Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1912, p. 5

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"OPEN TO-NIGHT : - THE FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE In aid of the NEW WING, 'KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL, THE ARMOURIES EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING ALL THIS WEEK. a PRICES OF ADMISSION: EVENING--Adults, 15¢; Children, 10e. AFTERNOON--duits, 10c, Chiluren, Se, - SPECIAL TICKETS, good for Admission All Week, $100, ' Do. Do. ILLUSTRATED PROGRAMMES --HANDSOME SEND TO FRIENDS AT DISTANCE, 235¢. FOR SALE AT . 141 Princess Street ------------------ THE OVERCOAT SHOP for Children, 50¢, SOUVENIRS TO R. UGLOW & COMPANY E THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, ~TUESDAY, OCTORER 8, 1912. LOGAL - GREEKS READY SHUN DRINK 1S ADVICE i DECLARED [GIVEN BETHEL YOUNG MEN BY A. W. WHEATLEY, ' wail R Have Been Notified That Volunteers | A Banquet Held on Monday Evening Are Wanted and Will Respond--! in Honor of the Champion Base Grecian Government. to Furnish ball Team--~Bethel Girls Lovelier Transportation From New York: | Than Flowers. -- i Should war be declarsd, against | Monday et Turkey, there are & number ofl, oo, t down Greeks in Kingston, who are ready 13, <inday school of = Bethel to take up arms, and fight, for their jchurch. The gathering was two-fold, country 9 L "lin that it was meant to further fellow Local Greeks have beey Botified | opi wmong the meh of the church as that volunteers are wanted, and the |, jl oc honor to the Bethel * baseball Whig was informea to-day, that a team on its second winning of the number would respond to the call iprg.idson trophy in the SS. AAA, The present serious conditions im |p.ehall league. The tables were lad south-eastern Europe have become ion with good things which bad been so acute, that the Greeks in Amer; prepared by the ladies of the church { preg SHOULD 'WAR BE AGAINST TURKEY. ening abot ning al it |xty men, to supper in tn room jca have received word to prepare nd the company sat down at 7.30 themselves to help | their mother | 'clock. At 5.30 the second part of country, in ease thai war should b€ | the programme commeiiced which con declared with Turkey. {sisted of the presentation and speech S Kingston Greeks are watching es, ' events with keen interest. Taey | J. R. Forster, president of the 8.8 are being kept informed of the sit- 1A A A, Bethel uation by means of a Greek news ! team, (aptain George Holland making paper, which is published in New [a suitable reply. After the presenta York. At the present time, the re: tion, the voung ladies presented the serves of the Grecian army are captain with a lovely bouquet mobilizing along the frontiers, and mark of their appreciation and those in other countries are pre- | : paring to leave for their mother | country, on a moment's notice i A number of Greek papers, giv-| ing an account of the situation, | presented the aup to 'This is the tithe you think of Overcoats. will make a coat to suit you at a very reasonable price Lambert's shop the place you should go to He has a good selection of fabrics and is T.. LAMBERT Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St. 1 smn ba Coming to Kingston FRANK R. PEMBER of the well known Pember Hair Store, Toronto, is com- ing to the Randolph Hotel, Kingston, on Monday, Oct. 14 with the lar Slsplay of Ladies"and ts' Hair Goods exhibited in the Dominion. " For Ladies', Transforma-" tions, Waves, Bangs, Pomp- adours, Switches, Curls, etc., in all the latest styles. 7 For bald men the Pember Toupee is the best and most naturally constructed Toupee ever produced. fe Canadian Agents for the Nestle Permanent Waving of the Hair, See Mr. Pember for full information. Large Stock of theatrical goods on hand. Scalp troubles diagnosed free of charge. *f adies who cannot visit the hotel kindly notify Mr, Pember and he wili call at your residence. For One Day Only 132 and 134 Princess St. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY SPECIALS | 75 Ladies' Fancy and Tailored Silk Waists 75 Ji "on Tans, Blues, Skys, Fawns, Blacks, Netts, Ete, Ete, sizes 34, 36, 38, | Manufacturers' samples, worth regular $5.00 t6 $10.00, to be sold | ony. at exactly wholesale prices Wednesday and Thursday. : DON'T MISS THIS BIG SNAP ON WAISTS - Sample Underwear. {use of Wade's Ointment. | have been received in Kingston, | during the last few days. of the papers there is a notice, re- = questing aH those who.wish to go EER 3 i to the aid of their native land, to | : prepare for a trip to Greece. } ® i Greek consul, ih New York, has re- | ceived notice from Athens, inform: | ing him that the situation is very | acute, | i It is expected that a large num | i places, there is treal, as in both population. | quite a large 'Greek take passage on a teamer for Greece. All those who decide to goy | will have to pay their expenses as | far as New York, but when they reach there, they will embark on a steamer provided by the govern- | mant, at Athens. : It is stated that over ninety pet' | per cent. of the Greeks in America, | had, at least, two years' experience in military training before leaving | home, for it is compulsory in: Greece, for all males, when they Fo . - ri reach the age of twenty-one, to [Holland replied thanking the ladies serve a term of two years in the |for their kindness, ng he consider militia. fed the flowers lovely, but thought the | Bethel girls loveljer The pastor, Rev. A. P A. W. WHEATLEY Who advised Bethel young men sl drink Complexions Made Sightly. ! A complexion that is marred hy acted as chairman, then called pimples, blotches or other eruptions. W. Wheatley, manager of the Can can be made smooth and fair by the | 8dian Locomotive company and intro . (duced him as the speaker of the even the one thing to remember ./D8 Mr. Wheatley, in his opening re It is when gny healing remedy. is required It. cures eczema (salt rheum), old [victory tellimg them he was somewhat sores, hed sores, piles, eatarrh, dan-|of a basebajl fan himself. "Cine thing druffi and all sealy or itching erup- |! know," said the speaker, "and that tions of the skin. In big boxes, 2c, (is that baseball and drink do not' go at McLeod's Drug Store, 53 Brock | hand in hand. Strong drink and ex street, one door above King street. | consive sioking clog and injure the { brain, and if there is any hoe of sport tease } where a player heeds 4 clear brain for Cataraqui Wants City. Power. | quick thinking, it is in baseball, Shun The people of Cataraqui ave look- idrink as you would leprosy, for we ing forward to having electric light {need to shun it'as a disease." Mr. from the city's power plant in the |Wheatley told-of many cases of men, near future. The city is working now ithe very best of mechanics, who had on the extension of its lines to Ports. |#poiled their usefulness by their indul mouth and nothing can be dome on gence in strong drink. He also paint- the Cataraqui line until this has been |®d out that in winning success we completed. Manager Folger will pre must beware of selfishness, for "when pare a report 'on the cost of that|we are flushed with success we are work for the Utilities committee as | apt to helping else gooh as possible. People at Catara- | less fortunate than ourselves Yui are quite anxious to get the pow- | Mr. Wheatley stated that he er, but want to have it in before the much interested in a swimming pool winter. {for the bovs of Kingston, and that | he believed we would have one by next |summer. He was ready to give it his most hearty support. He asked all to remember that "Quit | like men, be strong." {| George' Mills, superintendent of the | Sunday school," spoke on fellowship, {and told how the men of Bethel | church could derive much benefit and 'he a greater strepgth to the church, | if they had a men's organization, and {met one another more frequently. | "There is no tact like contact," said ithe speaker, "and 1 am sure that if {we met. each week as a Bible stud: totags, it would be a blessing to- our { lives, and increase our usefulness in je Master's service. As a result of this gathering a brotherhood Bible study club will likely be formed in the ------ neglect someone was Gibson's "Fresh butterscotch." old motto, ve Telephone 532 i near future Mr. Rheimes, the new phy<ical di | rector of the Y.M.C.A., aléo spoke a During the evening a tele gram was received from Allan Hafner, Ottawa, a former captain of the cham Piles Quickly Cured at Home "For Ladies, Misses, Girls and Children. In Plain and Ribbed Wool and Unitn, regular $1.00 for 75c--regular 75¢ for 50c-- regular 50c for 35c--regular 35¢ for 25c--also a big showing of Black Tights from 25¢ np--an extra special at 50c. the cold weather at pero prices, Men's Depart Everything for ment Arriving daily. The latest in Suits and Overcoats. See our Special $15.00 Overcoat for men. ~ See our Special $12.00 Sait for Men and Young Men, "and Thursday we will place on sale n's.solid Tweed Pants, neat patterns, dark shades, good | gs, 'well- tailored, worth $1.75. Lo aA BE J Your choice for $1.25 d Pile Remedy Has Made the World Glad. Many a bad case of piles has been cured by just a trial package of Pyfa- mid Pile Remedy. It always proves jts value and your can get the regular size 50 cent' box from any druggist but be sure you get the kind you ask for. : Simply send your name and addcess te Pyramid DPrug Co. 448 Pyramid Bldg. Marshall, Mich, and you wil} receive 5 sample package of. the great Pyramid Pile Remedy in plain wraoper by return mail KI? Tharges prepaid Save youpself from the surgeon's Ife andits tortpre, t dogtor, and 5 0a PA Pip Reediay | Fiore tier will go from Toronto and Mon: g : 1 They will meet in New York, and | i try, lerica, | the Mershon, who | upou | 'marks, complimented the boys on their | 'YOUNG MEN'S SHOES We know the young men want something out of thie. ordinary we have these kinds. A ---- A -------- Smart, dressy, well made Shoes, good leathers---newest patterns---in Patents---Tans---Calf and Gun Met- als--Button, Lace, and Bluchers-- I all prices-- | $6.00, $5.50, $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 ABERNET -- the came pionship team, vongratulating team on th. victory. The affair to a close at 10.30 o'clock hy all sing ing 'lod Save the King." GRAND. To-night "The New Barmaid" Wil be a Splendid Comedy "Fhe New Barmaid," a sue musical comedy played by an All-Eng lish company, with the entire English produetion, will be the attraction at thetf¥and tonight. "ihe New Eas maid' has been played most success fully Foglish speaking coun exception of North Am record fo essful in with the and holds an absolute every conti dels run play 'is as abounding | with clean, wholesome fun from ris to fall of curtain, [It describes th fortunes of two brothers, William and | Bertie White. Bertie is affluent, Wil | liam impecunious; Bertie is a member tof the Dwletts Club, Willian a waiter All sorts and conditions o voung and old (mostly young) gay and grave (mostly gay), hand lsome and otherwise (mostly hand i some), centribute to. a thoroughly en { jovaole and vivacious enter{ainment deseribed thereat ladies, "The Blindness of Virtue." The announcement of the fortheom- | ing appearance of '"1hi Blindness of | Virtue' Ly the original Litfle Theatre, { London, cast at the Grand on Wednes {day, October 9th, bas given rise to a great deal of discussion from hom | and women's club circles in this ity { The play, which is by Cosmo H | ilton, is raid/ to deal with a question ! that i$ ol vital importance in ever) | home, presenting, it a strong ufflictment against the fashion of per | mitunyg children to grow up in oor {an » of certain impulses { Mr. Hamilton, it is said, has ban dled the subject in a strong and im pressive manner and based an enter taining, clever play op the theme ani in such a manner as not to shock the refined sensibilities. It is ex: vepted (hat the women's organiza Fone will make a special endeavor te attend the performance when it is giv en hore, 18 said, i most May Robson, May Robson will appear at th Grand on Thursday, October Hith, ir "A Night Out," a comedy that fairl bubbles with ihe vouth, tha radiates happiness and comes over th footlight with a message of goo cheer and hearty laughter As Gran mum, May. . Robson is delightfully comital, furnishing the audience wit} laugh after laugh, all of them spon taneous, all of them wholesome. Gran mum, who goes out with her tw« grandsons seeking adventure, is in a raid on a giddy restaurant and het of forts to cover it up furnish Miss Rob son with plenty of opportunity for the exercise of the funny facial con | torticns and the bundred and mor { subtle comedy touches in which she is 50 expert. joy ol HORSE FELL ON SIDEWALK. A Team Took Fright at a Street Car. \ On Monday afternoon about sir o'clock a tedm on E. Wheaten's ex press waggon took fright at a pass- {ing street' car and dashed up on { the sidewalk in front of "St An drew's church. fell on the sidewalk and had to be unharnessed before he could rise The incident gathered quite a crowd as the street was lined with people returning from work. The hors: was not injured ho 4 Epworth League Meeting. The Epworth League of Sydenham Street church held its consecration meeting on Monday evening. The meeting was addressed by R. Cor- bett. on the subject of "The Rich Fool." Mr. Corbett gave some very interesting thoughts on the use and abuse of riches and the folly of the man who counts on his wealth to carry him through lite. Fall and Winter lmportations, Prevost, Brock street, has received all. his fall importations ' for his tailoring department, consisting in suiting and overcoating in great va tiety of patterns to choose from. Also lage stock of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. Z Hornerite Convention, The congregation of the Hormer- {te church on Division street held its annual convention last week. The convention opened on Thursday and continued over until Sanday. Bishop Horner, of Ottawa, conduct- ed a rumbder of the services. He left the city on Monday. eo y Charles Lavaile has bought the Strathroy tempersoce hotel i Tren ton from the Cartis setgte' for '$7. wT een; do it. and 'thogsands of t ei ou mmabbAciae 5 ee or a tor, bile 4 in A One of the horses, Confectionery of the Every all the old delicious time favorites, everyihing de lighully pure and A BOX OF CANDY pleasing - gift ¢ ' choicest variety good to make : Woman or will man child Co -------------- SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 TOYE'S BREAD ' Is all that good bread shoald be. Do It trial you use it ? not, give it a R. H. TOYE & CO. == FOUND se A LACQUER FOR BRASS BES Tig 7 -- GOLDEN WwW CDDING DAY. A Kingston Couple Had a Real Good \ Time, Viscount, 8 Sun Un inday, September 22nd, My John Tallon, late of Kingk | had ine uni ué privilege of | clobrating the fiftieth heir wedding. The a red at the home of Mi thomas Tallon and was a v members of <4 he n the Viscount The gathormy was unique because it 8 the blessed privilege of few married weople to journey hie's padh say for &fty ve and sor gladness gpd pain, and after all abl: to rejoice together éhildrin and children's children thoy had agreed to journey to gether fiity loag years ago, and alse it was the fi golden wedding rated in this district By their sprightly hippy countendnce lincdk to say that man ied bliss will still be theirs A very enjoyable dinner at which the guests of honor were pre sented with a well-filled purse of gold "(Con zratulaiions. were extended and ill wizh<d them many of continve! health and happiness. Mr. and Vrs Tallen expest shortly to return their 'home in Kingston, Ont. whee we feel sure they will carry with the many pleasant memories of their to this village. ary of That will vot wear off, gath y and Mrs tended only who Anniver seemblage family reside distre along ars of joy row, to be h i that with » appearance and { All our Brass Bedsteads would he ir of ma to one quered with Delmars' Finish TWIN BRASS BEDSTEADS, YORTS onjo servod Each Section 3 it. wide, Gat KELLARIC MATTRESSES and HERCULES and BANNER SPRINGS JAMES REID'S The Leafing Undertaker. Phene 714. lo visit MANDAMUS REFUSED, Escapes Further Trial- on' Alleged Breach of Law, A. J. Amiro, Napanee, was conviet ed on a charge of an ofience under the Motor Vehicles Act in not stopping when a farmer wilh hore signalled him to do so. He was fined $10, the buggy having been » turned into the ditch and the having broken loose Amiro appealed, and the county judge of Frontenac, without going in' Jgiven judoment refs ta the merits, allowed the appeal on | mandamus the ground that the information was ne ive. Later the pudge agreed with the 'parties to re-opev the mat ter and to try it agaih a # = "ndamus Standard remedy for Clet Gonorrhara and Runnings 1H 48 HOURS. Cures Kid fey and Bladder Troubies a restlesy over horse was secured authoriziag Justice Riddell, of Os The opesing of the new pull pital, Smith's Falls, shall take on Oct. 17th. StanparD BANK ENDING money to any pomt in Canada, the. United States or OF CANADA | Co Co EAD OFFIcs end money or toms are used. TORONTO Re fue . KINGSTON.BRAN GA H. E. Richardson, Bini & id ia 4

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