OTTAW YL (DLLEGE MAY INTERCOLLEGIATE UNION, It Whines That it Does Not Receive Fair Play--Several of Their Goml Players Were Injured in Satur. day's Game, Fhe Otiawas Pave ected Gerard caplain Varsity plas: Ottawa College in the capital on Sa arday und look out for fireworks, ¥ + Toronto News : mE agamst {(Hiawa them a Sacior in th race. y Be 0 IT Queen's great show College: make ito 3fe Thy Metiill-Varsiiv game was played [Gaod | nt in clean, gonilen aly menner, marked contrast to the games in Of tawa and Hamilton,' Dttawy played two lying wiligs Sal widay against the Tigers, snl with the cdd man they simply Kept smoth ~at'ng the Tiger backs, Ottawa Journal : The Inteeprovin cial now leok; like a fight Hetween the Argonauls, lust vear's chagnpiens, and Otinwa, with Dttava (M8 favorites "Jack" Spratt, the wellknown hoc key player of Rt. Michael's. had bi leg broken, on Satubday, in the Michael's:Y M.C.A. game at Torchto Wally Hegar, pressd®hi oi the Tate provincial Foothall Union, has recent ed the protest of the Hamdton tf er against the try which won Saturday game with Ottawa. The Figers claim ths ball was * dead" before the ran which ended ju the touchdown" w, mata, Frank Shaver, a was ta have gurl a M.A AA Brockville intermediate oe be: Union ghme Saturday, is nursing a broken log ad the result of a tack in a practice Friday night. Shaver was tacks high by Ceorge Cookson, a tcam-inibe, qnd his fall resulted in the ippury. above the ankle. resulted The Uitawns will fxe Brophy, the seventecn-yoarwld collegiate institute Youngster, why played left half tn the liger-Ottann game of last Safgrday. Brophy's father forbade him playing bank clerk, wh pg j= REVIEW. LEAVE i dntereollegiats 4 Wing man in ag! A compound fracture, just LIVE STOCK MARKETS. . Centres, Montreal oh; About 1 of e, 315 calves sheep and lambs, and 1,150 hog offered for sale at the Point = AE) Wye butchers eat tock vards this forenoon. Th 8 of hive stock at § week were 2 HH) sheep and There HOM hwest cattle on the market sw caused a decline m the pric Prune bheevés sold but they fering turing i ical lambs anid wer RE Te } 100 Nor { and 1h es of good cath lat 6 12¢ to 6 3-4c per Ib | were not choice; pretiy sold at Wf to 6lc. and the | stock to 4 c. per Ih, sol Mb. sheep sold at 3c lambk 'at 3 do old at about ¥%¢ good common 24 calves to 6c per pet 1b. is of hogs to 3 about 5 per © Chicago Live Stock, Cattle, roeeipis 21.008 market slow, generally steady Peeves, $5.50 to $11; Texasi'sieers, $4.00 ta $6; steers, $§.7° $8.90; and feeders, $4.35 {to $7.7 and heifers, $2.55 (0 $8; calves, $8 to $10.75 Hogs, receipts 27.000; steady, up Light, $5.65 to 189.30; mixed, $5.65 to $9.35; heavy $8.45 to $0.30; rough® $8.45 to | 83 T0; pigs, $5.25 to $8.25; fol sales $5.90 10 $9.15, 63,000; Native $3.40 £5.35 $6.75; weslern stockersy PCOwS warkat $3.25 to $4.20; ; lambs westerm to 19¢ lower. western, $4.25 to af to i wep, receipts | » East. Buffalo Cattle, Buffalo, NYA, October 7. (af {ceeipts, 1,700 head; setive: and stock heifers, $1 (0 2075 » 87.00 ta 85.80; heifers, $5 t« ows, 33 to 36.25. stockers anc 5; fresh cows and Xin head; i I 16e iii gn i . Steady, $35 1 ~Heeeipts 1,000 steady, 34 to $11.50 ! logs Receipts 14,500 head © slow aad steady to Se lower: heavy, SUT to $9.55; mixed, $1.35 to. 59 50: York 14, $8.75 to $9.50; neti pigs, $8.40 I EN Prices Paid at the Varioons antmaly | market | bulk | THE VIPOND MINE : - Fo BE TAKEN BY JINFER 1 NATIONAL NICKEL €0, Yet Bond Market. | No Details of the Deal Are ns Fortheoming--\ Desirable Has Been Put ou the Oct, 8A report is cur. Vipond mine, offfeially fknown as the Poreupine Gold, will soon te taken wver by the Big i Dome, which practically means the | Canadian Copper company, or the International Nickel company No details of the deal which Is said to Ibe pending are fortacoming® but it {is known that Cdeil Bateman, ol the Dome mines, not long ago sampled the Vipond property, and jit Is alleged that he will make a report on it to thd directors of the | two companies at a conferenc e. ' ~ § Cobalt, i rept that the A Desirable Bond, A bond which gives absolute se- jcurity, a high rate of interest and jin a growing industry, is now being {offered by Murray, Mather & Co {These are the $1,500,000 six per cent first mortgage bonds of the hiordon Pulp and Paper company, & going [concern which has taken over the | Riordon Paper company and the |G. H. Perley comp. ny. The com- pally possesgestover 1,100 squars |, { miles of timber limits. in the prov-| 5 | Ince of Quebec, four up-to-date saw | mills, a suiphite mill and a paper {mil The earnings of the company rduring the past few years have been in access of $226,000 per year and wfor the present Fear ave 'estimated {at over $300,000. The assets of the company are more than four times jin access of the bond of indebted { ness, Owing to the high price at | which pulp and Paper are selling fand the growing scarcity of pulp and timber areas, the holdings of the company as well as their earn | Ings, wil undoubtedly increase fin | vale from year to year. ing, 1 Land Company for Téronto, { Ottawa, Oct, S.~The Canadian Ga- the that " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, per cent Cations, Gross earnings of all Canadian rail roads so. iar reportingdior three weeks n September show an increase of §2.7 per cent ings of the same roads last year. y Pehnsylvania railroad in market for 5.0600 pany needs' 30000 more nen to handle future traflic. Papers filed in the eastern states for TOMPanes tal of Sepilember an increase over the same period yveat ago' of with the August returns, however, dewease i= shown of $19,450,000, Rheat, new, bushel Do., goose, bushel Oats, new, bush... Barley, bushel. Rye, Hay, Straw, per ton Dressed hogs Butter, Eggs, dozen...... ...... Chickens, Ducks, Ih... (reese, Ib... Potatoes, bag Apples, bbl... Celery, dozen ('abbage, dozen f, forequarters,.. ois Do., hindquarters, cwi...l: Do.,. choice sides, cwt Do., medium, cwt Do., common, ewt... . Mutton, light, ewt. Veals, common, ewt,, Do., prime, ewt Spring lambs Brockville, misunderstanding Messrs. Henry Gates, this town, Freeman Eyres, Yonge Mills, met collision about thirty 'the waterworks wharf. alone in his boat were WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1912. gold bonds of the Canadian limited ARMY MAN ANIMALS IN LAKE, as compared with the earn additional freight cars. Com- covered Rock Which Assqy to the Ton. 1 Facoma, Wash, Oct % Guest, former officer of the 1 army, discovered a gold quartz with an authorized capi: $1,000,000 and over during represented $145,0560,000, n Compared a $68,046,000. or more, because he followed Atha, Northern FI from a mountain ed on Lake Columbia, fest above. after the sheep, and, returning found a guartg body of great carvving high gold values. The first two carloads of ore received at the Tacoma gave returns of $65 a ton. ; Captain Guest went on his hunt last spring. keptS fourteen men at hing a tramway to carry lake Otto Patridge and man discovered a lode on the Toronto Street Market. 20.95 L090 . 043 L060 . 070 Ab 0 i U0 2 00 3 32 15 4 13 80 50 30 S0 0 I LL] 5 0) on 50 00 1: 50 11! £0 43 0 9 045 0 73 0 72 17 0 17 25 LL 0 0 0 bushel ion... aus, sasnesansan work dairy 1b 0 000 in gold from one pocket. of which are fabulously 'nich, - What the Deal Means. Winnipeg Free Frees es 1] a 3 the C.P.R. by the issue of co dated debentures, which this «7 5 7 I 10 cost would have been $4,200,0¢ nually. The difference betwee annual charges upon debenture stotk is exactly $1,80 per year. If capitalized at cent. this difference is equal to Bride Rescued From Boat. Oct. 8.--~Through some fn making. aland- owned bv and In feet out from Mr. Gates was and in the other Mr. and Mrs. 'Eyres with their gasoline launches \ "melon." it reflects jupon the credit of the whole inion, when its premier rai itself, has Garfield FOUND A GOLD MINE) |-- SAW SHADOW OF Climbed 3 Mountain, Returning Dis. Captain said to be worth one million dollars tain sheep whose shadow' was reflect He climbed the mountain surface Since then he instal ore to the another Enghsh site side of Lake Atlin and took $80, deposit 15 a mass of stringers, If the same sum of money, that is $105,000,000, had Veen raised*® on mon stock issue has displaced, the common and 000,000, the intrinsic value of somewhat enjoying a credit in the money kets equal to that of the dominion' to provide a bonfis of 1 $45,000,000, at least, to secure new 1 di 0 AIR | "of Solid brick, nine rooms, electric lighting, hot water heating, on car line, close to Jachools and Queen's College. House practically new. Double lot. Union and Frontenac Streets. W-~=1 J. K.CARROLL | 388 +14 Market St. ii s $65 Iritish mine, moun Sritish LRU + he Es Se hry I mel ter sheep has MONTREAL REAL ESTATE We make a specialty of placing investors' money in location where values are increasing rapidly oppo If you waut to make good profits shortly and with the mini. mum of risk consult THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE. The some U8 noy. nsoli- Excellent location, Corner | com- 10 an: n the 6,000 4 per $45, the 4:% INVESTMENT Interest payable half-yearly to suit Investors. Place your money with us and receive a GUARANTER INVESTMENT RECEIPT under which, in addition to the Guarantee of the Corporation, you are secured by the Mortgage in which your money is invested being earmarked as your property. dom- Iroad, mar- HE' » . ; le { cette gives notice Southern ) ' Dos ! : x if ntario Land Company, limited, has | Brierly, who ' were married on Satur | been incorporated with a capital of | 1,800 | £200,900, divided into 250,000 shares 10, tof £1 each. It wil make Toronto year) 118 headquarters. 5 to ; wethers, $4.75 1 | ; capital to the extent of $105,000. 000. If this is what Sir Thomas Shaughnessy calls "reasonably at- tractive" it is high time that the Caandian people rebelled against] the extortionate charges they are subjected to which makes possible child, and Mr. and Mrs. ) to $8.00; siags anv roughs, $5.2 any more foothall, fearing that he ° ! » $0 to ¥0.40 would be hyrt. The Ottawa executive | 5-0 id Hu; dairie will uge all their influence to get the Erassers, § to $9.35, . newly discovered star back into the !. Sheep and lambs Reegipts game. Y head; witive and steady; ambs "Mike" Killian, the Ottawa College {lgher; lambs, to $7.35; quarter-back, will be out of the game |'"$" GENERAL TRUSTS day. / The force of the colksion was such that the Eyres' boat filled at once. The occupants, however, were rescued by Mr. Gates, who stood by with his TORONTO GENER? Corner Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto. J. LANGMUIR, - - - - Managing Director. Ww. Earn Fifty Million Move. for the balance of the season. Hs fin- ished Saturday's match, but, discover ed, op Monday, when his right hand was pit beneath an X-ray that two small hones had been broken. Macar ty wilk replace him in next Saturday's game against Toronto Varfity., Cor nellier and Nagle are still Inid up, and may not be uble to face the Do minion champions, apd {there is no possibility of Sullivan lining Wp, as he i" in the hospital with blued poison ing. Swe An' Ottawa désputch says™ It was «tated on good. guthority that the O¢- tawa University Football Club. would withdraw from the Intercollegiate Un ion in the event of the Queen's pro test in connection: with last Satin day's match being sustained. The col legiang (olaim that they have always heen "rented ua" 'whwelcome members of the college lengue, and that they will drop 'out und. jump to the Ontar io Rugby ball Union, which has invited then in, rather than tolernte any more ubfairness. They elaim that the appointment of inexperienced men for last Saturday's game was a rank injustice, and that th&ir standidg in the city was setiously affected ax the result "of sthe Queen's finsco. Father Stanton refused to disctss the matter, DETERMINEDLY OPPOSED. Separate School Supporters Say Grant Will Not Deter Them. Chatham, " Gel. 9.--~The new bi lin gual school regulations ue strongly opposed in a memorial forwarded by the trustees of separate schools Nos 3 and 7 in Dover township to Si James =~ Whitey and Hon. Dr. Pyne, following «a meeting held recently, when the regilations were discussed. The resglugion, which js declared to be in perlect Rarmony with the views of the entite French Canadian parish of Paincourt, declares the reguly tions unjust, and refuses absolutely to on force them or to receive a Protestant 155; ewes, $2 to $1; sheep, mixed $3 fo 181.50, HAD BAD SOR YEARS, Zam-Buk Has Healed It! Mrs. Wilson. 110 Vickson avenue, | Poronto, says: 'About four vears Ago. & sore spot appeared on the right cide of my face, This spot in creased in size untfl it became abou hall an inoh in diameter and very painfal, I went to a doctor, but | the ointment he gave mo did not hav. any good effeot. The sore continued to discharge froply, and was most painful I had it cauterized, tried poultices, and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and | continued sufler from it for four years ! UA sample of, Zam-Buk was oni day given to ww, and. 1 wed il. Although the wudntity was so smal] it seemed to do me some good, so | purchased a further supply," "Each box did me more and mor good, 'and, to my delight, before | had heen using Zam-Buk thres weeks, I saw that it was going to héal (he sore. In toss than a month Kt | healed "1 know a lady in the east of th [vi whose husband 'w for year wa with an open sore on Ms leg. On my recommendation, Zam-Buk was tried in that case. The other day, when 1 saw her, she told me that it had heal {ed the sore completedy. "My daughter, who fives in {hridge, Alta., has slso uged {Buk with the same aalisfactory subt=--#think 1 is, beyond doubt, the finest healing known." Such is. the opinton of all persons who have really' tried Zam-Buk. Tt is a sure cure for eczema, piles, ah scessew, wloers, scalp sores, sing-worm cuts, burns, scalds, "bruises, and 'all skin injuries and disoases. 50c. box, all druggists and stbres, or post free leth Zam Te al! bala New York, Oct. 8. "It seems { bable," writes the London {15t, of the American railways," that | the roads are in a position to carry {8 heavier traffic in the present year, and 'earning, say, $50,000,000 - mote in | receipts without working expenses ris {fing by anything like this gum." pro- Econom: Montreal's Tramway Profits. { Montreal, Oct. 8. ~From state | metit that was made by City Treasur er Arackdi it was shown that the city this year gets about $100,000 ae its share 'of the earnings. o This will be | ¥60,000 more than what the corpora, {don got in 191. a Financlal Tidings. {+ Tiwanity taro new branches wire add" Al to the list of chartered bank branches during September, ! It i¥ estimated that the United | utes Steel Corporation is earning at | | the vate" of ten per cent. on fits com. | mon #lock. i The Spanish River. Pulp and Paper | {Fills have listed an additional $500, | {000 of its preferred stock on the To | jronto and Montreal stock exchanges The Monetary Times' estimate of Canada's fire loss' during September, | !pmounted to ¥83,049, compared with | August loss of $1,164,760 and #1,- | 123,600 Hor the corresponding period last year. | Earnings of the Twin City tapid Transit - company conthnee to show increases over a year ago. Tha Au | gust statement of revenues showed An improvement over a year ago oll about $45,600, | The municipal bonds sales in Cana- | da for September, as compiled by the Momeiary Times, amounted to $3.1 98.803, compared with 81,748,77% jor the corresponding period last year. A London eable states that the Sao! Paulo Tramway, Light and Power | craft and brought them to shore. such profligate fhancing. We own and offer $500,000, * the unsold balance of $1 December 31st, at Montreal, London, Eng. Subject to redemption interest date after June July 1st, % ASSETS Timber and timber limits Real estate and water powers Buildings, machinery, equipment Investments i Riordon Pulp and Paper Co., Limited : 6% FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND BONDS Dated June 30th, 1912 Interest payable semi-annually June 30th and - Toronto, and 30th,1914. Sinking fund, commencing 1914, sufficient to retire entire issue by maturity. ENTIRE ISSUE IS REPAYABLE AT MATURITY AT $105 PER $100 BOND Trosree: MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY Lrzoar. Orivton: BROWN, MONTGOMERY & MMIC HAEL THOMSON, TILLEY & JOHNSTON Application will be made in due course to have the bonds listed on the London, (As per Price, Waterhouse & Company's Certificate) . $2,055,790 .87 808,898.38 1,419,030.73 47,875.90 ,500,000 Due June 30th, 1942 Bonds issted in coupon form in denominations of = $100, 8500, 81,000 and $5,000 and sterling equiva- lents, with privilege of registration of principal. at 105 and accrued interest on any Eng., Stock 'Exchange. NET EARNINGS (As per Price, Waterhouse & Company 's« ertificate) | 15 months ending Dec. S1st, 1900 $222,002.51 12 months ending Dec. 31st, 1910 291,483.80 12 months ending Dec. 31st, 1911 222,427.72 "Average for three years 226,410.48 company is issuing £1.880,000 five per | 1 . ts cept. bonds at 95. The issue $s spon- | Ney current asse sored by the drazilian< Traetion, | ToraL Light dnd Power company. " i . as Cheese sales : Belleville, 127c. to | 69, First Mortgage Bonds 13 1-16c.; Londgn, 13lec.; Lindsay, | , dd3c.; Watertown, N.Y. 17¢. to 174c,; | Lien, N.Y. 16ic; Little Falls, N.Y, 1,457,986.75 $5,780,586 63 --_---------- $1,500,000.00 DIRECTORS CHAS. E. READ, Esq ' - "President Read Timber Co WALTER GG. WHITE, Esa Director Hull Lumber Co, CARL RIORDON, Esq - - Managing Dire Annual interest on $1,500,000 First Mortgage Bonds. Estimated earnings for 1912. indpector. and the childron have besn instructed to walk out when the in spector ented the school. The resolu tion adds that if the government grants arb withdrawn the ratepayers will continue the schools without the aid of the government. from' Zam-Buk Co, Toronto, for price. In case bi skin disease uge al | 0. Zani:Buk Soap, 25¢. tablet, 90,000.00 300,000.00 Miss Jessie Joyvee, Anderfon, leay: ing for Edmonton, Alta, was waited upon by the Methodist church' peoply 3 and alter an evening's enjoyment There's nothing quite. so busy as presented with a gold jewel an idle rumor. ket which contained gold. : F. W. AVERY, Esq. - Director Hull Lumber Co, Limited Sr. Carsamines - CHAS. RIORDON, Esa. we . "President Mail-and Empire Newspaper Printing Co. J. G. RIORDON, €sq. - . Toroxro Vice-President Mail and Empire Newspaper Printing Co. Orrawa Orrawa 164e. : The Royal Securities company is of iering £L000,000 of the unissued five cas New York Limited M; * YTREAL ctor The Riordon Pulp & Paper Company, Limited, was formed of the Riordon Paper' Mills, Limited (established 1859), and G. H. Perley & Co. (established 1899). The Company has L184 square miles of timber limits (valued at $2,055,800) in the Province of Quebec on the Rouge River (a branch of the Ottawa River). The plants. are located at Hawkesbury and Merritton, Ontario (pulp and paper), and Calumet, L'Annonciation and St. Faustine, Quebec (lumber). The total annual capac ity is 37,600 tons sulphite pulp, 6,000 tons ground wood pulp, 6, tons paper and 15,000,000 feet lumber (B.M.) Net earnings pf the Company for the past three years average $226,410, over two and one. half limes interest on the present issue of bonds, despite the fact that the Calumet mill was not in operation during the greatér part of 1911, as it was being rebuilt in steel and concrete. With-the additions under way and the benefits to be derived from the new capital, the earnings for 1912, according to the estimate of the Managing Director, will amount to $300,000, three and one-third times bond interest requirements. of wig . o The management of the Company has been practically continuous for the past 50 yesrs. All the directors are either practical pulp and paper merchants or experienced lumbermen, ensuring the competent supervision of all affairs of the Company. Of the $2,500,000 Bonds authoriked, $1,000,000 are held in the treasury and can be issued only to the extent of two-thirds of the actual cost of extensions and additions to the fixed assets of the Company. repayment of the entire issue, either before or at maturity, at 105, is an important feature, g-suring an appreciation of five points to purchasers 'at par. SPECIAL DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR ON REQUEST Price : 100 and accrued interest, yieldin ing over 6% "Murray, Mather & Co. TOROKTO GENERAL TRUSTS BUILDING $d TORONTO Sabscriptions will also be received at the office of K. V. BUNNELL & CO, BRANTFORD