THE: DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ® MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1912. ~ OPEN TO-NIGHT THE FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE In aid of the NEW WING, KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL, THE A ARMOURIES w" AFTERNOON AND EVENING ALL THIS W EEK. PRICES OF ALMISSION: EVENING---Adults, 15c: Children, 10c. AFTERNOON --Adults, 10c¢, Chiluren, Je. SPRCIAL TICKETS, good for Admission Do. bo. foo Children, 30c. TLLUSTRATED PROGRAMMES--HANISUME SOUVENIRS To 2 SEND TO ERIENI'S AT DISTANCE, 25¢. --w= FOR SALE AT R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 Princess Street ------------ sm re A * Canada life ASsuraie Cotlpany only Canadian Company whose Pol icles have doubled through profits, Figures - " Felley you cheerfully given b, Fay J. 0 Hotbon a Aga, Street. girionis Kingrion Busnes Galo Nighest Education at Lowest Cost ra year, Fall term 20th: urses io Kkeepin Shorthand, Tele. phy, awl Berviee and Eng- Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sty secured positions with one of the largest raliway cor. rations in"Canada, Enter any ime. Call or write for Informa- tion. . Metcalfe, Principal. Kingston, Canada. All Week, $100, -- "o0k's PA wil Koot OPO Tre great Uterine Tonle, wi ny Mee effectual bomthay xefuintut on which won. noah shape tor supend Seid in Gormis ly W Seok Meme ©0 ST Rem val Notice SPARKS & SPARKS, Dentists, On Get. 1st has moved to their New Offices, 159 Wellington Street, corner Brock. over Carnovsky's. We clean kid gloves inside Sed outside and leave no of- fensive odor clinging to them. The iadies say our work is best. WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antoracite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO North Kod Ontarie Street. 'Phone 1056. R. PARKER & O00, Dyers and Cleaners, 69 Princess Si, Kingston, Ont, Bory yo ----_-- PLEASES THE MOST PARTICULAR PALATE LIPTON'S Goes farthest for the money FOR PICKLING We carry a full line of Pure Spices and Vinegar. D. COUPER"S | 'Phone 76, 341-3 Princess St. . Prompt Delivery. ws a = * We lead in style and quality for Dadies', Mis- | ses' and Children's Hats | A very wide range «f trimmed hats, shapes, | tprays and flowers for LEAVING FOR" WEST DAVID T. ROWSE REMEMBERED BY HIS FRIENDS. Former Customs Collector at Bath Presented With Umbrella and Ad- dress ----- Presentation to Miss 'Rowse. Pavid T. Rowse, for many resident . of Bath, and for years customs collector at that pert, 12 leaving on Tuesday next, with his ife 'und aaughter, Miss Harriet M. Rowse, for a time, in the west, where they will stay with thei danghter, Mrs. W. A. Guy, at Regina. Before going on to Regina, they wil first spend some some time in Toront and Winnipeg Mr. Rowse years ao fourteen w to reside, looked after his duties in an able manner, and was well liked both by liberals and conservatives, and a number representing both sides waited upon him, and presented him with a fine gold-handied umbrella, the gift being accompanied by an address, on the occasion of his leaving Hath. 'The unforella bears the initials of the recipient, and upon it is also engrav ed, "Bath, 1912." 1). H. Robinson made the presenta tion, while Dr. H. S. Northmore read the address, which follows ; "Pedr Mr. Rowse : As the time approaches for leaving, we feel more keenly the loss which we suffer by the removal from our midst, of one of our old and res pected citizens. We, the undersigned, feel especially the loss of an esteemed friend, whose place will be difticult to | We sincerely hope that it will not be long before you return, and again take up residence with us. In presenting this small token to you, we extend t« both you and Mrs. Rowse, our best wishes, May vou have a'Nery pleasant temporary residence in our Canadian west.« May you both be long spared to prosper and soon come home again to friends in dear old Bath. Yours sincerely (Signed) br. H. S. North more, D. H. Robinson, Max Robinson C. B, Hufiman, Overton Bull, Rober: Stevenson, H. A. Lewis, Robert Mott and Norman Dikley Mr. Rowse, in reply, tendered his sin core thanks for the kind remembrance from his friends, and stated that he would never forget the pleasant days he has spent among frends at Bath. Another pleasant event at Bath was ba [resentation made to Miss Harriet M. Rowse, by the members of the St John's church, where for some time she aoted as organist, and where she has been a most faithful worker. The members presented Miss Rowse with a Chippendale clock, the gift heing ac companied by a nicely-worded address, which was read by Dr. Northmore. The rector, Rev. A. L. McTear, made the presentation, your An Economical Remedy. Wade's Ointment put up in boxes at a small price: It is in the truest sense because you ;gel for the price a large quantity of a most . valuable remedy. Wade's Oint ment cures skin affections that many dollars.worth of "other remedies woud probably not cure. Cures Eczema (Salt Rheum), or Itching Eruptions of the Pimples, Blotches, Dandruff, big. boxes, 25¢., at McLeod's Store, 53 Brock street, one above King street. rn etna o---- Will Yon be There? The second convention of the larg: cheay Sealy Skin, ete. In Drag doo Pan this year in Montreal on the 24th and 25th of Octaber next. The programme is a brilliant one and the Montreal printers are 'determined to do things in a manner worthy of the Canadian metropolis. A large delegation of ty pists is expected from the hingstor district, Rev. J. W. Jones Injured, your Selection. "GEDYE" The Up-to-date Millinery _ Store, 178 WELLINGTON STREET. | Private Fitting Rooms. i 'Phone 225. $7.50 Best Crawford Feaches at A. J. REES 106 Princess 8t. Phone 58 Rev. J. W. prea known to many was in the ralway wreck on the fof Quinte railway, pear Tweed, Thursday, and had his avkle It is stated that,fifteen or more | injured in this accident. | of Tamworth Kingstonians, Bay last crushed wers Jones, To Cure a , Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- Jets, Druggists refund money if fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa Hure is on sach box. 28e. Round Trip to "NEW YORK "Annual Coach Excursion 'October 8th and 9th Final Return Limit, October 18th "Naval ~ West 42nd Street around the fleet. Naval Review on the Hudson. River by President Taft and his cabinet. 28,000 Review sailors and 1000 officers in monster Naval Review, October 12th to 15th. The New York Central will run special boats from ! KEV. DONALD-ROSS, np, Aiting Principal of Queen's Theo-| logical College. ! Donsid Ross, D.D, of Queen's theological college, | w entering Upon his thirtieth | professor in' that institution. | borhi at Martintown. Out, | at Queen's, receiving the | degree of B.A., with honors, in 1560 | M.A. with honors, in 1862, and B.D. in' 1863: was ordained 1865 and was Pres | byterian minister at { Chatham and La- | Rev, cipal is acting prin- | i no year He was and educated A REV. DONALD ROSS, D.D., The acting priv pal of Queen's Theo- an honorary College, He the Presbyvtinian hire, Qe. luate of Montreal. In 1583, teacher aointment wpologetics esis, which wer since. as a theology ap of ability recognized by his Queen's as professor and New Testament ex: position he has hela Last spring, when Queen's vas released from the control of the Presbyterian church, the 'provisional yoard appointed by the general sembly to take charge of the logical college, appointed Dr. Ross, vho for years was dean of that fa- culty of the university, to the position of acting shoulders duties pertaining to that important post To Dr. Ross, therefore, belongs the honor of being the firdt principal of the new college. HFLD ve BY TRAIN WRECK. his was as theo of Late Mrs. A. Fahland Late in Arriving Here A very sad feature occurred in onnection with the death of Mrs A. Fahland of Clamb Falls, Wis who died as -a result of injuries re- seived in a wreck, on the Bay Quinte railway. A son of deceased, Allan Fahland, of Chicago, was hastily summoned to his mother's bedside, as it feared she would not survive, owing to a wreek on the railway his train was held for several hours, and he did mot arrive Tn the city until after his mother was dead. Mrs. Fahland spoke of her son very | often while sha was dying, and way very much disappointed beeause she could not see Bim. son | A CLAM IS MADE gra. prjucipel, and upon his thi€ session will « rest the] was | but | YOUNG MEN'S SHOES We know the young men want something ont of the have these kinds. Smart, dressy, well made Shoes, good leathers--newest patterns---in Patents---Tans-- Calf and Gun Met- als--Button, Lace, and Bluchers--- all prices--- $6.00, $5.50; $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 ordinary we . AT THE GRAND: Red Rose" Drew Several Fair Houses. musical "eomedy, "The Red iRose'" was presented twice on Satur day before fair audiences. © The plot {was fairly good with a dew. bright passages in which the brightest spirits { were ( haried Clear as the Hon. Lionel {Talboys who could pot cheek 'his love for the American heiress and Walter Chatlett as Ralph Spiegel, a picture | dealer who went on a honeymoon. The | leading lady was not as fascin: ating as was anticipated. 'The dancing was! good and the scenery really fine. "The The "The New Barmaid." y A Confectioner of the choicest delicious variety, all te time favorites, everything. lightfully pure and good, A BOX OF CANDY ~ git . ery old de sort | make a pleasing to woman or child will man, SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 A musical comedy which has broken all records for its class in every IE nglish- spe aking country except North | I America, . "The New Barmaid," comes to the (Grand on Tuesday, Oct. Sth with a company of forty people in cluding Alexander Lofius in his orig dnal part of "Bertie White' (as played | by him at the first production in the Avenue Theatre, London, W.) Ais !ldne Mnollon as "Dora," and Miss Lillie Leslie as *'Fthel the New Parmaid."' Joy, | ------ { "The Blindness of Virtue," the (rand on Wednesday, Oct he London Little Theatre Com ! pany will be seen in the sensational 'play "The Blindness of Virtue." The play is a brilliantix written and splen dimy acted indictment of certain so cial conditions and strikes directly into the heart of every family, At * foth, you use it? May Robson. | "A Night Out" is the promising title of a new comedy by May Robson anc . Pazey, and deals with the re Is all that good bread should be. It R. H. TOYE & CO. not, Do give it a trial salts of he reditary influence in a hum | orous way. In developing this serious | theme for a comedy, Miss Robson and { Mr. Dazey have de weloped a series ol (extremely ludicrous situations with { resultant complications. Miss Robsoy {has a world-wide recognition of her WEIGHING OF CHEESE. ZN Cheese . the Matter, adian Employing to he held | | perfect genius for portraying eccentric characters, developing the humor pathos of land so naturally that it is more thar "Tha railway commission should be |inorecsive. It 19 realism Ihe play asked to investigate the recent wreek |yil] have an eluborate production at on the Bay of Quinte railway, near ! (ho ( Thursday, Oct. 16th Sydenham Road," said a citizen to pe the: Whig, on Satwiday, in speaking 'of the sad fatality, which enused the death of two women and injured ses eral others . He gave it as his - honest opinion that such action should he taken. The evid nee at the corcner's inquest show ed that the roadbed had yen in per | feet condition, but still he felt "that! there must have heen some. cause for! the 'train jumping the track, and that | the railway commission should inves tigate, im th: interest of the travel | ling public. Commission Accident. That Railway Investigate Should | Grand on She Got Revenge. broker one day A well-known on Yonge street i | | when him, threw her arms around his and kissed him heartily "Tut! Tut!" the riedly, straightening his hat 'Tut! This sort of tMng, my dea it 'most usdignified," neo fw red demuredly : "Oh, excuse me, John-I Wrecked Cars Brought to City. {know it was s you " Th» Bay of Quinte wreck of Wednes -4 [day last was cleared away from the Vside of the tracks, near the Sydenham | Road, on Sunday. The large crahe be | longing to th: Canadian Northern | «+ Science Understands Many a man's bast friends are those who know him least. 1a lway was brought to the scene and | commenced work in the morning, about eight o'clock, and had the sue] back on the tracks by seven o'clock | in the evening. The damaged ears were hrought to the Kingston and Pembroke round-house and will yo re paired and placed mto commission again. A very large crowd from the city was at the sceme watching the men at work." Dyspepsia" Tablets is an Exact Science~They Give Quick Relief. | Medical mea have learned more about the stomach than perhaps any othar vital organ. They have diseov- ered why the stomach rebels at cer ta'n conditions--what eauses the for mation of gaves--what causes flatu {lency, heartburn, dyspepsia, burning bensatioa, brash, and all the other disorflers of the stomach. They have gone further. They have found remedies for all these affections, these results of improper digestion, They have learned that pepsin, hydro- chloric acid and fruit salts are pow- erful digestants that relieve quickly and surely all the troubles to which the stomach is subject. They have dis covered that ome grain of these pro- perties will digest 3,000 Stuart's Dyspepsia Ta icine. They are a scientific com- Sale of Old Lady's Quilt. A pleasing little affair tgbk place at the home of William Grimshaw, Woll !lsiand, last week, when the Pieced quilt and dushjon done by Mrs. Grimshaw was sold by draws, in i? of the Presoyterian cemetery. The quilt | was wen by Mis, C, A. Crimshaw, Rochester, N.Y.. and the cushion by Mis. Frank Horne, Wolie Island. The party spent a pichsant time snd con gratulations were extended to Mrs. (wimshaw, who had dope the work. Mrs. Grimshaw is vighty-five years of aze, but still quite brisk and hearty. es A Street Railway Presentation. A pleasant afiair took place, 'at the street car office, on Saturday evening. when the employees gatherasd and made a presentation to B. K. Woods, wh for the past three years has been in the employment of the compan, and is shortly to be married. Fhe presentation. which consisted of a tab inet of silver, iw made by A. E. Oakes, on behali of the employees. unable to provide. . When vour stom- ach is sick and not working right when it fails to give out enough of the digestive ju} juices 10 properly take care of the food fou ent, these tablets will make up the deficiency. You will Lave mo i igoetion. Your food will | agent thoroughly. ou never can tell just wht your totmeh is going back on you. It Bo wars Ii you eat. a bi Jou | Jurtiedily take one of he tile tablets. ou Swill avoid a lot of pain and oF Some of the most prominent men carry these tablets in their vest pock- ets when they attend banquets, etc, and pever fail to take them. a * Dyspepsia Tablets are sold + Pr all druggists, at We: 8 box. without pain.' Mcleod's © Drug os 53 strest. one door above King street. A scheme seldom pays any one-- with fhe potsithe exception of (he sell ind ur st ater bottes wv al guar: ¢ Drug Store. and the character, alternately, was strolling his 'heautiful young wile stole up behind man said, har "Put ! His wife dropped her eyes and ans | didn't | the Stomach Treating Indigestion With Stuart's Sin. of feed, s are pot a pound that supplies the stomach with! the digestive agents which it is ituelf | ' Kington, Oct, 5.-(To the Edi a cheese muker and during that {my whole interest { cheosé business, und for jthe farmer. 1 never "decked" in weights always gave" one a qu | pound on every box of cheese ar have bern "docked" pound a on ihe fe shipment four pound five three oge pound on five boxes, that time 1 had the {test the seafos and found them 1 have weighed nearly | got from the stoves, kinds of gain for the my scales were all right to come along one day were taking cheese off the weighing them before they cold storage and 1 noticed the seale beam did not stay they clied it back ome pound L thought they had good weight | the fastory's weight -- Your ! [CHEESE NAKER has been the liked on cheese, in will and one wh boxes, and farmers, when carv went Administer Justice. To a former journaliel, in the son of W. A. Jowett, has been trusted the maivtenance | law order and the admmistiation of tice in the vast pew territ the Roeky Mountains now being od up by the Grand 1rapk Pacific way. Mr. Jowett has been a stipendinry magistrate for th al the eastern end of present struction, More then 3,000 are at work along the grade from the sammit westerly pew settlers' and prosg ing in in large numbers, velopment of mining Claims To C while prot to still further increase the population Jowett, of the territory Mr years editor in this was for many son Miner will establish his headquar tere at Tete Jaune Caachi bot commission Is §4 roving one the line av necessity way dictate Died in General Hospital, theath { hospital, on | Fle a seott l Satueday, when passed away, after extenided illness. The deceased {hoen living with her wocle at § ake. She was born at Sharbot | furntyiwo Years ago. were sent lo her James Reid & Co. Monday morning. undertakers, | | A bird in the bush ix better two in the on Lo eat crow PR ead Licorice. and (hlorodyne, ranteed - cough cure, g Store. bl Many a man js baed to sali. all he wants is ao hair restorer will restore. {« Vanmbing Credm, Drug Store, Handiome Ratienburg covers, fen. at Dutton's. ; to pounds on five boxes, scales inspector everything and different 1 happ that right wy i ry avest po yinted country laborers compa wetlors are pour the and will hold court at various points along occurred in thy general I ong The remains home for burial, than hand when a man is called Sargen Be., at, Sargent's Maker Gives His Views on | tor) | 1 have bad fourtéen years experienc: as time the are ol be for arter | FOUND A LACQUER FOR BRASS BEUS That will sot wear off, ) 11 box, is or uring OK 1 and ned they and into t i ir ruly, pes on and Jus- ol pen rail con ns and de Tse who Nel his he 5 Miss an had ake, by "on that All quered our Brass Bedsteads with Delmars' Finish TWIN BRASS. BEDSTEADS, wide Kach Section 3 ft, KELLARIC MATTRESSES and HERCULES and BANNER SPRINGS AT JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phone 714 rr -- a Brock Street Rally Day. Ihe anwual v held in Bros on Sunday. lo the mo were given by Rober Harrison, At the afternoon number of musical select) nt The sermon in the preached Hy the pastor 'The Tmportates Work." rally day K Street Method nin Moe snd or mn evening whe of Sabbad Fall and Winter hmportations, Prevost, Brock street, has ved all bis fall importations fo bis tailoring department, consisiing a suiting and overcoating in greal va riety of patterns to choose frum. Also stock of ready made clothing gents' furnishings. rece r Witeh Hazel Cream, the gen bottles $5c., at Sargent » Drug R. H. Rhinos, the new ph tor of tha YMCA, arrived 3 city on Sgturday altermoon, commence work at once. Mr comes to thu aty from or Hampshire, where he Bas be past year; his home bs at » A: souk oh hinaa Pa 5 ver. 1