The Biggest Burroughs Hardly a month passes that this Company does not produce some- thing new that makes adding ma- chines do more than they have ever done before; that shortens account- ing work, increases office efficiency, all at a price that can be saved in the course of a year. ; Ifyouhave not seenthe new | 7-bank Burroughs, you have not seen the very latest thing in the way of add- ing machine development in size. This is the machine that the United States Census Department used in handling its big figures eo Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146 Buy Street TORONTO ONT, QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served om the shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, SBe. M, PAPPAS & OO LIME FoR SALE DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard Phone 418. 38 Wallington tn. NEW SHOE WEPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has taken over the business of the late as, Davis at the old stand, 26% J PRINCESS STREET All kinds of Bhoe Repairing promptly done. All work guaranteed LACKIE'S QUET HALL Especially suitable Entertain- ments by societies or con- is now rewdy. for ventions. Large, 1 private. - J. J. LACKIE'S| 168 Princess St. AT THE. FESTIVAL OF THE EMPIRE Dinners Vill be furnished and that the service will be first class is assured ys cause the management' has decided fo use GAS FOR COOKING 'A card addfessed to the office of the works, or 'phone 197, and we will send a man td give the Mecesspry Intotmation. "Call w 197. and we Will send | © 5 Wan to talk It over. ¥ FASHION-CRAFT SUIT MODELS We Want Your Trade Are you pre to give it to us if we can prove to you we Hive yeh you want and that The Fit---The Vaine-- first-class, and The Price no more than is asked for inferior Suits badly eut | and badly made. Inspect both. We ase the decision to you. "bristles with guertlias, The Goods-- The Style-- || The Workmanship--are - - THE HISTORY TEXT BODKS D/ AILY BRITISH Bh. HG, yp TRIUMPH OF QUEEN'S } OVER OT AW A COLLEGE. : we ! | SEVERELY CRITICIZED BY PROF. | JL MORISOY. w-------- i | Who Declares That History is Uni] versally Badly Taught--Too Little! Energy and Inventive Skill Used | in Teaching It. Thdt the { i educational system | away from | the real certain I A per has got | tise word, 'that text books are and that should be trained 1 f, and not mentally re stated number of im parted | | laci®, were opinions voiced by eminent | I sathorities on the subject at the ses i | on the teachers' convention in | Montreal, Friday night "1 regard text books," said Prof. J i L. Morison, of Quesn's University, "if loot as the devil himself, at least one his chief products, from | point of view of education. I/am average text { waste paper history properly | careful of the must use { absolutely waste sind of the el 1 h nk ceived a of the | pre ok] of ~the i pared absolutely tu say on history is (Howe would { taught, must [lest book, and ne {it only 4s a peg on which to hang | [oud teaching. It should not be a sub | tatitute for teachers' ideas. In teach | 'ng of tar it is the man himisel: | who is the text hook | "History almost bad py taught. It is perplexing to know i to deal with students coming t¢ | Queen's absolutely ei i | rather then helped by what they have | le arned about history pe None of the energy jskill has been given to the | have he then 15 universally HOW who are and inventive | teaching of | History dry | Yistory in school or college been served only facts." Prof. Morison has out as advised a limited field of histery in Canadian schools, based wn British history. The efiect of stu lying Canadian history before British | was to nullify the effects of both the human and wmaginative ele nents which" should be brought out nore sirkangly than dates history Events at Folger. Folger, Oct. 4.---Mr. and Mrs. J Burke gave a party to their friends on Monday evening in honor of their guests, Mrs. W. Younge, of Cloyne. Mis. William Marion, Miss gsippi and Mrs. C. Craig, Clyde Forks. Messrs Grewcoe and Hickson have finished cutting lum- ber here, and have moved their mill {to Calabogie. Mis. H. Grewcoe has gone to Toronto. W. Burnham has one to Fallbrook Mr. and Mrs N. A. Stewart gpent the past week with . friends in Lanark. R. 8. Den- nigson is here shipping lumber. Rev Mr. Hal, Plevna, conducted service aturday last. A trustee meeting was held here Saturday evening last o attend to church affairs Vis- itors Robert Simpson and little taughter called on his friends her recently; Miss Nina MeGonigal at I. Burke's; Miss A. M. Craig. Clyde Forks, at M. Simuson's; Mr. G Crawford, Clyde Forke, at his son's A. Crawford. The family of Mrs Margaret Simpson held a reunion 'ast week Those present were Messrs. Robert, Andrew and Morley and Mrs. J. Burke, Mrs. W. Burn ham, Mra. C. Craig. Clvde Porks: Mrz William Manion, Mississippi; and Mrs. William Younge of Cloyne. ' Mrs. Neil Morrow, Snow Roacs spent the past week with hor sis ter, Mrs. J. Manion. H. Ogden at A. Simpson's: Mrs Watson and family at A. T. Stewart's The Flurry in the Balkans, | York World i little Balkan nations which men Purkey aspire nothing that ought not to have. Greece ought' Crete. Servia ought have | and Old Servia. Montenegro | widensd borders bul rule for Mace 0 Bulgarian dis New I'he aoe they to have Novibazar ought to garia 8 demand of home donia is and huniane she hopes to annex the tricts later, and that able So far as Turkey is concerned, nations, which seem: at last shown dawning wisdom by pooling is- | sues, could probably "get away with it." Bulgaria has the finest little | army in the world. The Montenegrin mountaineers have set Turks at debian ce before now. In Venezelos, Greece! has found a man Even the Servian | army is now no sham. I'urkey ean- | not send troops by water because the Malian war, and a couple of single track railroads with few sidings are af liscouraging transport. Macedonia The Porte has} selfishness of the big | to to have just course also 1® reason thes to have | ol | no money. The nations is the obstacle The Queer Way. Henri Bourassa, the well-known | French-Canadian, has figured in a number of case politieghly, but here! is & story concerning him that is an entirely different character. A friend | who had known him as 4 member of thy House oi Commons, and had often jollied him over the fact that he was! not married, happonsd to meet him res ceatly after the lapse of a few years After an exchange of courtesies, the find jokingly said "Bourassa, you néver got married. Why don't you pick up a charming wife *"* With that happy smile which thar aclerizes the clever French-Canadian, he rephed : "You have forgotten. I was married six years ago, and ath expecting now my fifth baby." i} After the friend had recovered his {{ surprise he remarked : "Well, vou're Sertainiy going some in the family . said Bourassa, "that's the Quebec way. Melba's Newsboy. ° 'nto br earriage in Beliast a news boy, who was standing by, gallantly spread out his papers to an im prompta on for the great prima donna to walk on, so that she would not. soil her dainty. shoes, Melba was to impressed by charming compli: tna hat Hu went five and he ol ter to the Joungster, with true Irish gulantry, net te. be outdone in the compliment line, bought with the money a gramophone and record of the great singer's ven- f{dering of "Home, Sweet Home," | jmhich he Listens to vightly helore re tiring to bis wellenrmed rest ! meshing of | at [certai nly { that |P. Kennedy; { umpire, { loge Ser Lthe jof 500 paraded round the My Digestion is Now Good! | And 1 Feel Like a Young Man Since Whn Madame Melba was getting | {Continued the ball being fawa «¢ BY an ¥ abot had shoul from page one.) dead before the Ot- one sufficient for krows anything! is that the referee, whistie Then it 3 "dead as a door nail." told the Whig that ha I piowing intercolle giate ber of years Toi it, he is astonished which the Ottawa team, players and some o { acted in the A ue, them going™ being pulled. off When vod 20 to 14 for Queen's Ottawa College was beginnirg to gwallow the bitter dose. If wes hare Ottawa made the touch on which Queen's protested The Teams. teams lined up as follows: College--Full-back, Cor- Sheehy. MeCormack Killian: out- The Ottawa nellier; halves, and Quilty: quarter. a Nagle and Gilligan; middles, McCarty and Harrington; insides Murtagh and O'Leary; scrimmage, Gillespie. Chantal and Lajoie Queen's--Full-back, Maecdcnnell; halves, Hazlett, Pound and Erskine; quarter, Reid; outsides, Rodden and middles, Pilgrim and insides... Dunlop and scrimmare, Ellis, Me- MeLaughlin D. Stuart Forbes, B. Malcolm, 10. Kennedy: Mcllquhan: Leod and Referee Dr MeGill; McGill The First Half, kick-off the ball went to Cal th-yvard line and was returped io sorimm at centre I'he play went to the Queen's end, and Cornell was downed and hurt. On the ornetlier ran it out again. Op cond down College kicked and Hazlett was hurt. College lost the ball on their own 35 vard line. Lueen's kicked behind the College and Sheehy ran out seven vards, (Leary I and hilhan was downed ter Hazlett kicked on down Queen's 1, At the be aged first down, line the College 0 first Uttawa College 7 kicked from the ten-vard line, amd Hazlett ran it twenly vards before being downed Hazlett kicked into touch on the lirst down tier kicked to Hazlett, who returned tg Killian. Hazlett and O'Leary are rul ed off. On the first down Cornellier attempted to Kick. The ball hit. the but Killian fell on it. Col lege ball on the 40-vard line. Sheehy. was hurt and the game delaved. Cor nel failed to kick, but Sheehy re c@vered. Cornelher kicked to Erskine, who returned to hillian. College ten yards on a foul. Cornelhier kicked to tound, who was downed by gan, Sheehy Nagle downing Pound for a rouge. ueens 1, College I. In a few moments Queen's gained point a kick. Queen's 2, Uttawa I. wueen's ball on their two yard lina, The visitors kicked to Killian, who secured and went over for a touch. He failed to convert. College 6, Wueen's 2. | bucked over a touch, which' was converted by kine, Queen's NX Cornellier wie ked in to touch on the first down and then kicked it over the' fence ueen's 8, College §, i drotted Woppes a © serimmage, Cah on for bors eens College 6. goai Lueen « Hithian from 30 yards out. 5 Queen's kicked off from centre nellier secured on College ten Ime. Un the first down Cornellier it out five vards. Hall time. College 11, Queen's X During hali-time the College Cor vard ran Score Rooters" lai grounds and cheered the (Miawa team. The scroml Half, MeCarty kicked Hazlett re turned. College given tea vards on offside. Alter an exchange of pant secured the ball on (ueen's 35 = ol an Using Dr. Chase's Kigney- Liver Pils. Prof. A. T. Smith What a horrible conditio gestive system gets into liver becomes Siuggish hen and the all parts of the body, causing pains misery. It 1s wonderful how quickly o Pr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills sweep the poisons from the = digestive' and egable the organs of resume thelr natural func Prof. A. T. Bmith, { Charies | street, 'Mentroal, and formerly of Ros ton, Mass, writes:--*1 suffered many years from bad digestion, con- stipation and horrible backaches. kave Been treated by many Er; without anv resuits. friend in Boston advised Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver nsing two boRes noticed provement, and the 1 was samplagely cured. is good. n to, use of iis After | eas A one plil & dose. 25 cents a box, all Bates & co "Celestine Vichy Water," 25. Gib a's. A "~ . MONDAY, OK TUBE R I he | booting "made an onslaught Cornel | {cials should be appointed for the game got } another | ! the: &i-, the ' bowels constipated The poisonous' waste matter is thrown back into the | blood stream and finds its way junto | and aches and feelings of fatigue and, T and waggons One day a i Rills. 1912. e, and Kiihan Kickad to Ho on ned Sheehy s 8, loge. territory. Cornellier kicked 'into the sori immage, Queen's {securing the ball on the College 15 ward Boe. On second down Erse {Kine weal over which he falled to Queen's 13, College, 12, Aller live minutes' play Cornellier was laid out, and had to be carried joi the field Berney Hayes liespe 48 also Rent went ia Sie place sanoe of Cornellier, Queen's secured Hazlett kicked Killian. returned and it first down College 45-yard lime iajole sprained his ankle and was 're haved by O'Brien. Erskine kicked be hind the Collage line and Killian! rouged, Score College, 2; Queen's, 14 | After the kick-off Queen's secured the ball and Erskine kicked to the (ol lege goal, Nagle being downed for an other rouge. Score: Queen's, 15; College, 12 : Thiel quarter over. Queen's failed oy a Jucen 2} I Play in College the 8 ir a iguch, onvert. Deore replaced | burt and 'In the ab Nagle did® the" the ball at sixty yards, | i= Queen's on to secure their yards, and on the first down Kilian kicked to the Queen's 35-vard line. Pound was downed heavily and failed to ase. On resumption of lay Cal: lege got the ball on an off-side Kil® lian kicked for a touch-in-goal. Queen's, 15; College, 13 Quewn's ran the ball up, and Ken nedy went over the College line for a touch, Frskine failed .t0 convert, Queen's 2; College, 13. Sheehy went over for was disputed. ust before time was called Ottawa Ccllege secured a rouge. Qugeit's Quarter Injured. Py 4 game "Gib" Reid, Queen's cmaok quarter, ran off the field with the ball. Ottawa, not usually over wrupulous as to right or wrong, on Reid and beat him up Badly, taking the ball away from him, and leaving him in a bad condition. There was. a free fight sud "Gib." was fina'ly pulled. out ol the melee. He is at home now and confined to his bed, thanks to the fily-white sportsmanship of Ottawa Ottawa College authori'ies severly riticized the officials for the weak wav in which they handled the game President Coughlin, of Ottawa, has called a meeting of the Intercollegiate umon executive for Wednesday to set- the Queen's protest. 1 That sudh wenk and incapable offi a toudh, which is the general comment &t Queen's James Bows Statement. statement of James Bews, physi of Queen's, who was one of the timekeepers, is as follows "The officials were off the field, on { the cinder track, at the time, mostly The eal director | PAGE THRE®R Toronto, Ont, Get. Tih, tava Valles and Upper St. Lawrences Strong worth-westerly winds: fale becoming cooler. Tuesday, westerly winds: fair and cowl Je 19 amt. W + "pea ; . eather Probabilities : TEGERET PEGE CSR "Steacy's Gloves" Like Old Friends Wear Well. One dome, P. K stitched in Tan and white, exceptional vitlue at - T5¢ DENT'S GLOVES: For men, women and children. CHAMOIS GLOVES White and Natural "special price $1.00 $1.00 FRENCH KID GLOVE Iy Tan, Grey, Black and White. quality at the price to he had. LONG GLOVES Special Black, The best. values from $1.75 to White, Tan and Gray $3.00. in ALL THIS WEEK AT ARMOURIES FESTIVAL OF THE EMPIRE ------------~-------- STEACY'S "Store of Setisfaction™ all 'the players being bunched togeth er on the lield, when the referee was a decision on Macdonapell's al lefed off-side. | asked D. 8S. Forbes, the referee, i the play was stopped, ard he assured me that it I ask td the Ottawa timekeeper if his watch was stopped, and he answered in the aflirmitive."' It was then that moted ly giving WAS the Ottawe the' idea that ball was not dead, snd he went down for a touch. Then this was tried.and converted by two of the Ottawa men, without even being hand to place that was U.K man the or ' og on everything officials or see Other Rugby Games. Varsity defeated Meili in the Inter | ecolivg Sat wmday V to 15. Mell kd at the 7 to 1, but was outpd partieniar Toronto, on hy 25 hrest quarter by ed afterwards, ly in the nd half At Hamilton; in the Interprovineial {I nion, the Ottawa Rough Riders de feated the Tigers by 2 to 17 At hali tune the score was 6 to 6. Tigers Jead at. three-quarter Htaw; last quarter, { Argonauts downed latter's grounds by Toronto team led all the te afternoon' SOC to 6 the the lh time by 13 played and won out Montrea! on 20 to 17 a Scoring game in way Baseball Record. National league--Saturdey Chi- cago 3, St. Louis 2; New York 1, | Brooklyn 0; Boston 11, Philadel phia 7. Cincifimati 6, Pittsburgh 5 Sundav: Pittsburgh 16, C'ueinnati 6; Chicago 4, St. Louis 3 American league---Saturdsy Chi cago Detroit 0; St Louis 13 Cleveland 1; Boston 3. Philadelphia 0; New York 8, Washington 6 Sunday: Cleveland 8, St. Louis © (Chicago 9, Detroit 4. SCinding of Leagues. National league New York, Pittsburgh, .612; Chicago, Cincinnati, 499; Philade!phis, St. Lou's. 412; Brookiye, Doston. .340. American leagne--Boston, .691; Washi¥igton, 599: Philad:lphia 1.682; Chicago, 507; Cleveland, 1.499; Detroit. 451; St. Louis, .344; |New Yo 329. ! Don't For City Children. Magazine hans on behind the ear stand on the gar steps. touch a wire; it may be a live 682; 603; 480; 377; loshe's | Dome put your head or arms out of th: ear windous. Don't ran across a of an apprca h ng car, wogaoa, Bont cross immediately behind a passing car; there may be another car or waggon approaching closely in the oppasite direction. Din't jump cn or of a moving car Don't get off facing rear of car Don't cvoss a street without looking bath ways for passing sutomobiles car track in from antomobile or 1! Bon't iail, when leaving car. to look is h big for other vehicles don't play in the street -- are, | Dom't eros a street except at a erasswala. Don't 1gke a chance, the ideal man no Joager ists in "che mind of a woman who : has been married four pr Sve times "Fresh Huyler's sweets." Gibson's Virine Is Hs own rens:d, gad many 2 man who sticks 'oa the right gets it TE Frosh butterseotch." here eft ms IEFMOVES TH coated, gas, feel that bile are clogged with ter stipation believe It matter in decays ifito poisons, and sucked Véy nourishment think of castor oil, tic effects until this heroic Spay Lake, Lionaire After all, superfluous. vi-millionaire"s ol of a stor so vant,' ras of his marble cottage at 'port--Tour English ten servants whose sole duty bathing.' "He cleared his throat pompously, and continued ing suits, thé second takes care of the bath houses and the showers, shard, kind of lifeguard to we. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Wholesale Retail THE NEW COMPANY ~~ NEW IDEAS LARGER BUSINESS WHITE AND GOLD We have just received a large WHITE AND GOLD SETS, rich, neat for your table You cannot but take best gold. with solid matt but they are not They Only $15. 00 AND WORTH DOUBLE THAT. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED : CHINA HALL these handsome sNothing nicer shipment of and dainty to theso Sets -a delicate border of the op Ie You will think these Sets $40, HEADACHY, CONSTIPATER, BILIOUS TAKE DELICIOUS " SYRUP OF FH SOCUM FROM THE TONGUE, SWEETEAS A SOUR, BILIOUS STOMACH: CILEANSES YOUR LIVER AND 0 FEET OF BOWELS WITH OUT GRIPE Ol NAUSEA, GASSY, I! headachy, bilious, stomach dizzy, touguc and fall of you belch undigested food and! Syrup of sick and miserable It means never realize you have taken any- your liver Is choked with sour! thing until morning. whem all the and your thirty bowels | poisonous matter sour bile and eifete waste mat-| ciogged-up waste will be moved on carried off. Con-| and out of your system, thoroughly than most folks but gently---no griping---no nauses that this waste no weakness. Taking Syrup of feet of buwels Figs is a real pleasure. Don't think gases and acids | vo are drugging yourself; it is poisons are then | composed entirely of luscious figs, blood through the cenna and aromatics, and constant should suck only! use can not cause injury, to sustain the bod) Ask your drugglet for "Syrup of peaple dread physi ibey Figs and Elixir of Senna" and . saltd and *ath 90k for the name, California Mg They shrink from the alier Syrap Company on the label. This 8G they postpone the doseiis the genuine--old reliable. Any they get sick; then they de | other Fix Byrup. offered as zood liver and bowel cleansing fu a should be refused with contempt. way----they have a bowel lwoit be imposed upon | "ut the fourth--what does ' the at laurth do 7" a listener aiked) he takes my bath. ling oh he bas = washday will take That is ali wrong. If you a teaspoonful of delicious Figs to-night, you will sour feet of uot properly is worse means the thirty that these into the ducts. which Most pills Vicarious Sea Bathing. Woodrow Wilson, at & said of dinner the multi-mil- Hea bath: most of kis wealth is When | think of a mul: millions 1 am remind asboul Gobea Golhe, have four Faglish men ser. said fiobsa Golde, on the ipr- New | rican resuits are apt to follow. Thin, watery conditions of the blood should bot be allowed to exist. There i" 30 need of Dem. Wade's iron Tome Pills (Laxative) are ire wire for all anaemic conditions. it 5s to look after my wea " "The frst bas charge of fay bath and the as » in a small boat, nots po il nob satislsbtory, one, door shove King whreet, Mowery i Q - A