PAGE TWO. - ~\ From Trapper to 'Wearer THE DAILY RRITISH Wile, Festival of the Empire, ~ 'Monday, Oct. 7-12. ARMOURIES | authori. } The 'over &¥il law must HOME FURNISHING We can help you. Our large New Stocks of Furniture, Carpets and Curtains was never better. Big line of Hall Seats and Racks, i6, $7.00, $11. up to $50. The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden 'Wood, simple to op- erate, can be put up in five minntes, Made in all . Parlor Cabinets, all styles. $4.60 $7, $10, up to $60. A fine line of Music Cabinets. Tables for Parlor, Dining-roomw Hall, Kitchen, ete., 75c to $85.00. Parlor Suites, over 50 styles. un equalled variety, $20, up. $27 Carpets, Rugs. Curtains, Draper fes. Linoleum, Oilcloth, Shades, etc 'Phone '90, Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY FOR MOTOR CARS upesial pricy if arrange- are made a' once. Bibby's Garage BROCK ST. Wael's Fh Th: @reat English #6 VOUS fein, Makes new ad sus Debidivy, Mental and Brain Worry, 2: ! Weakmers, Fmissions, Sper ri Rau nd etn of Abuse oe ple " ners 381 Per} bx di SE A aiplota oh plone, oh ir we of pries, New Sunphie Fmeargine a: to. Out Tow.08 and invigumtes thie Bey ¥en, 9 "ures Nerv, Des AA = GRAND VIEW PARK 'S FALLS | I have been Instructed to offer fur a limited time BUILDING of 3200. | quarterly LOTS in this Sub-Divisiog. at tho" extraordinary price Size 33 x 132. $50 cash; balance in easy monthly, half-yearly payments. or i 4 i | This property is sitfifted near the LPR Bare they have Just purchased '12 acres tor their round house and machine shop 8 which will cost over $100,000. : : LOTS 33 BY me, 1 have visited this property within the last Weak. and 1 can thoroughly fecommend this as a safe and profitable Investment. ? Secure one or more of these Lots before the advadce. For plans and further information see at { that Ffor her living. DRUNK IN THEIR HOME AGED MOTHER AND HER WERE ARRESTED. SON there Was Danger of a Fire--The Fined, and the Mother Was » : eat lo the ome lor the Aged, Mou aun awiul mstance of Home Causey by fougnt to tae notice Sunday aiternoon Was notived ) ie sione row ol houses on the co. aer of varrie and r'rincess streets. ne _biazh was noticed vy neighbvors and the firemen after trying atl toe aonses in the row, found tem ab she Hut one, and the door of tui oli locked. They. forced the door and found the heuse in filth and disorder and the (wo oecupants, wikia Kemso and his mother, drunk. 253 4 anda tue ruin of arink of the wnen a emm- ww be cn was Ponce on "ne y het The fire had been neglected | Was blazing away 10 tne great anger of the nouse and all houses in the rew The fire was extinguished and the indignant neighvors called the police. Kelso lay on his back dead drunk and his mother, herself dazed with drink, sat on a sofa with her clothes aalf torn off and bearing the marke f abuse on her head and shoulders aad been Sunday fighting all morning. night, down after a short struggle and the mother was also removed in a cab under the care of Policeman Mullin. ger. The neighbors complain taat! he place is a regular bedlam and | the drunken rows are not only a disgrace to the community but injustice to the neighborhood At Police Court, up sufficiently to face Farrell in the police court on Mon- day morning The son $5 and costs or one month for Bis | blow out" on Sunday and his aged | mother Was sent to the House for William pleaded guilty to the 'And you thought you a little fire this time,' the cadi. "1 heard he answered, "but I didn't see any fire in our hose It must have been next door." No, | guess you the magistrate, water." Kelso asked for a chance, magistrate told him that from formation by neighbors he apd his mother habitually "went out these times" Aud, also, i hadu't been for Mayor Hoag rome neighbors, they would been burned up. Mrs. Keieo, blue marks on her wrinkiod when asked by the magistrate whaother she knew that she had | been drunk, informed «the court, "We never know just what | will happen in this world." She | revolted at the idea of going to the House for the Aged. saying that as long as she could, she wonld work The magistrate was of the opinion that she enjoyed her | "blow-outs" more than werk She | was drifea to her new home shorty ly after court. TWENTY.PIVE VE YEARS AGO. What Happened In in Kingston and Elsewhere in 1887. ; At Frontenac chedse hoard 231% boves of cheese wore boarded, but no salts were made. The salesmen want od Ie, but the buyers would give that figure. i Mra. Sarah Frahiek, Picton, died at | Marmora, 101 vears. She was a t of Ermestrown. * Thumh's company lurge sudieticrs at the Lisuts. Rivers, Hudson, Beton; of "A" butiery, promoted to mptifne Richfien & Ontario Rav igation pany declared a dividend of [ote cont. for the hell year. would have there was' did net.' "all you see said and : : } {Co {erie | "The { Age." | was | this new age botn | coming the | ! The neighbors compiainad that they ! and | Policemen Tim: | aterman and McAdoo took the man | an Kelso and his mother had sobered | Magistrate | was given | the Aged for the present, on remand i charge of being drunk in his house. | questioned | is fire. | but the | in- | have | @ i ragged with black and | face, | id MONDAY. | MOVEMENT OF THE AGE TOW ARDS DEMO RACY RELIGION. Is OCTORER 7, IN "The New and the New Age" by. the Congregational (Jurch Pastor On Sunday evening myregational church, the ToRor Rie gave first of of Sunday evening addr Ni Sermon on Fie past in the the w Protestant The speaker soid of preface he desired something about the weakn strength of Romanism "MH cur tewtantisn be, a vital § srr 10 savy O5s AN 1s to 1 must true in wen embrace the ull that i It YX. that mone i= notfe and lust possible," éaid the our Protestantism has not a poly of truth." Continuing he "it is aot for destructive but rather for constructive to-night | speak of the weakness oi Romanism. We cannot close tves to certain dangerous tendencies on the part of 'the ultramontane | ment in the Roman church. The first is to rest absolute and unconditional fn the pope Fo protend te independent judgment in moved is for the Roman Catho hi* to commit treason against church. The second dangerous dency the confusion with politics, and the insi the church has govern effort to make the state ordinate to the church and to declare that ecolesiastical law has precedence inevitably inter fere with civil loyalty When eccles iastical law comtliets with state faw the Roman Catholic must the ccchsinstical' law, and hence lovalty is interfered with: "The last, notahle tendency part of this ultraconservative in the Roman church 's to put han upon sciense and liberal od tion. intellect. she has said Purposes ends, that our an and religion is sub obey on th eYement In the contested every ward a more thorough education Rome. know that thers are superstiti ligion whieh will not pass must the har of reason." In sammi "Our Protests f fs to meet the needs of this new na which rebels against force sion, but which recognins law, must rest its authorit enlivhtenad conscience of the ual and not in the hands of pope. The great moveni is towards democra we well as in polities but the of the Church of Rome absolute eoclesiastical monavchy, rising rebellion agminst this saperin peed authority will be one of strongest forces for the dicintec of ths Roman providence of within and to see how this church fs excommaunicating her be reformers. The policy of the man church prohibits reform.' provinee of Quebe advance to s full well ns or at pacher satd and coe the nner apon th individ a bishop of the rel fo rendency ot nt age Th Fratiog h unless ia vod refort rick! chur 1€ eo pat 1 when int ome is possible Falls Mo Rose" Secure a lot in Smith's ratlway centre The stars of "The Red ann dom E ¥ Protestantism First | Pri- nl power, | wil | the | Rome distrusts the enlichtenad | and Whera! | in ber re | is towards an | the | the | fromi the! | would. Ro- | } hal tha pany, which played at the Grand on | Natieday chght, were with their accomodation Notel Frontenac, where they until Monday noon Callgrd and Bowser G ho i's rs. W. the guest of Ring street Celesting son's. th staved at hutterseo of New York cham, Cunning Close, Henry Vichy Water," ALL THIS WEEK AT THE ARMOURIES IN Ah OF THE TYvvewww {ax = i Se MIT dps $a 'We were never hetfer | prepared tor talk Fars to i the people of Kingdon as ! we are now. If you have k #hy -engmiries to mate | about new Furs or remod elling, onr exhibit at the | Festival of Empire and | our big display in our Fur | Stow Rooms. will * help | . bp ) » by > greatly pleased | teh at | 1912. a et aa a HA At ei EEN 7 rt et tt Poi tt at SAIN a lA Pi MA AMNION QUEEN'S QUEEN'S QUEEN'S | TO-MORROW Don't forget the Grand Special Etceasion through the 1,000 Islands, one of the wonders of the world. A 100 mile trip through Fairyland, leaving toot of - Brock St., at 1:30 P.M. and returning at 7:00 P.M. Proceeds to go to the Gymnasium Fund. Come and give it a boost - Special Excursion Rate COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. - "Phone 919. It show you the up-to date Range of That store in Eastern Ontario. All from samples shown by the leading makers, Lest style, workmanship and genuine value, $9.00 to $25.00 Each i A a Oa A Atl MAAR A i PA i il NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Time to Buy Your Coat. The crispness of the air and and the many other are gentle reminders that Coat Time Is at Hand Ave you prepared for the chil ling breezes ? Autumn sigrs not we are prepared Hobbies and maost Coats are to be seen in am new carments, selected and combining the very FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIPS, A Bhort After Service Street the slose oi Methodist nog, pastor « viethon that the great features of 1 wid he asked the congregation 1 main ten minutes so that the look inte each other's far hands and learn each other's This was dome with much heartiness Robeft Mak spoke a de-Seabilety of « ips belween member gation and a spirkt of frendlin be over mandest The Mast ropriivedd unity of spirit and close lnbonstiygn betveen pl tad the work Me Fvans sang on hae ladntifid solos before the ing dispensed in Queen Church. 1 At <{ reet the sergice in Q hurt Sund the xpressed sociabelnty few words wilial of the the reintion FSROCia gather In two weeks the re decorated church will re with sermons by the pastor, who has henits of hs entire people, interbeting services the , following he opened won the and special and will be held for threes | evening. i you. We sures always ready to show Furs and talk Furs, * Leave : name and adfety aot § SnOUSI WATCH OUR WINDOWS. GEGRGE MILLS 3 CO. Furriers for Over 30 Years. lgarien pupils, - Tuesday at the Festiv al. Every booth will be in full wing Formal opening at 7.45 pom. "Crane," Col. Crowe's pany, fa the Gun Shed in the even mg "House shar n by com of Childhood," by kinder at 2 pm, gn the Gun Shed - Admission Lo armouries Afternoon. He; evening, 15a; children, Sc. and 1c. Tickets good for a week Adults, $1. children, She Parcels and garments checked at She main entragee. High tea Toeaday will be Methodist wight. Wednesday, Congregational and Paptist: Thursday, Anglican; Friday, Peeliy terion; Satesiay, for every \ NS aboush arvived this afiermoon with bis musical instruments fot the Tadan booth. i The grand march at ight o'clock adios" Apter me Terms moderate. Wise A Revi, 2M Primos ret 100; I$ 13 4 '$ PURDY'S 109 BROCK BTREET | Fresh Sweet Peas Asters : Gladiolii « From our -own garden | each day at Flowers ated for al occasions promptly." In Fitting Glasses TO CHILDREN'S EYES Especial care should be taken, 2s a siifht strain from "the wrote leas might result in pers manent injury to the delicate tissues of the eye We will examine {hgir eves and adjnst glasses poriect- Bring your children to fit iy. J. §. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. Phone 1619. We cain show the best $5.00 warth of Clock in Can- ada. you -- and not only $5 It's for the man- It's a special equal to other 00 clocks, but better. tel. You .be the judge and com- pare-- Tx heen FULLY GUARANTEED, SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET. FURS Hudsen Bay E£able , Ermine, Persian Minks, GOURDIER'S| 76-78 Brock Street. Lambs, at A Down Town Lo- cation can be Purchased for $3.500 | Property consists of a large stom dwelling, containing 12 'rooms and improvements, lot y L66x150, stabling for 4 horses; Hrive sheds, ete } Possession at once, I -------------------- { 1 { MULLIN : The Busy Real Estate Corner, | JOHNGON and DIVISION STREKTS. Yhone 539. MR. FUSSY . Don't fuss, don't launder tho ne f LEA R=, CUFFS AND PRESS SHIRTS fo gladden your heart These il blots, o your 1 nie worry no blisters edges to jrritale Acientifi aspured bes UO ERW beck positively clean Cor Princess & Aydenham Sts, "Phone 22.