last and , motion of R. J. Carson'and W. J, his name will long be cherished as i White, and the mesting broke up one who gave freely of his time and | i} hears for the king. Canada. Sir Ereat ability to serve his country. woe 4 Tourier, N. W. Rowell, K.C.. Political friends and spolitical foes | ad Col Kent. alike join in a tribute of praise to |" ul . the memory of one whose life was] largely given to the public sefvice | of his country. Chosen by Queen's Students, | $0 | campbell Bros' 8 and $2.50 hate |. An interesting event took place at have Sor yeas been the choice of 'the the home of the bride's paremts, on OTR DONE 000 Sept. th, when Tena, the fourth | Rev. J. C. Mcleod, Inverness, N Hert and your face cleared, package for : danghter of Mr. and Mrs. James who his Aee i 3 . wpted a call to St. An Rankin, Lanark, was united in mar drew's church, Ennark, will 15 La ed on Oct. 31st. Hopetown. . » A ah A sudden call came to Mrs, Williasi BROMO QUININE," that is E. Croft, Middleville, on Sept. 20th. fo Sly th as "he i A iative. Bromo Quinine had reached the age of seventy-five b } on years. Uy 3 € wa! music, by Wagnen, Chopin, box. ete. copy. Dutton's. x ' / Ase \ ' iy wee AE . X f : £ i $ t At the vectory Brockville, Wednesday, Res try Cwotgn return of mes you will recet ve our tig Kandeote nich will tell you a Ro got ali Fre Premises BSOLUTELY FREE for jusba teow minutes east work in Jour spare ime. iter Write to-duy. and in » tow dere - owner of this handsome Twit Bed, aod Fabry NATIONS. PRODUCTS, Limited 0 4f .. YORONTO, O of Trimwy united in m ervon Jeal- | ATTIRE Wooduock, H. son of \ i Casorge purchased by Geen, Spring Valley, lo Miss Hattie [gan Ring LIST OF PRESENTS NEARY To INCHES TALL BOLL Gravand, with piature hak, Een ar pioek 2 MAGNIFICENT, REAL. A STEEL. FOLDING DOLL GO-CART The vere nukignt and finest carringtior dolls Senat ohareied 3. Tie cute Htiie early headed Raby Doll, just waiting for you 10 Areas fer and tyke bor out, A. An vlegant. bronae bead Snished Soll bad ine Thi great Wille § ploee Fairy -- tel Set, sie pastry and you have, -t hureh, fGrev. daughter of John Grey, Tan The 1. ©. Meguin: farm, ndsr Athens sas put ap at suction, Twsday, asd the present tenant, Mor